HB 1215 2003
6          The Committee on State Administration recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to blind services; providing a popular
12    name; creating the Florida Commission for the Blind in the
13    Department of Education; providing membership, powers and
14    duties, and meetings of the commission; providing for
15    administrative support by the department; providing that
16    the commission is the agency head of the Division of Blind
17    Services; providing that the division is the designated
18    state unit under the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973;
19    providing that the division is a separate budget entity;
20    providing for an executive director of the commission, who
21    is also chief administrative officer of the division;
22    providing for the executive director to employ personnel;
23    requiring the division to develop and implement a state
24    plan for vocational rehabilitation services; requiring the
25    division to develop and implement a state plan for
26    independent living services; providing for the division to
27    purchase and distribute specialized equipment without
28    using state centralized purchasing procedures; exempting
29    such equipment from certain record and inventory
30    requirements; creating a children's program; requiring an
31    annual report by the commission; providing for dispute
32    resolution; amending s. 20.15, F.S.; providing that
33    members of the Florida Commission for the Blind are not
34    appointed by the Commissioner of Education; amending s.
35    413.011, F.S.; providing legislative purpose and policy;
36    providing duties of the commission and the division;
37    eliminating division authority to recommend personnel;
38    prescribing principles for commission activities;
39    providing definitions; requiring background investigations
40    of commission personnel; repealing the Advisory Council
41    for the Blind; creating s. 413.093, F.S.; providing
42    budgetary procedures for the commission; providing duties
43    of the executive director of the commission; creating s.
44    413.094, F.S.; providing for management flexibility in the
45    division's allocation of funds and the amendment of
46    authorized positions; requiring the commission to maintain
47    records; creating s. 413.095, F.S.; providing for the
48    division to retain title to certain real and personal
49    property intended for use by people who have visual
50    impairments and certain commission personnel; allowing the
51    division to repossess, transfer, and dispose of such
52    property; providing for rulemaking by the commission;
53    authorizing the commission to create a blind services
54    direct-support organization; providing purposes and
55    objectives; providing for members of board of the direct-
56    support organization; providing that the organization is
57    subject to s. 24, Art. I of the State Constitution, ch.
58    119, F.S., and s. 286.011, F.S.; requiring expenses of the
59    organization to be paid by private funds; providing
60    guidelines for the use of the funds; amending s. 413.0115,
61    F.S., relating to the State Board of Administration's
62    authorization to invest a portfolio, s. 413.012, F.S.,
63    relating to prohibiting the disclosure of confidential
64    records and providing exemptions to the prohibition, s.
65    413.013, F.S., relating to the destruction of certain
66    records, s. 413.014, F.S., relating to community-based
67    rehabilitation programs, s. 413.041, F.S., relating to
68    placing eligible blind persons in vending facilities in
69    public places, s. 413.051, F.S., the Little Randolph
70    Sheppard Act, s. 413.091, F.S., relating to the issuance
71    of identification cards to persons known to be blind or
72    partially sighted, and s. 413.092, F.S., relating to the
73    Blind Babies Program; conforming provisions to the changes
74    made by the act and providing technical changes; providing
75    that the act does not modify status of certain employees;
76    repealing ss. 413.061, 413.062, 413.063, 413.064, 413.065,
77    413.066, 413.067, 413.068, 413.069, F.S., relating to the
78    issuance of permits for soliciting funds on behalf of
79    blind persons; providing an effective date.
81          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
83          Section 1. This act may be cited as the "Florida
84    Commission for the Blind Act."
85          Section 2. Florida Commission for the Blind; creation;
86    membership; powers and duties.--
87          (1)(a) There is created within the Department of Education
88    a commission under section 20.03(10), Florida Statutes, which is
89    independent of the department and which is designated as the
90    Florida Commission for the Blind. The Florida Commission for the
91    Blind is the designated state agency in accordance with the
92    Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
93          (b) The commission is the agency head of the Division of
94    Blind Services within the Department of Education, which
95    division is the designated state unit in accordance with the
96    Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. The division is a
97    separate budget entity, and the commission shall serve as its
98    agency head for all purposes.
99          (c) The Department of Education shall provide
100    administrative support and services to the commission and to the
101    division to the extent requested by the commission or the
102    executive director. The division is not subject to control,
103    supervision, or direction by the Department of Education in any
104    matter, including, but not limited to, personnel, purchasing,
105    transactions involving real or personal property, and budgetary
106    matters.
107          (2)(a) The commission shall consist of nine members, the
108    majority of whom are blind, who are appointed by the Governor
109    and confirmed by the Senate.
110          (b) Members of the commission must be qualified to serve
111    based on their knowledge and experience in rehabilitation and
112    related services for the blind. Before making appointments, the
113    Governor shall consult with recognized consumer groups of people
114    who are blind in this state to obtain their recommendations for
115    appointees.
116          (c) Each commissioner shall be appointed for a 3-year
117    term, except that, in order to establish staggered terms, three
118    of the initial appointments shall be for 3-year terms; three of
119    the initial appointments shall be for 2-year terms; and three of
120    the initial appointments shall be for 1-year terms. Thereafter,
121    all commissioners shall be appointed for 3-year terms. The
122    initial appointments to the commission shall be made no later
123    than July 15, 2003.
124          (d) Each commissioner is accountable to the Governor for
125    the proper performance of the duties of his or her office. The
126    Governor may remove any member from office for malfeasance,
127    misfeasance, neglect of duty, incompetence, or permanent
128    inability to perform his or her official duties or for pleading
129    nolo contendere to or being found guilty of a crime.
