Senate Bill sb0120

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    Florida Senate - 2003                                   SB 120

    By Senator Smith


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to sentencing in capital cases;

  3         amending s. 921.141, F.S.; providing for the

  4         sentence rendered by a jury in a capital case

  5         to be a mandatory sentence rather than an

  6         advisory sentence; authorizing the court to

  7         review a sentence of death by the jury;

  8         providing for the court to sentence the

  9         defendant to life imprisonment notwithstanding

10         a sentence of death by the jury if there are

11         insufficient aggravating circumstances and

12         sufficient mitigating circumstances; amending

13         s. 921.137, F.S., relating to the prohibition

14         on sentencing a mentally retarded defendant to

15         death; conforming provisions to changes made by

16         the act; providing an effective date.


18  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


20         Section 1.  Subsections (2) and (3) of section 921.141,

21  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

22         921.141  Sentence of death or life imprisonment for

23  capital felonies; further proceedings to determine sentence.--

24         (2)  ADVISORY SENTENCE BY THE JURY.--After hearing all

25  the evidence, the jury shall deliberate and render a an

26  advisory sentence to the court, based upon the following

27  matters:

28         (a)  Whether sufficient aggravating circumstances exist

29  as enumerated in subsection (5);




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    Florida Senate - 2003                                   SB 120

 1         (b)  Whether sufficient mitigating circumstances exist

 2  which outweigh the aggravating circumstances found to exist;

 3  and

 4         (c)  Based on these considerations, whether the

 5  defendant should be sentenced to life imprisonment or death.


 7  IMPRISONMENT DEATH.--Notwithstanding a sentence of death by

 8  the recommendation of a majority of the jury, the court, after

 9  weighing the aggravating and mitigating circumstances, may

10  shall enter a sentence of life imprisonment. or death, but If

11  the court imposes a sentence of life imprisonment death, it

12  must shall set forth in writing its findings upon which the

13  sentence of life imprisonment death is based as to the facts:

14         (a)  That insufficient sufficient aggravating

15  circumstances exist as enumerated in subsection (5);, and

16         (b)  That there are sufficient insufficient mitigating

17  circumstances to outweigh the aggravating circumstances.


19  In each case in which the court imposes the death sentence,

20  the determination of the court shall be supported by specific

21  written findings of fact based upon the circumstances in

22  subsections (5) and (6) and upon the records of the trial and

23  the sentencing proceedings. If the court does not make the

24  findings requiring the death sentence within 30 days after the

25  rendition of the judgment and sentence, the court shall impose

26  sentence of life imprisonment in accordance with s. 775.082.

27         Section 2.  Subsections (4), (5), (6), (7), and (8) of

28  section 921.137, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

29         921.137  Imposition of the death sentence upon a

30  mentally retarded defendant prohibited.--



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                   SB 120

 1         (4)  After a defendant who has given notice of his or

 2  her intention to raise mental retardation as a bar to the

 3  death sentence is convicted of a capital felony and a an

 4  advisory jury has returned a recommended sentence of death,

 5  the defendant may file a motion to determine whether the

 6  defendant has mental retardation. Upon receipt of the motion,

 7  the court shall appoint two experts in the field of mental

 8  retardation who shall evaluate the defendant and report their

 9  findings to the court and all interested parties prior to the

10  final sentencing hearing. Notwithstanding s. 921.141 or s.

11  921.142, the final sentencing hearing shall be held without a

12  jury. At the final sentencing hearing, the court shall

13  consider the findings of the court-appointed experts and

14  consider the findings of any other expert which is offered by

15  the state or the defense on the issue of whether the defendant

16  has mental retardation. If the court finds, by clear and

17  convincing evidence, that the defendant has mental retardation

18  as defined in subsection (1), the court may not impose a

19  sentence of death and shall enter a written order that sets

20  forth with specificity the findings in support of the

21  determination.

22         (5)  If a defendant waives his or her right to a

23  recommended sentence by a an advisory jury following a plea of

24  guilt or nolo contendere to a capital felony and adjudication

25  of guilt by the court, or following a jury finding of guilt of

26  a capital felony, upon acceptance of the waiver by the court,

27  a defendant who has given notice as required in subsection (3)

28  may file a motion for a determination of mental retardation.

29  Upon granting the motion, the court shall proceed as provided

30  in subsection (4).



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    Florida Senate - 2003                                   SB 120

 1         (6)  If, following a recommendation by an advisory jury

 2  that the defendant be sentenced to life imprisonment, the

 3  state intends to request the court to order that the defendant

 4  be sentenced to death, the state must inform the defendant of

 5  such request if the defendant has notified the court of his or

 6  her intent to raise mental retardation as a bar to the death

 7  sentence. After receipt of the notice from the state, the

 8  defendant may file a motion requesting a determination by the

 9  court of whether the defendant has mental retardation. Upon

10  granting the motion, the court shall proceed as provided in

11  subsection (4).

12         (6)(7)  The state may appeal, pursuant to s. 924.07, a

13  determination of mental retardation made under subsection (4).

14         (7)(8)  This section does not apply to a defendant who

15  was sentenced to death prior to the effective date of this

16  act.

17         Section 3.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.


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20                          SENATE SUMMARY

21    Deletes provisions that require the jury to render an
      advisory sentence in capital cases. Provides for the
22    court to review a sentence of death imposed by a jury.
      Notwithstanding a sentence of death by the jury,
23    authorizes the court to impose a sentence of life
      imprisonment if there are insufficient aggravating
24    circumstances and sufficient mitigating circumstances.
      (See bill for details.)








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