Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng.
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 732346
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Latvala moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         Delete everything after the enacting clause
16  and insert:  
17         Section 1.  Health flex plans.--
18         (1)  INTENT.--The Legislature finds that a significant
19  proportion of the residents of this state are unable to obtain
20  affordable health insurance coverage. Therefore, it is the
21  intent of the Legislature to expand the availability of health
22  care options for low-income uninsured state residents by
23  encouraging health insurers, health maintenance organizations,
24  health-care-provider-sponsored organizations, local
25  governments, health care districts, or other public or private
26  community-based organizations to develop alternative
27  approaches to traditional health insurance which emphasize
28  coverage for basic and preventive health care services. To the
29  maximum extent possible, these options should be coordinated
30  with existing governmental or community-based health services
31  programs in a manner that is consistent with the objectives
    9:53 AM   03/22/02                              h0913c1c-19k0u

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 and requirements of such programs. 2 (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term: 3 (a) "Agency" means the Agency for Health Care 4 Administration. 5 (b) "Department" means the Department of Insurance. 6 (c) "Enrollee" means an individual who has been 7 determined to be eligible for and is receiving health care 8 coverage under a health flex plan approved under this section. 9 (d) "Health care coverage" or "health flex plan 10 coverage" means health care services that are covered as 11 benefits under an approved health flex plan or that are 12 otherwise provided, either directly or through arrangements 13 with other persons, via a health flex plan on a prepaid 14 per-capita basis or on a prepaid aggregate fixed-sum basis. 15 (e) "Health flex plan" means a health plan approved 16 under subsection (3) which guarantees payment for specified 17 health care coverage provided to the enrollee. 18 (f) "Health flex plan entity" means a health insurer, 19 health maintenance organization, health care 20 provider-sponsored organization, local government, health care 21 district, or other public or private community-based 22 organization that develops and implements an approved health 23 flex plan and is responsible for administering the health flex 24 plan and paying all claims for health flex plan coverage by 25 enrollees of the health flex plan. 26 (3) PILOT PROGRAM.--The agency and the department 27 shall each approve or disapprove health flex plans that 28 provide health care coverage for eligible participants who 29 reside in the three areas of the state that have the highest 30 number of uninsured persons, as identified in the Florida 31 Health Insurance Study conducted by the agency and in Indian 2 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 River County. A health flex plan may limit or exclude benefits 2 otherwise required by law for insurers offering coverage in 3 this state, may cap the total amount of claims paid per year 4 per enrollee, may limit the number of enrollees, or may take 5 any combination of those actions. 6 (a) The agency shall develop guidelines for the review 7 of applications for health flex plans and shall disapprove or 8 withdraw approval of plans that do not meet or no longer meet 9 minimum standards for quality of care and access to care. 10 (b) The department shall develop guidelines for the 11 review of health flex plan applications and shall disapprove 12 or shall withdraw approval of plans that: 13 1. Contain any ambiguous, inconsistent, or misleading 14 provisions or any exceptions or conditions that deceptively 15 affect or limit the benefits purported to be assumed in the 16 general coverage provided by the health flex plan; 17 2. Provide benefits that are unreasonable in relation 18 to the premium charged or contain provisions that are unfair 19 or inequitable or contrary to the public policy of this state, 20 that encourage misrepresentation, or that result in unfair 21 discrimination in sales practices; or 22 3. Cannot demonstrate that the health flex plan is 23 financially sound and that the applicant is able to underwrite 24 or finance the health care coverage provided. 25 (c) The agency and the department may adopt rules as 26 needed to administer this section. 27 (4) LICENSE NOT REQUIRED.--Neither the licensing 28 requirements of the Florida Insurance Code nor chapter 641, 29 Florida Statutes, relating to health maintenance 30 organizations, is applicable to a health flex plan approved 31 under this section, unless expressly made applicable. However, 3 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 for the purpose of prohibiting unfair trade practices, health 2 flex plans are considered to be insurance subject to the 3 applicable provisions of part IX of chapter 626, Florida 4 Statutes, except as otherwise provided in this section. 5 (5) ELIGIBILITY.--Eligibility to enroll in an approved 6 health flex plan is limited to residents of this state who: 7 (a) Are 64 years of age or younger; 8 (b) Have a family income equal to or less than 200 9 percent of the federal poverty level; 10 (c) Are not covered by a private insurance policy and 11 are not eligible for coverage through a public health 12 insurance program, such as Medicare or Medicaid, or another 13 public health care program, such as KidCare, and have not been 14 covered at any time during the past 6 months; and 15 (d) Have applied for health care coverage through an 16 approved health flex plan and have agreed to make any payments 17 required for participation, including periodic payments or 18 payments due at the time health care services are provided. 19 (6) RECORDS.--Each health flex plan shall maintain 20 enrollment data and reasonable records of its losses, 21 expenses, and claims experience and shall make those records 22 reasonably available to enable the department to monitor and 23 determine the financial viability of the health flex plan, as 24 necessary. Provider networks and total enrollment by area 25 shall be reported to the agency biannually to enable the 26 agency to monitor access to care. 27 (7) NOTICE.--The denial of coverage by a health flex 28 plan, or the nonrenewal or cancellation of coverage, must be 29 accompanied by the specific reasons for denial, nonrenewal, or 30 cancellation. Notice of nonrenewal or cancellation must be 31 provided at least 45 days in advance of the nonrenewal or 4 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 cancellation, except that 10 days' written notice must be 2 given for cancellation due to nonpayment of premiums. If the 3 health flex plan fails to give the required notice, the health 4 flex plan coverage must remain in effect until notice is 5 appropriately given. 6 (8) NONENTITLEMENT.--Coverage under an approved health 7 flex plan is not an entitlement, and a cause of action does 8 not arise against the state, a local government entity, or any 9 other political subdivision of this state, or against the 10 agency, for failure to make coverage available to eligible 11 persons under this section. 12 (9) PROGRAM EVALUATION.--The agency and the department 13 shall evaluate the pilot program and its effect on the 14 entities that seek approval as health flex plans, on the 15 number of enrollees, and on the scope of the health care 16 coverage offered under a health flex plan; shall provide an 17 assessment of the health flex plans and their potential 18 applicability in other settings; and shall, by January 1, 19 2004, jointly submit a report to the Governor, the President 20 of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of 21 Representatives. 22 (10) EXPIRATION.--This section expires July 1, 2004. 23 Section 2. Section 408.7057, Florida Statutes, is 24 amended to read: 25 408.7057 Statewide provider and health plan managed 26 care organization claim dispute resolution program.-- 27 (1) As used in this section, the term: 28 (a) "Agency" means the Agency for Health Care 29 Administration. 30 (b)(a) "Health plan Managed care organization" means a 31 health maintenance organization or a prepaid health clinic 5 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 certified under chapter 641, a prepaid health plan authorized 2 under s. 409.912, or an exclusive provider organization 3 certified under s. 627.6472, or a major medical expense health 4 insurance policy as defined in s. 627.643(2)(e) offered by a 5 group or an individual health insurer licensed pursuant to 6 chapter 624, including a preferred provider organization under 7 s. 627.6471. 8 (c)(b) "Resolution organization" means a qualified 9 independent third-party claim-dispute-resolution entity 10 selected by and contracted with the Agency for Health Care 11 Administration. 12 (2)(a) The agency for Health Care Administration shall 13 establish a program by January 1, 2001, to provide assistance 14 to contracted and noncontracted providers and health plans 15 managed care organizations for resolution of claim disputes 16 that are not resolved by the provider and the health plan 17 managed care organization. The agency shall contract with a 18 resolution organization to timely review and consider claim 19 disputes submitted by providers and health plans managed care 20 organizations and recommend to the agency an appropriate 21 resolution of those disputes. The agency shall establish by 22 rule jurisdictional amounts and methods of aggregation for 23 claim disputes that may be considered by the resolution 24 organization. 25 (b) The resolution organization shall review claim 26 disputes filed by contracted and noncontracted providers and 27 health plans managed care organizations unless the disputed 28 claim: 29 1. Is related to interest payment; 30 2. Does not meet the jurisdictional amounts or the 31 methods of aggregation established by agency rule, as provided 6 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 in paragraph (a); 2 3. Is part of an internal grievance in a Medicare 3 managed care organization or a reconsideration appeal through 4 the Medicare appeals process; 5 4. Is related to a health plan that is not regulated 6 by the state; 7 5. Is part of a Medicaid fair hearing pursued under 42 8 C.F.R. ss. 431.220 et seq.; 9 6. Is the basis for an action pending in state or 10 federal court; or 11 7. Is subject to a binding claim-dispute-resolution 12 process provided by contract entered into prior to October 1, 13 2000, between the provider and the managed care organization. 14 (c) Contracts entered into or renewed on or after 15 October 1, 2000, may require exhaustion of an internal 16 dispute-resolution process as a prerequisite to the submission 17 of a claim by a provider or a health plan maintenance 18 organization to the resolution organization when the 19 dispute-resolution program becomes effective. 20 (d) A contracted or noncontracted provider or health 21 maintenance organization may not file a claim dispute with the 22 resolution organization more than 12 months after a final 23 determination has been made on a claim by a health maintenance 24 organization. 25 (e) The resolution organization shall require the 26 health plan or provider submitting the claim dispute to submit 27 any supporting documentation to the resolution organization 28 within 15 days after receipt by the health plan or provider of 29 a request from the resolution organization for documentation 30 in support of the claim dispute. The resolution organization 31 may extend the time if appropriate. Failure to submit the 7 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 supporting documentation within such time period shall result 2 in the dismissal of the submitted claim dispute. 3 (f) The resolution organization shall require the 4 respondent in the claim dispute to submit all documentation in 5 support of its position within 15 days after receiving a 6 request from the resolution organization for supporting 7 documentation. The resolution organization may extend the time 8 if appropriate. Failure to submit the supporting documentation 9 within such time period shall result in a default against the 10 health plan or provider. In the event of such a default, the 11 resolution organization shall issue its written recommendation 12 to the agency that a default be entered against the defaulting 13 entity. The written recommendation shall include a 14 recommendation to the agency that the defaulting entity shall 15 pay the entity submitting the claim dispute the full amount of 16 the claim dispute, plus all accrued interest, and shall be 17 considered a nonprevailing party for the purposes of this 18 section. 19 (g)1. If on an ongoing basis during the preceding 12 20 months, the agency has reason to believe that a pattern of 21 noncompliance with ss. 627.6131 and 641.3155 exists on the 22 part of a particular health plan or provider, the agency shall 23 evaluate the information contained in these cases to determine 24 whether the information evidences a pattern and report its 25 findings, together with substantiating evidence, to the 26 appropriate licensure or certification entity for the health 27 plan or provider. 28 2. In addition, the agency shall prepare an annual 29 report to the Governor and the Legislature by February 1 of 30 each year, enumerating the claims dismissed, the defaults 31 issued, and the failures to comply with agency final orders 8 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 issued under this section. 2 (3) The agency shall adopt rules to establish a 3 process to be used by the resolution organization in 4 considering claim disputes submitted by a provider or health 5 plan managed care organization which must include the issuance 6 by the resolution organization of a written recommendation, 7 supported by findings of fact, to the agency within 60 days 8 after the requested information is received by the resolution 9 organization within the timeframes specified by the resolution 10 organization. In no event shall the review time exceed 90 days 11 following receipt of the initial claim dispute submission by 12 the resolution organization receipt of the claim dispute 13 submission. 14 (4) Within 30 days after receipt of the recommendation 15 of the resolution organization, the agency shall adopt the 16 recommendation as a final order. 17 (5) The agency shall notify within 7 days the 18 appropriate licensure or certification entity whenever there 19 is a violation of a final order issued by the agency pursuant 20 to this section. 21 (6)(5) The entity that does not prevail in the 22 agency's order must pay a review cost to the review 23 organization, as determined by agency rule. Such rule must 24 provide for an apportionment of the review fee in any case in 25 which both parties prevail in part. If the nonprevailing party 26 fails to pay the ordered review cost within 35 days after the 27 agency's order, the nonpaying party is subject to a penalty of 28 not more than $500 per day until the penalty is paid. 29 (7)(6) The agency for Health Care Administration may 30 adopt rules to administer this section. 31 Section 3. Effective July 1, 2002, paragraph (o) of 9 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 subsection (3) of section 456.053, Florida Statutes, is 2 amended to read: 3 456.053 Financial arrangements between referring 4 health care providers and providers of health care services.-- 5 (3) DEFINITIONS.--For the purpose of this section, the 6 word, phrase, or term: 7 (o) "Referral" means any referral of a patient by a 8 health care provider for health care services, including, 9 without limitation: 10 1. The forwarding of a patient by a health care 11 provider to another health care provider or to an entity which 12 provides or supplies designated health services or any other 13 health care item or service; or 14 2. The request or establishment of a plan of care by a 15 health care provider, which includes the provision of 16 designated health services or other health care item or 17 service. 18 3. The following orders, recommendations, or plans of 19 care shall not constitute a referral by a health care 20 provider: 21 a. By a radiologist for diagnostic-imaging services. 22 b. By a physician specializing in the provision of 23 radiation therapy services for such services. 24 c. By a medical oncologist for drugs and solutions to 25 be prepared and administered intravenously to such 26 oncologist's patient, as well as for the supplies and 27 equipment used in connection therewith to treat such patient 28 for cancer and the complications thereof. 29 d. By a cardiologist for cardiac catheterization 30 services. 31 e. By a pathologist for diagnostic clinical laboratory 10 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 tests and pathological examination services, if furnished by 2 or under the supervision of such pathologist pursuant to a 3 consultation requested by another physician. 4 f. By a health care provider who is the sole provider 5 or member of a group practice for designated health services 6 or other health care items or services that are prescribed or 7 provided solely for such referring health care provider's or 8 group practice's own patients, and that are provided or 9 performed by or under the direct supervision of such referring 10 health care provider or group practice; provided, however, 11 that effective July 1, 1999, a physician licensed pursuant to 12 chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, or chapter 461 may 13 refer a patient to a sole provider or group practice for 14 diagnostic imaging services, excluding radiation therapy 15 services, for which the sole provider or group practice billed 16 both the technical and the professional fee for or on behalf 17 of the patient, if the referring physician has no investment 18 interest in the practice. The diagnostic imaging service 19 referred to a group practice or sole provider must be a 20 diagnostic imaging service normally provided within the scope 21 of practice to the patients of the group practice or sole 22 provider. The group practice or sole provider may accept no 23 more that 15 percent of their patients receiving diagnostic 24 imaging services from outside referrals, excluding radiation 25 therapy services. 26 g. By a health care provider for services provided by 27 an ambulatory surgical center licensed under chapter 395. 28 h. By a health care provider for diagnostic clinical 29 laboratory services where such services are directly related 30 to renal dialysis. 31 h.i. By a urologist for lithotripsy services. 11 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 i.j. By a dentist for dental services performed by an 2 employee of or health care provider who is an independent 3 contractor with the dentist or group practice of which the 4 dentist is a member. 5 j.k. By a physician for infusion therapy services to a 6 patient of that physician or a member of that physician's 7 group practice. 8 k.l. By a nephrologist for renal dialysis services and 9 supplies, except laboratory services. 