Senate Bill sb0108c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

    By the Committee on Judiciary; and Senators Saunders and


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to protective injunctions;

  3         amending s. 784.046, F.S.; deleting the

  4         definition of the term "repeat violence" for

  5         purposes of protective injunctions; providing

  6         for an injunction for protection in cases of

  7         violence rather than in cases of repeat

  8         violence; providing requirements for a petition

  9         for protection against violence; redesignating

10         the Domestic, Dating, and Repeat Violence

11         Injunction Statewide Verification System in the

12         Department of Law Enforcement as the "Violence

13         Injunction Statewide Verification System";

14         providing for service of process and

15         enforcement of an injunction for protection

16         against violence; amending s. 784.047, F.S.;

17         providing that it is a first-degree misdemeanor

18         to violate an injunction for protection against

19         violence; amending ss. 61.1825, 741.2901,

20         741.30, F.S., relating to the State Case

21         Registry and domestic violence; conforming

22         provisions to changes made by the act; amending

23         s. 784.048, F.S.; revising the elements of the

24         offense of aggravated stalking to prohibit

25         certain acts following an injunction for

26         protection against violence rather than

27         following an injunction for protection against

28         repeat violence; amending ss. 790.06, 790.065,

29         F.S., relating to a license to carry a

30         concealed weapon or firearm and the sale and

31         delivery of firearms; conforming provisions to


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 1         changes made by the act; amending s. 901.15,

 2         F.S.; authorizing arrest without a warrant when

 3         an officer has probable cause to believe that a

 4         person has knowingly committed an act of

 5         violence in violation of an injunction for

 6         protection from violence; amending s. 943.05,

 7         F.S., relating to the Criminal Justice

 8         Information Program; conforming provisions to

 9         changes made by the act; reenacting ss.

10         775.084(1)(d), 921.0022(3)(g), F.S., relating

11         to violent career criminals and the offense

12         severity ranking chart of the Criminal

13         Punishment Code, to incorporate the amendment

14         to s. 784.048, F.S., in references thereto;

15         providing an effective date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Section 784.046, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         784.046  Action by victim of repeat violence or dating

22  violence for protective injunction; powers and duties of court

23  and clerk of court; filing and form of petition; notice and

24  hearing; temporary injunction; issuance; statewide

25  verification system; enforcement.--

26         (1)  As used in this section, the term:

27         (a)  "Violence" means any assault, aggravated assault,

28  battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery,

29  stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, or false

30  imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical

31  injury or death, by a person against any other person.


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 1         (b)  "Repeat violence" means two incidents of violence

 2  or stalking committed by the respondent, one of which must

 3  have been within 6 months of the filing of the petition, which

 4  are directed against the petitioner or the petitioner's

 5  immediate family member.

 6         (b)(c)  "Dating violence" means violence between

 7  individuals who have or have had a continuing and significant

 8  relationship of a romantic or intimate nature. The existence

 9  of such a relationship shall be determined based on the

10  consideration of the following factors:

11         1.  A dating relationship must have existed within the

12  past 6 months;

13         2.  The nature of the relationship must have been

14  characterized by the expectation of affection or sexual

15  involvement between the parties; and

16         3.  The frequency and type of interaction between the

17  persons involved in the relationship must have included that

18  the persons have been involved over time and on a continuous

19  basis during the course of the relationship.


21  The term does not include violence in a casual

22  acquaintanceship or violence between individuals who only have

23  engaged in ordinary fraternization in a business or social

24  context.

25         (2)  There is created a cause of action for an

26  injunction for protection in cases of repeat violence, and

27  there is created a separate cause of action for an injunction

28  for protection in cases of dating violence.

29         (a)  Any person who:




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 1         1.  Is the victim of repeat violence and who has

 2  reasonable cause to believe that he or she is in imminent

 3  danger of becoming the victim of another act of violence;

 4         2.  Has reasonable cause to believe that he or she is

 5  in imminent danger of becoming the victim of an act of

 6  violence; or

 7         3.  Is the parent or legal guardian of a any minor

 8  child who is living at home and who seeks an injunction for

 9  protection against repeat violence on behalf of the minor

10  child,


12  has standing in the circuit court to file a sworn petition for

13  an injunction for protection against repeat violence.

14         (b)  Any person who:

15         1.  Is the victim of dating violence and has reasonable

16  cause to believe he or she is in imminent danger of becoming

17  the victim of another act of dating violence;, or any person

18  who

19         2.  Has reasonable cause to believe he or she is in

20  imminent danger of becoming the victim of an act of dating

21  violence;, or

22         3.  Is the parent or legal guardian of a any minor

23  child who is living at home and who seeks an injunction for

24  protection against dating violence on behalf of that minor

25  child,


27  has standing in the circuit court to file a sworn petition for

28  an injunction for protection against dating violence.

29         (c)  This cause of action for an injunction may be

30  sought whether or not any other petition, complaint, or cause



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 1  of action is currently available or pending between the

 2  parties.

 3         (d)  This cause of action for an injunction does shall

 4  not require that the petitioner be represented by an attorney.

 5         (3)(a)  The clerk of the court shall provide a copy of

 6  this section, simplified forms, and clerical assistance for

 7  the preparation and filing of such a petition by any person

 8  who is not represented by counsel.

 9         (b)  If In the event the person desiring to file for an

10  injunction pursuant to this section does not have sufficient

11  funds with which to pay filing fees to the clerk of the court

12  or service fees to the sheriff or law enforcement agency and

13  signs an affidavit so stating, the fees shall be waived by the

14  clerk of the court or the sheriff or law enforcement agency to

15  the extent necessary to process the petition and serve the

16  injunction, subject to a subsequent order of the court

17  relative to the payment of such fees.

