Senate Bill sb1020c2

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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for CS for SB 1020

    By the Committees on Judiciary; Criminal Justice; and Senator


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to court procedures; amending

  3         ss. 26.012, 27.06, 34.01, 48.20, 142.09,

  4         316.635, 373.603, 381.0012, 450.121, 560.306,

  5         633.14, 648.44, 817.482, 828.122, 832.05,

  6         876.42, 893.12, 901.01, 901.02, 901.07, 901.08,

  7         901.09, 901.11, 901.12, 901.25, 902.15, 902.17,

  8         902.20, 902.21, 903.03, 903.32, 903.34, 914.22,

  9         923.01, 933.01, 933.06, 933.07, 933.10,

10         933.101, 933.13, 933.14, 939.02, 939.14,

11         941.13, 941.14, 941.15, 941.17, 941.18,

12         947.141, 948.06, 985.05, F.S., relating to

13         various court procedures; redesignating

14         "magistrates" as "trial court judges"; amending

15         ss. 56.071, 56.29, 61.1826, 64.061, 65.061,

16         69.051, 70.51, 92.142, 112.41, 112.43, 112.47,

17         162.03, 162.06, 162.09, 173.09, 173.10, 173.11,

18         173.12, 194.013, 194.034, 194.035, 206.16,

19         207.016, 320.411, 393.11, 394.467, 397.311,

20         397.681, 447.207, 447.403, 447.405, 447.407,

21         447.409, 475.011, 489.127, 489.531, 496.420,

22         501.207, 501.618, 559.936, 582.23, 631.182,

23         631.331, 633.052, 744.369, 760.11, 837.011,

24         838.014, 839.17, 916.107, 938.30, 945.43, F.S.,

25         relating to various administrative and judicial

26         proceedings; redesignating "masters" and

27         "general or special masters" as "general or

28         special magistrates"; amending s. 903.02, F.S.;

29         providing that any judge setting or granting

30         bail shall set a separate bail amount for each

31         charge or offense; amending s. 903.046, F.S.;


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 1         providing that a defendant forfeits the right

 2         to a presumption in favor of release on

 3         nonmonetary conditions if charged with a second

 4         or subsequent felony within a certain time

 5         period; amending s. 903.047, F.S.; providing

 6         for standard conditions of pretrial release

 7         without the trial judge stating such conditions

 8         on the record; requiring a defendant to comply

 9         with all conditions of a pretrial release

10         program; amending s. 903.26, F.S.; providing

11         that failure of the state attorney to institute

12         extradition proceedings or extradite the

13         principal on a bail bond, after the surety's

14         written agreement to pay actual transportation

15         costs, exonerates the surety; amending s.

16         903.27, F.S; providing that in cases in which

17         the bond forfeiture has been discharged by the

18         court, the amount of the judgment may not

19         exceed the amount of the unpaid fees or costs

20         upon which the discharge had been conditioned;

21         amending s. 903.31, F.S.; providing that the

22         clerk of court shall furnish an executed

23         certificate of cancellation to the surety;

24         providing that the original appearance bond

25         does not guarantee the defendant's conduct or

26         appearance in court at any time under certain

27         circumstances; amending s. 907.041, F.S.;

28         requiring a pretrial release service to certify

29         to the court in writing that it has conducted

30         certain investigations and verified specified

31         conditions before an accused is released on


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 1         nonmonetary conditions; revising requirements

 2         for the pretrial release of a person charged

 3         with a dangerous crime; creating s. 903.0465,

 4         F.S.; providing that a judge at a first

 5         appearance may not reduce bail set by another

 6         judge issuing an arrest warrant; amending s.

 7         903.0471, F.S.; authorizing a court to make a

 8         finding of probable cause on the basis of an

 9         affidavit of a law enforcement officer when a

10         person on pretrial release is arrested for a

11         new law violation; providing an effective date.


13  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


15         Section 1.  Subsection (5) is added to section 26.012,

16  Florida Statutes, to read:

17         26.012  Jurisdiction of circuit court.--

18         (5)  A circuit court is a trial court.

19         Section 2.  Section 27.06, Florida Statutes, is amended

20  to read:

21         27.06  Habeas corpus and preliminary trials.--The

22  several state attorneys of this state shall represent the

23  state in all cases of habeas corpus arising in their

24  respective circuits, and shall also represent the state,

25  either in person or by assistant, in cases of preliminary

26  trials of persons charged with capital offenses in all cases

27  where the committing trial court judge magistrate shall have

28  given due and timely notice of the time and place of such

29  trial.  Notice of the application for the writ of habeas

30  corpus shall be given to the prosecuting officer of the court

31  wherein the statute under attack is being applied, the


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 1  criminal law proceeding is being maintained, or the conviction

 2  has occurred.

 3         Section 3.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 34.01,

 4  Florida Statutes, are amended, and subsection (5) is added to

 5  that section, to read:

 6         34.01  Jurisdiction of county court.--

 7         (2)  The county courts shall have jurisdiction

 8  previously exercised by county judges' courts other than that

 9  vested in the circuit court by s. 26.012, except that county

10  court judges may hear matters involving dissolution of

11  marriage under the simplified dissolution procedure pursuant

12  to Rule 1.611(c), Florida Family Law Rules of Civil Procedure

13  or may issue a final order for dissolution in cases where the

14  matter is uncontested, and the jurisdiction previously

15  exercised by county courts, the claims court, small claims

16  courts, small claims magistrates courts, magistrates courts,

17  justice of the peace courts, municipal courts, and courts of

18  chartered counties, including but not limited to the counties

19  referred to in ss. 9, 10, 11, and 24, Art. VIII of the State

20  Constitution of 1968 1885.

21         (3)  Judges of county courts shall also be committing

22  trial court judges magistrates. Judges of county courts shall

23  be coroners unless otherwise provided by law or by rule of the

24  Supreme Court.

25         (4)  Judges of county courts may hear all matters in

26  equity involved in any case within the jurisdictional amount

27  of the county court, except as otherwise restricted by the

28  State Constitution or the laws of Florida.

29         (5)  A county court is a trial court.

30         Section 4.  Section 48.20, Florida Statutes, is amended

31  to read:


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 1         48.20  Service of process on Sunday.--Service or

 2  execution on Sunday of any writ, process, warrant, order, or

 3  judgment is void and the person serving or executing, or

 4  causing it to be served or executed, is liable to the party

 5  aggrieved for damages for so doing as if he or she had done it

 6  without any process, writ, warrant, order, or judgment.  If

 7  affidavit is made by the person requesting service or

 8  execution that he or she has good reason to believe that any

 9  person liable to have any such writ, process, warrant, order,

10  or judgment served on him or her intends to escape from this

11  state under protection of Sunday, any officer furnished with

12  an order authorizing service or execution by the trial court

13  judge or magistrate of any incorporated town may serve or

14  execute such writ, process, warrant, order, or judgment on

15  Sunday, and it is as valid as if it had been done on any other

16  day.

17         Section 5.  Section 142.09, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         142.09  If defendant is not convicted or dies.--If the

20  defendant is not convicted, or the prosecution is abated by

21  the death of the defendant, or if the costs are imposed on the

22  defendant and execution against him or her is returned no

23  property found, or if a nolle prosse be entered, in each of

24  these cases the fees of witnesses and officers arising from

25  criminal causes shall be paid by the county in the manner

26  specified in ss. 142.10-142.12; provided, that when a

27  committing trial court judge magistrate holds to bail or

28  commits a person to answer to a criminal charge and an

29  information is not filed or an indictment found against such

30  person, the costs and fees of such committing trial shall not



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 1  be paid by the county, except the costs of executing the

 2  warrants.

 3         Section 6.  Subsection (3) of section 316.635, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         316.635  Courts having jurisdiction over traffic

 6  violations; powers relating to custody and detention of

 7  minors.--

 8         (3)  If a minor is taken into custody for a criminal

 9  traffic offense or a violation of chapter 322 and the minor

10  does not demand to be taken before a trial court judge, or a

11  Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer, who has jurisdiction

12  over the offense or violation magistrate, the arresting

13  officer or booking officer shall immediately notify, or cause

14  to be notified, the minor's parents, guardian, or responsible

15  adult relative of the action taken. After making every

16  reasonable effort to give notice, the arresting officer or

17  booking officer may:

18         (a)  Issue a notice to appear pursuant to chapter 901

19  and release the minor to a parent, guardian, responsible adult

20  relative, or other responsible adult;

21         (b)  Issue a notice to appear pursuant to chapter 901

22  and release the minor pursuant to s. 903.06;

23         (c)  Issue a notice to appear pursuant to chapter 901

24  and deliver the minor to an appropriate substance abuse

25  treatment or rehabilitation facility or refer the minor to an

26  appropriate medical facility as provided in s. 901.29.  If the

27  minor cannot be delivered to an appropriate substance abuse

28  treatment or rehabilitation facility or medical facility, the

29  arresting officer may deliver the minor to an appropriate

30  intake office of the Department of Juvenile Justice, which



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 1  shall take custody of the minor and make any appropriate

 2  referrals; or

 3         (d)  If the violation constitutes a felony and the

 4  minor cannot be released pursuant to s. 903.03, transport and

 5  deliver the minor to an appropriate Department of Juvenile

 6  Justice intake office. Upon delivery of the minor to the

 7  intake office, the department shall assume custody and proceed

 8  pursuant to chapter 984 or chapter 985.


10  If action is not taken pursuant to paragraphs (a)-(d), the

11  minor shall be delivered to the Department of Juvenile

12  Justice, and the department shall make every reasonable effort

13  to contact the parents, guardian, or responsible adult

14  relative to take custody of the minor. If there is no parent,

15  guardian, or responsible adult relative available, the

16  department may retain custody of the minor for up to 24 hours.

17         Section 7.  Section 373.603, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         373.603  Power to enforce.--The Department of

20  Environmental Protection or the governing board of any water

21  management district and any officer or agent thereof may

22  enforce any provision of this law or any rule or regulation

23  adopted and promulgated or order issued thereunder to the same

24  extent as any peace officer is authorized to enforce the law.

25  Any officer or agent of any such board may appear before any

26  trial court judge magistrate empowered to issue warrants in

27  criminal cases and make an affidavit and apply for the

28  issuance of a warrant in the manner provided by law.; and said

29  magistrate, If such affidavit alleges shall allege the

30  commission of an offense, the trial court judge shall issue a

31  warrant directed to any sheriff or deputy for the arrest of


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 1  any offender. The provisions of this section shall apply to

 2  the Florida Water Resources Act of 1972 in its entirety.

 3         Section 8.  Subsection (4) of section 381.0012, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         381.0012  Enforcement authority.--

 6         (4)  The department may appear before any trial court

 7  judge magistrate empowered to issue warrants in criminal cases

 8  and request the issuance of a warrant.  The trial court judge

 9  magistrate shall issue a warrant directed to any sheriff,

10  deputy, or police officer to assist in any way to carry out

11  the purpose and intent of this chapter.

12         Section 9.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section 450.121,

13  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

14         450.121  Enforcement of Child Labor Law.--

15         (3)  It is the duty of any trial court judge magistrate

16  of any court in the state to issue warrants and try cases made

17  within the limit of any municipality city over which such

18  magistrate has jurisdiction in connection with the violation

19  of this law.

20         (4)  Grand juries shall have inquisitorial powers to

21  investigate violations of this chapter; also, trial county

22  court judges and judges of the circuit courts shall specially

23  charge the grand jury, at the beginning of each term of the

24  court, to investigate violations of this chapter.

25         Section 10.  Subsection (2) of section 560.306, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         560.306  Standards.--

28         (2)  The department may deny registration if it finds

29  that the applicant, or any money transmitter-affiliated party

30  of the applicant, has been convicted of a crime involving

31  moral turpitude in any jurisdiction or of a crime which, if


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 1  committed in this state, would constitute a crime involving

 2  moral turpitude under the laws of this state. For the purposes

 3  of this part, a person shall be deemed to have been convicted

 4  of a crime if such person has either pleaded guilty to or been

 5  found guilty of a charge before a court or a federal

 6  magistrate, or by the verdict of a jury, irrespective of the

 7  pronouncement of sentence or the suspension thereof. The

 8  department may take into consideration the fact that such plea

 9  of guilty, or such decision, judgment, or verdict, has been

10  set aside, reversed, or otherwise abrogated by lawful judicial

11  process or that the person convicted of the crime received a

12  pardon from the jurisdiction where the conviction was entered

13  or received a certificate pursuant to any provision of law

14  which removes the disability under this part because of such

15  conviction.

16         Section 11.  Section 633.14, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         633.14  Agents; powers to make arrests, conduct

19  searches and seizures, serve summonses, and carry

20  firearms.--Agents of the State Fire Marshal shall have the

21  same authority to serve summonses, make arrests, carry

22  firearms, and make searches and seizures, as the sheriff or

23  her or his deputies, in the respective counties where such

24  investigations, hearings, or inspections may be held; and

25  affidavits necessary to authorize any such arrests, searches,

26  or seizures may be made before any trial court judge

27  magistrate having authority under the law to issue appropriate

28  processes.

29         Section 12.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (1) and

30  paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section 648.44, Florida

31  Statutes, are amended to read:


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 1         648.44  Prohibitions; penalty.--

 2         (1)  A bail bond agent, temporary bail bond agent, or

 3  runner may not:

 4         (e)  Pay a fee or rebate or give or promise anything of

 5  value to a jailer, police officer, peace officer, or

 6  committing trial court judge magistrate or any other person

 7  who has power to arrest or to hold in custody or to any public

 8  official or public employee in order to secure a settlement,

 9  compromise, remission, or reduction of the amount of any bail

10  bond or estreatment thereof.

11         (2)  The following persons or classes shall not be bail

12  bond agents, temporary bail bond agents, or employees of a

13  bail bond agent or a bail bond business and shall not directly

14  or indirectly receive any benefits from the execution of any

15  bail bond:

16         (c)  Committing trial court judges magistrates,

17  employees of a court, or employees of the clerk of any court.

18         Section 13.  Subsection (3) of section 817.482, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         817.482  Possessing or transferring device for theft of

21  telecommunications service; concealment of destination of

22  telecommunications service.--

23         (3)  Any such instrument, apparatus, equipment, or

24  device, or plans or instructions therefor, referred to in

25  subsections (1) and (2), may be seized by court order or under

26  a search warrant of a judge or magistrate or incident to a

27  lawful arrest; and upon the conviction of any person for a

28  violation of any provision of this act, or s. 817.481, such

29  instrument, apparatus, equipment, device, plans, or

30  instructions either shall be destroyed as contraband by the

31  sheriff of the county in which such person was convicted or


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 1  turned over to the telephone company in whose territory such

 2  instrument, apparatus, equipment, device, plans, or

 3  instructions were seized.

 4         Section 14.  Subsection (5) of section 828.122, Florida

 5  Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         828.122  Fighting or baiting animals; offenses;

 7  penalties.--

 8         (5)  Whenever an indictment is returned or an

 9  information is filed charging a violation of s. 828.12 or of

10  this section and, in the case of an information, a trial court

11  judge magistrate finds probable cause that a violation has

12  occurred, the court shall order the animals seized and shall

13  provide for appropriate and humane care or disposition of the

14  animals.  This provision shall not be construed as a

15  limitation on the power to seize animals as evidence at the

16  time of arrest.

17         Section 15.  Subsection (8) of section 832.05, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         832.05  Giving worthless checks, drafts, and debit card

20  orders; penalty; duty of drawee; evidence; costs; complaint

21  form.--

22         (8)  COSTS.--When a prosecution is initiated under this

23  section before any committing trial court judge magistrate,

24  the party applying for the warrant shall be held liable for

25  costs accruing in the event the case is dismissed for want of

26  prosecution.  No costs shall be charged to the county in such

27  dismissed cases.

28         Section 16.  Section 876.42, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         876.42  Witnesses' privileges.--No person shall be

31  excused from attending and testifying, or producing any books,


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 1  papers, or other documents before any court, magistrate,

 2  referee, or grand jury upon any investigation, proceeding, or

 3  trial, for or relating to or concerned with a violation of any

 4  section of this law or attempt to commit such violation, upon

 5  the ground or for the reason that the testimony or evidence,

 6  documentary or otherwise, required by the state may tend to

 7  convict the person of a crime or to subject him or her to a

 8  penalty or forfeiture; but no person shall be prosecuted or

 9  subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of

10  any transaction, matter, or thing concerning which the person

11  may so testify or produce evidence, documentary or otherwise,

12  and no testimony so given or produced shall be received

13  against the person, upon any criminal investigation,

14  proceeding, or trial, except upon a prosecution for perjury or

15  contempt of court, based upon the giving or producing of such

16  testimony.

17         Section 17.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section

18  893.12, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

19         893.12  Contraband; seizure, forfeiture, sale.--

20         (1)  All substances controlled by this chapter and all

21  listed chemicals, which substances or chemicals are handled,

22  delivered, possessed, or distributed contrary to any

23  provisions of this chapter, and all such controlled substances

24  or listed chemicals the lawful possession of which is not

25  established or the title to which cannot be ascertained, are

26  declared to be contraband, are subject to seizure and

27  confiscation by any person whose duty it is to enforce the

28  provisions of the chapter, and shall be disposed of as

29  follows:

30         (a)  Except as in this section otherwise provided, the

31  court having jurisdiction shall order such controlled


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 1  substances or listed chemicals forfeited and destroyed.  A

 2  record of the place where said controlled substances or listed

 3  chemicals were seized, of the kinds and quantities of

 4  controlled substances or listed chemicals destroyed, and of

 5  the time, place, and manner of destruction shall be kept, and

 6  a return under oath reporting said destruction shall be made

 7  to the court or magistrate by the officer who destroys them.

 8         Section 18.  Section 901.01, Florida Statutes, is

 9  amended to read:

10         901.01  Judicial officers have to be committing

11  authority magistrates.--Each state judicial officer is a

12  conservator of the peace and has a committing magistrate with

13  authority to issue warrants of arrest, commit offenders to

14  jail, and recognize them to appear to answer the charge.  He

15  or she may require sureties of the peace when the peace has

16  been substantially threatened or disturbed.

