CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Bill No. CS for CS for SB's 662 & 232, 2nd Eng.
Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
Senate House
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3 .
4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Representative(s) Melvin offered the following:
13 Amendment
14 On page 10, line 17, through page 12, line 22,
15 remove: all of said lines
17 and insert:
18 (3) The Division of Financial Institutions and
19 Securities, the Division of Insurance, and the Division of
20 Workers' Compensation shall each be headed by a "director."
21 The directors of these divisions shall act as agency heads for
22 purposes of chapter 120 and shall be responsible for final
23 agency action with regard to the implementation and
24 enforcement of statutes and rules under the regulatory
25 authority delegated to their divisions and rulemaking under s.
26 120.54. The Director of the Division of Financial Institutions
27 and Securities, the Director of the Division of Insurance, and
28 the Director of the Division of Workers' Compensation shall
29 each be appointed by the Governor, in consultation with the
30 Chief Financial Officer. Pursuant to Art. IV, s. (6)(a) of the
31 State Constitution, before entering upon the duties of office,
File original & 9 copies 03/20/02
hbd0001 10:40 am 00662-0004-204555
Bill No. CS for CS for SB's 662 & 232, 2nd Eng.
Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
1 a director must be confirmed by all three members of the
2 Cabinet. At any time after a director enters upon the duties
3 of office, if the Governor or any member of the Cabinet so
4 requests, in writing, for any reason, the Governor shall call
5 for a vote, within 30 days, on whether the subject director
6 will continue in office. If a director fails to obtain the
7 affirmative vote of a majority of the Governor and Cabinet,
8 the subject director is removed from office, the office
9 becomes vacant on the date specified in the Governor's order,
10 and the Governor shall appoint a replacement director in the
11 manner provided for in this subsection.
12 (a) Before appointment as director, the Director of
13 the Division of Financial Institutions and Securities must
14 have had private-sector experience working in the field of
15 financial institutions or securities or at least 5 years of
16 experience as a senior employee of a state or federal agency
17 having regulatory responsibility over financial institutions
18 or securities.
19 (b) Before appointment as director, the Director of
20 the Division of Insurance must have had private-sector
21 experience working in an area that is under the regulatory
22 jurisdiction of the Division of Insurance or at least 5 years'
23 experience as a senior employee of a state or federal agency
24 having regulatory responsibility over an area of the business
25 of insurance.
26 (c) The Division of Financial Institutions and
27 Securities and the Division of Insurance are administratively
28 housed within the Department of Financial Services. For
29 purposes of budget and personnel matters, each of these
30 divisions shall contract with the department for a sufficient
31 number of attorneys, investigators, other professional
File original & 9 copies 03/20/02
hbd0001 10:40 am 00662-0004-204555
Bill No. CS for CS for SB's 662 & 232, 2nd Eng.
Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
1 personnel, and administrative personnel as determined annually
2 in the appropriations process. The department shall provide
3 support services to each division pursuant to an agreement
4 entered into between the Chief Financial Officer and the
5 respective division director.
6 (d) The Division of Financial Investigations shall
7 function as a criminal justice agency within the meaning of s.
8 943.045(10)(e).
9 Section 3. The Division of Treasury, in addition to
10 other matters that may be assigned to or located within the
11 division, shall administer the Government Employees Deferred
12 Compensation Plan established under section 112.215, Florida
13 Statutes, for state employees.
14 Section 4. Effective January 7, 2002, the Division of
15 Workers' Compensation of the Department of Labor and
16 Employment Security is transferred by a type two transfer, as
17 defined in s. 20.06(2), Florida Statutes, to the Department of
18 Financial Services.
File original & 9 copies 03/20/02
hbd0001 10:40 am 00662-0004-204555