Senate Bill sb0646c1

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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 646

    By the Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity;
    and Senator Garcia


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public meetings; amending s.

  3         286.011, F.S.; providing that certain meetings

  4         of procurement evaluation or negotiation teams

  5         for specified governmental entities may be

  6         closed to the public; prescribing the

  7         conditions under which such meetings may be

  8         closed; requiring closed meetings to be

  9         recorded and the recording, excluding portions

10         otherwise made exempt or made confidential and

11         exempt, to be made available later for public

12         inspection; providing a statement of public

13         necessity; providing an effective date.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Subsection (9) is added to section 286.011,

18  Florida Statutes, to read:

19         286.011  Public meetings and records; public

20  inspection; criminal and civil penalties.--

21         (9)(a)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), a procurement

22  evaluation or negotiation team for a state agency or authority

23  or for an agency or authority of a county, municipal

24  corporation, or other political subdivision may meet in

25  private to discuss bids, proposals, or replies received by the

26  agency or authority from vendors in response to its invitation

27  to bid, request for proposals, or invitation to negotiate if:

28         1.  The subject matter of the meeting is confined to

29  the evaluation of bids, proposals, or replies or to the

30  negotiation of a contract;



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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 646

  1         2.  The agency or authority gives reasonable public

  2  notice of the time and date of the meeting and the names of

  3  the persons expected to participate in the meeting;

  4         3.  The persons presiding over the meeting announce and

  5  document in writing the times of commencement and termination

  6  of the meeting and the names of all persons attending and

  7  speaking at the meeting;

  8         4.  The discussions and proceedings during the meeting

  9  are audibly recorded on tape or recorded by a certified court

10  reporter, with no portion of the meeting off the record; and

11         5.  The tape or transcript of the meeting is maintained

12  in the contract file.

13         (b)  The tape or transcript required by paragraph (a)

14  shall become a public record, except those portions otherwise

15  made exempt or made confidential and exempt by law, at the

16  following times:

17         1.  If the agency or authority is subject to chapter

18  120, when the agency or authority provides notice of a

19  decision or intended decision pursuant to s. 120.57(3); or

20         2.  If the agency or authority is not subject to

21  chapter 120, when notice of an administrative or judicial

22  challenge to the procurement is filed or when the agency or

23  authority provides notice of a contract award, rejects all

24  bids, proposals, or replies, or withdraws the solicitation,

25  whichever occurs first.

26         (c)  This subsection is subject to the Open Government

27  Sunset Review Act of 1995 in accordance with s. 119.15, and

28  shall stand repealed October 2, 2007, unless reviewed and

29  saved from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature.

30         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that closing the

31  meetings of procurement evaluation or negotiation teams in


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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 646

  1  which bids, proposals, or replies are discussed or contracts

  2  are negotiated is a public necessity. During such meetings,

  3  trade secret information that is made confidential and exempt

  4  by law may be discussed, and disclosure of that information

  5  would negatively impact the business interests of those

  6  providing such trade secrets by damaging them in the

  7  marketplace. Further, permitting the disclosure of trade

  8  secrets and the premature disclosure of other business

  9  information in public procurement meetings results in

10  competitors gaining unfair advantage during the public

11  procurement process. As a consequence, vendors may hesitate to

12  conduct business or may refuse to fully cooperate with

13  governmental agencies and authorities, thereby limiting the

14  pool of potential competitors and impairing efficient and

15  cost-effective public procurement. Additionally, the

16  requirement of public meetings hampers full and effective

17  discussion among the evaluation team members and among the

18  negotiation team members and vendors, as the parties are

19  unable to verbalize all aspects of the bid, proposal, or

20  reply. Thus, the public and private harm in requiring open

21  procurement evaluation and negotiation meetings significantly

22  outweighs any public benefit derived from immediate

23  disclosure. The public's ability to scrutinize and monitor

24  agency or authority action will be preserved as recordings of

25  the meetings  must be made available for public inspection

26  later in the procurement process, except for those portions of

27  the recordings that are made exempt, or made confidential and

28  exempt, by law. 

29         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.




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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 646

                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
  2                              SB 646


  4  Creates a public meetings exemption for specified government
    procurement evaluation or negotiation team meetings. Requires
  5  the subject matter of the meetings to be limited to the
    evaluation of bids, proposals, or replies, or to the
  6  negotiation of a contract. Requires reasonable public notice
    to be given for the meetings. Requires the meetings to be
  7  recorded by tape or by a certified court reporter. Requires
    the tape or transcript, except for portions that are exempt or
  8  confidential and exempt, to become public record at specified
    times. Provides for automatic repeal. Provides a statement of
  9  public necessity. Provides an effective date.
























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