130          (3) The first meeting of the commission must be held no
131    later than August 1, 2003. A majority of the members of the
132    commission constitutes a quorum to transact business. The chair
133    of the commission shall be elected by the members present and
134    voting at the first meeting, a quorum being present, and
135    annually thereafter. The commission shall meet at least
136    quarterly or at the call of the chair or at the call of a
137    majority of the members at such other times as the commissioners
138    determine appropriate. The commission is subject to Section 24,
139    Article I of the State Constitution, chapter 119, Florida
140    Statutes, and section 286.011, Florida Statutes.
141          (4) A commissioner:
142          (a) May not be employed by the division during the term of
143    his or her membership;
144          (b) May not receive compensation for services on the
145    commission;
146          (c) Shall be reimbursed for travel expenses and per diem
147    as provided in section 112.061, Florida Statutes; and
148          (d) May not receive financial benefit from contracts
149    entered into by the commission.
150          (5)(a) The commission shall appoint an executive director
151    who has knowledge and experience in rehabilitation and related
152    services for the blind or has a background in management and any
153    other area, as determined appropriate by the commission. The
154    executive director serves at the pleasure of the commission.
155    Removal of the executive director by vote of the commission
156    requires five votes in favor of such action.
157          (b) The executive director shall serve as the chief
158    administrative officer of the Division of Blind Services. The
159    executive director shall employ such personnel as are needed and
160    shall fix their compensation. All division employees shall
161    report to the executive director.
162          (6)(a) The division shall develop and implement a state
163    plan for vocational rehabilitation services for individuals who
164    are blind, pursuant to section 101 of the Rehabilitation Act of
165    1973, as amended.
166          (b) In conjunction with the Florida Independent Living
167    Council, the division shall develop and implement a 3-year state
168    plan for independent living services and provide independent
169    living services for blind and visually impaired individuals,
170    including services for older individuals who are blind, pursuant
171    to Title VII, chapter 2 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
172    amended.
173          (c) The division shall provide services that contribute to
174    the maintenance of or the increased independence of older
175    individuals who are blind.
176          (d) The division shall establish, equip, and maintain an
177    orientation and adjustment center or centers to provide
178    independent living skills training and other training such as,
179    but not limited to, instruction in Braille; use of the long
180    white cane for independent travel; homemaking and home-
181    management skills; and communication skills, including the use
182    of computer technology, to prepare individuals who are blind or
183    visually impaired for eventual vocational training, job
184    placement, and independence.
185          (e) The division shall establish and implement a small
186    business enterprises program and serve as the state licensing
187    agency for individuals who are blind, pursuant to the federal
188    Randolph-Sheppard Act.
189          (f) The division shall purchase and distribute specialized
190    equipment, devices, and technology, including low-vision aids,
191    obtained directly from specialty vendors without using state
192    centralized purchasing procedures. Property that is purchased by
193    a state agency for the purpose of making accommodations for
194    individuals who are blind is not subject to the record and
195    inventory requirements set forth in section 273.02, Florida
196    Statutes. A state agency may use funds from all possible sources
197    to make accommodations for individuals who are blind.
198          (g) In cooperation with the Library of Congress, the
199    division shall provide library services to persons who are blind
200    and persons who have physical disabilities.
201          (h) In cooperation with other appropriate agencies, the
202    division shall provide to employers, the state education agency,
203    and local education agencies technical assistance in the
204    provision of auxiliary aids and services to people who are
205    blind, students, and their parents in complying with the
206    Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with
207    Disabilities Education Act, as amended.
208          (i) The division shall provide technical assistance to
209    agencies within the state in order to assure that information
210    technology purchased or used by such agencies is accessible to
211    and usable by individuals who are blind, at the time the
212    technology is purchased or used.
213          (j) The division shall participate, through the
214    designation of the executive director or an appropriate staff
215    member of the commission, on boards, commissions, or bodies in
216    this state for the purpose of coordinating and planning
217    services.
218          (k) The division shall conduct a review of consumer
219    satisfaction with programs of the division and perform other
220    functions of the statewide rehabilitation council specified in
221    section 105(c) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
222          (l) The commission shall adopt rules for administering the
223    programs of the division.
224          (m) The division shall apply for and receive money from
225    any state or federal agency to support the programs of the
226    commission.
227          (n) The division shall develop and administer any other
228    program that will further the provision of services to people
229    who are blind and that the commission determines falls within
230    its scope of responsibility.
231          (7)(a) There is created within the Division of Blind
232    Services a children's program to serve children who are blind
233    from 5 years of age through transition to the Vocational
234    Rehabilitation Program. This program must supplement services
235    already offered by the school system to foster the child's
236    learning and ability to function independently. The child's
237    parents, guardian, and family members should be an integral part
238    of the program in order to foster independence.
239          (b) The division shall provide vocational rehabilitation
240    services to individuals in this state who are blind, pursuant to
241    the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.
242          (c) The division shall provide independent living services
243    to individuals in this state who are blind, including older
244    individuals, pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as
245    amended.
246          (8) The Florida Commission for the Blind shall publish an
247    annual report that includes a list of accomplishments, findings,
248    and recommendations for improvements based on the division's
249    performance during the year. The report must also contain
250    information needed to evaluate the progress of the division in
251    meeting the needs of blind individuals in this state.
252          (9)(a) Any applicant for or recipient of services from the
253    division who is dissatisfied with any action taken or decision
254    made regarding such services may file a complaint setting forth
255    the basis for the dissatisfaction and the remedy sought. Upon
256    receipt of the complaint, the executive director shall inform
257    the individual of the voluntary procedures for mediation of the
258    dispute. The mediation must be conducted by a qualified and
259    impartial mediator, and the commission must pay the costs.