18         (c)  No bond shall be required by The court may not

19  require a bond for the entry of an injunction.

20         (d)  The clerk of the court shall provide the

21  petitioner with a certified copy of any injunction for

22  protection against repeat violence or dating violence entered

23  by the court.

24         (4)(a)  The sworn petition must shall allege the

25  incidents of repeat violence or dating violence and must shall

26  include the specific facts and circumstances that which form

27  the basis upon which relief is sought. With respect to a minor

28  child who is living at home, the parent or legal guardian of

29  the minor child must have been an eyewitness to, or have

30  direct physical evidence or affidavits from eyewitnesses of,



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 1  the specific facts and circumstances that which form the basis

 2  upon which relief is sought.

 3         (b)  The sworn petition must shall be in substantially

 4  the following form:





 9         Before me, the undersigned authority, personally

10  appeared Petitioner ...(Name)..., who has been sworn and says

11  that the following statements are true:


13         1.  Petitioner resides at ...(address)...

14         2.  Respondent resides at ...(address)...

15         3.a.  Petitioner is a victim of violence and has

16  reasonable cause to believe that he or she is in imminent

17  danger of becoming the victim of another act of violence or

18  has reasonable cause to believe that he or she is in imminent

19  danger of becoming a victim of has suffered repeat violence,

20  as demonstrated by the fact that the respondent has:

21  ...(enumerate incidents of violence)...


23                   ............................

24                   ............................

25                   ............................


27         b.  Petitioner is a victim of dating violence and has

28  reasonable cause to believe that he or she is in imminent

29  danger of becoming the victim of another act of dating

30  violence or has reasonable cause to believe that he or she is

31  in imminent danger of becoming a victim of dating violence, as


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 1  demonstrated by the fact that the respondent has: ...(list the

 2  specific incident or incidents of violence and describe the

 3  length of time of the relationship, whether it has been in

 4  existence during the last 6 months, the nature of the

 5  relationship of a romantic or intimate nature, the frequency

 6  and type of interaction, and any other facts that characterize

 7  the relationship.)...


 9                   ............................

10                   ............................

11                   ............................


13         4.  Petitioner genuinely fears repeat violence by the

14  respondent.

15         5.  Petitioner seeks: an immediate injunction against

16  the respondent, enjoining him or her from committing any

17  further acts of violence; an injunction enjoining the

18  respondent from committing any further acts of violence; and

19  an injunction providing any terms the court deems necessary

20  for the protection of the petitioner and the petitioner's

21  immediate family, including any injunctions or directives to

22  law enforcement agencies.


24         (5)  Upon the filing of the petition, the court shall

25  set a hearing to be held at the earliest possible time. The

26  respondent shall be personally served with a copy of the

27  petition, notice of hearing, and temporary injunction, if any,

28  prior to the hearing.

29         (6)(a)  When it appears to the court that an immediate

30  and present danger of violence exists, the court may grant a

31  temporary injunction, which may be granted in an ex parte


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 1  hearing, pending a full hearing, and may grant such relief as

 2  the court deems proper, including an injunction enjoining the

 3  respondent from committing any acts of violence.

 4         (b)  In a hearing ex parte for the purpose of obtaining

 5  such temporary injunction, no evidence other than the verified

 6  pleading or affidavit may not shall be used as evidence,

 7  unless the respondent appears at the hearing or has received

 8  reasonable notice of the hearing.

 9         (c)  Any such ex parte temporary injunction shall be

10  effective for a fixed period not to exceed 15 days. A full

11  hearing, as provided by this section, shall be set for a date

12  no later than the date when the temporary injunction ceases to

13  be effective. The court may grant a continuance of the ex

14  parte injunction and the full hearing before or during a

15  hearing, for good cause shown by any party.

16         (7)(a)  Upon notice and hearing, the court may grant

17  such relief as the court deems proper, including an

18  injunction:

19         1.(a)  Enjoining the respondent from committing any

20  acts of violence.

21         2.(b)  Ordering such other relief as the court deems

22  necessary for the protection of the petitioner, including

23  injunctions or directives to law enforcement agencies, as

24  provided in this section.

25         (b)(c)  The terms of the injunction shall remain in

26  full force and effect until modified or dissolved. Either

27  party may move at any time to modify or dissolve the

28  injunction. Such relief may be granted in addition to other

29  civil or criminal remedies.




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 1         (c)(d)  A temporary or final judgment on injunction for

 2  protection against repeat violence or dating violence entered

 3  pursuant to this section shall, on its face, indicate that:

 4         1.  The injunction is valid and enforceable in all

 5  counties of the State of Florida.

 6         2.  Law enforcement officers may use their arrest

 7  powers pursuant to s. 901.15(6) to enforce the terms of the

 8  injunction.

 9         3.  The court had jurisdiction over the parties and

10  matter under the laws of Florida and that reasonable notice

11  and opportunity to be heard was given to the person against

12  whom the order is sought sufficient to protect that person's

13  right to due process.

14         4.  The date that the respondent was served with the

15  temporary or final order, if obtainable.

16         (8)(a)1.  The clerk of the court shall furnish a copy

17  of the petition, notice of hearing, and temporary injunction,

18  if any, to the sheriff or a law enforcement agency of the

19  county where the respondent resides or can be found, who shall

20  serve it upon the respondent as soon thereafter as possible on

21  any day of the week and at any time of the day or night. The

22  clerk of the court shall be responsible for furnishing to the

23  sheriff such information on the respondent's physical

24  description and location as is required by the department to

25  comply with the verification procedures set forth in this

26  section. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the

27  contrary, the chief judge of each circuit, in consultation

28  with the appropriate sheriff, may authorize a law enforcement

29  agency within the chief judge's jurisdiction to effect this

30  type of service and to receive a portion of the service fee.