10 l. By a health care provider whose principal 11 professional practice consists of treating patients in their 12 private residences for services to be rendered in such private 13 residences. For purposes of this sub-subparagraph, the term 14 "private residences" includes patient's private homes, 15 independent living centers, and assisted living facilities, 16 but does not include skilled nursing facilities. 17 Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 626.88, Florida 18 Statutes, is amended to read: 19 626.88 Definitions of "administrator" and "insurer".-- 20 (1) For the purposes of this part, an "administrator" 21 is any person who directly or indirectly solicits or effects 22 coverage of, collects charges or premiums from, or adjusts or 23 settles claims on residents of this state in connection with 24 authorized commercial self-insurance funds or with insured or 25 self-insured programs which provide life or health insurance 26 coverage or coverage of any other expenses described in s. 27 624.33(1) or any person who, through a health care risk 28 contract as defined in s. 641.234 with an insurer or health 29 maintenance organization, provides billing and collection 30 services to health insurers and health maintenance 31 organizations on behalf of health care providers, other than 12 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 any of the following persons: 2 (a) An employer on behalf of such employer's employees 3 or the employees of one or more subsidiary or affiliated 4 corporations of such employer. 5 (b) A union on behalf of its members. 6 (c) An insurance company which is either authorized to 7 transact insurance in this state or is acting as an insurer 8 with respect to a policy lawfully issued and delivered by such 9 company in and pursuant to the laws of a state in which the 10 insurer was authorized to transact an insurance business. 11 (d) A health care services plan, health maintenance 12 organization, professional service plan corporation, or person 13 in the business of providing continuing care, possessing a 14 valid certificate of authority issued by the department, and 15 the sales representatives thereof, if the activities of such 16 entity are limited to the activities permitted under the 17 certificate of authority. 18 (e) An insurance agent licensed in this state whose 19 activities are limited exclusively to the sale of insurance. 20 (f) An adjuster licensed in this state whose 21 activities are limited to the adjustment of claims. 22 (g) A creditor on behalf of such creditor's debtors 23 with respect to insurance covering a debt between the creditor 24 and its debtors. 25 (h) A trust and its trustees, agents, and employees 26 acting pursuant to such trust established in conformity with 27 29 U.S.C. s. 186. 28 (i) A trust exempt from taxation under s. 501(a) of 29 the Internal Revenue Code, a trust satisfying the requirements 30 of ss. 624.438 and 624.439, or any governmental trust as 31 defined in s. 624.33(3), and the trustees and employees acting 13 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 pursuant to such trust, or a custodian and its agents and 2 employees, including individuals representing the trustees in 3 overseeing the activities of a service company or 4 administrator, acting pursuant to a custodial account which 5 meets the requirements of s. 401(f) of the Internal Revenue 6 Code. 7 (j) A financial institution which is subject to 8 supervision or examination by federal or state authorities or 9 a mortgage lender licensed under chapter 494 who collects and 10 remits premiums to licensed insurance agents or authorized 11 insurers concurrently or in connection with mortgage loan 12 payments. 13 (k) A credit card issuing company which advances for 14 and collects premiums or charges from its credit card holders 15 who have authorized such collection if such company does not 16 adjust or settle claims. 17 (l) A person who adjusts or settles claims in the 18 normal course of such person's practice or employment as an 19 attorney at law and who does not collect charges or premiums 20 in connection with life or health insurance coverage. 21 (m) A person approved by the Division of Workers' 22 Compensation of the Department of Labor and Employment 23 Security who administers only self-insured workers' 24 compensation plans. 25 (n) A service company or service agent and its 26 employees, authorized in accordance with ss. 626.895-626.899, 27 serving only a single employer plan, multiple-employer welfare 28 arrangements, or a combination thereof. 29 (o) Any provider or group practice, as defined in s. 30 456.053, providing services under the scope of the license of 31 the provider or the member of the group practice. 14 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 2 A person who provides billing and collection services to 3 health insurers and health maintenance organizations on behalf 4 of health care providers shall comply with the provisions of 5 ss. 627.6131, 641.3155, and 641.51(4). 6 Section 5. Paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of section 7 627.410, Florida Statutes, is amended, paragraphs (f) and (g) 8 are added to subsection (6) of that section, and paragraph (f) 9 is added to subsection (7) of that section, to read: 10 627.410 Filing, approval of forms.-- 11 (6)(a) An insurer shall not deliver or issue for 12 delivery or renew in this state any health insurance policy 13 form until it has filed with the department a copy of every 14 applicable rating manual, rating schedule, change in rating 15 manual, and change in rating schedule; if rating manuals and 16 rating schedules are not applicable, the insurer must file 17 with the department applicable premium rates and any change in 18 applicable premium rates. This paragraph does not apply to 19 group health insurance policies, effectuated and delivered in 20 this state, insuring groups of 51 or more persons, except for 21 Medicare supplement insurance, long-term care insurance, and 22 any coverage under which the increase in claim costs over the 23 lifetime of the contract due to advancing age or duration is 24 prefunded in the premium. 25 (f) Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection 26 (2), an insurer that files changes in rates, rating manuals, 27 or rating schedules with the department for individual health 28 policies as described in s. 627.6561(5)(a)2., but excluding 29 Medicare supplement policies, according to this paragraph may 30 begin providing required notice to policyholders and charging 31 corresponding adjusted rates in accordance with s. 627.6043, 15 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 upon filing, if the insurer certifies that it has met the 2 criteria of subparagraphs 1., 2., and 3. Filings submitted 3 under this paragraph must contain the same information and 4 demonstrations and must meet the same requirements as rate 5 filings submitted for approval under this section, including 6 the requirements of s. 627.411, except as indicated in this 7 paragraph. 8 1. The insurer must have complied with annual 9 rate-filing requirements then in effect pursuant to subsection 10 (7) since October 1, 2002, or for the previous 2 years, 11 whichever is less, and must have filed and implemented 12 actuarially justifiable rate adjustments at least annually 13 during this period. This subparagraph does not prevent an 14 insurer from filing rate adjustments more often than annually. 15 2. The insurer must have pooled experience for 16 applicable individual health policy forms in accordance with 17 the requirements of subparagraph (6)(e)3. Rate changes used on 18 a form must not vary by the experience of that form or the 19 health status of covered individuals on that form but must be 20 based on the experience of all forms, including rating 21 characteristics as defined in this paragraph. 22 3. Rates for the policy form are anticipated to meet a 23 minimum loss ratio of 65 percent over the expected life of the 24 form. 25 26 Rates for all individual health policy forms issued on or 27 after October 1, 2002, must be based upon the same factors for 28 each rating characteristic. As used in this paragraph, the 29 term "rating characteristics" means demographic 30 characteristics of individuals, including, but not limited to, 31 geographic area factors, benefit design, smoking status, and 16 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 health status at issue. 2 (g) After filing a change of rates for an individual 3 health policy under paragraph (f), an insurer may be required 4 to furnish additional information to demonstrate compliance 5 with this section and s. 627.411. If the department finds that 6 the adjusted rates are not reasonable in relation to premiums 7 charged under the standards of this section and s. 627.411, 8 the department may order appropriate corrective action. 9 (7) 10 (f) Insurers with fewer than 1,000 nationwide 11 policyholders or insured group members or subscribers covered 12 under any form or pooled group of forms with health insurance 13 coverage, as described in s. 627.6561(5)(a)2., excluding 14 Medicare supplement insurance coverage under part VIII, at the 15 time of a rate filing made under subparagraph (b)1., may file 16 for an annual rate increase limited to medical trend as 17 adopted by the department under s. 627.411(4). The filing is 18 in lieu of the actuarial memorandum required for a rate filing 19 prescribed by paragraph (b). The filing must include forms 20 adopted by the department and a certification by an officer of 21 the company that the filing includes all similar forms. 22 Section 6. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section 23 627.411, Florida Statutes, is amended, and subsections (3), 24 (4), and (5) are added to that section, to read: 25 627.411 Grounds for disapproval.-- 26 (1) The department shall disapprove any form filed 27 under s. 627.410, or withdraw any previous approval thereof, 28 only if the form: 29 (e) Is for health insurance, and: 30 1. Provides benefits that which are unreasonable in 31 relation to the premium charged based on the original filed 17 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 and approved loss ratio for the form and rules adopted by the 2 department under s. 627.410(6)(b);, 3 2. Contains provisions that which are unfair or 4 inequitable or contrary to the public policy of this state or 5 that which encourage misrepresentation;, or 6 3. Contains provisions that which apply rating 7 practices that which result in premium escalations that are 8 not viable for the policyholder market or result in unfair 9 discrimination under s. 626.9541(1)(g)2.; or in sales 10 practices. 11 4. Results in actuarially justified annual rate 12 increases: 13 a. Which includes a reduction by the insurer of its 14 loss ratio that affects the rate by more than the greater of 15 50 percent of trend or 5 percent. At its option, the insurer 16 may file for approval of the actuarially justified rate 17 schedule for new insureds and a rate increase for existing 18 insureds where the increase due to the loss ratio reduction is 19 limited to the greater of 50 percent of medical trend or 5 20 percent. Future annual rate increases for existing insureds 21 must be limited to the greater of 150 percent of the rate 22 increase approved for new insureds or 10 percent until the two 23 rate schedules converge; 24 b. In excess of the greater of 150 percent of annual 25 medical trend or 10 percent and the company did not comply 26 with the annual filing requirements of s. 627.410(7) or 27 department rule for health maintenance organizations pursuant 28 to s. 641.31. At its option, the insurer may file for approval 29 of an actuarially justified new business rate schedule for new 30 insureds and a rate increase for existing insureds which is 31 equal to the rate increase otherwise allowed by this 18 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 sub-subparagraph. Future annual rate increases for existing 2 insureds are limited to the greater of 150 percent of the rate 3 increase approved for new insureds or 10 percent until the two 4 rate schedules converge; or 5 c. In excess of the greater of 150 percent of annual 6 medical trend or 10 percent on a form or block of pooled forms 7 in which no form is currently available for sale. This 8 sub-subparagraph does not apply to prestandardized Medicare 9 supplement forms. 10 (3) If a health insurance rate filing changes the 11 established rate relationships between insureds, the aggregate 12 effect of such a change must be revenue-neutral. The change to 13 the new relationship must be phased-in over a period approved 14 by the department. The department may not require the phase-in 15 period to exceed 3 years in duration. The rate filing may also 16 include increases based on overall experience or annual 17 medical trend, or both, which portions are not to be phased-in 18 pursuant to this subsection. 19 (4) Individual health insurance policies that are 20 subject to renewability requirements of s. 627.6425 are 21 guaranteed renewable for purposes of establishing loss ratio 22 standards and must comply with the same loss ratio standards 23 as other guaranteed renewable forms. 24 (5) In determining medical trend for application of 25 subparagraph (1)(e)4., the department shall semiannually 26 determine medical trend for each health care market, using 27 reasonable actuarial techniques and standards. The trend must 28 be adopted by the department by rule and determined as 29 follows: 30 (a) Trend must be determined separately for medical 31 expense, preferred provider organization, Medicare supplement, 19 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 health maintenance organization, and other coverage for 2 individual, small group, and large group, where applicable. 3 (b) The department shall survey insurers and health 4 maintenance organizations currently issuing products and 5 representing at least an 80-percent market share based on 6 premiums earned in the state for the most recent calendar year 7 for each of the categories specified in paragraph (a). 8 (c) Trend must be computed as the average annual 9 medical trend approved for the carriers surveyed, giving 10 appropriate weight to each carrier's statewide market share of 11 earned premiums. 12 (d) The annual trend is the annual change in claims 13 cost per unit of exposure. Trend includes the combined effect 14 of medical provider price changes, changes in utilization, new 15 medical procedures, and technology and cost shifting. 16 Section 7. Section 627.6131, Florida Statutes, is 17 created to read: 18 627.6131 Payment of claims.-- 19 (1) The contract shall include the following 20 provision: 21 22 "Time of Payment of Claims: After receiving 23 written proof of loss, the insurer will pay 24 monthly all benefits then due for ...(type of 25 benefit).... Benefits for any other loss 26 covered by this policy will be paid as soon as 27 the insurer receives proper written proof." 28 29 (2) As used in this section, the term "claim" for a 30 noninstitutional provider means a paper or electronic billing 31 instrument submitted to the insurer's designated location that 20 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 consists of the HCFA 1500 data set, or its successor, that has 2 all mandatory entries for a physician licensed under chapter 3 458, chapter 459, chapter 460, chapter 461, or chapter 463; a 4 psychologist licensed under chapter 490; or any appropriate 5 billing instrument that has all mandatory entries for any 6 other noninstitutional provider. For institutional providers, 7 "claim" means a paper or electronic billing instrument 8 submitted to the insurer's designated location that consists 9 of the UB-92 data set or its successor, with entries stated as 10 mandatory by the National Uniform Billing Committee. 11 (3) All claims for payment, whether electronic or 12 nonelectronic: 13 (a) Are considered received on the date the claim is 14 received by the insurer at its designated claims receipt 15 location. 16 (b) Must be mailed or electronically transferred to an 17 insurer within 6 months after completion of the service and 18 the provider is furnished with the correct name and address of 19 the patient's health insurer. Submission of a provider's claim 20 is considered made on the date it is electronically 21 transferred or mailed. 22 (c) Must not duplicate a claim previously submitted 23 unless it is determined that the original claim was not 24 received or is otherwise lost. 25 (4) For all electronically submitted claims, a health 26 insurer shall: 27 (a) Within 24 hours after the beginning of the next 28 business day after receipt of the claim, provide electronic 29 acknowledgment of the receipt of the claim to the electronic 30 source submitting the claim. 31 (b) Within 20 days after receipt of the claim, pay the 21 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 claim or notify a provider or designee if a claim is denied or 2 contested. Notice of the insurer's action on the claim and 3 payment of the claim is considered to be made on the date the 4 notice or payment was mailed or electronically transferred. 5 (c)1. Notification of the health insurer's 6 determination of a contested claim must be accompanied by an 7 itemized list of additional information or documents the 8 insurer can reasonably determine are necessary to process the 9 claim. 10 2. A provider must submit the additional information 11 or documentation, as specified on the itemized list, within 35 12 days after receipt of the notification. Failure of a provider 13 to submit by mail or electronically the additional information 14 or documentation requested within 35 days after receipt of the 15 notification may result in denial of the claim. 16 3. A health insurer may not make more than one request 17 for documents under this paragraph in connection with a claim, 18 unless the provider fails to submit all of the requested 19 documents to process the claim or if documents submitted by 20 the provider raise new additional issues not included in the 21 original written itemization, in which case the health insurer 22 may provide the provider with one additional opportunity to 23 submit the additional documents needed to process the claim. 24 In no case may the health insurer request duplicate documents. 25 (d) For purposes of this subsection, electronic means 26 of transmission of claims, notices, documents, forms, and 27 payments shall be used to the greatest extent possible by the 28 health insurer and the provider. 29 (e) A claim must be paid or denied within 90 days 30 after receipt of the claim. Failure to pay or deny a claim 31 within 120 days after receipt of the claim creates an 22 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 uncontestable obligation to pay the claim. 2 (5) For all nonelectronically submitted claims, a 3 health insurer shall: 4 (a) Effective November 1, 2003, provide acknowledgment 5 of receipt of the claim within 15 days after receipt of the 6 claim to the provider or provide a provider within 15 days 7 after receipt with electronic access to the status of a 8 submitted claim. 