260          (b) If the dispute cannot be resolved by mediation or
261    other informal means, the executive director shall, through a
262    designee, notify the complainant of his or her rights for appeal
263    under state and federal law related to the program from which
264    the complaint arises. The commission shall adopt rules
265    sufficient to regulate the conduct of all proceedings required
266    under this section and to assure the rights of all parties
267    participating therein.
268          Section 3. Section 20.15, Florida Statutes, is amended to
269    read:
270          20.15 Department of Education.--There is created a
271    Department of Education.
272          (1) STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION.--In accordance with s. 2,
273    Art. IX of the State Constitution, the State Board of Education
274    is a body corporate and must supervise the system of free public
275    education as is provided by law. The State Board of Education is
276    the head of the Department of Education.
277          (2) COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION.--The Commissioner of
278    Education is appointed by the State Board of Education and
279    serves as the Executive Director of the Department of Education.
280          (3) DIVISIONS.--The following divisions of the Department
281    of Education are established:
282          (a) Division of Community Colleges.
283          (b) Division of Public Schools.
284          (c) Division of Colleges and Universities.
285          (d) Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
286          (e) Division of Blind Services.
287          (4) DIRECTORS.--Except as otherwise provided,the
288    directors of all divisions shall be appointed by the
289    commissioner subject to approval by the state board.
290          (5) POWERS AND DUTIES.--The State Board of Education and
291    the Commissioner of Education shall assign to the divisions such
292    powers, duties, responsibilities, and functions as are necessary
293    to ensure the greatest possible coordination, efficiency, and
294    effectiveness of education for students in K-20 education.
295          (6) COUNCILS AND COMMITTEES.--Notwithstanding anything
296    contained in law to the contrary, the commissioner shall appoint
297    all members of all councils, commissions,and committees of the
298    Department of Education, except the Commission for Independent
299    Education,and the Education Practices Commission, and the
300    Florida Commission for the Blind.
301          (7) BOARDS.--Notwithstanding anything contained in law to
302    the contrary, all members of the university and community
303    college boards of trustees must be appointed according to
304    chapter 1001.
305          Section 4. Section 413.011, Florida Statutes, is amended
306    to read:
307          413.011 Division of Blind Services, internal
308    organizational structure; Advisory Council for the Blind.--
309          (1) PURPOSE AND POLICY.--
310          (a) Purpose.--The purpose of this act is to establish a
311    coordinated program of services which will be available to
312    individuals throughout this state who are blind. The program
313    must be designed to maximize employment opportunities for such
314    individuals and to increase their independence and self-
315    sufficiency. In implementing this program, the Florida
316    Commission for the BlindThe internal organizational structure
317    of the Division of Blind Services shall be designed for the
318    purpose of ensuring the greatest possible efficiency and
319    effectiveness of services to the blind and to be consistent with
320    chapter 20. The Division of Blind Services shall plan and,
321    supervise, and the division shall carry out,the following
322    activities:
323          (a) Recommend personnel as may be necessary to carry out
324    the purposes of this section.
325          (b) Cause to be compiled and maintained a complete
326    register of the blind in the state, which shall describe the
327    condition, cause of blindness, and capacity for education and
328    industrial training, with such other facts as may seem to the
329    division to be of value. Any information in the register of the
330    blind which, when released, could identify an individual is
331    confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1).
332          1.(c)Inquire into the cause of blindness, inaugurate
333    preventive measures, and provide for the examination and
334    treatment of the blind, or those threatened with blindness, for
335    the benefit of such persons, and shall pay therefor, including
336    necessary incidental expenses.
337          2.(d)Aid the blind in finding employment, teach them
338    trades and occupations within their capacities, assist them in
339    disposing of products made by them in home industries, assist
340    them in obtaining funds for establishing enterprises where
341    federal funds reimburse the state, and do such things as will
342    contribute to the efficiency of self-support of the blind.
343          3.(e)Establish one or more training schools and workshops
344    for the employment of suitable blind persons; make expenditures
345    of funds for such purposes; receive moneys from sales of
346    commodities involved in such activities and from such funds make
347    payments of wages, repairs, insurance premiums and replacements
348    of equipment. All of the activities provided for in this section
349    may be carried on in cooperation with private workshops for the
350    blind, except that all tools and equipment furnished by the
351    division shall remain the property of the state.
352          4.(f)Provide special services and benefits for the blind
353    for developing their social life through community activities
354    and recreational facilities.
355          5.(g)Undertake such other activities as may ameliorate
356    the condition of blind residentscitizensof this state.
357          6.(h)Cooperate with other agencies, public or private,
358    especially the Division of the Blind and Physically Handicapped
359    of the Library of Congress and the Division of Library and
360    Information Services of the Department of State, to provide
361    library service to the blind and other handicapped persons as
362    defined in federal law and regulations in carrying out any or
363    all of the provisions of this law.
364          7.(i)Recommend contracts and agreements with federal,
365    state, county, municipal and private corporations, and
366    individuals.
367          8.(j)Receive moneys or properties by gift or bequest from
368    any person, firm, corporation, or organization for any of the
369    purposes herein set out in this part, but without authority to
370    bind the state to any expenditure or policy except such as is
371    may bespecifically authorized by law. All such moneys or
372    properties so received by gift or bequest as herein authorized
373    in this subparagraphmay be disbursed and expended by the
374    division upon its own warrant upon approval of the commission
375    for any of the purposes herein set forth in this part, and such
376    moneys or properties doshall not constitute nor may theyorbe
377    considered a part of any legislative appropriation made by the
378    state for the purpose of carrying out this sectionthe
379    provisions of this law.
