House Bill hb0937

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 937

        By Representative Sorensen

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Monroe County Mosquito

  3         Control District; changing its name to the

  4         "Florida Keys Mosquito Control District";

  5         codifying, amending, reenacting, and repealing

  6         special acts relating to the Monroe County

  7         Mosquito Control District; creating and

  8         establishing a mosquito control district in

  9         Monroe County; fixing the boundaries of said

10         district; dividing said district into areas and

11         establishing boundaries of said areas for

12         purposes of selecting members of the board of

13         commissioners; providing for the present

14         members of the board of commissioners to

15         continue their present terms of office;

16         providing qualifications for said members;

17         providing for the method and time of elections;

18         prescribing the powers of said board;

19         establishing the duties of said board;

20         establishing the organization of said board;

21         setting the compensation of said board;

22         providing for meetings of the board; providing

23         books to be audited and for the keeping of such

24         books as public records; providing for the

25         adoption of a budget; granting said board the

26         power of eminent domain; granting said board

27         the power to tax; providing for the employment

28         of a director and for the advertisement of

29         certain contracts; providing for the penalty

30         for damage to property; setting out the purpose

31         for said district; providing for the duties of


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  1         the director of the Monroe County health unit;

  2         setting out an alternate plan discretionary

  3         with the board of commissioners for relieving

  4         the board of commissioners of the duty;

  5         providing for the public distribution of mix;

  6         repealing all conflicting laws; granting to the

  7         district such powers as are provided for

  8         mosquito control districts under the laws of

  9         this state; providing for liberal construction;

10         providing for severability; providing an

11         effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Pursuant to chapter 97-255, Laws of

16  Florida, this act constitutes the codification of all special

17  acts relating to the Monroe County Mosquito Control District.

18  It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this law to

19  provide a single, comprehensive special act charter for the

20  district, including all current legislative authority granted

21  to the district by its several legislative enactments and any

22  additional authority granted by this act.

23         Section 2.  Chapters 26042 (1949), 29295 (1953), 31009

24  (1955), 31013 (1955), 57-1591, 57-2067, 59-1584, 61-2508,

25  63-1639, 63-1640, 65-1913, 65-1915, 67-1726, 70-816, 74-537,

26  76-440, 83-469, 88-548, and 98-518, Laws of Florida, relating

27  to the Monroe County Mosquito Control District, are codified,

28  reenacted, amended, and repealed as herein provided.

29         Section 3.  The Monroe County Mosquito Control District

30  is re-created and reenacted to read:



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  1         Section 1.  Establishing a mosquito control district;

  2  fixing boundaries.--There is hereby created and established a

  3  mosquito control district for Monroe County, to be known as

  4  the "Florida Keys Mosquito Control District." Said district

  5  shall encompass all the territory in Monroe County.

  6         Section 2.  Division of the Florida Keys Mosquito

  7  Control District into areas or districts.--For the purpose of

  8  selecting commissioners, the county commission districts of

  9  Monroe County as the same may now or hereafter be described

10  shall also be commissioner districts of the Florida Keys

11  Mosquito Control District.

12         Section 3.  Board of commissioners; election; terms of

13  office; qualification.--

14         (1)  The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District shall

15  be governed by a board of commissioners which shall consist of

16  five members and there shall be one member from each of the

17  five districts named and defined in section 2 of this act.

18         (2)  The board of commissioners shall be composed of

19  the present members duly elected under chapter 65-1915, Laws

20  of Florida, who shall continue to serve their regular terms.

21  Members of said board shall thereafter be elected for terms of

22  4 years each by a vote of the district at large at an election

23  to be held on the date set for the general election of each

24  year in which a general election is held.

