CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Bill No. CS/HB 911
Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)
Senate House
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Representative(s) Farkas offered the following:
13 Amendment (with title amendment)
14 Remove everything after the enacting clause
16 and insert:
17 Section 1. (1) Using a portion of the funds made
18 available in Specific Appropriation 2556 in the General
19 Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2001-2002, the Office of
20 Legislative Services in coordination with the Agency for
21 Health Care Administration shall contract for the completion
22 of a report assessing the impact of the following proposed
23 mandated health benefit coverages:
24 (a) Substance abuse.
25 (b) Contraceptives and infertility.
26 (c) Mental health services for persons with a serious
27 (d) Medical Nutrition Therapy.
28 (e) Occupational Therapy.
29 (f) Expansion of the current mandate for the off-label
30 use of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals for the treatment of
31 life-threatening, chronic, or disabling conditions.
File original & 9 copies 03/13/02
hci0001 10:22 am 00911-0052-924521
Bill No. CS/HB 911
Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)
1 (2) Such review shall include:
2 (a) Those elements for review as specified in s.
3 624.215(2), Florida Statutes, relating to proposals for
4 legislation which would mandate health benefit coverage and
5 review by the Legislature, to what extent the mandated health
6 benefit coverage is part of self-insured plans offered in this
7 state or federally funded programs such as those offered to
8 employees of the United States Postal Service and employees of
9 the Federal Government, to what extent such mandated health
10 benefit coverages are available as part of large group plans
11 versus small group plans, and recent state and federal court
12 and administrative rulings regarding such issues.
13 (b) The nature of those services being used by those
14 insured persons who currently have a health coverage benefit,
15 including what is included in such coverage, the conditions
16 for which coverage is included, the extent to which such
17 covered persons reach any applicable annual or lifetime
18 benefit cap, utilization and authorization guidelines
19 applicable to such coverage, and inclusion of treatment
20 medications and guidelines applicable to medication coverage.
21 (3) All insurers, as defined in s. 624.03, doing
22 business in this state, shall provide data requested in order
23 to complete this review.
24 (4) The report shall include information from persons
25 or organizations proposing mandated health benefit coverages,
26 as set forth in s. 624.215(2), and a recommendation as to
27 whether the Legislature should adopt the health benefit
28 coverage as a mandated coverage.
29 (5) Such contract shall be executed by July 1, 2002. A
30 preliminary report shall be submitted to the President of the
31 Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
File original & 9 copies 03/13/02
hci0001 10:22 am 00911-0052-924521
Bill No. CS/HB 911
Amendment No. 1 (for drafter's use only)
1 December 1, 2002, and a final report shall be submitted to the
2 President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
3 Representatives by February 1, 2003.
4 (6) Such contract shall be executed by August 1, 2002,
5 and the report shall be submitted to the President of the
6 Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by
7 April 1, 2003.
8 Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
9 law.
12 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
13 And the title is amended as follows:
14 remove: the entire title
16 and insert:
17 An act relating to mandated health benefit
18 coverages; requiring the Office of Legislative
19 Services to contract for completion of a report
20 on proposed mandated health coverages;
21 specifying report review requirements;
22 requiring a report to the Legislature;
23 providing an effective date.
File original & 9 copies 03/13/02
hci0001 10:22 am 00911-0052-924521