380          9.(k)Prepare and make available to the blind, in braille
381    and on electronic recording equipment, Florida Statutes chapters
382    20, 120, 121, and 413, in their entirety.
383          10.(l)Adopt by rule procedures for providing vocational
384    rehabilitation services for the blind upon approval of the
385    commission.
386          11.(m)Adopt by rule forms and instructions to be used by
387    the division in its general administration upon approval of the
388    commission.
389          (b) Policy.--It is the policy of the Legislature that all
390    programs, projects, and activities of the Florida Commission for
391    the Blind and the division are to be carried out in a manner
392    consistent with the following principles:
393          1. Respect for individual dignity, personal
394    responsibility, self-determination to live independently, and
395    pursuit of meaningful careers, based on informed choice;
396          2. Support for the involvement of an individual's
397    representative if an individual requests, desires, or needs such
398    support;
399          3. Respect for the individual's privacy and equal access,
400    including the use of information in accessible formats; and
401          4. Integration and full participation of individuals who
402    are blind in society on equal terms with others.
403          (2) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
404          (a) "Act," unless the context indicates otherwise, means
405    the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. ss. 701-797.
406          (b) "Blind" or "blindness" means the condition of any
407    person for whom blindness is a disability as defined by the
408    Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. s. 706(8)(b).
409          (3) FLORIDA COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND.--The Florida
410    Commission for the Blind shall, because of the special trust
411    placed in and the special responsibility imposed on employees of
412    the commission, require all employees and applicants for
413    employment to undergo personnel screening and security
414    background investigations as provided in chapter 435, using the
415    level 1 standards for screening set forth in that chapter, as a
416    condition of employment and continued employment. The commission
417    shall pay the cost of a personnel screening and security
418    background investigation for each employee of the commission.
419          (c) "Department" means the Department of Labor and
420    Employment Security.
421          (3) There is hereby created in the department the Advisory
422    Council for the Blind to assist the division in the planning and
423    development of statewide rehabilitation programs and services,
424    to recommend improvements to such programs and services, and to
425    perform the functions provided in this section.
426          (a) The advisory council shall be composed of:
427          1. At least one representative of the Independent Living
428    Council, which representative may be the chair or other designee
429    of the council;
430          2. At least one representative of a parent training and
431    information center established pursuant to s. 631(c)(9) of the
432    Individuals with Disabilities Act, 20 U.S.C. s. 1431(c)(9);
433          3. At least one representative of the client assistance
434    program established under the act;
435          4. At least one vocational rehabilitation counselor who
436    has knowledge of and experience in vocational rehabilitation
437    services for the blind, who shall serve as an ex officio
438    nonvoting member of the council if the counselor is an employee
439    of the department;
440          5. At least one representative of community rehabilitation
441    program service providers;
442          6. Four representatives of business, industry, and labor;
443          7. At least one representative of a disability advocacy
444    group representing individuals who are blind;
445          8. At least one parent, family member, guardian, advocate,
446    or authorized representative of an individual who is blind, has
447    multiple disabilities, and either has difficulties representing
448    himself or herself or is unable, due to disabilities, to
449    represent himself or herself;
450          9. Current or former applicants for, or recipients of,
451    vocational rehabilitation services; and
452          10. The director of the division, who shall be an ex
453    officio member of the council.
454          (b) Members of the council shall be appointed by the
455    Governor, who shall select members after soliciting
456    recommendations from representatives of organizations
457    representing a broad range of individuals who have disabilities,
458    and organizations interested in those individuals.
459          (c) A majority of council members shall be persons who
460    are:
461          1. Blind; and
462          2. Not employed by the division.
463          (d) The council shall select a chair from among its
464    membership.
465          (e) Each member of the council shall serve for a term of
466    not more than 3 years, except that:
467          1. A member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to
468    the expiration of the term for which a predecessor was appointed
469    shall be appointed for the remainder of such term; and
470          2. The terms of service of the members initially appointed
471    shall be, as specified by the Governor, for such fewer number of
472    years as will provide for the expiration of terms on a staggered
473    basis.
474          (f) No member of the council may serve more than two
475    consecutive full terms.
476          (g) Any vacancy occurring in the membership of the council
477    shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.
478    A vacancy does not affect the power of the remaining members to
479    execute the duties of the council.
480          (h) In addition to the other functions specified in this
481    section, the council shall:
482          1. Review, analyze, and advise the division regarding the
483    performance of the responsibilities of the division under Title
484    I of the act, particularly responsibilities relating to:
485          a. Eligibility, including order of selection;
486          b. The extent, scope, and effectiveness of services
487    provided; and
488          c. Functions performed by state agencies that affect or
489    potentially affect the ability of individuals who are blind to
490    achieve rehabilitation goals and objectives under Title I.
491          2. Advise the department and the division, and, at the
492    discretion of the department or division, assist in the
493    preparation of applications, the state plan, the strategic plan,
494    and amendments to the plans, reports, needs assessments, and
495    evaluations required by Title I.
496          3. To the extent feasible, conduct a review and analysis
497    of the effectiveness of, and consumer satisfaction with:
498          a. The functions performed by state agencies and other
499    public and private entities responsible for performing functions
500    for individuals who are blind.
501          b. Vocational rehabilitation services:
502          (I) Provided or paid for from funds made available under
503    the act or through other public or private sources.
504          (II) Provided by state agencies and other public and
505    private entities responsible for providing vocational
506    rehabilitation services to individuals who are blind.
