HB 1065 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to mobile home owners; amending s. 48.183,
3    F.S.; providing for service of process in an action for
4    possession of residential premises; creating s. 320.08015,
5    F.S.; providing for a license tax surcharge for deposit in
6    the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund; amending s.
7    320.081, F.S.; conforming to the act; amending s. 715.101,
8    F.S.; including a reference to chapter 723, F.S., in the
9    Disposition of Personal Property Landlord and Tenant Act;
10    amending s. 723.007, F.S.; providing a surcharge under the
11    Florida Mobile Home Act on certain mobile home lots for
12    deposit in the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund;
13    amending s. 723.023, F.S.; authorizing mobile home park
14    owners to charge a fee for the cost of cleanup or repair
15    of a mobile home or lot under certain circumstances;
16    amending s. 723.037, F.S.; prohibiting the filing of
17    certain actions in circuit court in the event that a
18    request for mediation has not been filed; amending s.
19    723.041, F.S.; providing for the placement of any size
20    used or new mobile home on a mobile home lot under certain
21    circumstances; amending s. 723.061, F.S.; revising
22    language to include reference to the eviction of a mobile
23    home tenant or a mobile home occupant; amending s.
24    723.0611, F.S.; providing that persons who receive
25    compensation from the Florida Mobile Home Relocation
26    Corporation shall not have a claim or cause of action
27    against the corporation or the park owner under certain
28    circumstances; amending s. 723.06115, F.S.; revising
29    language with respect to the Florida Mobile Home
30    Relocation Trust Fund; providing reference to the deposit
31    of certain surcharges into the trust fund; amending s.
32    723.06116, F.S.; increasing certain fees; providing an
33    additional situation in which a mobile home park owner is
34    not required to make certain payments and is not entitled
35    to certain compensation from the Florida Mobile Home
36    Relocation Corporation; amending s. 723.0612, F.S.;
37    revising language with respect to compensation from the
38    Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation; providing an
39    effective date.
41          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
43          Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 48.183, Florida
44    Statutes, is amended to read:
45          48.183 Service of process in action for possession of
46    premises.--
47          (1) In an action for possession of anyresidential
48    premises, including those under chapters 83, 723, and 513,or
49    nonresidential premises, if the tenant cannot be found in the
50    county or there is no person 15 years of age or older residing
51    at the tenant's usual place of abode in the county after at
52    least two attempts to obtain service as provided above in this
53    subsection, summons may be served by attaching a copy to a
54    conspicuous place on the property described in the complaint or
55    summons. The minimum time delay between the two attempts to
56    obtain service shall be 6 hours. Nothing herein shall be
57    construed as prohibiting service of process on a tenant as is
58    otherwise provided on defendants in civil cases.
59          Section 2. Section 320.08015, Florida Statutes, is created
60    to read:
61          320.08015 License tax surcharge.--There is levied on each
62    license tax imposed under s. 320.08(11), a surcharge in the
63    amount of $1, which shall be collected in the same manner as the
64    license tax and shall be deposited in the Florida Mobile Home
65    Relocation Trust Fund as created in s. 723.06115. The surcharge
66    shall begin to be collected during the first year after this
67    section takes effect. This surcharge may not be imposed during
68    the next year if the balance in the Florida Mobile Home
69    Relocation Trust Fund exceeds $10 million. The surcharge shall
70    be reinstated in the next year after the balance in the Florida
71    Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund drops below $6 million.
72          Section 3. Subsections (3), (4), and (5) of section
73    320.081, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
74          320.081 Collection and distribution of annual license tax
75    imposed on the following type units.--
76          (3) The owner shall make application for such sticker in
77    the manner provided in s. 320.02, and the tax collectors in the
78    several counties of the state shall collect the license taxes
79    imposed by s. 320.08(10) and (11) and the license tax surcharge
80    imposed by s. 320.08015in the same manner and under the same
81    conditions and requirements as provided in s. 320.03.
82          (4) Each tax collector shall make prompt remittance of all
83    moneys collected by him or her to the department at such times
84    and in such manner as provided by law. Upon receipt of the
85    license taxes collected from the tax collectors of the several
86    counties, the department shall pay into the State Treasury for
87    deposit in the General Revenue Fund the sum of $1.50 on each
88    such sticker issued, and shall pay into the State Treasury for
89    deposit in the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund $1 on
90    each sticker issued as provided in s. 320.08015. The balance
91    remaining shall be paid into a trust fund in the State Treasury
92    designated "License Tax Collection Trust Fund," and the moneys
93    so deposited shall be paid to the respective counties and cities
94    wherein such units governed by the provisions of this section
95    are located, regardless of where the license taxes are
96    collected, in the manner hereinafter provided.
