HB 1211 2003
6          The Committee on Business Regulation recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to electronic messages; creating s.
12    668.20, F.S.; defining "commercial electronic mail
13    message," "electronic mail," "electronic mail service
14    provider," "established business relationship," and
15    "unsolicited commercial electronic mail message"; creating
16    s. 668.21, F.S.; prohibiting transmission of commercial
17    electronic mail messages under certain conditions;
18    creating s. 668.22, F.S.; providing for civil relief and
19    damages; providing an effective date.
21          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
23          Section 1. Section 668.20, Florida Statutes, is created to
24    read:
25          668.20 Commercial electronic mail message; definitions.--
26    As used in ss. 668.20, 668.21, and 668.22, the term:
27          (1) "Commercial electronic mail message" means an
28    electronic mail message sent for the purpose of encouraging the
29    purchase or rental of, or investment in, property, goods, or
30    services.
31          (2) "Electronic mail" means an electronic message or
32    computer file containing an image of a message that is
33    transmitted between two or more computer or electronic terminals
34    and includes electronic messages that are transmitted within or
35    between computer networks.
36          (3) "Electronic mail service provider" means any person
37    who:
38          (a) Is an intermediary in sending or receiving electronic
39    mail; and
40          (b) Provides to end users of electronic mail services the
41    ability to send or receive electronic mail.
42          (4) "Established business relationship" means a prior or
43    existing relationship formed by a voluntary communication
44    between a person or entity and the recipient, with or without an
45    exchange of consideration, on the basis of an inquiry,
46    application, purchase, or use by the recipient regarding
47    products or services offered by such person or entity.
48          (5) "Unsolicited commercial electronic mail message" means
49    a commercial electronic mail message sent without the consent of
50    the recipient by a person with whom the recipient does not have
51    an established business relationship. "Unsolicited commercial
52    electronic mail message" does not include electronic mail
53    messages the sender of which:
54          (a) Is an organization using electronic mail to
55    communicate exclusively with its members;
56          (b) Is an organization using electronic mail to
57    communicate exclusively with its employees or contractors;
58          (c) Has the consent of the recipient; or
59          (d) Has an established business relationship with the
60    recipient.
61          Section 2. Section 668.21, Florida Statutes, is created to
62    read:
63          668.21 Commercial electronic mail message; prohibitions.--
64          (1) No person shall transmit a commercial electronic mail
65    message that:
66          (a) Falsifies electronic mail transmission information or
67    other routing information for the unsolicited commercial
68    electronic message; or
69          (b) Contains false or misleading information in the
70    subject line.
71          (2) No person shall send a commercial electronic mail
72    message using a third party's internet address or domain name,
73    without the third party's consent, for the purpose of
74    transmitting electronic mail in a way that makes it appear that
75    the third party was the sender of such mail.
76          (3) No person shall send an unsolicited commercial
77    electronic mail message without using the exact characters
78    "ADV:" as the first four characters in the subject line of such
79    message.
80          (4) No person shall send an unsolicited commercial
81    electronic mail message without providing a mechanism that
82    allows recipients to easily and at no cost remove themselves
83    from the sender's electronic mail address lists so that they are
84    not included in future mailings.
85          Section 3. Section 668.22, Florida Statutes, is created to
86    read:
87          668.22 Commercial electronic mail message; civil relief;
88    damages.--
89          (1) Any person whose property or person is injured by
90    reason of a violation of any provision of s. 668.21 may recover
91    for any damages sustained and the costs of suit. Without
92    limiting the generality of the term, "damages" shall include
93    loss of profits.
94          (2) If the injury arises from the transmission of
95    unsolicited or commercial electronic mail messages, the injured
96    person, other than an electronic mail service provider, may also
97    recover attorney's fees and costs and may elect, in lieu of
98    actual damages, to recover the lesser of $10 for each and every
99    unsolicited commercial electronic mail message transmitted in
100    violation of s. 668.21 or $500 per day. The injured person shall
101    not have a cause of action against the electronic mail service
102    provider, which merely transmits the unsolicited commercial
103    electronic mail message over its computer network.
104          (3) If the injury arises from the transmission of
105    unsolicited or commercial electronic mail messages, an injured
106    electronic mail service provider may also recover attorney's
107    fees and costs and may elect, in lieu of actual damages, to
108    recover the greater of $10 for each and every unsolicited
109    commercial electronic mail message transmitted in violation of
110    s. 668.21 or $500 per day.
111          (4) At the request of any party to an action brought
112    pursuant to this section, the court may, in its discretion,
113    conduct all legal proceedings in such a way as to protect the
114    secrecy and security of the computer, computer network, computer
115    data, computer program, and computer software involved in order
116    to prevent possible recurrence of the same or a similar act by
117    another person and to protect any trade secrets of any party.
118          (5) An electronic mail service provider does not violate
119    s. 668.21, and the injured party shall not have a cause of
120    action against an electronic mail service provider, due to the
121    fact that the electronic mail service provider:
122          (a) Is an intermediary between the sender and recipient in
123    the transmission of an electronic mail message that violates s.
124    668.21;
125          (b) Provides transmission of unsolicited commercial
126    electronic mail messages over the provider's computer network or
127    facilities; or
128          (c) Takes voluntarily action in good faith to block the
129    receipt or transmission through its service of any electronic
130    mail advertisements that it believes is or will be sent in
131    violation of s. 668.21.
132          Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.