House Bill hb9117

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HR 9117

        By Representative Goodlette

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution honoring the late Dr. Richard S.

  3         Hodes.


  5         WHEREAS, Richard S. Hodes was born in New York City on

  6  April 24, 1924, moved to Florida when he was 11 years old,

  7  and, with the former Marjorie Cohen, his wife of 55 years,

  8  lived in Tampa for 50 years, until his death on January 18,

  9  2002, and

10         WHEREAS, an anesthesiologist in private practice in

11  Tampa for more than 40 years, Richard S. Hodes, M.D., was a

12  graduate of Tulane University School of Medicine, served in

13  the medical department of the United States Army Air Force,

14  directed the Department of Anesthesiology at Tampa General

15  Hospital, and was Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at the

16  University of Florida and Clinical Professor of Surgery and

17  Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of

18  South Florida, and

19         WHEREAS, Dr. Hodes was a Legislator in the Florida

20  House of Representatives for 16 years following his election

21  in 1966, during which time he served as Speaker Pro Tempore

22  and as Majority Leader and participated on both state and

23  national levels in matters relating to intergovernmental

24  relations, natural and human resources, and economics, but is

25  perhaps best remembered for his work on behalf of health care

26  and education, and

27         WHEREAS, Dr. Hodes was recognized by his legislative

28  colleagues across the country for his dedication to public

29  service and is the only Florida legislator to be elected as

30  the President of the National Conference of State

31  Legislatures, and


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HR 9117


  1         WHEREAS, Dr. Hodes hosted a weekly local television

  2  program for 20 years and was a member or an officer in a wide

  3  variety of organizations, including Temple Congregation

  4  Schaarai Zedek, the Downtown Tampa Rotary Club, the Florida

  5  Board of Bar Examiners, and the Board of New College, as well

  6  as a number of medical associations and societies, and

  7         WHEREAS, described by his daughter and only child,

  8  Marilyn, as "the most incredibly intelligent man" she had ever

  9  known, Dr. Hodes was dedicated to his family, his community,

10  and his profession and was active as Clinical Director for

11  Florida Medical Quality Assurance until he was hospitalized on

12  December 12, NOW, THEREFORE,


14  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

15  Florida:


17         That the House of Representatives pauses in its

18  deliberations to pay tribute to Richard S. Hodes, M.D., and to

19  honor the memory of a truly great man.

20         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution

21  be presented to Marjorie C. Hodes and Marilyn Meyerson as a

22  tangible token of the sentiments expressed herein.











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