HB 1321 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to child abuse and abuse of vulnerable
3    adults; amending s. 39.201, F.S.; revising language with
4    respect to mandatory reports of child abuse; amending s.
5    39.204, F.S.; abrogating the right of privileged
6    communication between any member of the clergy and a
7    person seeking spiritual counsel and advice with respect
8    to cases involving child abuse, abandonment, or neglect;
9    amending s. 90.505, F.S.; proscribing the privilege of
10    communications to clergy by certain individuals; amending
11    s. 95.11, F.S.; revising language with respect to the
12    statute of limitations in certain actions; providing a
13    time period for suits with respect to intentional torts
14    based on abuse of a vulnerable adult, for intentional
15    torts based upon abuse of a child, and for intentional
16    torts based upon childhood sexual abuse; amending s.
17    794.011, F.S.; providing that a person commits sexual
18    battery which is a first degree felony when the offender
19    is a person who has responsibility for the welfare,
20    guidance, direction, supervision, education, or spiritual
21    well-being of a child under certain circumstances;
22    creating s. 800.05, F.S.; providing for a duty to report
23    lewd and lascivious offenses; providing penalties for
24    failure to report; providing an effective date.
26          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
28          Section 1. Subsection (1) and paragraph (c) of subsection
29    (2) of section 39.201, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
30          39.201 Mandatory reports of child abuse, abandonment, or
31    neglect; mandatory reports of death; central abuse hotline.--
32          (1) Any person, including, but not limited to, any:
33          (a) Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner,
34    chiropractic physician, nurse, or hospital personnel engaged in
35    the admission, examination, care, or treatment of persons;
36          (b) Health or mental health professional other than one
37    listed in paragraph (a);
38          (c) Practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for
39    healing;
40          (d) School teacher or other school official or personnel;
41          (e) Social worker, day care center worker, or other
42    professional child care, foster care, residential, or
43    institutional worker;
44          (f) Law enforcement officer; or
45          (g) Judge,
47          who knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a child is
48    abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent, legal custodian,
49    caregiver, or other person responsible for the child's welfare
50    shall report such knowledge or suspicion to the department in
51    the manner prescribed in subsection (2).
52          (2)
53          (c) Reporters in the following occupation categories
54    designated in subsection (1)are required to provide their names
55    to the hotline staff:
56          1. Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner,
57    chiropractic physician, nurse, or hospital personnel engaged in
58    the admission, examination, care, or treatment of persons;
59          2. Health or mental health professional other than those
60    listed in subparagraph 1.;
61          3. Practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for
62    healing;
63          4. School teacher or other school official or personnel;
64          5. Social worker, day care center worker, or other
65    professional child care, foster care, residential, or
66    institutional worker;
67          6. Priest, rabbi, practitioner of Christian Science, or
68    minister of any religious organization or denomination usually
69    referred to as a church, or an individual reasonably believed so
70    to be by the person consulting him or her;
71          7. Law enforcement officer; or
72          8. Judge.
74          The names of reporters shall be entered into the record of the
75    report, but shall be held confidential as provided in s. 39.202.
76          Section 2. Section 39.204, Florida Statutes, is amended to
77    read:
78          39.204 Abrogation of privileged communications in cases
79    involving child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.--The privileged
80    quality of communication between husband and wife, andbetween
81    any professional person and his or her patient or client,
82    between any member of the clergy, as defined in s. 90.505, and a
83    person seeking spiritual counsel and advice,and any other
84    privileged communication except that between attorney and client
85    or the privilege provided in s. 90.505, as such communication
86    relates both to the competency of the witness and to the
87    exclusion of confidential communications, shall not apply to any
88    communication involving the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator
89    in any situation involving known or suspected child abuse,
90    abandonment, or neglect and shall not constitute grounds for
91    failure to report as required by s. 39.201 regardless of the
92    source of the information requiring the report, failure to
93    cooperate with law enforcement or the department in its
94    activities pursuant to this chapter, or failure to give evidence
95    in any judicial proceeding relating to child abuse, abandonment,
96    or neglect.