31  No person shall be authorized or permitted to serve or execute


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 1  an injunction issued under this section unless the person is a

 2  law enforcement officer as defined in chapter 943.

 3         2.  When an injunction is issued, if the petitioner

 4  requests the assistance of a law enforcement agency, the court

 5  may order that an officer from the appropriate law enforcement

 6  agency accompany the petitioner and assist in the execution or

 7  service of the injunction. A law enforcement officer shall

 8  accept a copy of an injunction for protection against repeat

 9  violence or dating violence, certified by the clerk of the

10  court, from the petitioner and immediately serve it upon a

11  respondent who has been located but not yet served.

12         (b)  There shall be created a Domestic, Dating, and

13  Repeat Violence Injunction Statewide Verification System

14  within the Department of Law Enforcement. The department shall

15  establish, implement, and maintain a statewide communication

16  system capable of electronically transmitting information to

17  and between criminal justice agencies relating to domestic

18  violence injunctions, dating violence injunctions, and repeat

19  violence injunctions issued by the courts throughout the

20  state. Such information must include, but is not limited to,

21  information as to the existence and status of any injunction

22  for verification purposes.

23         (c)1.  Within 24 hours after the court issues an

24  injunction for protection against repeat violence or dating

25  violence or changes or vacates an injunction for protection

26  against repeat violence or dating violence, the clerk of the

27  court must forward a copy of the injunction to the sheriff

28  with jurisdiction over the residence of the petitioner.

29         2.  Within 24 hours after service of process of an

30  injunction for protection against repeat violence or dating

31  violence upon a respondent, the law enforcement officer must


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 1  forward the written proof of service of process to the sheriff

 2  with jurisdiction over the residence of the petitioner.

 3         3.  Within 24 hours after the sheriff receives a

 4  certified copy of the injunction for protection against repeat

 5  violence or dating violence, the sheriff must make information

 6  relating to the injunction available to other law enforcement

 7  agencies by electronically transmitting such information to

 8  the department.

 9         4.  Within 24 hours after the sheriff or other law

10  enforcement officer has made service upon the respondent and

11  the sheriff has been so notified, the sheriff must make

12  information relating to the service available to other law

13  enforcement agencies by electronically transmitting such

14  information to the department.

15         5.  Within 24 hours after an injunction for protection

16  against repeat violence or dating violence is lifted,

17  terminated, or otherwise rendered no longer effective by

18  ruling of the court, the clerk of the court must notify the

19  sheriff or local law enforcement agency receiving original

20  notification of the injunction as provided in subparagraph 2.

21  That agency shall, within 24 hours after receiving such

22  notification from the clerk of the court, notify the

23  department of such action of the court.

24         (9)(a)  The court shall enforce, through a civil or

25  criminal contempt proceeding, a violation of an injunction for

26  protection. The court may enforce the respondent's compliance

27  with the injunction by imposing a monetary assessment. The

28  clerk of the court shall collect and receive such assessments.

29  On a monthly basis, the clerk shall transfer the moneys

30  collected pursuant to this paragraph to the State Treasury for



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 1  deposit in the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund established in

 2  s. 960.21.

 3         (b)  If the respondent is arrested by a law enforcement

 4  officer under s. 901.15(10) for committing an act of repeat

 5  violence or dating violence in violation of a violence repeat

 6  or dating violence injunction for protection, the respondent

 7  shall be held in custody until brought before the court as

 8  expeditiously as possible for the purpose of enforcing the

 9  injunction and for admittance to bail in accordance with

10  chapter 903 and the applicable rules of criminal procedure,

11  pending a hearing.

12         (10)  The petitioner or the respondent may move the

13  court to modify or dissolve an injunction at any time.

14         (11)  A law enforcement officer acting in good faith

15  under this section and the officer's employing agency shall be

16  immune from all liability, civil or criminal, that might

17  otherwise be incurred or imposed by reason of the officer's or

18  agency's actions in carrying out the provisions of this

19  section.

20         Section 2.  Section 784.047, Florida Statutes, is

21  amended to read:

22         784.047  Penalties for violating protective injunction

23  against violators.--A person who willfully violates an

24  injunction for protection against repeat violence or dating

25  violence, issued pursuant to s. 784.046, or a foreign

26  protection order accorded full faith and credit pursuant to s.

27  741.315 by:

28         (1)  Refusing to vacate the dwelling that the parties

29  share;




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 1         (2)  Going to the petitioner's residence, school, place

 2  of employment, or a specified place frequented regularly by

 3  the petitioner and any named family or household member;

 4         (3)  Committing an act of repeat violence or dating

 5  violence against the petitioner;

 6         (4)  Committing any other violation of the injunction

 7  through an intentional unlawful threat, word, or act to do

 8  violence to the petitioner; or

 9         (5)  Telephoning, contacting, or otherwise

10  communicating with the petitioner directly or indirectly,

11  unless the injunction specifically allows indirect contact

12  through a third party;


14  commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as

15  provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

16         Section 3.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section

17  61.1825, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

18         61.1825  State Case Registry.--

19         (3)(a)  For the purpose of this section, a family

20  violence indicator must be placed on a record when:

21         1.  A party executes a sworn statement requesting that

22  a family violence indicator be placed on that party's record

23  which states that the party has reason to believe that release

24  of information to the Federal Case Registry may result in

25  physical or emotional harm to the party or the child; or

26         2.  A temporary or final injunction for protection

27  against domestic violence has been granted pursuant to s.

