HB 1153 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to educational facilities; creating s.
3    1013.358, F.S.; providing legislative intent; authorizing
4    the creation of workplace school benefit districts to
5    assist in financing construction and maintenance of
6    educational facilities; providing the powers of a
7    workplace school benefit district and its governing board;
8    providing for the creation of community redevelopment
9    agencies as an alternative; creating s. 1013.359, F.S.;
10    providing funding for workplace school benefit districts
11    or community redevelopment agencies; creating s.
12    1013.3595, F.S.; providing for educational facility
13    utilization; creating pt. VIII of ch. 159, F.S., the
14    "Florida Qualified Public Educational Facilities Private
15    Activity Bond Allocation Act"; providing purpose and
16    definitions; providing for allocation of state volume
17    limitation on private activity bonds to finance qualified
18    public educational facilities; providing for rules;
19    providing an effective date.
21          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
23          Section 1. Section 1013.358, Florida Statutes, is created
24    to read:
25          1013.358 Workplace school benefit districts.--
26          (1) It is the intent of the Legislature to encourage and
27    authorize public-private cooperation in the promotion of
28    economic development and the advancement of educational services
29    that benefit the resulting population growth. It is the further
30    intent of the Legislature to provide efficient alternative
31    mechanisms and incentives to allow for sharing costs of
32    educational facilities necessary to accommodate new growth and
33    development among public agencies, including district school
34    boards, affected local general purpose governments, and
35    benefited private development interests.
36          (2) The Legislature authorizes the creation of workplace
37    school benefit districts pursuant to agreements between a
38    district school board and the primary local general purpose
39    governments within whose jurisdiction a district is located. The
40    purpose of workplace school benefit districts is to assist in
41    financing the construction and maintenance of educational
42    facilities.
43          (3)(a) A workplace school benefit district may be created
44    pursuant to this act and chapter 159.
45          (b) Creation of any workplace school benefit district
46    shall be conditioned upon the consent of the district school
47    board, the primary local general purpose governments within
48    whose jurisdiction any portion of the workplace school benefit
49    district is located, and all landowners within the district. The
50    membership of the governing board of any workplace school
51    benefit district shall include representation of the district
52    school board, each cooperating local general purpose government,
53    and the landowners within the district. In the case of a
54    workplace school benefit district's decision to create a charter
55    school, the board of directors of the charter school may
56    constitute the members of the governing board for the workplace
57    school benefit district.
58          (4) The workplace school benefit district shall have, and
59    its governing board may exercise, the following powers:
60          (a) To finance and construct educational facilities within
61    the district's boundaries.
62          (b) To sue and be sued in the name of the district; to
63    adopt and use a seal and authorize the use of a facsimile
64    thereof; to acquire, by purchase, gift, devise, or otherwise and
65    to dispose of real and personal property or any estate therein;
66    and to make and execute contracts and other instruments
67    necessary or convenient to the exercise of its powers.
68          (c) To contract for the services of consultants to perform
69    planning, engineering, legal, or other appropriate services of a
70    professional nature. Such contracts shall be subject to the
71    public bidding or competitive negotiations required of local
72    general purpose governments.
73          (d) To borrow money and accept gifts; to apply for unused
74    grants or loans of money or other property from the United
75    States, the state, a unit of local government, or any person for
76    any district purposes and enter into agreements required in
77    connection therewith; and to hold, use, and dispose of such
78    moneys or property for any district purposes in accordance with
79    the terms of the gift, grant, loan, or agreement relating
80    thereto.
81          (e) To adopt resolutions and policies prescribing the
82    powers, duties, and functions of the officers of the district,
83    the conduct of the business of the district, and the maintenance
84    of records and documents of the district.
85          (f) To maintain an office at such place or places as it
86    may designate within the district or within the boundaries of
87    the local general purpose government that created the district.