17         Section 19.  Subsection (1) of section 901.02, Florida

18  Statutes, is amended to read:

19         901.02  When warrant of arrest to be issued.--

20         (1)  A warrant may be issued for the arrest of the

21  person complained against if the trial court judge magistrate,

22  from the examination of the complainant and other witnesses,

23  reasonably believes that the person complained against has

24  committed an offense within the trial court judge's

25  magistrate's jurisdiction. A warrant is issued at the time it

26  is signed by the trial court judge magistrate.

27         Section 20.  Section 901.07, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         901.07  Admission to bail when arrest occurs in another

30  county.--



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 1         (1)  When an arrest by a warrant occurs in a county

 2  other than the one in which the alleged offense was committed

 3  and the warrant issued, if the person arrested has a right to

 4  bail, the arresting officer shall inform the person of his or

 5  her right and, upon request, shall take the person before a

 6  trial court judge magistrate or other official of the same

 7  county having authority to admit to bail. The official shall

 8  admit the person arrested to bail for his or her appearance

 9  before the trial court judge magistrate who issued the

10  warrant.

11         (2)  If the person arrested does not have a right to

12  bail or, when informed of his or her right to bail, does not

13  furnish bail immediately, the officer who made the arrest or

14  the officer having the warrant shall take the person before

15  the trial court judge magistrate who issued the warrant.

16         Section 21.  Section 901.08, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         901.08  Issue of warrant when offense triable in

19  another county.--

20         (1)  When a complaint before a trial court judge

21  magistrate charges the commission of an offense that is

22  punishable by death or life imprisonment and is triable in

23  another county of the state, but it appears that the person

24  against whom the complaint is made is in the county where the

25  complaint is made, the same proceedings for issuing a warrant

26  shall be used as prescribed in this chapter, except that the

27  warrant shall require the person against whom the complaint is

28  made to be taken before a designated trial court judge

29  magistrate of the county in which the offense is triable.

30         (2)  If the person arrested has a right to bail, the

31  officer making the arrest shall inform the person of his or


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 1  her right to bail and, on request, shall take the person

 2  before a trial court judge magistrate or other official having

 3  authority to admit to bail in the county in which the arrest

 4  is made.  The official shall admit the person to bail for his

 5  or her appearance before the trial court judge magistrate

 6  designated in the warrant.

 7         (3)  If the person arrested does not have a right to

 8  bail or, when informed of his or her right to bail, does not

 9  furnish bail immediately, he or she shall be taken before the

10  trial court judge magistrate designated in the warrant.

11         Section 22.  Section 901.09, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         901.09  When summons shall be issued.--

14         (1)  When the complaint is for an offense that the

15  trial court judge magistrate is empowered to try summarily,

16  the trial court judge magistrate shall issue a summons instead

17  of a warrant, unless she or he reasonably believes that the

18  person against whom the complaint was made will not appear

19  upon a summons, in which event the trial court judge

20  magistrate shall issue a warrant.

21         (2)  When the complaint is for a misdemeanor that the

22  trial court judge magistrate is not empowered to try

23  summarily, the trial court judge magistrate shall issue a

24  summons instead of a warrant if she or he reasonably believes

25  that the person against whom the complaint was made will

26  appear upon a summons.

27         (3)  The summons shall set forth substantially the

28  nature of the offense and shall command the person against

29  whom the complaint was made to appear before the trial court

30  judge magistrate at a stated time and place.



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 1         Section 23.  Section 901.11, Florida Statutes, is

 2  amended to read:

 3         901.11  Effect of not answering summons.--Failure to

 4  appear as commanded by a summons without good cause is an

 5  indirect criminal contempt of court and may be punished by a

 6  fine of not more than $100.  When a person fails to appear as

 7  commanded by a summons, the trial court judge magistrate shall

 8  issue a warrant.  If the trial court judge magistrate acquires

 9  reason to believe that the person summoned will not appear as

10  commanded after issuing a summons, the trial court judge

11  magistrate may issue a warrant.

12         Section 24.  Section 901.12, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         901.12  Summons against corporation.--When a complaint

15  of an offense is made against a corporation, the trial court

16  judge magistrate shall issue a summons that shall set forth

17  substantially the nature of the offense and command the

18  corporation to appear before the trial court judge magistrate

19  at a stated time and place.

20         Section 25.  Subsection (3) of section 901.25, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         901.25  Fresh pursuit; arrest outside jurisdiction.--

23         (3)  If an arrest is made in this state by an officer

24  outside the county within which his or her jurisdiction lies,

25  the officer shall immediately notify the officer in charge of

26  the jurisdiction in which the arrest is made.  Such officer in

27  charge of the jurisdiction shall, along with the officer

28  making the arrest, take the person so arrested before a trial

29  county court judge or other committing magistrate of the

30  county in which the arrest was made without unnecessary delay.



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 1         Section 26.  Section 902.15, Florida Statutes, is

 2  amended to read:

 3         902.15  Undertaking by witness.--When a defendant is

 4  held to answer on a charge for a crime punishable by death or

 5  life imprisonment, the trial court judge magistrate at the

 6  preliminary hearing may require each material witness to enter

 7  into a written recognizance to appear at the trial or forfeit

 8  a sum fixed by the trial court judge magistrate. Additional

 9  security may be required in the discretion of the trial court

10  judge magistrate.

11         Section 27.  Subsections (1), (2), and (3) of section

12  902.17, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

13         902.17  Procedure when witness does not give

14  security.--

15         (1)  If a witness required to enter into a recognizance

16  to appear refuses to comply with the order, the trial court

17  judge magistrate shall commit the witness to custody until she

18  or he complies or she or he is legally discharged.

19         (2)  If the trial court judge magistrate requires a

20  witness to give security for her or his appearance and the

21  witness is unable to give the security, the witness may apply

22  to the court having jurisdiction to try the defendant for a

23  reduction of the security.

24         (3)  If it appears from examination on oath of the

25  witness or any other person that the witness is unable to give

26  security, the trial court judge magistrate or the court having

27  jurisdiction to try the defendant shall make an order finding

28  that fact, and the witness shall be detained pending

29  application for her or his conditional examination. Within 3

30  days after from the entry of the order, the witness shall be

31  conditionally examined on application of the state or the


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 1  defendant.  The examination shall be by question and answer in

 2  the presence of the other party and counsel, and shall be

 3  transcribed by a court reporter or stenographer selected by

 4  the parties. At the completion of the examination the witness

 5  shall be discharged. The deposition of the witness may be

 6  introduced in evidence at the trial by the defendant, or, if

 7  the prosecuting attorney and the defendant and the defendant's

 8  counsel agree, it may be admitted in evidence by stipulation.

 9  The deposition shall not be admitted on behalf of the state

10  without the consent of the defendant.

11         Section 28.  Section 902.20, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         902.20  Contempts before committing trial court judge

14  magistrate.--A committing trial court judge magistrate holding

15  a preliminary hearing shall have the same power to punish for

16  contempts that she or he has while presiding at the trial of

17  criminal cases.

18         Section 29.  Section 902.21, Florida Statutes, is

19  amended to read:

20         902.21  Commitment to jail in another county.--If a

21  person is committed in a county where there is no jail, the

22  committing trial court judge magistrate shall direct the

23  sheriff to deliver the accused to a jail in another county.

24         Section 30.  Subsection (1) of section 903.03, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         903.03  Jurisdiction of trial court to admit to bail;

27  duties and responsibilities of Department of Corrections.--

28         (1)  After a person is held to answer by a trial court

29  judge magistrate, the court having jurisdiction to try the

30  defendant shall, before indictment, affidavit, or information

31  is filed, have jurisdiction to hear and decide all preliminary


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 1  motions regarding bail and production or impounding of all

 2  articles, writings, moneys, or other exhibits expected to be

 3  used at the trial by either the state or the defendant.

 4         Section 31.  Subsection (2) of section 903.32, Florida

 5  Statutes, is amended to read:

 6         903.32  Defects in bond.--

 7         (2)  If no day, or an impossible day, is stated in a

 8  bond for the defendant's appearance before a trial court judge

 9  magistrate for a hearing, the defendant shall be bound to

10  appear 10 days after receipt of notice to appear by the

11  defendant, the defendant's counsel, or any surety on the

12  undertaking. If no day, or an impossible day, is stated in a

13  bond for the defendant's appearance for trial, the defendant

14  shall be bound to appear on the first day of the next term of

15  court that will commence more than 3 days after the

16  undertaking is given.

17         Section 32.  Section 903.34, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         903.34  Who may admit to bail.--In criminal actions

20  instituted or pending in any state court, bonds given by

21  defendants before trial until appeal shall be approved by a

22  committing trial court judge magistrate or the sheriff. Appeal

23  bonds shall be approved as provided in s. 924.15.

24         Section 33.  Subsection (4) of section 914.22, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         914.22  Tampering with a witness, victim, or

27  informant.--

28         (4)  In a prosecution for an offense under this

29  section, no state of mind need be proved with respect to the

30  circumstance:



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 1         (a)  That the official proceeding before a judge,

 2  court, magistrate, grand jury, or government agency is before

 3  a judge or court of the state, a state or local grand jury, or

 4  a state agency; or

 5         (b)  That the judge is a judge of the state or that the

 6  law enforcement officer is an officer or employee of the state

 7  or a person authorized to act for or on behalf of the state or

 8  serving the state as an adviser or consultant.

 9         Section 34.  Section 923.01, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         923.01  Criminal report.--Each committing trial court

12  judge magistrate at the time commitment papers are sent by her

13  or him to the proper trial court, and the sheriff when an

14  arrest is made, other than on a capias, shall transmit to the

15  prosecuting attorney of the trial court having jurisdiction, a

16  report in the following form:


18                         CRIMINAL REPORT

19  Date: .... Name and address of defendant: .... Age: ..... If

20  under 18, give name and address of parent, next friend, or

21  guardian: .... Name of offense, such as murder, assault,

22  robbery, etc.: .... Date and place where committed: .... Value

23  of property stolen: .... Kind of property stolen: .... Kind of

24  building robbed: .... Name and address of owner of property

25  stolen or building robbed: .... Name and address of occupant

26  of building robbed: .... Name of party assaulted or murdered:

27  .... Weapon used in assault or murder: .... Exhibits taken at

28  scene of crime or from defendant: .... Name of custodian of

29  such exhibits: .... Location of building or place where

30  offense committed: .... Previous prison record of defendant:

31  .... Has defendant been arrested: .... Does defendant desire


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 1  to plead guilty: .... Names and addresses of state witnesses:

 2  .... Name of defendant's lawyer: .... If defendant is released

 3  on bond, names and addresses of sureties: .... Brief statement

 4  of facts: .... Name of committing trial court judge

 5  magistrate: .... If additional space required, use reverse

 6  side of this sheet.

 7                  ...(Signature of party making this report.)...

 8         Section 35.  Section 933.01, Florida Statutes, is

 9  amended to read:

10         933.01  Persons competent to issue search warrant.--A

11  search warrant authorized by law may be issued by any judge,

12  including the judge of any circuit court of this state or

13  county court judge, or committing judge of the trial court

14  magistrate having jurisdiction where the place, vehicle, or

15  thing to be searched may be.

16         Section 36.  Section 933.06, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         933.06  Sworn application required before

19  issuance.--The judge or magistrate must, before issuing the

20  warrant, have the application of some person for said warrant

21  duly sworn to and subscribed, and may receive further

22  testimony from witnesses or supporting affidavits, or

23  depositions in writing, to support the application.  The

24  affidavit and further proof, if same be had or required, must

25  set forth the facts tending to establish the grounds of the

26  application or probable cause for believing that they exist.

27         Section 37.  Subsection (1) of section 933.07, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         933.07  Issuance of search warrants.--

30         (1)  The judge, upon examination of the application and

31  proofs submitted, if satisfied that probable cause exists for


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 1  the issuing of the search warrant, shall thereupon issue a

 2  search warrant signed by him or her with his or her name of

 3  office, to any sheriff and the sheriff's deputies or any

 4  police officer or other person authorized by law to execute

 5  process, commanding the officer or person forthwith to search

 6  the property described in the warrant or the person named, for

 7  the property specified, and to bring the property and any

 8  person arrested in connection therewith before the judge

 9  magistrate or some other court having jurisdiction of the

10  offense.

11         Section 38.  Section 933.10, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         933.10  Execution of search warrant during day or

14  night.--A search warrant issued under the provisions of this

15  chapter may, if expressly authorized in such warrant by the

16  judge or magistrate issuing the same, be executed by being

17  served either in the daytime or in the nighttime, as the

18  exigencies of the occasion may demand or require.

19         Section 39.  Section 933.101, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         933.101  Service on Sunday.--A search warrant may be

22  executed by being served on Sunday, if expressly authorized in

23  such warrant by the judge or magistrate issuing the same.

24         Section 40.  Section 933.13, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         933.13  Copy of inventory shall be delivered upon

27  request.--The judge or magistrate to whom the warrant is

28  returned, upon the request of any claimant or any person from

29  whom said property is taken, or the officer who executed the

30  search warrant, shall deliver to said applicant a true copy of



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 1  the inventory of the property mentioned in the return on said

 2  warrant.

 3         Section 41.  Subsections (1), (3), and (4) of section

 4  933.14, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 5         933.14  Return of property taken under search

 6  warrant.--

 7         (1)  If it appears to the magistrate or judge before

 8  whom the warrant is returned that the property or papers taken

 9  are not the same as that described in the warrant, or that

10  there is no probable cause for believing the existence of the

11  grounds upon which the warrant was issued, or if it appears to

12  the judge magistrate before whom any property is returned that

13  the property was secured by an "unreasonable" search, the

14  judge or magistrate may order a return of the property taken;

15  provided, however, that in no instance shall contraband such

16  as slot machines, gambling tables, lottery tickets, tally

17  sheets, rundown sheets, or other gambling devices,

18  paraphernalia and equipment, or narcotic drugs, obscene prints

19  and literature be returned to anyone claiming an interest

20  therein, it being the specific intent of the Legislature that

21  no one has any property rights subject to be protected by any

22  constitutional provision in such contraband; provided,

23  further, that the claimant of said contraband may upon sworn

24  petition and proof submitted by him or her in the circuit

25  court of the county where seized, show that said contraband

26  articles so seized were held, used or possessed in a lawful

27  manner, for a lawful purpose, and in a lawful place, the

28  burden of proof in all cases being upon the claimant.  The

29  sworn affidavit or complaint upon which the search warrant was

30  issued or the testimony of the officers showing probable cause

31  to search without a warrant or incident to a legal arrest, and


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 1  the finding of such slot machines, gambling tables, lottery

 2  tickets, tally sheets, rundown sheets, scratch sheets, or

 3  other gambling devices, paraphernalia, and equipment,

 4  including money used in gambling or in furtherance of

 5  gambling, or narcotic drugs, obscene prints and literature, or

 6  any of them, shall constitute prima facie evidence of the

 7  illegal possession of such contraband and the burden shall be

 8  upon the claimant for the return thereof, to show that such

 9  contraband was lawfully acquired, possessed, held, and used.

10         (3)  No pistol or firearm taken by any officer with a

11  search warrant or without a search warrant upon a view by the

12  officer of a breach of the peace shall be returned except

13  pursuant to an order of a trial circuit judge or a county

14  court judge.

15         (4)  If no cause is shown for the return of any

16  property seized or taken under a search warrant, the judge or

17  magistrate shall order that the same be impounded for use as

18  evidence at any trial of any criminal or penal cause growing

19  out of the having or possession of said property, but

20  perishable property held or possessed in violation of law may

21  be sold where the same is not prohibited, as may be directed

22  by the court, or returned to the person from whom taken.  The

23  judge or magistrate to whom said search warrant is returned

24  shall file the same with the inventory and sworn return in the

25  proper office, and if the original affidavit and proofs upon

26  which the warrant was issued are in his or her possession, he

27  or she shall apply to the officer having the same and the

28  officer shall transmit and deliver all of the papers, proofs,

29  and certificates to the proper office where the proceedings

30  are lodged.



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 1         Section 42.  Section 939.02, Florida Statutes, is

 2  amended to read:

 3         939.02  Costs before committing trial court judge

 4  magistrate.--All costs accruing before a committing trial

 5  court judge magistrate shall be taxed against the defendant on

 6  conviction or estreat of recognizance.

 7         Section 43.  Section 939.14, Florida Statutes, is

 8  amended to read:

 9         939.14  County not to pay costs in cases where

10  information is not filed or indictment found.--When a

11  committing trial court judge magistrate holds to bail or

12  commits any person to answer a criminal charge in a county

13  court or a circuit court, and an information is not filed nor

14  an indictment found against such person, the costs of such

15  committing trial shall not be paid by the county, except the

16  costs for executing the warrant.

17         Section 44.  Section 941.13, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         941.13  Arrest prior to requisition.--Whenever any

20  person within this state shall be charged on the oath of any

21  credible person before any judge or magistrate of this state

22  with the commission of any crime in any other state, and,

23  except in cases arising under s. 941.06, with having fled from

24  justice or with having been convicted of a crime in that state

25  and having escaped from confinement, or having broken the

26  terms of his or her bail, probation, or parole, or whenever

27  complaint shall have been made before any judge or magistrate

28  in this state setting forth on the affidavit of any credible

29  person in another state that a crime has been committed in

30  such other state and that the accused has been charged in such

31  state with the commission of the crime, and, except in cases


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 1  arising under s. 941.06, has fled from justice, or with having

 2  been convicted of a crime in that state and having escaped

 3  from confinement, or having broken the terms of his or her

 4  bail, probation, or parole, and is believed to be in this

 5  state, the judge or magistrate shall issue a warrant directed

 6  to any peace officer commanding him or her to apprehend the

 7  person named therein, wherever the person may be found in this

 8  state, and to bring the person before the same or any other

 9  judge, magistrate, or court who or which may be available in,

10  or convenient of, access to the place where the arrest may be

11  made, to answer the charge or complaint and affidavit, and a

12  certified copy of the sworn charge or complaint and affidavit

13  upon which the warrant is issued shall be attached to the

14  warrant.

