CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 618

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 865338

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
  1                                .
  2                                .
  3                                .
  4  ______________________________________________________________






10  ______________________________________________________________

11  Senator Jones moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 6, line 20, through

15            page 8, line 2, delete those lines


17  and insert:

18         Section 6.  Subsection (1) of section 98.255, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         98.255  Voter education programs.--

21         (1)  By March 1, 2002, the Department of State shall

22  adopt rules prescribing minimum standards for nonpartisan

23  voter education.  In developing the rules, the department

24  shall review current voter education programs within each

25  county of the state.  The standards shall address, but are not

26  limited to, the following subjects:

27         (a)  Voter registration;

28         (b)  Balloting procedures, absentee and polling place;

29         (c)  Voter rights and responsibilities;

30         (d)  Distribution of sample ballots; and

31         (e)  Public service announcements.

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 618

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 865338

  1         Section 7.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 101.031,

  2  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

  3         101.031  Instructions for electors.--

  4         (1)  The Department of State, or in case of municipal

  5  elections the governing body of the municipality, shall print,

  6  in large type on cards, instructions for the electors to use

  7  in voting.  It shall provide not less than two cards for each

  8  voting precinct for each election and furnish such cards to

  9  each supervisor upon requisition.  Each supervisor of

10  elections shall send a sufficient number of these cards to the

11  precincts prior to an election. The election inspectors shall

12  display the cards in the polling places as information for

13  electors.  The cards shall contain information about how to

14  vote and such other information as the Department of State may

15  deem necessary. The cards must also include the list of rights

16  and responsibilities afforded to Florida voters, as described

17  in subsection (2).

18         (2)  The supervisor of elections in each county shall

19  have posted at each polling place in the county the Voter's

20  Bill of Rights and Responsibilities in the following form:


22                      VOTER'S BILL OF RIGHTS


24         Each registered voter in this state has the right to:

25         1.  Vote and have his or her vote accurately counted.

26         2.  Cast a vote if he or she is in line at the official

27  closing of when the polls in that county are closing.

28         3.  Ask for and receive assistance in voting.

29         4.  Receive up to two replacement ballots if he or she

30  makes a mistake prior to the ballot being cast.

31         5.  An explanation if his or her registration is in

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 618

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 865338

  1  question.

  2         6.  If his or her registration is in question, cast a

  3  provisional ballot.

  4         7.  Prove his or her identity by signing an affidavit

  5  if election officials doubt the voter's identity.

  6         8.  Written instructions to use when voting, and, upon

  7  request, oral instructions in voting from elections officers.

  8         9.  Vote free from coercion or intimidation by

  9  elections officers or any other person.

10         10.  Vote on a voting system that is in working

11  condition and that will allow votes to be accurately cast.


13                      VOTER RESPONSIBILITIES


15         Each registered voter in this state has the

16  responsibility to:

17         1.  Study and know candidates and issues.

18         2.  Keep his or her voter address current.

19         3.  Know his or her precinct and its hours of

20  operation.

21         4.  Bring proper identification to the polling station.

22         5.  Know how to operate voting equipment properly.

23         6.  Treat precinct workers with courtesy.

24         7.  Respect the privacy of other voters.

25         8.  Report problems or violations of election law.

26         9.  Ask questions when confused.

27         10.  Check his or her completed ballot for accuracy.


29  (Redesignate subsequent sections.)



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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for SB 618

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 865338

  1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

  2  And the title is amended as follows:

  3         On page 1, lines 16-17, delete those lines


  5  and insert:

  6         registration database; amending s. 98.255,

  7         F.S.; correcting a cross-reference relating to

  8         voter rights and responsibilities; amending s.

  9         101.031, F.S.; revising the Voter's Bill of

10         Rights to clarify that a voter may cast a vote

11         if he or she is in line at the official closing

12         of the polls in the county; eliminating

13         provisions specifying voter responsibilities;



















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