HB 1199 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to driving under the influence; amending
3    s. 316.193, F.S.; removing references to ignition
4    interlock devices; decreasing the minimum blood-alcohol
5    level for certain offenses; providing penalties; repealing
6    ss. 316.1937 and 316.1938, F.S., relating to ignition
7    interlock devices; amending s. 316.655, F.S.; requiring
8    minimum periods of suspension of driving privileges for
9    certain offenses; amending s. 316.656, F.S.; prohibiting a
10    judge from accepting a plea to a lesser offense under
11    certain circumstances; amending s. 322.271, F.S.;
12    correcting a cross reference; creating s. 322.2715, F.S.;
13    authorizing the Department of Highway Safety and Motor
14    Vehicles to contract for certain commodities and services;
15    requiring the installation of ignition interlock devices
16    as a condition to certain licensure; requiring warning
17    labels; requiring the installation of ignition interlock
18    devices on certain vehicles for certain period of time;
19    providing for such time requirement to be determined by
20    the court, subject to certain minimums; requiring
21    notification by an offender to a probation officer when
22    installation of an ignition interlock device is required
23    as a condition of probation; providing penalties,
24    including a minimum mandatory sentence, for failure to
25    provide such notice; providing that certain actions with
26    respect to such devices or vehicles is unlawful and
27    prohibiting the lending or leasing of vehicles to persons
28    required to drive vehicles with ignition interlocking
29    devices if such vehicles do not have such devices;
30    providing penalties, including minimum mandatory penalties
31    under certain circumstances; providing an exception;
32    providing for severability; providing an effective date.
34          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
36          Section 1. Section 316.193, Florida Statutes, is amended
37    to read:
38          316.193 Driving under the influence; penalties.--
39          (1) A person is guilty of the offense of driving under the
40    influence and is subject to punishment as provided in subsection
41    (2) if the person is driving or in actual physical control of a
42    vehicle within this state and:
43          (a) The person is under the influence of alcoholic
44    beverages, any chemical substance set forth in s. 877.111, or
45    any substance controlled under chapter 893, when affected to the
46    extent that the person's normal faculties are impaired;
47          (b) The person has a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 or more
48    grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood; or
49          (c) The person has a breath-alcohol level of 0.08 or more
50    grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath.
51          (2)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), subsection
52    (3), or subsection (4), any person who is convicted of a
53    violation of subsection (1) shall be punished:
54          1. By a fine of:
55          a. Not less than $250 or more than $500 for a first
56    conviction.
57          b. Not less than $500 or more than $1,000 for a second
58    conviction; and
59          2. By imprisonment for:
60          a. Not more than 6 months for a first conviction.
61          b. Not more than 9 months for a second conviction.
62          3. For a second conviction, by mandatory placement for a
63    period of at least 1 year, at the convicted person's sole
64    expense, of an ignition interlock device approved by the
65    department in accordance with s. 316.1938 upon all vehicles that
66    are individually or jointly leased or owned and routinely
67    operated by the convicted person, when the convicted person
68    qualifies for a permanent or restricted license. The
69    installation of such device may not occur before July 1, 2003.
70          (b)1. Any person who is convicted of a third violation of
71    this section for an offense that occurs within 10 years after a
72    prior conviction for a violation of this section commits a
73    felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.
74    775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. In addition, the court shall
75    order the mandatory placement for a period of not less than 2
76    years, at the convicted person's sole expense, of an ignition
77    interlock device approved by the department in accordance with
78    s. 316.1938 upon all vehicles that are individually or jointly
79    leased or owned and routinely operated by the convicted person,
80    when the convicted person qualifies for a permanent or
81    restricted license. The installation of such device may not
82    occur before July 1, 2003.
83          2. Any person who is convicted of a third violation of
84    this section for an offense that occurs more than 10 years after
85    the date of a prior conviction for a violation of this section
86    shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 or more than
87    $2,500 and by imprisonment for not more than 12 months. In
88    addition, the court shall order the mandatory placement for a
89    period of at least 2 years, at the convicted person's sole
90    expense, of an ignition interlock device approved by the
91    department in accordance with s. 316.1938 upon all vehicles that
92    are individually or jointly leased or owned and routinely
93    operated by the convicted person, when the convicted person
94    qualifies for a permanent or restricted license. The
95    installation of such device may not occur before July 1, 2003.
