Senate Bill sb1318

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 1318

    By Senator Wilson


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the safety of children;

  3         providing a short title; providing legislative

  4         intent; requiring certain children to be

  5         enrolled in an early education or child care

  6         program; providing attendance and reporting

  7         responsibilities of the child's parent or

  8         guardian and of the Family Safety Program

  9         Office of the Department of Children and Family

10         Services; requiring law enforcement agencies to

11         investigate certain reports; providing an

12         effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Rilya Wilson Act; legislative intent;

17  requirements; attendance and reporting responsibilities.--

18         (1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section may be cited as the

19  "Rilya Wilson Act."

20         (2) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--The Legislature recognizes

21  that children who are clients of the Family Safety Program

22  Office of the Department of Children and Family Services due

23  to abuse, neglect, or exploitation are at increased risk of

24  poor school performance and other behavioral and social

25  problems. It is the intent of the Legislature that children

26  who are currently clients of the Family Safety Program Office

27  of the Department of Children and Family Services be provided

28  with an age-appropriate education program to help ameliorate

29  the negative consequences of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

30         (3)  REQUIREMENTS.--A child who is between the age of 3

31  years old and school-entry age who is a client of the Family


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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 1318

  1  Safety Program Office of the Department of Children and Family

  2  Services due to abuse, neglect, or exploitation must be

  3  enrolled in a licensed public or private early education or

  4  child care program and must receive age-appropriate services 5

  5  days a week. The child's parent, legal guardian, or foster

  6  parent must select the program that meets their needs and

  7  preferences in any licensed public or private early education

  8  or child care program.


10         (a)  A child who has been placed in a licensed public

11  or private early education or child care program under this

12  section may not be withdrawn from the program without the

13  prior approval of the Family Safety Program Office of the

14  Department of Children and Family Services.

15         (b)  A child who is covered by this act shall attend

16  the licensed public or private early education or child care

17  program 5 days per week.

18         (c)1.  If a child who is covered by this act is absent

19  from the program on any day when he or she is supposed to be

20  present, the child's parent, legal guardian, or foster parent

21  must report the absence to the program by the end of the

22  program day. If the parent, legal guardian, or foster parent

23  fails to timely report the absence, the absence is considered

24  to be unexcused. A licensed public or private early education

25  or child care program shall report any unexcused absence of a

26  child who is enrolled in the program and is covered by this

27  act to the Family Safety Program Office of the Department of

28  Children and Family Services by the end of the program day

29  during which the child is absent.




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    Florida Senate - 2003                                  SB 1318

  1         2.  The failure of a parent, guardian, or foster parent

  2  to report two consecutive absences shall result in appropriate

  3  intervention by the Family Safety Program Office.

  4         3.  Five consecutive unexcused absences constitute an

  5  unapproved withdrawal that the Family Safety Program Office of

  6  the Department of Children and Family Services must report to

  7  the appropriate law enforcement agency, which shall

  8  investigate the matter as a missing person report.

  9         Section 2.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

10  law.


12            *****************************************

13                          SENATE SUMMARY

14    Creates the "Rilya Wilson Act." Requires that children
      who are between the ages of 3 years and school age and
15    who are clients of the Family Safety Program Office due
      to abuse, neglect, or exploitation be enrolled in an
16    early education or child care program 5 days a week.
      Requires the child's parent, guardian, or foster parent
17    to report any absence to the education or child care
      program, and requires that program to report the absence
18    to the Family Safety Program Office, on the day the
      absence occurs. Provides for intervention by the office
19    after two consecutive absences. Provides for
      investigation by a law enforcement agency after five
20    consecutive absences.













CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.