HB 1277 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the enforceability of construction
3    contracts performed by unlicensed contractors; amending
4    ss. 255.05, 489.128, 489.532, and 713.02, F.S.; clarifying
5    that the prohibition on enforcement of construction
6    contracts extends only to enforcement by the unlicensed
7    contractor; clarifying the parties who may invoke
8    unenforceability; clarifying that unlicensed contractors
9    have no construction lien or payment bond rights;
10    clarifying that sureties of unlicensed contractors have
11    continuing payment and performance bond obligations;
12    clarifying the effect of an unenforceable contract on
13    other contracts and obligations; clarifying the definition
14    of an “unlicensed contractor”; limiting statute to state
15    licensure; providing for retroactive effect; providing an
16    effective date.
18          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
20          Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section
21    255.05, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
22          255.05 Bond of contractor constructing public buildings;
23    form; action by materialmen.--
24          (2)(a)1. If a claimant is no longer furnishing labor,
25    services, or materials on a project, a contractor or the
26    contractor's agent or attorney may elect to shorten the
27    prescribed time in this paragraph within which an action to
28    enforce any claim against a payment bond provided pursuant to
29    this section may be commenced by recording in the clerk's office
30    a notice in substantially the following form:
36          To: ... (Name and address of claimant) ...
38          You are notified that the undersigned contests your notice
39    of nonpayment, dated _______________, __________, and served on
40    the undersigned on _______________, __________, and that the
41    time within which you may file suit to enforce your claim is
42    limited to 60 days after the date of service of this notice.
44          DATED on _______________, __________.
46          Signed:... (Contractor or Attorney) ...
48          The claim of any claimant upon whom such notice is served and
49    who fails to institute a suit to enforce his or her claim
50    against the payment bond within 60 days after service of such
51    notice shall be extinguished automatically. The clerk shall mail
52    a copy of the notice of contest to the claimant at the address
53    shown in the notice of nonpayment or most recent amendment
54    thereto and shall certify to such service on the face of such
55    notice and record the notice. Service is complete upon mailing.
56          2. A claimant, except a laborer, who is not in privity
57    with the contractor shall, before commencing or not later than
58    45 days after commencing to furnish labor, materials, or
59    supplies for the prosecution of the work, furnish the contractor
60    with a notice that he or she intends to look to the bond for
61    protection. A claimant who is not in privity with the contractor
62    and who has not received payment for his or her labor,
63    materials, or supplies shall deliver to the contractor and to
64    the surety written notice of the performance of the labor or
65    delivery of the materials or supplies and of the nonpayment. The
66    notice of nonpayment may be served at any time during the
67    progress of the work or thereafter but not before 45 days after
68    the first furnishing of labor, services, or materials, and not
69    later than 90 days after the final furnishing of the labor,
70    services, or materials by the claimant or, with respect to
71    rental equipment, not later than 90 days after the date that the
72    rental equipment was last on the job site available for use. No
73    action for the labor, materials, or supplies may be instituted
74    against the contractor or the surety unless both notices have
75    been given. Notices required or permitted under this section may
76    be served in accordance with s. 713.18. An action, except for an
77    action exclusively for recovery of retainage, must be instituted
78    against the contractor or the surety on the payment bond or the
79    payment provisions of a combined payment and performance bond
80    within 1 year after the performance of the labor or completion
81    of delivery of the materials or supplies. An action exclusively
82    for recovery of retainage must be instituted against the
83    contractor or the surety within 1 year after the performance of
84    the labor or completion of delivery of the materials or
85    supplies, or within 90 days after receipt of final payment (or
86    the payment estimate containing the owner's final reconciliation
87    of quantities if no further payment is earned and due as a
88    result of deductive adjustments) by the contractor or surety,
89    whichever comes last. A claimant may not waive in advance his or
90    her right to bring an action under the bond against the surety.
91    In any action brought to enforce a claim against a payment bond
92    under this section, the prevailing party is entitled to recover
93    a reasonable fee for the services of his or her attorney for
94    trial and appeal or for arbitration, in an amount to be
95    determined by the court, which fee must be taxed as part of the
96    prevailing party's costs, as allowed in equitable actions. The
97    time periods for service of a notice of nonpayment or for
98    bringing an action against a contractor or a surety shall be
99    measured from the last day of furnishing labor, services, or
100    materials by the claimant and shall not be measured by other
101    standards, such as the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or
102    the issuance of a certificate of substantial completion.
103          3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, no
104    bond claim shall exist in favor of any contractor,
105    subcontractor, or sub-subcontractor unless such contractor,
106    subcontractor, or sub-subcontractor is licensed, if required to
107    be licensed, as a contractor pursuant to the license
108    requirements established and governed by chapter 489. Any
109    claimant whose primary or secondary qualifying agent is licensed
110    under chapter 489 has satisfied the licensing provisions of this
111    subparagraph. This subparagraph does not affect the contract or
112    bond claim rights of other parties, other than the unlicensed
113    contractor, receiving or supplying labor, services, or materials
114    to the same project, or the obligations of a surety as defined
115    by part XII of chapter 627, who has provided a bond on behalf of
116    the unlicensed contractor. An occupational license certificate
117    issued under the authority of chapter 205 is not a license for
118    purposes of this subparagraph.