96          3. Any person who is convicted of a fourth or subsequent
97    violation of this section, regardless of when any prior
98    conviction for a violation of this section occurred, commits a
99    felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s.
100    775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. However, the fine imposed
101    for such fourth or subsequent violation may be not less than
102    $1,000.
103          (3) Any person:
104          (a) Who is in violation of subsection (1);
105          (b) Who operates a vehicle; and
106          (c) Who, by reason of such operation, causes or
107    contributes to causing:
108          1. Damage to the property or person of another commits a
109    misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
110    775.082 or s. 775.083.
111          2. Serious bodily injury to another, as defined in s.
112    316.1933, commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as
113    provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
114          3. The death of any human being commits DUI manslaughter,
115    and commits:
116          a. A felony of the second degree, punishable as provided
117    in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
118          b. A felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in
119    s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, if:
120          (I) At the time of the crash, the person knew, or should
121    have known, that the crash occurred; and
122          (II) The person failed to give information and render aid
123    as required by s. 316.062.
124          (4) Any person who is convicted of a violation of
125    subsection (1) and who has a blood-alcohol level or breath-
126    alcohol level of 0.160.20or higher, or any person who is
127    convicted of a violation of subsection (1) and who at the time
128    of the offense was accompanied in the vehicle by a person under
129    the age of 18 years, shall be punished:
130          (a) By a fine of:
131          1. Not less than $500 or more than $1,000 for a first
132    conviction.
133          2. Not less than $1,000 or more than $2,000 for a second
134    conviction.
135          3. Not less than $2,000 for a third or subsequent
136    conviction.
137          (b) By imprisonment for:
138          1. Not more than 9 months for a first conviction.
139          2. Not more than 12 months for a second conviction.
141          For the purposes of this subsection, only the instant offense is
142    required to be a violation of subsection (1) by a person who has
143    a blood-alcohol level or breath-alcohol level of 0.160.20or
144    higher.
145          (c) In addition to the penalties in paragraphs (a) and
146    (b), the court shall order the mandatory placement, at the
147    convicted person's sole expense, of an ignition interlock device
148    approved by the department in accordance with s. 316.1938 upon
149    all vehicles that are individually or jointly leased or owned
150    and routinely operated by the convicted person for up to 6
151    months for the first offense and for at least 2 years for a
152    second offense, when the convicted person qualifies for a
153    permanent or restricted license. The installation of such device
154    may not occur before July 1, 2003.
155          (5) The court shall place all offenders convicted of
156    violating this section on monthly reporting probation and shall
157    require completion of a substance abuse course conducted by a
158    DUI program licensed by the department under s. 322.292, which
159    must include a psychosocial evaluation of the offender. If the
160    DUI program refers the offender to an authorized substance abuse
161    treatment provider for substance abuse treatment, in addition to
162    any sentence or fine imposed under this section, completion of
163    all such education, evaluation, and treatment is a condition of
164    reporting probation. The offender shall assume reasonable costs
165    for such education, evaluation, and treatment. The referral to
166    treatment resulting from a psychosocial evaluation shall not be
167    waived without a supporting independent psychosocial evaluation
168    conducted by an authorized substance abuse treatment provider
169    appointed by the court, which shall have access to the DUI
170    program's psychosocial evaluation before the independent
171    psychosocial evaluation is conducted. The court shall review the
172    results and recommendations of both evaluations before
173    determining the request for waiver. The offender shall bear the
174    full cost of this procedure. The term "substance abuse" means
175    the abuse of alcohol or any substance named or described in
176    Schedules I through V of s. 893.03. If an offender referred to
177    treatment under this subsection fails to report for or complete
178    such treatment or fails to complete the DUI program substance
179    abuse education course and evaluation, the DUI program shall
180    notify the court and the department of the failure. Upon receipt
181    of the notice, the department shall cancel the offender's
182    driving privilege, notwithstanding the terms of the court order
183    or any suspension or revocation of the driving privilege. The
184    department may temporarily reinstate the driving privilege on a
185    restricted basis upon verification from the DUI program that the
186    offender is currently participating in treatment and the DUI
187    education course and evaluation requirement has been completed.
