House Bill hb9005Ee1

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                                        HR 9005-E, First Engrossed

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution supporting the State of Israel in

  3         its campaign against terrorism.


  5         WHEREAS, on September 11, 2001, the United States of

  6  America was struck by homicidal terrorists in attacks that

  7  killed thousands of the nation's citizens, destroyed the World

  8  Trade Center Towers in New York City, severely damaged the

  9  Pentagon, and purposefully incinerated four commercial

10  aircraft, including their passengers and crews, by using those

11  planes as missiles of deadliest destruction, and

12         WHEREAS, the United States also laments the tragic loss

13  of life experienced by Israeli and Palestinian citizens during

14  recent hostilities in the Mideast and the United States is

15  currently engaged in international and domestic efforts of

16  historic proportions to curb terrorism against this country

17  and to assist our friends and allies who are engaged in

18  similar efforts, and

19         WHEREAS, Israel, the closest ally of the United States

20  in the Middle East, and a true democracy in that region, has

21  experienced within the last year a brutal spate of homicidal

22  terrorist activity against its civilians by groups sponsored

23  or harbored by the Palestinian Authority and its chairman,

24  Yasser Arafat, and substantially assisted by nations in the

25  region such as Iraq and Iran, and

26         WHEREAS, one of the most recent terrorist attacks

27  horrified the world by targeting worshipers celebrating the

28  Jewish holiday of Passover, thereby constituting an assault on

29  all people of faith who cherish religious observance, NOW,




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                                        HR 9005-E, First Engrossed

  1  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

  2  Florida:


  4         That the House of Representatives, on behalf of the

  5  citizens of Florida, asserts that it stands behind the efforts

  6  of our President in support of the government and people of

  7  Israel in this time of crisis; supports the State of Israel

  8  and its citizens in the campaign against terror and in its

  9  effort to root out the terrorist infrastructure currently

10  protected and encouraged by the Palestinian Authority and by

11  nations in the region waging war against Israel; recognizes

12  that, whether cave by cave in Afghanistan or house to house in

13  any area inhabited by terrorists, a war against terrorism

14  requires courage, conviction, and sustained effort over time;

15  and urges the President and Congress to withstand pressure

16  from those who would appease or accommodate terrorism in any

17  form or place.

18         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the House of

19  Representatives recognizes that Arab peoples the world over

20  wish for peace and calls upon all Arab nations to encourage

21  accountability in the peace process by facilitating the

22  establishment of democratic institutions of government within

23  the Palestinian Authority and encouraging the Palestinian

24  Authority to place in leadership those capable of and willing

25  to negotiate and consummate a permanent peace accord.

26         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

27  be distributed to the President of the United States, each

28  member of the Florida delegation to the United States

29  Congress, and the Israeli Ambassador to the United States.




CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.