HB 1163 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to school district capital outlay revenue;
3    amending s. 125.01, F.S.; providing that a county in which
4    the school board is receiving certain intangible tax
5    revenues or levying the local option sales surtax is
6    prohibited from levying school impact fees; amending s.
7    199.292, F.S.; providing for transfer of a portion of
8    nonrecurring intangible personal property tax revenues to
9    the School District Capital Outlay Trust Fund; providing
10    for distribution of a portion of such revenues to school
11    districts that collected impact fee revenues in fiscal
12    year 2002-2003 to supplant such impact fees; providing
13    requirements for distribution of the remainder of such
14    revenues to all school districts; amending s. 212.054,
15    F.S.; providing for application of certain notice
16    requirements for levy of the surtax; amending ss. 212.055,
17    1011.71, F.S.; providing that school boards may levy a
18    local option sales surtax in lieu of levying all or a part
19    of the nonvoted district school capital improvement
20    millage; authorizing levy of such surtax by resolution and
21    providing requirements with respect thereto; providing for
22    uses of the surtax proceeds; amending s. 1013.15, F.S.,
23    relating to lease or rental of educational facilities and
24    sites, and s. 1013.64, F.S., relating to requests for
25    funding from the Special Facility Construction Account, to
26    conform; providing a contingent effective date.
28          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
30          Section 1. Subsection (8) is added to section 125.01,
31    Florida Statutes, to read:
32          125.01 Powers and duties.--
33          (8) Any county in which the school board is receiving
34    intangible personal property tax revenues pursuant to s.
35    199.292(2) or levying the local option sales surtax pursuant to
36    ss. 212.055(8) and 1011.71(2) is prohibited from levying any
37    impact fee for school purposes.
38          Section 2. Section 199.292, Florida Statutes, is amended
39    to read:
40          199.292 Disposition of intangible personal property
41    taxes.--All intangible personal property taxes collected
42    pursuant to this chapter shall be placed in a special fund
43    designated as the "Intangible Tax Trust Fund." The fund shall be
44    disbursed as follows:
45          (1) Revenues derived from the annual tax on a leasehold
46    described in s. 199.023(1)(d) shall be returned to the local
47    school board for the county in which the property subject to the
48    leasehold is situated.
49          (2) Sixty-two and three-tenths percent of the revenues
50    derived from the nonrecurring tax imposed by s. 199.133 shall be
51    transferred to the School District Capital Outlay Trust Fund.
52    These funds shall be distributed in the following manner:
53          (a) An amount equal to school impact fee collections in
54    fiscal year 2002-2003 shall be distributed to the school
55    districts that collected such fees to supplant their school
56    impact fees. When any such school district levies a local option
57    sales surtax pursuant to ss. 212.055(8) and 1011.71(2), it will
58    not be eligible to receive funds under this paragraph but will
59    remain eligible to receive funds under paragraph (b).
60          (b) The balance of these revenues shall be distributed to
61    all school districts as follows:
62          1. Twenty-five percent of the balance shall be distributed
63    pro rata to the districts based on each district's percentage of
64    base capital outlay full-time-equivalent membership, and 65
65    percent of the balance shall be distributed pro rata to the
66    districts based on each district's percentage of gross capital
67    outlay full-time-equivalent membership as specified for the
68    allocation of funds from the Public Education Capital Outlay and
69    Debt Service Trust Fund by s. 1013.64(3).
70          2. Ten percent of the balance shall be allocated among the
71    district school boards according to the allocation formula in s.
72    1013.64(1)(a).
73          (3)(2) There is herebyappropriated annually out of the
74    fund the amount necessary for the effective and efficient
75    administration and enforcement by the department of the
76    provisions of chapters 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, and 198 and
77    this chapter.
