HB 1099 2003
6          The Committee on Future of Florida's Families recommends the
7    following:
9          Committee Substitute
10          Remove the entire bill and insert:
11 A bill to be entitled
12          An act relating to domestic violence centers; amending s.
13    39.903, F.S.; removing a requirement that the Department
14    of Children and Family Services approve or reject
15    applications for funding received from domestic violence
16    centers; providing for the provision of technical
17    assistance and the distribution of funds for domestic
18    violence centers by a statewide association whose primary
19    purpose is to provide technical assistance to certified
20    domestic violence centers; providing that such association
21    shall implement, administer, and evaluate the services
22    provided by the certified domestic violence centers;
23    limiting the services and funding to certified domestic
24    violence centers; amending s. 39.905, F.S.; providing that
25    the Department of Children and Family Services shall
26    approve, rather than develop, a funding distribution
27    formula for state funds provided to certified domestic
28    violence centers; providing requirements for contracts
29    between the statewide association and certified domestic
30    violence centers; providing an effective date.
32          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
34          Section 1. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) and subsection
35    (7) of section 39.903, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
36          39.903 Duties and functions of the department with respect
37    to domestic violence.--
38          (1) The department shall:
39          (c) Receive and approve or reject applications for
40    certification of domestic violence centers, and receive and
41    approve or reject applications for funding of domestic violence
42    centers. When approving funding for a newly certified domestic
43    violence center, the department shall make every effort to
44    minimize any adverse economic impact on existing certified
45    centers or services provided within the same district. In order
46    to minimize duplication of services, the department shall make
47    every effort to encourage subcontracting relationships with
48    existing centers within the district. If any of the required
49    services are exempted from certificationby the department under
50    s. 39.905(1)(c), the center shall not receive funding for those
51    services.
52          (7) The department shall contract with a statewide
53    association whose primary purpose is to represent and provide
54    technical assistance to certifieddomestic violence centers.
55    This association shall implement, administer, and evaluate all
56    services provided by the certified domestic violence centers.
57    The association shall receive and approve or reject applications
58    for funding of certified domestic violence centers. When
59    approving funding for a newly certified domestic violence
60    center, the association shall make every effort to minimize any
61    adverse economic impact on existing certified domestic violence
62    centers or services provided within the same service area. In
63    order to minimize duplication of services, the association shall
64    make every effort to encourage subcontracting relationships with
65    existing certified domestic violence centers within the same
66    service area. In distributing funds allocated by the Legislature
67    for certified domestic violence centers, the association shall
68    use a formula approved by the department as specified in s.
69    39.905(7)(a)receive 2 percent of the Domestic Violence Trust
70    Fund for this purpose.
71          Section 2. Subsection (7) of section 39.905, Florida
72    Statutes, is amended to read:
73          39.905 Domestic violence centers.--
74          (7)(a) All funds collected and appropriated to the
75    domestic violence program for certified domestic violence
76    centers shall be distributed annually by the department to each
77    district according to an allocation formula approveddetermined
78    by the department. In developing the formula, the factors of
79    department shall consider population, a rural characteristics,
80    and geographical area factor, and the incidence of domestic
81    violence shall be considered.
82          (b) A contract between the statewide associationa
83    districtand a certified domestic violence center shall contain
84    provisions assuring the availability and geographic
85    accessibility of services throughout the district. For this
86    purpose, a center may distribute funds through subcontracts or
87    to center satellites, provided such arrangements and any
88    subcontracts are approved by the statewide associationdistrict.
89          Section 3. This act shall take effect January 1, 2004.