15         Section 45.  Section 941.14, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         941.14  Arrest without a warrant.--The arrest of a

18  person may be lawfully made also by any peace officer or a

19  private person, without a warrant upon reasonable information

20  that the accused stands charged in the courts of a state with

21  a crime punishable by death or imprisonment for a term

22  exceeding 1 year, but when so arrested the accused must be

23  taken before a judge or magistrate with all practicable speed

24  and complaint must be made against the accused under oath

25  setting forth the ground for the arrest as in the preceding

26  section; and thereafter his or her answer shall be heard as if

27  the accused had been arrested on a warrant.

28         Section 46.  Section 941.15, Florida Statutes, is

29  amended to read:

30         941.15  Commitment to await requisition; bail.--If from

31  the examination before the judge or magistrate it appears that


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 1  the person held is the person charged with having committed

 2  the crime alleged and, except in cases arising under s.

 3  941.06, that the person has fled from justice, the judge or

 4  magistrate must, by a warrant reciting the accusation, commit

 5  the person to the county jail for such a time not exceeding 30

 6  days and specified in the warrant, as will enable the arrest

 7  of the accused to be made under a warrant of the Governor on a

 8  requisition of the executive authority of the state having

 9  jurisdiction of the offense, unless the accused gives give

10  bail as provided in s. 941.16 the next section, or until the

11  accused shall be legally discharged.

12         Section 47.  Section 941.17, Florida Statutes, is

13  amended to read:

14         941.17  Extension of time of commitment,

15  adjournment.--If the accused is not arrested under warrant of

16  the Governor by the expiration of the time specified in the

17  warrant or bond, a judge or magistrate may discharge the

18  accused or may recommit him or her for a further period not to

19  exceed 60 days, or a judge or magistrate judge may again take

20  bail for his or her appearance and surrender, as provided in

21  s. 941.16, but within a period not to exceed 60 days after the

22  date of such new bond.

23         Section 48.  Section 941.18, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         941.18  Forfeiture of bail.--If the prisoner is

26  admitted to bail, and fails to appear and surrender himself or

27  herself according to the conditions of his or her bond, the

28  judge, or magistrate by proper order, shall declare the bond

29  forfeited and order his or her immediate arrest without

30  warrant if he or she is be within this state. Recovery may be

31  had on such bond in the name of the state as in the case of


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 1  other bonds given by the accused in criminal proceedings

 2  within this state.

 3         Section 49.  Subsection (2) of section 947.141, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         947.141  Violations of conditional release, control

 6  release, or conditional medical release or addiction-recovery

 7  supervision.--

 8         (2)  Upon the arrest on a felony charge of an offender

 9  who is on release supervision under s. 947.1405, s. 947.146,

10  s. 947.149, or s. 944.4731, the offender must be detained

11  without bond until the initial appearance of the offender at

12  which a judicial determination of probable cause is made. If

13  the trial court judge magistrate determines that there was no

14  probable cause for the arrest, the offender may be released.

15  If the trial court judge magistrate determines that there was

16  probable cause for the arrest, such determination also

17  constitutes reasonable grounds to believe that the offender

18  violated the conditions of the release. Within 24 hours after

19  the trial court judge's magistrate's finding of probable

20  cause, the detention facility administrator or designee shall

21  notify the commission and the department of the finding and

22  transmit to each a facsimile copy of the probable cause

23  affidavit or the sworn offense report upon which the trial

24  court judge's magistrate's probable cause determination is

25  based. The offender must continue to be detained without bond

26  for a period not exceeding 72 hours excluding weekends and

27  holidays after the date of the probable cause determination,

28  pending a decision by the commission whether to issue a

29  warrant charging the offender with violation of the conditions

30  of release. Upon the issuance of the commission's warrant, the



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 1  offender must continue to be held in custody pending a

 2  revocation hearing held in accordance with this section.

 3         Section 50.  Subsection (1) of section 948.06, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         948.06  Violation of probation or community control;

 6  revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay

 7  restitution or cost of supervision.--

 8         (1)  Whenever within the period of probation or

 9  community control there are reasonable grounds to believe that

10  a probationer or offender in community control has violated

11  his or her probation or community control in a material

12  respect, any law enforcement officer who is aware of the

13  probationary or community control status of the probationer or

14  offender in community control or any parole or probation

15  supervisor may arrest or request any county or municipal law

16  enforcement officer to arrest such probationer or offender

17  without warrant wherever found and forthwith return him or her

18  to the court granting such probation or community control. Any

19  committing trial court judge magistrate may issue a warrant,

20  upon the facts being made known to him or her by affidavit of

21  one having knowledge of such facts, for the arrest of the

22  probationer or offender, returnable forthwith before the court

23  granting such probation or community control. Any parole or

24  probation supervisor, any officer authorized to serve criminal

25  process, or any peace officer of this state is authorized to

26  serve and execute such warrant. Upon the filing of an

27  affidavit alleging a violation of probation or community

28  control and following issuance of a warrant under s. 901.02,

29  the probationary period is tolled until the court enters a

30  ruling on the violation. Notwithstanding the tolling of

31  probation as provided in this subsection, the court shall


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 1  retain jurisdiction over the offender for any violation of the

 2  conditions of probation or community control that is alleged

 3  to have occurred during the tolling period. The probation

 4  officer is permitted to continue to supervise any offender who

 5  remains available to the officer for supervision until the

 6  supervision expires pursuant to the order of probation or

 7  community control or until the court revokes or terminates the

 8  probation or community control, whichever comes first. The

 9  court, upon the probationer or offender being brought before

10  it, shall advise him or her of such charge of violation and,

11  if such charge is admitted to be true, may forthwith revoke,

12  modify, or continue the probation or community control or

13  place the probationer into a community control program. If

14  probation or community control is revoked, the court shall

15  adjudge the probationer or offender guilty of the offense

16  charged and proven or admitted, unless he or she has

17  previously been adjudged guilty, and impose any sentence which

18  it might have originally imposed before placing the

19  probationer on probation or the offender into community

20  control. If such violation of probation or community control

21  is not admitted by the probationer or offender, the court may

22  commit him or her or release him or her with or without bail

23  to await further hearing, or it may dismiss the charge of

24  probation or community control violation. If such charge is

25  not at that time admitted by the probationer or offender and

26  if it is not dismissed, the court, as soon as may be

27  practicable, shall give the probationer or offender an

28  opportunity to be fully heard on his or her behalf in person

29  or by counsel. After such hearing, the court may revoke,

30  modify, or continue the probation or community control or

31  place the probationer into community control. If such


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 1  probation or community control is revoked, the court shall

 2  adjudge the probationer or offender guilty of the offense

 3  charged and proven or admitted, unless he or she has

 4  previously been adjudged guilty, and impose any sentence which

 5  it might have originally imposed before placing the

 6  probationer or offender on probation or into community

 7  control. Notwithstanding s. 775.082, when a period of

 8  probation or community control has been tolled, upon

 9  revocation or modification of the probation or community

10  control, the court may impose a sanction with a term that when

11  combined with the amount of supervision served and tolled,

12  exceeds the term permissible pursuant to s. 775.082 for a term

13  up to the amount of the tolled period supervision. If the

14  court dismisses an affidavit alleging a violation of probation

15  or community control, the offender's probation or community

16  control shall continue as previously imposed, and the offender

17  shall receive credit for all tolled time against his or her

18  term of probation or community control.

19         Section 51.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (4) of section

20  985.05, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         985.05  Court records.--

22         (4)  A court record of proceedings under this part is

23  not admissible in evidence in any other civil or criminal

24  proceeding, except that:

25         (b)  Orders binding an adult over for trial on a

26  criminal charge, made by the committing trial judge as a

27  committing magistrate, are admissible in evidence in the court

28  to which the adult is bound over.

29         Section 52.  Section 56.071, Florida Statutes, is

30  amended to read:



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 1         56.071  Executions on equities of redemption; discovery

 2  of value.--On motion made by the party causing a levy to be

 3  made on an equity of redemption, the court from which the

 4  execution issued shall order the mortgagor, mortgagee, and all

 5  other persons interested in the mortgaged property levied on

 6  to appear and be examined about the amount remaining due on

 7  the mortgage, the amount that has been paid, the party to whom

 8  that amount has been paid, and the date when that amount was

 9  paid to whom and when paid so that the value of the equity of

10  redemption may be ascertained before the property it is sold.

11  The court may appoint a general or special magistrate master

12  to conduct the examination.  This section shall also apply to

13  the interest of and personal property in possession of a

14  vendee under a retained title contract or conditional sales

15  contract.

16         Section 53.  Subsections (2), (7), and (10) of section

17  56.29, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

18         56.29  Proceedings supplementary.--

19         (2)  On such plaintiff's motion the court shall require

20  the defendant in execution to appear before it or a general or

21  special magistrate master at a time and place specified by the

22  order in the county of the defendant's residence to be

23  examined concerning his or her property.

24         (7)  At any time the court may refer the proceeding to

25  a general or special magistrate master who may be directed to

26  report findings of law or fact, or both.  The master has all

27  the powers thereof, including the power to issue subpoena, and

28  shall be paid the fees provided by law.

29         (10)  Any person failing to obey any order issued under

30  this section by a judge or general or special magistrate



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 1  master or failing to attend in response to a subpoena served

 2  on him or her may be held in contempt.

 3         Section 54.  Subsection (4) of section 61.1826, Florida

 4  Statutes, is amended to read:

 5         61.1826  Procurement of services for State Disbursement

 6  Unit and the non-Title IV-D component of the State Case

 7  Registry; contracts and cooperative agreements; penalties;

 8  withholding payment.--


10  contract between the Florida Association of Court Clerks and

11  the department, and cooperative agreements entered into by the

12  depositories and the department, must contain, but are not

13  limited to, the following terms:

14         (a)  The initial term of the contract and cooperative

15  agreements is for 5 years. The subsequent term of the contract

16  and cooperative agreements is for 3 years, with the option of

17  two 1-year renewal periods, at the sole discretion of the

18  department.

19         (b)  The duties and responsibilities of the Florida

20  Association of Court Clerks, the depositories, and the

21  department.

22         (c)  Under s. 287.058(1)(a), all providers and

23  subcontractors shall submit to the department directly, or

24  through the Florida Association of Court Clerks, a report of

25  monthly expenditures in a format prescribed by the department

26  and in sufficient detail for a proper preaudit and postaudit

27  thereof.

28         (d)  All providers and subcontractors shall submit to

29  the department directly, or through the Florida Association of

30  Court Clerks, management reports in a format prescribed by the

31  department.


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 1         (e)  All subcontractors shall comply with chapter 280,

 2  as may be required.

 3         (f)  Federal financial participation for eligible Title

 4  IV-D expenditures incurred by the Florida Association of Court

 5  Clerks and the depositories shall be at the maximum level

 6  permitted by federal law for expenditures incurred for the

 7  provision of services in support of child support enforcement

 8  in accordance with 45 C.F.R. part 74 and Federal Office of

 9  Management and Budget Circulars A-87 and A-122 and based on an

10  annual cost allocation study of each depository. The

11  depositories shall submit directly, or through the Florida

12  Association of Court Clerks, claims for Title IV-D

13  expenditures monthly to the department in a standardized

14  format as prescribed by the department. The Florida

15  Association of Court Clerks shall contract with a certified

16  public accounting firm, selected by the Florida Association of

17  Court Clerks and the department, to audit and certify

18  quarterly to the department all claims for expenditures

19  submitted by the depositories for Title IV-D reimbursement.

20         (g)  Upon termination of the contracts between the

21  department and the Florida Association of Court Clerks or the

22  depositories, the Florida Association of Court Clerks, its

23  agents, and the depositories shall assist the department in

24  making an orderly transition to a private vendor.

25         (h)  Interest on late payment by the department shall

26  be in accordance with s. 215.422.


28  If either the department or the Florida Association of Court

29  Clerks objects to a term of the standard cooperative agreement

30  or contract specified in subsections (2) and (3), the disputed

31  term or terms shall be presented jointly by the parties to the


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 1  Attorney General or the Attorney General's designee, who shall

 2  act as special magistrate master. The special magistrate

 3  master shall resolve the dispute in writing within 10 days.

 4  The resolution of a dispute by the special magistrate master

 5  is binding on the department and the Florida Association of

 6  Court Clerks.

 7         Section 55.  Section 64.061, Florida Statutes, is

 8  amended to read:

 9         64.061  Partition of property; commissioners; special

10  magistrate master.--

11         (1)  APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL.--When a judgment of

12  partition is made, the court shall appoint three suitable

13  persons as commissioners to make the partition.  They shall be

14  selected by the court unless agreed on by the parties. They

15  may be removed by the court for good cause and others

16  appointed in their places.


18  COMMISSIONERS.--The commissioners shall be sworn to execute

19  the trust imposed in them faithfully and impartially before

20  entering on their duties; have power to employ a surveyor, if

21  necessary, for the purpose of making partition; be allowed

22  such sum as is reasonable for their services; to make

23  partition of the lands in question according to the court's

24  order and report it in writing to the court without delay.


26  party may file objections to the report of the commissioners

27  within 10 days after it is served.  If no objections are filed

28  or if the court is satisfied on hearing any such objections

29  that they are not well-founded, the report shall be confirmed,

30  and a final judgment entered vesting in the parties the title

31  to the parcels of the lands allotted to them respectively, and


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 1  giving each of them the possession of and quieting title to

 2  their respective shares as against the other parties to the

 3  action or those claiming through or under them.



 6  allegation in a pleading that the property sought to be

 7  partitioned is indivisible and is not subject to partition

 8  without prejudice to the owners of it or if a judgment of

 9  partition is entered and the court is satisfied that the

10  allegation is correct, on motion of any party and notice to

11  the others the court may appoint a special magistrate master

12  or the clerk to make sale of the property either at private

13  sale or as provided by s. 64.071.

14         Section 56.  Subsection (5) of section 65.061, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended to read:

16         65.061  Quieting title; additional remedy.--

17         (5)  RECORDING FINAL JUDGMENTS.--All final judgments

18  may be recorded in the county or counties in which the land is

19  situated and operate to vest title in like manner as though a

20  conveyance were executed by a special magistrate master or

21  commissioner.

22         Section 57.  Section 69.051, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         69.051  General and special magistrates Masters in

25  chancery; compensation.--General and special magistrates

26  appointed by the court Masters in chancery shall be allowed

27  such compensation for any services as the court deems

28  reasonable, including time consumed in legal research required

29  in preparing and summarizing their findings of fact and law.

30         Section 58.  Section 70.51, Florida Statutes, is

31  amended to read:


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 1         70.51  Land use and environmental dispute resolution.--

 2         (1)  This section may be cited as the "Florida Land Use

 3  and Environmental Dispute Resolution Act."

 4         (2)  As used in this section, the term:

 5         (a)  "Development order" means any order, or notice of

 6  proposed state or regional governmental agency action, which

 7  is or will have the effect of granting, denying, or granting

 8  with conditions an application for a development permit, and

 9  includes the rezoning of a specific parcel.  Actions by the

10  state or a local government on comprehensive plan amendments

11  are not development orders.

12         (b)  "Development permit" means any building permit,

13  zoning permit, subdivision approval, certification, special

14  exception, variance, or any other similar action of local

15  government, as well as any permit authorized to be issued

16  under state law by state, regional, or local government which

17  has the effect of authorizing the development of real property

18  including, but not limited to, programs implementing chapters

19  125, 161, 163, 166, 187, 258, 372, 373, 378, 380, and 403.

20         (c)  "Special magistrate master" means a person

21  selected by the parties to perform the duties prescribed in

22  this section.  The special magistrate master must be a

23  resident of the state and possess experience and expertise in

24  mediation and at least one of the following disciplines and a

25  working familiarity with the others: land use and

26  environmental permitting, land planning, land economics, local

27  and state government organization and powers, and the law

28  governing the same.

29         (d)  "Owner" means a person with a legal or equitable

30  interest in real property who filed an application for a

31  development permit for the property at the state, regional, or


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 1  local level and who received a development order, or who holds

 2  legal title to real property that is subject to an enforcement

 3  action of a governmental entity.

 4         (e)  "Proposed use of the property" means the proposal

 5  filed by the owner to develop his or her real property.

 6         (f)  "Governmental entity" includes an agency of the

 7  state, a regional or a local government created by the State

 8  Constitution or by general or special act, any county or

 9  municipality, or any other entity that independently exercises

10  governmental authority.  The term does not include the United

11  States or any of its agencies.

12         (g)  "Land" or "real property" means land and includes

13  any appurtenances and improvements to the land, including any

14  other relevant real property in which the owner had a relevant

15  interest.

16         (3)  Any owner who believes that a development order,

17  either separately or in conjunction with other development

18  orders, or an enforcement action of a governmental entity, is

19  unreasonable or unfairly burdens the use of the owner's real

20  property, may apply within 30 days after receipt of the order

21  or notice of the governmental action for relief under this

22  section.

23         (4)  To initiate a proceeding under this section, an

24  owner must file a request for relief with the elected or

25  appointed head of the governmental entity that issued the

26  development order or orders, or that initiated the enforcement

27  action.  The head of the governmental entity may not charge

28  the owner for the request for relief and must forward the

29  request for relief to the special magistrate master who is

30  mutually agreed upon by the owner and the governmental entity

31  within 10 days after receipt of the request.


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 1         (5)  The governmental entity with whom a request has

 2  been filed shall also serve a copy of the request for relief

 3  by United States mail or by hand delivery to:

 4         (a)  Owners of real property contiguous to the owner's

 5  property at the address on the latest county tax roll.

 6         (b)  Any substantially affected party who submitted

 7  oral or written testimony, sworn or unsworn, of a substantive

 8  nature which stated with particularity objections to or

 9  support for any development order at issue or enforcement

10  action at issue.  Notice under this paragraph is required only

11  if that party indicated a desire to receive notice of any

12  subsequent special magistrate master proceedings occurring on

13  the development order or enforcement action. Each governmental

14  entity must maintain in its files relating to particular

15  development orders a mailing list of persons who have

16  presented oral or written testimony and who have requested

17  notice.

18         (6)  The request for relief must contain:

19         (a)  A brief statement of the owner's proposed use of

20  the property.