9 (b) Within 40 days after receipt of the claim, pay the 10 claim or notify a provider or designee if a claim is denied or 11 contested. Notice of the insurer's action on the claim and 12 payment of the claim is considered to be made on the date the 13 notice or payment was mailed or electronically transferred. 14 (c)1. Notification of the health insurer's 15 determination of a contested claim must be accompanied by an 16 itemized list of additional information or documents the 17 insurer can reasonably determine are necessary to process the 18 claim. 19 2. A provider must submit the additional information 20 or documentation, as specified on the itemized list, within 35 21 days after receipt of the notification. Failure of a provider 22 to submit by mail or electronically the additional information 23 or documentation requested within 35 days after receipt of the 24 notification may result in denial of the claim. 25 3. A health insurer may not make more than one request 26 for documents under this paragraph in connection with a claim 27 unless the provider fails to submit all of the requested 28 documents to process the claim or if documents submitted by 29 the provider raise new additional issues not included in the 30 original written itemization, in which case the health insurer 31 may provide the provider with one additional opportunity to 23 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 submit the additional documents needed to process the claim. 2 In no case may the health insurer request duplicate documents. 3 (d) For purposes of this subsection, electronic means 4 of transmission of claims, notices, documents, forms, and 5 payments shall be used to the greatest extent possible by the 6 health insurer and the provider. 7 (e) A claim must be paid or denied within 120 days 8 after receipt of the claim. Failure to pay or deny a claim 9 within 140 days after receipt of the claim creates an 10 uncontestable obligation to pay the claim. 11 (6) If a health insurer determines that it has made an 12 overpayment to a provider for services rendered to an insured, 13 the health insurer must make a claim for such overpayment to 14 the provider's designated location. A health insurer that 15 makes a claim for overpayment to a provider under this section 16 shall give the provider a written or electronic statement 17 specifying the basis for the retroactive denial or payment 18 adjustment. The insurer must identify the claim or claims, or 19 overpayment claim portion thereof, for which a claim for 20 overpayment is submitted. 21 (a) If an overpayment determination is the result of 22 retroactive review or audit of coverage decisions or payment 23 levels not related to fraud, a health insurer shall adhere to 24 the following procedures: 25 1. All claims for overpayment must be submitted to a 26 provider within 30 months after the health insurer's payment 27 of the claim. A provider must pay, deny, or contest the health 28 insurer's claim for overpayment within 40 days after the 29 receipt of the claim. All contested claims for overpayment 30 must be paid or denied within 120 days after receipt of the 31 claim. Failure to pay or deny overpayment and claim within 140 24 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 days after receipt creates an uncontestable obligation to pay 2 the claim. 3 2. A provider that denies or contests a health 4 insurer's claim for overpayment or any portion of a claim 5 shall notify the health insurer, in writing, within 35 days 6 after the provider receives the claim that the claim for 7 overpayment is contested or denied. The notice that the claim 8 for overpayment is denied or contested must identify the 9 contested portion of the claim and the specific reason for 10 contesting or denying the claim and, if contested, must 11 include a request for additional information. If the health 12 insurer submits additional information, the health insurer 13 must, within 35 days after receipt of the request, mail or 14 electronically transfer the information to the provider. The 15 provider shall pay or deny the claim for overpayment within 45 16 days after receipt of the information. The notice is 17 considered made on the date the notice is mailed or 18 electronically transferred by the provider. 19 3. Failure of a health insurer to respond to a 20 provider's contesting of claim or request for additional 21 information regarding the claim within 35 days after receipt 22 of such notice may result in denial of the claim. 23 4. The health insurer may not reduce payment to the 24 provider for other services unless the provider agrees to the 25 reduction in writing or fails to respond to the health 26 insurer's overpayment claim as required by this paragraph. 27 5. Payment of an overpayment claim is considered made 28 on the date the payment was mailed or electronically 29 transferred. An overdue payment of a claim bears simple 30 interest at the rate of 12 percent per year. Interest on an 31 overdue payment for a claim for an overpayment begins to 25 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 accrue when the claim should have been paid, denied, or 2 contested. 3 (b) A claim for overpayment shall not be permitted 4 beyond 30 months after the health insurer's payment of a 5 claim, except that claims for overpayment may be sought beyond 6 that time from providers convicted of fraud pursuant to s. 7 817.234. 8 (7) Payment of a claim is considered made on the date 9 the payment was mailed or electronically transferred. An 10 overdue payment of a claim bears simple interest of 12 percent 11 per year. Interest on an overdue payment for a claim or for 12 any portion of a claim begins to accrue when the claim should 13 have been paid, denied, or contested. The interest is payable 14 with the payment of the claim. 15 (8) For all contracts entered into or renewed on or 16 after October 1, 2002, a health insurer's internal dispute 17 resolution process related to a denied claim not under active 18 review by a mediator, arbitrator, or third-party dispute 19 entity must be finalized within 60 days after the receipt of 20 the provider's request for review or appeal. 21 (9) A provider or any representative of a provider, 22 regardless of whether the provider is under contract with the 23 health insurer, may not collect or attempt to collect money 24 from, maintain any action at law against, or report to a 25 credit agency an insured for payment of covered services for 26 which the health insurer contested or denied the provider's 27 claim. This prohibition applies during the pendency of any 28 claim for payment made by the provider to the health insurer 29 for payment of the services or internal dispute resolution 30 process to determine whether the health insurer is liable for 31 the services. For a claim, this pendency applies from the 26 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 date the claim or a portion of the claim is denied to the date 2 of the completion of the health insurer's internal dispute 3 resolution process, not to exceed 60 days. 4 (10) The provisions of this section may not be waived, 5 voided, or nullified by contract. 6 (11) A health insurer may not retroactively deny a 7 claim because of insured ineligibility more than 1 year after 8 the date of payment of the claim. 9 (12) A health insurer shall pay a contracted primary 10 care or admitting physician, pursuant to such physician's 11 contract, for providing inpatient services in a contracted 12 hospital to an insured if such services are determined by the 13 health insurer to be medically necessary and covered services 14 under the health insurer's contract with the contract holder. 15 (13) Upon written notification by an insured, an 16 insurer shall investigate any claim of improper billing by a 17 physician, hospital, or other health care provider. The 18 insurer shall determine if the insured was properly billed for 19 only those procedures and services that the insured actually 20 received. If the insurer determines that the insured has been 21 improperly billed, the insurer shall notify the insured and 22 the provider of its findings and shall reduce the amount of 23 payment to the provider by the amount determined to be 24 improperly billed. If a reduction is made due to such 25 notification by the insured, the insurer shall pay to the 26 insured 20 percent of the amount of the reduction up to $500. 27 (14) A permissible error ratio of 5 percent is 28 established for insurer's claims payment violations of s. 29 627.6131(4)(a), (b), (c), and (e) and (5)(a), (b), (c), and 30 (e). If the error ratio of a particular insurer does not 31 exceed the permissible error ratio of 5 percent for an audit 27 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 period, no fine shall be assessed for the noted claims 2 violations for the audit period. The error ratio shall be 3 determined by dividing the number of claims with violations 4 found on a statistically valid sample of claims for the audit 5 period by the total number of claims in the sample. If the 6 error ratio exceeds the permissible error ratio of 5 percent, 7 a fine may be assessed according to s. 624.4211 for those 8 claims payment violations which exceed the error ratio. 9 Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the department 10 may fine a health insurer for claims payment violations of s. 11 627.6131(4)(e) and (5)(e) which create an uncontestable 12 obligation to pay the claim. The department shall not fine 13 insurers for violations which the department determines were 14 due to circumstances beyond the insurer's control. 15 (15) This section is applicable only to a major 16 medical expense health insurance policy as defined in s. 17 627.643(2)(e) offered by a group or an individual health 18 insurer licensed pursuant to chapter 624, including a 19 preferred provider policy under s. 627.6471 and an exclusive 20 provider organization under s. 627.6472. 21 (16) Notwithstanding s. 627.6131(4)(b), where an 22 electronic pharmacy claim is submitted to a pharmacy benefits 23 manager acting on behalf of a health insurer the pharmacy 24 benefits manager shall, within 30 days of receipt of the 25 claim, pay the claim or notify a provider or designee if a 26 claim is denied or contested. Notice of the insurer's action 27 on the claim and payment of the claim is considered to be made 28 on the date the notice or payment was mailed or electronically 29 transferred. 30 (17) Notwithstanding s. 627.6131(5)(a), effective 31 November 1, 2003, where a nonelectronic pharmacy claim is 28 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 submitted to a pharmacy benefits manager acting on behalf of a 2 health insurer the pharmacy benefits manager shall provide 3 acknowledgment of receipt of the claim within 30 days after 4 receipt of the claim to the provider or provide a provider 5 within 30 days after receipt with electronic access to the 6 status of a submitted claim. 7 Section 8. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section 8 627.6425, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 9 627.6425 Renewability of individual coverage.-- 10 (2) An insurer may nonrenew or discontinue health 11 insurance coverage of an individual in the individual market 12 based only on one or more of the following: 13 (a) The individual has failed to pay premiums, or 14 contributions, or a required copayment payable to the insurer 15 in accordance with the terms of the health insurance coverage 16 or the insurer has not received timely premium payments. When 17 the copayment is payable to the insurer and exceeds $300, the 18 insurer shall allow the insured up to 90 days after the date 19 of the procedure to pay the required copayment. The insurer 20 shall print in 10-point type on the declaration of benefits 21 page notification that the insured could be terminated for 22 failure to make any required copayment to the insurer. 23 Section 9. Paragraphs (b), (c), and (e) of subsection 24 (7) of section 627.6475, Florida Statutes, are amended to 25 read: 26 627.6475 Individual reinsurance pool.-- 27 (7) INDIVIDUAL HEALTH REINSURANCE PROGRAM.-- 28 (b) A reinsuring carrier may reinsure with the program 29 coverage of an eligible individual, subject to each of the 30 following provisions: 31 1. A reinsuring carrier may reinsure an eligible 29 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 individual within 90 60 days after commencement of the 2 coverage of the eligible individual. 3 2. The program may not reimburse a participating 4 carrier with respect to the claims of a reinsured eligible 5 individual until the carrier has paid incurred claims of an 6 amount equal to the participating carrier's selected 7 deductible level, as established by the board, at least $5,000 8 in a calendar year for benefits covered by the program. In 9 addition, the reinsuring carrier is responsible for 10 percent 10 of the next $50,000 and 5 percent of the next $100,000 of 11 incurred claims during a calendar year, and the program shall 12 reinsure the remainder. 13 3. The board shall annually adjust the initial level 14 of claims and the maximum limit to be retained by the carrier 15 to reflect increases in costs and utilization within the 16 standard market for health benefit plans within the state. The 17 adjustment may not be less than the annual change in the 18 medical component of the "Commerce Price Index for All Urban 19 Consumers" of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United 20 States Department of Labor, unless the board proposes and the 21 department approves a lower adjustment factor. 22 4. A reinsuring carrier may terminate reinsurance for 23 all reinsured eligible individuals on any plan anniversary. 24 5. The premium rate charged for reinsurance by the 25 program to a health maintenance organization that is approved 26 by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as a federally 27 qualified health maintenance organization pursuant to 42 28 U.S.C. s. 300e(c)(2)(A) and that, as such, is subject to 29 requirements that limit the amount of risk that may be ceded 30 to the program, which requirements are more restrictive than 31 subparagraph 2., shall be reduced by an amount equal to that 30 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 portion of the risk, if any, which exceeds the amount set 2 forth in subparagraph 2., which may not be ceded to the 3 program. 4 6. The board may consider adjustments to the premium 5 rates charged for reinsurance by the program or carriers that 6 use effective cost-containment measures, including high-cost 7 case management, as defined by the board. 8 7. A reinsuring carrier shall apply its 9 case-management and claims-handling techniques, including, but 10 not limited to, utilization review, individual case 11 management, preferred provider provisions, other managed-care 12 provisions, or methods of operation consistently with both 13 reinsured business and nonreinsured business. 14 (c)1. The board, as part of the plan of operation, 15 shall establish a methodology for determining premium rates to 16 be charged by the program for reinsuring eligible individuals 17 pursuant to this section. The methodology must include a 18 system for classifying individuals which reflects the types of 19 case characteristics commonly used by carriers in this state. 20 The methodology must provide for the development of basic 21 reinsurance premium rates, which shall be multiplied by the 22 factors set for them in this paragraph to determine the 23 premium rates for the program. The basic reinsurance premium 24 rates shall be established by the board, subject to the 25 approval of the department, and shall be set at levels that 26 reasonably approximate gross premiums charged to eligible 27 individuals for individual health insurance by health 28 insurance issuers. The premium rates set by the board may vary 29 by geographical area, as determined under this section, to 30 reflect differences in cost. An eligible individual may be 31 reinsured for a rate that is five times the rate established 31 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 by the board. 2 2. The board shall periodically review the methodology 3 established, including the system of classification and any 4 rating factors, to ensure that it reasonably reflects the 5 claims experience of the program. The board may propose 6 changes to the rates that are subject to the approval of the 7 department. 8 (e)1. Before September March 1 of each calendar year, 9 the board shall determine and report to the department the 10 program net loss in the individual account for the previous 11 year, including administrative expenses for that year and the 12 incurred losses for that year, taking into account investment 13 income and other appropriate gains and losses. 14 2. Any net loss in the individual account for the year 15 shall be recouped by assessing the carriers as follows: 16 a. The operating losses of the program shall be 17 assessed in the following order subject to the specified 18 limitations. The first tier of assessments shall be made 19 against reinsuring carriers in an amount that may not exceed 5 20 percent of each reinsuring carrier's premiums for individual 21 health insurance. If such assessments have been collected and 22 additional moneys are needed, the board shall make a second 23 tier of assessments in an amount that may not exceed 0.5 24 percent of each carrier's health benefit plan premiums. 25 b. Except as provided in paragraph (f), risk-assuming 26 carriers are exempt from all assessments authorized pursuant 27 to this section. The amount paid by a reinsuring carrier for 28 the first tier of assessments shall be credited against any 29 additional assessments made. 30 c. The board shall equitably assess reinsuring 31 carriers for operating losses of the individual account based 32 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 on market share. The board shall annually assess each carrier 2 a portion of the operating losses of the individual account. 3 The first tier of assessments shall be determined by 4 multiplying the operating losses by a fraction, the numerator 5 of which equals the reinsuring carrier's earned premium 6 pertaining to direct writings of individual health insurance 7 in the state during the calendar year for which the assessment 8 is levied, and the denominator of which equals the total of 9 all such premiums earned by reinsuring carriers in the state 10 during that calendar year. The second tier of assessments 11 shall be based on the premiums that all carriers, except 12 risk-assuming carriers, earned on all health benefit plans 13 written in this state. The board may levy interim assessments 14 against reinsuring carriers to ensure the financial ability of 15 the plan to cover claims expenses and administrative expenses 16 paid or estimated to be paid in the operation of the plan for 17 the calendar year prior to the association's anticipated 18 receipt of annual assessments for that calendar year. Any 19 interim assessment is due and payable within 30 days after 20 receipt by a carrier of the interim assessment notice. Interim 21 assessment payments shall be credited against the carrier's 22 annual assessment. Health benefit plan premiums and benefits 23 paid by a carrier that are less than an amount determined by 24 the board to justify the cost of collection may not be 25 considered for purposes of determining assessments. 