House Bill hb0669e1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                       HB 669, First Engrossed/ntc

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Devil's Garden Water

  3         Control District, Hendry County; amending

  4         chapter 2000-481, Laws of Florida; amending

  5         boundaries of the district; providing for the

  6         equal assessment of benefits for all lands in

  7         the district; providing an effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  Section 2 of section 3 of chapter 2000-481,

12  Laws of Florida, is amended to read:

13         Section 2.  The territorial boundaries of the District

14  include lands in Hendry County, Florida, described as follows:


16         Beginning at the intersection of the North

17         boundary line of Section 5, Township 45 South,

18         Range 34 East, according to State Survey, and

19         the West boundary line of the Right-of-Way of

20         L-1 Levee of the Central and Southern Florida

21         Flood Control District; thence Westerly along

22         the boundary line between Townships 44 South

23         and 45 South to the Southeast corner of Section

24         31, Township 44 South, Range 31 East, thence

25         North along the East boundary line of Sections

26         31, 30 and 19 in said Township 44 South, Range

27         31 East to the Northeast corner of said Section

28         19, Township 44 South, Range 31 East; thence

29         Westerly along the North boundary of said

30         Section 19 to the Northwest corner of Section

31         19, thence westerly along the North boundary of


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                       HB 669, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         Section 24, Township 44 South, Range 30 East,

  2         to the Northwest corner of said Section 24,

  3         thence continuing westerly along the North

  4         boundary of Section 23, Township 44 South,

  5         Range 30 East to a local Road known as 'Twin

  6         Mills', thence Southerly along a line described

  7         in Official Record Book 581, pages 430 thru 439

  8         and Official Record Book 581, pages 443 thru

  9         451 to County Road 832, thence Easterly along

10         County Road 832 as described in Official Record

11         Book 581, pages 443 thru 451 to a local Road

12         known as 'Wild Cow Road', thence Southerly

13         along Wild Cow Road, as described in Official

14         Record Book 581, pages 443 thru 451 to the

15         South boundary of Section 25, Township 45

16         South, Range 30 East, thence Easterly along the

17         South boundary of said Section 25 and along the

18         South boundary of Section 30, Township 45

19         South, Range 31 East to the South 1/4 corner of

20         said Section 30, thence Southerly along the

21         North-South 1/4 Section line of Section 31 to

22         an intersection with the North boundary line of

23         the South 194.00 acres of the East-Half of said

24         Section 31, thence Easterly along said North

25         line to the Easterly line of said Section 31,

26         thence Southerly along said Easterly line to

27         the Southeast corner of said Section 31, thence

28         Easterly along the Township line between

29         Township 45 South and Township 46 South; to the

30         Northwest corner of Section 2, Township 46

31         South, Range 32 East; thence Southerly along


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                       HB 669, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         the West boundary of said Section 2 to the

  2         Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly along

  3         the South boundary of said Section 2 and 1 to

  4         the Southeast corner of Section 1; thence

  5         Northerly along the Easterly boundary of said

  6         Section 1 to the Northeast corner thereof;

  7         thence Easterly along the South boundary of

  8         Township 45 South, Range 33 East to the

  9         Southeast corner of said Township 45 South,

10         Range 33 East; thence Northerly along the East

11         boundary of said Township 45 South, Range 33

12         East to the Northeast corner of Section 12,

13         Township 45 South, Range 33 East; thence

14         Easterly along the South boundaries of Section

15         5 and 6, Township 45 South, Range 34 East, to

16         an intersection of the West boundary of the

17         Right-of-Way of Levee L-I of the Central and

18         Southern Florida Flood Control District; thence

19         Northerly along said Right-of-Way boundary of

20         L-I along the approximate East boundary of

21         Section 5, Township 45 South, Range 34 East, to

22         the Point-of-Beginning of this description.