21         (b)  A summary of the development order or description

22  of the enforcement action.  A copy of the development order or

23  the documentation of an enforcement action at issue must be

24  attached to the request.

25         (c)  A brief statement of the impact of the development

26  order or enforcement action on the ability of the owner to

27  achieve the proposed use of the property.

28         (d)  A certificate of service showing the parties,

29  including the governmental entity, served.




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 1         (7)  The special magistrate master may require other

 2  information in the interest of gaining a complete

 3  understanding of the request for relief.

 4         (8)  The special magistrate master may conduct a

 5  hearing on whether the request for relief should be dismissed

 6  for failing to include the information required in subsection

 7  (6).  If the special magistrate master dismisses the case, the

 8  special magistrate master shall allow the owner to amend the

 9  request and refile.  Failure to file an adequate amended

10  request within the time specified shall result in a dismissal

11  with prejudice as to this proceeding.

12         (9)  By requesting relief under this section, the owner

13  consents to grant the special magistrate master and the

14  parties reasonable access to the real property with advance

15  notice at a time and in a manner acceptable to the owner of

16  the real property.

17         (10)(a)  Before initiating a special magistrate master

18  proceeding to review a local development order or local

19  enforcement action, the owner must exhaust all nonjudicial

20  local government administrative appeals if the appeals take no

21  longer than 4 months.  Once nonjudicial local administrative

22  appeals are exhausted and the development order or enforcement

23  action is final, or within 4 months after issuance of the

24  development order or notice of the enforcement action if the

25  owner has pursued local administrative appeals even if the

26  appeals have not been concluded, the owner may initiate a

27  proceeding under this section.  Initiation of a proceeding

28  tolls the time for seeking judicial review of a local

29  government development order or enforcement action until the

30  special magistrate's master's recommendation is acted upon by

31  the local government. Election by the owner to file for


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 1  judicial review of a local government development order or

 2  enforcement action prior to initiating a proceeding under this

 3  section waives any right to a special magistrate master

 4  proceeding.

 5         (b)  If an owner requests special master relief under

 6  this section from a development order or enforcement action

 7  issued by a state or regional agency, the time for challenging

 8  agency action under ss. 120.569 and 120.57 is tolled. If an

 9  owner chooses to bring a proceeding under ss. 120.569 and

10  120.57 before initiating a special master proceeding under

11  this section, then the owner waives any right to a special

12  magistrate master proceeding unless all parties consent to

13  proceeding to mediation.

14         (11)  The initial party to the proceeding is the

15  governmental entity that issues the development order to the

16  owner or that is taking the enforcement action.  In those

17  instances when the development order or enforcement action is

18  the culmination of a process involving more than one

19  governmental entity or when a complete resolution of all

20  relevant issues would require the active participation of more

21  than one governmental entity, the special magistrate master

22  may, upon application of a party, join those governmental

23  entities as parties to the proceeding if it will assist in

24  effecting the purposes of this section, and those governmental

25  entities so joined shall actively participate in the

26  procedure.

27         (12)  Within 21 days after receipt of the request for

28  relief, any owner of land contiguous to the owner's property

29  and any substantially affected person who submitted oral or

30  written testimony, sworn or unsworn, of a substantive nature

31  which stated with particularity objections to or support for


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 1  the development order or enforcement action at issue may

 2  request to participate in the proceeding.  Those persons may

 3  be permitted to participate in the hearing but shall not be

 4  granted party or intervenor status. The participation of such

 5  persons is limited to addressing issues raised regarding

 6  alternatives, variances, and other types of adjustment to the

 7  development order or enforcement action which may impact their

 8  substantial interests, including denial of the development

 9  order or application of an enforcement action.

10         (13)  Each party must make efforts to assure that those

11  persons qualified by training or experience necessary to

12  address issues raised by the request or by the special

13  magistrate master and further qualified to address

14  alternatives, variances, and other types of modifications to

15  the development order or enforcement action are present at the

16  hearing.

17         (14)  The special magistrate master may subpoena any

18  nonparty witnesses in the state whom the special magistrate

19  master believes will aid in the disposition of the matter.

20         (15)(a)  The special magistrate master shall hold a

21  hearing within 45 days after his or her receipt of the request

22  for relief unless a different date is agreed to by all the

23  parties.  The hearing must be held in the county in which the

24  property is located.

25         (b)  The special magistrate master must provide notice

26  of the place, date, and time of the hearing to all parties and

27  any other persons who have requested such notice at least 40

28  days prior to the hearing.

29         (16)(a)  Fifteen days following the filing of a request

30  for relief, the governmental entity that issued the

31  development order or that is taking the enforcement action


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 1  shall file a response to the request for relief with the

 2  special magistrate master together with a copy to the owner.

 3  The response must set forth in reasonable detail the position

 4  of the governmental entity regarding the matters alleged by

 5  the owner.  The response must include a brief statement

 6  explaining the public purpose of the regulations on which the

 7  development order or enforcement action is based.

 8         (b)  Any governmental entity that is added by the

 9  special magistrate master as a party must file a response to

10  the request for relief prior to the hearing but not later than

11  15 days following its admission.

12         (c)  Any party may incorporate in the response to the

13  request for relief a request to be dropped from the

14  proceeding.  The request to be dropped must set forth facts

15  and circumstances relevant to aid the special magistrate

16  master in ruling on the request.  All requests to be dropped

17  must be disposed of prior to conducting any hearings on the

18  merits of the request for relief.

19         (17)  In all respects, the hearing must be informal and

20  open to the public and does not require the use of an

21  attorney.  The hearing must operate at the direction and under

22  the supervision of the special magistrate master.  The object

23  of the hearing is to focus attention on the impact of the

24  governmental action giving rise to the request for relief and

25  to explore alternatives to the development order or

26  enforcement action and other regulatory efforts by the

27  governmental entities in order to recommend relief, when

28  appropriate, to the owner.

29         (a)  The first responsibility of the special magistrate

30  master is to facilitate a resolution of the conflict between

31  the owner and governmental entities to the end that some


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 1  modification of the owner's proposed use of the property or

 2  adjustment in the development order or enforcement action or

 3  regulatory efforts by one or more of the governmental parties

 4  may be reached. Accordingly, the special magistrate master

 5  shall act as a facilitator or mediator between the parties in

 6  an effort to effect a mutually acceptable solution.  The

 7  parties shall be represented at the mediation by persons with

 8  authority to bind their respective parties to a solution, or

 9  by persons with authority to recommend a solution directly to

10  the persons with authority to bind their respective parties to

11  a solution.

12         (b)  If an acceptable solution is not reached by the

13  parties after the special magistrate's master's attempt at

14  mediation, the special magistrate master shall consider the

15  facts and circumstances set forth in the request for relief

16  and any responses and any other information produced at the

17  hearing in order to determine whether the action by the

18  governmental entity or entities is unreasonable or unfairly

19  burdens the real property.

20         (c)  In conducting the hearing, the special magistrate

21  master may hear from all parties and witnesses that are

22  necessary to an understanding of the matter. The special

23  magistrate master shall weigh all information offered at the

24  hearing.

25         (18)  The circumstances to be examined in determining

26  whether the development order or enforcement action, or the

27  development order or enforcement action in conjunction with

28  regulatory efforts of other governmental parties, is

29  unreasonable or unfairly burdens use of the property may

30  include, but are not limited to:



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 1         (a)  The history of the real property, including when

 2  it was purchased, how much was purchased, where it is located,

 3  the nature of the title, the composition of the property, and

 4  how it was initially used.

 5         (b)  The history or development and use of the real

 6  property, including what was developed on the property and by

 7  whom, if it was subdivided and how and to whom it was sold,

 8  whether plats were filed or recorded, and whether

 9  infrastructure and other public services or improvements may

10  have been dedicated to the public.

11         (c)  The history of environmental protection and land

12  use controls and other regulations, including how and when the

13  land was classified, how use was proscribed, and what changes

14  in classifications occurred.

15         (d)  The present nature and extent of the real

16  property, including its natural and altered characteristics.

17         (e)  The reasonable expectations of the owner at the

18  time of acquisition, or immediately prior to the

19  implementation of the regulation at issue, whichever is later,

20  under the regulations then in effect and under common law.

21         (f)  The public purpose sought to be achieved by the

22  development order or enforcement action, including the nature

23  and magnitude of the problem addressed by the underlying

24  regulations on which the development order or enforcement

25  action is based; whether the development order or enforcement

26  action is necessary to the achievement of the public purpose;

27  and whether there are alternative development orders or

28  enforcement action conditions that would achieve the public

29  purpose and allow for reduced restrictions on the use of the

30  property.



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 1         (g)  Uses authorized for and restrictions placed on

 2  similar property.

 3         (h)  Any other information determined relevant by the

 4  special magistrate master.

 5         (19)  Within 14 days after the conclusion of the

 6  hearing, the special magistrate master shall prepare and file

 7  with all parties a written recommendation.

 8         (a)  If the special magistrate master finds that the

 9  development order at issue, or the development order or

10  enforcement action in combination with the actions or

11  regulations of other governmental entities, is not

12  unreasonable or does not unfairly burden the use of the

13  owner's property, the special magistrate master must recommend

14  that the development order or enforcement action remain

15  undisturbed and the proceeding shall end, subject to the

16  owner's retention of all other available remedies.

17         (b)  If the special magistrate master finds that the

18  development order or enforcement action, or the development

19  order or enforcement action in combination with the actions or

20  regulations of other governmental entities, is unreasonable or

21  unfairly burdens use of the owner's property, the special

22  magistrate master, with the owner's consent to proceed, may

23  recommend one or more alternatives that protect the public

24  interest served by the development order or enforcement action

25  and regulations at issue but allow for reduced restraints on

26  the use of the owner's real property, including, but not

27  limited to:

28         1.  An adjustment of land development or permit

29  standards or other provisions controlling the development or

30  use of land.



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 1         2.  Increases or modifications in the density,

 2  intensity, or use of areas of development.

 3         3.  The transfer of development rights.

 4         4.  Land swaps or exchanges.

 5         5.  Mitigation, including payments in lieu of onsite

 6  mitigation.

 7         6.  Location on the least sensitive portion of the

 8  property.

 9         7.  Conditioning the amount of development or use

10  permitted.

11         8.  A requirement that issues be addressed on a more

12  comprehensive basis than a single proposed use or development.

13         9.  Issuance of the development order, a variance,

14  special exception, or other extraordinary relief, including

15  withdrawal of the enforcement action.

16         10.  Purchase of the real property, or an interest

17  therein, by an appropriate governmental entity.

18         (c)  This subsection does not prohibit the owner and

19  governmental entity from entering in to an agreement as to the

20  permissible use of the property prior to the special

21  magistrate master entering a recommendation.  An agreement for

22  a permissible use must be incorporated in the special

23  magistrate's master's recommendation.

24         (20)  The special magistrate's master's recommendation

25  is a public record under chapter 119.  However, actions or

26  statements of all participants to the special magistrate

27  master proceeding are evidence of an offer to compromise and

28  inadmissible in any proceeding, judicial or administrative.

29         (21)  Within 45 days after receipt of the special

30  magistrate's master's recommendation, the governmental entity

31  responsible for the development order or enforcement action


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 1  and other governmental entities participating in the

 2  proceeding must consult among themselves and each governmental

 3  entity must:

 4         (a)  Accept the recommendation of the special

 5  magistrate master as submitted and proceed to implement it by

 6  development agreement, when appropriate, or by other method,

 7  in the ordinary course and consistent with the rules and

 8  procedures of that governmental entity.  However, the decision

 9  of the governmental entity to accept the recommendation of the

10  special magistrate master with respect to granting a

11  modification, variance, or special exception to the

12  application of statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances as

13  they would otherwise apply to the subject property does not

14  require an owner to duplicate previous processes in which the

15  owner has participated in order to effectuate the granting of

16  the modification, variance, or special exception;

17         (b)  Modify the recommendation as submitted by the

18  special magistrate master and proceed to implement it by

19  development agreement, when appropriate, or by other method,

20  in the ordinary course and consistent with the rules and

21  procedures of that governmental entity; or

22         (c)  Reject the recommendation as submitted by the

23  special magistrate master. Failure to act within 45 days is a

24  rejection unless the period is extended by agreement of the

25  owner and issuer of the development order or enforcement

26  action.

27         (22)  If a governmental entity accepts the special

28  magistrate's master's recommendation or modifies it and the

29  owner rejects the acceptance or modification, or if a

30  governmental entity rejects the special magistrate's master's

31  recommendation, the governmental entity must issue a written


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 1  decision within 30 days that describes as specifically as

 2  possible the use or uses available to the subject real

 3  property.

 4         (23)  The procedure established by this section may not

 5  continue longer than 165 days, unless the period is extended

 6  by agreement of the parties.  A decision describing available

 7  uses constitutes the last prerequisite to judicial action and

 8  the matter is ripe or final for subsequent judicial

 9  proceedings unless the owner initiates a proceeding under ss.

10  120.569 and 120.57. If the owner brings a proceeding under ss.

11  120.569 and 120.57, the matter is ripe when the proceeding

12  culminates in a final order whether further appeal is

13  available or not.

14         (24)  The procedure created by this section is not

15  itself, nor does it create, a judicial cause of action.  Once

16  the governmental entity acts on the special magistrate's

17  master's recommendation, the owner may elect to file suit in a

18  court of competent jurisdiction. Invoking the procedures of

19  this section is not a condition precedent to filing a civil

20  action.

21         (25)  Regardless of the action the governmental entity

22  takes on the special magistrate's master's recommendation, a

23  recommendation that the development order or enforcement

24  action, or the development order or enforcement action in

25  combination with other governmental regulatory actions, is

26  unreasonable or unfairly burdens use of the owner's real

27  property may serve as an indication of sufficient hardship to

28  support modification, variances, or special exceptions to the

29  application of statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances to

30  the subject property.



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 1         (26)  A special magistrate's master's recommendation

 2  under this section constitutes data in support of, and a

 3  support document for, a comprehensive plan or comprehensive

 4  plan amendment, but is not, in and of itself, dispositive of a

 5  determination of compliance with chapter 163.  Any

 6  comprehensive plan amendment necessary to carry out the

 7  approved recommendation of a special magistrate master under

 8  this section is exempt from the twice-a-year limit on plan

 9  amendments and may be adopted by the local government

10  amendments in s. 163.3184(16)(d).

11         (27)  The special magistrate master shall send a copy

12  of the recommendation in each case to the Department of Legal

13  Affairs. Each governmental entity, within 15 days after its

14  action on the special magistrate's master's recommendation,

15  shall notify the Department of Legal Affairs in writing as to

16  what action the governmental entity took on the special

17  magistrate's master's recommendation.

18         (28)  Each governmental entity may establish procedural

19  guidelines to govern the conduct of proceedings authorized by

20  this section, which must include, but are not limited to,

21  payment of special magistrate master fees and expenses,

22  including the costs of providing notice and effecting service

23  of the request for relief under this section, which shall be

24  borne equally by the governmental entities and the owner.

25         (29)  This section shall be liberally construed to

26  effect fully its obvious purposes and intent, and governmental

27  entities shall direct all available resources and authorities

28  to effect fully the obvious purposes and intent of this

29  section in resolving disputes.  Governmental entities are

30  encouraged to expedite notice and time-related provisions to

31  implement resolution of disputes under this section.  The


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 1  procedure established by this section may be used to resolve

 2  disputes in pending judicial proceedings, with the agreement

 3  of the parties to the judicial proceedings, and subject to the

 4  approval of the court in which the judicial proceedings are

 5  pending.  The provisions of this section are cumulative, and

 6  do not supplant other methods agreed to by the parties and

 7  lawfully available for arbitration, mediation, or other forms

 8  of alternative dispute resolution.

 9         (30)  This section applies only to development orders

10  issued, modified, or amended, or to enforcement actions

11  issued, on or after October 1, 1995.

12         Section 59.  Subsection (1) of section 92.142, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         92.142  Witnesses; pay.--

15         (1)  Witnesses in all cases, civil and criminal, in all

16  courts, now or hereafter created, and witnesses summoned

17  before any arbitrator or general or special magistrate

18  appointed by the court master in chancery shall receive for

19  each day's actual attendance $5 and also 6 cents per mile for

20  actual distance traveled to and from the courts.  A witness in

21  a criminal case required to appear in a county other than the

22  county of his or her residence and residing more than 50 miles

23  from the location of the trial shall be entitled to per diem

24  and travel expenses at the same rate provided for state

25  employees under s. 112.061, in lieu of any other witness fee

26  at the discretion of the court.

27         Section 60.  Section 112.41, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         112.41  Contents of order of suspension; Senate select

30  committee; special magistrate examiner.--



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 1         (1)  The order of the Governor, in suspending any

 2  officer pursuant to the provisions of  s. 7, Art. IV of the

 3  State Constitution, shall specify facts sufficient to advise

 4  both the officer and the Senate as to the charges made or the

 5  basis of the suspension.

 6         (2)  The Senate shall conduct a hearing in the manner

 7  prescribed by rules of the Senate adopted for this purpose.

 8         (3)  The Senate may provide for a select committee to

 9  be appointed by the Senate in accordance with its rules for

10  the purpose of hearing the evidence and making its

11  recommendation to the Senate as to the removal or

12  reinstatement of the suspended officer.

13         (4)  The Senate may, in lieu of the use of a select

14  committee, appoint a special examiner or a special magistrate

15  master to receive the evidence and make recommendations to the

16  Senate.

17         Section 61.  Section 112.43, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         112.43  Prosecution of suspension before Senate.--All

20  suspensions heard by the Senate, a select committee, or

21  special magistrate master, or examiner in accordance with

22  rules of the Senate shall be prosecuted by the Governor, the

23  Governor's legal staff, or an attorney designated by the

24  Governor.  Should the Senate, or the select committee

25  appointed by the Senate to hear the evidence and to make

26  recommendations, desire private counsel, either the Senate or

27  the select committee shall be entitled to employ its own

28  counsel for this purpose.  Nothing herein shall prevent the

29  Senate or its select committee from making its own

30  investigation and presenting such evidence as its

31  investigation may reveal.  The Governor may request the advice


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 1  of the Department of Legal Affairs relative to the suspension

 2  order prior to its issuance by the Governor. Following the

 3  issuance of the suspension order, either the Senate or the

 4  select committee may request the Department of Legal Affairs

 5  to provide counsel for the Senate to advise on questions of

 6  law or otherwise advise with the Senate or the select

 7  committee, but the Department of Legal Affairs shall not be

 8  required to prosecute before the Senate or the committee and

 9  shall, pursuant to the terms of this section, act as the legal

10  adviser only.

