Senate Bill sb0066
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Florida Senate - 2002 (NP) SB 66
By Senator Klein
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the School Board of Palm
3 Beach County; providing for the relief of Mary
4 Nell Dent Harley, as legal guardian of Ariel
5 Alexus Dent, for injuries sustained by Ariel
6 Alexus Dent as the result of negligence on the
7 part of an employee of the board; providing an
8 effective date.
10 WHEREAS, on March 2, 1999, Ariel Alexus Dent was a
11 6-year-old student in the Palm Beach County school system, and
12 WHEREAS, on that date, as she was properly exiting her
13 school bus, she was struck by the bus, operated by an employee
14 of the School Board of Palm Beach County, and
15 WHEREAS, as a result of being struck three separate
16 times, by the bumper, the front wheels, and the rear wheels of
17 the bus, Ariel sustained severe and permanent injuries, and
18 WHEREAS, Ariel has undergone multiple surgeries,
19 rehabilitation, and physical therapy, and
20 WHEREAS, Ariel has disfiguring scars, is subject to
21 chronic pain in her right leg, and walks with a limp, and
22 WHEREAS, expert medical testimony has established that
23 Ariel has sustained a 22-percent permanent partial impairment
24 of the whole person and a 30-percent permanent functional
25 impairment, and
26 WHEREAS, the School Board of Palm Beach County has
27 admitted liability for the accident that caused Ariel's
28 injuries, and
29 WHEREAS, before trial, the parties reached a settlement
30 under which the School Board of Palm Beach County has paid
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Florida Senate - 2002 (NP) SB 66
1 $200,000 and agreed not to oppose a claim bill in the amount
2 of $600,000, NOW, THEREFORE,
4 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
6 Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this
7 act are found and declared to be true.
8 Section 2. The School Board of Palm Beach County is
9 authorized and directed to appropriate from funds of the board
10 not otherwise appropriated and to draw a warrant in the sum of
11 $600,000, payable to Mary Nell Dent Harley as legal guardian
12 of Ariel Alexus Dent. After payment of statutory attorney's
13 fees and costs and authorized expenses, the proceeds recovered
14 under this act shall be placed in a guardianship account for
15 the benefit of Ariel Alexus Dent.
16 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
17 law.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.