507          4. Prepare and submit an annual report on the status of
508    vocational rehabilitation services for the blind in the state to
509    the Governor and the Commissioner of the Rehabilitative Services
510    Administration, established under s. 702 of the act, and make
511    the report available to the public.
512          5. Coordinate with other councils within the state,
513    including the Independent Living Council, the advisory panel
514    established under s. 613(a)(12) of the Individuals with
515    Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. 1413(a)(12), the State
516    Planning Council described in s. 124 of the Developmental
517    Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. s.
518    6024, and the state mental health planning council established
519    under s. 1916(e) of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C.
520    300X-4(e).
521          6. Advise the department and division and provide for
522    coordination and the establishment of working relationships
523    among the department, the division, the Independent Living
524    Council, and centers for independent living in the state.
525          7. Perform such other functions consistent with the
526    purposes of the act as the council determines to be appropriate
527    that are comparable to functions performed by the council.
528          (i)1. The council shall prepare, in conjunction with the
529    division, a plan for the provision of such resources, including
530    such staff and other personnel, as may be necessary to carry out
531    the functions of the council. The resource plan shall, to the
532    maximum extent possible, rely on the use of resources in
533    existence during the period of implementation of the plan.
534          2. If there is a disagreement between the council and the
535    division in regard to the resources necessary to carry out the
536    functions of the council as set forth in this section, the
537    disagreement shall be resolved by the Governor.
538          3. The council shall, consistent with law, supervise and
539    evaluate such staff and other personnel as may be necessary to
540    carry out its functions.
541          4. While assisting the council in carrying out its duties,
542    staff and other personnel shall not be assigned duties by the
543    division or any other state agency or office that would create a
544    conflict of interest.
545          (j) No council member shall cast a vote on any matter that
546    would provide direct financial benefit to the member or
547    otherwise give the appearance of a conflict of interest under
548    state law.
549          (k) The council shall convene at least four meetings each
550    year. These meetings shall occur in such places as the council
551    deems necessary to conduct council business. The council may
552    conduct such forums or hearings as the council considers
553    appropriate. The meetings, hearings, and forums shall be
554    publicly announced. The meetings shall be open and accessible to
555    the public. The council shall make a report of each meeting
556    which shall include a record of its discussions and
557    recommendations, all of which reports shall be made available to
558    the public.
559          Section 5. Section 413.0115, Florida Statutes, is amended
560    to read:
561          413.0115 State Board of Administration; authorization to
562    invest division's portfolio.--The State Board of Administration
563    may invest and reinvest the portfolio of stocks, bonds, and
564    mutual funds held by the Division of Blind Services in
565    accordance with the trust agreement approved by the Florida
566    Commission for the BlindDivision of Blind Servicesand the
567    State Board of Administration and the provisions of ss. 215.44-
568    215.53. The executive director of the Florida Commission for the
569    BlindDivision of Blind Servicesshall make the portfolio
570    available and shall transfer it to the State Board of
571    Administration for investment.
572          Section 6. Section 413.012, Florida Statutes, is amended
573    to read:
574          413.012 Confidential records disclosure prohibited;
575    exemptions.--
576          (1) All records furnished to the Division of Blind
577    Services in connection with state or local vocational
578    rehabilitation programs and containing information as to
579    personal facts about applicants or clients given or made
580    available to the state or local vocational rehabilitation agency
581    or its representatives or employees in the course of the
582    administration of the program, including lists of names and
583    addresses and records of evaluations of clients, are
584    confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1). The
585    division may disclose such exempt and confidential records to
586    the Florida Commission for the Blind when necessary for the
587    commission to perform its duties, but commissioners shall
588    maintain the exempt and confidential status of such records.
589          (2) It is unlawful for any person to disclose, authorize
590    the disclosure, solicit, receive, or make use of any list of
591    names and addresses or any record containing any information set
592    forth in subsection (1) and maintained in the division. The
593    prohibition provided for in this subsection doesshallnot apply
594    to the use of such information for purposes directly connected
595    with the administration of the vocational rehabilitation program
596    or with the monthly dispatch to the Division of Driver Licenses
597    of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles of the
598    name in full, place and date of birth, sex, social security
599    number, and resident address of individuals who havewith
600    central visual acuity of20/200 or less in the better eye with
601    correcting glasses, or a disqualifying field defect in which the
602    peripheral field has contracted to such an extent that the
603    widest diameter or visual field subtends an angular distance no
604    greater than 20 degrees. When requested in writing by an
605    applicant or client, or her or his representative, the Division
606    of Blind Services shall release confidential information to the
607    applicant or client or her or his representative.
608          (3) Any person who violates a provision of this section is
609    guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as
610    provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
611          Section 7. Section 413.013, Florida Statutes, is amended
612    to read:
613          413.013 Destruction of records.--The Florida Commission
614    for the BlindDivision of Blind Servicesmay authorize the
615    destruction of any divisioncorrespondence, documents, or other
616    records when the subject matter involved has been closed or
617    terminated and their preservation is not required by federal or
618    state law, rule, or regulation. No Such material may notshall
619    be destroyed unless the commission has given specific authority
620    to destroy itis given by the division and unless thesaid
621    records have been in the possession of the commissiondivision5
622    or more years prior to their destruction.