11         Section 62.  Section 112.47, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         112.47  Hearing before Senate select committee;

14  notice.--The Senate shall afford each suspended official a

15  hearing before a select committee or special magistrate,

16  master, or examiner, and shall notify such suspended official

17  of the time and place of the hearing sufficiently in advance

18  thereof to afford such official an opportunity fully and

19  adequately to prepare such defenses as the official may be

20  advised are necessary and proper, and all such defenses may be

21  presented by the official or by the official's attorney.  In

22  the furtherance of this provision the Senate shall adopt

23  sufficient procedural rules to afford due process both to the

24  Governor in the presentation of his or her evidence and to the

25  suspended official, but in the absence of such adoption, this

26  section shall afford a full and complete hearing, public in

27  nature, as required by the State Constitution.  However,

28  nothing in this part shall prevent either the select committee

29  or the Senate from conducting portions of the hearing in

30  executive session if the Senate rules so provide.



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 1         Section 63.  Subsection (2) of section 162.03, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         162.03  Applicability.--

 4         (2)  A charter county, a noncharter county, or a

 5  municipality may, by ordinance, adopt an alternate code

 6  enforcement system that which gives code enforcement boards or

 7  special magistrates masters designated by the local governing

 8  body, or both, the authority to hold hearings and assess fines

 9  against violators of the respective county or municipal codes

10  and ordinances. A special magistrate master shall have the

11  same status as an enforcement board under this chapter.

12  References in this chapter to an enforcement board, except in

13  s. 162.05, shall include a special magistrate master if the

14  context permits.

15         Section 64.  Subsection (5) of section 162.06, Florida

16  Statutes, is amended to read:

17         162.06  Enforcement procedure.--

18         (5)  If the owner of property that which is subject to

19  an enforcement proceeding before an enforcement board, special

20  magistrate master, or court transfers ownership of such

21  property between the time the initial pleading was served and

22  the time of the hearing, such owner shall:

23         (a)  Disclose, in writing, the existence and the nature

24  of the proceeding to the prospective transferee.

25         (b)  Deliver to the prospective transferee a copy of

26  the pleadings, notices, and other materials relating to the

27  code enforcement proceeding received by the transferor.

28         (c)  Disclose, in writing, to the prospective

29  transferee that the new owner will be responsible for

30  compliance with the applicable code and with orders issued in

31  the code enforcement proceeding.


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 1         (d)  File a notice with the code enforcement official

 2  of the transfer of the property, with the identity and address

 3  of the new owner and copies of the disclosures made to the new

 4  owner, within 5 days after the date of the transfer.


 6  A failure to make the disclosures described in paragraphs (a),

 7  (b), and (c) before the transfer creates a rebuttable

 8  presumption of fraud. If the property is transferred before

 9  the hearing, the proceeding shall not be dismissed, but the

10  new owner shall be provided a reasonable period of time to

11  correct the violation before the hearing is held.

12         Section 65.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section

13  162.09, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         162.09  Administrative fines; costs of repair; liens.--

15         (2)

16         (d)  A county or a municipality having a population

17  equal to or greater than 50,000 may adopt, by a vote of at

18  least a majority plus one of the entire governing body of the

19  county or municipality, an ordinance that gives code

20  enforcement boards or special magistrates masters, or both,

21  authority to impose fines in excess of the limits set forth in

22  paragraph (a).  Such fines shall not exceed $1,000 per day per

23  violation for a first violation, $5,000 per day per violation

24  for a repeat violation, and up to $15,000 per violation if the

25  code enforcement board or special magistrate master finds the

26  violation to be irreparable or irreversible in nature.  In

27  addition to such fines, a code enforcement board or special

28  magistrate master may impose additional fines to cover all

29  costs incurred by the local government in enforcing its codes

30  and all costs of repairs pursuant to subsection (1).  Any

31  ordinance imposing such fines shall include criteria to be


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 1  considered by the code enforcement board or special magistrate

 2  master in determining the amount of the fines, including, but

 3  not limited to, those factors set forth in paragraph (b).

 4         Section 66.  Section 173.09, Florida Statutes, is

 5  amended to read:

 6         173.09  Judgment for complainant; special magistrate's

 7  master's sale; complainant may purchase and later sell.--

 8         (1)  Any such decree shall direct the special

 9  magistrate master thereby appointed to sell the several

10  parcels of land separately to the highest and best bidder for

11  cash (or, at the option of complainant, to the extent of

12  special assessments included in such judgment, for bonds or

13  interest coupons issued by complainant), at public outcry at

14  the courthouse door of the county in which such suit is

15  pending, or at such point or place in the complainant

16  municipality as the court in such final decree may direct,

17  after having advertised such sale (which advertisement may

18  include all lands so ordered sold) once each week for 2

19  consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in the

20  municipality city or town in which is the complainant arose

21  or, if there is no such newspaper, in a newspaper published in

22  the county in which the suit is pending, and if all the lands

23  so advertised for sale be not sold on the day specified in

24  such advertisement, such sale shall be continued from day to

25  day until the sale of all such land is completed.

26         (2)  Such sales shall be subject to confirmation by the

27  court, and the said special magistrate master shall, upon

28  confirmation of the sale or sales, deliver to the purchaser or

29  purchasers at said sale a deed of conveyance of the property

30  so sold; provided, however, that in any case where any lands

31  are offered for sale by the special magistrate master and the


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 1  sum of the tax, tax certificates and special assessments,

 2  interest, penalty, costs, and attorney's fee is not bid for

 3  the same, the complainant may bid the whole amount due and the

 4  special magistrate master shall thereupon convey such parcel

 5  or parcels of land to the complainant.

 6         (3)  The property so bid in by complainant shall become

 7  its property in fee simple and may be disposed of by it in the

 8  manner provided by law, except that in the sale or disposition

 9  of any such lands the municipality city or town may, in its

10  discretion, accept in payment or part payment therefor any

11  bonds or interest coupons constituting liabilities of the

12  municipality said city or town.

13         Section 67.  Section 173.10, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         173.10  Judgment for complainant; court may order

16  payment of other taxes or sale subject to taxes; special

17  magistrate's master's conveyances.--

18         (1)  In the judgment or decree the court may, in its

19  discretion, direct the payment of all unpaid state and county

20  taxes and also all unpaid municipal city or town taxes and

21  special assessments or installments thereof, imposed or

22  falling due since the institution of the suit, with the

23  penalties and costs, out of the proceeds of such foreclosure

24  sale, or it may order and direct such sale or sales to be made

25  subject to such state, and county, and municipal city or town

26  taxes and special assessments.

27         (2)  Any and all conveyances by the special magistrate

28  master shall vest in the purchaser the fee simple title to the

29  property so sold, subject only to such liens for state and

30  county taxes or taxing districts whose liens are of equal

31  dignity, and liens for municipal taxes and special


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 1  assessments, or installments thereof, as are not directed by

 2  the decree of sale to be paid out of the proceeds of said

 3  sale.

 4         Section 68.  Section 173.11, Florida Statutes, is

 5  amended to read:

 6         173.11  Distribution of proceeds of sale.--The proceeds

 7  of any foreclosure sale authorized by this chapter shall be

 8  distributed by the special magistrate master conducting the

 9  sale according to the final decree, and if any surplus remains

10  after the payment of the full amount of the decree, costs and

11  attorney's fees, and any subsequent tax liens that which may

12  be directed by such decree to be paid from the proceeds of

13  sale, such surplus shall be deposited with the clerk of the

14  court and disbursed under order of the court.

15         Section 69.  Section 173.12, Florida Statutes, is

16  amended to read:

17         173.12  Lands may be redeemed prior to sale.--Any

18  person interested in any lands included in the suit may redeem

19  such lands at any time prior to the sale thereof by the

20  special magistrate master by paying into the registry of the

21  court the amount due for delinquent taxes, interest and

22  penalties thereon, and such proportionate part of the expense,

23  attorney's fees, and costs of suit as may have been fixed by

24  the court in its decree of sale, or by written stipulation of

25  complainant, and thereupon such lands shall be dismissed from

26  the cause.

27         Section 70.  Subsection (1) of section 194.013, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         194.013  Filing fees for petitions; disposition;

30  waiver.--



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 1         (1)  If so required by resolution of the value

 2  adjustment board, a petition filed pursuant to s. 194.011

 3  shall be accompanied by a filing fee to be paid to the clerk

 4  of the value adjustment board in an amount determined by the

 5  board not to exceed $15 for each separate parcel of property,

 6  real or personal, covered by the petition and subject to

 7  appeal. However, no such filing fee may be required with

 8  respect to an appeal from the disapproval of homestead

 9  exemption under s. 196.151 or from the denial of tax deferral

10  under s. 197.253.  Only a single filing fee shall be charged

11  under this section as to any particular parcel of property

12  despite the existence of multiple issues and hearings

13  pertaining to such parcel.  For joint petitions filed pursuant

14  to s. 194.011(3)(e) or (f), a single filing fee shall be

15  charged. Such fee shall be calculated as the cost of the

16  special magistrate master for the time involved in hearing the

17  joint petition and shall not exceed $5 per parcel.  Said fee

18  is to be proportionately paid by affected parcel owners.

19         Section 71.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (1) and

20  subsections (2) and (6) of section 194.034, Florida Statutes,

21  are amended to read:

22         194.034  Hearing procedures; rules.--

23         (1)

24         (d)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection,

25  no petitioner may present for consideration, nor may a board

26  or special magistrate master accept for consideration,

27  testimony or other evidentiary materials that were requested

28  of the petitioner in writing by the property appraiser of

29  which the petitioner had knowledge and denied to the property

30  appraiser.



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 1         (2)  In each case, except when a complaint is withdrawn

 2  by the petitioner or is acknowledged as correct by the

 3  property appraiser, the value adjustment board shall render a

 4  written decision.  All such decisions shall be issued within

 5  20 calendar days after of the last day the board is in session

 6  under s. 194.032.  The decision of the board shall contain

 7  findings of fact and conclusions of law and shall include

 8  reasons for upholding or overturning the determination of the

 9  property appraiser.  When a special magistrate master has been

10  appointed, the recommendations of the special magistrate

11  master shall be considered by the board.  The clerk, upon

12  issuance of the decisions, shall, on a form provided by the

13  Department of Revenue, notify by first-class mail each

14  taxpayer, the property appraiser, and the department of the

15  decision of the board.

16         (6)  For purposes of hearing joint petitions filed

17  pursuant to s. 194.011(3)(e), each included parcel shall be

18  considered by the board as a separate petition.  Such separate

19  petitions shall be heard consecutively by the board.  If a

20  special magistrate master is appointed, such separate

21  petitions shall all be assigned to the same special magistrate

22  master.

23         Section 72.  Section 194.035, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         194.035  Special magistrates masters; property

26  evaluators.--

27         (1)  In counties having a population of more than

28  75,000, the board shall appoint special magistrates masters

29  for the purpose of taking testimony and making recommendations

30  to the board, which recommendations the board may act upon

31  without further hearing. These Such special magistrates


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 1  masters may not be elected or appointed officials or employees

 2  of the county but shall be selected from a list of those

 3  qualified individuals who are willing to serve as special

 4  magistrates masters. Employees and elected or appointed

 5  officials of a taxing jurisdiction or of the state may not

 6  serve as special magistrates masters. The clerk of the board

 7  shall annually notify such individuals or their professional

 8  associations to make known to them that opportunities to serve

 9  as special magistrates masters exist. The Department of

10  Revenue shall provide a list of qualified special magistrates

11  masters to any county with a population of 75,000 or less.

12  Subject to appropriation, the department shall reimburse

13  counties with a population of 75,000 or less for payments made

14  to special magistrates masters appointed for the purpose of

15  taking testimony and making recommendations to the value

16  adjustment board pursuant to this section. The department

17  shall establish a reasonable range for payments per case to

18  special magistrates masters based on such payments in other

19  counties. Requests for reimbursement of payments outside this

20  range shall be justified by the county. If the total of all

21  requests for reimbursement in any year exceeds the amount

22  available pursuant to this section, payments to all counties

23  shall be prorated accordingly. A special magistrate master

24  appointed to hear issues of exemptions and classifications

25  shall be a member of The Florida Bar with no less than 5

26  years' experience in the area of ad valorem taxation. A

27  special magistrate master appointed to hear issues regarding

28  the valuation of real estate shall be a state certified real

29  estate appraiser with not less than 5 years' experience in

30  real property valuation. A special magistrate master appointed

31  to hear issues regarding the valuation of tangible personal


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 1  property shall be a designated member of a nationally

 2  recognized appraiser's organization with not less than 5

 3  years' experience in tangible personal property valuation. A

 4  special magistrate master need not be a resident of the county

 5  in which he or she serves. A No special magistrate may not

 6  master shall be permitted to represent a person before the

 7  board in any tax year during which he or she has served that

 8  board as a special magistrate master. The board shall appoint

 9  special magistrates such masters from the list so compiled

10  prior to convening of the board. The expense of hearings

11  before magistrates masters and any compensation of special

12  magistrates masters shall be borne three-fifths by the board

13  of county commissioners and two-fifths by the school board.

14         (2)  The value adjustment board of each county may

15  employ qualified property appraisers or evaluators to appear

16  before the value adjustment board at that meeting of the board

17  which is held for the purpose of hearing complaints. Such

18  property appraisers or evaluators shall present testimony as

19  to the just value of any property the value of which is

20  contested before the board and shall submit to examination by

21  the board, the taxpayer, and the property appraiser.

22         Section 73.  Section 206.16, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         206.16  Officer selling property.--

25         (1)  No sheriff, receiver, assignee, general or special

26  magistrate master, or other officer shall sell the property or

27  franchise of any person for failure to pay fuel taxes,

28  penalties, or interest without first filing with the

29  department a statement containing the following information:

30         (a)  The name of the plaintiff or party at whose

31  instance or upon whose account the sale is made;


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 1         (b)  The name of the person whose property or franchise

 2  is to be sold;

 3         (c)  The time and place of sale; and

 4         (d)  The nature of the property and the location of the

 5  same.

 6         (2)  The department, after receiving notice as

 7  aforesaid, shall furnish to the sheriff, receiver, trustee,

 8  assignee, general or special magistrate master, or other

 9  officer having charge of the sale a certified copy or copies

10  of all fuel taxes, penalties, and interest on file in the

11  office of the department as liens against such person, and, in

12  the event there are no such liens, a certificate showing that

13  fact, which certified copies or copy of certificate shall be

14  publicly read by such officer at and immediately before the

15  sale of the property or franchise of such person.

16         Section 74.  Section 207.016, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         207.016  Officer's sale of property or franchise.--

19         (1)  No sheriff, receiver, assignee, general or special

20  magistrate master, or other officer shall sell the property or

21  franchise of any person for failure to pay taxes, penalties,

22  or interest without first filing with the department a

23  statement containing the following information:

24         (a)  The name of the plaintiff or party at whose

25  instance or upon whose account the sale is made.

26         (b)  The name of the person whose property or franchise

27  is to be sold.

28         (c)  The time and place of sale.

29         (d)  The nature of the property and the location of the

30  same.



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 1         (2)  The department, after receiving notice as provided

 2  in subsection (1), shall furnish to the sheriff, receiver,

 3  trustee, assignee, general or special magistrate master, or

 4  other officer having charge of the sale a certified copy or

 5  copies of all taxes, penalties, and interest on file in the

 6  office of the department as liens against such person and, in

 7  the event there are no such liens, a certificate showing that

 8  fact, which certified copy or copies of certificate shall be

 9  publicly read by such officer at and immediately before the

10  sale of the property or franchise of such person.

11         Section 75.  Section 320.411, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         320.411  Officer's sale of property or franchise.--

14         (1)  No sheriff, receiver, assignee, general or special

15  magistrate master, or other officer shall sell the property or

16  franchise of any motor carrier for failure to pay taxes,

17  penalties, or interest without first filing with the

18  department a statement containing the following information:

19         (a)  The name of the plaintiff or party at whose

20  instance or upon whose account the sale is made.

21         (b)  The name of the motor carrier whose property or

22  franchise is to be sold.

23         (c)  The time and place of sale.

24         (d)  The nature of the property and the location of the

25  same.

26         (2)  The department, after receiving notice as provided

27  in subsection (1), shall furnish to the sheriff, receiver,

28  trustee, assignee, general or special magistrate master, or

29  other officer having charge of the sale a certified copy of

30  all taxes, penalties, and interest on file in the office of

31  the department as liens against such motor carrier and, in the


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 1  event there are no such liens, a certificate showing that

 2  fact, which certified copy or copies of certificate shall be

 3  publicly read by such officer at and immediately before the

 4  sale of the property or franchise of such motor carrier.

 5         Section 76.  Subsection (7) of section 393.11, Florida

 6  Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         393.11  Involuntary admission to residential

 8  services.--

 9         (7)  HEARING.--

10         (a)  The hearing for involuntary admission shall be

11  conducted, and the order shall be entered, in the county in

12  which the person is residing or be as convenient to the person

13  as may be consistent with orderly procedure. The hearing shall

14  be conducted in a physical setting not likely to be injurious

15  to the person's condition.

16         (b)  A hearing on the petition shall be held as soon as

17  practicable after the petition is filed, but reasonable delay

18  for the purpose of investigation, discovery, or procuring

19  counsel or witnesses shall be granted.

20         (c)  The court may appoint a general or special

21  magistrate master to preside.  Except as otherwise specified,

22  the magistrate's master's proceeding shall be governed by Rule

23  1.490, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.

24         (d)  The person with mental retardation shall be

25  physically present throughout the entire proceeding.  If the

26  person's attorney believes that the person's presence at the

27  hearing is not in the person's best interest, the person's

28  presence may be waived once the court has seen the person and

29  the hearing has commenced.