97          (5) The department shall keep records showing the total
98    number of stickers issued to each type unit governed by this
99    section, the total amount of license taxes collected, and the
100    county or city wherein each such unit is located and shall from
101    month to month certify to the Chief Financial Officer
102    Comptrollerthe amount derived from license taxes in each county
103    and each city within the county. Such amount, less the amount of
104    $1.50 collected on each license and the $1 license tax surcharge
105    imposed by s. 320.08015, shall be paid to the counties and
106    cities within the counties wherein the unit or units are located
107    as follows: one-half to the district school board and the
108    remainder either to the board of county commissioners, for units
109    which are located within the unincorporated areas of the county,
110    or to any city within such county, for units which are located
111    within its corporate limits. Payment shall be by warrant drawn
112    by the Chief Financial OfficerComptrollerupon the treasury,
113    which amount is hereby appropriated monthly out of the License
114    Tax Collection Trust Fund.
115          Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 715.101, Florida
116    Statutes, is amended to read:
117          715.101 Application of ss. 715.10-715.111.--
118          (1) Sections 715.10-715.111 apply to all tenancies to
119    which chapter 723 orpart I or part II of chapter 83 are
120    applicable.
121          Section 5. Section 723.007, Florida Statutes, is amended
122    to read:
123          723.007 Annual fees; surcharge.--
124          (1)Each mobile home park owner shall pay to the division,
125    on or before October 1 of each year, an annual fee of $4 for
126    each mobile home lot within a mobile home park which he or she
127    owns. The division may, after December 31, 1993, by rule,
128    increase the amount of the annual fee to an amount not to exceed
129    $5 for each mobile home lot to fund operation of the division.
130    If the fee is not paid by December 31, the mobile home park
131    owner shall be assessed a penalty of 10 percent of the amount
132    due, and he or she shall not have standing to maintain or defend
133    any action in the courts of this state until the amount due,
134    plus any penalty, is paid.
135          (2) There is levied on each annual fee imposed under
136    subsection (1) a surcharge in the amount of $1 upon each mobile
137    home lot that is offered for lease within a mobile home park
138    owned by a mobile home park owner. The surcharge shall be
139    collected in the same manner as the annual fee and shall be
140    deposited in the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund.
141    Collection of the surcharge shall begin during the first year
142    after this subsection takes effect. This surcharge may not be
143    imposed during the next year if the balance in the trust fund
144    exceeds $10 million. The surcharge shall be reinstated in the
145    next year after the balance in the trust fund falls below $6
146    million. The surcharge imposed by this subsection may not be
147    imposed as a separate charge regardless of any disclosure in the
148    prospectus.
149          Section 6. Section 723.023, Florida Statutes, is amended
150    to read:
151          723.023 Mobile home owner's general obligations.--
152          (1)A mobile home owner shall at all times:
153          (a)(1)Comply with all obligations imposed on mobile home
154    owners by applicable provisions of building, housing, and health
155    codes.
156          (b)(2)Keep the mobile home lot which he or she occupies
157    clean and sanitary.
158          (c)(3)Comply with properly promulgated park rules and
159    regulations and require other persons on the premises with his
160    or her consent to comply therewith and to conduct themselves in
161    a manner that does not unreasonably disturb other residents of
162    the park or constitute a breach of the peace.
163          (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a
164    park owner may charge a fee for the cost of cleanup or repair of
165    the exterior of the mobile home, the appurtenances to the mobile
166    home, or any improvements to the mobile home lot, so long as
167    such obligation to maintain the exterior of the mobile home, the
168    appurtenances to the mobile home, or the mobile home lot is an
169    obligation imposed upon the mobile home owners by a promulgated
170    rule or regulation, the rental agreement, or the prospectus, and
171    notice has been mailed to the mobile home owner at least 14 days
172    prior to cleanup or repair of the exterior of the mobile home,
173    the appurtenances to the mobile home, or the mobile home lot.
174    The park owner’s remedy for the home owner’s failure to pay such
175    a charge shall be by an action in small claims court.