78          (4)(3)Of the remaining intangible personal property taxes
79    collected, the balance shall be transferred to the General
80    Revenue Fund of the state.
81          Section 3. Subsection (7) of section 212.054, Florida
82    Statutes, is amended to read:
83          212.054 Discretionary sales surtax; limitations,
84    administration, and collection.--
85          (7)(a) The governing body of any county levying a
86    discretionary sales surtax or the school board of any county
87    levying the school capital outlay surtax authorized by s.
88    212.055(6) or (8)shall notify the department within 10 days
89    after final adoption by ordinance, resolution,or referendum of
90    an imposition, termination, or rate change of the surtax, but no
91    later than November 16 prior to the effective date. The notice
92    must specify the time period during which the surtax will be in
93    effect and the rate and must include a copy of the ordinance or
94    resolutionand such other information as the department requires
95    by rule. Failure to timely provide such notification to the
96    department shall result in the delay of the effective date for a
97    period of 1 year.
98          (b) In addition to the notification required by paragraph
99    (a), the governing body of any county proposing to levy a
100    discretionary sales surtax or the school board of any county
101    proposing to levy the school capital outlay surtax authorized by
102    s. 212.055(6) or (8)shall notify the department by October 1 if
103    the referendum or consideration of the ordinance or resolution
104    that would result in imposition, termination, or rate change of
105    the surtax is scheduled to occur on or after October 1 of that
106    year. Failure to timely provide such notification to the
107    department shall result in the delay of the effective date for a
108    period of 1 year.
109          Section 4. Subsection (8) is added to section 212.055,
110    Florida Statutes, to read:
111          212.055 Discretionary sales surtaxes; legislative intent;
112    authorization and use of proceeds.--It is the legislative intent
113    that any authorization for imposition of a discretionary sales
114    surtax shall be published in the Florida Statutes as a
115    subsection of this section, irrespective of the duration of the
116    levy. Each enactment shall specify the types of counties
117    authorized to levy; the rate or rates which may be imposed; the
118    maximum length of time the surtax may be imposed, if any; the
119    procedure which must be followed to secure voter approval, if
120    required; the purpose for which the proceeds may be expended;
121    and such other requirements as the Legislature may provide.
122    Taxable transactions and administrative procedures shall be as
123    provided in s. 212.054.
125          (a) The school board in any county may levy by resolution
126    a discretionary sales surtax of 1 percent in lieu of levying 2
127    mills of ad valorem tax under s. 1011.71(2), or a discretionary
128    sales surtax of 0.5 percent in lieu of levying 1 mill of ad
129    valorem tax under s. 1011.71(2). If a school board that is
130    levying millage under s. 1011.71(2) levies the discretionary
131    sales surtax under this subsection at the rate of 1 percent, it
132    must reduce the millage it levies under s. 1011.71(2) by 2
133    mills. If a school board that is levying millage under s.
134    1011.71(2) levies the discretionary sales surtax under this
135    subsection at the rate of 0.5 percent, it must reduce the
136    millage it levies under s. 1011.71(2) by 1 mill.
137          (b) The resolution levying a discretionary sales surtax
138    under this subsection shall set forth a plan for the use of
139    surtax proceeds for school capital outlay projects.
140          (c) The proceeds of a discretionary sales surtax levied
141    under this subsection shall be used by the school district only
142    for those purposes specified in s. 1011.71(2) and (5).
143          (d) Surtax proceeds collected by the Department of Revenue
144    pursuant to this subsection shall be distributed to the school
145    board imposing the surtax in accordance with law.
146          Section 5. Section 1011.71, Florida Statutes, is amended
147    to read:
148          1011.71 District school tax.--
149          (1) If the district school tax is not provided in the
150    General Appropriations Act or the substantive bill implementing
151    the General Appropriations Act, each district school board
152    desiring to participate in the state allocation of funds for
153    current operation as prescribed by s. 1011.62(9) shall levy on
154    the taxable value for school purposes of the district, exclusive
155    of millage voted under the provisions of s. 9(b) or s. 12, Art.