30         (e)  The person shall have the right to present

31  evidence and to cross-examine all witnesses and other evidence


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 1  alleging the appropriateness of the person's admission to

 2  residential care. Other relevant and material evidence

 3  regarding the appropriateness of the person's admission to

 4  residential services; the most appropriate, least restrictive

 5  residential placement; and the appropriate care, treatment,

 6  and habilitation of the person, including written or oral

 7  reports, may be introduced at the hearing by any interested

 8  person.

 9         (f)  The petitioning commission may be represented by

10  counsel at the hearing.  The petitioning commission shall have

11  the right to call witnesses, present evidence, cross-examine

12  witnesses, and present argument on behalf of the petitioning

13  commission.

14         (g)  All evidence shall be presented according to

15  chapter 90.  The burden of proof shall be on the party

16  alleging the appropriateness of the person's admission to

17  residential services. The burden of proof shall be by clear

18  and convincing evidence.

19         (h)  All stages of each proceeding shall be

20  stenographically reported.

21         Section 77.  Subsections (6) and (7) of section

22  394.467, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

23         394.467  Involuntary placement.--


25         (a)1.  The court shall hold the hearing on involuntary

26  placement within 5 days, unless a continuance is granted.  The

27  hearing shall be held in the county where the patient is

28  located and shall be as convenient to the patient as may be

29  consistent with orderly procedure and shall be conducted in

30  physical settings not likely to be injurious to the patient's

31  condition.  If the court finds that the patient's attendance


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 1  at the hearing is not consistent with the best interests of

 2  the patient, and the patient's counsel does not object, the

 3  court may waive the presence of the patient from all or any

 4  portion of the hearing.  The state attorney for the circuit in

 5  which the patient is located shall represent the state, rather

 6  than the petitioning facility administrator, as the real party

 7  in interest in the proceeding.

 8         2.  The court may appoint a general or special

 9  magistrate master to preside at the hearing. One of the

10  professionals who executed the involuntary placement

11  certificate shall be a witness.  The patient and the patient's

12  guardian or representative shall be informed by the court of

13  the right to an independent expert examination.  If the

14  patient cannot afford such an examination, the court shall

15  provide for one. The independent expert's report shall be

16  confidential and not discoverable, unless the expert is to be

17  called as a witness for the patient at the hearing. The

18  testimony in the hearing must be given under oath, and the

19  proceedings must be recorded. The patient may refuse to

20  testify at the hearing.

21         (b)  If the court concludes that the patient meets the

22  criteria for involuntary placement, it shall order that the

23  patient be transferred to a treatment facility or, if the

24  patient is at a treatment facility, that the patient be

25  retained there or be treated at any other appropriate

26  receiving or treatment facility, or that the patient receive

27  services from a receiving or treatment facility, on an

28  involuntary basis, for a period of up to 6 months. The order

29  shall specify the nature and extent of the patient's mental

30  illness. The facility shall discharge a patient any time the

31  patient no longer meets the criteria for involuntary


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 1  placement, unless the patient has transferred to voluntary

 2  status.

 3         (c)  If at any time prior to the conclusion of the

 4  hearing on involuntary placement it appears to the court that

 5  the person does not meet the criteria for involuntary

 6  placement under this chapter, but instead meets the criteria

 7  for involuntary assessment, protective custody, or involuntary

 8  admission pursuant to s. 397.675, then the court may order the

 9  person to be admitted for involuntary assessment for a period

10  of 5 days pursuant to s. 397.6811.  Thereafter, all

11  proceedings shall be governed by chapter 397.

12         (d)  At the hearing on involuntary placement, the court

13  shall consider testimony and evidence regarding the patient's

14  competence to consent to treatment.  If the court finds that

15  the patient is incompetent to consent to treatment, it shall

16  appoint a guardian advocate as provided in s. 394.4598.

17         (e)  The administrator of the receiving facility shall

18  provide a copy of the court order and adequate documentation

19  of a patient's mental illness to the administrator of a

20  treatment facility whenever a patient is ordered for

21  involuntary placement, whether by civil or criminal court.

22  Such documentation shall include any advance directives made

23  by the patient, a psychiatric evaluation of the patient, and

24  any evaluations of the patient performed by a clinical

25  psychologist or a clinical social worker. The administrator of

26  a treatment facility may refuse admission to any patient

27  directed to its facilities on an involuntary basis, whether by

28  civil or criminal court order, who is not accompanied at the

29  same time by adequate orders and documentation.




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 1         (a)  Hearings on petitions for continued involuntary

 2  placement shall be administrative hearings and shall be

 3  conducted in accordance with the provisions of s. 120.57(1),

 4  except that any order entered by the administrative law judge

 5  hearing officer shall be final and subject to judicial review

 6  in accordance with s. 120.68.  Orders concerning patients

 7  committed after successfully pleading not guilty by reason of

 8  insanity shall be governed by the provisions of s. 916.15.

 9         (b)  If the patient continues to meet the criteria for

10  involuntary placement, the administrator shall, prior to the

11  expiration of the period during which the treatment facility

12  is authorized to retain the patient, file a petition

13  requesting authorization for continued involuntary placement.

14  The request shall be accompanied by a statement from the

15  patient's physician or clinical psychologist justifying the

16  request, a brief description of the patient's treatment during

17  the time he or she was involuntarily placed, and an

18  individualized plan of continued treatment.  Notice of the

19  hearing shall be provided as set forth in s. 394.4599. If at

20  the hearing the administrative law judge hearing officer finds

21  that attendance at the hearing is not consistent with the best

22  interests of the patient, the administrative law judge hearing

23  officer may waive the presence of the patient from all or any

24  portion of the hearing, unless the patient, through counsel,

25  objects to the waiver of presence.  The testimony in the

26  hearing must be under oath, and the proceedings must be

27  recorded.

28         (c)  Unless the patient is otherwise represented or is

29  ineligible, he or she shall be represented at the hearing on

30  the petition for continued involuntary placement by the public

31  defender of the circuit in which the facility is located.


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 1         (d)  If at a hearing it is shown that the patient

 2  continues to meet the criteria for involuntary placement, the

 3  administrative law judge shall sign the order for continued

 4  involuntary placement for a period not to exceed 6 months.

 5  The same procedure shall be repeated prior to the expiration

 6  of each additional period the patient is retained.

 7         (e)  If continued involuntary placement is necessary

 8  for a patient admitted while serving a criminal sentence, but

 9  whose sentence is about to expire, or for a patient

10  involuntarily placed while a minor but who is about to reach

11  the age of 18, the administrator shall petition the

12  administrative law judge for an order authorizing continued

13  involuntary placement.

14         (f)  If the patient has been previously found

15  incompetent to consent to treatment, the administrative law

16  judge hearing officer shall consider testimony and evidence

17  regarding the patient's competence.  If the administrative law

18  judge hearing officer finds evidence that the patient is now

19  competent to consent to treatment, the administrative law

20  judge hearing officer may issue a recommended order to the

21  court that found the patient incompetent to consent to

22  treatment that the patient's competence be restored and that

23  any guardian advocate previously appointed be discharged.

24         Section 78.  Subsection (7) of section 397.311, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         397.311  Definitions.--As used in this chapter, except

27  part VIII:

28         (7)  "Court" means, with respect to all involuntary

29  proceedings under this chapter, the circuit court of the

30  county in which the judicial proceeding is pending or where

31  the substance abuse impaired person resides or is located, and


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 1  includes any general or special magistrate master that may be

 2  appointed by the chief judge to preside over all or part of

 3  such proceeding. Otherwise, "court" refers to the court of

 4  legal jurisdiction in the context in which the term is used in

 5  this chapter.

 6         Section 79.  Subsection (1) of section 397.681, Florida

 7  Statutes, is amended to read:

 8         397.681  Involuntary petitions; general provisions;

 9  court jurisdiction and right to counsel.--

10         (1)  JURISDICTION.--The courts have jurisdiction of

11  involuntary assessment and stabilization petitions and

12  involuntary treatment petitions for substance abuse impaired

13  persons, and such petitions must be filed with the clerk of

14  the court in the county where the person is located.  The

15  chief judge may appoint a general or special magistrate master

16  to preside over all or part of the proceedings. The alleged

17  impaired person is named as the respondent.

18         Section 80.  Subsection (5) of section 447.207, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended to read:

20         447.207  Commission; powers and duties.--

21         (5)  The commission shall adopt rules as to the

22  qualifications of persons who may serve as mediators and

23  special magistrates masters and shall maintain lists of such

24  qualified persons who are not employees of the commission.

25  The commission may initiate dispute resolution procedures by

26  special magistrates masters, pursuant to the provisions of

27  this part.

28         Section 81.  Subsections (2), (3), and (4) of section

29  447.403, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

30         447.403  Resolution of impasses.--



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 1         (2)(a)  If no mediator is appointed, or upon the

 2  request of either party, the commission shall appoint, and

 3  submit all unresolved issues to, a special magistrate master

 4  acceptable to both parties. If the parties are unable to agree

 5  on the appointment of a special magistrate master, the

 6  commission shall appoint, in its discretion, a qualified

 7  special magistrate master.  However, if the parties agree in

 8  writing to waive the appointment of a special magistrate

 9  master, the parties may proceed directly to resolution of the

10  impasse by the legislative body pursuant to paragraph (4)(d).

11  Nothing in this section precludes the parties from using the

12  services of a mediator at any time during the conduct of

13  collective bargaining.

14         (b)  If the Governor is the public employer, no special

15  magistrate master shall be appointed. The parties may proceed

16  directly to the Legislature for resolution of the impasse

17  pursuant to paragraph (4)(d).

18         (3)  The special magistrate master shall hold hearings

19  in order to define the area or areas of dispute, to determine

20  facts relating to the dispute, and to render a decision on any

21  and all unresolved contract issues.  The hearings shall be

22  held at times, dates, and places to be established by the

23  special magistrate master in accordance with rules promulgated

24  by the commission.  The special magistrate master shall be

25  empowered to administer oaths and issue subpoenas on behalf of

26  the parties to the dispute or on his or her own behalf.

27  Within 15 calendar days after the close of the final hearing,

28  the special magistrate master shall transmit his or her

29  recommended decision to the commission and to the

30  representatives of both parties by registered mail, return

31  receipt requested.  Such recommended decision shall be


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 1  discussed by the parties, and each recommendation of the

 2  special magistrate master shall be deemed approved by both

 3  parties unless specifically rejected by either party by

 4  written notice filed with the commission within 20 calendar

 5  days after the date the party received the special

 6  magistrate's master's recommended decision.  The written

 7  notice shall include a statement of the cause for each

 8  rejection and shall be served upon the other party.

 9         (4)  If either the public employer or the employee

10  organization does not accept, in whole or in part, the

11  recommended decision of the special magistrate master:

12         (a)  The chief executive officer of the governmental

13  entity involved shall, within 10 days after rejection of a

14  recommendation of the special magistrate master, submit to the

15  legislative body of the governmental entity involved a copy of

16  the findings of fact and recommended decision of the special

17  magistrate master, together with the chief executive officer's

18  recommendations for settling the disputed impasse issues.  The

19  chief executive officer shall also transmit his or her

20  recommendations to the employee organization.

21         (b)  The employee organization shall submit its

22  recommendations for settling the disputed impasse issues to

23  such legislative body and to the chief executive officer;

24         (c)  The legislative body or a duly authorized

25  committee thereof shall forthwith conduct a public hearing at

26  which the parties shall be required to explain their positions

27  with respect to the rejected recommendations of the special

28  magistrate master;

29         (d)  Thereafter, the legislative body shall take such

30  action as it deems to be in the public interest, including the



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 1  interest of the public employees involved, to resolve all

 2  disputed impasse issues; and

 3         (e)  Following the resolution of the disputed impasse

 4  issues by the legislative body, the parties shall reduce to

 5  writing an agreement which includes those issues agreed to by

 6  the parties and those disputed impasse issues resolved by the

 7  legislative body's action taken pursuant to paragraph (d). The

 8  agreement shall be signed by the chief executive officer and

 9  the bargaining agent and shall be submitted to the public

10  employer and to the public employees who are members of the

11  bargaining unit for ratification. If such agreement is not

12  ratified by all parties, pursuant to the provisions of s.

13  447.309, the legislative body's action taken pursuant to the

14  provisions of paragraph (d) shall take effect as of the date

15  of such legislative body's action for the remainder of the

16  first fiscal year which was the subject of negotiations;

17  however, the legislative body's action shall not take effect

18  with respect to those disputed impasse issues which establish

19  the language of contractual provisions which could have no

20  effect in the absence of a ratified agreement, including, but

21  not limited to, preambles, recognition clauses, and duration

22  clauses.

23         Section 82.  Section 447.405, Florida Statutes, is

24  amended to read:

25         447.405  Factors to be considered by the special

26  magistrate master.--The special magistrate master shall

27  conduct the hearings and render recommended decisions with the

28  objective of achieving a prompt, peaceful, and just settlement

29  of disputes between the public employee organizations and the

30  public employers.  The factors, among others, to be given



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 1  weight by the special magistrate master in arriving at a

 2  recommended decision shall include:

 3         (1)  Comparison of the annual income of employment of

 4  the public employees in question with the annual income of

 5  employment maintained for the same or similar work of

 6  employees exhibiting like or similar skills under the same or

 7  similar working conditions in the local operating area

 8  involved.

 9         (2)  Comparison of the annual income of employment of

10  the public employees in question with the annual income of

11  employment of public employees in similar public employee

12  governmental bodies of comparable size within the state.

13         (3)  The interest and welfare of the public.

14         (4)  Comparison of peculiarities of employment in

15  regard to other trades or professions, specifically with

16  respect to:

17         (a)  Hazards of employment.

18         (b)  Physical qualifications.

19         (c)  Educational qualifications.

20         (d)  Intellectual qualifications.

21         (e)  Job training and skills.

22         (f)  Retirement plans.

23         (g)  Sick leave.

24         (h)  Job security.

25         (5)  Availability of funds.

26         Section 83.  Section 447.407, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         447.407  Compensation of mediator and special

29  magistrate master; expenses.--The compensation of the mediator

30  and special magistrate master, and all stenographic and other

31  expenses, shall be borne equally by the parties.


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 1         Section 84.  Section 447.409, Florida Statutes, is

 2  amended to read:

 3         447.409  Records.--All records that which are relevant

 4  to, or have a bearing upon, any issue or issues raised by the

 5  proceedings conducted by the special magistrate master shall

 6  be made available to the special magistrate master by a

 7  request in writing to any of the parties to the impasse

 8  proceedings.  Notice of such request must shall be furnished

 9  to all parties.  Any such records that which are made

10  available to the special magistrate must master shall also be

11  made available to any other party to the impasse proceedings,

12  upon written request.

13         Section 85.  Subsections (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and

14  (6) of section 475.011, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

15         475.011  Exemptions.--This part does not apply to:

16         (1)  Any person acting as an attorney in fact for the

17  purpose of the execution of contracts or conveyances only; as

18  an attorney at law within the scope of her or his duties as

19  such; as a certified public accountant, as defined in chapter

20  473, within the scope of her or his duties as such; as the

21  personal representative, receiver, trustee, or general or

22  special magistrate master under, or by virtue of, an

23  appointment by will or by order of a court of competent

24  jurisdiction; or as trustee under a deed of trust, or under a

25  trust agreement, the ultimate purpose and intent whereof is

26  charitable, is philanthropic, or provides for those having a

27  natural right to the bounty of the donor or trustor.;

28         (2)  Any individual, corporation, partnership, trust,

29  joint venture, or other entity which sells, exchanges, or

30  leases its own real property; however, this exemption shall

31  not be available if and to the extent that an agent, employee,


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 1  or independent contractor paid a commission or other

 2  compensation strictly on a transactional basis is employed to

 3  make sales, exchanges, or leases to or with customers in the

 4  ordinary course of an owner's business of selling, exchanging,

 5  or leasing real property to the public.;

 6         (3)  Any employee of a public utility, a rural electric

 7  cooperative, a railroad, or a state or local governmental

 8  agency who acts within the scope of her or his employment, for

 9  which no compensation in addition to the employee's salary is

10  paid, to buy, sell, appraise, exchange, rent, auction, or

11  lease any real property or any interest in real property for

12  the use of her or his employer.;

13         (4)  Any salaried employee of an owner, or of a

14  registered broker for an owner, of an apartment community who

15  works in an onsite rental office of the apartment community in

16  a leasing capacity.;

17         (5)  Any person employed for a salary as a manager of a

18  condominium or cooperative apartment complex as a result of

19  any activities or duties which the person may have in relation

20  to the renting of individual units within such condominium or

21  cooperative apartment complex if rentals arranged by the

22  person are for periods no greater than 1 year.;

23         (6)  Any person, partnership, corporation, or other

24  legal entity which, for another and for compensation or other

25  valuable consideration, sells, offers to sell, advertises for

26  sale, buys, offers to buy, or negotiates the sale or purchase

27  of radio, television, or cable enterprises licensed and

28  regulated by the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to

29  the Communications Act of 1934.  However, if the sale or

30  purchase of the radio, television, or cable enterprise

31  involves the sale or lease of land, buildings, fixtures, and


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 1  all other improvements to the land, a broker or salesperson

 2  licensed under this chapter shall be retained for the portion

 3  of the transaction which includes the land, buildings,

 4  fixtures, and all other improvements to the land.; or

 5         Section 86.  Paragraphs (d), (f), (g), (h), and (j) of

 6  subsection (5) of section 489.127, Florida Statutes, are

 7  amended to read:

 8         489.127  Prohibitions; penalties.--

 9         (5)  Each county or municipality may, at its option,

10  designate one or more of its code enforcement officers, as

11  defined in chapter 162, to enforce, as set out in this

12  subsection, the provisions of subsection (1) and s. 489.132(1)

13  against persons who engage in activity for which a county or

14  municipal certificate of competency or license or state

15  certification or registration is required.