176          Section 7. Subsection (6) of section 723.037, Florida
177    Statutes, is amended to read:
178          723.037 Lot rental increases; reduction in services or
179    utilities; change in rules and regulations; mediation.--
180          (6) If a party requests mediation and the opposing party
181    refuses to agree to mediate upon proper request, the party
182    refusing to mediate shall not be entitled to attorney's fees in
183    any action relating to a dispute described in this section. In
184    the event that mediation of a dispute concerning any matters
185    addressed in this section was not requested in accordance with
186    this section, neither party shall have the right to file an
187    action in circuit court, as provided in s. 723.0381, on such
188    matters. This section is intended to require the resolution of
189    disputes by mediation and to require that a timely request for
190    mediation be made by any party who is disputing any of the
191    matters addressed in this section.
192          Section 8. Subsection (4) is added to section 723.041,
193    Florida Statutes, to read:
194          723.041 Entrance fees; refunds; exit fees prohibited;
195    replacement homes.--
196          (4) Except as expressly preempted by the requirements of
197    the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, a mobile
198    home owner or the park owner shall be authorized pursuant to
199    this section to site any size new or used mobile home and
200    appurtenances on a mobile home lot in accordance with the lot
201    sizes, separation and setback distances, and other requirements
202    in effect at the time of the approval of the mobile home park.
203          Section 9. Subsections (1), (4), and (5) of section
204    723.061, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
205          723.061 Eviction; grounds, proceedings.--
206          (1) A mobile home park owner may evict a mobile home
207    owner, a mobile home tenant, a mobile home occupant,or a mobile
208    home only on one or more of the grounds provided in this
209    section.
210          (a) Nonpayment of lot rental amount. If a mobile home
211    owner or tenant, whoever is responsiblefails to pay the lot
212    rental amount when due and if the default continues for 5 days
213    after delivery of a written demand by the mobile home park owner
214    for payment of the lot rental amount, the park owner may
215    terminate the tenancy. However, if the mobile home owner or
216    tenant, whoever is responsiblepays the lot rental amount due,
217    including any late charges, court costs, and attorney's fees,
218    the court may, for good cause, deny the order of eviction,
219    provided such nonpayment has not occurred more than twice.
220          (b) Conviction of a violation of a federal or state law or
221    local ordinance, which violation may be deemed detrimental to the
222    health, safety, or welfare of other residents of the mobile home
223    park. The mobile home owner or mobile home tenant will have 7 days
224    from the date that notice to vacate is delivered to vacate the
225    premises. This paragraph shall be grounds to deny an initial
226    tenancy of a purchaser of a home pursuant to s. 723.061(1)(e) or to
227    evict an unapproved occupant of a home.
228          (c) Violation of a park rule or regulation, the rental
229    agreement, or this chapter.
230          1. For the first violation of any properly promulgated
231    rule or regulation, rental agreement provision, or this chapter
232    which is found by any court having jurisdiction thereof to have
233    been an act which endangered the life, health, safety, or
234    property of the park residents or employeesor the peaceful
235    enjoyment of the mobile home park by its residents, the mobile
236    home park owner may terminate the rental agreement, and the
237    mobile home owner or tenantwill have 7 days from the date that
238    the notice is delivered to vacate the premises.
239          2. For a second violation of the same properly promulgated
240    rule or regulation, rental agreement provision, or this chapter
241    within 12 months, the mobile home park owner may terminate the
242    tenancy if she or he has given the mobile home owner or tenant
243    written notice within 30 days of the first violation, which
244    notice specified the actions of the mobile home owner or tenant
245    which caused the violation and gave the mobile home owner or
246    tenant7 days to correct the noncompliance. The mobile home
247    owner or tenantmust have received written notice of the ground
248    upon which she or he is to be evicted at least 30 days prior to
249    the date on which she or he is required to vacate. A second
250    violation of a properly promulgated rule or regulation, rental
251    agreement provision, or this chapter within 12 months of the
252    first violation is unequivocally a ground for eviction, and it
253    is not a defense to any eviction proceeding that a violation has
254    been cured after the second violation. Violation of a rule or
255    regulation, rental agreement provision, or this chapter after
256    the passage of 1 year from the first violation of the same rule
257    or regulation, rental agreement provision, or this chapter does
258    not constitute a ground for eviction under this section.
260          No properly promulgated rule or regulation may be arbitrarily
261    applied and used as a ground for eviction.
262          (d) Change in use of the land comprising the mobile home
263    park, or the portion thereof from which mobile homes are to be
264    evicted, from mobile home lot rentals to some other use,
265    provided all tenants affected are given at least 6 months'
266    notice of the projected change of use and of their need to
267    secure other accommodations. The park owner may not give a
268    notice of increase in lot rental amount within 90 days before
269    giving notice of a change in use.