28  741.30(6), an injunction for protection against domestic

29  violence has been issued by a court of a foreign state

30  pursuant to s. 741.315, or a temporary or final injunction for



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 1  protection against repeat violence has been granted pursuant

 2  to s. 784.046; or

 3         3.  The department has received information on a Title

 4  IV-D case from the Domestic Violence and Repeat Violence

 5  Injunction Statewide Verification System, established pursuant

 6  to s. 784.046 s. 784.046(8)(b), that a court has granted a

 7  party a domestic violence or repeat violence injunction.

 8         Section 4.  Subsection (3) of section 741.2901, Florida

 9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         741.2901  Domestic violence cases; prosecutors;

11  legislative intent; investigation; duty of circuits; first

12  appearance.--

13         (3)  Prior to a defendant's first appearance in any

14  charge of domestic violence as defined in s. 741.28, the State

15  Attorney's Office shall perform a thorough investigation of

16  the defendant's history, including, but not limited to: prior

17  arrests for domestic violence, prior arrests for nondomestic

18  charges, prior injunctions for protection against domestic

19  violence or and repeat violence filed listing the defendant as

20  respondent and noting history of other victims, and prior

21  walk-in domestic complaints filed against the defendant. This

22  information shall be presented at first appearance, when

23  setting bond, and when passing sentence, for consideration by

24  the court.  When a defendant is arrested for an act of

25  domestic violence, the defendant shall be held in custody

26  until brought before the court for admittance to bail in

27  accordance with chapter 903.  In determining bail, the court

28  shall consider the safety of the victim, the victim's

29  children, and any other person who may be in danger if the

30  defendant is released.



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 1         Section 5.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) and

 2  paragraph (b) of subsection (8) of section 741.30, Florida

 3  Statutes, are amended to read:

 4         741.30  Domestic violence; injunction; powers and

 5  duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing;

 6  temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide

 7  verification system; enforcement.--

 8         (2)

 9         (c)1.  The clerk of the court shall assist petitioners

10  in seeking both injunctions for protection against domestic

11  violence and enforcement for a violation thereof as specified

12  in this section.

13         2.  All clerks' offices shall provide simplified

14  petition forms for the injunction, any modifications, and the

15  enforcement thereof, including instructions for completion.

16         3.  The clerk of the court shall advise petitioners of

17  the availability of affidavits of insolvency or indigence in

18  lieu of payment for the cost of the filing fee, as provided in

19  paragraph (a).

20         4.  The clerk of the court shall ensure the

21  petitioner's privacy to the extent practical while completing

22  the forms for injunctions for protection against domestic

23  violence.

24         5.  The clerk of the court shall provide petitioners

25  with a minimum of two certified copies of the order of

26  injunction, one of which is serviceable and will inform the

27  petitioner of the process for service and enforcement.

28         6.  Clerks of court and appropriate staff in each

29  county shall receive training in the effective assistance of

30  petitioners as provided or approved by the Florida Association

31  of Court Clerks.


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 1         7.  The clerk of the court in each county shall make

 2  available informational brochures on domestic violence when

 3  such brochures are provided by local certified domestic

 4  violence centers.

 5         8.  The clerk of the court in each county shall

 6  distribute a statewide uniform informational brochure to

 7  petitioners at the time of filing for an injunction for

 8  protection against domestic violence or repeat violence when

 9  such brochures become available. The brochure must include

10  information about the effect of giving the court false

11  information about domestic violence.

12         (8)

13         (b)  The There shall be created a Domestic and Repeat

14  Violence Injunction Statewide Verification System is created

15  within the Department of Law Enforcement. The department shall

16  establish, implement, and maintain a statewide communication

17  system capable of electronically transmitting information to

18  and between criminal justice agencies relating to domestic

19  violence injunctions and repeat violence injunctions issued by

20  the courts throughout the state. Such information must

21  include, but is not limited to, information as to the

22  existence and status of any injunction for verification

23  purposes.

24         Section 6.  Subsection (4) of section 784.048, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         784.048  Stalking; definitions; penalties.--

27         (4)  Any person who, after an injunction for protection

28  against repeat violence or dating violence pursuant to s.

29  784.046, or an injunction for protection against domestic

30  violence pursuant to s. 741.30, or after any other

31  court-imposed prohibition of conduct toward the subject person


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 1  or that person's property, knowingly, willfully, maliciously,

 2  and repeatedly follows or harasses another person commits the

 3  offense of aggravated stalking, a felony of the third degree,

 4  punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.

 5  775.084.

