CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                    Bill No. HB 83

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
  1                                .
  2                                .
  3                                .
  4  ______________________________________________________________

  5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW





10  ______________________________________________________________

11  The Committee on Business Regulation offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert:

17         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Aerospace

18  Infrastructure Reinvestment Act of 2002."

19         Section 2.  The Legislature finds that promoting the

20  growth of the space industry in Florida is a vital component

21  of its overall economic plan and that facilitating additions

22  to aerospace infrastructure will make the state more

23  competitive and promote the retention and growth of space

24  businesses in this state. This act therefore provides for the

25  reinvestment of certain sales tax receipts arising from the

26  presence of the space industry in Florida as a means of

27  providing for that infrastructure growth.

28         Section 3.  Paragraphs (b) and (d) of subsection (6) of

29  section 212.20, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

30         212.20  Funds collected, disposition; additional powers

31  of department; operational expense; refund of taxes


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                    Bill No. HB 83

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  adjudicated unconstitutionally collected.--

  2         (6)  Distribution of all proceeds under this chapter

  3  and s. 202.18(1)(b) and (2)(b) shall be as follows:

  4         (b)  Proceeds from discretionary sales surtaxes imposed

  5  pursuant to ss. 212.054 and 212.055, except those distributed

  6  under sub-subparagraph (d)7.e., shall be reallocated to the

  7  Discretionary Sales Surtax Clearing Trust Fund.

  8         (d)  The proceeds of all other taxes and fees imposed

  9  pursuant to this chapter or remitted pursuant to s.

10  202.18(1)(b) and (2)(b) shall be distributed as follows:

11         1.  In any fiscal year, the greater of $500 million,

12  minus an amount equal to 4.6 percent of the proceeds of the

13  taxes collected pursuant to chapter 201, or 5 percent of all

14  other taxes and fees imposed pursuant to this chapter or

15  remitted pursuant to s. 202.18(1)(b) and (2)(b) shall be

16  deposited in monthly installments into the General Revenue

17  Fund.

18         2.  Two-tenths of one percent shall be transferred to

19  the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund.

20         3.  After the distribution under subparagraphs 1. and

21  2., 9.653 percent of the amount remitted by a sales tax dealer

22  located within a participating county pursuant to s. 218.61

23  shall be transferred into the Local Government Half-cent Sales

24  Tax Clearing Trust Fund.

25         4.  After the distribution under subparagraphs 1., 2.,

26  and 3., 0.065 percent shall be transferred to the Local

27  Government Half-cent Sales Tax Clearing Trust Fund and

28  distributed pursuant to s. 218.65.

29         5.  For proceeds received after July 1, 2000, and after

30  the distributions under subparagraphs 1., 2., 3., and 4., 2.25

31  percent of the available proceeds pursuant to this paragraph


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                    Bill No. HB 83

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  shall be transferred monthly to the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund

  2  for Counties pursuant to s. 218.215.

  3         6.  For proceeds received after July 1, 2000, and after

  4  the distributions under subparagraphs 1., 2., 3., and 4.,

  5  1.0715 percent of the available proceeds pursuant to this

  6  paragraph shall be transferred monthly to the Revenue Sharing

  7  Trust Fund for Municipalities pursuant to s. 218.215. If the

  8  total revenue to be distributed pursuant to this subparagraph

  9  is at least as great as the amount due from the Revenue

10  Sharing Trust Fund for Municipalities and the Municipal

11  Financial Assistance Trust Fund in state fiscal year

12  1999-2000, no municipality shall receive less than the amount

13  due from the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund for Municipalities and

14  the Municipal Financial Assistance Trust Fund in state fiscal

15  year 1999-2000. If the total proceeds to be distributed are

16  less than the amount received in combination from the Revenue

17  Sharing Trust Fund for Municipalities and the Municipal

18  Financial Assistance Trust Fund in state fiscal year

19  1999-2000, each municipality shall receive an amount

20  proportionate to the amount it was due in state fiscal year

21  1999-2000.

