House Bill hb0791

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 791

        By Representative Baker

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to unincorporated business

  3         enterprises; amending s. 622.02, F.S.; revising

  4         definitions; amending s. 622.03, F.S.;

  5         requiring registration of certain enterprises

  6         or associations; specifying registration

  7         requirements; amending s. 622.04, F.S.;

  8         revising service of process requirements for

  9         certain associations or enterprises; amending

10         s. 622.05, F.S.; prescribing certain filing

11         fees; deleting certain annual report

12         requirements; providing an effective date


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Section 622.02, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         622.02  Definitions.--

19         (1)  The term "foreign business enterprise" or "foreign

20  association" as used in this chapter means shall mean and

21  include any unincorporated business enterprise joint stock

22  association for profit, created and existing under the laws of

23  any state other than this state, or of the District of

24  Columbia, or of any territory or possession of the United

25  States, engaged in any business or businesses other than the

26  banking, trust, or insurance business, and having written

27  articles of association, capital stock divided into shares,

28  and a name including the word "company" or "association" or

29  "society"; but shall not mean nor include any unincorporated

30  association, company or group of persons engaged in the

31  banking, trust, or insurance business.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 791


  1         (2)  The term "business enterprise" or "association" as

  2  used in this chapter means any unincorporated person or group

  3  of persons, sole proprietorship, estate, trust, business

  4  trust, company, or other business organization shall mean and

  5  includes include any foreign business enterprise or

  6  association that shall have qualified, in the manner permitted

  7  by this chapter, to transact business and acquire, hold, and

  8  dispose of property, and sue and be sued in this state.

  9         (3)  The term "transacting business" means engaging in

10  any activity by an enterprise or venture in which a person

11  sells, buys, exchanges, barters, deals, or represents the

12  dealing in any thing or article of value, or renders services

13  for compensation.

14         (4)  The term "unincorporated" means that an

15  organization has not been formed pursuant to the provisions of

16  chapter 607, chapter 608, chapter 616, chapter 617, chapter

17  618, chapter 621, or chapter 623.

18         Section 2.  Section 622.03, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         622.03  Registration Qualification.--

21         (1)  Any business enterprise, association, foreign

22  business enterprise, or foreign association may qualify to

23  transact business in this state by recording:

24         (a)  A registration statement that shall include, at a

25  minimum:

26         1.  The name of the business enterprise.

27         2.  Any supplemental names under which the business

28  enterprise intends to transact business.

29         3.  The street address of the principal office of the

30  business enterprise and the street address of the principal



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 791


  1  office of the business enterprise in this state, if there is

  2  one.

  3         4.  The names and mailing addresses of each person who

  4  owns or holds a beneficial interest in the business

  5  enterprise.

  6         5.  The name and street address of an agent in this

  7  state appointed and maintained by the business enterprise, who

  8  shall comply with the provisions of s. 622.04.

  9         6.  Pursuant to s. 119.092, the business enterprise's

10  federal employer identification number, if applicable.

11         7.  The name and recorded document number in this state

12  of an owner or agent named pursuant to subparagraph 4. or

13  subparagraph 5. that is a person other than an individual.

14         8.  If a foreign business enterprise an indication of

15  the jurisdiction under whose laws it is organized.

16         9.  The signature of an owner whose signature on the

17  registration shall have the same legal effect as if made under

18  oath, without the necessity of appending such oath to the

19  registration.

20         10.  The signature of the designated registered agent

21  identified in subparagraph 5. accepting appointment as a

22  designated registered agent.

23         (b)  Any amendments to or cancellation of a

24  registration filed under paragraph (a) to maintain an accurate

25  record.

26         (2)  A name submitted in a business enterprise

27  registration statement recorded under subsection (1) shall be

28  filed without regard to the use of the same or a similar name

29  by another business enterprise registered or other entity

30  organized or qualified in this state.  The use of a business

31  enterprise name in a registration statement is for the purpose


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  1  of public notice only and does not create a presumption of

  2  ownership of the name used beyond that acquired under the

  3  common law.

  4         (3)  Each owner of a registered business enterprise,

  5  and any agent named pursuant to subparagraph (1)(a)5. that is

  6  a legal or other commercial entity and not an individual,

  7  must:

  8         (a)  Organize or otherwise register as required by law.

  9         (b)  Maintain such registrations in an active status.

10         (c)  Ensure that such registration is not dissolved,

11  revoked, canceled, or withdrawn and acquire, hold, and dispose

12  of property, and sue and be sued in this state, by complying

13  with all requirements of law, including but not limited to the

14  paying of all fees, taxes, and other charges, now or hereafter

15  prescribed for qualification by foreign corporations for

16  profit to transact business in this state, and all laws

17  heretofore or hereafter enacted prescribing requirements to be

18  observed by foreign corporations for profit in so qualifying

19  shall apply to and govern and control such qualification by

20  foreign associations, except that in lieu of filing an

21  authenticated copy of any charter, or certificate of

22  incorporation, or articles of incorporation, the foreign

23  association shall file a duly authenticated copy of its

24  written articles of association.

25         Section 3.  Section 622.04, Florida Statutes, is

26  amended to read:

27         622.04  Process.--Every association or business

28  enterprise shall continuously maintain comply with all

29  requirements of law, including but not limited to the paying

30  of all fees and charges, now or hereafter prescribed for the



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 791


  1  designation and maintenance of an office for the service of

  2  process, in compliance with chapter 48, which shall include:

  3         (1)  A registered office which may be the same as its

  4  place of business.

  5         (2)  A registered agent, who may be:

  6         (a)  An individual who resides in this state whose

  7  business office is identical with such registered office;

  8         (b)  A corporation or not-for-profit corporation as

  9  defined in chapter 617, authorized to transact business or

10  conduct its affairs in this state, having a business office

11  identical with the registered office; or

12         (c)  A foreign corporation or not-for-profit foreign

13  corporation authorized pursuant to this chapter or chapter 617

14  to transact business or conduct its affairs in this state,

15  having a business office identical with the registered office

16  the appointment of a resident agent upon whom process may be

17  served, and the acceptance of such appointment, by foreign

18  corporations for profit qualified to transact business in this

19  state, and all laws heretofore or hereafter enacted with

20  respect to such offices and agents shall apply to and govern

21  and control all associations.

22         Section 4.  Section 622.05, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         622.05  Filing fees Annual reports.--The fees Every

25  association shall comply with all requirements of law,

26  including but not limited to the paying of all fees, taxes,

27  and other charges, now or hereafter prescribed for the filing

28  of documents under this chapter are as follows:

29         (1)  Business enterprise registration statement: $35.00

30         (2)  Amendment to the business enterprise registration

31  statement: $25.00


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  1         (3)  Cancellation of business enterprise registration:

  2  $25.00

  3         (4)  Certification of any recorded document: $15.00

  4         (5)  Certificate of business enterprise status: $5.00

  5         (6)  Change of registered address: No Charge annual

  6  reports by foreign corporations for profit qualified to

  7  transact business in this state, except railroad, pullman,

  8  telephone, telegraph, and insurance companies, and all laws

  9  heretofore or hereafter enacted with respect to such reports

10  shall apply to and govern and control all associations.

11         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

12  law.


14            *****************************************

15                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises provisions relating to foreign unincorporated
17    associations to apply to business enterprises and foreign
      business enterprises, require registration of such
18    enterprises and foreign associations, revise service of
      process requirements, and prescribe filing fees. See bill
19    for details.














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