HB 1127 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to freestanding diagnostic imaging
3    facilities; creating pt. V of ch. 483, F.S., the Florida
4    Freestanding Diagnostic Imaging Facilities Law; creating
5    s. 483.95, F.S.; providing a popular name; creating s.
6    483.951, F.S.; declaring policy and purpose; creating s.
7    483.952, F.S.; providing exemptions from the act; creating
8    s. 483.953, F.S.; providing definitions; creating s.
9    483.954, F.S.; granting rulemaking authority, powers, and
10    duties to the Agency for Health Care Administration;
11    providing standards, fees, and licensing requirements;
12    creating s. 483.955, F.S.; providing for inspection of
13    facilities; creating s. 483.956, F.S.; providing for
14    licensing of facilities and requirements; providing for
15    licensing denials and revocations; creating s. 483.9565,
16    F.S.; providing for licensure application and application
17    requirements; creating s. 483.957, F.S.; requiring a
18    facility to have a medical director; providing
19    requirements for the director; creating s. 483.958, F.S.;
20    requiring facilities to display licenses; creating s.
21    483.959, F.S.; providing for disciplinary actions against
22    facilities in specified circumstances; creating s.
23    483.9591, F.S.; providing administrative penalties;
24    creating s. 483.9595, F.S.; providing for offenses;
25    creating s. 483.95955, F.S.; providing criminal penalties;
26    creating s. 483.9596, F.S.; authorizing injunctive actions
27    to be brought against unlicensed facilities; prohibiting
28    claims to be filed by unlicensed facilities; providing an
29    effective date.
31          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
33          Section 1. Part V of chapter 483, consisting of sections
34    483.95, 483.951, 483.952, 483.953, 483.954, 483.955, 483.956,
35    483.9565, 483.957, 483.958, 483.959, 483.9591, 483.9595,
36    483.95955, and 483.9596, Florida Statutes, is created to read:
39          483.95 Popular name.--This part may be known by the
40    popular name "The Florida Freestanding Diagnostic Imaging
41    Facilities Law."
42          483.951 Declaration of policy and statement of
43    purpose.--The purpose of this part is to protect the health,
44    safety, and welfare of the people of this state from the hazards
45    of improper performance by freestanding diagnostic imaging
46    facilities. Diagnostic imaging facilities provide, among other
47    things, certain physician-ordered diagnostic imaging services,
48    including computerized axial tomography (CAT scan), magnetic
49    resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and certain nuclear
50    medicine procedures, which are performed at the facility by
51    trained technicians under the supervision of physicians. Some
52    facilities utilize equipment that is obsolete or poorly
53    maintained. Images produced by such equipment lack sufficient
54    resolution and detail to enable a physician to render a
55    consistently reliable diagnosis or treatment decision. An
56    inaccurate diagnosis or treatment decision may cause unnecessary
57    anxiety, suffering, and additional financial expense for
58    individuals and their insurers and other third-party payors, or
59    may create a false and injudicious sense of security with
60    respect to the state of an individual's health, and may even
61    contribute directly to an individual's death. Improving the
62    quality of health care in the manner provided in this part will
63    have a positive effect upon the cost of professional liability
64    insurance for professionals and other providers. Therefore, the
65    Legislature finds and declares that the protection of the public
66    health requires the licensing of such facilities, the
67    establishment of certain minimum standards for the equipment and
68    professional staff used in such facilities, and other necessary
69    safeguards as authorized by this part.
70          483.952 Application of part; exemptions.--This part
71    applies to all freestanding diagnostic imaging facilities within
72    the state, but does not apply to:
73          (1) An entity operated by the United States Government,
74    the state, or any political subdivision of the state.
75          (2) An entity that limits screening to tests intended to
76    identify specific physical disorders or conditions and that
77    provides health services to the public free of charge or for a
78    donation to be used for charitable purposes.
79          (3) A hospital licensed under chapter 395.
80          (4) An ambulatory surgical facility licensed under chapter
81    395.
82          (5) A health maintenance organization certified under part
83    I of chapter 641.
84          (6) An office that is operated by a physician licensed
85    under chapter 458 or chapter 459.
86          483.953 Definitions.--As used in this part:
87          (1) "Agency" means the Agency for Health Care
88    Administration.
89          (2) “Computerized axial tomography” or “CAT scan” means a
90    series of X-ray images as slices of the human body that are
91    integrated by computer to create a two-dimensional image of the
92    body and its internal structures along various axes.
93          (3) "Consumer freestanding diagnostic imaging facilities"
94    are freestanding diagnostic imaging facilities that are open to
95    the general public.
96          (4) "Facility personnel" includes persons employed by a
97    facility, but does not include persons employed to perform
98    clerical or other administrative responsibilities.