 6         Section 7.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 790.06,

 7  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

 8         790.06  License to carry concealed weapon or firearm.--

 9         (2)  The Department of Agriculture and Consumer

10  Services shall issue a license if the applicant:

11         (a)  Is a resident of the United States or is a

12  consular security official of a foreign government that

13  maintains diplomatic relations and treaties of commerce,

14  friendship, and navigation with the United States and is

15  certified as such by the foreign government and by the

16  appropriate embassy in this country;

17         (b)  Is 21 years of age or older;

18         (c)  Does not suffer from a physical infirmity which

19  prevents the safe handling of a weapon or firearm;

20         (d)  Is not ineligible to possess a firearm pursuant to

21  s. 790.23 by virtue of having been convicted of a felony;

22         (e)  Has not been committed for the abuse of a

23  controlled substance or been found guilty of a crime under the

24  provisions of chapter 893 or similar laws of any other state

25  relating to controlled substances within a 3-year period

26  immediately preceding the date on which the application is

27  submitted;

28         (f)  Does not chronically and habitually use alcoholic

29  beverages or other substances to the extent that his or her

30  normal faculties are impaired. It shall be presumed that an

31  applicant chronically and habitually uses alcoholic beverages


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 1  or other substances to the extent that his or her normal

 2  faculties are impaired if the applicant has been committed

 3  under chapter 397 or under the provisions of former chapter

 4  396 or has been convicted under s. 790.151 or has been deemed

 5  a habitual offender under s. 856.011(3), or has had two or

 6  more convictions under s. 316.193 or similar laws of any other

 7  state, within the 3-year period immediately preceding the date

 8  on which the application is submitted;

 9         (g)  Desires a legal means to carry a concealed weapon

10  or firearm for lawful self-defense;

11         (h)  Demonstrates competence with a firearm by any one

12  of the following:

13         1.  Completion of any hunter education or hunter safety

14  course approved by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation

15  Commission or a similar agency of another state;

16         2.  Completion of any National Rifle Association

17  firearms safety or training course;

18         3.  Completion of any firearms safety or training

19  course or class available to the general public offered by a

20  law enforcement, junior college, college, or private or public

21  institution or organization or firearms training school,

22  utilizing instructors certified by the National Rifle

23  Association, Criminal Justice Standards and Training

24  Commission, or the Department of State;

25         4.  Completion of any law enforcement firearms safety

26  or training course or class offered for security guards,

27  investigators, special deputies, or any division or

28  subdivision of law enforcement or security enforcement;

29         5.  Presents evidence of equivalent experience with a

30  firearm through participation in organized shooting

31  competition or military service;


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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1         6.  Is licensed or has been licensed to carry a firearm

 2  in this state or a county or municipality of this state,

 3  unless such license has been revoked for cause; or

 4         7.  Completion of any firearms training or safety

 5  course or class conducted by a state-certified or National

 6  Rifle Association certified firearms instructor;


 8  A photocopy of a certificate of completion of any of the

 9  courses or classes; or an affidavit from the instructor,

10  school, club, organization, or group that conducted or taught

11  said course or class attesting to the completion of the course

12  or class by the applicant; or a copy of any document which

13  shows completion of the course or class or evidences

14  participation in firearms competition shall constitute

15  evidence of qualification under this paragraph; any person who

16  conducts a course pursuant to subparagraph 2., subparagraph

17  3., or subparagraph 7., or who, as an instructor, attests to

18  the completion of such courses, must maintain records

19  certifying that he or she observed the student safely handle

20  and discharge the firearm;

21         (i)  Has not been adjudicated an incapacitated person

22  under s. 744.331, or similar laws of any other state, unless 5

23  years have elapsed since the applicant's restoration to

24  capacity by court order;

25         (j)  Has not been committed to a mental institution

26  under chapter 394, or similar laws of any other state, unless

27  the applicant produces a certificate from a licensed

28  psychiatrist that he or she has not suffered from disability

29  for at least 5 years prior to the date of submission of the

30  application;



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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1         (k)  Has not had adjudication of guilt withheld or

 2  imposition of sentence suspended on any felony or misdemeanor

 3  crime of domestic violence unless 3 years have elapsed since

 4  probation or any other conditions set by the court have been

 5  fulfilled, or the record has been sealed or expunged;

 6         (l)  Has not been issued an injunction that is

 7  currently in force and effect and that restrains the applicant

 8  from committing acts of domestic violence or acts of repeat

 9  violence; and

10         (m)  Is not prohibited from purchasing or possessing a

11  firearm by any other provision of Florida or federal law.

12         (3)  The Department of Agriculture and Consumer

13  Services shall deny a license if the applicant has been found

14  guilty of, had adjudication of guilt withheld for, or had

15  imposition of sentence suspended for one or more crimes of

16  violence constituting a misdemeanor, unless 3 years have

17  elapsed since probation or any other conditions set by the

18  court have been fulfilled or the record has been sealed or

19  expunged. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

20  shall revoke a license if the licensee has been found guilty

21  of, had adjudication of guilt withheld for, or had imposition

22  of sentence suspended for one or more crimes of violence

23  within the preceding 3 years. The department shall, upon

24  notification by a law enforcement agency, a court, or the

25  Florida Department of Law Enforcement and subsequent written

26  verification, suspend a license or the processing of an

27  application for a license if the licensee or applicant is

28  arrested or formally charged with a crime that would

29  disqualify such person from having a license under this

30  section, until final disposition of the case. The department

31  shall suspend a license or the processing of an application


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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  for a license if the licensee or applicant is issued an

 2  injunction that restrains the licensee or applicant from

 3  committing acts of domestic violence or acts of repeat

 4  violence.

 5         Section 8.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of section

 6  790.065, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

 7         790.065  Sale and delivery of firearms.--

 8         (2)  Upon receipt of a request for a criminal history

 9  record check, the Department of Law Enforcement shall, during

10  the licensee's call or by return call, forthwith:

11         (c)1.  Review any records available to it to determine

12  whether the potential buyer or transferee has been indicted or

13  has had an information filed against her or him for an offense

14  that is a felony under either state or federal law, or, as

15  mandated by federal law, has had an injunction for protection

16  against domestic violence entered against the potential buyer

17  or transferee under s. 741.30, has had an injunction for

18  protection against repeat violence entered against the

19  potential buyer or transferee under s. 784.046, or has been

20  arrested for a dangerous crime as specified in s.

