HB 1185 2003
6          The Committee on Public Safety & Crime Prevention recommends the
7    following:
9          Committee Substitute
10          Remove the entire bill and insert:
11 A bill to be entitled
12          An act relating to persons awaiting trial; creating s.
13    903.0465, F.S.; providing that a judge at a first
14    appearance may not reduce bail set by another judge
15    issuing an arrest warrant; amending s. 903.0471, F.S.;
16    authorizing a court to make a finding of probable cause on
17    the basis of an affidavit of a law enforcement officer
18    when a person on pretrial release is arrested for a new
19    law violation; amending s. 903.02, F.S.; providing that
20    any judge setting or granting bail shall set a separate
21    bail amount for each charge or offense; amending s.
22    903.046, F.S.; providing that a defendant forfeits the
23    right to a presumption in favor of release on nonmonetary
24    conditions if charged with a second or subsequent felony
25    within a certain time period; amending s. 903.047, F.S.;
26    providing for standard conditions of pretrial release
27    without the trial judge stating such conditions on the
28    record; requiring a defendant to comply with all
29    conditions of a pretrial release program; amending s.
30    903.26, F.S.; providing that refusal of the state attorney
31    to institute extradition proceedings or extradite the
32    principal on a bail bond, after the surety's written
33    agreement to pay actual transportation costs, exonerates
34    the surety; amending s. 903.27, F.S.; providing that in
35    cases in which the bond forfeiture has been discharged by
36    the court, the amount of the judgment may not exceed the
37    amount of the unpaid fees or costs upon which the
38    discharge had been conditioned; amending s. 903.31, F.S.;
39    providing that the clerk of court shall furnish an
40    executed certificate of cancellation to the surety;
41    providing that the original appearance bond does not
42    guarantee the defendant's conduct or appearance in court
43    at any time under certain circumstances; amending s.
44    907.041, F.S.; requiring a pretrial release service to
45    certify to the court in writing that it has conducted
46    certain investigations and verified specified conditions
47    before an accused is released on nonmonetary conditions;
48    revising requirements for the pretrial release of a person
49    charged with a dangerous crime; providing an effective
50    date.
52          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
54          Section 1. Section 903.0465, Florida Statutes, is created
55    to read:
56          903.0465 Determination of bail at first appearance.--In
57    any case in which a defendant is before the court at a first
58    appearance hearing based on the execution of an arrest warrant,
59    the judge at the first appearance hearing may not reduce the
60    amount of bail indicated on the warrant, unless the judge
61    issuing the warrant indicates that the matter of bail may be
62    reconsidered at the first appearance hearing. This section does
63    not apply when the judge at the first appearance hearing is also
64    the judge who issued the warrant or when the judge at the first
65    appearance hearing is the judge to whom the case has been
66    assigned.
67          Section 2. Section 903.0471, Florida Statutes, is amended
68    to read:
69          903.0471 Violation of condition of pretrial
70    release.--Notwithstanding s. 907.041, a court may, on its own
71    motion, revoke pretrial release and order pretrial detention if
72    the court finds probable cause to believe that the defendant
73    committed a new crime while on pretrial release. A finding of
74    probable cause under this section may, in the court's
75    discretion, be determined based upon the affidavit of a law
76    enforcement officer without an evidentiary hearing.
77          Section 3. Subsection (4) is added to section 903.02,
78    Florida Statutes, to read:
79          903.02 Actions with respect to denial or conditions of
80    bail or amount of bond prohibited; "court" defined.--
81          (4) Any judge setting or granting monetary bail shall set
82    a separate and specific bail amount for each charge or offense.
83    When bail is posted, each charge or offense requires a separate
84    bond.
85          Section 4. Subsection (3) is added to section 903.046,
86    Florida Statutes, to read:
87          903.046 Purpose of and criteria for bail determination.--
88          (3) If a defendant is charged with a second or subsequent
89    felony within 3 years after the date of a prior felony
90    conviction, regardless of whether adjudication was withheld, the
91    defendant forfeits the right to a presumption in favor of
92    release on nonmonetary conditions as provided in s. 907.041.