24         AND ALSO


26         TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST:


28         The West-half, and the West-quarter of the

29         Northeast-quarter, and the West-quarter of the

30         East-half of the West-half of the

31         Northeast-quarter of Section 6, Less Road


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                       HB 669, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         Right-of-Way. All of Section 7, Less Road

  2         Right-of-Way, and all Section 8, and the

  3         North-half of Section 17, and the North-half of

  4         Section 18, Less Road Right-of-Way.






10  The South-half of Section 31, Less Road Right-of-way.  The

11  South-half of Section 32, Less the East 300 feet.


13  Containing Approximately 85,365 acres.


15         Beginning at the intersection of the North

16         boundary line of Section 5, Township 45 South,

17         Range 34 East, according to State Survey, and

18         the West boundary line of the Right-of-Way of

19         L-1 Levee of the Central and Southern Florida

20         Flood Control District; thence westerly along

21         the boundary line between Townships 44 South

22         and 45 South to the Southeast corner of Section

23         31, Township 44 South, Range 31 East, thence

24         North along the East boundary line of Sections

25         31, 30 and 19 in said Township 44 South, Range

26         31 East to the Northeast corner of said Section

27         19, Township 44 South, Range 31 East; thence

28         westerly along the North boundary of said

29         Section 19 to the Northwest corner of Section

30         19, thence westerly along the North boundary of

31         Section 24, T. 44 S., R.30 E., to the Northwest


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                       HB 669, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         corner of said Section 24, thence continuing

  2         westerly along the North boundary of Section

  3         23, T 44 S, R 30 E to a local Road known as

  4         "Twin Mills", thence southerly along a line

  5         described in Official Record 581, pages 430

  6         thru 439 and Official Record 581, pages 443

  7         thru 451 to County Road 832, thence easterly

  8         along SR 832 as described in Official Record

  9         581, pages 443 thru 451 to a local Road known

10         as "Wild Cow Road", thence southerly along Wild

11         Cow Road, as described in Official Record 581,

12         pages 443 thru 451 to the South boundary of

13         Section 25, T 45 S, R 30 E, thence easterly

14         along the South boundary of said Section 25 and

15         along the South boundary of Section 30, T 44 S,

16         R 31 E to the South  1/4  corner of said

17         Section 30, thence southerly along the

18         North-South  1/4  Section line of Section 31 to

19         the South boundary of Section 31, T 45 S, R 31

20         E, thence easterly along the Township line

21         between T 45 S and T 46 S; to the Northwest

22         corner of Section 2, Township 46 South, Range

23         32 East; thence southerly along the West

24         boundary of said Section 2 to the Southwest

25         corner thereof; thence easterly along the South

26         boundary of said Section 2 & 1 to the Southeast

27         corner of Section 1; thence northerly along the

28         easterly boundary of said Section 1 to the

29         Northeast corner thereof; thence easterly along

30         the South boundary of Township 45 South, Range

31         33 East to the Southeast corner of said


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                       HB 669, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         Township 45 South, Range 33 East; thence

  2         northerly along the East boundary of said

  3         Township 45 South, Range 33 East to the

  4         Northeast corner of Section 12, Township 45

  5         South, Range 33 East; thence easterly along the

  6         South boundaries of Section 5 and 6, Township

  7         45 South, Range 34 East, to an intersection of

  8         the West boundary of the Right-of-Way of Levee

  9         L-I of the Central and Southern Florida Flood

10         Control District; thence northerly along said

11         Right-of-Way boundary of L-I along the

12         approximate East boundary of Section 5,

13         Township 45 South, Range 34 East, to the

14         Point-of-Beginning of this description.


16         AND ALSO


18         TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST:


20         The West-half, and the West-quarter of the

21         Northeast-quarter, and the West-quarter of the

22         East-half of the West-half of the

23         Northeast-quarter of Section 6, Less Road

24         Right-of-Way.  All of Section 7, Less Road

25         Right-of-Way, and all Section 8, and the

26         North-half of Section 17, and the North-half of

27         Section 18, Less Road Right-of-Way.


29         Containing approximately 85,625 acres. 

30         Section 2.  Section 8 is added to section 3 of chapter

31  2000-481, Laws of Florida, to read:


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                       HB 669, First Engrossed/ntc

  1         Section 8.  Benefits assessed.--It is hereby found and

  2  determined that all lands within the boundaries of the

  3  District receive equal benefits from the water management

  4  works, facilities, and improvements as constructed and

  5  maintained under existing water control plans of the District

  6  and, therefore, all said lands shall be assessed equally for

  7  the maintenance and rehabilitation improvements of the

  8  District's works, facilities, and improvements.

  9         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

10  law.























CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.