25         (3)  Members of the board shall be residents and

26  registered electors of the area from which they are elected

27  and represent. Candidates or incumbents of the office shall

28  qualify in the primaries and general elections which primaries

29  and general elections shall be conducted in accordance with

30  the existing election laws of the state. The terms of the

31  newly elected commissioners shall begin on the day of the


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  1  first meeting in January following said election and shall

  2  extend for 4 years, or until his or her successor shall have

  3  been duly elected and qualified. Each member of the board

  4  shall, before assuming office, be required to make and execute

  5  to the Governor a good and sufficient surety bond in the

  6  amount of not less than $2,000 conditioned on the faithful

  7  performance of the duties of his or her office and the bond

  8  shall be approved by and filed with the Clerk of the Circuit

  9  Court of Monroe County, the expense of said bond to be borne

10  by the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District. If any person

11  so elected or appointed fails to make and file a surety bond

12  within 60 days after his or her election or appointment, his

13  or her office shall become vacant and such vacancy shall be

14  filled by the Governor for the unexpired term. Vacancies

15  created by the resignation, death, or removal from said board

16  of commissioners shall also be filled by appointment by the

17  Governor.

18         Section 4.  Election; ballots.--The Board of County

19  Commissioners of Monroe County shall make the necessary

20  arrangements for setting up the elections of the Board of

21  Commissioners of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District

22  and shall supply the necessary ballots and do all other things

23  necessary for said elections.

24         Section 5.  Powers of the board of commissioners.--The

25  board of commissioners shall have all the powers of a body

26  corporate, including the power to sue and be sued as a

27  corporation in said name in any court; to contract; to adopt

28  and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure; to

29  purchase, hold, lease, and convey such real estate and

30  personal property as a majority of the board may deem proper

31  to carry out the purposes of this act; to prescribe rules and


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  1  regulations for the marking of such property; to employ a

  2  director and such experts, agents, and employees as the board

  3  may require; to participate with employees in a group

  4  hospitalization insurance plan providing the entire cost of

  5  such a plan; to contract and cooperate with county, state, and

  6  other governmental agencies in regard to mosquito control or

  7  suppression; to borrow money in an amount not to exceed

  8  $150,000 for a period of time not to exceed 2 years; and to

  9  issue negotiable promissory notes and bonds or such necessary

10  instruments to secure said loan to enable it to carry out the

11  provisions of this act.

12         Section 6.  Duties of the board.--The Board of

13  Commissioners of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District

14  shall perform all duties necessary for the control and

15  elimination of mosquitoes and other arthropods of public

16  health importance in the county, and the board is authorized

17  to provide for the construction of canals, ditches, drains,

18  dikes, fills, and other necessary works, and to install and

19  maintain pumps, excavators, and other machinery and equipment,

20  and may also employ oils and chemicals and all other means and

21  methods, and do any and all things that may be necessary to

22  eliminate and control mosquitoes and other arthropods in

23  Monroe County at the discretion of the board.

24         Section 7.  Organization of the board.--As soon as is

25  practicable after the commissioners have been appointed or

26  elected and have qualified, they shall meet and organize by

27  electing one of their members as chair, one of their members

28  as vice chair, and one of their members as

29  secretary-treasurer. In all meetings three members shall

30  constitute a quorum in order to transact business.



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  1         Section 8.  Salary and expenses of the board.--The

  2  board of commissioners shall have authority to establish the

  3  amount of compensation by way of salaries that shall be paid

  4  to the individual commissioners of the Florida Keys Mosquito

  5  Control District. The commissioners who are selected to serve

  6  as chair and secretary-treasurer, respectively, of the Florida

  7  Keys Mosquito Control District shall be paid compensation in

  8  addition to their regular salary as compensation for their

  9  services as chair and secretary-treasurer, respectively, of

10  the board, which additional compensation shall be set by the

11  board. All commissioners may be reimbursed from time to time

12  for any moneys expended by them personally in official travel

13  for the district at the rate authorized under the provisions

14  of section 112.061(7)(d), Florida Statutes, insofar as those

15  provisions relate to the allowable amount of payment per mile

16  of travel. All commissioners shall be paid $20 for attendance

17  for each day of each regular or special commission meeting.

