House Bill hb9027
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HR 9027
By Representative Byrd
1 House Resolution
2 A resolution recognizing the election of the
3 Reverend Maxie Miller, Jr., as First Vice
4 President of the Florida Baptist Convention.
6 WHEREAS, as only the second black minister ever to hold
7 the position of first vice president of the 140-year-old
8 Florida Baptist Convention, the Reverend Maxie Miller, Jr.,
9 views his November 2001 election as an opportunity to reach
10 out to all of the state's Baptists but also acknowledges that
11 he has an additional responsibility to serve as a role model
12 for minority Baptists, and
13 WHEREAS, declaring that it is important to have
14 diversity in higher levels, and citing his aim "to leave no
15 one out," the Reverend Miller hopes to promote racial symmetry
16 and to support the goal of the convention to evangelize the
17 entire state, while also working on pending bylaw changes and
18 recommending members for the board of missions, and
19 WHEREAS, pastor for the past five years of the Mount
20 Olive Baptist Church in Plant City, and described as a very
21 gregarious individual who has immersed himself in his work and
22 done much for his community, the Reverend Miller serves a
23 500-member congregation that maintains a transportation
24 ministry for the elderly, operates a program that provides
25 meals to roughly 240 shut-ins and needy persons, and hosts
26 Boys and Girls Clubs, and
27 WHEREAS, affiliated with the Southern Baptist
28 Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, the
29 Florida State Convention has witnessed dramatic growth in the
30 number of its predominately African-American churches, which
31 have increased from 225 in 1997 to nearly 400 today, a trend
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HR 9027
1 that the Reverend Miller hopes to build on through aggressive
2 efforts to share the gospel with everyone in the state, NOW,
5 Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of
6 Florida:
8 That the House of Representatives congratulates the
9 Florida Baptist Convention on its election to the office of
10 first vice president of a distinguished individual of
11 superlative qualifications and extends to the Reverend Maxie
12 Miller, Jr., its wishes for an exceptionally productive tenure
13 in his capacity as second highest officer of a highly
14 respected organization.
15 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution
16 be presented to the Reverend Maxie Miller, Jr., as a tangible
17 token of the sentiments expressed herein.
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