623          Section 8. Section 413.014, Florida Statutes, is amended
624    to read:
625          413.014 Community-based rehabilitation programs.--The
626    Division of Blind Services shall enter into cooperative
627    agreements with community-based rehabilitation programs to be
628    the service providers for the blind citizens of their
629    communities. The division shall, as rapidly as feasible,
630    increase the amount of such services provided by community-based
631    rehabilitation programs. The goal shall be to decrease the
632    amount of such services provided by division employees and to
633    increase to the maximum extent allowed by federal law the amount
634    of such services provided through cooperative agreements with
635    community-based service providers. The division shall seek, to
636    the maximum extent allowed by federal and state law and
637    regulation, all available federal funds for such purposes.
638    Funds and in-kind matching contributions from community and
639    private sources shall be used to maximize federal funds. Unless
640    prohibited by federal law or regulation, the share of the
641    federal vocational rehabilitation grant apportioned for services
642    to the blind mustshallbe not less than 17 percent.
643          Section 9. Section 413.041, Florida Statutes, is amended
644    to read:
645          413.041 Eligible blind persons; placement in vending
646    facilities in public places.--For the purpose of assisting blind
647    persons to become self-supporting, the Division of Blind
648    Services is hereby authorized to carry on activities to promote
649    the employment of eligible blind persons, including the
650    licensing and establishment of such persons as operators of
651    vending facilities on public property. The saiddivision may
652    cooperate with any agency of the Federal Government in the
653    furtherance of the provisions of the Act of Congress entitled
654    "An Act to authorize the operation of stands in federal
655    buildings by blind persons, to enlarge the economic
656    opportunities of the blind and for other purposes," Pub. L. No.
657    732, 74th Congress, and the saiddivision may cooperate in the
658    furtherance of the provisions of any other act of Congress
659    providing for the rehabilitation of the blind which isthat may
660    now be in effect or ismay hereafter beenacted by Congress.
661          Section 10. Section 413.051, Florida Statutes, is amended
662    to read:
663          413.051 Eligible blind persons; operation of vending
664    stands.--
665          (1) This section may be citedshall be knownas the Little
666    Randolph Sheppard Act.
667          (2) As used in this section, the term:
668          (a) "Blind licensee" means any blind person trained and
669    licensed by the Division of Blind Services of the Department of
670    Education to operate a vending stand.
671          (b) "Vending stand" means any manually operated cafeteria,
672    snack bar, cart service, shelter, counter, or other manually
673    operated facility for the sale of newspapers, periodicals,
674    confections, tobacco products, foods, beverages, or other such
675    articles or services.
676          (c) "State agency" means any agency of the state.
677          (d) "State property" means any building or land owned,
678    leased, or otherwise controlled by the state, but does not
679    include any building or land under the control of the Board of
680    Regents, a community college district board of trustees, or any
681    state correctional institution as defined in s. 944.02.
682          (e) "Property custodian" or "person in charge" means any
683    employee, agent, or person who is in control of or responsible
684    for the maintenance, operation, and protection of any state
685    property.
686          (3) Blind licensees shall be given the first opportunity
687    to participate in the operation of vending stands on all state
688    properties acquired after July 1, 1979, when such facilities are
689    operated under the supervision of the Division of Blind Services
690    of the Department of Education.
691          (4) The Division of Blind Services shall conductbe
692    responsible fora periodic survey of all state properties and,
693    where feasible, shall establish vending facilities to be
694    operated by blind licensees.
695          (5) All property custodians and duly authorized agents or
696    employees of the state shall cooperate with the division in its
697    survey of state properties and shall make available adequate
698    space, electrical wiring, plumbing, and ventilation necessary to
699    the installation of a vending facility on any state property
700    designated as suitable by the division.
701          (6) The division shall be notified by property custodians
702    or persons in charge at least 180 days prior to the initiation
703    of any new construction, expansion, leasing, or acquisition of
704    property occupied or to be occupied by a state agency.
705          (7) ANo person or persons may notshallbe offered or
706    granted any concession by any property custodian or person in
707    charge to operate a vending stand on any state property acquired
708    after July 1, 1979, unless the division is notified of that
709    proposed concession.
710          (8) Income from new vending machines or replacement of
711    existing machines installed on state property after July 1,
712    1979, shall accrue to the blind licensee who operates a vending
713    facility on the same property or, if none, to the division. The
714    division shall be responsible for the servicing and maintenance
715    of all vending machines.
716          (9) This section does notIt is the legislative intent
717    that this section shall not apply or operate, in any way or any
718    manner, todivest any person or organization presently operating
719    a vending stand on state, county, or municipal property from
720    continuing to do so; however, the property custodian or person
721    in charge shall notify the Division of Blind Services at least
722    180 days prior to the expiration whether thesuchvending
723    facility location is suitable for operation by a blind licensee.
724          (10) All the preceding provisions are permissive regarding
725    all political subdivisions of the state.
726          (11) Effective July 1, 1996, blind licensees who remain
727    members of the Florida Retirement System pursuant to s.
728    121.051(6)(b)1. shall pay any unappropriated retirement costs
729    from their net profits or from program income. Within 30 days
730    after the effective date of this act, each blind licensee who is
731    eligible to maintain membership in the Florida Retirement System
732    under s. 121.051(6)(b)1., but who elects to withdraw from the
733    system as provided in s. 121.051(6)(b)3., must, on or before
734    July 31, 1996, notify the Division of Blind Services and the
735    Department of Management Services in writing of his or her
736    election to withdraw. Failure to timely notify the divisions
737    shall be deemed a decision to remain a compulsory member of the
738    Florida Retirement System. However, if, at any time after July
739    1, 1996, sufficient funds are not paid by a blind licensee to
740    cover the required contribution to the Florida Retirement
741    System, that blind licensee shall become ineligible to
742    participate in the Florida Retirement System on the last day of
743    the first month for which no contribution is made or the amount
744    contributed is insufficient to cover the required contribution.