21  907.041(4)(a) or for any of the following enumerated offenses:

22         a.  Criminal anarchy under ss. 876.01 and 876.02.

23         b.  Extortion under s. 836.05.

24         c.  Explosives violations under s. 552.22(1) and (2).

25         d.  Controlled substances violations under chapter 893.

26         e.  Resisting an officer with violence under s. 843.01.

27         f.  Weapons and firearms violations under this chapter.

28         g.  Treason under s. 876.32.

29         h.  Assisting self-murder under s. 782.08.

30         i.  Sabotage under s. 876.38.

31         j.  Stalking or aggravated stalking under s. 784.048.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110


 2  If the review indicates any such indictment, information, or

 3  arrest, the department shall provide to the licensee a

 4  conditional nonapproval number.

 5         2.  Within 24 working hours, the department shall

 6  determine the disposition of the indictment, information, or

 7  arrest and inform the licensee as to whether the potential

 8  buyer is prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm.

 9  For purposes of this paragraph, "working hours" means the

10  hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding

11  legal holidays.

12         3.  The office of the clerk of court, at no charge to

13  the department, shall respond to any department request for

14  data on the disposition of the indictment, information, or

15  arrest as soon as possible, but in no event later than 8

16  working hours.

17         4.  The department shall determine as quickly as

18  possible within the allotted time period whether the potential

19  buyer is prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm.

20         5.  If the potential buyer is not so prohibited, or if

21  the department cannot determine the disposition information

22  within the allotted time period, the department shall provide

23  the licensee with a conditional approval number.

24         6.  If the buyer is so prohibited, the conditional

25  nonapproval number shall become a nonapproval number.

26         7.  The department shall continue its attempts to

27  obtain the disposition information and may retain a record of

28  all approval numbers granted without sufficient disposition

29  information.  If the department later obtains disposition

30  information which indicates:



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1         a.  That the potential buyer is not prohibited from

 2  owning a firearm, it shall treat the record of the transaction

 3  in accordance with this section; or

 4         b.  That the potential buyer is prohibited from owning

 5  a firearm, it shall immediately revoke the conditional

 6  approval number and notify local law enforcement.

 7         8.  During the time that disposition of the indictment,

 8  information, or arrest is pending and until the department is

 9  notified by the potential buyer that there has been a final

10  disposition of the indictment, information, or arrest, the

11  conditional nonapproval number shall remain in effect.

12         Section 9.  Subsection (10) of section 901.15, Florida

13  Statutes, is amended to read:

14         901.15  When arrest by officer without warrant is

15  lawful.--A law enforcement officer may arrest a person without

16  a warrant when:

17         (10)  The officer has probable cause to believe that

18  the person has knowingly committed an act of repeat violence

19  in violation of an injunction for protection from repeat

20  violence entered pursuant to s. 784.046 or a foreign

21  protection order accorded full faith and credit pursuant to s.

22  741.315.

23         Section 10.  Paragraph (e) of subsection (2) of section

24  943.05, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         943.05  Criminal Justice Information Program; duties;

26  crime reports.--

27         (2)  The program shall:

28         (e)  Establish, implement, and maintain a Domestic and

29  Repeat Violence Injunction Statewide Verification System

30  capable of electronically transmitting information to and

31  between criminal justice agencies relating to domestic


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  violence injunctions and repeat violence injunctions against

 2  violence issued by the courts throughout the state. Such

 3  information must include, but is not limited to, information

 4  as to the existence and status of any such injunction for

 5  verification purposes.

 6         Section 11.  For the purpose of incorporating the

 7  amendment made by this act to section 784.048, Florida

 8  Statutes, in references thereto, paragraph (d) of subsection

 9  (1) of section 775.084, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to

10  read:

11         775.084  Violent career criminals; habitual felony

12  offenders and habitual violent felony offenders; three-time

13  violent felony offenders; definitions; procedure; enhanced

14  penalties or mandatory minimum prison terms.--

15         (1)  As used in this act:

16         (d)  "Violent career criminal" means a defendant for

17  whom the court must impose imprisonment pursuant to paragraph

18  (4)(d), if it finds that:

19         1.  The defendant has previously been convicted as an

20  adult three or more times for an offense in this state or

21  other qualified offense that is:

22         a.  Any forcible felony, as described in s. 776.08;

23         b.  Aggravated stalking, as described in s. 784.048(3)

24  and (4);

25         c.  Aggravated child abuse, as described in s.

26  827.03(2);

27         d.  Aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled

28  adult, as described in s. 825.102(2);

29         e.  Lewd or lascivious battery, lewd or lascivious

30  molestation, lewd or lascivious conduct, or lewd or lascivious

31  exhibition, as described in s. 800.04;


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1         f.  Escape, as described in s. 944.40; or

 2         g.  A felony violation of chapter 790 involving the use

 3  or possession of a firearm.

 4         2.  The defendant has been incarcerated in a state

 5  prison or a federal prison.

 6         3.  The primary felony offense for which the defendant

 7  is to be sentenced is a felony enumerated in subparagraph 1.

 8  and was committed on or after October 1, 1995, and:

 9         a.  While the defendant was serving a prison sentence

10  or other sentence, or court-ordered or lawfully imposed

11  supervision that is imposed as a result of a prior conviction

12  for an enumerated felony; or

13         b.  Within 5 years after the conviction of the last

14  prior enumerated felony, or within 5 years after the

15  defendant's release from a prison sentence, probation,

16  community control, control release, conditional release,

17  parole, or court-ordered or lawfully imposed supervision or

18  other sentence that is imposed as a result of a prior

19  conviction for an enumerated felony, whichever is later.