270          (e) Failure of the purchaser, prospective tenant, or
271    occupantof a mobile home situated in the mobile home park to be
272    qualified as, and to obtain approval to become, a tenant or
273    occupant of the home, if such approval is required by a properly
274    promulgated rule. If a purchaser or prospective tenant of a
275    mobile home situated in the mobile home park occupies the mobile
276    home before approval is granted, the mobile home owner or mobile
277    home tenant shall have 7 days from the date the notice of the
278    failure to be approved for tenancy is delivered to vacate the
279    premises.
280          (4) A mobile home park owner applying for the removal of a
281    mobile home owner, tenant, occupant, or a mobile home, or both,
282    shall file, in the county court in the county where the mobile
283    home lot is situated, a complaint describing the lot and stating
284    the facts that authorize the removal of the mobile home owner,
285    tenant, occupant, orand the mobile home. The park owner is
286    entitled to the summary procedure provided in s. 51.011, and the
287    court shall advance the cause on the calendar.
288          (5) Any notice required by this section must be in
289    writing, and must be posted on the premises and sent to the
290    mobile home owner, tenant, or occupant, as appropriate,by
291    certified or registered mail, return receipt requested,
292    addressed to the mobile home owner, tenant, or occupant, as
293    appropriate,at her or his last known address. Delivery of the
294    mailed notice shall be deemed given 5 days after the date of
295    postmark.
296          Section 10. Paragraph (e) is added to subsection (2) of
297    section 723.0611, Florida Statutes, to read:
298          723.0611 Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation.--
299          (2)
300          (e) Any person who receives compensation from the corporation
301    or the park owner pursuant to ss. 723.061-723.0612 shall not have a
302    cause of action against the corporation or the park owner for any
303    claim arising under the rights, duties, and obligations of the
304    corporation or park owner in ss. 723.061-723.0612.
305          Section 11. Subsection (1) of section 723.06115, Florida
306    Statutes, is amended to read:
307          723.06115 Florida Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund.--
308          (1) There is established within the Department of Business
309    and Professional Regulation the Florida Mobile Home Relocation
310    Trust Fund, to be used by the department for the purpose of
311    funding the administration and operations of the Florida Mobile
312    Home Relocation Corporation. All interest earned from the
313    investment or deposit of moneys in the trust fund shall be
314    deposited in the trust fund. The trust fund shall be funded from
315    the moneys collected by the department under s. 723.06116 from
316    mobile home park owners who change the use of their mobile home
317    parks; the surcharge collected by the department under s.
318    723.007(2); the surcharge collected by the Department of Highway
319    Safety and Motor Vehicles;and by other appropriated funds.
320          Section 12. Subsection (1) of section 723.06116, Florida
321    Statutes, is amended and paragraph (d) is added to subsection
322    (2) of said section, to read:
323          723.06116 Payments to the Florida Mobile Home Relocation
324    Corporation.--
325          (1) If a mobile home owner is required to move due to
326    a change in use of the land comprising a mobile home park as set
327    forth in s. 723.061(1)(d), the mobile home park owner shall,
328    upon such change in use, pay to the Florida Mobile Home
329    Relocation Corporation for deposit in the Florida Mobile Home
330    Relocation Trust Fund $2,750$2,000for each single-section
331    mobile home and $3,750$2,500for each multisection mobile home
332    for which a mobile home owner has made application for payment
333    of moving expenses. The mobile home park shall make the payments
334    required by this section and by s. 723.0612(7) to the
335    corporation within 30 days after receipt from the corporation of
336    the invoice for payment.
337          (2) A mobile home park owner is not required to make the
338    payment prescribed in subsection (1), nor is the mobile home
339    owner entitled to compensation under s. 723.0612(1), when:
340          (d) The mobile home owner has a pending eviction action for
341    nonpayment of lot rental amount pursuant to s. 723.061(1)(a) which
342    was filed against him or her prior to the mailing date of the
343    notice of change in use of the mobile home park given pursuant to
344    s. 723.061(1)(d).
345          Section 13. Section 723.0612, Florida Statutes, is amended
346    to read:
347          723.0612 Change in use; relocation expenses; payments by
348    park owner.--
349          (1) If a mobile home owner is required to move due to a
350    change in use of the land comprising the mobile home park as set
351    forth in s. 723.061(1)(d) and complies with the requirements of
352    this section, the mobile home owner is entitled to payment from
353    the Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation of:
354          (a) The amount of actual moving expenses of relocating the
355    mobile home to a new location within a 50-mile radius of the
356    vacated park, or
357          (b) The amount of $3,000$5,000for a single-section
358    mobile home or $6,000$10,000for a multisection mobile home,
359    whichever is less. Moving expenses include the cost of taking
360    down, moving, and setting up the mobile home in a new location.