99          (5) "Freestanding diagnostic imaging facility" or
100    "facility" means any fixed or mobile facility where computerized
101    axial tomography technology, magnetic resonance imaging,
102    ultrasound, or nuclear medicine is used to make diagnostic
103    images.
104          (6) “Magnetic resonance imaging” or “MRI” means a
105    procedure that uses magnetic signals, as opposed to X rays, to
106    create image slices of soft tissues, blood vessels, and other
107    body structures that are integrated by computer to create highly
108    detailed two-dimensional images of the human body along various
109    axes.
110          (7) “Nuclear medicine” includes a variety of medical
111    procedures including bone scans, scans of various internal
112    organs, cardiac stress tests utilizing radiopharmaceuticals, and
113    positron emission tomography (PET) scanning. Each of these
114    procedures involves introduction into the human body of low-
115    level radioactive material that is absorbed by the specific body
116    structure or diseased tissue to be studied. Specialized scanners
117    are then used to collect data regarding the concentrations of
118    radioactive material absorbed by the specific body structure or
119    tissue being studied.
120          (8) “Ultrasound” means a procedure that uses reflected
121    soundwaves, similar to sonar, transmitted and collected by a
122    transducer, which creates a real-time image of internal body
123    structures.
124          483.954 Powers and duties of the agency; rules.--The
125    agency shall adopt rules to implement this part, which rules
126    must include the following:
127          (1) LICENSING STANDARDS.--The agency shall license all
128    freestanding diagnostic imaging facilities meeting the
129    requirements of this part and shall prescribe standards
130    necessary for licensure.
131          (2) FEES.--The agency shall establish annual fees, which
132    shall be reasonable in amount, for licensing of facilities. The
133    fees must be sufficient in amount to cover the cost of licensing
134    and inspecting facilities.
135          (a) The annual licensure fee is due at the time of
136    application and is payable to the agency to be deposited in the
137    Health Care Trust Fund administered by the agency. The licensure
138    fee must be not less than $300 nor more than $1,000.
139          (b) The fee for the late filing of an application for
140    license renewal is $200 and is in addition to the licensure fee
141    due for renewing the license.
142          (3) ANNUAL LICENSING.--The agency shall provide for annual
143    licensing of facilities. Any facility that fails to pay the
144    proper fee or otherwise fails to qualify by the date of
145    expiration of its license is delinquent, and its license is
146    automatically canceled without notice or further proceeding.
147    Upon cancellation of its license under this subsection, a
148    facility may have its license reinstated only upon application
149    and qualification as provided for initial applicants and upon
150    payment of all delinquent fees.
151          (4) STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE.--The agency shall prescribe
152    standards for the performance of freestanding diagnostic imaging
153    facilities.
154          (5) CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES.--The agency may adopt
155    rules to ensure that facilities comply with all local, county,
156    state, and federal standards for the construction, renovation,
157    maintenance, or repair of facilities, which standards must
158    ensure the conduct and operation of the facilities in a manner
159    that shall protect the public health.
161    ITS SURROUNDINGS.--The agency shall establish standards relating
162    to safety and sanitary conditions within the facility and its
163    surroundings, including water supply, sewage, storage of
164    chemicals, workspace, fire safety, and general measures, which
165    standards must ensure the protection of the public health.
166          (7) EQUIPMENT.--The agency shall establish minimum
167    detailed quality-related standards for facility equipment
168    essential to the proper conduct and operation of the facility,
169    including the resolution of images generated by such equipment
170    and other requirements that recognize the importance of using
171    up-to-date technology. This may include requiring facilities to
172    use specified equipment and technology that is approved by the
173    FDA and is not obsolete.
174          (8) DIAGNOSTIC RECORDS.--The agency shall establish
175    minimum standards relating to the accuracy and retention of
176    medical records prepared and maintained by diagnostic imaging
177    facilities. This includes standards of review to determine
178    compliance.
179          483.955 Inspection of facilities.--The agency shall, at
180    least annually, inspect the premises and operations of all
181    facilities subject to licensure under this part, without prior
182    notice to the facilities, for the purpose of studying and
183    evaluating the operation, supervision, and procedures of such
184    facilities to determine their compliance with agency standards
185    and to determine their effect upon the health and safety of the
186    people of this state. This inspection shall include an
187    evaluation to determine that the facility’s equipment is meeting
188    specific standards of performance and is performing according to
189    the manufacturer’s specifications and an evaluation of accuracy
190    and timeliness of the diagnostic reports prepared by such
191    facilities.
192          483.956 Licensing of facilities.--
193          (1) A person may not conduct, maintain, or operate a
194    freestanding diagnostic imaging facility in this state without
195    obtaining a freestanding diagnostic imaging facility license
196    from the agency. The license is valid only for the person or
197    persons to whom it is issued and may not be sold, assigned, or
198    transferred, voluntarily or involuntarily. A license is not
199    valid for any premises other than the facility for which it is
200    issued. However, a new license may be secured for the new
201    location for a fixed facility before the actual change, if the
202    change is in compliance with this part and the rules adopted
203    under this part. A facility must be relicensed if a change of
204    ownership occurs. Application for relicensure must be made 60
205    days before the change of ownership.