26 d. Subject to the approval of the department, the 27 board shall adjust the assessment formula for reinsuring 28 carriers that are approved as federally qualified health 29 maintenance organizations by the Secretary of Health and Human 30 Services pursuant to 42 U.S.C. s. 300e(c)(2)(A) to the extent, 31 if any, that restrictions are placed on them which are not 33 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 imposed on other carriers. 2 3. Before September March 1 of each year, the board 3 shall determine and file with the department an estimate of 4 the assessments needed to fund the losses incurred by the 5 program in the individual account for the previous calendar 6 year. 7 4. If the board determines that the assessments needed 8 to fund the losses incurred by the program in the individual 9 account for the previous calendar year will exceed the amount 10 specified in subparagraph 2., the board shall evaluate the 11 operation of the program and report its findings and 12 recommendations to the department in the format established in 13 s. 627.6699(11) for the comparable report for the small 14 employer reinsurance program. 15 Section 10. Subsection (4) of section 627.651, Florida 16 Statutes, is amended to read: 17 627.651 Group contracts and plans of self-insurance 18 must meet group requirements.-- 19 (4) This section does not apply to any plan which is 20 established or maintained by an individual employer in 21 accordance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 22 1974, Pub. L. No. 93-406, or to a multiple-employer welfare 23 arrangement as defined in s. 624.437(1), except that a 24 multiple-employer welfare arrangement shall comply with ss. 25 627.419, 627.657, 627.6575, 627.6578, 627.6579, 627.6612, 26 627.66121, 627.66122, 627.6615, 627.6616, and 627.662(7) 27 627.662(6). This subsection does not allow an authorized 28 insurer to issue a group health insurance policy or 29 certificate which does not comply with this part. 30 Section 11. Section 627.662, Florida Statutes, is 31 amended to read: 34 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 627.662 Other provisions applicable.--The following 2 provisions apply to group health insurance, blanket health 3 insurance, and franchise health insurance: 4 (1) Section 627.569, relating to use of dividends, 5 refunds, rate reductions, commissions, and service fees. 6 (2) Section 627.602(1)(f) and (2), relating to 7 identification numbers and statement of deductible provisions. 8 (3) Section 627.635, relating to excess insurance. 9 (4) Section 627.638, relating to direct payment for 10 hospital or medical services. 11 (5) Section 627.640, relating to filing and 12 classification of rates. 13 (6) Section 627.613, relating to timely payment of 14 claims, or s. 627.6131, relating to payment of claims. 15 (7)(6) Section 627.645(1), relating to denial of 16 claims. 17 (8)(7) Section 627.613, relating to time of payment of 18 claims. 19 (9)(8) Section 627.6471, relating to preferred 20 provider organizations. 21 (10)(9) Section 627.6472, relating to exclusive 22 provider organizations. 23 (11)(10) Section 627.6473, relating to combined 24 preferred provider and exclusive provider policies. 25 (12)(11) Section 627.6474, relating to provider 26 contracts. 27 Section 12. Subsection (6) of section 627.667, Florida 28 Statutes, is amended to read: 29 627.667 Extension of benefits.-- 30 (6) This section also applies to holders of group 31 certificates which are renewed, delivered, or issued for 35 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 delivery to residents of this state under group policies 2 effectuated or delivered outside this state, unless a 3 succeeding carrier under a group policy has agreed to assume 4 liability for the benefits. 5 Section 13. Paragraph (e) of subsection (5) of section 6 627.6692, Florida Statutes, as amended by section 1 of chapter 7 2001-353, Laws of Florida, is amended to read: 8 627.6692 Florida Health Insurance Coverage 9 Continuation Act.-- 10 (5) CONTINUATION OF COVERAGE UNDER GROUP HEALTH 11 PLANS.-- 12 (e)1. A covered employee or other qualified 13 beneficiary who wishes continuation of coverage must pay the 14 initial premium and elect such continuation in writing to the 15 insurance carrier issuing the employer's group health plan 16 within 63 30 days after receiving notice from the insurance 17 carrier under paragraph (d). Subsequent premiums are due by 18 the grace period expiration date. The insurance carrier or 19 the insurance carrier's designee shall process all elections 20 promptly and provide coverage retroactively to the date 21 coverage would otherwise have terminated. The premium due 22 shall be for the period beginning on the date coverage would 23 have otherwise terminated due to the qualifying event. The 24 first premium payment must include the coverage paid to the 25 end of the month in which the first payment is made. After 26 the election, the insurance carrier must bill the qualified 27 beneficiary for premiums once each month, with a due date on 28 the first of the month of coverage and allowing a 30-day grace 29 period for payment. 30 2. Except as otherwise specified in an election, any 31 election by a qualified beneficiary shall be deemed to include 36 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 an election of continuation of coverage on behalf of any other 2 qualified beneficiary residing in the same household who would 3 lose coverage under the group health plan by reason of a 4 qualifying event. This subparagraph does not preclude a 5 qualified beneficiary from electing continuation of coverage 6 on behalf of any other qualified beneficiary. 7 Section 14. Paragraphs (i), (m), and (n) of subsection 8 (3), paragraph (c) of subsection (5), paragraph (b) of 9 subsection (6), paragraphs (f), (g), (h), and (j) of 10 subsection (11), and subsections (12) and (15) of section 11 627.6699, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 12 627.6699 Employee Health Care Access Act.-- 13 (3) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term: 14 (i) "Established geographic area" means the county or 15 counties, or any portion of a county or counties, within which 16 the carrier provides or arranges for health care services to 17 be available to its insureds, members, or subscribers. 18 (m) "Flexible Limited benefit policy or contract" 19 means a policy or contract that provides coverage for each 20 person insured under the policy and for a specifically named 21 disease or diseases, a specifically named accident, or a 22 specifically named limited market that fulfills a an 23 experimental or reasonable need by providing more affordable 24 health insurance to a small employer or a small employer 25 health alliance under s. 627.654, such as the small group 26 market. 27 (n) "Modified community rating" means a method used to 28 develop carrier premiums which spreads financial risk across a 29 large population; allows the use of separate rating factors 30 for age, gender, family composition, tobacco usage, and 31 geographic area as determined under paragraph (5)(j); and 37 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 allows adjustments for: claims experience, health status, or 2 duration of coverage as permitted under subparagraph (6)(b)5.; 3 and administrative and acquisition expenses as permitted under 4 subparagraph (6)(b)5. 5 (5) AVAILABILITY OF COVERAGE.-- 6 (c) Every small employer carrier must, as a condition 7 of transacting business in this state: 8 1. Beginning July 1, 2000, offer and issue all small 9 employer health benefit plans on a guaranteed-issue basis to 10 every eligible small employer, with 2 to 50 eligible 11 employees, that elects to be covered under such plan, agrees 12 to make the required premium payments, and satisfies the other 13 provisions of the plan. A rider for additional or increased 14 benefits may be medically underwritten and may only be added 15 to the standard health benefit plan. The increased rate 16 charged for the additional or increased benefit must be rated 17 in accordance with this section. 18 2. Beginning July 1, 2000, and until July 31, 2001, 19 offer and issue basic and standard small employer health 20 benefit plans on a guaranteed-issue basis to every eligible 21 small employer which is eligible for guaranteed renewal, has 22 less than two eligible employees, is not formed primarily for 23 the purpose of buying health insurance, elects to be covered 24 under such plan, agrees to make the required premium payments, 25 and satisfies the other provisions of the plan. A rider for 26 additional or increased benefits may be medically underwritten 27 and may be added only to the standard benefit plan. The 28 increased rate charged for the additional or increased benefit 29 must be rated in accordance with this section. For purposes of 30 this subparagraph, a person, his or her spouse, and his or her 31 dependent children shall constitute a single eligible employee 38 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 if that person and spouse are employed by the same small 2 employer and either one has a normal work week of less than 25 3 hours. 4 3.a. Beginning August 1, 2001, offer and issue basic 5 and standard small employer health benefit plans on a 6 guaranteed-issue basis, during a 31-day open enrollment period 7 of August 1 through August 31 of each year, to every eligible 8 small employer, with fewer than two eligible employees, which 9 small employer is not formed primarily for the purpose of 10 buying health insurance and which elects to be covered under 11 such plan, agrees to make the required premium payments, and 12 satisfies the other provisions of the plan. Coverage provided 13 under this subparagraph shall begin on October 1 of the same 14 year as the date of enrollment, unless the small employer 15 carrier and the small employer agree to a different date. A 16 rider for additional or increased benefits may be medically 17 underwritten and may only be added to the standard health 18 benefit plan. The increased rate charged for the additional 19 or increased benefit must be rated in accordance with this 20 section. For purposes of this subparagraph, a person, his or 21 her spouse, and his or her dependent children constitute a 22 single eligible employee if that person and spouse are 23 employed by the same small employer and either that person or 24 his or her spouse has a normal work week of less than 25 25 hours. 26 b. Notwithstanding the restrictions set forth in 27 sub-subparagraph a., when a small employer group is losing 28 coverage because a carrier is exercising the provisions of s. 29 627.6571(3)(b) or s. 641.31074(3)(b), the eligible small 30 employer, as defined in sub-subparagraph a., is entitled to 31 enroll with another carrier offering small employer coverage 39 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 within 63 days after the notice of termination or the 2 termination date of the prior coverage, whichever is later. 3 Coverage provided under this sub-subparagraph begins 4 immediately upon enrollment, unless the small employer carrier 5 and the small employer agree to a different date. 6 4. This paragraph does not limit a carrier's ability 7 to offer other health benefit plans to small employers if the 8 standard and basic health benefit plans are offered and 9 rejected. 10 (6) RESTRICTIONS RELATING TO PREMIUM RATES.-- 11 (b) For all small employer health benefit plans that 12 are subject to this section and are issued by small employer 13 carriers on or after January 1, 1994, premium rates for health 14 benefit plans subject to this section are subject to the 15 following: 16 1. Small employer carriers must use a modified 17 community rating methodology in which the premium for each 18 small employer must be determined solely on the basis of the 19 eligible employee's and eligible dependent's gender, age, 20 family composition, tobacco use, or geographic area as 21 determined under paragraph (5)(j) and in which the premium may 22 be adjusted as permitted by subparagraphs 5., and 6., and 7. 23 2. Rating factors related to age, gender, family 24 composition, tobacco use, or geographic location may be 25 developed by each carrier to reflect the carrier's experience. 26 The factors used by carriers are subject to department review 27 and approval. 28 3. Small employer carriers may not modify the rate for 29 a small employer for 12 months from the initial issue date or 30 renewal date, unless the composition of the group changes or 31 benefits are changed. However, a small employer carrier may 40 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 modify the rate one time prior to 12 months after the initial 2 issue date for a small employer who enrolls under a previously 3 issued group policy that has a common anniversary date for all 4 employers covered under the policy if: 5 a. The carrier discloses to the employer in a clear 6 and conspicuous manner the date of the first renewal and the 7 fact that the premium may increase on or after that date. 8 b. The insurer demonstrates to the department that 9 efficiencies in administration are achieved and reflected in 10 the rates charged to small employers covered under the policy. 11 4. A carrier may issue a group health insurance policy 12 to a small employer health alliance or other group association 13 with rates that reflect a premium credit for expense savings 14 attributable to administrative activities being performed by 15 the alliance or group association if such expense savings are 16 specifically documented in the insurer's rate filing and are 17 approved by the department. Any such credit may not be based 18 on different morbidity assumptions or on any other factor 19 related to the health status or claims experience of any 20 person covered under the policy. Nothing in this subparagraph 21 exempts an alliance or group association from licensure for 22 any activities that require licensure under the insurance 23 code. A carrier issuing a group health insurance policy to a 24 small employer health alliance or other group association 25 shall allow any properly licensed and appointed agent of that 26 carrier to market and sell the small employer health alliance 27 or other group association policy. Such agent shall be paid 28 the usual and customary commission paid to any agent selling 29 the policy. 30 5. Any adjustments in rates for claims experience, 31 health status, or duration of coverage may not be charged to 41 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 individual employees or dependents. For a small employer's 2 policy, such adjustments may not result in a rate for the 3 small employer which deviates more than 15 percent from the 4 carrier's approved rate. Any such adjustment must be applied 5 uniformly to the rates charged for all employees and 6 dependents of the small employer. A small employer carrier may 7 make an adjustment to a small employer's renewal premium, not 8 to exceed 10 percent annually, due to the claims experience, 9 health status, or duration of coverage of the employees or 10 dependents of the small employer. Semiannually, small group 11 carriers shall report information on forms adopted by rule by 12 the department, to enable the department to monitor the 13 relationship of aggregate adjusted premiums actually charged 14 policyholders by each carrier to the premiums that would have 15 been charged by application of the carrier's approved modified 16 community rates. If the aggregate resulting from the 17 application of such adjustment exceeds the premium that would 18 have been charged by application of the approved modified 19 community rate by 5 percent for the current reporting period, 20 the carrier shall limit the application of such adjustments 21 only to minus adjustments beginning not more than 60 days 22 after the report is sent to the department. For any subsequent 23 reporting period, if the total aggregate adjusted premium 24 actually charged does not exceed the premium that would have 25 been charged by application of the approved modified community 26 rate by 5 percent, the carrier may apply both plus and minus 27 adjustments. A small employer carrier may provide a credit to 28 a small employer's premium based on administrative and 29 acquisition expense differences resulting from the size of the 30 group. Group size administrative and acquisition expense 31 factors may be developed by each carrier to reflect the 42 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 carrier's experience and are subject to department review and 2 approval. 3 6. A small employer carrier rating methodology may 4 include separate rating categories for one dependent child, 5 for two dependent children, and for three or more dependent 6 children for family coverage of employees having a spouse and 7 dependent children or employees having dependent children 8 only. A small employer carrier may have fewer, but not 9 greater, numbers of categories for dependent children than 10 those specified in this subparagraph. 11 7. Small employer carriers may not use a composite 12 rating methodology to rate a small employer with fewer than 10 13 employees. For the purposes of this subparagraph, a "composite 14 rating methodology" means a rating methodology that averages 15 the impact of the rating factors for age and gender in the 16 premiums charged to all of the employees of a small employer. 17 8.a. A carrier may separate the experience of small 18 employer groups with less than 2 eligible employees from the 19 experience of small employer groups with 2-50 eligible 20 employees for purposes of determining an alternative modified 21 community rating. 22 b. If a carrier separates the experience of small 23 employer groups as provided in sub-subparagraph a., the rate 24 to be charged to small employer groups of less than 2 eligible 25 employees may not exceed 150 percent of the rate determined 26 for small employer groups of 2-50 eligible employees. However, 27 the carrier may charge excess losses of the experience pool 28 consisting of small employer groups with less than 2 eligible 29 employees to the experience pool consisting of small employer 30 groups with 2-50 eligible employees so that all losses are 31 allocated and the 150-percent rate limit on the experience 43 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 pool consisting of small employer groups with less than 2 2 eligible employees is maintained. Notwithstanding s. 3 627.411(1), the rate to be charged to a small employer group 4 of fewer than 2 eligible employees, insured as of July 1, 5 2002, may be up to 125 percent of the rate determined for 6 small employer groups of 2-50 eligible employees for the first 7 annual renewal and 150 percent for subsequent annual renewals. 8 (11) SMALL EMPLOYER HEALTH REINSURANCE PROGRAM.-- 9 (f) The program has the general powers and authority 10 granted under the laws of this state to insurance companies 11 and health maintenance organizations licensed to transact 12 business, except the power to issue health benefit plans 13 directly to groups or individuals. In addition thereto, the 14 program has specific authority to: 15 1. Enter into contracts as necessary or proper to 16 carry out the provisions and purposes of this act, including 17 the authority to enter into contracts with similar programs of 18 other states for the joint performance of common functions or 19 with persons or other organizations for the performance of 20 administrative functions. 