HB 1251, Engrossed 1 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Bayshore Fire Protection and Rescue
3    Service District, Lee County; providing for codification
4    of special laws relating to the District; amending,
5    codifying, reenacting, and repealing all prior special
6    acts; providing definitions; providing for creation,
7    status, charter amendments, and boundaries; providing for
8    a board of commissioners and the board's powers, duties,
9    and responsibilities; providing authority to levy ad
10    valorem taxes and non-ad valorem assessments; providing
11    for the District's fiscal year; providing for deposit of
12    District funds; authorizing the District to borrow money;
13    providing for use of District funds; authorizing the board
14    to adopt policies, regulations, and a fire prevention
15    code; providing for liberal construction; providing
16    severability; providing an effective date.
18          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
20          Section 1. Pursuant to section 191.015, Florida Statutes,
21    this act constitutes the codification of all special acts
22    relating to the Bayshore Fire Protection and Rescue Service
23    District, located in Lee County. It is the intent of the
24    Legislature to provide a single, comprehensive special act
25    charter for the District, including all current legislative
26    authority granted to the District by its several legislative
27    enactments and any additional authority granted by this act,
28    chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes, and chapter 97-340, Laws
29    of Florida, as amended from time to time. It is further the
30    intent of this act to preserve all District authority, including
31    the authority to annually assess and levy against the taxable
32    property in the District a tax not to exceed the limit provided
33    in chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, or chapter 191, Florida
34    Statutes, and as approved by referendum of the qualified
35    electors in the District.
36          Section 2. Chapters 76-414, 80-520, 84-466, 87-422, 91-
37    398, and 95-459, Laws of Florida, relating to the Bayshore Fire
38    Protection and Rescue Service District, are amended, codified,
39    reenacted, and repealed as provided herein.
40          Section 3. The Bayshore Fire Protection and Rescue Service
41    District is re-created and the charter for the District is re-
42    created and reenacted to read:
43          Section 1. Definitions.--As used in this act, unless
44    otherwise specified:
45          (1) "District" means the Bayshore Fire Protection and
46    Rescue Service District.
47          (2) "Board" and "board of commissioners" mean the board of
48    commissioners of and for the District.
49          (3) "Commissioner" means a member of the board of
50    commissioners of and for the District.
51          (4) "County" means Lee County.
52          Section 2. District status; boundaries; charter
53    amendments.--
54          (1) There is created an independent special taxing fire
55    protection and rescue service district incorporating lands in
56    Lee County described in subsection (2), which shall be a public
57    corporation having the powers, duties, rights, obligations, and
58    immunities herein set forth, under the name of the Bayshore Fire
59    Protection and Rescue Service District. The District is
60    organized and exists for all purposes and shall hold all powers
61    set forth in this act, chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes,
62    and chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida. To the extent of any
63    conflict between this act and chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida,
64    the provisions of chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, shall
65    supersede this act.
66          (2) The lands to be included within the District are the
67    following described lands in Lee County:
68          In Township 43 South, Range 25 East, all of sections
69    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
70    17, 21, 22, 23, that portion of section 24 lying North
71    of the waters of the Caloosahatchee River, that
72    portion of section 25 lying North of the waters of the
73    Caloosahatchee River, that portion of section 26 lying
74    North of the Caloosahatchee River, all of section 27,
75    all of section 28 and in Township 43 South, Range 26
76    East, all of sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18,
77    and those portions of sections 19, 20, and 21 lying
78    North of the waters of the Caloosahatchee River.
79          (3) Nothing herein shall deny the right of the chief or
80    other governing officials of the District to render such
81    services to communities adjacent to the land described in
82    subsection (2), or such other places as from time to time may be
83    deemed desirable.
84          (4) The District was created by special act of the
85    Legislature in 1976. Its charter may be amended only by special
86    act of the Legislature.
87          Section 3. Governing board; creation; employment of
88    personnel; compensation; organization; commissioners' bond.--
89          (1) Pursuant to chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, the
90    business and affairs of the District shall be conducted and
91    administered by a board of five commissioners, who shall serve
92    terms of 4 years each. The procedures for conducting District
93    elections and for qualification of candidates and electors shall
94    be pursuant to chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes, and
95    chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, as they may be amended from
96    time to time.
97          (2) The board may employ such personnel as it deems
98    necessary for the proper function and operation of a fire and
99    rescue department. The salaries of fire department and emergency
100    service personnel, and any other wages, shall be determined by
101    the board.
102          (3) In accordance with chapter 191, Florida Statutes, and
103    chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, each elected member of the
104    board shall assume office 10 days following the member's
105    election. Annually, within 60 days after the election of new
106    members of said board, the members shall organize by electing
107    from their number a chair, a vice chair, a secretary, and a
108    treasurer. However, the same member may be both secretary and
109    treasurer.
110          (4) The commissioners shall receive compensation for
111    actual expenses incurred while performing the duties of their
112    office in accordance with general law governing per diem for
113    public officials. Commissioners may receive compensation for
114    their services in accordance with chapter 97-340, Laws of
115    Florida, and chapter 191, Florida Statutes, as amended from time
116    to time.