93          Section 5. Subsection (1) of section 903.047, Florida
94    Statutes, is amended to read:
95          903.047 Conditions of pretrial release.--
96          (1) As a condition of pretrial release, whether such
97    release is by surety bail bond or recognizance bond or in some
98    other form, the court shall require that:
99          (a) The defendant shallrefrain from criminal activity of
100    any kind.; and
101          (b) The defendant shallrefrain from any contact of any
102    type with the victim, except through pretrial discovery pursuant
103    to the Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure.
104          (c) The defendant shall comply with all conditions of
105    pretrial release.
106          Section 6. Subsection (5) of section 903.26, Florida
107    Statutes, is amended to read:
108          903.26 Forfeiture of the bond; when and how directed;
109    discharge; how and when made; effect of payment.--
110          (5) The court shall discharge a forfeiture within 60 days
111    upon:
112          (a) A determination that it was impossible for the
113    defendant to appear as required due to circumstances beyond the
114    defendant's control. The potential adverse economic consequences
115    of appearing as required shall not be considered as constituting
116    a ground for such a determination.;
117          (b) A determination that, at the time of the required
118    appearance, the defendant was adjudicated insane and confined in
119    an institution or hospital or was confined in a jail or prison.;
120          (c) Surrender or arrest of the defendant if the delay has
121    not thwarted the proper prosecution of the defendant. If the
122    forfeiture has been before discharge, the court shall direct
123    remission of the forfeiture. The court shall condition a
124    discharge or remission on the payment of costs and the expenses
125    incurred by an official in returning the defendant to the
126    jurisdiction of the court.
127          (d) Refusal of the state attorney to institute extradition
128    proceedings or extradite the principal on a bail bond, after the
129    surety has agreed in writing to pay actual transportation costs,
130    exonerates the surety, and any forfeiture or judgment is set
131    aside or vacated and any payment by the surety of a forfeiture
132    or judgment is remitted in full as provided in s. 903.28.
133          Section 7. Subsection (1) of section 903.27, Florida
134    Statutes, is amended to read:
135          903.27 Forfeiture to judgment.--
136          (1) If the forfeiture is not paid or discharged by order
137    of a court of competent jurisdiction within 60 days and the bond
138    is secured other than by money and bonds authorized in s.
139    903.16, the clerk of the circuit court for the county where the
140    order was made shall enter a judgment against the surety for the
141    amount of the penalty and issue execution. However, in any case
142    in which the bond forfeiture has been discharged by the court of
143    competent jurisdiction conditioned upon the payment by the
144    surety of certain costs or fees as allowed by statute, the
145    amount for which judgment may be entered may not exceed the
146    amount of the unpaid fees or costs upon which the discharge had
147    been conditioned. Judgment for the full amount of the forfeiture
148    shall not be entered if payment of a lesser amount will satisfy
149    the conditions to discharge the forfeiture.Within 10 days, the
150    clerk shall furnish the Department of Insurance with a certified
151    copy of the judgment docket and shall furnish the surety company
152    at its home office a copy of the judgment, which shall include
153    the power of attorney number of the bond and the name of the
154    executing agent. If the judgment is not paid within 35 days, the
155    clerk shall furnish the Department of Insurance and the sheriff
156    of the county in which the bond was executed, or the official
157    responsible for operation of the county jail, if other than the
158    sheriff, two copies of the judgment and a certificate stating
159    that the judgment remains unsatisfied. When and if the judgment
160    is properly paid or an order to vacate the judgment has been
161    entered by a court of competent jurisdiction, the clerk shall
162    immediately notify the sheriff, or the official responsible for
163    the operation of the county jail, if other than the sheriff, and
164    the Department of Insurance, if the department had been
165    previously notified of nonpayment, of such payment or order to
166    vacate the judgment. The clerk shall also immediately prepare
167    and record in the public records a satisfaction of the judgment
168    or record the order to vacate judgment. If the defendant is
169    returned to the county of jurisdiction of the court, whenever a
170    motion to set aside the judgment is filed, the operation of this
171    section is tolled until the court makes a disposition of the
172    motion.
173          Section 8. Section 903.31, Florida Statutes, is amended to
174    read:
175          903.31 Canceling the bond.--
176          (1) Within 10 business days after the conditions of a bond
177    have been satisfied or the forfeiture discharged or remitted,
178    the court shall order the bond shall becanceled and, if the
179    surety has attached a certificate of cancellation to the
180    original bond, the clerk of the courtshall furnish an executed
181    certificate of cancellation to the surety without cost. An
182    adjudication of guilt or innocence of the defendant shall
183    satisfy the conditions of the bond. The original appearance bond
184    shall expire 36 months after such bond has been posted for the
185    release of the defendant from custody. This subsection does not
186    apply to cases in which a bond has been declared forfeited.