188    If the DUI program notifies the department of the second failure
189    to complete treatment, the department shall reinstate the
190    driving privilege only after notice of completion of treatment
191    from the DUI program. The organization that conducts the
192    substance abuse education and evaluation may not provide
193    required substance abuse treatment unless a waiver has been
194    granted to that organization by the department. A waiver may be
195    granted only if the department determines, in accordance with
196    its rules, that the service provider that conducts the substance
197    abuse education and evaluation is the most appropriate service
198    provider and is licensed under chapter 397 or is exempt from
199    such licensure. A statistical referral report shall be submitted
200    quarterly to the department by each organization authorized to
201    provide services under this section.
202          (6) With respect to any person convicted of a violation of
203    subsection (1), regardless of any penalty imposed pursuant to
204    subsection (2), subsection (3), or subsection (4):
205          (a) For the first conviction, the court shall place the
206    defendant on probation for a period not to exceed 1 year and, as
207    a condition of such probation, shall order the defendant to
208    participate in public service or a community work project for a
209    minimum of 50 hours; or the court may order instead, that any
210    defendant pay an additional fine of $10 for each hour of public
211    service or community work otherwise required, if, after
212    consideration of the residence or location of the defendant at
213    the time public service or community work is required, payment
214    of the fine is in the best interests of the state. However, the
215    total period of probation and incarceration may not exceed 1
216    year. The court must also, as a condition of probation, order
217    the impoundment or immobilization of the vehicle that was
218    operated by or in the actual control of the defendant or any one
219    vehicle registered in the defendant's name at the time of
220    impoundment or immobilization, for a period of 10 days or for
221    the unexpired term of any lease or rental agreement that expires
222    within 10 days. The impoundment or immobilization must not occur
223    concurrently with the incarceration of the defendant. The
224    impoundment or immobilization order may be dismissed in
225    accordance with paragraph (e), paragraph (f), paragraph (g), or
226    paragraph (h).
227          (b) For the second conviction for an offense that occurs
228    within a period of 5 years after the date of a prior conviction
229    for violation of this section, the court shall order
230    imprisonment for not less than 10 days. The court must also, as
231    a condition of probation, order the impoundment or
232    immobilization of all vehicles owned by the defendant at the
233    time of impoundment or immobilization, for a period of 30 days
234    or for the unexpired term of any lease or rental agreement that
235    expires within 30 days. The impoundment or immobilization must
236    not occur concurrently with the incarceration of the defendant
237    and must occur concurrently with the driver's license revocation
238    imposed under s. 322.28(2)(a)2. The impoundment or
239    immobilization order may be dismissed in accordance with
240    paragraph (e), paragraph (f), paragraph (g), or paragraph (h).
241    At least 48 hours of confinement must be consecutive.
242          (c) For the third or subsequent conviction for an offense
243    that occurs within a period of 10 years after the date of a
244    prior conviction for violation of this section, the court shall
245    order imprisonment for not less than 30 days. The court must
246    also, as a condition of probation, order the impoundment or
247    immobilization of all vehicles owned by the defendant at the
248    time of impoundment or immobilization, for a period of 90 days
249    or for the unexpired term of any lease or rental agreement that
250    expires within 90 days. The impoundment or immobilization must
251    not occur concurrently with the incarceration of the defendant
252    and must occur concurrently with the driver's license revocation
253    imposed under s. 322.28(2)(a)3. The impoundment or
254    immobilization order may be dismissed in accordance with
255    paragraph (e), paragraph (f), paragraph (g), or paragraph (h).
256    At least 48 hours of confinement must be consecutive.
257          (d) The court must at the time of sentencing the defendant
258    issue an order for the impoundment or immobilization of a
259    vehicle. Within 7 business days after the date that the court
260    issues the order of impoundment or immobilization, the clerk of
261    the court must send notice by certified mail, return receipt
262    requested, to the registered owner of each vehicle, if the
263    registered owner is a person other than the defendant, and to
264    each person of record claiming a lien against the vehicle.
