HB 1319 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to protection of manatees; amending s.
3    370.12, F.S.; providing that a portion of the proceeds of
4    the Save the Manatee Trust Fund shall be used for funding
5    law enforcement positions within the Fish and Wildlife
6    Conservation Commission for enforcement of laws designed
7    to protect manatee populations in certain counties;
8    requiring additional information to be included in an
9    annual report regarding expenditure of the funds in the
10    trust fund; providing an effective date.
12          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14          Section 1. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (4) of
15    section 370.12, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
16          370.12 Marine animals; regulation.--
18          (a) Each fiscal year the first $2 million of funds
19    deposited into the Save the Manatee Trust Fund shall be used
20    available to fund law enforcement positions within the Fish and
21    Wildlife Conservation Commission for the purpose of enforcing
22    laws designed to protect manatee populations. Persons employed
23    in such positions shall be assigned to perform their law
24    enforcement duties in counties having the highest incidences of
25    manatee deaths and injuries. The remainder shall be available to
26    fundan impartial scientific benchmark census of the manatee
27    population in the state. Weather permitting, the study shall be
28    conducted annually by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation
29    Commission and the results shall be made available to the
30    President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of
31    Representatives, and the Governor and Cabinet for use in the
32    evaluation and development of manatee protection measures. In
33    addition, the Save the Manatee Trust Fund shall be available for
34    annual funding of activities of public and private organizations
35    and those of the commission intended to provide manatee and
36    marine mammal protection and recovery effort; manufacture and
37    erection of informational and regulatory signs; production,
38    publication, and distribution of educational materials;
39    participation in manatee and marine mammal research programs,
40    including carcass salvage and other programs; programs intended
41    to assist the recovery of the manatee as an endangered species,
42    assist the recovery of the endangered or threatened marine
43    mammals, and prevent the endangerment of other species of marine
44    mammals; and other similar programs intended to protect and
45    enhance the recovery of the manatee and other species of marine
46    mammals. The commission shall annually solicit advisory
47    recommendations from the Save the Manatee Committee affiliated
48    with the Save the Manatee Club, as identified and recognized in
49    Executive Order 85-19, on the use of funds from the Save the
50    Manatee Trust Fund.
51          (b) By December 1 each year, the Fish and Wildlife
52    Conservation Commission shall provide the President of the
53    Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives a written
54    report, enumerating the amounts and purposes for which all
55    proceeds in the Save the Manatee Trust Fund for the previous
56    fiscal year are expended, in a manner consistent with those
57    recovery tasks enumerated within the manatee recovery plan as
58    required by the Endangered Species Act. Such report shall
59    identify the number of additional law enforcement positions
60    which were funded and shall provide a list of the counties to
61    which the personnel were assigned.
62          Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.