88          (g) To lease as lessor or lessee to or from any person,
89    firm, corporation, association, or body, public or private, any
90    projects of the type that the district is authorized to
91    undertake and facilities or property of any nature for use of
92    the district to carry out any of the purposes authorized by this
93    act.
94          (h) To borrow money and issue bonds, certificates,
95    warrants, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness pursuant to
96    this act for periods not longer than 30 years, provided such
97    bonds, certificates, warrants, notes, or other indebtedness
98    shall only be guaranteed by non-ad valorem assessments legally
99    imposed by the district and other available sources of funds
100    provided in this act and shall not pledge the full faith and
101    credit of the primary local general purpose government or the
102    district school board.
103          (i) To cooperate with or contract with other governmental
104    agencies as may be necessary, convenient, incidental, or proper
105    in connection with any of the powers, duties, or purposes
106    authorized by this act and to accept funding from local and
107    state agencies as provided in this act.
108          (j) To levy, impose, collect, and enforce non-ad valorem
109    assessments, as defined by s. 197.3632(1)(d), pursuant to this
110    act, chapters 125 and 166, and ss. 197.3631, 197.3632, and
111    197.3635.
112          (k) To exercise all powers necessary, convenient,
113    incidental, or proper in connection with any of the powers,
114    duties, or purposes authorized by this act.
115          (5) As an alternative to the creation of a workplace
116    school benefit district, the Legislature recognizes and
117    encourages the consideration of community redevelopment agency
118    creation pursuant to chapter 163 as a viable alternative for
119    financing the construction and maintenance of educational
120    facilities as described in this act. Community redevelopment
121    agencies are granted the authority to determine, order, levy,
122    impose, collect, and enforce non-ad valorem assessments for such
123    purposes pursuant to this act and chapters 163, 170, 190, and
124    197. This authority is in addition to any authority granted
125    community redevelopment agencies under chapter 163. Community
126    redevelopment agencies are therefore deemed eligible for the
127    financial enhancements available to workplace school benefit
128    districts providing for financing the construction and
129    maintenance of educational facilities pursuant to s. 1013.359.
130    In order to receive such financial enhancements, a community
131    redevelopment agency must enter into an interlocal agreement
132    with the district school board and affected local general
133    purpose governments that specifies the obligations of all
134    parties to the agreement. Nothing in this act or in any
135    interlocal agreement entered into pursuant to this act requires
136    any change in the method of election of a board of supervisors
137    of a community redevelopment agency provided in chapter 163.
138          Section 2. Section 1013.359, Florida Statutes, is created
139    to read:
140          1013.359 Local funding for workplace school benefit
141    districts or community redevelopment agencies.--Upon
142    confirmation by a district school board of the commitment of
143    revenues by a workplace school benefit district or community
144    redevelopment agency necessary to construct and maintain an
145    educational facility contained within an individual district
146    facilities work program or proposed by an approved charter
147    school or a charter school applicant, the following funds shall
148    be provided to the workplace school benefit district or
149    community redevelopment agency annually, beginning with the next
150    fiscal year after confirmation until the district's financial
151    obligations are completed:
152          (1) All educational facilities impact fee revenue
153    collected for new development within the workplace school
154    benefit district or community development district. Funds
155    provided under this subsection shall be used to fund the
156    construction and capital maintenance costs of educational
157    facilities.
158          (2) For construction and capital maintenance costs not
159    covered by the funds provided under subsection (1), an annual
160    amount contributed by the district school board equal to one-
161    half of the remaining costs of construction and capital
162    maintenance of the educational facility. Any construction costs
163    above the cost-per-student criteria established for the SIT
164    Program in s.
165          1013.72(2) shall be funded exclusively by the workplace school
166    benefit district or the community redevelopment agency. Funds
167    contributed by a district school board shall not be used to fund
168    operational costs.