18  Authority for payment of mileage and for attendance at each

19  meeting or official travel shall be by a majority approval of

20  the board of commissioners and duly recorded in the minutes of

21  proceedings of the board. However, total payment to each

22  commissioner for any meeting shall not exceed the mileage

23  figure authorized under the provisions of section

24  112.061(7)(d), Florida Statutes, and $20 for each meeting per

25  day. Official travel in addition to attendance at board

26  meetings is defined as such necessary travel as the board may

27  authorize in connection with meetings of scientists,

28  associations, or groups engaged in mosquito control work,

29  inspection of district activities and projects, and other

30  travel necessary in the conduct of district business. Provided

31  further, that total payments for such official travel made by


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  1  members of the board in addition to travel for attendance at

  2  board meetings shall not exceed 2 percent of the total budget

  3  derived from local moneys for any 1 year.

  4         Section 9.  Meetings of the board.--The board of

  5  commissioners of the district shall hold monthly meetings

  6  which shall be open to the public. Special meetings may be

  7  called upon the request of any three commissioners but shall

  8  not be held within less than 24 hours after notice to each of

  9  the commissioners unless a written waiver is obtained from the

10  commissioners who cannot attend such special meetings.

11         Section 10.  Audit, books, and records to be public

12  record.--The books and accounts of said Florida Keys Mosquito

13  Control District shall be audited annually or by the same

14  officers and in like manner as books of other county officers

15  are audited. All books and records of the district created by

16  chapter 26042, Laws of Florida, shall become a part of the

17  records of the district created by this act.

18         Section 11.  District budgets and hearings.--

19         (1)  The fiscal year of the Florida Keys Mosquito

20  Control District shall be the 12-month period extending from

21  October 1 each year through September 30 of the following

22  year. At the discretion of the board, the governing body of

23  the district shall, before June 30, complete the preparation

24  of a detailed work plan budget covering its proposed

25  operations and requirements for arthropod measures during the

26  ensuing fiscal year, and for the purposes of determining

27  eligibility for state aid, shall submit copies by July 1 to

28  the State Board of Health for review and approval. The

29  detailed work plan budget shall set forth, classified by

30  account number, title, and program items, and by the fund from

31  which to be paid, the proposed expenditures of the district


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  1  for construction, for acquisition of land and other purposes,

  2  for the operation and maintenance of the district's works, and

  3  for the conduct of the district generally, to which may be

  4  added an amount to be held as a reserve.

  5         (2)  The detailed work plan budget shall also show the

  6  estimated amount which will appear at the beginning of the

  7  fiscal year as obligated upon commitments made but incomplete.

  8  There shall be shown the estimated unobligated or net balance

  9  which will be on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year, and

10  the estimated amount to be raised by district taxes and from

11  any and all other sources for meeting the district's

12  requirements.

13         (3)  On the date to be fixed by the board of

14  commissioners, said board shall publish a notice of its intent

15  to adopt the budget or as the same may be amended for the

16  district for the ensuing fiscal year. The notice shall set

17  forth the total amount of funds budgeted under each title

18  classification of the budget, subtotals by fund under each

19  title classification, and grand totals. The notice shall

20  advise all owners of property subject to the district taxes

21  that on a date, time, and place specified in the notice,

22  opportunity will be afforded to such owners, and their

23  attorney or agent, to appear before the board, examine the

24  work plan and detailed work plan budget if desired, and to

25  show their objections to adoption of the proposed budget. The

26  notice shall be published for 2 consecutive weeks, at not less

27  than 7-day intervals, in a newspaper of general circulation

28  published in Monroe County. The last insertion shall appear

29  not less than 1 nor more than 2 weeks prior to the date set by

30  the board for the hearing on the budget.