206          (2) Each applicant for licensure must comply with the
207    following requirements:
208          (a) Upon receipt of a completed, signed, and dated
209    application, the agency shall require background screening, in
210    accordance with the level 2 standards for screening set forth in
211    chapter 435, of the managing employee, or other similarly titled
212    individual who is responsible for the daily operation of the
213    facility, and of the financial officer, or other similarly
214    titled individual who is responsible for the financial operation
215    of the facility, including billings for patient services. The
216    applicant must comply with the procedures for level 2 background
217    screening as set forth in chapter 435, as well as the
218    requirements of s. 435.03(3).
219          (b) The agency may require background screening of any
220    other individual who is an applicant if the agency has probable
221    cause to believe that he or she has been convicted of a crime or
222    has committed any other offense prohibited under the level 2
223    standards for screening set forth in chapter 435.
224          (c) Proof of compliance with the level 2 background
225    screening requirements of chapter 435 which has been submitted
226    within the previous 5 years in compliance with any other health
227    care licensure requirements of this state is acceptable in
228    fulfillment of the requirements of paragraph (a).
229          (d) A provisional license may be granted to an applicant
230    when each individual required by this section to undergo
231    background screening has met the standards for the Department of
232    Law Enforcement background check but the agency has not yet
233    received background screening results from the Federal Bureau of
234    Investigation, or a request for a disqualification exemption has
235    been submitted to the agency as set forth in chapter 435 but a
236    response has not yet been issued. A license may be granted to
237    the applicant upon the agency's receipt of a report of the
238    results of the Federal Bureau of Investigation background
239    screening for each individual required by this section to
240    undergo background screening which confirms that all standards
241    have been met, or upon the granting of a disqualification
242    exemption by the agency as set forth in chapter 435. Any other
243    person who is required to undergo level 2 background screening
244    may serve in his or her capacity pending the agency's receipt of
245    the report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. However,
246    such person may not continue to serve if the report indicates
247    any violation of background screening standards and a
248    disqualification exemption has not been requested of and granted
249    by the agency as set forth in chapter 435.
250          (e) Each applicant shall submit to the agency, with its
251    application, a description and explanation of any exclusions,
252    permanent suspensions, or terminations of the applicant from the
253    Medicare or Medicaid program. Proof of compliance with the
254    requirements for disclosure of ownership and control interests
255    under the Medicaid or Medicare program may be accepted in lieu
256    of this submission.
257          (f) Each applicant shall submit to the agency a
258    description and explanation of any conviction of an offense
259    prohibited under the level 2 standards of chapter 435 by a
260    member of the board of directors of the applicant, its officers,
261    or any individual owning 5 percent or more of the applicant.
262    This requirement does not apply to a director of a not-for-
263    profit corporation or organization if the director serves solely
264    in a voluntary capacity for the corporation or organization,
265    does not regularly take part in the day-to-day operational
266    decisions of the corporation or organization, receives no
267    remuneration for his or her services on the corporation or
268    organization's board of directors, and has no financial interest
269    and has no family members with a financial interest in the
270    corporation or organization; provided that the director and the
271    not-for-profit corporation or organization include in the
272    application a statement affirming that the director's
273    relationship to the corporation satisfies the requirements of
274    this paragraph.
275          (g) A license may not be granted to an applicant if the
276    applicant or managing employee has been found guilty of,
277    regardless of adjudication, or has entered a plea of nolo
278    contendere or guilty to, any offense prohibited under the level
279    2 standards for screening set forth in chapter 435, unless an
280    exemption from disqualification has been granted by the agency
281    as set forth in chapter 435.
282          (h) The agency may deny or revoke licensure if the
283    applicant:
284          1. Has falsely represented a material fact in the
285    application required by paragraph (e) or paragraph (f), or has
286    omitted any material fact from the application required by
287    paragraph (e) or paragraph (f); or
288          2. Has had prior action taken against the applicant under
289    the Medicaid or Medicare program as set forth in paragraph (e).
290          (i) An application for license renewal must contain the
291    information required under paragraphs (e) and (f).
292          483.9565 Application for license.--
293          (1) Application for a license as required by s. 483.956
294    must be made to the agency on forms furnished by it and must be
295    accompanied by the appropriate license fee.
296          (2) The application shall contain:
297          (a) A determination as to whether the facility will be
298    fixed or mobile and the location for a fixed facility.
299          (b) The name and address of the owner if an individual; if
300    the owner is a firm, partnership, or association, the name and
301    address of every member thereof; or if the owner is a
302    corporation, its name and address and the name and address of
303    its medical director, officers, and each person having at least
304    a 10 percent interest in the corporation.