20         4.  The defendant has not received a pardon for any

21  felony or other qualified offense that is necessary for the

22  operation of this paragraph.

23         5.  A conviction of a felony or other qualified offense

24  necessary to the operation of this paragraph has not been set

25  aside in any postconviction proceeding.

26         Section 12.  For the purpose of incorporating the

27  amendment made by this act to section 784.048, Florida

28  Statutes, in references thereto, paragraph (g) of subsection

29  (3) of section 921.0022, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to

30  read:



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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1         921.0022  Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity

 2  ranking chart.--



 5  Florida           Felony

 6  Statute           Degree             Description



 9                              (g)  LEVEL 7

10  316.193(3)(c)2.    3rd      DUI resulting in serious bodily

11                              injury.

12  327.35(3)(c)2.     3rd      Vessel BUI resulting in serious

13                              bodily injury.

14  402.319(2)         2nd      Misrepresentation and negligence

15                              or intentional act resulting in

16                              great bodily harm, permanent

17                              disfiguration, permanent

18                              disability, or death.

19  409.920(2)         3rd      Medicaid provider fraud.

20  456.065(2)         3rd      Practicing a health care

21                              profession without a license.

22  456.065(2)         2nd      Practicing a health care

23                              profession without a license

24                              which results in serious bodily

25                              injury.

26  458.327(1)         3rd      Practicing medicine without a

27                              license.

28  459.013(1)         3rd      Practicing osteopathic medicine

29                              without a license.

30  460.411(1)         3rd      Practicing chiropractic medicine

31                              without a license.


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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  461.012(1)         3rd      Practicing podiatric medicine

 2                              without a license.

 3  462.17             3rd      Practicing naturopathy without a

 4                              license.

 5  463.015(1)         3rd      Practicing optometry without a

 6                              license.

 7  464.016(1)         3rd      Practicing nursing without a

 8                              license.

 9  465.015(2)         3rd      Practicing pharmacy without a

10                              license.

11  466.026(1)         3rd      Practicing dentistry or dental

12                              hygiene without a license.

13  467.201            3rd      Practicing midwifery without a

14                              license.

15  468.366            3rd      Delivering respiratory care

16                              services without a license.

17  483.828(1)         3rd      Practicing as clinical laboratory

18                              personnel without a license.

19  483.901(9)         3rd      Practicing medical physics

20                              without a license.

21  484.013(1)(c)      3rd      Preparing or dispensing optical

22                              devices without a prescription.

23  484.053            3rd      Dispensing hearing aids without a

24                              license.

25  494.0018(2)        1st      Conviction of any violation of

26                              ss. 494.001-494.0077 in which the

27                              total money and property

28                              unlawfully obtained exceeded

29                              $50,000 and there were five or

30                              more victims.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  560.123(8)(b)1.    3rd      Failure to report currency or

 2                              payment instruments exceeding

 3                              $300 but less than $20,000 by

 4                              money transmitter.

 5  560.125(5)(a)      3rd      Money transmitter business by

 6                              unauthorized person, currency or

 7                              payment instruments exceeding

 8                              $300 but less than $20,000.

 9  655.50(10)(b)1.    3rd      Failure to report financial

10                              transactions exceeding $300 but

11                              less than $20,000 by financial

12                              institution.

13  782.051(3)         2nd      Attempted felony murder of a

14                              person by a person other than the

15                              perpetrator or the perpetrator of

16                              an attempted felony.

17  782.07(1)          2nd      Killing of a human being by the

18                              act, procurement, or culpable

19                              negligence of another

20                              (manslaughter).

21  782.071            2nd      Killing of human being or viable

22                              fetus by the operation of a motor

23                              vehicle in a reckless manner

24                              (vehicular homicide).

25  782.072            2nd      Killing of a human being by the

26                              operation of a vessel in a

27                              reckless manner (vessel

28                              homicide).

29  784.045(1)(a)1.    2nd      Aggravated battery; intentionally

30                              causing great bodily harm or

31                              disfigurement.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  784.045(1)(a)2.    2nd      Aggravated battery; using deadly

 2                              weapon.

 3  784.045(1)(b)      2nd      Aggravated battery; perpetrator

 4                              aware victim pregnant.

 5  784.048(4)         3rd      Aggravated stalking; violation of

 6                              injunction or court order.

 7  784.07(2)(d)       1st      Aggravated battery on law

 8                              enforcement officer.

 9  784.074(1)(a)      1st      Aggravated battery on sexually

10                              violent predators facility staff.

11  784.08(2)(a)       1st      Aggravated battery on a person 65

12                              years of age or older.

13  784.081(1)         1st      Aggravated battery on specified

14                              official or employee.

15  784.082(1)         1st      Aggravated battery by detained

16                              person on visitor or other

17                              detainee.

18  784.083(1)         1st      Aggravated battery on code

19                              inspector.

20  790.07(4)          1st      Specified weapons violation

21                              subsequent to previous conviction

22                              of s. 790.07(1) or (2).

23  790.16(1)          1st      Discharge of a machine gun under

24                              specified circumstances.

25  790.165(2)         2nd      Manufacture, sell, possess, or

26                              deliver hoax bomb.

27  790.165(3)         2nd      Possessing, displaying, or

28                              threatening to use any hoax bomb

29                              while committing or attempting to

30                              commit a felony.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  790.166(3)         2nd      Possessing, selling, using, or

 2                              attempting to use a hoax weapon

 3                              of mass destruction.

