HB 1151 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to acquisition of public lands; amending
3    s. 259.041, F.S.; decreasing the vote required for
4    approval of acquisition of certain lands from five members
5    to three members of the Board of Trustees of the Internal
6    Improvement Trust Fund; reenacting s. 253.025(7)(e), F.S.,
7    for the purpose of incorporating a reference; reenacting
8    s. 259.02, F.S., for the purpose of incorporating a
9    reference; reenacting s. 259.032(8), F.S., for the purpose
10    of incorporating a reference; reenacting s. 260.016(3)(b),
11    F.S., for the purpose of incorporating a reference;
12    providing an effective date.
14          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
16          Section 1. Subsection (15) of section 259.041, Florida
17    Statutes, is amended to read:
18          259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation,
19    conservation, and recreation purposes.--
20          (15) The board of trustees, by an affirmative vote of
21    threefivemembers, may direct the department to purchase lands
22    on an immediate basis using up to 15 percent of the funds
23    allocated to the department pursuant to ss. 259.101(3)(a) and
24    259.105 for the acquisition of lands that:
25          (a) Are listed or placed at auction by the Federal
26    Government as part of the Resolution Trust Corporation sale of
27    lands from failed savings and loan associations;
28          (b) Are listed or placed at auction by the Federal
29    Government as part of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
30    sale of lands from failed banks; or
31          (c) Will be developed or otherwise lost to potential
32    public ownership, or for which federal matching funds will be
33    lost, by the time the land can be purchased under the program
34    within which the land is listed for acquisition.
36          For such acquisitions, the board of trustees may waive or modify
37    all procedures required for land acquisition pursuant to this
38    chapter and all competitive bid procedures required pursuant to
39    chapters 255 and 287. Lands acquired pursuant to this subsection
40    must, at the time of purchase, be on one of the acquisition
41    lists established pursuant to this chapter, or be essential for
42    water resource development, protection, or restoration, or a
43    significant portion of the lands must contain natural
44    communities or plant or animal species which are listed by the
45    Florida Natural Areas Inventory as critically imperiled,
46    imperiled, or rare, or as excellent quality occurrences of
47    natural communities.
48          Section 2. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
49    to section 259.041, Florida Statutes, in a reference thereto,
50    paragraph (e) of subsection (7) of section 253.025, Florida
51    Statutes, is reenacted to read:
52          253.025 Acquisition of state lands for purposes other than
53    preservation, conservation, and recreation.--
54          (7)
55          (e)1. The board of trustees shall adopt by rule the method
56    for determining the value of parcels sought to be acquired by
57    state agencies pursuant to this section. No offer by a state
58    agency, except an offer by an agency acquiring lands pursuant to
59    s. 259.041, may exceed the value for that parcel as determined
60    pursuant to the highest approved appraisal or the value
61    determined pursuant to the rules of the board of trustees,
62    whichever value is less.
63          2. In the case of a joint acquisition by a state agency
64    and a local government or other entity apart from the state, the
65    joint purchase price may not exceed 150 percent of the value for
66    a parcel as determined in accordance with the limits prescribed
67    in subparagraph 1. The state agency share of a joint purchase
68    offer may not exceed what the agency may offer singly as
69    prescribed by subparagraph 1.
70          3. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to the
71    acquisition of historically unique or significant property as
72    determined by the Division of Historical Resources of the
73    Department of State.
74          Section 3. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
75    to section 259.041, Florida Statutes, in a reference thereto,
76    section 259.02, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read:
77          259.02 Authority; full faith and credit bonds.-- Pursuant
78    to the provisions of s. 11(a), Art. VII of the State
79    Constitution and s. 215.59, the issuance of state bonds pledging
80    the full faith and credit of the state in the principal amount,
81    including any refinancing, not to exceed $200 million for state
82    capital projects for environmentally endangered lands and $40
83    million for state capital projects for outdoor recreation lands
84    is hereby authorized, subject to the provisions of ss. 259.01-
85    259.06.
86          Section 4. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
87    to section 259.041, Florida Statutes, in a reference thereto,
88    subsection (8) of section 259.032, Florida Statutes, is
89    reenacted to read:
90          259.032 Conservation and Recreation Lands Trust Fund;
91    purpose.--
92          (8) Lands to be considered for purchase under this section
93    are subject to the selection procedures of s. 259.035 and
94    related rules and shall be acquired in accordance with
95    acquisition procedures for state lands provided for in s.
96    259.041, except as otherwise provided by the Legislature. An
97    inholding or an addition to a project selected for purchase
98    pursuant to this chapter is not subject to the selection
99    procedures of s. 259.035 if the estimated value of such
100    inholding or addition does not exceed $500,000. When at least 90
101    percent of the acreage of a project has been purchased pursuant
102    to this chapter, the project may be removed from the list and
103    the remaining acreage may continue to be purchased. Moneys from
104    the fund may be used for title work, appraisal fees,
105    environmental audits, and survey costs related to acquisition
106    expenses for lands to be acquired, donated, or exchanged which
107    qualify under the categories of this section, at the discretion
108    of the board. When the Legislature has authorized the Department
109    of Environmental Protection to condemn a specific parcel of land
110    and such parcel has already been approved for acquisition under
111    this section, the land may be acquired in accordance with the
112    provisions of chapter 73 or chapter 74, and the fund may be used
113    to pay the condemnation award and all costs, including a
114    reasonable attorney's fee, associated with condemnation.
115          Section 5. For the purpose of incorporating the amendment
116    to section 259.041, Florida Statutes, in a reference thereto,
117    paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 260.016, Florida
118    Statutes, is reenacted to read:
119          260.016 General powers of the department.--
120          (3) The department or its designee is authorized to
121    negotiate with potentially affected private landowners as to the
122    terms under which such landowners would consent to the public
123    use of their lands as part of the greenways and trails system.
124    The department shall be authorized to agree to incentives for a
125    private landowner who consents to this public use of his or her
126    lands for conservation or recreational purposes, including, but
127    not limited to, the following:
128          (b) Agreement to exchange, subject to the approval of the
129    Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund or
130    other applicable unit of government, ownership or other rights
131    of use of public lands for the ownership or other rights of use
132    of privately owned lands. Any exchange of state-owned lands,
133    title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees of the
134    Internal Improvement Trust Fund, for privately owned lands shall
135    be subject to the requirements of s. 259.041.
136          Section 6. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.