265          (e) A person who owns but was not operating the vehicle
266    when the offense occurred may submit to the court a police
267    report indicating that the vehicle was stolen at the time of the
268    offense or documentation of having purchased the vehicle after
269    the offense was committed from an entity other than the
270    defendant or the defendant's agent. If the court finds that the
271    vehicle was stolen or that the sale was not made to circumvent
272    the order and allow the defendant continued access to the
273    vehicle, the order must be dismissed and the owner of the
274    vehicle will incur no costs. If the court denies the request to
275    dismiss the order of impoundment or immobilization, the
276    petitioner may request an evidentiary hearing.
277          (f) A person who owns but was not operating the vehicle
278    when the offense occurred, and whose vehicle was stolen or who
279    purchased the vehicle after the offense was committed directly
280    from the defendant or the defendant's agent, may request an
281    evidentiary hearing to determine whether the impoundment or
282    immobilization should occur. If the court finds that either the
283    vehicle was stolen or the purchase was made without knowledge of
284    the offense, that the purchaser had no relationship to the
285    defendant other than through the transaction, and that such
286    purchase would not circumvent the order and allow the defendant
287    continued access to the vehicle, the order must be dismissed and
288    the owner of the vehicle will incur no costs.
289          (g) The court shall also dismiss the order of impoundment
290    or immobilization of the vehicle if the court finds that the
291    family of the owner of the vehicle has no other private or
292    public means of transportation.
293          (h) The court may also dismiss the order of impoundment or
294    immobilization of any vehicles that are owned by the defendant
295    but that are operated solely by the employees of the defendant
296    or any business owned by the defendant.
297          (i) All costs and fees for the impoundment or
298    immobilization, including the cost of notification, must be paid
299    by the owner of the vehicle or, if the vehicle is leased or
300    rented, by the person leasing or renting the vehicle, unless the
301    impoundment or immobilization order is dismissed. All provisions
302    of s. 713.78 shall apply.
303          (j) The person who owns a vehicle that is impounded or
304    immobilized under this paragraph, or a person who has a lien of
305    record against such a vehicle and who has not requested a review
306    of the impoundment pursuant to paragraph (e), paragraph (f), or
307    paragraph (g), may, within 10 days after the date that person
308    has knowledge of the location of the vehicle, file a complaint
309    in the county in which the owner resides to determine whether
310    the vehicle was wrongfully taken or withheld from the owner or
311    lienholder. Upon the filing of a complaint, the owner or
312    lienholder may have the vehicle released by posting with the
313    court a bond or other adequate security equal to the amount of
314    the costs and fees for impoundment or immobilization, including
315    towing or storage, to ensure the payment of such costs and fees
316    if the owner or lienholder does not prevail. When the bond is
317    posted and the fee is paid as set forth in s. 28.24, the clerk
318    of the court shall issue a certificate releasing the vehicle. At
319    the time of release, after reasonable inspection, the owner or
320    lienholder must give a receipt to the towing or storage company
321    indicating any loss or damage to the vehicle or to the contents
322    of the vehicle.
323          (k) A defendant, in the court's discretion, may be
324    required to serve all or any portion of a term of imprisonment
325    to which the defendant has been sentenced pursuant to this
326    section in a residential alcoholism treatment program or a
327    residential drug abuse treatment program. Any time spent in such
328    a program must be credited by the court toward the term of
329    imprisonment.
331          For the purposes of this section, any conviction for a violation
332    of s. 327.35; a previous conviction for the violation of former
333    s. 316.1931, former s. 860.01, or former s. 316.028; or a
334    previous conviction outside this state for driving under the
335    influence, driving while intoxicated, driving with an unlawful
336    blood-alcohol level, driving with an unlawful breath-alcohol
337    level, or any other similar alcohol-related or drug-related
338    traffic offense, is also considered a previous conviction for
339    violation of this section. However, in satisfaction of the fine
340    imposed pursuant to this section, the court may, upon a finding
341    that the defendant is financially unable to pay either all or
342    part of the fine, order that the defendant participate for a
343    specified additional period of time in public service or a
344    community work project in lieu of payment of that portion of the
345    fine which the court determines the defendant is unable to pay.