 4  790.166(4)         2nd      Possessing, displaying, or

 5                              threatening to use a hoax weapon

 6                              of mass destruction while

 7                              committing or attempting to

 8                              commit a felony.

 9  796.03             2nd      Procuring any person under 16

10                              years for prostitution.

11  800.04(5)(c)1.     2nd      Lewd or lascivious molestation;

12                              victim less than 12 years of age;

13                              offender less than 18 years.

14  800.04(5)(c)2.     2nd      Lewd or lascivious molestation;

15                              victim 12 years of age or older

16                              but less than 16 years; offender

17                              18 years or older.

18  806.01(2)          2nd      Maliciously damage structure by

19                              fire or explosive.

20  810.02(3)(a)       2nd      Burglary of occupied dwelling;

21                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

22  810.02(3)(b)       2nd      Burglary of unoccupied dwelling;

23                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

24  810.02(3)(d)       2nd      Burglary of occupied conveyance;

25                              unarmed; no assault or battery.

26  812.014(2)(a)      1st      Property stolen, valued at

27                              $100,000 or more; cargo stolen

28                              valued at $50,000 or more;

29                              property stolen while causing

30                              other property damage; 1st degree

31                              grand theft.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  812.014(2)(b)3.    2nd      Property stolen, emergency

 2                              medical equipment; 2nd degree

 3                              grand theft.

 4  812.0145(2)(a)     1st      Theft from person 65 years of age

 5                              or older; $50,000 or more.

 6  812.019(2)         1st      Stolen property; initiates,

 7                              organizes, plans, etc., the theft

 8                              of property and traffics in

 9                              stolen property.

10  812.131(2)(a)      2nd      Robbery by sudden snatching.

11  812.133(2)(b)      1st      Carjacking; no firearm, deadly

12                              weapon, or other weapon.

13  817.234(11)(c)     1st      Insurance fraud; property value

14                              $100,000 or more.

15  825.102(3)(b)      2nd      Neglecting an elderly person or

16                              disabled adult causing great

17                              bodily harm, disability, or

18                              disfigurement.

19  825.103(2)(b)      2nd      Exploiting an elderly person or

20                              disabled adult and property is

21                              valued at $20,000 or more, but

22                              less than $100,000.

23  827.03(3)(b)       2nd      Neglect of a child causing great

24                              bodily harm, disability, or

25                              disfigurement.

26  827.04(3)          3rd      Impregnation of a child under 16

27                              years of age by person 21 years

28                              of age or older.

29  837.05(2)          3rd      Giving false information about

30                              alleged capital felony to a law

31                              enforcement officer.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  872.06             2nd      Abuse of a dead human body.

 2  893.13(1)(c)1.     1st      Sell, manufacture, or deliver

 3                              cocaine (or other drug prohibited

 4                              under s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b),

 5                              (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or

 6                              (2)(c)4.) within 1,000 feet of a

 7                              child care facility or school.

 8  893.13(1)(e)1.     1st      Sell, manufacture, or deliver

 9                              cocaine or other drug prohibited

10                              under s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b),

11                              (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or

12                              (2)(c)4., within 1,000 feet of

13                              property used for religious

14                              services or a specified business

15                              site.

16  893.13(4)(a)       1st      Deliver to minor cocaine (or

17                              other s. 893.03(1)(a), (1)(b),

18                              (1)(d), (2)(a), (2)(b), or

19                              (2)(c)4. drugs).

20  893.135(1)(a)1.    1st      Trafficking in cannabis, more

21                              than 25 lbs., less than 2,000

22                              lbs.

23  893.135

24   (1)(b)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in cocaine, more than

25                              28 grams, less than 200 grams.

26  893.135

27   (1)(c)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in illegal drugs,

28                              more than 4 grams, less than 14

29                              grams.




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    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  893.135

 2   (1)(d)1.          1st      Trafficking in phencyclidine,

 3                              more than 28 grams, less than 200

 4                              grams.

 5  893.135(1)(e)1.    1st      Trafficking in methaqualone, more

 6                              than 200 grams, less than 5

 7                              kilograms.

 8  893.135(1)(f)1.    1st      Trafficking in amphetamine, more

 9                              than 14 grams, less than 28

10                              grams.

11  893.135

12   (1)(g)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in flunitrazepam, 4

13                              grams or more, less than 14

14                              grams.

15  893.135

16   (1)(h)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in

17                              gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB),

18                              1 kilogram or more, less than 5

19                              kilograms.

20  893.135

21   (1)(j)1.a.        1st      Trafficking in 1,4-Butanediol, 1

22                              kilogram or more, less than 5

23                              kilograms.

24  893.135

25   (1)(k)2.a.        1st      Trafficking in Phenethylamines,

26                              10 grams or more, less than 200

27                              grams.

28  896.101(5)(a)      3rd      Money laundering, financial

29                              transactions exceeding $300 but

30                              less than $20,000.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2003                    CS for SB's 108 & 110

 1  896.104(4)(a)1.    3rd      Structuring transactions to evade

 2                              reporting or registration

 3                              requirements, financial

 4                              transactions exceeding $300 but

 5                              less than $20,000.

 6         Section 13.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
 9                     Senate Bills 108 and 110


11  1.   Allows a person to petition for a protective injunction
         against violence without a showing of actual violence on
12       the basis that the person has reasonable cause to believe
         that he or she may be in imminent danger of becoming a
13       victim of violence.

14  2.   Redesignates the "Domestic, Dating and Repeat Violence
         Injunction Statewide Verification System" as the
15       "Violence Injunction Statewide Verification System."


















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.