169          (3) Any incentives deemed appropriate by Enterprise
170    Florida. Educational facilities funded pursuant to this act may
171    be constructed on land that is owned by any person after the
172    district school board has acquired from the owner of the land a
173    long-term lease for the use of this land for a period of not
174    less than 40 years or the life expectancy of the permanent
175    facilities constructed thereon, whichever is longer. All
176    interlocal agreements entered into pursuant to this act shall
177    provide for ownership of educational facilities funded pursuant
178    to this act to revert to the district school board if such
179    facilities cease to be used for public educational purposes
180    prior to 40 years after construction or prior to the end of the
181    life expectancy of the educational facilities, whichever is
182    longer.
183          Section 3. Section 1013.3595, Florida Statutes, is created
184    to read:
185          1013.3595 Workplace school benefit district or community
186    redevelopment agency facility utilization.-—The student
187    population of all facilities funded pursuant to this act shall,
188    to the greatest extent possible, reflect the racial, ethnic, and
189    socioeconomic balance of the school district pursuant to state
190    and federal law. However, to the extent allowable pursuant to
191    state and federal law, the interlocal agreement providing for
192    the establishment of the workplace school benefit district or
193    the interlocal agreement between the community redevelopment
194    agency and the district school board and affected local general
195    purpose governments may provide for the district school board to
196    establish school attendance zones that allow students residing
197    within a reasonable distance of facilities financed through the
198    interlocal agreement to attend such facilities.
199          Section 4. Part VIII of chapter 159, Florida Statutes,
200    consisting of sections 159.831, 159.832, 159.833, 159.834, and
201    159.835, is created to read:
202          159.831 Popular name.--This part may be known by the
203    popular name the “Florida Qualified Public Educational
204    Facilities Private Activity Bond Allocation Act.”
205          159.832 Purpose.--The purpose of this part is to allocate
206    the state volume limitation imposed by s. 142(k)(5)(A) of the
207    Code on private activity bonds to finance qualified public
208    educational facilities. No private activity bond subject to the
209    limitation in s. 142(k)(5)(A) of the Code shall be issued in
210    this state unless a written confirmation therefor is issued
211    pursuant to this part.
212          159.833 Definitions.--As used in this part, the term:
213          (1) “Board” means the State Board of Education, created
214    pursuant to s. 2, Art. IX of the State Constitution.
215          (2) “Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
216    amended, and the regulations and rulings issued thereunder.
217          (3) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Education.
218          (4) “Department” means the Department of Education,
219    created pursuant to s. 20.15.
220          (5) “Issued” has the same meaning as in the Code.
221          (6) “Private activity bond” means any bond described in s.
222    141 of the Code.
223          (7) “Qualified public educational facility” means a
224    facility described in s. 142(k)(1) of the Code.
225          159.834 Allocation of state volume limitation.—-
226          (1) The board shall establish a program for allocating the
227    state volume limitation imposed by s. 142(k)(5)(A) of the Code
228    on private activity bonds to finance qualified public
229    educational facilities. Such program shall include objective
230    criteria to be considered in determining whether to grant a
231    request for such volume limitation, including, but not limited
232    to: the need for a qualified public educational facility in the
233    area proposed in the application, the number of students to be
234    served by such facility, and the cost-effectiveness of the
235    proposed facility. The program shall be administered by the
236    department.
237          (2) The department shall annually determine the amount of
238    private activity bonds for qualified public educational
239    facilities permitted to be issued in this state under s.
240    142(k)(5) of the Code and shall make such information available
241    upon request to any person or agency.
242          (3) The department shall ensure that any volume limitation
243    unused at the end of each calendar is carried forward pursuant
244    to s. 142(k)(5)(B)(ii) of the Code.
245          (4) The commissioner shall sign any certificate required
246    by the Code relating to the allocation of the state volume
247    limitation on private activity bonds to finance qualified public
248    educational facilities.
249          159.835 Rules.--The board and the department shall
250    prescribe any rules necessary to ensure the orderly
251    implementation and administration of this act.
252          Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.