16         (d)  The act for which the citation is issued shall be

17  ceased upon receipt of the citation; and the person charged

18  with the violation shall elect either to correct the violation

19  and pay the civil penalty in the manner indicated on the

20  citation or, within 10 days after of receipt of the citation,

21  exclusive of weekends and legal holidays, request an

22  administrative hearing before the enforcement or licensing

23  board or designated special magistrate master to appeal the

24  issuance of the citation by the code enforcement officer.

25         1.  Hearings shall be held before an enforcement or

26  licensing board or designated special magistrate master as

27  established by s. 162.03(2), and such hearings shall be

28  conducted pursuant to the requirements of ss. 162.07 and

29  162.08.

30         2.  Failure of a violator to appeal the decision of the

31  code enforcement officer within the time period set forth in


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 1  this paragraph shall constitute a waiver of the violator's

 2  right to an administrative hearing.  A waiver of the right to

 3  an administrative hearing shall be deemed an admission of the

 4  violation, and penalties may be imposed accordingly.

 5         3.  If the person issued the citation, or his or her

 6  designated representative, shows that the citation is invalid

 7  or that the violation has been corrected prior to appearing

 8  before the enforcement or licensing board or designated

 9  special magistrate master, the enforcement or licensing board

10  or designated special magistrate master may dismiss the

11  citation unless the violation is irreparable or irreversible.

12         4.  Each day a willful, knowing violation continues

13  shall constitute a separate offense under the provisions of

14  this subsection.

15         (f)  If the enforcement or licensing board or

16  designated special magistrate master finds that a violation

17  exists, the enforcement or licensing board or designated

18  special magistrate master may order the violator to pay a

19  civil penalty of not less than the amount set forth on the

20  citation but not more than $1,000 per day for each violation.

21  In determining the amount of the penalty, the enforcement or

22  licensing board or designated special magistrate master shall

23  consider the following factors:

24         1.  The gravity of the violation.

25         2.  Any actions taken by the violator to correct the

26  violation.

27         3.  Any previous violations committed by the violator.

28         (g)  Upon written notification by the code enforcement

29  officer that a violator had not contested the citation or paid

30  the civil penalty within the timeframe allowed on the

31  citation, or if a violation has not been corrected within the


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 1  timeframe set forth on the notice of violation, the

 2  enforcement or licensing board or the designated special

 3  magistrate master shall enter an order ordering the violator

 4  to pay the civil penalty set forth on the citation or notice

 5  of violation, and a hearing shall not be necessary for the

 6  issuance of such order.

 7         (h)  A certified copy of an order imposing a civil

 8  penalty against an uncertified contractor may be recorded in

 9  the public records and thereafter shall constitute a lien

10  against any real or personal property owned by the violator.

11  Upon petition to the circuit court, such order may be enforced

12  in the same manner as a court judgment by the sheriffs of this

13  state, including a levy against personal property; however,

14  such order shall not be deemed to be a court judgment except

15  for enforcement purposes.  A civil penalty imposed pursuant to

16  this part shall continue to accrue until the violator comes

17  into compliance or until judgment is rendered in a suit to

18  foreclose on a lien filed pursuant to this subsection,

19  whichever occurs first.  After 3 months following from the

20  filing of any such lien which remains unpaid, the enforcement

21  board or licensing board or designated special magistrate

22  master may authorize the local governing body's attorney to

23  foreclose on the lien. No lien created pursuant to the

24  provisions of this part may be foreclosed on real property

25  which is a homestead under s. 4, Art. X of the State

26  Constitution.

27         (j)  An aggrieved party, including the local governing

28  body, may appeal a final administrative order of an

29  enforcement board or licensing board or designated special

30  magistrate master to the circuit court.  Such an appeal shall

31  not be a hearing de novo but shall be limited to appellate


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 1  review of the record created before the enforcement board or

 2  licensing board or designated special magistrate master. An

 3  appeal shall be filed within 30 days after of the execution of

 4  the order to be appealed.

 5         Section 87.  Paragraphs (d), (f), (g), (h), and (j) of

 6  subsection (4) of section 489.531, Florida Statutes, are

 7  amended to read:

 8         489.531  Prohibitions; penalties.--

 9         (4)

10         (d)  The act for which the citation is issued shall be

11  ceased upon receipt of the citation; and the person charged

12  with the violation shall elect either to correct the violation

13  and pay the civil penalty in the manner indicated on the

14  citation or, within 10 days after of receipt of the citation,

15  exclusive of weekends and legal holidays, request an

16  administrative hearing before the enforcement or licensing

17  board or designated special magistrate master to appeal the

18  issuance of the citation by the code enforcement officer.

19         1.  Hearings shall be held before an enforcement or

20  licensing board or designated special magistrate master as

21  established by s. 162.03(2) and such hearings shall be

22  conducted pursuant to ss. 162.07 and 162.08.

23         2.  Failure of a violator to appeal the decision of the

24  code enforcement officer within the time period set forth in

25  this paragraph shall constitute a waiver of the violator's

26  right to an administrative hearing.  A waiver of the right to

27  administrative hearing shall be deemed an admission of the

28  violation and penalties may be imposed accordingly.

29         3.  If the person issued the citation, or his or her

30  designated representative, shows that the citation is invalid

31  or that the violation has been corrected prior to appearing


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 1  before the enforcement or licensing board or designated

 2  special magistrate master, the enforcement or licensing board

 3  or designated special magistrate master shall dismiss the

 4  citation unless the violation is irreparable or irreversible.

 5         4.  Each day a willful, knowing violation continues

 6  shall constitute a separate offense under the provisions of

 7  this subsection.

 8         (f)  If the enforcement or licensing board or

 9  designated special magistrate master finds that a violation

10  exists, the enforcement or licensing board or designated

11  special magistrate master may order the violator to pay a

12  civil penalty of not less than the amount set forth on the

13  citation but not more than $500 per day for each violation.

14  In determining the amount of the penalty, the enforcement or

15  licensing board or designated special magistrate master shall

16  consider the following factors:

17         1.  The gravity of the violation.

18         2.  Any actions taken by the violator to correct the

19  violation.

20         3.  Any previous violations committed by the violator.

21         (g)  Upon written notification by the code enforcement

22  officer that a violator had not contested the citation or paid

23  the civil penalty within the timeframe allowed on the

24  citation, or if a violation has not been corrected within the

25  timeframe set forth on the notice of violation, the

26  enforcement or licensing board or the designated special

27  magistrate master shall enter an order ordering the violator

28  to pay the civil penalty set forth on the citation or notice

29  of violation, and a hearing shall not be necessary for the

30  issuance of such order.



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 1         (h)  A certified copy of an order imposing a civil

 2  penalty against an uncertified contractor may be recorded in

 3  the public records and thereafter shall constitute a lien

 4  against any real or personal property owned by the violator.

 5  Upon petition to the circuit court, such order may be enforced

 6  in the same manner as a court judgment by the sheriffs of this

 7  state, including a levy against personal property; however,

 8  such order shall not be deemed to be a court judgment except

 9  for enforcement purposes.  A civil penalty imposed pursuant to

10  this part shall continue to accrue until the violator comes

11  into compliance or until judgment is rendered in a suit to

12  foreclose on a lien filed pursuant to this section, whichever

13  occurs first.  After 3 months following from the filing of any

14  such lien which remains unpaid, the enforcement or licensing

15  board or designated special magistrate master may authorize

16  the local governing body's attorney to foreclose on the lien.

17  No lien created pursuant to the provisions of this part may be

18  foreclosed on real property which is a homestead under s. 4,

19  Art. X of the State Constitution.

20         (j)  An aggrieved party, including the local governing

21  body, may appeal a final administrative order of an

22  enforcement or licensing board or special designated special

23  magistrate master to the circuit court. Such an appeal shall

24  not be a hearing de novo but shall be limited to appellate

25  review of the record created before the enforcement or

26  licensing board or designated special master.  An appeal shall

27  be filed within 30 days of the execution of the order to be

28  appealed.

29         Section 88.  Subsection (1) of section 496.420, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:

31         496.420  Civil remedies and enforcement.--


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 1         (1)  In addition to other remedies authorized by law,

 2  the department may bring a civil action in circuit court to

 3  enforce ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426. Upon a finding that

 4  any person has violated any of these sections, a court may

 5  make any necessary order or enter a judgment including, but

 6  not limited to, a temporary or permanent injunction, a

 7  declaratory judgment, the appointment of a general or special

 8  magistrate master or receiver, the sequestration of assets,

 9  the reimbursement of persons from whom contributions have been

10  unlawfully solicited, the distribution of contributions in

11  accordance with the charitable or sponsor purpose expressed in

12  the registration statement or in accordance with the

13  representations made to the person solicited, the

14  reimbursement of the department for investigative costs,

15  attorney's fees and costs, and any other equitable relief the

16  court finds appropriate. Upon a finding that any person has

17  violated any provision of ss. 496.401-496.424 or s. 496.426

18  with actual knowledge or knowledge fairly implied on the basis

19  of objective circumstances, a court may enter an order

20  imposing a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $10,000

21  per violation.

22         Section 89.  Subsection (3) of section 501.207, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         501.207  Remedies of enforcing authority.--

25         (3)  Upon motion of the enforcing authority or any

26  interested party in any action brought under subsection (1),

27  the court may make appropriate orders, including, but not

28  limited to, appointment of a general or special magistrate

29  master or receiver or sequestration or freezing of assets, to

30  reimburse consumers or governmental entities found to have

31  been damaged; to carry out a transaction in accordance with


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 1  the reasonable expectations of consumers or governmental

 2  entities; to strike or limit the application of clauses of

 3  contracts to avoid an unconscionable result; to order any

 4  defendant to divest herself or himself of any interest in any

 5  enterprise, including real estate; to impose reasonable

 6  restrictions upon the future activities of any defendant to

 7  impede her or him from engaging in or establishing the same

 8  type of endeavor; to order the dissolution or reorganization

 9  of any enterprise; or to grant legal, equitable, or other

10  appropriate relief.  The court may assess the expenses of a

11  general or special magistrate master or receiver against a

12  person who has violated, is violating, or is otherwise likely

13  to violate this part.  Any injunctive order, whether temporary

14  or permanent, issued by the court shall be effective

15  throughout the state unless otherwise provided in the order.

16         Section 90.  Section 501.618, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         501.618  General civil remedies.--The department may

19  bring:

20         (1)  An action to obtain a declaratory judgment that an

21  act or practice violates the provisions of this part.

22         (2)  An action to enjoin a person who has violated, is

23  violating, or is otherwise likely to violate the provisions of

24  this part.

25         (3)  An action on behalf of one or more purchasers for

26  the actual damages caused by an act or practice performed in

27  violation of the provisions of this part. Such an action may

28  include, but is not limited to, an action to recover against a

29  bond, letter of credit, or certificate of deposit as otherwise

30  provided in this part.



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 1  Upon motion of the enforcing authority in any action brought

 2  under this section, the court may make appropriate orders,

 3  including appointment of a general or special magistrate

 4  master or receiver or sequestration of assets, to reimburse

 5  consumers found to have been damaged, to carry out a consumer

 6  transaction in accordance with the consumer's reasonable

 7  expectations, or to grant other appropriate relief.  The court

 8  may assess the expenses of a general or special magistrate

 9  master or receiver against a commercial telephone seller.  Any

10  injunctive order, whether temporary or permanent, issued by

11  the court shall be effective throughout the state unless

12  otherwise provided in the order.

13         Section 91.  Subsection (6) of section 559.936, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         559.936  Civil penalties; remedies.--

16         (6)  Upon motion of the department in any action

17  brought under this part, the court may make appropriate

18  orders, including appointment of a general or special

19  magistrate master or receiver or sequestration of assets, to

20  reimburse consumers found to have been damaged, to carry out a

21  consumer transaction in accordance with the consumer's

22  reasonable expectations, or to grant other appropriate relief.

23         Section 92.  Subsection (1) of section 582.23, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         582.23  Performance of work under the regulations by

26  the supervisors.--

27         (1)  The supervisors may go upon any lands within the

28  district to determine whether land use regulations adopted are

29  being observed.  Where the supervisors of any district shall

30  find that any of the provisions of land use regulations

31  adopted are not being observed on particular lands, and that


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 1  such nonobservance tends to increase erosion on such lands and

 2  is interfering with the prevention or control of erosion on

 3  other lands within the district, the supervisors may present

 4  to the circuit court for the county or counties within which

 5  the lands of the defendant may lie, a petition, duly verified,

 6  setting forth the adoption of the land use regulations, the

 7  failure of the defendant landowner or occupier to observe such

 8  regulations, and to perform particular work, operations, or

 9  avoidances as required thereby, and that such nonobservance

10  tends to increase erosion on such lands and is interfering

11  with the prevention or control of erosion on other lands

12  within the district, and praying the court to require the

13  defendant to perform the work, operations, or avoidances

14  within a reasonable time and to order that if the defendant

15  shall fail so to perform the supervisors may go on the land,

16  perform the work or other operations or otherwise bring the

17  condition of such lands into conformity with the requirements

18  of such regulations, and recover the costs and expenses

19  thereof, with interest, from the owner of such land.  Upon the

20  presentation of such petition the court shall cause process to

21  be issued against the defendant, and shall hear the case.  If

22  it shall appear to the court that testimony is necessary for

23  the proper disposition of the matter, it may take evidence or

24  appoint a special magistrate master to take such evidence as

25  it may direct and report the same to the court within her or

26  his findings of fact and conclusions of law, which shall

27  constitute a part of the proceedings upon which the

28  determination of the court shall be made.

29         Section 93.  Subsection (2) of section 631.182, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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 1         631.182  Receiver claims report and claimants

 2  objections procedure.--

 3         (2)  At the hearing, any interested person is entitled

 4  to appear. The hearing shall not be de novo but shall be

 5  limited to the record as described in s. 631.181(2). The court

 6  shall enter an order allowing, allowing in part, or

 7  disallowing the claim.  Any such order is deemed to be an

 8  appealable order. In the interests of judicial economy, the

 9  court may appoint a special magistrate master to resolve

10  objections or to perform any particular service required by

11  the court. This subsection shall apply to receivership

12  proceedings commencing prior to, or subsequent to, July 1,

13  1997.

14         Section 94.  Subsections (3) and (4) of section

15  631.331, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

16         631.331  Assessment prima facie correct; notice;

17  payment; proceeding to collect.--

18         (3)  If any such member or subscriber fails to pay the

19  assessment within the period specified in the notice, which

20  period shall not be less than 20 days after mailing, the

21  department may obtain an order in the delinquency proceeding

22  requiring the member or subscriber to show cause at a time and

23  place fixed by the court why judgment should not be entered

24  against such member or subscriber for the amount of the

25  assessment, together with all costs., and A copy of the order

26  and a copy of the petition therefor shall be served upon the

27  member or subscriber within the time and in the manner

28  designated in the order.

29         (4)  If the subscriber or member after due service of a

30  copy of the order and petition referred to in subsection (3)

31  is made upon her or him:


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 1         (a)  Fails to appear at the time and place specified in

 2  the order, judgment shall be entered against her or him as

 3  prayed for in the petition; or

 4         (b)  Appears in the manner and form required by law in

 5  response to the order, the court shall hear and determine the

 6  matter and enter a judgment in accordance with its decision.

 7  In the interests of judicial economy, the court may appoint a

 8  special magistrate master to resolve objections or to perform

 9  any particular service required by the court. This paragraph

10  shall apply to receivership proceedings commencing prior to,

11  or subsequent to, July 1, 1997.

12         Section 95.  Subsection (2) of section 633.052, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         633.052  Ordinances relating to firesafety;

15  definitions; penalties.--

16         (2)  A county or municipality that which has created a

17  code enforcement board or special magistrate master system

18  pursuant to chapter 162 may enforce firesafety code violations

19  as provided in chapter 162. The governing body of a county or

20  municipality which has not created a code enforcement board or

21  special magistrate master system for firesafety under chapter

22  162 is authorized to enact ordinances relating to firesafety

23  codes, which ordinances shall provide:

24         (a)  That a violation of such an ordinance is a civil

25  infraction.

26         (b)  A maximum civil penalty not to exceed $500.

27         (c)  A civil penalty of less than the maximum civil

28  penalty if the person who has committed the civil infraction

29  does not contest the citation.




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 1         (d)  For the issuance of a citation by an officer who

 2  has probable cause to believe that a person has committed a

 3  violation of an ordinance relating to firesafety.

 4         (e)  For the contesting of a citation in the county

 5  court.

 6         (f)  Such procedures and provisions necessary to

 7  implement any ordinances enacted under the authority of this

 8  section.

 9         Section 96.  Subsection (2) of section 744.369, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         744.369  Judicial review of guardianship reports.--

12         (2)  The court may appoint general or special

13  magistrate masters to assist the court in its review function.

14  The court may require the general or special magistrate master

15  to conduct random field audits.

16         Section 97.  Subsection (11) of section 760.11, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         760.11  Administrative and civil remedies;

19  construction.--

20         (11)  If a complaint is within the jurisdiction of the

21  commission, the commission shall simultaneously with its other

22  statutory obligations attempt to eliminate or correct the

23  alleged discrimination by informal methods of conference,

24  conciliation, and persuasion.  Nothing said or done in the

25  course of such informal endeavors may be made public or used

26  as evidence in a subsequent civil proceeding, trial, or

27  hearing.  The commission may initiate dispute resolution

28  procedures, including voluntary arbitration, by special

29  magistrates masters or mediators.  The commission may adopt

30  rules as to the qualifications of persons who may serve as

31  special magistrates masters and mediators.


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 1         Section 98.  Subsection (1) of section 837.011, Florida

 2  Statutes, is amended to read:

 3         837.011  Definitions.--In this chapter, unless a

 4  different meaning plainly is required:

 5         (1)  "Official proceeding" means a proceeding heard, or

 6  which may be or is required to be heard, before any

 7  legislative, judicial, administrative, or other governmental

 8  agency or official authorized to take evidence under oath,

 9  including any referee, general or special magistrate master in

10  chancery, administrative law judge, hearing officer, hearing

11  examiner, commissioner, notary, or other person taking

12  testimony or a deposition in connection with any such

13  proceeding.