745    For any blind licensee who becomes ineligible to participate in
746    the Florida Retirement System as described in this subsection,
747    no creditable service shall be earned under the Florida
748    Retirement System for any period following the month that
749    retirement contributions ceased to be reported. However, any
750    such person may participate in the Florida Retirement System in
751    the future if employed by a participating employer in a covered
752    position.
753          (12) The Division of Blind Services may adopt rules upon
754    the approval of the Florida Commission for the Blindto permit
755    the division to establish and maintain vending facilities, issue
756    licenses, establish and maintain a vending facility training
757    program, provide vendors access to financial data of the
758    program, set aside funds from net proceeds of the vending
759    facility, provide for the transfer and promotion of vendors,
760    establish a vendors committee, provide for an operation
761    agreement, provide duties and responsibilities of the commission
762    divisionwith respect to the vending facility program, and
763    provide procedures for newspaper vending sales.
764          Section 11. Section 413.091, Florida Statutes, is amended
765    to read:
766          413.091 Identification cards.--
767          (1) The Division of Blind Services of the Department of
768    Education shallis hereby empowered toissue identification
769    cards to persons known to be blind or partially sighted, upon
770    the written request of such individual.
771          (2) The individual shall submit proof of blindness as
772    specified by the division.
773          (3) The division iswill beresponsible for design and
774    content of the identification card and shall develop and adopt
775    promulgaterules, regulations, and procedures relating to the
776    eligibility and application for, and issuance and control of,
777    these identification cards.
778          Section 12. Section 413.092, Florida Statutes, is amended
779    to read:
780          413.092 Blind Babies Program.--
781          (1) The Blind Babies Program is created within the
782    Division of Blind Services of the Department of Education to
783    provide community-based early-intervention education to children
784    from birth through 5 years of age who are blind or visually
785    impaired, and to their parents, families, and caregivers,
786    through community-based provider organizations. The division
787    shall enlist parents, ophthalmologists, pediatricians, schools,
788    Infant and Toddlers Early Intervention Programs, and therapists
789    to help identify and enroll blind and visually impaired
790    children, as well as their parents, families, and caregivers, in
791    these educational programs.
792          (2) The program is not an entitlement but shall promote
793    early development with a special emphasis on vision skills to
794    minimize developmental delays. The education mustshalllay the
795    groundwork for future learning by helping a child progress
796    through normal developmental stages. It mustshallteach
797    children to discover and make the best use of their skills for
798    future success in school. It mustshallseek to ensure that
799    visually impaired and blind children enter school as ready to
800    learn as their sighted classmates. The program shall seek to
801    link these children, and their parents, families, and
802    caregivers, to other available services, training, education,
803    and employment programs that could assist these families in the
804    future. This linkage may include referrals to the school
805    districts and the Infants and Toddlers Early Intervention
806    Program for assessments to identify any additional services that
807    are needed butwhichare not provided by the Blind Babies
808    Program. The Florida Commission for the Blinddivisionshall
809    develop a formula for eligibility based on financial means and
810    may create a means-based matrix to set a copayment fee for
811    families having sufficient financial means.
812          (3) The commissiondivisionshall establish outcomes for
813    this program, which mustshallinclude, but are not limited to,
814    outcomes relating to the children's age-appropriate
815    developmental stages; knowledge of assistive technology;
816    proficiency at daily living; ability to participate in pre-
817    school and school; participation in their communities; and
818    ability to be literate. The commissiondivisionshall develop
819    criteria to be used in identifying and contracting with
820    community-based provider organizations. All services offered
821    through the Blind Babies Program shall be provided by community-
822    based provider organizations. The division shall require any
823    community-based provider organization delivering services under
824    this program to develop performance measures related to those
825    services and report to the division on the progress in achieving
826    those measures.
827          Section 13. Section 413.093, Florida Statutes, is created
828    to read:
829          413.093 Budget procedures.--
830          (1) The executive director of the Florida Commission for
831    the Blind shall recommend to the commission a budget of income
832    and expenditures at such time and in such form as the commission
833    prescribes. The commission shall adopt procedures for the
834    approval of budget amendments.
835          (2) In preparing the division's legislative budget
836    request, the Florida Commission for the Blind shall use the same
837    format, procedures, and timelines that are required for
838    preparing and submitting the legislative budget of the
839    Department of Education. The Commissioner of Education shall
840    include without modification the division’s budget request in
841    the department’s legislative budget request to the State Board
842    of Education. The State Board of Education shall include the
843    division’s budget request without modification in the State
844    Board of Education’s budget request to the Governor and the
845    Legislature. The legislative budget request and the
846    appropriation for the Florida Commission for the Blind must
847    constitute a separate identifiable sum in the Department of
848    Education budget. The annual appropriation for the commission
849    must be distributed monthly in payments that are as nearly equal
850    as possible. Appropriations for client services, instructional
851    technology, and motor vehicles may be released and distributed
852    as necessary to serve the instructional program for the clients.
853          (3) Fixed capital outlay needs of the commission must
854    continue to be requested in the public education capital outlay
855    legislative budget request of the Department of Education.
856          Section 14. Section 413.094, Florida Statutes, is created
857    to read:
858          413.094 Management flexibility.--
859          (1) Notwithstanding ss. 216.031, 216.181, and 216.262 to
860    the contrary and pursuant to s. 216.351, but subject to any
861    guidelines imposed in the General Appropriations Act, funds for
862    the operation of the Division of Blind Services must be
863    requested and appropriated within budget entities, program
864    components, program categories, lump sums, or special
865    categories. Funds appropriated to the division for each program
866    category, lump sum, or special category may be transferred to
867    traditional categories for expenditure by the division. The
868    commission shall develop an annual operating budget for the
869    division that allocates funds by program component and
870    traditional expenditure category.