21 2. Sue or be sued, including taking any legal action 22 necessary or proper for recovering any assessments and 23 penalties for, on behalf of, or against the program or any 24 carrier. 25 3. Take any legal action necessary to avoid the 26 payment of improper claims against the program. 27 4. Issue reinsurance policies, in accordance with the 28 requirements of this act. 29 5. Establish rules, conditions, and procedures for 30 reinsurance risks under the program participation. 31 6. Establish actuarial functions as appropriate for 44 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 the operation of the program. 2 7. Assess participating carriers in accordance with 3 paragraph (j), and make advance interim assessments as may be 4 reasonable and necessary for organizational and interim 5 operating expenses. Interim assessments shall be credited as 6 offsets against any regular assessments due following the 7 close of the calendar year. 8 8. Appoint appropriate legal, actuarial, and other 9 committees as necessary to provide technical assistance in the 10 operation of the program, and in any other function within the 11 authority of the program. 12 9. Borrow money to effect the purposes of the program. 13 Any notes or other evidences of indebtedness of the program 14 which are not in default constitute legal investments for 15 carriers and may be carried as admitted assets. 16 10. To the extent necessary, increase the $5,000 17 deductible reinsurance requirement to adjust for the effects 18 of inflation. The program may evaluate the desirability of 19 establishing differing levels of deductibles. If differing 20 levels of deductibles are established, such levels and the 21 resulting premiums must be approved by the department. 22 (g) A reinsuring carrier may reinsure with the program 23 coverage of an eligible employee of a small employer, or any 24 dependent of such an employee, subject to each of the 25 following provisions: 26 1. With respect to a standard and basic health care 27 plan, the program may must reinsure the level of coverage 28 provided; and, with respect to any other plan, the program may 29 must reinsure the coverage up to, but not exceeding, the level 30 of coverage provided under the standard and basic health care 31 plan. As an alternative to reinsuring the entire level of 45 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 coverage provided, the program may develop corridors of 2 reinsurance designed to coordinate with a reinsuring carrier's 3 existing reinsurance. The corridors of reinsurance and 4 resulting premiums must be approved by the department. 5 2. Except in the case of a late enrollee, a reinsuring 6 carrier may reinsure an eligible employee or dependent within 7 90 60 days after the commencement of the coverage of the small 8 employer. A newly employed eligible employee or dependent of a 9 small employer may be reinsured within 90 60 days after the 10 commencement of his or her coverage. 11 3. A small employer carrier may reinsure an entire 12 employer group within 90 60 days after the commencement of the 13 group's coverage under the plan. The carrier may choose to 14 reinsure newly eligible employees and dependents of the 15 reinsured group pursuant to subparagraph 1. 16 4. The program may evaluate the option of allowing a 17 small employer carrier to reinsure an entire employer group or 18 an eligible employee at the first or subsequent renewal date. 19 Any such option and the resulting premium must be approved by 20 the department. 21 5.4. The program may not reimburse a participating 22 carrier with respect to the claims of a reinsured employee or 23 dependent until the carrier has paid incurred claims of an 24 amount equal to the participating carrier's selected 25 deductible level at least $5,000 in a calendar year for 26 benefits covered by the program. In addition, the reinsuring 27 carrier shall be responsible for 10 percent of the next 28 $50,000 and 5 percent of the next $100,000 of incurred claims 29 during a calendar year and the program shall reinsure the 30 remainder. 31 6.5. The board annually may shall adjust the initial 46 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 level of claims and the maximum limit to be retained by the 2 carrier to reflect increases in costs and utilization within 3 the standard market for health benefit plans within the state. 4 The adjustment shall not be less than the annual change in the 5 medical component of the "Consumer Price Index for All Urban 6 Consumers" of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department 7 of Labor, unless the board proposes and the department 8 approves a lower adjustment factor. 9 7.6. A small employer carrier may terminate 10 reinsurance for all reinsured employees or dependents on any 11 plan anniversary. 12 8.7. The premium rate charged for reinsurance by the 13 program to a health maintenance organization that is approved 14 by the Secretary of Health and Human Services as a federally 15 qualified health maintenance organization pursuant to 42 16 U.S.C. s. 300e(c)(2)(A) and that, as such, is subject to 17 requirements that limit the amount of risk that may be ceded 18 to the program, which requirements are more restrictive than 19 subparagraph 4., shall be reduced by an amount equal to that 20 portion of the risk, if any, which exceeds the amount set 21 forth in subparagraph 4. which may not be ceded to the 22 program. 23 9.8. The board may consider adjustments to the premium 24 rates charged for reinsurance by the program for carriers that 25 use effective cost containment measures, including high-cost 26 case management, as defined by the board. 27 10.9. A reinsuring carrier shall apply its 28 case-management and claims-handling techniques, including, but 29 not limited to, utilization review, individual case 30 management, preferred provider provisions, other managed care 31 provisions or methods of operation, consistently with both 47 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 reinsured business and nonreinsured business. 2 (h)1. The board, as part of the plan of operation, 3 shall establish a methodology for determining premium rates to 4 be charged by the program for reinsuring small employers and 5 individuals pursuant to this section. The methodology shall 6 include a system for classification of small employers that 7 reflects the types of case characteristics commonly used by 8 small employer carriers in the state. The methodology shall 9 provide for the development of basic reinsurance premium 10 rates, which shall be multiplied by the factors set for them 11 in this paragraph to determine the premium rates for the 12 program. The basic reinsurance premium rates shall be 13 established by the board, subject to the approval of the 14 department, and shall be set at levels which reasonably 15 approximate gross premiums charged to small employers by small 16 employer carriers for health benefit plans with benefits 17 similar to the standard and basic health benefit plan. The 18 premium rates set by the board may vary by geographical area, 19 as determined under this section, to reflect differences in 20 cost. The multiplying factors must be established as follows: 21 a. The entire group may be reinsured for a rate that 22 is 1.5 times the rate established by the board. 23 b. An eligible employee or dependent may be reinsured 24 for a rate that is 5 times the rate established by the board. 25 2. The board periodically shall review the methodology 26 established, including the system of classification and any 27 rating factors, to assure that it reasonably reflects the 28 claims experience of the program. The board may propose 29 changes to the rates which shall be subject to the approval of 30 the department. 31 (j)1. Before September March 1 of each calendar year, 48 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 the board shall determine and report to the department the 2 program net loss for the previous year, including 3 administrative expenses for that year, and the incurred losses 4 for the year, taking into account investment income and other 5 appropriate gains and losses. 6 2. Any net loss for the year shall be recouped by 7 assessment of the carriers, as follows: 8 a. The operating losses of the program shall be 9 assessed in the following order subject to the specified 10 limitations. The first tier of assessments shall be made 11 against reinsuring carriers in an amount which shall not 12 exceed 5 percent of each reinsuring carrier's premiums from 13 health benefit plans covering small employers. If such 14 assessments have been collected and additional moneys are 15 needed, the board shall make a second tier of assessments in 16 an amount which shall not exceed 0.5 percent of each carrier's 17 health benefit plan premiums. Except as provided in paragraph 18 (n), risk-assuming carriers are exempt from all assessments 19 authorized pursuant to this section. The amount paid by a 20 reinsuring carrier for the first tier of assessments shall be 21 credited against any additional assessments made. 22 b. The board shall equitably assess carriers for 23 operating losses of the plan based on market share. The board 24 shall annually assess each carrier a portion of the operating 25 losses of the plan. The first tier of assessments shall be 26 determined by multiplying the operating losses by a fraction, 27 the numerator of which equals the reinsuring carrier's earned 28 premium pertaining to direct writings of small employer health 29 benefit plans in the state during the calendar year for which 30 the assessment is levied, and the denominator of which equals 31 the total of all such premiums earned by reinsuring carriers 49 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 in the state during that calendar year. The second tier of 2 assessments shall be based on the premiums that all carriers, 3 except risk-assuming carriers, earned on all health benefit 4 plans written in this state. The board may levy interim 5 assessments against carriers to ensure the financial ability 6 of the plan to cover claims expenses and administrative 7 expenses paid or estimated to be paid in the operation of the 8 plan for the calendar year prior to the association's 9 anticipated receipt of annual assessments for that calendar 10 year. Any interim assessment is due and payable within 30 11 days after receipt by a carrier of the interim assessment 12 notice. Interim assessment payments shall be credited against 13 the carrier's annual assessment. Health benefit plan premiums 14 and benefits paid by a carrier that are less than an amount 15 determined by the board to justify the cost of collection may 16 not be considered for purposes of determining assessments. 17 c. Subject to the approval of the department, the 18 board shall make an adjustment to the assessment formula for 19 reinsuring carriers that are approved as federally qualified 20 health maintenance organizations by the Secretary of Health 21 and Human Services pursuant to 42 U.S.C. s. 300e(c)(2)(A) to 22 the extent, if any, that restrictions are placed on them that 23 are not imposed on other small employer carriers. 24 3. Before September March 1 of each year, the board 25 shall determine and file with the department an estimate of 26 the assessments needed to fund the losses incurred by the 27 program in the previous calendar year. 28 4. If the board determines that the assessments needed 29 to fund the losses incurred by the program in the previous 30 calendar year will exceed the amount specified in subparagraph 31 2., the board shall evaluate the operation of the program and 50 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 report its findings, including any recommendations for changes 2 to the plan of operation, to the department within 240 90 days 3 following the end of the calendar year in which the losses 4 were incurred. The evaluation shall include an estimate of 5 future assessments, the administrative costs of the program, 6 the appropriateness of the premiums charged and the level of 7 carrier retention under the program, and the costs of coverage 8 for small employers. If the board fails to file a report with 9 the department within 240 90 days following the end of the 10 applicable calendar year, the department may evaluate the 11 operations of the program and implement such amendments to the 12 plan of operation the department deems necessary to reduce 13 future losses and assessments. 14 5. If assessments exceed the amount of the actual 15 losses and administrative expenses of the program, the excess 16 shall be held as interest and used by the board to offset 17 future losses or to reduce program premiums. As used in this 18 paragraph, the term "future losses" includes reserves for 19 incurred but not reported claims. 20 6. Each carrier's proportion of the assessment shall 21 be determined annually by the board, based on annual 22 statements and other reports considered necessary by the board 23 and filed by the carriers with the board. 24 7. Provision shall be made in the plan of operation 25 for the imposition of an interest penalty for late payment of 26 an assessment. 27 8. A carrier may seek, from the commissioner, a 28 deferment, in whole or in part, from any assessment made by 29 the board. The department may defer, in whole or in part, the 30 assessment of a carrier if, in the opinion of the department, 31 the payment of the assessment would place the carrier in a 51 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 financially impaired condition. If an assessment against a 2 carrier is deferred, in whole or in part, the amount by which 3 the assessment is deferred may be assessed against the other 4 carriers in a manner consistent with the basis for assessment 5 set forth in this section. The carrier receiving such 6 deferment remains liable to the program for the amount 7 deferred and is prohibited from reinsuring any individuals or 8 groups in the program if it fails to pay assessments. 9 (12) STANDARD, BASIC, AND FLEXIBLE LIMITED HEALTH 10 BENEFIT PLANS.-- 11 (a)1. By May 15, 1993, the commissioner shall appoint 12 a health benefit plan committee composed of four 13 representatives of carriers which shall include at least two 14 representatives of HMOs, at least one of which is a staff 15 model HMO, two representatives of agents, four representatives 16 of small employers, and one employee of a small employer. The 17 carrier members shall be selected from a list of individuals 18 recommended by the board. The commissioner may require the 19 board to submit additional recommendations of individuals for 20 appointment. 21 2. The plans shall comply with all of the requirements 22 of this subsection. 23 3. The plans must be filed with and approved by the 24 department prior to issuance or delivery by any small employer 25 carrier. 26 4. Before October 1, 2002, and in every 4th year 27 thereafter, the commissioner shall appoint a new health 28 benefit plan committee in the manner provided in subparagraph 29 1. to determine whether modifications to a plan might be 30 appropriate and to submit recommended modifications to the 31 department for approval. Such a determination must be based 52 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 upon prevailing industry standards regarding managed care and 2 cost-containment provisions and is to serve the purpose of 3 ensuring that the benefit plans offered to small employers on 4 a guaranteed-issue basis are consistent with the low-priced to 5 mid-priced benefit plans offered in the large-group market. 6 Each new health benefit plan committee shall evaluate the 7 implementation of this act and its impact on the entities that 8 provide the plans, the number of enrollees, the participants 9 covered by the plans and their access to care, the scope of 10 health care coverage offered under the plans, the difference 11 in premiums between these plans and standard or basic plans, 12 and an assessment of the plans. This determination shall be 13 included in a report submitted to the President of the Senate 14 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives annually by 15 October 1. After approval of the revised health benefit plans, 16 if the department determines that modifications to a plan 17 might be appropriate, the commissioner shall appoint a new 18 health benefit plan committee in the manner provided in 19 subparagraph 1. to submit recommended modifications to the 20 department for approval. 21 (b)1. Each small employer carrier issuing new health 22 benefit plans shall offer to any small employer, upon request, 23 a standard health benefit plan and a basic health benefit plan 24 that meets the criteria set forth in this section. 25 2. For purposes of this subsection, the terms 26 "standard health benefit plan" and "basic health benefit plan" 27 mean policies or contracts that a small employer carrier 28 offers to eligible small employers that contain: 29 a. An exclusion for services that are not medically 30 necessary or that are not covered preventive health services; 31 and 53 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 b. A procedure for preauthorization by the small 2 employer carrier, or its designees. 3 3. A small employer carrier may include the following 4 managed care provisions in the policy or contract to control 5 costs: 6 a. A preferred provider arrangement or exclusive 7 provider organization or any combination thereof, in which a 8 small employer carrier enters into a written agreement with 9 the provider to provide services at specified levels of 10 reimbursement or to provide reimbursement to specified 11 providers. Any such written agreement between a provider and a 12 small employer carrier must contain a provision under which 13 the parties agree that the insured individual or covered 14 member has no obligation to make payment for any medical 15 service rendered by the provider which is determined not to be 16 medically necessary. A carrier may use preferred provider 17 arrangements or exclusive provider arrangements to the same 18 extent as allowed in group products that are not issued to 19 small employers. 20 b. A procedure for utilization review by the small 21 employer carrier or its designees. 22 23 This subparagraph does not prohibit a small employer carrier 24 from including in its policy or contract additional managed 25 care and cost containment provisions, subject to the approval 26 of the department, which have potential for controlling costs 27 in a manner that does not result in inequitable treatment of 28 insureds or subscribers. The carrier may use such provisions 29 to the same extent as authorized for group products that are 30 not issued to small employers. 