Senate Bill sb0102
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Florida Senate - 2003 (NP) SR 102
By Senator Saunders
1 Senate Resolution No. ____
2 A resolution recognizing Dr. William Lascheid,
3 M.D., and Nancy Lascheid, R.N., for their
4 outstanding public service in providing
5 affordable health care to residents of Collier
6 County, through establishing a neighborhood
7 health clinic and coordinating and serving as
8 volunteers.
10 WHEREAS, providing health care to individuals who
11 cannot afford it is a pressing problem in this and every
12 state, and
13 WHEREAS, the government cannot meet the health care
14 needs of the underserved populace without the help of
15 compassionate volunteers, and
16 WHEREAS, Dr. William Lascheid, M.D., and Nancy
17 Lascheid, R.N., are among the most generous of those
18 volunteers, in that they have, since 1992, faithfully
19 advocated for health care services for individuals living in
20 Collier County who have limited financial resources, and
21 WHEREAS, William and Nancy Lascheid established the
22 Neighborhood Health Clinic in 1999 as a concept contingent on
23 philanthropy and volunteerism to provide health care services
24 to individuals who are unable otherwise to procure those
25 services, and
26 WHEREAS, Dr. and Mrs. Lascheid have labored selflessly
27 to enlist the volunteered services of physicians, nurses,
28 other health care professionals, and community members to
29 offer health care services for the cost to the recipients of
30 one hour of their wages, and
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Florida Senate - 2003 (NP) SR 102
1 WHEREAS, Dr. William Lascheid, M.D., and Nancy
2 Lascheid, R.N., have been responsible for coordinating
3 services to more than 6,000 patients, which services were
4 valued at more than $2.7 million, including $860,000 in
5 donated physician services; have filled 12,237 prescriptions
6 having a retail value of $500,000; and have donated volunteer
7 hours worth $1.4 million in wages, and
8 WHEREAS, William and Nancy Lascheid have been selected
9 as recipients of the Jefferson Award for Public Service, one
10 of the nation's top awards for public service, given by the
11 American Institute for Public Service, NOW, THEREFORE,
13 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
15 That the Florida Senate recognizes Dr. William
16 Lascheid, M.D., and Nancy Lascheid, R.N., for their selfless
17 service to the people of Collier County and the State of
18 Florida.
19 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution,
20 with the Seal of the Senate affixed, be presented to Dr. and
21 Mrs. William Lascheid as a tangible token of the sentiments
22 expressed herein.
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