House Bill hb9021
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HR 9021
By Representative Fasano
1 House Resolution
2 A resolution declaring February 6, 2002, as
3 "Ronald Reagan Day" in the State of Florida.
5 WHEREAS, President Ronald Wilson Reagan, a man of
6 humble background, worked throughout his life serving freedom
7 and advancing the public good, having been employed as an
8 entertainer, union leader, and corporate spokesman prior to
9 his becoming Governor of California and then being elected to
10 two terms as the 40th President of the United States of
11 America, and
12 WHEREAS, while in office, President Ronald Reagan
13 served the nation with honor and distinction, as attested by
14 the confidence of an electorate that swept him into his second
15 term of office with an unprecedented 525 of the 538 electoral
16 votes and handed him a victory in 49 of the 50 States of the
17 Union, a record unsurpassed in the history of American
18 presidential elections, and
19 WHEREAS, in 1981, when Mr. Reagan was inaugurated
20 President, he inherited a nation stricken by inflation, but
21 his heroic bipartisan effort to restore accountability and
22 common sense to government led to an unprecedented economic
23 expansion and opportunity for millions of Americans, and
24 WHEREAS, in 1982, the nation was suffering from an
25 unemployment rate exceeding 10 percent, which, by June 1988,
26 had fallen to one of the lowest rates in modern United States
27 history, and
28 WHEREAS, President Reagan's push for an active social
29 policy lowered the nation's crime rate; his commitment to the
30 United States Armed Forces contributed to the restoration of
31 pride in America and laid the groundwork for victory in the
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HR 9021
1 Gulf War; and his vision of "peace through strength" led to
2 the end of the Cold War and the ultimate demise of the Soviet
3 Union, guaranteeing basic human rights for millions of people,
4 and
5 WHEREAS, on February 6, 2002, President Ronald Wilson
6 Reagan will have reached the age of 91 years, NOW, THEREFORE,
8 Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
9 Florida:
11 That the House of Representatives considers it an honor
12 to pause in its deliberations to recognize the outstanding
13 contributions made to a grateful nation by America's 40th
14 President and to wholeheartedly designate February 6, 2002, as
15 "Ronald Reagan Day" in Florida.
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