31 4. The standard health benefit plan and any flexible 54 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 benefit policy or contract shall include: 2 a. Coverage for inpatient hospitalization; 3 b. Coverage for outpatient services; 4 c. Coverage for newborn children pursuant to s. 5 627.6575; 6 d. Coverage for child care supervision services 7 pursuant to s. 627.6579; 8 e. Coverage for adopted children upon placement in the 9 residence pursuant to s. 627.6578; 10 f. Coverage for mammograms pursuant to s. 627.6613; 11 g. Coverage for handicapped children pursuant to s. 12 627.6615; 13 h. Emergency or urgent care out of the geographic 14 service area; and 15 i. Coverage for services provided by a hospice 16 licensed under s. 400.602 in cases where such coverage would 17 be the most appropriate and the most cost-effective method for 18 treating a covered illness. 19 5. The standard health benefit plan and the basic 20 health benefit plan may include a schedule of benefit 21 limitations for specified services and procedures. If the 22 committee develops such a schedule of benefits limitation for 23 the standard health benefit plan or the basic health benefit 24 plan, a small employer carrier offering the plan must offer 25 the employer an option for increasing the benefit schedule 26 amounts by 4 percent annually. 27 6. The basic health benefit plan shall include all of 28 the benefits specified in subparagraph 4.; however, the basic 29 health benefit plan shall place additional restrictions on the 30 benefits and utilization and may also impose additional cost 31 containment measures. 55 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 7. Sections 627.419(2), (3), and (4), 627.6574, 2 627.6612, 627.66121, 627.66122, 627.6616, 627.6618, 627.668, 3 and 627.66911, 627.4239, 627.65755, 627.6691, 627.4232, 4 627.42395, 627.65745, 627.667, 627.6617, 627.669, 641.51(8), 5 627.6472(18), 627.662, 641.19(13)(e), 627.6471, 627.6472, 6 627.6045, 627.607, 641.31(27), 641.51(11), 627.6577, 7 627.6699(12)(b)(7), 627.6472(16), 627.662, 641.31(21), 8 627.6419, 627.6045, 627.667, 641.3111, 627.6617, 641.513(3), 9 641.32(12) and 627.6619 apply to the standard health benefit 10 plan, to any flexible benefit policy or contract, and to the 11 basic health benefit plan. However, notwithstanding said 12 provisions, the plans may specify limits on the number of 13 authorized treatments, if such limits are reasonable and do 14 not discriminate against any type of provider. 15 8. Each small employer carrier that provides for 16 inpatient and outpatient services by allopathic hospitals may 17 provide as an option of the insured similar inpatient and 18 outpatient services by hospitals accredited by the American 19 Osteopathic Association when such services are available and 20 the osteopathic hospital agrees to provide the service. 21 (c) If a small employer rejects, in writing, the 22 standard health benefit plan and the basic health benefit 23 plan, the small employer carrier may offer the small employer 24 a flexible limited benefit policy or contract. 25 (d)1. Upon offering coverage under a standard health 26 benefit plan, a basic health benefit plan, or a flexible 27 limited benefit policy or contract for any small employer, the 28 small employer carrier shall disclose in writing to the 29 provide such employer group with a written statement that 30 contains, at a minimum: 31 a. An explanation of those mandated benefits and 56 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 providers that are not covered by the policy or contract; 2 a.b. An outline of coverage together explanation of 3 the managed care and cost control features of the policy or 4 contract, along with all appropriate mailing addresses and 5 telephone numbers to be used by insureds in seeking 6 information or authorization.; and 7 b.c. An explanation of The primary and preventive care 8 features of the policy or contract. 9 10 Such disclosure statement must be presented in a clear and 11 understandable form and format and must be separate from the 12 policy or certificate or evidence of coverage provided to the 13 employer group. 14 2. Before a small employer carrier issues a standard 15 health benefit plan, a basic health benefit plan, or a limited 16 benefit policy or contract, it must obtain from the 17 prospective policyholder a signed written statement in which 18 the prospective policyholder: 19 a. Certifies as to eligibility for coverage under the 20 standard health benefit plan, basic health benefit plan, or 21 limited benefit policy or contract; 22 c.b. Acknowledges The limited nature of the coverage 23 and an understanding of the managed care and cost control 24 features of the policy or contract.; 25 c. Acknowledges that if misrepresentations are made 26 regarding eligibility for coverage under a standard health 27 benefit plan, a basic health benefit plan, or a limited 28 benefit policy or contract, the person making such 29 misrepresentations forfeits coverage provided by the policy or 30 contract; and 31 2.d. If a flexible benefit policy or contract limited 57 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 plan is requested, the prospective policyholder must 2 acknowledge in writing acknowledges that he or she the 3 prospective policyholder had been offered, at the time of 4 application for the insurance policy or contract, the 5 opportunity to purchase any health benefit plan offered by the 6 carrier and that the prospective policyholder had rejected 7 that coverage. 8 9 A copy of such written statement shall be provided to the 10 prospective policyholder no later than at the time of delivery 11 of the policy or contract, and the original of such written 12 statement shall be retained in the files of the small employer 13 carrier for the period of time that the policy or contract 14 remains in effect or for 5 years, whichever period is longer. 15 3. Any material statement made by an applicant for 16 coverage under a health benefit plan which falsely certifies 17 as to the applicant's eligibility for coverage serves as the 18 basis for terminating coverage under the policy or contract. 19 3.4. Each marketing communication that is intended to 20 be used in the marketing of a health benefit plan in this 21 state must be submitted for review by the department prior to 22 use and must contain the disclosures stated in this 23 subsection. 24 4. The contract, policy, and certificates evidencing 25 coverage under a flexible benefit policy or contract and the 26 application for coverage under such plans must state in not 27 less than 12-point bold type on the first page in contrasting 28 color the following: "The benefits provided by this health 29 plan are limited and may not cover all of your medical needs. 30 You should carefully review the benefits offered under this 31 health plan." 58 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 (e) A small employer carrier may not use any policy, 2 contract, form, or rate under this section, including 3 applications, enrollment forms, policies, contracts, 4 certificates, evidences of coverage, riders, amendments, 5 endorsements, and disclosure forms, until the carrier insurer 6 has filed it with the department and the department has 7 approved it under ss. 627.410, and 627.411, and 641.31 and 8 this section. 9 (f) A flexible benefit policy or contract must have an 10 annual maximum benefit of $50,000 or greater and a lifetime 11 benefit of $500,000 or greater and such benefit shall be 12 disclosed in 12-point bold type in contrasting color. 13 (15) APPLICABILITY OF OTHER STATE LAWS.-- 14 (a) Except as expressly provided in this section, a 15 law requiring coverage for a specific health care service or 16 benefit, or a law requiring reimbursement, utilization, or 17 consideration of a specific category of licensed health care 18 practitioner, does not apply to a standard or basic health 19 benefit plan policy or contract or a flexible limited benefit 20 policy or contract offered or delivered to a small employer 21 unless that law is made expressly applicable to such policies 22 or contracts. A law restricting or limiting deductibles, 23 coinsurance, copayments, or annual or lifetime maximum 24 payments does not apply to any health plan policy, including a 25 standard or basic health benefit plan policy or contract or a 26 flexible benefit policy or contract, offered or delivered to a 27 small employer unless such law is made expressly applicable to 28 such policy or contract. When any flexible benefit health 29 insurance policy or flexible benefit contract provides for the 30 payment for medical expense benefits or procedures, such 31 policy or contract shall be construed to include payment to a 59 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 licensed physician or licensed dentist who provides the 2 medical service benefits or procedures which are within the 3 scope of a licensed physician's license or licensed dentist's 4 license. Any limitation or condition placed upon payment to, 5 or upon services, diagnosis, or treatment by, any licensed 6 physician shall or licensed dentist apply equally to all 7 licensed physicians without unfair discrimination to the usual 8 and customary treatment procedures of any class of physicians 9 or licensed dentist. 10 (b) Except as provided in this section, a standard or 11 basic health benefit plan policy or contract or flexible 12 limited benefit policy or contract offered to a small employer 13 is not subject to any provision of this code which: 14 1. Inhibits a small employer carrier from contracting 15 with providers or groups of providers with respect to health 16 care services or benefits; 17 2. Imposes any restriction on a small employer 18 carrier's ability to negotiate with providers regarding the 19 level or method of reimbursing care or services provided under 20 a health benefit plan; or 21 3. Requires a small employer carrier to either include 22 a specific provider or class of providers when contracting for 23 health care services or benefits or to exclude any class of 24 providers that is generally authorized by statute to provide 25 such care. 26 (c) Any second tier assessment paid by a carrier 27 pursuant to paragraph (11)(j) may be credited against 28 assessments levied against the carrier pursuant to s. 29 627.6494. 30 (d) Notwithstanding chapter 641, a health maintenance 31 organization is authorized to issue contracts providing 60 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 benefits to a small employer equal to the standard health 2 benefit plan, the basic health benefit plan, and the flexible 3 limited benefit policy authorized by this section. Flexible 4 benefit plans offered by health maintenance organizations 5 shall contain all group provisions required under chapter 641. 6 Section 15. Section 627.911, Florida Statutes, is 7 amended to read: 8 627.911 Scope of this part.--Any insurer or health 9 maintenance organization transacting insurance in this state 10 shall report information as required by this part. 11 Section 16. Section 627.9175, Florida Statutes, is 12 amended to read: 13 627.9175 Reports of information on health insurance.-- 14 (1) Each authorized health insurer shall submit 15 annually to the department information concerning health 16 insurance coverage being issued or currently in force in this 17 state. The information must include information related to 18 premium, number of policies, and covered lives for such 19 policies and other information necessary for analyzing trends 20 in enrollment, premiums, and claim costs. as to policies of 21 individual health insurance: 22 (a) The required information must be broken down by 23 market segment, to include: 24 1. Health insurance issuer company contact 25 information. 26 2. Information on all health insurance products issued 27 or in force. Such information must include: 28 a. Direct premiums earned. 29 b. Direct losses incurred. 30 c. Direct premiums earned for new business issued 31 during the year. 61 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 d. Number of policies. 2 e. Number of certificates. 3 f. Number of total covered lives. 4 A summary of typical benefits, exclusions, and 5 limitations for each type of individual policy form currently 6 being issued in the state. The summary shall include, as 7 appropriate: 8 1. The deductible amount; 9 2. The coinsurance percentage; 10 3. The out-of-pocket maximum; 11 4. Outpatient benefits; 12 5. Inpatient benefits; and 13 6. Any exclusions for preexisting conditions. 14 15 The department shall determine other appropriate benefits, 16 exclusions, and limitations to be reported for inclusion in 17 the consumer's guide published pursuant to this section. 18 (b) The department may adopt rules to administer this 19 section, including, but not limited to, rules governing 20 compliance and provisions implementing electronic 21 methodologies for use in furnishing such records or documents. 22 A schedule of rates for each type of individual policy form 23 reflecting typical variations by age, sex, region of the 24 state, or any other applicable factor which is in use and is 25 determined to be appropriate for inclusion by the department. 26 27 The department may shall provide by rule a uniform format for 28 the submission of this information in order to allow for 29 meaningful comparisons of premiums charged for comparable 30 benefits. The department shall publish annually a consumer's 31 guide which summarizes and compares the information required 62 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 to be reported under this subsection. 2 (2)(a) The department shall publish annually a 3 consumer's guide Every insurer transacting health insurance in 4 this state shall report annually to the department, not later 5 than April 1, information relating to any measure the insurer 6 has implemented or proposes to implement during the next 7 calendar year for the purpose of containing health insurance 8 costs or cost increases. The reports shall identify each 9 measure and the forms to which the measure is applied, shall 10 provide an explanation as to how the measure is used, and 11 shall provide an estimate of the cost effect of the measure. 12 (b) The department shall promulgate forms to be used 13 by insurers in reporting information pursuant to this 14 subsection and shall utilize such forms to analyze the effects 15 of health care cost containment programs used by health 16 insurers in this state. 17 (c) The department shall analyze the data reported 18 under this subsection and shall annually make available to the 19 public a summary of its findings as to the types of cost 20 containment measures reported and the estimated effect of 21 these measures. 22 Section 17. Section 627.9403, Florida Statutes, is 23 amended to read: 24 627.9403 Scope.--The provisions of this part shall 25 apply to long-term care insurance policies delivered or issued 26 for delivery in this state, and to policies delivered or 27 issued for delivery outside this state to the extent provided 28 in s. 627.9406, by an insurer, a fraternal benefit society as 29 defined in s. 632.601, a health maintenance organization as 30 defined in s. 641.19, a prepaid health clinic as defined in s. 31 641.402, or a multiple-employer welfare arrangement as defined 63 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 in s. 624.437. A policy which is advertised, marketed, or 2 offered as a long-term care policy and as a Medicare 3 supplement policy shall meet the requirements of this part and 4 the requirements of ss. 627.671-627.675 and, to the extent of 5 a conflict, be subject to the requirement that is more 6 favorable to the policyholder or certificateholder. The 7 provisions of this part shall not apply to a continuing care 8 contract issued pursuant to chapter 651 and shall not apply to 9 guaranteed renewable policies issued prior to October 1, 1988. 10 Any limited benefit policy that limits coverage to care in a 11 nursing home or to one or more lower levels of care required 12 or authorized to be provided by this part or by department 13 rule must meet all requirements of this part that apply to 14 long-term care insurance policies, except ss. 627.9407(3)(c) 15 and (d), (9), (10)(f), and (12) and 627.94073(2). If the 16 limited benefit policy does not provide coverage for care in a 17 nursing home, but does provide coverage for one or more lower 18 levels of care, the policy shall also be exempt from the 19 requirements of s. 627.9407(3)(d). 20 Section 18. Section 627.9408, Florida Statutes, is 21 amended to read: 22 627.9408 Rules.-- 23 (1) The department may has authority to adopt rules 24 pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to administer implement 25 the provisions of this part. 26 (2) The department may adopt by rule the provisions of 27 the Long-Term Care Insurance Model Regulation adopted by the 28 National Association of Insurance Commissioners in the second 29 quarter of the year 2000 which are not in conflict with the 30 Florida Insurance Code. 31 Section 19. Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) of section 64 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 641.185, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 2 641.185 Health maintenance organization subscriber 3 protections.-- 4 (1) With respect to the provisions of this part and 5 part III, the principles expressed in the following statements 6 shall serve as standards to be followed by the Department of 7 Insurance and the Agency for Health Care Administration in 8 exercising their powers and duties, in exercising 9 administrative discretion, in administrative interpretations 10 of the law, in enforcing its provisions, and in adopting 11 rules: 12 (e) A health maintenance organization subscriber 13 should receive timely, concise information regarding the 14 health maintenance organization's reimbursement to providers 15 and services pursuant to ss. 641.31 and 641.31015 and should 16 receive prompt payment from the organization pursuant to s. 17 641.3155. 18 Section 20. Subsection (4) is added to section 19 641.234, Florida Statutes, to read: 20 641.234 Administrative, provider, and management 21 contracts.-- 22 (4)(a) If a health maintenance organization, through a 23 health care risk contract, transfers to any entity the 24 obligations to pay any provider for any claims arising from 25 services provided to or for the benefit of any subscriber of 26 the organization, the health maintenance organization shall 27 remain responsible for any violations of ss. 641.3155, 28 641.3156, and 641.51(4). The provisions of ss. 29 624.418-624.4211 and 641.52 shall apply to any such 30 violations. 31 (b) As used in this subsection, the term: 65 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 1. "Health care risk contract" means a contract under 2 which an entity receives compensation in exchange for 3 providing to the health maintenance organization a provider 4 network or other services, which may include administrative 5 services. 6 2. "Entity" means a person licensed as an 7 administrator under s. 626.88 and does not include any 8 provider or group practice, as defined in s. 456.053, 9 providing services under the scope of the license of the 10 provider or the members of the group practice. 11 Section 21. Subsection (1) of section 641.30, Florida 12 Statutes, is amended to read: 13 641.30 Construction and relationship to other laws.-- 14 (1) Every health maintenance organization shall accept 15 the standard health claim form prescribed pursuant to s. 16 641.3155 s. 627.647. 