117          (5) Each commissioner, upon taking office and in
118    accordance with chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, and chapters
119    189 and 191, Florida Statutes, shall execute to the Governor for
120    the benefit of the District a bond conditioned upon the faithful
121    performance of the duties of the commissioner's office. The
122    premium for such bonds shall be paid from the funds of the
123    District.
124          Section 4. Powers; duties; responsibilities.--
125          (1) The District shall have and the board may exercise all
126    the powers and duties set forth in this act, chapters 189, 191,
127    and 197, Florida Statutes, and chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida,
128    as they may be amended from time to time, including, but not
129    limited to, ad valorem taxation, bond issuance, other revenue-
130    raising capabilities, budget preparation and approval, liens and
131    foreclosure of liens, use of tax deeds and tax certificates as
132    appropriate for non-ad valorem assessments, and contractual
133    agreements. The District may be financed by any method
134    established in this act, chapter 189 or chapter 191, Florida
135    Statutes, or chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, as amended from
136    time to time.
137          (2) The methods for assessing and collecting non-ad
138    valorem assessments, fees, or service charges shall be as set
139    forth in this act, chapter 170, chapter 189, chapter 191, or
140    chapter 197, Florida Statutes, and chapter 97-340, Laws of
141    Florida, as amended from time to time.
142          (3) The District's planning requirements shall be as set
143    forth in this act, chapters 189 and 191, Florida Statutes, and
144    chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, as amended from time to time.
145          (4) Requirements for financial disclosure, meeting
146    notices, reporting, public records maintenance, and per diem
147    expenses for officers and employees shall be as set forth in
148    this act, chapters 112, 119, 189, 191, and 286, Florida
149    Statutes, and chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, as amended from
150    time to time.
151          Section 5. Ad valorem taxing authority; non-ad valorem
152    assessments.--
153          (1) The board shall have the right, power, and authority
154    to levy millage tax against the taxable real estate within the
155    District to provide funds for the purpose of this District.
156    However, they shall not exceed the limit provided by chapter 97-
157    340, Laws of Florida, or chapter 191, Florida Statutes, as
158    amended from time to time. Although the district is authorized
159    to levy a maximum millage rate as provided for in section
160    191.009(1), Florida Statutes, the district must receive
161    referendum approval, as required by the State Constitution and
162    section 191.009, Florida Statutes, for any increased millage
163    rate above such rate that has been previously authorized by a
164    special act and approved by referendum.
165          (2) The District shall levy and collect ad valorem taxes
166    in accordance with chapter 200, Florida Statutes, as amended
167    from time to time.
168          (3) Non-ad valorem assessments.--The District is
169    authorized to levy and enforce non-ad valorem assessments in
170    accordance with chapters 189, 191, and 197, Florida Statutes,
171    and chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida.
172          Section 6. Fiscal year.--The District's fiscal year shall
173    begin on October 1 and end on September 30.
174          Section 7. District funds.--
175          (1) All funds of the District shall be deposited in
176    qualified public depositories, in accordance with chapters 191
177    and 280, Florida Statutes, as they may be amended from time to
178    time.
179          (2) No funds of the District shall be paid or disbursed
180    except by check signed by the treasurer of the board and either
181    the chair or vice chair of the board.
182          Section 8. Authority to borrow money.--
183          (1) The board shall have the power and authority to borrow
184    money or issue other evidences of indebtedness for the purposes
185    of the District in accordance with chapters 189 and 191, Florida
186    Statutes, and chapter 97-340, Laws of Florida, as amended from
187    time to time. However, the total payments in any one year,
188    including principal and interest, on any indebtedness incurred
189    by the District may not exceed 50 percent of the total annual
190    budgeted revenues of the District for the year in which the
191    payments are to be made.
192          (2) Neither the District commissioners as a body nor any
193    of them as an individual shall be personally or individually
194    liable for the repayment of such loan. Such repayment shall be
195    made out of tax receipts of the District except as provided in
196    this subsection. The commissioners shall not create any
197    indebtedness or incur obligations for any sum or amount which
198    they are unable to repay out of District funds then in their
199    hands except as otherwise provided in this act. However, the
200    commissioners may make purchases of equipment on an installment
201    basis as necessary if funds are available for the payment of the
202    current year's installment on such equipment plus the amount due
203    in that year on any other installments and the repayment of any
204    bank loan or other existing indebtedness which may be due that
205    year.
206          Section 9. Board action; authority to adopt policies and
207    regulations.--
208          (1) A record shall be kept of all meetings of the board
209    and in such meetings concurrence of a majority of the
210    commissioners shall be necessary to any affirmative action by
211    the board.
212          (2) The board may adopt policies and regulations not
213    inconsistent with any portion of this act, chapter 189 or
214    chapter 191, Florida Statutes, or chapter 97-340, Laws of
215    Florida, as amended from time to time, as it may deem necessary
216    for the transaction of its business and in implementing and
217    carrying out the provisions of this act. The board shall have
218    authority to provide all things necessary for the prevention,
219    extinguishment, and control of fires and for the operation of a
220    rescue service in the District.
221          Section 10. Fire prevention code.--The board shall have
222    the right and power to enact a fire prevention code or ordinance
223    in addition to, but not in conflict with, applicable state and
224    local building and fire codes.
225          Section 4. This act shall be construed as remedial and
226    shall be liberally construed to promote the purpose for which it
227    is intended.
228          Section 5. In the event that any part of this act should
229    be held void for any reason, such holding shall not affect any
230    other part thereof.
231          Section 6. Chapters 76-414, 80-520, 84-466, 87-422, 91-
232    398, and 95-459, Laws of Florida, are repealed.
233          Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.