361          (2) A mobile home owner shall not be entitled to
362    compensation under subsection (1) when:
363          (a) The park owner moves a mobile home owner to another
364    space in the mobile home park or to another mobile home park at
365    the park owner's expense;
366          (b) A mobile home owner is vacating the premises and has
367    informed the park owner or manager before notice of the change
368    in use has been given; or
369          (c) A mobile home owner abandons the mobile home as set
370    forth in subsection (7); or
371          (d) The mobile home owner has a pending eviction action
372    for nonpayment of lot rental amount pursuant to s. 723.061(1)(a)
373    which was filed against him or her prior to the mailing date of
374    the notice of change in use of the mobile home park given
375    pursuant to s. 723.061(1)(d).
376          (3) Except as provided in subsection (7), in order to
377    obtain payment from the Florida Mobile Home Relocation
378    Corporation, the mobile home owner shall submit to the
379    corporation, with a copy to the park owner, an application for
380    payment which includes:
381          (a) A copy of the notice of eviction due to change in use;
382    and
383          (b) A contract with a moving or towing contractor for the
384    moving expenses for the mobile home.
385          (4) The Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation must
386    approve payment within 45 days after receipt of the information
387    set forth in subsection (3), or payment is deemed approved. A
388    copy of the approval must be forwarded to the park owner with an
389    invoice for payment. Upon approval, the corporation shall issue
390    a voucher in the amount of the contract price for relocating the
391    mobile home. The moving contractor may redeem the voucher from
392    the corporation following completion of the relocation and upon
393    approval of the relocation by the mobile home owner.
394          (5) Actions of the Florida Mobile Home Relocation
395    Corporation under this section are not subject to the provisions
396    of chapter 120 but are reviewable only by writ of certiorari in
397    the circuit court in the county in which the claimant resides in
398    the manner and within the time provided by the Florida Rules of
399    Appellate Procedure.
400          (6) This section does not apply to any proceeding in
401    eminent domain under chapter 73 or chapter 74.
402          (7) In lieu of collecting payment from the Florida Mobile
403    Home Relocation Corporation as set forth in subsection (1), a
404    mobile home owner may abandon the mobile home in the mobile home
405    park and collect $1,375 for a single section and $2,750 for a
406    multi-sectionan amount equal to one-fourth of the maximum
407    allowable moving expensesfrom the corporation as long as the
408    mobile home owner delivers to the park owner the current title
409    to the mobile home duly endorsed by the owner of record and
410    valid releases of all liens shown on the title. If a mobile home
411    owner chooses this option, the park owner shall make payment to
412    the corporation in an amount equal to one-fourth of the maximum
413    allowable moving expenses. The mobile home owner’s application
414    for funds under this subsection shall require the submission of
415    a document signed by the park owner stating that the home has
416    been abandoned under this subsection and that the park owner
417    agrees to make payment to the corporation in the amount provided
418    to the home owner under this section. However, in the event
419    that the required documents are not submitted with the
420    application, the corporation may consider the facts and
421    circumstances surrounding the abandonment of the home to
422    determine whether the mobile home owner is entitled to payment
423    pursuant to this section.
424          (8) The Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation shall
425    not be liable to any person for recovery if funds are
426    insufficient to pay the amounts claimed. In any such event, the
427    corporation shall keep a record of the time and date of its
428    approval of payment to a claimant. If sufficient funds become
429    available, the corporation shall pay the claimant whose unpaid
430    claim is the earliest by time and date of approval.
431          (9) Any person whose application for funding pursuant to
432    subsection (1) or subsection (7) is approved for payment by the
433    corporation shall be barred from asserting any claim or cause of
434    action under this chapter directly relating to or arising out of
435    the change in use of the mobile home park against the
436    corporation, the park owner, or the park owner’s successors in
437    interest. No application for funding pursuant to subsection (1)
438    or subsection (7) shall be approved by the corporation if the
439    applicant has either filed a claim or cause of action, is
440    actively pursuing a claim or cause of action, or has a judgment
441    against the corporation, the park owner, or the park owner’s
442    successors in interest under this chapter directly relating to
443    or arising out of the change in use of the mobile home park,
444    unless such claim or cause of action is dismissed with
445    prejudice.
446          (10)(9)It is unlawful for any person or his or her agent
447    to file any notice, statement, or other document required under
448    this section which is false or contains any material
449    misstatement of fact. Any person who violates this subsection
450    commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as
451    provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
452          Section 14. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
453    law.