17 Section 22. Paragraphs (b) and (d) of subsection (3) 18 of section 641.31, Florida Statutes, are amended, and 19 paragraph (f) is added to that subsection, to read: 20 641.31 Health maintenance contracts.-- 21 (3) 22 (b) Any change in the rate is subject to paragraph (d) 23 and requires at least 30 days' advance written notice to the 24 subscriber. In the case of a group member, there may be a 25 contractual agreement with the health maintenance organization 26 to have the employer provide the required notice to the 27 individual members of the group. This paragraph does not apply 28 to a group contract covering 51 or more persons unless the 29 rate is for any coverage under which the increase in claim 30 costs over the lifetime of the contract due to advancing age 31 or duration is prefunded in the premium. 66 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 (d) Any change in rates charged for the contract must 2 be filed with the department not less than 30 days in advance 3 of the effective date. At the expiration of such 30 days, the 4 rate filing shall be deemed approved unless prior to such time 5 the filing has been affirmatively approved or disapproved by 6 order of the department pursuant to s. 627.411. The approval 7 of the filing by the department constitutes a waiver of any 8 unexpired portion of such waiting period. The department may 9 extend by not more than an additional 15 days the period 10 within which it may so affirmatively approve or disapprove any 11 such filing, by giving notice of such extension before 12 expiration of the initial 30-day period. At the expiration of 13 any such period as so extended, and in the absence of such 14 prior affirmative approval or disapproval, any such filing 15 shall be deemed approved. 16 (f) A health maintenance organization that has fewer 17 than 1,000 covered subscribers under all individual or group 18 contracts at the time of a rate filing may file for an annual 19 rate increase limited to annual medical trend, as adopted by 20 the department. The filing is in lieu of the actuarial 21 memorandum otherwise required for the rate filing. The filing 22 must include forms adopted by the department and a 23 certification by an officer of the company that the filing 24 includes all similar forms. 25 Section 23. Subsections (1) and (3) of section 26 641.3111, Florida Statutes, are amended to read: 27 641.3111 Extension of benefits.-- 28 (1) Every group health maintenance contract shall 29 provide that termination of the contract shall be without 30 prejudice to any continuous loss which commenced while the 31 contract was in force, but any extension of benefits beyond 67 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 the period the contract was in force may be predicated upon 2 the continuous total disability of the subscriber and may be 3 limited to payment for the treatment of a specific accident or 4 illness incurred while the subscriber was a member. The 5 extension is required regardless of whether the group contract 6 holder or other entity secures replacement coverage from a new 7 insurer or health maintenance organization or foregoes the 8 provision of coverage. The required provision must provide for 9 continuation of contract benefits in connection with the 10 treatment of a specific accident or illness incurred while the 11 contract was in effect. Such extension of benefits may be 12 limited to the occurrence of the earliest of the following 13 events: 14 (a) The expiration of 12 months. 15 (b) Such time as the member is no longer totally 16 disabled. 17 (c) A succeeding carrier elects to provide replacement 18 coverage without limitation as to the disability condition. 19 (d) The maximum benefits payable under the contract 20 have been paid. 21 (3) In the case of maternity coverage, when not 22 covered by the succeeding carrier, a reasonable extension of 23 benefits or accrued liability provision is required, which 24 provision provides for continuation of the contract benefits 25 in connection with maternity expenses for a pregnancy that 26 commenced while the policy was in effect. The extension shall 27 be for the period of that pregnancy and shall not be based 28 upon total disability. 29 Section 24. Subsection (4) of section 641.3154, 30 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 31 641.3154 Organization liability; provider billing 68 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 prohibited.-- 2 (4) A provider or any representative of a provider, 3 regardless of whether the provider is under contract with the 4 health maintenance organization, may not collect or attempt to 5 collect money from, maintain any action at law against, or 6 report to a credit agency a subscriber of an organization for 7 payment of services for which the organization is liable, if 8 the provider in good faith knows or should know that the 9 organization is liable. This prohibition applies during the 10 pendency of any claim for payment made by the provider to the 11 organization for payment of the services and any legal 12 proceedings or dispute resolution process to determine whether 13 the organization is liable for the services if the provider is 14 informed that such proceedings are taking place. It is 15 presumed that a provider does not know and should not know 16 that an organization is liable unless: 17 (a) The provider is informed by the organization that 18 it accepts liability; 19 (b) A court of competent jurisdiction determines that 20 the organization is liable; or 21 (c) The department or agency makes a final 22 determination that the organization is required to pay for 23 such services subsequent to a recommendation made by the 24 Statewide Provider and Subscriber Assistance Panel pursuant to 25 s. 408.7056; or 26 (d) The agency issues a final order that the 27 organization is required to pay for such services subsequent 28 to a recommendation made by a resolution organization pursuant 29 to s. 408.7057. 30 Section 25. Section 641.3155, Florida Statutes, is 31 amended to read: 69 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 (Substantial rewording of section. See 2 s. 641.3155, F.S., for present text.) 3 641.3155 Prompt payment of claims.-- 4 (1) As used in this section, the term "claim" for a 5 noninstitutional provider means a paper or electronic billing 6 instrument submitted to the health maintenance organization's 7 designated location that consists of the HCFA 1500 data set, 8 or its successor, that has all mandatory entries for a 9 physician licensed under chapter 458, chapter 459, chapter 10 460, chapter 461, or chapter 463, or a psychologist licensed 11 under chapter 490 or any appropriate billing instrument that 12 has all mandatory entries for any other noninstitutional 13 provider. For institutional providers, "claim" means a paper 14 or electronic billing instrument submitted to the health 15 maintenance organization's designated location that consists 16 of the UB-92 data set or its successor, with entries stated as 17 mandatory by the National Uniform Billing Committee. 18 (2) All claims for payment, whether electronic or 19 nonelectronic: 20 (a) Are considered received on the date the claim is 21 received by the organization at its designated claims receipt 22 location. 23 (b) Must be mailed or electronically transferred to an 24 organization within 6 months after completion of the service 25 and the provider is furnished with the correct name and 26 address of the patient's health insurer. Submission of a 27 provider's claim is considered made on the date it is 28 electronically transferred or mailed. 29 (c) Must not duplicate a claim previously submitted 30 unless it is determined that the original claim was not 31 received or is otherwise lost. 70 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 (3) For all electronically submitted claims, a health 2 maintenance organization shall: 3 (a) Within 24 hours after the beginning of the next 4 business day after receipt of the claim, provide electronic 5 acknowledgment of the receipt of the claim to the electronic 6 source submitting the claim. 7 (b) Within 20 days after receipt of the claim, pay the 8 claim or notify a provider or designee if a claim is denied or 9 contested. Notice of the organization's action on the claim 10 and payment of the claim is considered to be made on the date 11 the notice or payment was mailed or electronically 12 transferred. 13 (c)1. Notification of the health maintenance 14 organization's determination of a contested claim must be 15 accompanied by an itemized list of additional information or 16 documents the insurer can reasonably determine are necessary 17 to process the claim. 18 2. A provider must submit the additional information 19 or documentation, as specified on the itemized list, within 35 20 days after receipt of the notification. Failure of a provider 21 to submit by mail or electronically the additional information 22 or documentation requested within 35 days after receipt of the 23 notification may result in denial of the claim. 24 3. A health maintenance organization may not make more 25 than one request for documents under this paragraph in 26 connection with a claim, unless the provider fails to submit 27 all of the requested documents to process the claim or if 28 documents submitted by the provider raise new additional 29 issues not included in the original written itemization, in 30 which case the health maintenance organization may provide the 31 provider with one additional opportunity to submit the 71 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 additional documents needed to process the claim. In no case 2 may the health maintenance organization request duplicate 3 documents. 4 (d) For purposes of this subsection, electronic means 5 of transmission of claims, notices, documents, forms, and 6 payment shall be used to the greatest extent possible by the 7 health maintenance organization and the provider. 8 (e) A claim must be paid or denied within 90 days 9 after receipt of the claim. Failure to pay or deny a claim 10 within 120 days after receipt of the claim creates an 11 uncontestable obligation to pay the claim. 12 (4) For all nonelectronically submitted claims, a 13 health maintenance organization shall: 14 (a) Effective November 1, 2003, provide 15 acknowledgement of receipt of the claim within 15 days after 16 receipt of the claim to the provider or designee or provide a 17 provider or designee within 15 days after receipt with 18 electronic access to the status of a submitted claim. 19 (b) Within 40 days after receipt of the claim, pay the 20 claim or notify a provider or designee if a claim is denied or 21 contested. Notice of the health maintenance organization's 22 action on the claim and payment of the claim is considered to 23 be made on the date the notice or payment was mailed or 24 electronically transferred. 25 (c)1. Notification of the health maintenance 26 organization's determination of a contested claim must be 27 accompanied by an itemized list of additional information or 28 documents the organization can reasonably determine are 29 necessary to process the claim. 30 2. A provider must submit the additional information 31 or documentation, as specified on the itemized list, within 35 72 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 days after receipt of the notification. Failure of a provider 2 to submit by mail or electronically the additional information 3 or documentation requested within 35 days after receipt of the 4 notification may result in denial of the claim. 5 3. A health maintenance organization may not make more 6 than one request for documents under this paragraph in 7 connection with a claim unless the provider fails to submit 8 all of the requested documents to process the claim or if 9 documents submitted by the provider raise new additional 10 issues not included in the original written itemization, in 11 which case the health maintenance organization may provide the 12 provider with one additional opportunity to submit the 13 additional documents needed to process the claim. In no case 14 may the health maintenance organization request duplicate 15 documents. 16 (d) For purposes of this subsection, electronic means 17 of transmission of claims, notices, documents, forms, and 18 payments shall be used to the greatest extent possible by the 19 health maintenance organization and the provider. 20 (e) A claim must be paid or denied within 120 days 21 after receipt of the claim. Failure to pay or deny a claim 22 within 140 days after receipt of the claim creates an 23 uncontestable obligation to pay the claim. 24 (5) If a health maintenance organization determines 25 that it has made an overpayment to a provider for services 26 rendered to a subscriber, the health maintenance organization 27 must make a claim for such overpayment to the provider's 28 designated location. A health maintenance organization that 29 makes a claim for overpayment to a provider under this section 30 shall give the provider a written or electronic statement 31 specifying the basis for the retroactive denial or payment 73 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 adjustment. The health maintenance organization must identify 2 the claim or claims, or overpayment claim portion thereof, for 3 which a claim for overpayment is submitted. 4 (a) If an overpayment determination is the result of 5 retroactive review or audit of coverage decisions or payment 6 levels not related to fraud, a health maintenance organization 7 shall adhere to the following procedures: 8 1. All claims for overpayment must be submitted to a 9 provider within 30 months after the health maintenance 10 organization's payment of the claim. A provider must pay, 11 deny, or contest the health maintenance organization's claim 12 for overpayment within 40 days after the receipt of the claim. 13 All contested claims for overpayment must be paid or denied 14 within 120 days after receipt of the claim. Failure to pay or 15 deny overpayment and claim within 140 days after receipt 16 creates an uncontestable obligation to pay the claim. 17 2. A provider that denies or contests a health 18 maintenance organization's claim for overpayment or any 19 portion of a claim shall notify the organization, in writing, 20 within 35 days after the provider receives the claim that the 21 claim for overpayment is contested or denied. The notice that 22 the claim for overpayment is denied or contested must identify 23 the contested portion of the claim and the specific reason for 24 contesting or denying the claim and, if contested, must 25 include a request for additional information. If the 26 organization submits additional information, the organization 27 must, within 35 days after receipt of the request, mail or 28 electronically transfer the information to the provider. The 29 provider shall pay or deny the claim for overpayment within 45 30 days after receipt of the information. The notice is 31 considered made on the date the notice is mailed or 74 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 electronically transferred by the provider. 2 3. Failure of a health maintenance organization to 3 respond to a provider's contestment of claim or request for 4 additional information regarding the claim within 35 days 5 after receipt of such notice may result in denial of the 6 claim. 7 4. The health maintenance organization may not reduce 8 payment to the provider for other services unless the provider 9 agrees to the reduction in writing or fails to respond to the 10 health maintenance organization's overpayment claim as 11 required by this paragraph. 12 5. Payment of an overpayment claim is considered made 13 on the date the payment was mailed or electronically 14 transferred. An overdue payment of a claim bears simple 15 interest at the rate of 12 percent per year. Interest on an 16 overdue payment for a claim for an overpayment payment begins 17 to accrue when the claim should have been paid, denied, or 18 contested. 19 (b) A claim for overpayment shall not be permitted 20 beyond 30 months after the health maintenance organization's 21 payment of a claim, except that claims for overpayment may be 22 sought beyond that time from providers convicted of fraud 23 pursuant to s. 817.234. 24 (6) Payment of a claim is considered made on the date 25 the payment was mailed or electronically transferred. An 26 overdue payment of a claim bears simple interest of 12 percent 27 per year. Interest on an overdue payment for a claim or for 28 any portion of a claim begins to accrue when the claim should 29 have been paid, denied, or contested. The interest is payable 30 with the payment of the claim. 31 (7)(a) For all contracts entered into or renewed on or 75 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 after October 1, 2002, a health maintenance organization's 2 internal dispute resolution process related to a denied claim 3 not under active review by a mediator, arbitrator, or 4 third-party dispute entity must be finalized within 60 days 5 after the receipt of the provider's request for review or 6 appeal. 7 (b) All claims to a health maintenance organization 8 begun after October 1, 2000, not under active review by a 9 mediator, arbitrator, or third-party dispute entity, shall 10 result in a final decision on the claim by the health 11 maintenance organization by January 2, 2003, for the purpose 12 of the statewide provider and managed care organization claim 13 dispute resolution program pursuant to s. 408.7057. 14 (8) A provider or any representative of a provider, 15 regardless of whether the provider is under contract with the 16 health maintenance organization, may not collect or attempt to 17 collect money from, maintain any action at law against, or 18 report to a credit agency a subscriber for payment of covered 19 services for which the health maintenance organization 20 contested or denied the provider's claim. This prohibition 21 applies during the pendency of any claim for payment made by 22 the provider to the health maintenance organization for 23 payment of the services or internal dispute resolution process 24 to determine whether the health maintenance organization is 25 liable for the services. For a claim, this pendency applies 26 from the date the claim or a portion of the claim is denied to 27 the date of the completion of the health maintenance 28 organization's internal dispute resolution process, not to 29 exceed 60 days. 30 (9) The provisions of this section may not be waived, 31 voided, or nullified by contract. 76 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 (10) A health maintenance organization may not 2 retroactively deny a claim because of subscriber ineligibility 3 more than 1 year after the date of payment of the claim. 4 (11) A health maintenance organization shall pay a 5 contracted primary care or admitting physician, pursuant to 6 such physician's contract, for providing inpatient services in 7 a contracted hospital to a subscriber if such services are 8 determined by the health maintenance organization to be 9 medically necessary and covered services under the health 10 maintenance organization's contract with the contract holder. 