156    VII of the State Constitution, a millage rate not to exceed the
157    amount certified by the commissioner as the minimum millage rate
158    necessary to provide the district required local effort for the
159    current year, pursuant to s. 1011.62(4)(a)1. In addition to the
160    required local effort millage levy, each district school board
161    may levy a nonvoted current operating discretionary millage. The
162    Legislature shall prescribe annually in the appropriations act
163    the maximum amount of millage a district may levy. The millage
164    rate prescribed shall exceed zero mills but shall not exceed the
165    lesser of 1.6 mills or 25 percent of the millage which is
166    required pursuant to s. 1011.62(4), exclusive of millage levied
167    pursuant to subsection (2).
168          (2) In addition to the maximum millage levy as provided in
169    subsection (1), each school board may levy up tonot more than2
170    mills against the taxable value for school purposes or, in lieu
171    of a levy of 2 mills, a school board may levy a 1-cent local
172    option sales surtax in accordance with s. 212.055(8), or in lieu
173    of 1 mill of such levy a school board may levy a 0.5-cent local
174    option sales surtax in accordance with s. 212.055(8). This
175    millage or sales surtax levy shall be usedto fund:
176          (a) New construction and remodeling projects, as set forth
177    in s. 1013.64(3)(b) and (6)(b) and included in the district's
178    educational plant survey pursuant to s. 1013.31, without regard
179    to prioritization, sites and site improvement or expansion to
180    new sites, existing sites, auxiliary facilities, athletic
181    facilities, or ancillary facilities.
182          (b) Maintenance, renovation, and repair of existing school
183    plants or of leased facilities to correct deficiencies pursuant
184    to s. 1013.15(2).
185          (c) The purchase, lease-purchase, or lease of school
186    buses; drivers' education vehicles; motor vehicles used for the
187    maintenance or operation of plants and equipment; security
188    vehicles; or vehicles used in storing or distributing materials
189    and equipment.
190          (d) The purchase, lease-purchase, or lease of new and
191    replacement equipment.
192          (e) Payments for educational facilities and sites due
193    under a lease-purchase agreement entered into by a district
194    school board pursuant to s. 1003.02(1)(f) or s. 1013.15(2), not
195    exceeding, in the aggregate, an amount equal to three-fourths of
196    the proceeds from the millage or sales surtaxlevied by a
197    district school board pursuant to this subsection.
198          (f) Payment of loans approved pursuant to ss. 1011.14 and
199    1011.15.
200          (g) Payment of costs directly related to complying with
201    state and federal environmental statutes, rules, and regulations
202    governing school facilities.
203          (h) Payment of costs of leasing relocatable educational
204    facilities, of renting or leasing educational facilities and
205    sites pursuant to s. 1013.15(2), or of renting or leasing
206    buildings or space within existing buildings pursuant to s.
207    1013.15(4).
209          Violations of these expenditure provisions shall result in an
210    equal dollar reduction in the Florida Education Finance Program
211    (FEFP) funds for the violating district in the fiscal year
212    following the audit citation.
213          (3) These ad valoremtaxes shall be certified, assessed,
214    and collected as prescribed in s. 1011.04 and shall be expended
215    as provided by law.
216          (4) Nothing in s. 1011.62(4)(a)1. shall in any way be
217    construed to increase the maximum school millage levies as
218    provided for in subsection (1).
219          (5)(a) It is the intent of the Legislature that, by July
220    1, 2003, revenue generated by the millage or local option sales
221    surtaxlevy authorized by subsection (2) should be used only for
222    the costs of construction, renovation, remodeling, maintenance,
223    and repair of the educational plant; for the purchase, lease, or
224    lease-purchase of equipment, educational plants, and
225    construction materials directly related to the delivery of
226    student instruction; for the rental or lease of existing
227    buildings, or space within existing buildings, originally
228    constructed or used for purposes other than education, for
229    conversion to use as educational facilities; for the opening day
230    collection for the library media center of a new school; for the
231    purchase, lease-purchase, or lease of school buses; and for
232    servicing of payments related to certificates of participation
233    issued for any purpose prior to the effective date of this act.
