HB 1213 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to student financial assistance; amending
3    s. 1009.57, F.S.; requiring the Florida Teacher
4    Scholarship and Forgivable Loan Program to provide
5    scholarship assistance to education paraprofessionals and
6    substitute teachers seeking certification to teach in
7    critical teacher shortage areas; establishing a
8    scholarship loan program to provide scholarship loans to
9    students who teach in poor or underperforming areas in the
10    state; providing eligibility requirements; providing for
11    loan forgiveness; amending s. 1009.58, F.S.; expanding the
12    critical teacher shortage tuition reimbursement program;
13    authorizing tuition reimbursement for courses needed for
14    recertification; authorizing certain tuition-free courses
15    on a space-available basis; amending s. 1009.59, F.S.;
16    specifying that the Critical Teacher Shortage Student Loan
17    Forgiveness Program applies to personnel seeking
18    employment in certain high priority location areas;
19    increasing the amount of loan principal repayments;
20    amending s. 1003.52, F.S.; conforming language; providing
21    an appropriation; providing an effective date.
23          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
25          Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 1009.57, Florida
26    Statutes, is amended, and subsection (4) is added to said
27    section, to read:
28          1009.57 Florida Teacher Scholarship and Forgivable Loan
29    Program.--
30          (1) There is created the Florida Teacher Scholarship and
31    Forgivable Loan Program to be administered by the Department of
32    Education. The program shall provide scholarship assistance to
33    eligible students for lower-division undergraduate study and
34    loan assistance to eligible students for upper-division
35    undergraduate and graduate study. The program shall also provide
36    scholarship assistance for lower-division or upper-division
37    undergraduate study to education paraprofessionals and
38    substitute teachers to attain certification to teach in a
39    subject area or a high priority location area pursuant to s.
40    1009.59.The primary purpose of the program is to attract
41    capable and promising students to the teaching profession,
42    attract teachers to areas of projected or current critical
43    teacher shortage, attract liberal arts and science graduates to
44    teaching, and provide opportunity for persons making midcareer
45    decisions to enter the teaching profession. The State Board of
46    Education shall adopt rules necessary to administer the program
47    and shall annually identify critical teacher shortage areas.
48          (4) Within the Florida Teacher Scholarship and Forgivable
49    Loan Program is established a scholarship loan program to
50    provide 4-year scholarship loans of up to $5,000 per year to
51    Florida high school seniors interested in preparing to teach in
52    the public schools of the state. The scholarship loan program
53    shall be administered by the Department of Education.
54          (a) To be eligible for a scholarship loan, a student must:
55          1. Have maintained a minimum cumulative grade point
56    average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent in high school
57    and have scored at least 1100 on the SAT or 27 on the ACT.
58          2. Have declared the intent to teach for at least 3 years
59    in a public school in a poor or underperforming area identified
60    by the department. For purposes of this subsection, the
61    department shall annually identify poor or underperforming areas
62    in the state.
63          3. Meet the general requirements for student eligibility
64    as provided in s. 1009.40, except as otherwise provided in this
65    subsection.
66          (b) A scholarship loan may be used for attendance at a
67    state university, a community college, or an independent
68    institution as defined in s. 1009.89. The scholarship loan shall
69    be used for tuition and fees and may be used to purchase books
70    and housing.
71          (c) A scholarship loan may be renewed annually if the
72    student meets the eligibility criteria established by the
73    department.
74          (d) All scholarship loans shall be evidenced by notes made
75    payable to the Department of Education that shall bear interest
76    at the rate of 8 percent annually beginning after termination of
77    the scholarship loan. The scholarship loan may be terminated by
78    the recipient withdrawing from school or by the recipient not
79    meeting the standards set by the department.
80          (e) The Department of Education shall forgive the loan if,
81    within 7 years after graduation, the recipient teaches for 3
82    consecutive years in a public school in a poor or
83    underperforming area. The department shall also forgive the loan
84    if it finds that it is impossible for the recipient to meet the
85    teaching requirements due to death or permanent disability of
86    the recipient.
87          (f) Funds appropriated by the Legislature for the
88    scholarship loan program shall be deposited in the State Student
89    Financial Assistance Trust Fund to be used for scholarship
90    loans.
91          Section 2. Section 1009.58, Florida Statutes, is amended
92    to read:
93          1009.58 Critical teacher shortage tuition assistance and
94    reimbursement program.--
95          (1) A critical teacher shortage tuition assistance and
96    reimbursement program shall be established for the purpose of
97    improving the skills and knowledge of current teachers or
98    persons preparing to teach in critical teacher shortage areas.