11 (12) Upon written notification by a subscriber, a 12 health maintenance organization shall investigate any claim of 13 improper billing by a physician, hospital, or other health 14 care provider. The organization shall determine if the 15 subscriber was properly billed for only those procedures and 16 services that the subscriber actually received. If the 17 organization determines that the subscriber has been 18 improperly billed, the organization shall notify the 19 subscriber and the provider of its findings and shall reduce 20 the amount of payment to the provider by the amount determined 21 to be improperly billed. If a reduction is made due to such 22 notification by the insured, the insurer shall pay to the 23 insured 20 percent of the amount of the reduction up to $500. 24 (13) A permissible error ratio of 5 percent is 25 established for health maintenance organizations' claims 26 payment violations of s. 641.3155(3)(a), (b), (c), and (e) and 27 (4)(a), (b), (c), and (e). If the error ratio of a particular 28 insurer does not exceed the permissible error ratio of 5 29 percent for an audit period, no fine shall be assessed for the 30 noted claims violations for the audit period. The error ratio 31 shall be determined by dividing the number of claims with 77 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 violations found on a statistically valid sample of claims for 2 the audit period by the total number of claims in the sample. 3 If the error ratio exceeds the permissible error ratio of 5 4 percent, a fine may be assessed according to s. 624.4211 for 5 those claims payment violations which exceed the error ratio. 6 Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the department 7 may fine a health maintenance organization for claims payment 8 violations of s. 641.3155(3)(e) and (4)(e) which create an 9 uncontestable obligation to pay the claim. The department 10 shall not fine organizations for violations which the 11 department determines were due to circumstances beyond the 12 organization's control. 13 (14) This section shall apply to all claims or any 14 portion of a claim submitted by a health maintenance 15 organization subscriber under a health maintenance 16 organization subscriber contract to the organization for 17 payment. 18 (15) Notwithstanding s. 641.3155(3)(b), where an 19 electronic pharmacy claim is submitted to a pharmacy benefits 20 manager acting on behalf of a health maintenance organization 21 the pharmacy benefits manager shall, within 30 days of receipt 22 of the claim, pay the claim or notify a provider or designee 23 if a claim is denied or contested. Notice of the 24 organization's action on the claim and payment of the claim is 25 considered to be made on the date the notice or payment was 26 mailed or electronically transferred. 27 (16) Notwithstanding s. 641.3155(4)(a), effective 28 November 1, 2003, where a nonelectronic pharmacy claim is 29 submitted to a pharmacy benefits manager acting on behalf of a 30 health maintenance organization the pharmacy benefits manager 31 shall provide acknowledgment of receipt of the claim within 30 78 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 days after receipt of the claim to the provider or provide a 2 provider within 30 days after receipt with electronic access 3 to the status of a submitted claim. 4 Section 26. Subsection (12) of section 641.51, Florida 5 Statutes, is amended to read: 6 641.51 Quality assurance program; second medical 7 opinion requirement.-- 8 (12) If a contracted primary care physician, licensed 9 under chapter 458 or chapter 459, determines and the 10 organization determine that a subscriber requires examination 11 by a licensed ophthalmologist for medically necessary, 12 contractually covered services, then the organization shall 13 authorize the contracted primary care physician to send the 14 subscriber to a contracted licensed ophthalmologist. 15 Section 27. Sections 27-29 of this act may be cited as 16 the "Jennifer Knight Medicaid Lung Transplant Act." 17 Section 28. Subject to the availability of funds and 18 subject to any limitations or directions provided for in the 19 General Appropriations Act or chapter 216, Florida Statutes, 20 the Agency for Health Care Administration Medicaid program 21 shall pay for medically necessary lung transplant services for 22 Medicaid recipients. 23 Section 29. Subsection (1) of section 409.915, Florida 24 Statutes, is amended to read: 25 409.915 County contributions to Medicaid.--Although 26 the state is responsible for the full portion of the state 27 share of the matching funds required for the Medicaid program, 28 in order to acquire a certain portion of these funds, the 29 state shall charge the counties for certain items of care and 30 service as provided in this section. 31 (1) Each county shall participate in the following 79 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 items of care and service: 2 (a) For both health maintenance members and 3 fee-for-service beneficiaries, payments for inpatient 4 hospitalization in excess of 10 days, but not in excess of 45 5 days, with the exception of pregnant women and children whose 6 income is in excess of the federal poverty level and who do 7 not participate in the Medicaid medically needy program, and 8 for adult lung transplant services. 9 (b) Payments for nursing home or intermediate 10 facilities care in excess of $170 per month, with the 11 exception of skilled nursing care for children under age 21. 12 Section 30. (1) The Division of Statutory Revision of 13 the Office of Legislative Services shall divide chapter 430, 14 Florida Statutes, as follows: 15 (a) Current sections 430.01-430.80, Florida Statutes, 16 shall be designated as part I of chapter 430, Florida 17 Statutes. 18 (b) Current part III of chapter 400, Florida Statutes, 19 consisting of sections 400.401-400.454, Florida Statutes, 20 shall be transferred, renumbered, and designated as part II of 21 chapter 430, Florida Statutes. 22 (2) The Division of Statutory Revision is requested to 23 correct and update all cross-references to reflect the changes 24 made by this section. 25 Section 31. Subsection (2) of section 627.638, Florida 26 Statutes, is amended to read: 27 627.638 Direct payment for hospital, medical 28 services.-- 29 (2) Whenever, in any health insurance claim form, an 30 insured specifically authorizes payment of benefits directly 31 to any recognized hospital or physician, the insurer shall 80 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 make such payment to the designated provider of such services, 2 unless otherwise provided in the insurance contract. However, 3 if: 4 (a) The benefit is determined to be covered under the 5 terms of the policy; 6 (b) The claim is limited to treatment of mental health 7 or substance abuse, including drug and alcohol abuse; and 8 (c) The insured authorizes the insurer, in writing, as 9 part of the claim to make direct payment of benefits to a 10 recognized hospital, physician, or other licensed provider, 11 12 payments shall be made directly to the recognized hospital, 13 physician, or other licensed provider, notwithstanding any 14 contrary provisions in the insurance contract. 15 Section 32. Paragraph (b) of subsection (14) of 16 section 440.13, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 17 440.13 Medical services and supplies; penalty for 18 violations; limitations.-- 19 (14) PAYMENT OF MEDICAL FEES.-- 20 (b) Fees charged for remedial treatment, care, and 21 attendance may not exceed the applicable fee schedules adopted 22 under this chapter, except as provided pursuant to a contract 23 entered into between an employer or carrier and a certified 24 health care provider or health care facility for the payment 25 of medical services for covered expenses. 26 Section 33. The Office of Legislative Services shall 27 contract for a business case study of the feasibility of 28 outsourcing the administrative, investigative, legal, and 29 prosecutorial functions and other tasks and services that are 30 necessary to carry out the regulatory responsibilities of the 31 Board of Dentistry, employing its own executive director and 81 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 other staff, and obtaining authority over collections and 2 expenditures of funds paid by professions regulated by the 3 board into the Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund. This 4 feasibility study must include a business plan and an 5 assessment of the direct and indirect costs associated with 6 outsourcing these functions. The sum of $50,000 is 7 appropriated from the Board of Dentistry account within the 8 Medical Quality Assurance Trust Fund to the Office of 9 Legislative Services for the purpose of contracting for the 10 study. The Office of Legislative Services shall submit the 11 completed study to the Governor, the President of the Senate, 12 and the Speaker of the House of Representatives by January 1, 13 2003. 14 Section 34. Except as otherwise provided in this act, 15 this act shall take effect October 1, 2002, and shall apply to 16 claims for services rendered after such date. 17 18 19 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 20 And the title is amended as follows: 21 Delete everything before the enacting clause 22 23 and insert: 24 A bill to be entitled 25 An act relating to health care providers and 26 insurers; providing legislative findings and 27 legislative intent; defining terms; providing 28 for a pilot program for health flex plans for 29 certain uninsured persons; providing criteria; 30 authorizing the Agency for Health Care 31 Administration and the Department of Insurance 82 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 to adopt rules; exempting approved health flex 2 plans from certain licensing requirements; 3 providing criteria for eligibility to enroll in 4 a health flex plan; requiring health flex plan 5 providers to maintain certain records; 6 providing requirements for denial, nonrenewal, 7 or cancellation of coverage; specifying that 8 coverage under an approved health flex plan is 9 not an entitlement; providing for civil actions 10 against health plan entities by the Agency for 11 Health Care Administration under certain 12 circumstances; amending s. 408.7057, F.S.; 13 redesignating a program title; revising 14 definitions; including preferred provider 15 organizations and health insurers in the claim 16 dispute resolution program; specifying 17 timeframes for submission of supporting 18 documentation necessary for dispute resolution; 19 providing consequences for failure to comply; 20 providing additional responsibilities for the 21 agency relating to patterns of claim disputes; 22 providing timeframes for review by the 23 resolution organization; directing the agency 24 to notify appropriate licensure and 25 certification entities as part of violation of 26 final orders; amending s. 456.053, F.S., the 27 "Patient Self-Referral Act of 1992"; redefining 28 the term "referral" by revising the list of 29 practices that constitute exceptions; amending 30 s. 626.88, F.S.; redefining the term 31 "administrator," with respect to regulation of 83 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 insurance administrators; amending s. 627.410, 2 F.S.; exempting group health insurance policies 3 insuring groups of a certain size from 4 rate-filing requirements; providing alternative 5 rate-filing requirements for insurers having 6 fewer than a specified number of nationwide 7 policyholders or members; amending s. 627.411, 8 F.S.; revising the grounds for the disapproval 9 of insurance policy forms; providing that a 10 health insurance policy form may be disapproved 11 if it results in certain rate increases; 12 specifying allowable new business rates and 13 renewal rates if rate increases exceed certain 14 levels; authorizing the Department of Insurance 15 to determine medical trend for purposes of 16 approving rate filings; creating s. 627.6131, 17 F.S.; specifying payment of claims provisions 18 applicable to certain health insurers; 19 providing a definition; providing requirements 20 and procedures for paying, denying, or 21 contesting claims; providing criteria and 22 limitations; requiring payment within specified 23 periods; specifying rate of interest charged on 24 overdue payments; providing for electronic and 25 nonelectronic transmission of claims; providing 26 procedures for overpayment recovery; specifying 27 timeframes for adjudication of claims, 28 internally and externally; prohibiting action 29 to collect payment from an insured under 30 certain circumstances; providing applicability; 31 prohibiting contractual modification of 84 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 provisions of law; specifying circumstances for 2 retroactive claim denial; specifying claim 3 payment requirements; providing for billing 4 review procedures; specifying claim content 5 requirements; establishing a permissible error 6 ratio, specifying its applicability, and 7 providing for fines; providing specified 8 exceptions from notice and acknowledgment 9 requirements for pharmacy benefit manager 10 claims; amending s. 627.6425, F.S., relating to 11 renewability of individual coverage; providing 12 for circumstances relating to nonrenewal or 13 discontinuance of coverage; amending s. 14 627.6475, F.S.; revising criteria for 15 reinsuring individuals under an individual 16 health reinsurance program; amending s. 17 627.651, F.S.; correcting a cross-reference, to 18 conform; amending s. 627.662, F.S.; specifying 19 application of certain additional provisions to 20 group, blanket, and franchise health insurance; 21 amending s. 627.667, F.S.; deleting an 22 exception to an extension-of-benefits 23 application provision for out-of-state group 24 policies; amending s. 627.6692, F.S.; extending 25 a time period for premium payment for 26 continuation of coverage; amending s. 627.6699, 27 F.S.; redefining terms; allowing carriers to 28 separate the experience of small-employer 29 groups having fewer than two employees; 30 authorizing certain small employers to enroll 31 with alternate carriers under certain 85 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 circumstances; revising certain criteria of the 2 small-employer health reinsurance program; 3 requiring the Insurance Commissioner to appoint 4 a health benefit plan committee to modify the 5 standard, basic, and flexible health benefit 6 plans; revising certain disclosure 7 requirements; providing additional notice 8 requirements; revising the disclosure that a 9 carrier must make to a small employer upon 10 offering certain policies; prohibiting 11 small-employer carriers from using certain 12 policies, contracts, forms, or rates unless 13 filed with and approved by the Department of 14 Insurance pursuant to certain provisions; 15 restricting application of certain laws to 16 flexible benefit policies under certain 17 circumstances; amending s. 627.6425, F.S.; 18 revising provisions permitting an insurer to 19 nonrenew or discontinue coverage; authorizing 20 offering or delivering flexible benefit 21 policies or contracts to certain employers; 22 providing requirements for benefits in flexible 23 benefit policies or contracts for small 24 employers; amending s. 627.911, F.S.; including 25 health maintenance organizations under certain 26 information-reporting requirements; amending s. 27 627.9175, F.S.; revising health insurance 28 reporting requirements for insurers; amending 29 s. 627.9403, F.S.; clarifying application of 30 exceptions to certain long-term-care insurance 31 policy requirements for certain limited-benefit 86 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 policies; amending s. 627.9408, F.S.; 2 authorizing the department to adopt by rule 3 certain provisions of the Long-Term Care 4 Insurance Model Regulation, as adopted by the 5 National Association of Insurance 6 Commissioners; amending s. 641.185, F.S.; 7 specifying that health maintenance organization 8 subscribers should receive prompt payment from 9 the organization; amending s. 641.234, F.S.; 10 specifying responsibility of a health 11 maintenance organization for certain violations 12 under certain circumstances; amending s. 13 641.30, F.S.; conforming a cross-reference; 14 amending s. 641.31, F.S.; exempting contracts 15 of group health maintenance organizations 16 covering a specified number of persons from the 17 requirements of filing with the department; 18 specifying the standards for department 19 approval and disapproval of a change in rates 20 by a health maintenance organization; providing 21 alternative rate-filing requirements for 22 organizations having fewer than a specified 23 number of subscribers; amending s. 641.3111, 24 F.S.; revising extension-of-benefits 25 requirements for group health maintenance 26 contracts; amending s. 641.3154, F.S.; 27 modifying the circumstances under which a 28 provider knows that an organization is liable 29 for service reimbursement; amending s. 30 641.3155, F.S.; revising payment of claims 31 provisions applicable to certain health 87 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 maintenance organizations; providing a 2 definition; providing requirements and 3 procedures for paying, denying, or contesting 4 claims; providing criteria and limitations; 5 requiring payment within specified periods; 6 revising rate of interest charged on overdue 7 payments; providing for electronic and 8 nonelectronic transmission of claims; providing 9 procedures for overpayment recovery; specifying 10 timeframes for adjudication of claims, 11 internally and externally; prohibiting action 12 to collect payment from a subscriber under 13 certain circumstances; prohibiting contractual 14 modification of provisions of law; specifying 15 circumstances for retroactive claim denial; 16 specifying claim payment requirements; 17 providing for billing review procedures; 18 specifying claim content requirements; 19 establishing a permissible error ratio, 20 specifying its applicability, and providing for 21 fines; providing specified exceptions from 22 notice and acknowledgment requirements for 23 pharmacy benefit manager claims; amending s. 24 641.51, F.S.; revising provisions governing 25 examinations by ophthalmologists; providing a 26 short title; providing coverage for certain 27 organ-transplant services; amending s. 409.915, 28 F.S.; exempting counties from contributions for 29 such services; directing the Division of 30 Statutory Revision of the Office of Legislative 31 Services to reorganize chapters 400 and 430, 88 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 913, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 732346 1 F.S., relating to elderly affairs and nursing 2 homes and related facilities; amending s. 3 627.638, F.S.; revising requirements relating 4 to direct payment of benefits to specified 5 providers under certain circumstances; amending 6 s. 440.13, F.S.; revising provisions relating 7 to payment of fees for remedial treatment; 8 providing an appropriation for a feasibility 9 study relating to outsourcing specified 10 functions of the Board of Dentistry; requiring 11 submission of the completed study to the 12 Governor and Legislature; providing effective 13 dates. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 89 9:53 AM 03/22/02 h0913c1c-19k0u