234    Costs associated with the lease-purchase of equipment,
235    educational plants, and school buses may include the issuance of
236    certificates of participation on or after the effective date of
237    this act and the servicing of payments related to certificates
238    so issued. For purposes of this section, "maintenance and
239    repair" is defined in s. 1013.01.
240          (b) For purposes not delineated in paragraph (a) for which
241    proceeds received from millage or a local option sales surtax
242    levied under subsection (2) may be legally expended, a district
243    school board may spend no more than the following percentages of
244    the amount the district spent for these purposes in fiscal year
245    1995-1996:
246          1. In fiscal year 2000-2001, 40 percent.
247          2. In fiscal year 2001-2002, 25 percent.
248          3. In fiscal year 2002-2003, 10 percent.
249          (c) Beginning July 1, 2003, revenue generated by the
250    millage or local option sales surtaxlevy authorized by
251    subsection (2) must be used only for the purposes delineated in
252    paragraph (a).
253          (d) Notwithstanding any other provision of this
254    subsection, if through its adopted educational facilities plan a
255    district has clearly identified the need for an ancillary plant,
256    has provided opportunity for public input as to the relative
257    value of the ancillary plant versus an educational plant, and
258    has obtained public approval, the district may use revenue
259    generated by the millage or local option sales surtaxlevy
260    authorized by subsection(2) for the acquisition, construction,
261    renovation, remodeling, maintenance, or repair of an ancillary
262    plant.
264          A district that violates these expenditure restrictions shall
265    have an equal dollar reduction in funds appropriated to the
266    district under s. 1011.62 in the fiscal year following the audit
267    citation. The expenditure restrictions do not apply to any
268    school district that certifies to the Commissioner of Education
269    that all of the district's instructional space needs for the
270    next 5 years can be met from capital outlay sources that the
271    district reasonably expects to receive during the next 5 years
272    or from alternative scheduling or construction, leasing,
273    rezoning, or technological methodologies that exhibit sound
274    management.
275          (6) In addition to the maximum millage levied under this
276    section and the General Appropriations Act, a school district
277    may levy, by local referendum or in a general election,
278    additional millage for school operational purposes up to an
279    amount that, when combined with nonvoted millage levied under
280    this section, does not exceed the 10-mill limit established in
281    s. 9(b), Art. VII of the State Constitution. Any such levy shall
282    be for a maximum of 4 years and shall be counted as part of the
283    10-mill limit established in s. 9(b), Art. VII of the State
284    Constitution. Millage elections conducted under the authority
285    granted pursuant to this section are subject to s. 1011.73.
286    Funds generated by such additional millage do not become a part
287    of the calculation of the Florida Education Finance Program
288    total potential funds in 2001-2002 or any subsequent year and
289    must not be incorporated in the calculation of any hold-harmless
290    or other component of the Florida Education Finance Program
291    formula in any year. If an increase in required local effort,
292    when added to existing millage levied under the 10-mill limit,
293    would result in a combined millage in excess of the 10-mill
294    limit, any millage levied pursuant to this subsection shall be
295    considered to be required local effort to the extent that the
296    district millage would otherwise exceed the 10-mill limit.
297          Section 6. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and paragraph
298    (a) of subsection (4) of section 1013.15, Florida Statutes, are
299    amended to read:
300          1013.15 Lease, rental, and lease-purchase of educational
301    facilities and sites.--
302          (2)(a) A district school board may rent or lease
303    educational facilities and sites as defined in s. 1013.01.