22         7.  Of the remaining proceeds:

23         a.  Beginning July 1, 2000, and in each fiscal year

24  thereafter, the sum of $29,915,500 shall be divided into as

25  many equal parts as there are counties in the state, and one

26  part shall be distributed to each county.  The distribution

27  among the several counties shall begin each fiscal year on or

28  before January 5th and shall continue monthly for a total of 4

29  months.  If a local or special law required that any moneys

30  accruing to a county in fiscal year 1999-2000 under the

31  then-existing provisions of s. 550.135 be paid directly to the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                    Bill No. HB 83

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  district school board, special district, or a municipal

  2  government, such payment shall continue until such time that

  3  the local or special law is amended or repealed.  The state

  4  covenants with holders of bonds or other instruments of

  5  indebtedness issued by local governments, special districts,

  6  or district school boards prior to July 1, 2000, that it is

  7  not the intent of this subparagraph to adversely affect the

  8  rights of those holders or relieve local governments, special

  9  districts, or district school boards of the duty to meet their

10  obligations as a result of previous pledges or assignments or

11  trusts entered into which obligated funds received from the

12  distribution to county governments under then-existing s.

13  550.135.  This distribution specifically is in lieu of funds

14  distributed under s. 550.135 prior to July 1, 2000.

15         b.  The department shall distribute $166,667 monthly

16  pursuant to s. 288.1162 to each applicant that has been

17  certified as a "facility for a new professional sports

18  franchise" or a "facility for a retained professional sports

19  franchise" pursuant to s. 288.1162. Up to $41,667 shall be

20  distributed monthly by the department to each applicant that

21  has been certified as a "facility for a retained spring

22  training franchise" pursuant to s. 288.1162; however, not more

23  than $208,335 may be distributed monthly in the aggregate to

24  all certified facilities for a retained spring training

25  franchise. Distributions shall begin 60 days following such

26  certification and shall continue for not more than 30 years.

27  Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to

28  allow an applicant certified pursuant to s. 288.1162 to

29  receive more in distributions than actually expended by the

30  applicant for the public purposes provided for in s.

31  288.1162(6). However, a certified applicant is entitled to


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                    Bill No. HB 83

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  receive distributions up to the maximum amount allowable and

  2  undistributed under this section for additional renovations

  3  and improvements to the facility for the franchise without

  4  additional certification.

  5         c.  Beginning 30 days after notice by the Office of

  6  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to the Department of

  7  Revenue that an applicant has been certified as the

  8  professional golf hall of fame pursuant to s. 288.1168 and is

  9  open to the public, $166,667 shall be distributed monthly, for

10  up to 300 months, to the applicant.

11         d.  Beginning 30 days after notice by the Office of

12  Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development to the Department of

13  Revenue that the applicant has been certified as the

14  International Game Fish Association World Center facility

15  pursuant to s. 288.1169, and the facility is open to the

16  public, $83,333 shall be distributed monthly, for up to 168

17  months, to the applicant. This distribution is subject to

18  reduction pursuant to s. 288.1169.  A lump sum payment of

19  $999,996 shall be made, after certification and before July 1,

20  2000.

21         e.  Every dealer conducting business at a fixed

22  location at the Kennedy Space Center or Cape Canaveral Air

23  Station and selling admissions to the Kennedy Space Center or

24  Cape Canaveral Air Station, or any part of either, pursuant to

25  a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space

26  Administration or pursuant to a subcontract thereto, shall

27  file returns each month in accordance with this

28  sub-subparagraph. Each such dealer shall file a separate

29  return each month which reports, separately from any other

30  sales and use taxes due pursuant to this chapter, the sale of

31  admissions to the Kennedy Space Center or Cape Canaveral Air


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                    Bill No. HB 83

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  Station or any part thereof or to any event held at either