14         Section 99.  Subsection (4) of section 838.014, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended to read:

16         838.014  Definitions.--For the purposes of this

17  chapter, unless a different meaning plainly is required:

18         (4)  "Public servant" means any public officer, agent,

19  or employee of government, whether elected or appointed,

20  including, but not limited to, any executive, legislative, or

21  judicial officer; any person who holds an office or position

22  in a political party or political party committee, whether

23  elected or appointed; and any person participating as a

24  general or special magistrate master, receiver, auditor,

25  juror, arbitrator, umpire, referee, consultant, administrative

26  law judge, hearing officer, or hearing examiner, or person

27  acting on behalf of any of these, in performing a governmental

28  function; but the term does not include witnesses.  Such term

29  shall include a candidate for election or appointment to any

30  such office, including any individual who seeks or intends to

31  occupy any such office.  It shall include any person appointed


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 1  to any of the foregoing offices or employments before and

 2  after he or she qualifies.

 3         Section 100.  Section 839.17, Florida Statutes, is

 4  amended to read:

 5         839.17  Misappropriation of moneys by commissioners to

 6  make sales.--Any commissioner or general or special magistrate

 7  master in chancery, having received the purchase money or the

 8  securities resulting from any of the sales authorized by law,

 9  who shall fail to deliver such moneys and securities, or

10  either of them, to the executor or administrator, or the

11  person entitled to receive the same, upon the order of the

12  court, unless she or he is rendered unable to do so by some

13  cause not attributable to her or his own default or neglect,

14  shall be fined in a sum equal to the amount received from the

15  purchaser, and commits shall be guilty of a felony of the

16  second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s.

17  775.083, or s. 775.084.

18         Section 101.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of

19  section 916.107, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         916.107  Rights of forensic clients.--


22         (a)  A client committed to the department pursuant to

23  this act shall be asked to give express and informed written

24  consent for treatment.  If a client in a forensic facility

25  refuses such treatment as is deemed necessary by the client's

26  multidisciplinary treatment team at the forensic facility for

27  the appropriate care of the client and the safety of the

28  client or others, such treatment may be provided under the

29  following circumstances:

30         1.  In an emergency situation in which there is

31  immediate danger to the safety of the client or others, such


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 1  treatment may be provided upon the written order of a

 2  physician for a period not to exceed 48 hours, excluding

 3  weekends and legal holidays.  If, after the 48-hour period,

 4  the client has not given express and informed consent to the

 5  treatment initially refused, the administrator or designee of

 6  the forensic facility shall, within 48 hours, excluding

 7  weekends and legal holidays, petition the committing court or

 8  the circuit court serving the county in which the facility is

 9  located, at the option of the facility administrator or

10  designee, for an order authorizing the continued treatment of

11  the client.  In the interim, treatment may be continued

12  without the consent of the client upon the continued written

13  order of a physician who has determined that the emergency

14  situation continues to present a danger to the safety of the

15  client or others.

16         2.  In a situation other than an emergency situation,

17  the administrator or designee of the forensic facility shall

18  petition the court for an order authorizing the treatment to

19  the client.  The order shall allow such treatment for a period

20  not to exceed 90 days from the date of the entry of the order.

21  Unless the court is notified in writing that the client has

22  provided express and informed consent in writing or that the

23  client has been discharged by the committing court, the

24  administrator or designee shall, prior to the expiration of

25  the initial 90-day order, petition the court for an order

26  authorizing the continuation of treatment for another 90-day

27  period.  This procedure shall be repeated until the client

28  provides consent or is discharged by the committing court.

29         3.  At the hearing on the issue of whether the court

30  should enter an order authorizing treatment for which a client

31  has refused to give express and informed consent, the court


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 1  shall determine by clear and convincing evidence that the

 2  client is mentally ill, retarded, or autistic as defined in

 3  this chapter, that the treatment not consented to is essential

 4  to the care of the client, and that the treatment not

 5  consented to is not experimental and does not present an

 6  unreasonable risk of serious, hazardous, or irreversible side

 7  effects.  In arriving at the substitute judgment decision, the

 8  court must consider at least the following factors:

 9         a.  The client's expressed preference regarding

10  treatment;

11         b.  The probability of adverse side effects;

12         c.  The prognosis without treatment; and

13         d.  The prognosis with treatment.


15  The hearing shall be as convenient to the client as may be

16  consistent with orderly procedure and shall be conducted in

17  physical settings not likely to be injurious to the client's

18  condition. The court may appoint a general or special

19  magistrate master to preside at the hearing. The client or the

20  client's guardian, and the representative, shall be provided

21  with a copy of the petition and the date, time, and location

22  of the hearing. The client has the right to have an attorney

23  represent him or her at the hearing, and, if the client is

24  indigent, the court shall appoint the office of the public

25  defender to represent the client at the hearing.  The client

26  may testify or not, as he or she chooses, and has the right to

27  cross-examine witnesses and may present his or her own

28  witnesses.

29         Section 102.  Subsection (11) of section 938.30,

30  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:



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 1         938.30  Court-imposed financial obligations in criminal

 2  cases; supplementary proceedings.--

 3         (11)  The court may refer any proceeding under this

 4  section to a special magistrate master who shall report

 5  findings and make recommendations to the court. The court

 6  shall act on such recommendations within a reasonable amount

 7  of time.

 8         Section 103.  Subsection (3) of section 945.43, Florida

 9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         945.43  Admission of inmate to mental health treatment

11  facility.--


13  MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT.--If the inmate does not waive a

14  hearing or if the inmate or the inmate's representative files

15  a petition for a hearing after having waived it, the court

16  shall serve notice on the warden of the facility where the

17  inmate is confined, the director, and the allegedly mentally

18  ill inmate. The notice shall specify the date, time, and place

19  of the hearing; the basis for the allegation of mental

20  illness; and the names of the examining experts. The hearing

21  shall be held within 5 days, and the court may appoint a

22  general or special magistrate master to preside.  The hearing

23  may be as informal as is consistent with orderly procedure.

24  One of the experts whose opinion supported the recommendation

25  shall be present at the hearing for information purposes.  If,

26  at the hearing, the court finds that the inmate is mentally

27  ill and in need of care and treatment, it shall order that he

28  or she be transferred to a mental health treatment facility

29  and provided appropriate treatment.  The court shall provide a

30  copy of its order authorizing transfer and all supporting

31  documentation relating to the inmate's condition to the warden


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 1  of the treatment facility.  If the court finds that the inmate

 2  is not mentally ill, it shall dismiss the petition for

 3  transfer.

 4         Section 104.  Subsection (4) is added to section

 5  903.02, Florida Statutes, to read:

 6         903.02  Actions with respect to denial or conditions of

 7  bail or amount of bond prohibited; "court" defined.--

 8         (4)  Any judge setting or granting monetary bail shall

 9  set a separate and specific bail amount for each charge or

10  offense. When bail is posted, each charge or offense requires

11  a separate bond.

12         Section 105.  Subsection (3) is added to section

13  903.046, Florida Statutes, to read:

14         903.046  Purpose of and criteria for bail

15  determination.--

16         (3)  If a defendant is convicted with a second or

17  subsequent felony within 3 years after the date of a prior

18  felony charge, regardless of whether a conviction was entered,

19  the defendant forfeits the right to a presumption in favor of

20  release on nonmonetary conditions as provided in s. 907.041.

21         Section 106.  Subsection (1) of section 903.047,

22  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         903.047  Conditions of pretrial release.--

24         (1)  As a condition of pretrial release, whether such

25  release is by surety bail bond or recognizance bond or in some

26  other form, the court shall require that:

27         (a)  The defendant shall refrain from criminal activity

28  of any kind; and

29         (b)  The defendant shall refrain from any contact of

30  any type with the victim, except through pretrial discovery

31  pursuant to the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure; and.


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 1         (c)  The defendant shall comply with all conditions of

 2  pretrial release.

 3         Section 107.  Paragraph (d) is added to subsection (5)

 4  of section 903.26, Florida Statutes, to read:

 5         903.26  Forfeiture of the bond; when and how directed;

 6  discharge; how and when made; effect of payment.--

 7         (5)  The court shall discharge a forfeiture within 60

 8  days upon:

 9         (d)  Refusal of the state attorney to institute

10  extradition proceedings or extradite the principal on a bail

11  bond, after the surety has agreed in writing to pay actual

12  transportation costs, exonerates the surety, and any

13  forfeiture or judgment is set aside or vacated and any payment

14  by the surety of a forfeiture or judgment is remitted as

15  required under s. 903.28.

16         Section 108.  Subsection (1) of section 903.27, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended to read:

18         903.27  Forfeiture to judgment.--

19         (1)  If the forfeiture is not paid or discharged by

20  order of a court of competent jurisdiction within 60 days and

21  the bond is secured other than by money and bonds authorized

22  in s. 903.16, the clerk of the circuit court for the county

23  where the order was made shall enter a judgment against the

24  surety for the amount of the penalty and issue execution.

25  However, in any case in which the bond forfeiture has been

26  discharged by the court of competent jurisdiction conditioned

27  upon the payment by the surety of certain costs or fees as

28  allowed by statute, the amount for which judgment may be

29  entered may not exceed the amount of the unpaid fees or costs

30  upon which the discharge had been conditioned. Judgment for

31  the full amount of the forfeiture shall not be entered if


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 1  payment of a lesser amount will satisfy the conditions to

 2  discharge the forfeiture. Within 10 days, the clerk shall

 3  furnish the Department of Insurance with a certified copy of

 4  the judgment docket and shall furnish the surety company at

 5  its home office a copy of the judgment, which shall include

 6  the power of attorney number of the bond and the name of the

 7  executing agent.  If the judgment is not paid within 35 days,

 8  the clerk shall furnish the Department of Insurance and the

 9  sheriff of the county in which the bond was executed, or the

10  official responsible for operation of the county jail, if

11  other than the sheriff, two copies of the judgment and a

12  certificate stating that the judgment remains unsatisfied.

13  When and if the judgment is properly paid or an order to

14  vacate the judgment has been entered by a court of competent

15  jurisdiction, the clerk shall immediately notify the sheriff,

16  or the official responsible for the operation of the county

17  jail, if other than the sheriff, and the Department of

18  Insurance, if the department had been previously notified of

19  nonpayment, of such payment or order to vacate the judgment.

20  The clerk shall also immediately prepare and record in the

21  public records a satisfaction of the judgment or record the

22  order to vacate judgment. If the defendant is returned to the

23  county of jurisdiction of the court, whenever a motion to set

24  aside the judgment is filed, the operation of this section is

25  tolled until the court makes a disposition of the motion.

26         Section 109.  Section 903.31, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         903.31  Canceling the bond.--

29         (1)  Within 10 business days after the conditions of a

30  bond have been satisfied or the forfeiture discharged or

31  remitted, the court shall order the bond shall be canceled


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 1  and, if the surety has attached a certificate of cancellation

 2  to the original bond, the clerk of the court shall furnish an

 3  executed certificate of cancellation to the surety without

 4  cost. An adjudication of guilt or innocence of the defendant

 5  shall satisfy the conditions of the bond.  The original

 6  appearance bond shall expire 36 months after such bond has

 7  been posted for the release of the defendant from custody.

 8  This subsection does not apply to cases in which a bond has

 9  been declared forfeited.

10         (2)  The original appearance bond does shall not be

11  construed to guarantee deferred sentences, appearance during

12  or after a presentence investigation, appearance during or

13  after appeals, conduct during or appearance after admission to

14  a pretrial intervention program, payment of fines, or

15  attendance at educational or rehabilitation facilities the

16  court otherwise provides in the judgment.  If the original

17  appearance bond has been forfeited or revoked, the bond shall

18  not be reinstated without approval from the surety on the

19  original bond.

20         (3)  The original appearance bond does not guarantee

21  the defendant's conduct or appearance in court at any time

22  after:

23         (a)  The defendant enters a plea of guilty or no

24  contest;

25         (b)  The defendant enters into an agreement for

26  deferred prosecution or agrees to enter a pretrial

27  intervention program;

28         (c)  The defendant is acquitted;

29         (d)  The defendant is adjudicated guilty;

30         (e)  Adjudication of guilt of the defendant is

31  withheld; or


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 1         (f)  The defendant is found guilty by a judge or jury.

 2         (4)(3)  In any case where no formal charges have been

 3  brought against the defendant within 365 days after arrest,

 4  the court shall order the bond canceled unless good cause is

 5  shown by the state.

 6         Section 110.  Subsection (3) and paragraphs (a) and (b)

 7  of subsection (4) of section 907.041, Florida Statutes, are

 8  amended to read:

 9         907.041  Pretrial detention and release.--


11         (a)  It is the intent of the Legislature to create a

12  presumption in favor of release on nonmonetary conditions for

13  any person who is granted pretrial release unless such person

14  is charged with a dangerous crime as defined in subsection

15  (4).  Such person shall be released on monetary conditions if

16  it is determined that such monetary conditions are necessary

17  to assure the presence of the person at trial or at other

18  proceedings, to protect the community from risk of physical

19  harm to persons, to assure the presence of the accused at

20  trial, or to assure the integrity of the judicial process.

21         (b)  A No person may not be accepted for release shall

22  be released on nonmonetary conditions under the supervision of

23  a pretrial release service, unless the service certifies in

24  writing, and has provided a report to the court for review,

25  that it has investigated or otherwise verified:

26         1.  The circumstances of the accused's family,

27  employment, financial resources, character, mental condition,

28  and length of residence in the community;

29         2.  The accused's record of convictions, of appearances

30  at court proceedings, of flight to avoid prosecution, or of

31  failure to appear at court proceedings; and


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for CS for SB 1020

 1         3.  Other facts necessary to assist the court in its

 2  determination of the indigency of the accused and whether she

 3  or he should be released under the supervision of the service.

 4         (4)  PRETRIAL DETENTION.--

 5         (a)  As used in this subsection, the term "dangerous

 6  crime" means any of the following:

 7         1.  Arson;

 8         2.  Aggravated assault;

 9         3.  Aggravated battery;

10         4.  Illegal use of explosives;

11         5.  Child abuse or aggravated child abuse;

12         6.  Abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult, or

13  aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult;

14         7.  Aircraft piracy;

15         8.  Kidnapping;

16         9.  Homicide;

17         10.  Manslaughter;

18         11.  Sexual battery;

19         12.  Robbery;

20         13.  Carjacking;

21         14.  Lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault or act upon

22  or in presence of a child under the age of 16 years;

23         15.  Sexual activity with a child, who is 12 years of

24  age or older but less than 18 years of age, by or at

25  solicitation of person in familial or custodial authority;

26         16.  Burglary of a dwelling;

27         17.  Stalking and aggravated stalking;

28         18.  Act of domestic violence as defined in s. 741.28;

29         19.  Home invasion robbery;

30         20.  Act of terrorism as defined in s. 775.30; and

31         21.  Attempting or conspiring to commit any such crime.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for CS for SB 1020

 1         (b)  Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3)(b) No

 2  person charged with a dangerous crime shall be granted

 3  nonmonetary pretrial release at a first appearance hearing;

 4  however, the court shall retain the discretion to release an

 5  accused on electronic monitoring or on recognizance bond if

 6  the findings on the record of facts and circumstances warrant

 7  such a release.

 8         Section 111.  Section 903.0465, Florida Statutes, is

 9  created to read:

10         903.0465  Determination of bail at first

11  appearance.--In any case in which a defendant is before the

12  court at a first appearance hearing based on the execution of

13  an arrest warrant, the judge at the first appearance hearing

14  may not reduce the amount of bail indicated on the warrant,

15  unless the judge issuing the warrant indicates that the matter

16  of bail may be reconsidered at the first appearance hearing.

17  This section does not apply when the judge at the first

18  appearance hearing is also the judge who issued the warrant or

19  when the judge at the first appearance hearing is the judge to

20  whom the case has been assigned or those warrants as provided

21  in s. 903.46(1)(d).

22         Section 112.  Section 903.0471, Florida Statutes, is

23  amended to read:

24         903.0471  Violation of condition of pretrial

25  release.--Notwithstanding s. 907.041, a court may, on its own

26  motion, revoke pretrial release and order pretrial detention

27  if the court finds probable cause to believe that the

28  defendant committed a new crime while on pretrial release. A

29  finding of probable cause under this section may, in the

30  court's discretion, be determined based upon the affidavit of

31  a law enforcement officer without an evidentiary hearing.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for CS for SB 1020

 1         Section 113.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 4                 Senate Bill CS Senate Bill 1020


 6  -    Amends s. 903.02, F.S., to require a judge setting
         monetary bail to set a separate bail amount for each
 7       charge, which would require a separate bond when bail is
    -    Amends s. 903.046, F.S., so that a defendant who has been
 9       charged with a second or subsequent felony within three
         years of a prior felony charge forfeits his or her right
10       to the presumption in favor of release on nonmonetary
         conditions, as set forth in s. 907.041, F.S.
    -    Amends s. 903.047, F.S., to require that as a condition
12       of pretrial release the defendant comply with all
         conditions of pretrial release.
    -    Amends s. 903.26, F.S., to provide that the surety is
14       exonerated and any forfeiture or judgment is set aside,
         and any payment previously made is remitted to the
15       surety, where the surety has agreed to pay transportation
         costs of extradition of a defendant but the state fails
16       to institute extradition proceedings.

17  -    Amends s. 903.27, F.S., to limit the amount of a judgment
         entered against a surety to the fees and costs, where the
18       bond forfeiture has been conditioned upon the payment of
         those fees and costs.
    -    Amends s. 903.31, F.S., to delete the requirement of a
20       court order as authority for the clerk of the court to
         cancel a bond. It also deletes some language from (2),
21       and creates a new (3) which outlines the limits of the
         guarantee of an original appearance bond, apparently in
22       response to court rulings to the contrary.

23  -    Reinserts existing language in s. 907.041(4)(b), F.S.,
         which gives the court some discretion in making a
24       pretrial release determination

25  -    Redesignates "general or special masters" as "general or
         special magistrate" and makes the attendant necessary
26       changes to replace references to the historical
         magistrate with the term" trial court judge."
    -    Redesginates hearing officers as "administrative law
28       judges" where applicable





CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.