304    Educational facilities and sites rented or leased for 1 year or
305    less shall be funded through the operations budget or local
306    option sales surtaxor funds derived from millage proceeds
307    pursuant to s. 1011.71(2). A lease contract for 1 year or less,
308    when extended or renewed beyond a year, becomes a multiple-year
309    lease. Operational funds or funds derived from millage or local
310    option sales surtaxproceeds pursuant to s. 1011.71(2) may be
311    authorized to be expended for multiple-year leases. All leased
312    facilities and sites must be inspected prior to occupancy by the
313    authority having jurisdiction.
314          1. All newly leased spaces must be inspected and brought
315    into compliance with the Florida Building Code pursuant to
316    chapter 553 and the life safety codes pursuant to chapter 633,
317    prior to occupancy, using the board's operations budget or funds
318    derived from millage or local option sales surtaxproceeds
319    pursuant to s. 1011.71(2).
320          2. Plans for renovation or remodeling of leased space
321    shall conform to the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire
322    Prevention Code for educational occupancies or other
323    occupancies, as appropriate and as required in chapters 553 and
324    633, prior to occupancy.
325          3. All leased facilities must be inspected annually for
326    firesafety deficiencies in accordance with the applicable code
327    and have corrections made in accordance with s. 1013.12.
328    Operational funds or funds derived from millage or local option
329    sales surtaxproceeds pursuant to s. 1011.71(2) may be used to
330    correct deficiencies in leased space.
331          4. When the board declares that a public emergency exists,
332    it may take up to 30 days to bring the leased facility into
333    compliance with the requirements of State Board of Education
334    rules.
335          (4)(a) A board may rent or lease existing buildings, or
336    space within existing buildings, originally constructed or used
337    for purposes other than education, for conversion to use as
338    educational facilities. Such buildings rented or leased for 1
339    year or less shall be funded through the operations budget or
340    funds derived from millage or a local option sales surtax
341    pursuant to s. 1011.71(2). A rental agreement or lease contract
342    for 1 year or less, when extended or renewed beyond a year,
343    becomes a multiple-year rental or lease. Operational funds or
344    funds derived from millage or local option sales surtaxproceeds
345    pursuant to s. 1011.71(2) may be authorized to be expended for
346    multiple-year rentals or leases. Notwithstanding any other
347    provisions of this section, if a building was constructed in
348    conformance with all applicable building and life safety codes,
349    it shall be deemed to meet the requirements for use and
350    occupancy as an educational facility subject only to the
351    provisions of this subsection.
352          Section 7. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and paragraph
353    (c) of subsection (3) of section 1013.64, Florida Statutes, are
354    amended to read:
355          1013.64 Funds for comprehensive educational plant needs;
356    construction cost maximums for school district capital
357    projects.--Allocations from the Public Education Capital Outlay
358    and Debt Service Trust Fund to the various boards for capital
359    outlay projects shall be determined as follows:
360          (2)(a) The department shall establish, as a part of the
361    Public Education Capital Outlay and Debt Service Trust Fund, a
362    separate account, in an amount determined by the Legislature, to
363    be known as the "Special Facility Construction Account." The
364    Special Facility Construction Account shall be used to provide
365    necessary construction funds to school districts which have
366    urgent construction needs but which lack sufficient resources at
367    present, and cannot reasonably anticipate sufficient resources
368    within the period of the next 3 years, for these purposes from
369    currently authorized sources of capital outlay revenue. A school
370    district requesting funding from the Special Facility
371    Construction Account shall submit one specific construction
372    project, not to exceed one complete educational plant, to the
373    Special Facility Construction Committee. No district shall
374    receive funding for more than one approved project in any 3-year
375    period. The first year of the 3-year period shall be the first
376    year a district receives an appropriation. The department shall
377    encourage a construction program that reduces the average size
378    of schools in the district. The request must meet the following
379    criteria to be considered by the committee:
380          1. The project must be deemed a critical need and must be
381    recommended for funding by the Special Facility Construction
382    Committee. Prior to developing plans for the proposed facility,
383    the district school board must request a preapplication review
384    by the Special Facility Construction Committee or a project
385    review subcommittee convened by the committee to include two
386    representatives of the department and two staff from school
387    districts not eligible to participate in the program. Within 60
388    days after receiving the preapplication review request, the
389    committee or subcommittee must meet in the school district to
390    review the project proposal and existing facilities. To
391    determine whether the proposed project is a critical need, the
392    committee or subcommittee shall consider, at a minimum, the
393    capacity of all existing facilities within the district as
394    determined by the Florida Inventory of School Houses; the
395    district's pattern of student growth; the district's existing
396    and projected capital outlay full-time equivalent student
397    enrollment as determined by the department; the district's
398    existing satisfactory student stations; the use of all existing
399    district property and facilities; grade level configurations;
400    and any other information that may affect the need for the
401    proposed project.