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  1         (4)  The hearing shall be by and before the board of

  2  commissioners of the district on a date to be fixed by said

  3  board not earlier than 1 week and not later than 2 weeks after

  4  the date of the last publication of notice of intent to adopt

  5  the budget, and may be continued from day to day until

  6  terminated by the board. Promptly thereafter, the board of

  7  commissioners shall give consideration to objections filed

  8  against adoption of the budget and in its discretion, may

  9  amend, modify, or change the tentative detailed work plan

10  budget, and shall, by the following September 15, adopt and

11  execute on a form furnished by the state board a certified

12  budget for the district, which shall be the operating and

13  fiscal guide for the district. Certified copies of this budget

14  shall be submitted by September 15 to the state board for

15  approval.

16         Section 12.  Eminent domain.--The board of

17  commissioners may hold, control, and acquire by gift or

18  purchase for the use of the district any real or personal

19  property, and may condemn any land or easements needed for the

20  purposes of said district. Said board may exercise the right

21  of eminent domain and institute and maintain condemnation

22  proceedings as provided in chapter 73, Florida Statutes.

23         Section 13.  Tax levy.--The board of commissioners of

24  the mosquito control district may levy upon all of the taxable

25  property in said district a tax not exceeding 1 1/2 mills on

26  the dollar during each year solely for the purposes authorized

27  and prescribed by this act. Said levy shall be made each year

28  not later than July 1 by resolution of the board or a majority

29  thereof, duly entered upon its minutes. Certified copies of

30  such resolution executed in the name of the board by the chair

31  and secretary-treasurer and under its corporate seal shall be


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  1  made and delivered to the Board of County Commissioners of

  2  Monroe County and to the Comptroller, not later than July 15

  3  of such year. The board of county commissioners shall order

  4  the assessor of the county to assess and the collector of the

  5  county to collect the amount of taxes so assessed and levied

  6  by the board of commissioners of said mosquito control

  7  district upon all of the taxable property in the district at

  8  the rate of taxation adopted by the board for the year and

  9  included in the resolution, and the levy shall be included in

10  the warrants of the tax assessor and attached to the

11  assessment roll of taxes for the county each year. The tax

12  collector shall collect such taxes so levied by the board in

13  the same manner as other taxes are collected and shall pay the

14  same within the time and in the manner prescribed by law to

15  the secretary-treasurer of the board. The Comptroller shall

16  assess and levy on all the railroad lines and railroad

17  property and telegraph and telephone lines and telegraph and

18  telephone property situated in the county in the amount of

19  each such levy as in the case of other state and county taxes,

20  and collect the taxes thereon in the same manner as he or she

21  is required by law to assess and collect taxes for state and

22  county purposes, and remit the same to the secretary-treasurer

23  of the board. All such taxes shall be held by the

24  secretary-treasurer for the credit of the board and paid out

25  as ordered by the board.

26         Section 14.  Director; advertisement of contracts.--All

27  work done under the provisions of this act, both in

28  construction and maintenance, shall be carried on under the

29  supervision of a competent entomologist, or person qualified

30  under the provisions of chapter 388, Florida Statutes, to be

31  employed by the board. The board may contract and purchase


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  1  property or equipment without formal bids in any amount not to

  2  exceed $4,000. All contracts or purchases in excess of $4,000

  3  shall be by competitive, sealed bids, after advertisement,

  4  pursuant to rules and regulations established by the board.

  5         Section 15.  Penalty for damage to property.--Whoever

  6  shall willfully damage any property of the mosquito control

  7  district created under this act or any works constructed,

  8  maintained, or controlled by the mosquito control district or

  9  who shall obstruct or cause to be obstructed any of the

10  operations of the district shall upon conviction thereof be

11  punished as provided by the laws of the state.

12         Section 16.  Purpose.--The abatement and control of

13  mosquitoes and other arthropods within Monroe County is

14  advisable and necessary for the maintenance and improvement of

15  the health, comfort, welfare, and prosperity of the people

16  thereof, and is found and declared to be for public health and

17  other public purposes.