346    In determining such additional sentence, the court shall
347    consider the amount of the unpaid portion of the fine and the
348    reasonable value of the services to be ordered; however, the
349    court may not compute the reasonable value of services at a rate
350    less than the federal minimum wage at the time of sentencing.
351          (7) A conviction under this section does not bar any civil
352    suit for damages against the person so convicted.
353          (8) At the arraignment, or in conjunction with any notice
354    of arraignment provided by the clerk of the court, the clerk
355    shall provide any person charged with a violation of this
356    section with notice that upon conviction the court shall suspend
357    or revoke the offender's driver's license and that the offender
358    should make arrangements for transportation at any proceeding in
359    which the court may take such action. Failure to provide such
360    notice does not affect the court's suspension or revocation of
361    the offender's driver's license.
362          (9) A person who is arrested for a violation of this
363    section may not be released from custody:
364          (a) Until the person is no longer under the influence of
365    alcoholic beverages, any chemical substance set forth in s.
366    877.111, or any substance controlled under chapter 893 and
367    affected to the extent that his or her normal faculties are
368    impaired;
369          (b) Until the person's blood-alcohol level or breath-
370    alcohol level is less than 0.05; or
371          (c) Until 8 hours have elapsed from the time the person
372    was arrested.
373          (10) The rulings of the Department of Highway Safety and
374    Motor Vehicles under s. 322.2615 shall not be considered in any
375    trial for a violation of this section. Testimony or evidence
376    from the administrative proceedings or any written statement
377    submitted by a person in his or her request for administrative
378    review is inadmissible into evidence or for any other purpose in
379    any criminal proceeding, unless timely disclosed in criminal
380    discovery pursuant to Rule 3.220, Florida Rules of Criminal
381    Procedure.
382          (11) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
383    is directed to adopt rules providing for the implementation of
384    the use of ignition interlock devices.
385          Section 2. Sections 316.1937 and 316.1938, Florida
386    Statutes, are repealed.
387          Section 3. Section 316.655, Florida Statutes, is amended
388    to read:
389          316.655 Penalties.--
390          (1) A violation of any of the provisions of this chapter,
391    except those violations with a specific criminal charge, as
392    enumerated in s. 318.17, are infractions, as defined in s.
393    318.13(3). Except for violations of s. 316.302, infractions of
394    this chapter are punishable as provided in chapter 318. Any
395    person convicted of a violation of or otherwise found to be in
396    violation of s. 316.063, s. 316.3025, s. 316.516, s. 316.545, or
397    s. 316.550 shall be punished as specifically provided in that
398    section.
399          (2) Notwithstanding the provision of chapter 322,drivers
400    convicted of a violation of any offense prohibited by this
401    chapter or any other law of this state regulating motor vehicles
402    may have their driving privileges revoked or suspended by the
403    court if the court finds such revocation or suspension warranted
404    by the totality of the circumstances resulting in the conviction
405    and the need to provide for the maximum safety for all persons
406    who travel on or who are otherwise affected by the use of the
407    highways of the state, provided, however, that no period of
408    revocation or suspension may be less than that required by
409    chapter 322. In determining whether suspension or revocation is
410    appropriate, the court shall consider all pertinent factors,
411    including, but not limited to, such factors as the extent and
412    nature of the driver's violation of this chapter, the number of
413    persons killed or injured as the result of the driver's
414    violation of this chapter, and the extent of any property damage
415    resulting from the driver's violation of this chapter.
416          (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 322, the
417    court may require persons convicted of a violation of any
418    offense prohibited by this chapter or any other law of this
419    state to have installed a department-approved ignition interlock
420    device upon all vehicles that are operated by the convicted
421    person, at the convicted person's sole expense. The court, based
422    upon the totality of the circumstances, shall determine the
423    length of required installation and the need to provide for the
424    maximum safety for all persons who travel on or who are
425    otherwise affected by the use of the highways of the state.
426          Section 4. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
427    316.656, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
428          316.656 Mandatory adjudication; prohibition against
429    accepting plea to lesser included offense.--
430          (2)(a) No trial judge may accept a plea of guilty to a
431    lesser offense from a person charged under the provisions of
432    this act who has been given a breath or blood test to determine
433    blood or breath alcohol content, the results of which show a
434    blood or breath alcohol content by weight of 0.160.20percent
435    or more.