99          (2) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to
100    implement the critical teacher shortage tuition assistance and
101    reimbursement program. Any full-time public school employee or
102    developmental research school employee certified to teach in
103    this state is eligible for the program. For the purposes of this
104    program, tuition reimbursement shall be limited to courses in
105    critical teacher shortage areas as determined by the State Board
106    of Education. Such courses shall be:
107          (a) Graduate-level courses leading to a master's,
108    specialist, or doctoral degree;
109          (b) Graduate-level courses leading to a new certification
110    area; or
111          (c) State-approved undergraduate courses leading to an
112    advanced degree or new certification area; or.
113          (d) Graduate-level courses or state-approved undergraduate
114    courses leading to recertification.
115          (3) Participants may receive tuition reimbursement
116    payments for up to 9 semester hours, or the equivalent in
117    quarter hours, per year, at a rate not to exceed $78 per
118    semester hour, up to a total of 36 semester hours. All tuition
119    reimbursements shall be contingent on passing an approved course
120    with a minimum grade of 3.0 or its equivalent.
121          (4) Participants may enroll in tuition-free courses on a
122    space-available basis at state universities when such courses
123    lead to certification in a new critical teacher shortage subject
124    area or to recertification by a teacher employed in a critical
125    teacher shortage area.
126          (5)(4)This section shall be implemented only to the
127    extent specifically funded and authorized by law.
128          Section 3. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 1009.59,
129    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
130          1009.59 Critical Teacher Shortage Student Loan Forgiveness
131    Program.--
132          (1) The Critical Teacher Shortage Student Loan Forgiveness
133    Program is established to encourage qualified personnel to seek
134    employment in subject areas in which critical teacher shortages
135    exist and in high priority location areas in which at least 50
136    percent of the students receive free or reduced-price school
137    lunches, as identified annually by the State Board of Education.
138    The primary function of the program is to make repayments toward
139    loans received by students from federal programs or commercial
140    lending institutions for the support of postsecondary education
141    study. Repayments are intended to be made to qualified
142    applicants who begin teaching for the first time in designated
143    subject areas, and who apply during their first year of teaching
144    as certified teachers in these subject areas, and to qualified
145    applicants who begin teaching for the first time in a high
146    priority location area in which at least 50 percent of the
147    students receive free or reduced-price school lunches.
148          (2) From the funds available, the Department of Education
149    may make loan principal repayments as follows:
150          (a) Up to $5,000$2,500a year for up to 4 years on behalf
151    of selected graduates of state-approved undergraduate
152    postsecondary teacher preparation programs, persons certified to
153    teach pursuant to any applicable teacher certification
154    requirements, or selected teacher preparation graduates from any
155    state participating in the Interstate Agreement on the
156    Qualification of Educational Personnel.
157          (b) Up to $7,500$5,000a year for up to 2 years on behalf
158    of selected graduates of state-approved graduate postsecondary
159    teacher preparation programs, persons with graduate degrees
160    certified to teach pursuant to any applicable teacher
161    certification requirements, or selected teacher preparation
162    graduates from any state participating in the Interstate
163    Agreement on the Qualification of Educational Personnel.
164          (c) All repayments shall be contingent on continued proof
165    of employment in the designated subject areas or high priority
166    location areasin this state and shall be made directly to the
167    holder of the loan. The state shall not bear responsibility for
168    the collection of any interest charges or other remaining
169    balance. In the event that designated critical teacher shortage
170    subject areas or high priority location areasare changed by the
171    State Board of Education, a teacher shall continue to be
172    eligible for loan forgiveness as long as he or she continues to
173    teach in the subject area or high priority location areafor
174    which the original loan repayment was made and otherwise meets
175    all conditions of eligibility.
176          Section 4. Subsection (10) of section 1003.52, Florida
177    Statutes, is amended to read:
178          1003.52 Educational services in Department of Juvenile
179    Justice programs.--
180          (10) The district school board shall recruit and train
181    teachers who are interested, qualified, or experienced in
182    educating students in juvenile justice programs. Students in
183    juvenile justice programs shall be provided a wide range of
184    educational programs and opportunities including textbooks,
185    technology, instructional support, and other resources available
186    to students in public schools. Teachers assigned to educational
187    programs in juvenile justice settings in which the district
188    school board operates the educational program shall be selected
189    by the district school board in consultation with the director
190    of the juvenile justice facility. Educational programs in
191    juvenile justice facilities shall have access to the substitute
192    teacher pool utilized by the district school board. Full-time
193    teachers working in juvenile justice schools, whether employed
194    by a district school board or a provider, shall be eligible for
195    the critical teacher shortage tuition assistance and
196    reimbursement program as defined by s. 1009.58.
197          Section 5. There is hereby appropriated from the General
198    Revenue Fund to the Department of Education the sum of $12
199    million to be divided evenly among the Florida Teacher
200    Scholarship and Forgivable Loan Program, the critical teacher
201    shortage tuition assistance and reimbursement program, and the
202    Critical Teacher Shortage Student Loan Forgiveness Program for
203    the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act.
204          Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.