18         Section 17.  Director, duties of Monroe County health

19  unit.--The Monroe County health unit, also referred to and

20  known as the "Monroe County Health Department," established by

21  the board of county commissioners is charged with the

22  responsibility of abating or suppressing mosquitoes in Monroe

23  County. The director of said health unit or health department

24  shall cause to be done any and all work and all things

25  necessary for the control and elimination of mosquitoes in the

26  county wherever such work is necessary and he or she is

27  empowered to use such means, physical or chemical, as may be

28  necessary to accomplish the objects of this act. All employees

29  engaged in such work shall be considered employees of the

30  Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, and regardless of the

31  fact that the determination as to who is to be employed and


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  1  the wages or salaries to be paid is made by the Board of

  2  Commissioners of the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District,

  3  and the records are kept by said board.

  4         Section 18.  Alternate plan.--The purpose of the

  5  foregoing section 17 is to coordinate certain activities

  6  between the Monroe County health unit or health department and

  7  the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District in an effort to

  8  best serve the interest and welfare of the Florida Keys

  9  Mosquito Control District and the property owners and

10  residents thereof. If the Board of Commissioners of the

11  Florida Keys Mosquito Control District should make a study or,

12  by reason of the experience in handling the affairs of said

13  district, determine that it is not in the best interest of the

14  Florida Keys Mosquito Control District and the property owners

15  and residents thereof to continue in the Monroe County health

16  unit or health department the responsibilities, powers,

17  duties, and authority and that the continuation of the

18  responsibilities, powers, duties, and authority in such unit

19  or department is not advantageous to the Florida Keys Mosquito

20  Control District, it is declared to be the legislative intent

21  that the Board of Commissioners of the Florida Keys Mosquito

22  Control District may pass a resolution as determining and

23  finding and, upon the passage of such resolution, any and all

24  such powers, duties, responsibilities, and authority given to

25  the Monroe County health unit or health department shall

26  immediately vest in the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District

27  and the employees shall become the employees of the Florida

28  Keys Mosquito Control District and the provisions of section

29  17 shall, insofar as they or any of them relate to Monroe

30  County health unit or health department, be of no further

31  force and effect.


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  1         Section 19.  Public distribution of mix.--The board of

  2  commissioners of the mosquito control district shall have the

  3  authority to set up and maintain a properly controlled public

  4  mix program providing for the alleviation of mosquito and

  5  other arthropod infestations throughout the district. Any

  6  program established pursuant to this section shall provide the

  7  following restrictions:

  8         (1)  The mix shall be provided to persons for

  9  residential use only.

10         (2)  No person may obtain more than 1 gallon of mix at

11  any one time nor may any person obtain more than 2 gallons of

12  mix during any month.

13         (3)  Any person seeking to obtain mix shall provide the

14  container therefor.


16  The board may establish a fee schedule or provide mix to the

17  public free of charge. The board shall maintain records of all

18  distribution or sales of mix under its program.

19         Section 4.  Chapters 26042 (1949), 29295 (1953), 31009

20  (1955), 31013 (1955), 57-1591, 57-2067, 59-1584, 61-2508,

21  63-1639, 63-1640, 65-1913, 65-1915, 67-1726, 70-816, 74-537,

22  76-440, 83-469, 88-548, and 98-518, Laws of Florida, are

23  repealed.

24         Section 5.  The district created by this act and the

25  board of commissioners shall have the right to use any and all

26  privileges or powers which are granted to mosquito control

27  districts under the general laws of this state.

28         Section 6.  This act shall be construed liberally.

29         Section 7.  It is declared to be the legislative intent

30  that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or

31  provision or part thereof of this act is held invalid,


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  1  unenforceable, or unconstitutional, it shall not affect the

  2  remainder of the act and the remainder of the act shall remain

  3  in force and effect as if the invalid portions of the act had

  4  not been enacted.

  5         Section 8.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  6  law.



























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