CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    799-121AXA-21                 Bill No. CS for SB 618, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
  1                                .
  2                                .
  3                                .
  4  ______________________________________________________________

  5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW





10  ______________________________________________________________

11  Representative(s) Cusack and Wiles offered the following:


13         Amendment to Amendment (870849) (with title amendment) 

14         On page 24, between lines 4 and 5, of the amendment


16  insert:

17         Section 25.  Clear indication of voter's choice on a

18  ballot.--

19         (1)  The standards to determine voter intent in a

20  manual recount as provided specifically by s. 102.166, Florida

21  Statutes, are as provided in this section.

22         (2)  The following are guidelines for determining on an

23  optical scan voting system whether or not there is a clear

24  indication on the ballot that the voter has made a definite

25  choice:

26         (a)  Ballots must be marked in pen or pencil.

27         (b)  If a ballot is marked with a color or device that

28  does not permit an accurate machine count, that vote shall

29  count.

30         (c)  If a voter circles the oval or arrow next to a

31  candidate or issue, the vote for that candidate or issue shall


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    799-121AXA-21                 Bill No. CS for SB 618, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  count.

  2         (d)  If a voter circles or underlines the name of a

  3  candidate, the vote shall count for that candidate.

  4         (e)  If a voter circles or underlines the name of a

  5  party next to a candidate's name, the vote shall count for

  6  that candidate.

  7         (f)  If there is an "X," a check mark, a diagonal,

  8  horizontal, or vertical mark, a plus sign, an asterisk, a

  9  star, or any other mark that is substantially contained in the

10  oval, touching the oval or arrow, or within the blank space

11  between the head and tail of the arrow that clearly indicates

12  the voter intended the oval or arrow to be marked, that vote

13  shall count.

14         (g)  If a voter marks more candidates than there are

15  positions to be elected for that office, the votes for the

16  candidates of that office shall not count.

17         (h)  If a voter marks fewer candidates than there are

18  offices, the votes for all of those candidates shall count.

19         (i)  If a voter does not mark a candidate or issue, the

20  votes for other candidates or issues on the same ballot that

21  are validly marked shall be counted.

22         (j)  If a voter attempts to correct the ballot in a way

23  that is clearly evident in the space where the voter could

24  indicate a ballot choice by completing the target area, and

25  the voter has clearly and properly voted for another candidate

26  or issue, the vote for the clearly and properly voted

27  candidate or issue shall count.

28         (k)  If a voter has indicated in a clear fashion that a

29  mistake has been made and has attempted to correct it, by

30  either an "X" or equivalent mark to cross out a choice, and

31  the voter has clearly and properly voted for another candidate


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    799-121AXA-21                 Bill No. CS for SB 618, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  or issue, the vote for the clearly and properly voted

  2  candidate or issue shall count.

  3         (l)  If the voter has made one or more stray marks that

  4  are clearly unrelated to the voter's intent to vote for a

  5  candidate or issue and the marks are visible in the read area

  6  of the ballot, the marks shall not invalidate the ballot.

  7         (m)  If the voter writes on the ballot in a way that

  8  interferes with the ability of the automatic tabulating

  9  equipment to correctly read the ballot, and the writing is

10  clearly unrelated to the voter's intent to vote for a

11  candidate or issue, the writings shall not invalidate the

12  ballot.

13         (n)  An otherwise valid vote cast for a write-in

14  candidate shall not be invalid if the voting position on the

15  ballot marked "WRITE-IN CANDIDATE" for that office has not

16  been marked by the marking device.

17         (o)  A name written on the secrecy envelope or

18  elsewhere on the ballot that is not the name of a qualified

19  write-in candidate for that office or is otherwise invalid

20  shall not be considered a write-in vote for the purposes of

21  determining if an office has been overvoted.

22         (p)  If a voter casts a vote on the ballot and also

23  provides for a write-in candidate, it shall be treated as

24  follows:

25         1.  If a voter casts a vote on a ballot and writes in

26  the same candidate in the write-in area, the vote shall count

27  for that candidate.

28         2.  If a voter casts a vote on a ballot and writes in a

29  different candidate in the write-in area, it shall be counted

30  as an overvote with neither candidate getting credit for a

31  vote.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    799-121AXA-21                 Bill No. CS for SB 618, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         3.  If a voter writes in the name of a person who is

  2  not a qualified write-in candidate, it shall be treated as if

  3  the write-in area was left blank for all purposes.

  4         (q)  Any abbreviation, misspelling, or other minor

  5  variation in the form of the name of a candidate must be

  6  disregarded in determining the validity of the ballot if it

  7  can reasonably be determined that the write-in vote is for a

  8  write-in candidate who has qualified for that office.

  9         (r)  Where Florida law requires that a candidate, such

10  as that of Governor, must run on a tandem ticket for an

11  office, the write-in of the last name of the candidate for

12  Governor shall be sufficient to cast a write-in vote for the

13  tandem office.  This includes candidates for President and

14  Vice President who have filed the oath for write-in candidates

15  and a list of electors equal to the number of Senators and

16  Representatives that Florida has in Congress.  The write-in of

17  the last name of the candidate for President shall be

18  sufficient to cast a write-in ballot for this type of tandem

19  office.

20         (s)  If an absentee ballot is signed by the voter in a

21  way that identifies the voter, the ballot shall count.

22  However, the ballot must be duplicated to protect the

23  integrity of the voter's ballot.

24         (3)  The following are guidelines for determining on a

25  direct recording voting system whether or not there is a clear

26  indication on the ballot that the voter has made a definite

27  choice:

28         (a)  Any abbreviation, misspelling, or other minor

29  variation in the form of the name of a candidate must be

30  disregarded in determining the validity of the ballot if it

31  can reasonably be determined that the write-in vote is for a


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

    799-121AXA-21                 Bill No. CS for SB 618, 1st Eng.

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  write-in candidate who has qualified for that office.

  2         (b)  Where Florida law requires that a candidate, such

  3  as that of Governor, must run on a tandem ticket for an

  4  office, the write-in of the last name of the candidate for

  5  Governor shall be sufficient to cast a write-in vote for the

  6  tandem office.  This includes candidates for President and

  7  Vice President who have filed the oath for write-in candidates

  8  and a list of electors equal to the number of Senators and

  9  Representatives that Florida has in Congress.  The write-in of

10  the last name of the candidate for President shall be

11  sufficient to cast a write-in ballot for this type of tandem

12  office.

13         (c)  If a voter fails to electronically cast his or her

14  ballot after voting, that ballot shall be cancelled.



17  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

18  And the title is amended as follows:

19         On page 26, line 28, after the semicolon of the

20  amendment


22  insert:

23         providing standards for determining the clear

24         indication of a voter's choice on a ballot;









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