871          (2) Notwithstanding s. 216.181 and pursuant to s. 216.351,
872    but subject to any requirements imposed in the General
873    Appropriations Act, a lump-sum plan is not a prerequisite to
874    implementing the special categories, program categories, or
875    lump-sum appropriations. Upon release of the special categories,
876    program categories, or lump-sum appropriations to the
877    commission, the Chief Financial Officer, upon the request of the
878    commission, shall transfer or reallocate funds to or among
879    accounts established for disbursement purposes. The commission
880    shall maintain records to account for the original appropriation
881    to the division.
882          (3) Notwithstanding ss. 216.031, 216.181, 216.251, and
883    216.262 to the contrary and pursuant to s. 216.351, but subject
884    to any requirements imposed in the General Appropriations Act,
885    the executive director shall establish the authorized positions
886    and may amend such positions, within the total funds authorized
887    annually in the appropriations act.
888          Section 15. Section 413.095, Florida Statutes, is created
889    to read:
890          413.095 Retention of title to and disposal of property and
891    equipment.--
892          (1) The Division of Blind Services retains title to any
893    real or personal property, such as tools, instruments, training
894    supplies, equipment, motor vehicles, real property, or other
895    items of value acquired for use by people who have visual
896    impairments or personnel employed in operating programs of the
897    division, and may repossess and transfer such property for use
898    by other people who have visual impairments or personnel
899    employed in the operation of the division.
900          (2) The Division of Blind Services, upon approval of the
901    commission, may offer for sale any surplus items acquired in the
902    operation of the program when they are no longer necessary or
903    may exchange them for necessary items that can be used to
904    greater advantage. When any such surplus equipment is sold or
905    exchanged, a receipt for the sale or exchange which shows the
906    consideration given for the equipment must be taken from the
907    purchaser, and the consideration must be forwarded to the
908    division to be included in the division's portfolio of
909    investments pursuant to s. 413.115. Any funds that the division
910    receives pursuant to any such transaction must be deposited in
911    the Grants and Donations Trust Fund, are exempt from the State
912    Treasury pursuant to s. 215.311, and are available for
913    expenditure for any purposes consistent with ss. 413.011-
914    413.092.
915          (3) The Florida Commission for the Blind has the exclusive
916    right to develop rules relating to records and recordkeeping for
917    property owned by the commission which is referred to in
918    subsections (1) and (2).
919          Section 16. Blind services direct-support organization.--
920          (1) As used in this section, the term "direct-support
921    organization" means a not-for-profit corporation incorporated
922    under chapter 617, Florida Statutes, and organized and operated
923    to conduct programs and activities; initiate developmental
924    projects; raise funds; request and receive grants, gifts, and
925    bequests of moneys; acquire, receive, hold, invest, and
926    administer, in its own name, securities, funds, objects of
927    value, or other property, real or personal; and make
928    expenditures to or for the direct or indirect benefit of the
929    state and for blind persons in this state.
930          (2)(a) The Florida Commission for the Blind is authorized
931    to organize and incorporate a direct-support organization
932    pursuant to the requirements of this section and chapter 617,
933    Florida Statutes, to accomplish the purposes and objectives set
934    forth in this section.
935          (b) The first board of seven members of the direct-support
936    organization shall be appointed by the Governor. Two members
937    shall serve 2-year terms, three members shall serve 3-year
938    terms, and two members shall serve 4-year terms. Thereafter,
939    the board shall be self-appointed according to the established
940    bylaw.
941          (c) The chairman of the commission shall serve as an ex
942    officio member of the board of the direct-support organization.
943          (d) The direct-support organization is subject to the
944    requirements of Section 24 of Article I of the State
945    Constitution, chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and section
946    286.011, Florida Statutes.
947          (e) Upon the dissolution of the corporation, all
948    properties of the corporation revert to the commission.
949          (f) The direct-support organization shall maintain
950    donations and direct service expenditures in a bank account
951    outside of the State Treasury.
952          (g) Any administrative costs of running and promoting the
953    purposes of the corporation must be paid by private funds.
954          (3) The purposes and objectives of the direct-support
955    organization must be consistent with the priority issues and
956    objectives of the Department of Education and must be in the
957    best interests of the state, though the Division of Blind
958    Services may permit, without charge, the appropriate use of
959    property and facilities of the state by the direct-support
960    organization subject to this section. Such use must be directly
961    in keeping with the approved purposes of the direct-support
962    organization.
963          (4) Funds designated for the direct-support organization
964    must be used for the enhancement of programs and projects of the
965    Division of Blind Services. All moneys received by the direct-
966    support organization must be deposited into an account of the
967    direct-support organization and must be used by the organization
968    in a manner consistent with the purposes and goals of the
969    direct-support organization.
970          (5) The direct-support organization shall comply with the
971    audit requirements of section 215.981, Florida Statutes.
972          (6) The executive director of the Division of Blind
973    Services may designate employees of the division to solicit
974    donations from public or private sources to fund the authorized
975    purposes of the direct-support organization.
976          Section 17. Reorganization of the division under this act
977    does not modify the status of division employees under chapter
978    110 and chapter 121, Florida Statutes.
979          Section 18. Sections 413.061, 413.062, 413.063, 413.064,
980    413.065, 413.066, 413.067, 413.068, and 413.069, Florida
981    Statutes, are repealed.
982          Section 19. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.