House Bill hb9093

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HR 9093

        By Representative Flanagan

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution commemorating the celebration of

  3         Saint Patrick's Day on March 17, 2002.


  5         WHEREAS, Saint Patrick is responsible for bringing

  6  literacy to the people of Ireland, which led to Ireland's

  7  status as one of the most literary nations in the world, and

  8         WHEREAS, Americans of Irish birth and Irish descent

  9  have played a significant role in the building of America,

10  especially in military and governmental service, business,

11  politics, and the arts, and

12         WHEREAS, Florida's Capital City has established a

13  Sister City Program with Sligo, Ireland, and

14         WHEREAS, a significant number of the members of the

15  Florida Legislature are of Irish ancestry, and

16         WHEREAS, there are over forty million Americans of

17  Irish ancestry and over three million Floridians of Irish

18  ancestry, NOW, THEREFORE,


20  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

21  Florida:


23         That the House of Representatives joins with the Irish

24  American Caucus and all Floridians of good heart on Saint

25  Patrick's Day, March 17, 2002, in celebrating the continuing

26  contribution of Irish Americans, their spirit, and their

27  dreams for peace and brotherhood.






CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.