436          Section 5. Paragraph (d) of subsection (2) of section
437    322.271, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
438          322.271 Authority to modify revocation, cancellation, or
439    suspension order.--
440          (2)
441          (d) The department, based upon review of the licensee's
442    application for reinstatement, may require use of an ignition
443    interlock device pursuant to s. 316.1937.
444          Section 6. Section 322.2715, Florida Statutes, is created
445    to read:
446          322.2715 Ignition interlock devices; certification;
447    warning label; unlawful acts.--
448          (1) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is
449    authorized to contract, in accordance with chapter 287, with a
450    provider or providers to furnish all or some of the commodities
451    and contractual services required for the implementation of this
452    section. Said contract must contain provisions for the providing
453    of ignition interlock devices to the indigent.
454          (2) The ignition interlock devices, when installed in a
455    vehicle, shall prevent the vehicle from starting if the
456    operator's breath alcohol level is in excess of 0.025 grams of
457    alcohol per 210 liters of breath.
458          (3) A warning label shall be affixed to each ignition
459    interlock device upon installation. The label shall contain a
460    warning that any person tampering with, circumventing, or
461    otherwise misusing the device is guilty of a violation of law
462    and may be subject to civil and criminal liability.
463          (4)(a) Prior to issuing a permanent or restricted license
464    under this chapter, the department shall require the placement
465    of a department-approved ignition interlock device, for any
466    person convicted of committing any DUI, upon all vehicles that
467    are operated by the convicted person, at the convicted person's
468    sole expense.
469          (b) For the purposes of this section, any conviction for a
470    violation of s. 316.193 or s. 316.1939; a previous conviction
471    for the violation of former s. 316.1931, former s. 860.01, or
472    former s. 316.028; or a previous conviction outside this state
473    for driving under the influence, driving while intoxicated,
474    driving with an unlawful blood-alcohol level, driving with an
475    unlawful breath-alcohol level, or any other similar alcohol-
476    related or drug-related traffic offense is considered a
477    conviction of DUI.
478          (c) If the person has been convicted of:
479          1. A first offense of DUI, the court may require the use
480    of an approved ignition interlock device for a period of not
481    less than 6 months or more than 2 years.
482          2. A first offense of DUI and at the time of the offense
483    was:
484          a. Accompanied in the vehicle by a person under the age of
485    18 years, the ignition interlock device shall be required for a
486    period of not less than 6 months or more than 2 years.
487          b. The person had a blood-alcohol level or breath-alcohol
488    level of twice that prohibited by s. 316.193(1), the ignition
489    interlock device shall be required for a period of not less than
490    6 months or more than 2 years.
491          3. A second offense of DUI, the ignition interlock device
492    shall be required for a period of not less than 1 year or more
493    than 2 years.
494          4. A third or subsequent offense of DUI, the ignition
495    interlock device shall be required for a period of 2 years.
496          5. DUI manslaughter with no previous DUI convictions, the
497    ignition interlock device shall be required for a period of not
498    less than 1 year or more than 2 years.
499          6. DUI and the offender is accepted into a supervision
500    program conducted by a licensed DUI program and fails the
501    abstinence requirement of the program, the supervision program
502    shall continue and an ignition interlock device shall be
503    required for 1 year of a 5-year license revocation period
504    required by s. 322.28(2)(a) and for 2 years of a 10-year license
505    revocation period required by s. 322.28(2)(a), and the time
506    period of the original license suspension shall be extended such
507    that the period of suspension shall be deemed to begin on the
508    date the ignition interlock device is installed. If such DUI
509    offender fails the abstinence requirement of the supervision
510    program a second time, the offender’s restricted license shall
511    be revoked for the remaining revocation period.
512          (5) The requirement to place an ignition interlock device
513    in a convicted person’s vehicles shall be recorded on the
514    person’s license and in the department’s records.
515          (a) If, while required to place ignition interlock devices
516    in his or her vehicle, the convicted person is on any type of
517    probation, the probation order shall contain a condition
518    requiring the placement of an ignition interlock device, as
519    required by this section, effective upon the convicted person's
520    obtaining a license under s. 322.271. The convicted person shall
521    notify his or her probation officer of said condition within 72
522    hours after imposition of said condition.