  2  location, together with sales at retail of tangible personal

  3  property from such fixed place of business, and leases and

  4  licenses by the dealer at Kennedy Space Center or Cape

  5  Canaveral Air Station taxable pursuant to s. 212.031, and the

  6  taxes collected by the dealer with respect to such admissions,

  7  leases, licenses, and sales. All amounts due pursuant to this

  8  chapter with respect to such transactions shall be timely

  9  remitted to the department. The dealer shall simultaneously

10  file a copy of the return with the Florida Commercial Space

11  Financing Corporation and a copy with the director of the

12  Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development, all of

13  which return copies and information therein shall be subject

14  to the same confidentiality provisions as are applicable to

15  returns and information filed with the department pursuant to

16  s. 213.053. Each month the department shall distribute to the

17  Florida Commercial Space Financing Corporation all such

18  proceeds collected and remitted to the department as shown on

19  the returns required by this sub-subparagraph. The first $1.5

20  million in such funds distributed to the Florida Commercial

21  Space Financing Corporation shall be expended for aerospace

22  infrastructure, as defined in this sub-subparagraph, used in

23  or pertaining directly to human space flight, including, but

24  not limited to, space shuttle orbiter maintenance,

25  modifications, and related activities. The remainder of the

26  funds distributed to the Florida Commercial Space Financing

27  Corporation shall be used solely for funding aerospace

28  infrastructure as defined in this sub-subparagraph. In the

29  event the department collects any additional amounts pursuant

30  to this chapter with respect to any transactions for which a

31  separate return is required by this sub-subparagraph, the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                    Bill No. HB 83

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  proceeds shall, within 30 days following collection, be

  2  distributed by the department to the Florida Commercial Space

  3  Financing Corporation for the uses specified in this

  4  sub-subparagraph. For purposes of this sub-subparagraph,

  5  "aerospace infrastructure" means land, buildings and other

  6  improvements, fixtures, machinery, equipment, instruments, and

  7  software that will improve the state's capability to ensure

  8  security, or to support, expand, or attract the launch,

  9  construction, processing, refurbishment, or manufacturing of

10  rockets, missiles, capsules, spacecraft, satellites, satellite

11  control facilities, ground support equipment and related

12  tangible personal property, launch vehicles, modules, space

13  stations or components destined for space station operation,

14  and space flight research and development facilities,

15  instruments, and equipment, together with any engineering,

16  permitting, and other expenses, including, but not limited to,

17  utility location, relocation, and realignment directly related

18  to such land, buildings, improvements, fixtures, machinery,

19  equipment, instruments, or software. Nothing in this

20  sub-subparagraph shall be construed as affecting any dealer's

21  liability for other taxes imposed by and due pursuant to this

22  chapter.

23         8.  All other proceeds shall remain with the General

24  Revenue Fund.

25         Section 4.  The Department of Revenue is authorized to

26  promulgate rules implementing the provisions of this act.

27         Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002,

28  and be applicable to taxes due on or after that date and shall

29  expire and be without further force and effect on July 1,

30  2007.



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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                    Bill No. HB 83

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

  2  And the title is amended as follows:

  3  remove:  the entire title


  5  and insert:

  6                      A bill to be entitled

  7         An act relating to the Aerospace Infrastructure

  8         Reinvestment Act of 2002; creating said act;

  9         providing legislative findings; amending s.

10         212.20, F.S.; providing that the amounts due

11         under the chapter on sales, use, and other

12         transactions collected by dealers conducting

13         business at a fixed location at the Kennedy

14         Space Center or Cape Canaveral Air Station on

15         admissions, leases, and licenses thereto and on

16         sales of tangible personal property at such

17         business shall be separately returned and

18         distributed by the Department of Revenue to the

19         Florida Commercial Space Financing Corporation

20         and used for described purposes; providing a

21         definition; providing for rules; providing for

22         future repeal; providing an effective date.











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