HB 0113 2003
6          The Committee on State Administration recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to property rights; amending s. 70.001,
12    F.S., the "Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property Rights
13    Protection Act"; providing for the state land planning
14    agency to receive notice of claims; amending procedures
15    for determining a governmental entity's final decision
16    identifying the allowable uses for a property; providing
17    that enactment of a law or adoption of a regulation does
18    not constitute applying the law or regulation; providing
19    for a waiver of sovereign immunity for liability;
20    providing legislative findings with respect to loss of
21    property values due to the proximity of a regional water
22    reservoir; authorizing a cause of action for a property
23    owner; specifying a period during which a property owner
24    may present a claim for compensation to the regional water
25    supply authority that constructs, operates, and maintains
26    the reservoir; providing requirements for the offer of
27    compensation by a regional water supply authority;
28    providing for judicial review under the Bert J. Harris,
29    Jr., Private Property Rights Protection Act; providing for
30    an award of costs and attorney's fees; providing for
31    future repeal of the section; providing severability;
32    providing an effective date.
34          WHEREAS, the Legislature wishes to clarify its original
35    intent with respect to allowing appropriate compensation for
36    unduly burdened real property and to provide a waiver of
37    sovereign immunity under section 70.001, Florida Statutes, the
38    Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property Rights Protection Act, and
39          WHEREAS, the Legislature wishes to make other changes to
40    clarify provisions of this act and to improve the reporting of
41    cases filed under the act, NOW, THEREFORE,
43          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
45          Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subsection (4), paragraph (a)
46    of subsection (5), and subsections (11) and (13) of section
47    70.001, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
48          70.001 Private property rights protection.--
49          (4)
50          (b) The governmental entity shall provide written notice
51    of the claim to all parties to any administrative action that
52    gave rise to the claim, and to owners of real property
53    contiguous to the owner's property at the addresses listed on
54    the most recent county tax rolls. Within 15 days after the claim
55    isbeingpresented, the governmental entity shall report the
56    claim in writing to the state land planning agencyDepartment of
57    Legal Affairs, and shall provide the agencydepartmentwith the
58    name, address, and telephone number of the employee of the
59    governmental entity from whom additional information may be
60    obtained about the claim during the pendency of the claim and
61    any subsequent judicial action.
62          (5)(a) During the 180-day-notice period, unless a
63    settlement offer is accepted by the property owner, each of the
64    governmental entities provided notice pursuant to paragraph
65    (4)(a) shall issue a written ripenessdecision identifying the
66    allowable uses to which the subject property may be put. The
67    failure of the governmental entity to issue such a written
68    ripeness decision during the 180-day-notice period shall cause
69    be deemed to ripen the prior action of the governmental entity
70    to become its final decision, for purposes of the act,
71    identifying the uses for the subject property, and shall operate
72    as a ripeness decision that has been rejected by the property
73    owner. Whether rendered by submission of a written decision
74    during the 180-day-notice period or by failure to submit such a
75    written decision, the final decision of a governmental entity
76    produced under this paragraph operates as a final decision that
77    has been rejected by the property owner. This final decisionThe
78    ripeness decision, as a matter of law, constitutes the last
79    prerequisite to judicial review of the merits, and the matter
80    shall be deemed ripe or finalfor the purposes of the judicial
81    proceeding created by this section, notwithstanding the
82    availability of other administrative remedies.
83          (11) A cause of action may not be commenced under this
84    section if the claim is presented more than 1 year after a law
85    or regulation is first applied by the governmental entity to the
86    property at issue. Enacting a law or adopting a regulation does
87    not constitute applying the law or regulation to a property.If
88    an owner seeks relief from the governmental action through
89    lawfully available administrative or judicial proceedings, the
90    time for bringing an action under this section is tolled until
91    the conclusion of such proceedings.
92          (13) In accordance with s. 13, Art. X of the State
93    Constitution, the state, for itself and for its agencies or
94    subdivisions, waives sovereign immunity for liability for
95    actions subject to this section, but only to the extent
96    specified in this section.This section does not affect the
97    sovereign immunity of government.
98          Section 2. Private property rights and regional
99    reservoirs.--
100          (1) The Legislature finds that construction of a regional
101    reservoir designed to store more than 10 billion gallons of
102    water may inordinately burden nearby real property because of
103    the proximity of the reservoir and may result in a loss of value
104    for the property owner. Therefore, a regional water supply
105    authority, serving three or fewer counties, that is authorized
106    to construct, operate, and maintain such a regional reservoir
107    shall be deemed a governmental entity under s. 70.001, Florida
108    Statutes, the Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property Rights
109    Protection Act, for purposes of this section.
110          (2) This section provides a cause of action for the
111    actions of a regional water supply authority, in siting and
112    constructing a reservoir as described in subsection (1), that
113    may not rise to the level of a taking under the State
114    Constitution or the United States Constitution. This section may
115    not necessarily be construed under the case law regarding
116    takings if the action of a regional water supply authority does
117    not rise to the level of a taking. The provisions of this
118    section are cumulative and do not abrogate any other remedy
119    lawfully available, including any remedy lawfully available for
120    the actions of a regional water supply authority that rise to
121    the level of a taking. However, a regional water supply
122    authority may not be liable more than once for compensation due
123    to an action of the regional water supply authority that results
124    in a loss of value for a subject real property.