119          Section 2. Section 489.128, Florida Statutes, is amended
120    to read:
121          489.128 Contracts performed by unlicensed contractors
122    unenforceable.--As a matter of public policy, contracts entered
123    into on or after October 1, 1990, and performed in full or in
124    part by any individualcontractor who fails to obtain or
125    maintain a license as required by this part or a business
126    organization contractor who fails to obtain or maintain a
127    primary or secondary qualifying agent’s licensein accordance
128    with this part shall be unenforceable in law or in equity by the
129    unlicensed contractor. An “unlicensed contractor,” for the
130    purpose of this section, is an individual contractor who fails
131    to obtain or maintain a license in accordance with this part or
132    a business organization contractor who fails to obtain or
133    maintain a primary or secondary qualifying agent’s license under
134    this part or engages in contracting as a business organization,
135    including any partnership, corporation, business trust, or other
136    legal entity, and fails to obtain or maintain a certified or
137    registered qualifying agent. A contractor whose primary or
138    secondary qualifying agent is licensed under chapter 489 has
139    satisfied the licensing provisions of this section. This section
140    shall not apply to any other licensing requirements except those
141    specifically established and governed by this chapter. Any
142    business organization contractor that fails to obtain or
143    maintain a qualifying business license or certificate of
144    authority as required by ss. 489.119 or 489.127 shall not be
145    considered an unlicensed contractor for purposes of this
146    section. An occupational license certificate issued under the
147    authority of chapter 205 is not a license for purposes of this
148    section. This section does not affect either the right to
149    enforce contract, lien, or bond remedies of parties other than
150    the unlicensed contractor receiving or supplying labor,
151    services, or materials to the same project, or the obligations
152    of a surety as defined by part XII of chapter 627, who has
153    provided a bond on behalf of the unlicensed contractor. It shall
154    not be a defense to any claim on a payment bond, performance
155    bond, bid bond, or indemnity agreement that the principal on the
156    bond or its indemnitor is an unlicensed contractor.
157          Section 3. Section 489.532, Florida Statutes, is amended
158    to read:
159          489.532 Contracts performed by unlicensed contractors
160    unenforceable.--As a matter of public policy, contracts entered
161    into on or after October 1, 1990, and performed in full or in
162    part by any individual contractor who fails to obtain or
163    maintain a license as required by this part or a business
164    organization contractor who fails to obtain or maintain a
165    primary or secondary qualifying agent’s license in accordance
166    with this part shall be unenforceable in law or in equity by the
167    unlicensed contractor. An “unlicensed contractor," for the
168    purpose of this section, is an individual contractor who fails
169    to obtain or maintain a license in accordance with this part or
170    a business organization contractor who fails to obtain or
171    maintain a primary or secondary qualifying agent’s license under
172    this part or engages in contracting as a business organization,
173    including any partnership, corporation, business trust, or other
174    legal entity, and fails to obtain or maintain a certified or
175    registered qualifying agent. A contractor whose primary or
176    secondary qualifying agent is licensed under chapter 489 has
177    satisfied the licensing provisions of this section. This section
178    shall not apply to any other licensing requirements except those
179    specifically established and governed by this chapter. Any
180    business organization contractor that fails to obtain or
181    maintain a qualifying business license or certificate of
182    authority shall not be considered an unlicensed contractor for
183    purposes of this section. An occupational license certificate
184    issued under the authority of chapter 205 is not a license for
185    purposes of this section. This section does not affect either
186    the right to enforce contract, lien, or bond remedies of parties
187    other than the unlicensed contractor receiving or supplying
188    labor, services, or materials to the same project, or the
189    obligations of a surety, as defined by part XII of chapter 627,
190    who has provided a bond on behalf of the unlicensed contractor.
191    It shall not be a defense to any claim on a payment bond,
192    performance bond, bid bond, or indemnity agreement that the
193    principal on the bond or its indemnitor is an unlicensed
194    contractor who fails to obtain or maintain his or her license in
195    accordance with this part shall be unenforceable in law, and the
196    court in its discretion may extend this provision to equitable
197    remedies.
198          Section 4. Subsection (7) of section 713.02, Florida
199    Statutes, is amended to read:
200          713.02 Types of lienors and exemptions.--
201          (7) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, no
202    lien shall exist in favor of any contractor, subcontractor, or
203    sub-subcontractor unless such contractor, subcontractor, or sub-
204    subcontractor is licensed, if required to be licensed, as a
205    contractor pursuant to the license requirements established and
206    governed by chapter 489. Any lienor whose primary or secondary
207    qualifying agent is licensed under chapter 489 has satisfied the
208    licensing provisions of this subsection. This subsection does
209    not affect the contract, lien, or bond claim rights of other
210    parties, other than the unlicensed contractor receiving or
211    supplying labor, services, or materials to the same project, or
212    the obligations of a surety as defined by part XII of chapter
213    627 who has provided a bond on behalf of the unlicensed
214    contractor. An occupational license certificate issued under the
215    authority of chapter 205 is not a license for purposes of this
216    subsection laws of the jurisdiction within which she or he is
217    doing business.
218          Section 5. Sections 2, 3, and 4 of this act are intended
219    to be remedial in nature and to clarify existing law. Sections 2
220    and 3 shall apply retroactively to all contracts entered into on
221    or after October 1, 1990. Section 4 shall apply retroactively to
222    all actions initiated on or after, and to all actions pending as
223    of, the effective date of this act.
224          Section 6. If any provision of this act or its application
225    to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity
226    does not affect other provisions or applications of the act
227    which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
228    application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
229    severable.
230          Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.