305          (c) The name of any person whose name is required on the
306    application under the provisions of paragraph (b) and who owns
307    at least a 10 percent interest in any professional service,
308    firm, association, partnership, or corporation providing goods,
309    leases, or services to the facility for which the application is
310    made, and the name and address of the professional service,
311    firm, association, partnership, or corporation in which such
312    interest is held.
313          (d) The name by which the facility is to be known.
314          (e) The name, address, and Florida physician's license
315    number of the medical director.
316          483.957 Medical director of facility.--Each facility
317    licensed under this part shall employ a medical director who is
318    a physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459 and who is
319    a board certified radiologist or nuclear medicine physician.
320          483.958 Display of license.--The license of a facility
321    must specify, on its face, the names and addresses of the owner
322    and the medical director, the period for which the license is
323    valid, and, in the case of fixed facilities, the location at
324    which procedures are performed. The license must be displayed at
325    all times in a prominent place at the facility, where it is
326    visible to the public.
327          483.959 Grounds for disciplinary action against
328    facilities.--The following acts constitute grounds for which a
329    disciplinary action specified in s. 483.9591 may be taken
330    against a facility:
331          (1) Making a fraudulent statement on an application for a
332    license or on any other document required by the agency pursuant
333    to this part.
334          (2) Permitting unauthorized persons to operate a
335    freestanding diagnostic imaging center in violation of this
336    part.
337          (3) Rendering a report on the results of any test to a
338    person not authorized by law to receive such information.
339          (4) Knowingly having professional connection with, or
340    knowingly lending the use of the name of the licensed facility
341    or its medical director to, an unlicensed facility.
342          (5) Violating, or aiding and abetting in the violation of,
343    any provision of this part or the rules adopted hereunder.
344          (6) Failing to file any report required by the provisions
345    of this part or the rules adopted hereunder.
346          483.9591 Administrative penalties.--
347          (1)(a) The agency may deny, suspend, revoke, annul, limit,
348    or deny renewal of a license or impose an administrative fine,
349    not to exceed $500 per violation, for the violation of any
350    provision of this part or rules adopted hereunder. Each day of
351    violation constitutes a separate violation and is subject to a
352    separate fine.
353          (b) In determining the amount of the fine to be levied for
354    a violation, as provided in paragraph (a), the following factors
355    shall be considered:
356          1. The severity of the violation, including the
357    probability that death or serious harm to the health or safety
358    of any person will result or has resulted; the severity of the
359    actual or potential harm; and the extent to which the provisions
360    of this part were violated.
361          2. Actions taken by the licensee to correct the violation
362    or to remedy complaints.
363          3. Any previous violation by the licensee.
364          4. The financial benefit to the licensee of committing or
365    continuing the violation.
366          (c) All amounts collected under this subsection must be
367    deposited into the Health Care Trust Fund administered by the
368    agency.
369          (2) The agency may issue an emergency order immediately
370    suspending, revoking, annulling, or limiting a license when it
371    determines that any condition in the licensed facility presents
372    a clear and present danger to public health and safety.
373          483.9595 Offenses.--It is unlawful for any person to:
374          (1) Operate, maintain, direct, or engage in the business
375    of operating a freestanding diagnostic imaging facility unless
376    the person has obtained a license for the facility.
377          (2) Conduct, maintain, or operate a facility unless the
378    facility is under the direct and responsible supervision and
379    direction of a medical director who meets the qualifications
380    specified in s. 483.3957(1).
381          (3) Violate, or aid and abet in the violation of, any
382    provision of this part or the rules adopted under this part.
383          483.95955 Criminal penalties.--
384          (1) The performance of any of the acts specified in s.
385    483.3995 is a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as
386    provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
387          (2) Any use or attempted use of a forged license under
388    this part is a felony of the third degree, punishable as
389    provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
390          483.9596 Unlicensed facilities.--
391          (1) INJUNCTION.--The operation or maintenance of an
392    unlicensed facility or the performance of any diagnostic imaging
393    procedures or operations in violation of this part is declared a
394    nuisance and inimical to the public health, welfare, and safety.
395    The agency, or any state attorney in the name of the people of
396    the state, may, in addition to other remedies provided in this
397    part, bring an action for an injunction to restrain such
398    violation, or to enjoin the future operation or maintenance of
399    any such facility or the performance of any health testing
400    procedures or operations in violation of this part, until
401    compliance with the provisions of this part or the rules adopted
402    under this part has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
403    agency.
404          (2) CLAIMS.--All charges or reimbursement claims made by
405    or on behalf of a facility that is required to be registered
406    under this section but that is not so registered are unlawful
407    charges and therefore are noncompensable and unenforceable.
408          Section 2. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.