523          (b) A convicted person who violates the notice requirement
524    of paragraph (a) commits a misdemeanor of the first degree,
525    punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, and shall be
526    sentenced to and required to serve a minimum term of
527    incarceration of not less than 10 days.
528          (6) The department shall require proof of installation of
529    the ignition interlock device, shall require monitoring by a
530    licensed DUI program of the person required to have an ignition
531    interlock device, and shall require periodic reporting to the
532    department by the licensed DUI program for verification of the
533    operation of the device in the convicted person’s vehicle.
534          (7) It is unlawful:
535          (a) To tamper with, or to circumvent the operation of, an
536    ignition interlock device.
537          (b) For any person whose driving privilege is restricted
538    pursuant to this section to request or solicit any other person
539    to blow into an ignition interlock device or to start a motor
540    vehicle equipped with the device for the purpose of providing
541    the person so restricted with an operable motor vehicle.
542          (c) To blow into an ignition interlock device or to start
543    a motor vehicle equipped with the device for the purpose of
544    providing an operable motor vehicle to a person whose driving
545    privilege is restricted pursuant to this section.
546          (d) To knowingly lease or lend a motor vehicle to a person
547    who has had his or her driving privilege restricted as provided
548    in this section, unless the vehicle is equipped with a
549    functioning, approved ignition interlock device. Any person
550    whose driving privilege requires the placement of an ignition
551    interlock device shall notify any other person who leases or
552    lends a motor vehicle to him or her of such driving restriction.
553    Failure to provide such notification shall also constitute a
554    violation of this subsection.
555          (e) For any person required to install an ignition
556    interlock device to operate a motor vehicle without an ignition
557    interlock device.
558          (8)(a) Any person who violates subsection (7) commits a
559    misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
560    775.082 or s. 775.083, and shall be sentenced to and required to
561    serve a minimum term of incarceration of not less than 10 days.
562          (b) In addition to any other provision of law, upon
563    conviction of a violation of subsection (7) the department shall
564    revoke the person's driving privilege for 1 year from the date
565    of conviction.
566          (c) Upon conviction of a separate violation of subsection
567    (7) during the same period of required use of an ignition
568    interlock device, the department shall revoke the person's
569    driving privilege for 5 years from the date of conviction.
570          (d) Any person convicted of a violation of subsection (7)
571    who does not have a driver's license shall, in addition to any
572    other penalty provided by law, pay a fine of not less than $250
573    for each such violation. In the event that the person is unable
574    to pay any such fine, the fine shall become a lien against the
575    motor vehicle used in violation of subsection (7) and payment
576    shall be made pursuant to s. 316.3025(4).
577          (9)(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, if
578    a person is required to operate a motor vehicle in the course
579    and scope of his or her employment and if the vehicle is owned
580    by the employer, the person may operate that vehicle without
581    installation of an approved ignition interlock device, if the
582    employer has been notified of such driving privilege restriction
583    and proof of that notification is with the vehicle.
584          (b) The provisions of paragraph (a) do not apply if the
585    business entity which owns the vehicle is owned or controlled by
586    the person whose driving privilege has been restricted.
587          (10) The department is authorized to adopt rules to
588    implement this section.
589          (11) Except with respect to hearings to be conducted by
590    the court, hearings pursuant to this section shall be conducted
591    pursuant to and in accordance with s. 322.271 and reviewed
592    pursuant to s. 322.31.
593          Section 7. Severability.--If any provision of this act is
594    held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
595    of the act and to this end the provisions herein are declared
596    severable.
597          Section 8. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
598    316.656, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
599          316.656 Mandatory adjudication; prohibition against
600    accepting plea to lesser included offense.--
601          (2)(a) No trial judge may accept a plea of guilty to a
602    lesser offense from a person charged under the provisions of
603    this act who has been given a breath or blood test to determine
604    blood or breath alcohol content, the results of which show a
605    blood or breath alcohol content by weight of 0.160.20percent
606    or more.
607          Section 9. This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.