125          (3) Each owner of real property located within 10,000 feet
126    of the center of the footprint of a regional reservoir, as
127    described in subsection (1), or 5,500 feet from the exterior of
128    the berm of such reservoir, may present a claim for compensation
129    in writing to the head of the regional water supply authority on
130    or before December 31, 2004, for a loss in property value
131    resulting from the proximity of the reservoir. For each claim
132    presented under this section, s. 70.001, Florida Statutes,
133    applies, except that when there is conflict with this section,
134    the provisions of this section shall govern.
135          (a) The property owner must submit along with the claim a
136    bona fide, valid appraisal that supports the claim and
137    demonstrates the loss in fair market value to the real property.
138          (b) A claim under this section shall be presented only to
139    the regional water supply authority that is authorized to
140    construct, operate, and maintain the reservoir.
141          (4) The Legislature recognizes that construction and
142    maintenance of a regional reservoir may not necessarily
143    interfere with allowable uses of real property near the
144    reservoir. However, the siting and construction of the reservoir
145    may result in an actual loss to the fair market value of real
146    property located within 10,000 feet of the center of the
147    footprint of the reservoir, or 5,500 feet from the exterior of
148    the berm, because of the proximity of the reservoir. Therefore,
149    any offer of compensation by the regional water supply authority
150    shall be based solely on the loss of value for the property
151    owner as a result of the proximity of the reservoir and not on
152    the effects the reservoir has on existing uses or on a vested
153    right to a specific use of real property.
154          (a) Notwithstanding s. 70.001, Florida Statutes, the
155    regional water supply authority to whom a claim is presented
156    shall, not later than 180 days after receiving such claim:
157          1. Make a written offer to purchase the real property if
158    there is more than a 50-percent loss in value to the real
159    property as a result of the proximity of the reservoir and if
160    the property owner is a willing seller;
161          2. Make a written offer to purchase an interest in rights
162    of use which may become transferable development rights to be
163    held, sold, or otherwise disposed of by the regional water
164    supply authority; or
165          3. Terminate negotiations.
166          (b) An offer by the regional water supply authority to
167    purchase the property in fee or purchase an interest in rights
168    of use under this section shall cover the cost of the appraisal
169    required in subsection (3).
170          (5) During the 180-day period, unless the property owner
171    accepts a written offer for purchase pursuant to subparagraph
172    (4)(a)1. or subparagraph (4)(a)2., the regional water supply
173    authority shall issue a final decision stating that:
174          (a) The real property has a loss in value due to an
175    inordinate burden on the property resulting from the proximity
176    of the reservoir and the regional water supply authority and
177    property owner cannot reach an agreement on the amount of
178    compensation; or
179          (b) The property owner has failed to establish a basis for
180    relief under the provisions of this section and s. 70.001,
181    Florida Statutes.
183          Failure of the regional water supply authority to issue a final
184    decision as required by this subsection shall cause the written
185    offer or termination of negotiations required in subsection (4)
186    to operate as a final decision. As a matter of law, this final
187    decision constitutes the last prerequisite to judicial review of
188    the merits for the purposes of the judicial proceeding provided
189    for in s. 70.001, Florida Statutes.
190          (6) The circuit court, for purposes of this section, shall
191    determine whether, considering the written offer and final
192    decision, the regional water supply authority has inordinately
193    burdened the subject real property. Following a determination
194    that the regional water supply authority has inordinately
195    burdened the real property, the court shall impanel a jury to
196    determine the total amount of compensation to the property owner
197    for the loss in value due to the inordinate burden to the
198    subject real property.
199          (7) Pursuant to s. 70.001, Florida Statutes, the court may
200    award reasonable costs and attorney's fees and the court shall
201    determine the amount. If the court awards the property owner
202    reasonable costs and attorney's fees, the costs shall include
203    the cost of the appraisal required in subsection (3).
204          (8) This section is repealed effective January 1, 2005.
205    However, the repeal of this section shall not affect a claim
206    filed on or before December 31, 2004.
207          Section 3. If any provision of this act or the application
208    thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
209    invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of
210    this act which can be given effect without the invalid provision
211    or application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
212    declared severable.
213          Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.