187          (2) The original appearance bond doesshall not be
188    construed toguarantee deferred sentences, appearance during or
189    after a presentence investigation, appearance during or after
190    appeals, conduct during or appearance after admission to a
191    pretrial intervention program,payment of fines, or attendance
192    at educational or rehabilitation facilities the court otherwise
193    provides in the judgment. If the original appearance bond has
194    been forfeited or revoked, the bond shall not be reinstated
195    without approval from the surety on the original bond.
196          (3) The original appearance bond does not guarantee the
197    defendant's conduct or appearance in court at any time after:
198          (a) The defendant enters a plea of guilty or nolo
199    contendere.
200          (b) The defendant enters into an agreement for deferred
201    prosecution or agrees to enter a pretrial intervention program.
202          (c) The defendant is acquitted.
203          (d) The defendant is adjudicated guilty.
204          (e) Adjudication of guilt of the defendant is withheld.
205          (f) The defendant is found guilty by a judge or jury.
206          (4)(3)In any case where no formal charges have been
207    brought against the defendant within 365 days after arrest, the
208    court shall order the bond canceled unless good cause is shown
209    by the state.
210          Section 9. Subsection (3) and paragraphs (a) and (b) of
211    subsection (4) of section 907.041, Florida Statutes, are amended
212    to read:
213          907.041 Pretrial detention and release.--
215          (a) It is the intent of the Legislature to create a
216    presumption in favor of release on nonmonetary conditions for
217    any person who is granted pretrial release unless such person is
218    charged with a dangerous crime as defined in subsection (4).
219    Such person shall be released on monetary conditions if it is
220    determined that such monetary conditions are necessary to assure
221    the presence of the person at trial or at other proceedings, to
222    protect the community from risk of physical harm to persons, to
223    assure the presence of the accused at trial, or to assure the
224    integrity of the judicial process.
225          (b) ANo person may not be accepted for releaseshall be
226    releasedon nonmonetary conditions under the supervision of a
227    pretrial release service, unless the service certifies in
228    writing and has provided a report to the court for reviewthat
229    it has investigated or otherwise verified:
230          1. The circumstances of the accused's family, employment,
231    financial resources, character, mental condition, and length of
232    residence in the community.;
233          2. The accused's record of convictions, of appearances at
234    court proceedings, of flight to avoid prosecution, or of failure
235    to appear at court proceedings.; and
236          3. Other facts necessary to assist the court in its
237    determination of the indigency of the accused and whether she or
238    he should be released under the supervision of the service.
239          (4) PRETRIAL DETENTION.--
240          (a) As used in this subsection, "dangerous crime" means
241    any of the following:
242          1. Arson;
243          2. Aggravated assault;
244          3. Aggravated battery;
245          4. Illegal use of explosives;
246          5. Child abuse or aggravated child abuse;
247          6. Abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult, or
248    aggravated abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult;
249          7. Aircraft piracy;
250          8. Kidnapping;
251          9. Homicide;
252          10. Manslaughter;
253          11. Sexual battery;
254          12. Robbery;
255          13. Carjacking;
256          14. Lewd, lascivious, or indecent assault or act upon or
257    in presence of a child under the age of 16 years;
258          15. Sexual activity with a child, who is 12 years of age
259    or older but less than 18 years of age, by or at solicitation of
260    person in familial or custodial authority;
261          16. Burglary of a dwelling;
262          17. Stalking and aggravated stalking;
263          18. Act of domestic violence as defined in s. 741.28;
264          19. Home invasion robbery;
265          20. Act of terrorism as defined in s. 775.30; and
266          21. Attempting or conspiring to commit any such crime.
267          (b) Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3)(b)No
268    person charged with a dangerous crime shall be granted
269    nonmonetary pretrial release at a first appearance hearing;
270    however, the court shall retain the discretion to release a
271    personan accused of a dangerous crimeon electronic monitoring
272    or on recognizance bond if the findings on the record of facts
273    and circumstances warrant such a release.
274          Section 10. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
275    law.