402          2. The construction project must be recommended in the
403    most recent survey or surveys by the district under the rules of
404    the State Board of Education.
405          3. The construction project must appear on the district's
406    approved project priority list under the rules of the State
407    Board of Education.
408          4. The district must have selected and had approved a site
409    for the construction project in compliance with s. 1013.36 and
410    the rules of the State Board of Education.
411          5. The district shall have developed a district school
412    board adopted list of facilities that do not exceed the norm for
413    net square feet occupancy requirements under the State
414    Requirements for Educational Facilities, using all possible
415    programmatic combinations for multiple use of space to obtain
416    maximum daily use of all spaces within the facility under
417    consideration.
418          6. Upon construction, the total cost per student station,
419    including change orders, must not exceed the cost per student
420    station as provided in subsection(6).
421          7. There shall be an agreement signed by the district
422    school board stating that it will advertise for bids within 30
423    days of receipt of its encumbrance authorization from the
424    department.
425          8. The district shall, at the time of the request and for
426    a continuing period of 3 years, levy a millage or surtax, or
427    combination thereof, underthe maximum millage against their
428    nonexempt assessed property value as allowed in s. 1011.71(2)
429    which generates an amount that is at least equal to the amount
430    that would be generated by levy of the maximum millage rate
431    authorized by s. 1011.71(2)or shall raise an equivalent amount
432    of revenue from the school capital outlay surtax authorized
433    under s. 212.055(6). Any district with a new or active project,
434    funded under the provisions of this subsection, shall be
435    required to budget no more than the value of 1.5 mills per year
436    to the project to satisfy the annual participation requirement
437    in the Special Facility Construction Account.
438          9. If a contract has not been signed 90 days after the
439    advertising of bids, the funding for the specific project shall
440    revert to the Special Facility New Construction Account to be
441    reallocated to other projects on the list. However, an
442    additional 90 days may be granted by the commissioner.
443          10. The department shall certify the inability of the
444    district to fund the survey-recommended project over a
445    continuous 3-year period using projected capital outlay revenue
446    derived from s. 9(d), Art. XII of the State Constitution, as
447    amended, paragraph (3)(a) of this section, and s. 1011.71(2).
448          11. The district shall have on file with the department an
449    adopted resolution acknowledging its 3-year commitment of all
450    unencumbered and future revenue acquired from s. 9(d), Art. XII
451    of the State Constitution, as amended, paragraph (3)(a) of this
452    section, and s. 1011.71(2).
453          12. Final phase III plans must be certified by the board
454    as complete and in compliance with the building and life safety
455    codes prior to August 1.
456          (3)
457          (c) A district school board may lease relocatable
458    educational facilities for up to 3 years using nonbonded PECO
459    funds and for any time period using local capital outlay millage
460    or local option sales surtax revenues authorized by s.
461    212.055(8).
462          Section 8. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003, if
463    House Bill ___ or similar legislation creating the School
464    District Capital Outlay Trust Fund is adopted in the same
465    legislative session or an extension thereof and becomes law.