97          Section 3. Subsection (4) is added to section 90.505,
98    Florida Statutes, to read:
99          90.505 Privilege with respect to communications to
100    clergy.--
101          (4) There is no privilege under this section for any
102    communication involving the perpetrator or alleged perpetrator
103    in any situation involving known or suspected child abuse,
104    abandonment, or neglect, as defined in s. 39.01, s. 794.011, s.
105    800.04, s. 827.03, or s. 984.03.
106          Section 4. Paragraph (o) of subsection (3) and subsection
107    (7) of section 95.11, Florida Statutes, are amended, and
108    subsections (9) and (10) are added to said section, to read:
109          95.11 Limitations other than for the recovery of real
110    property.--Actions other than for recovery of real property
111    shall be commenced as follows:
112          (3) WITHIN FOUR YEARS.--
113          (o) An action for assault, battery, false arrest,
114    malicious prosecution, malicious interference, false
115    imprisonment, or any other intentional tort, except as provided
116    in subsections (4), (5), and (7), (9), and (10).
118    ADULT.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
119    contrary:
120          (a) An action founded on alleged abuse, as defined in s.
121    39.01, s. 415.102, or s. 984.03,or incest, as defined in s.
122    826.04, of a vulnerable adult may be commenced at any time
123    within 7 years after the age of majority, orwithin 4 years
124    after the injured person leaves the dependency of the abuser, or
125    within 4 years from the time of discovery by the injured party
126    or by a person who is in a position of trust and confidence, as
127    defined in s. 415.102,of both the injury and the causal
128    relationship between the injury and the abuse, whichever occurs
129    later. In any event, the action must be begun within 7 years
130    after the act, event, or occurrence giving rise to the action.
131          (b) As used in this subsection, the term “vulnerable
132    adult” means a person 18 years of age or older whose ability to
133    perform the normal activities of daily living or to provide for
134    his or her own care or protection is impaired due to a mental,
135    emotional, physical, or developmental disability or
136    dysfunctioning, brain damage, or the infirmities of aging.
138          (a) An action founded on alleged abuse of a child, as
139    defined in s. 39.01 or s. 984.03, or incest, as defined in s.
140    826.04, may be commenced at any time within 7 years after the
141    age of majority, or within 4 years after the injured person
142    leaves the dependency of the abuser, or within 4 years from the
143    time of discovery by the injured party of both the injury and
144    the causal relationship between the injury and the abuse,
145    whichever occurs later.
146          (b) As used in this subsection, the term “child” means any
147    unmarried person under the age of 18 years who has not been
148    emancipated by order of the court.
149          (c) As used in this subsection, the term “abuse” does not
150    include sexual abuse.
152    ABUSE.--
153          (a) "Childhood sexual abuse," as used in this subsection,
154    includes any act committed against the injured party that
155    occurred when the injured party was under the age of 18 years
156    and that is defined in s. 39.01, s. 794.011, s. 800.04, s.
157    827.03, or s. 984.03, or incest, as defined in s. 826.04, or any
158    prior laws of this state of similar effect at the time the act
159    was committed. Nothing in this paragraph limits the
160    availability of causes of action permitted under this paragraph,
161    including causes of action against persons or entities other
162    than the alleged perpetrator of the abuse.
163          (b) An action founded on alleged childhood sexual abuse,
164    as defined in s. 39.01, s. 794.011, s. 800.04, s. 827.03, or s.
165    984.03, or incest, as defined in s. 826.04, may be commenced
166    within 7 years after the age of majority, or within 4 years
167    after the injured person leaves the dependency of the abuser, or
168    within 4 years from the date the injured person discovers or
169    reasonably should have discovered that psychological injury or
170    other illness was caused by the abuse, whichever period expires
171    later, for any of the following actions:
172          1. An action against any person for committing an act of
173    childhood sexual abuse.
174          2. An action for liability against any person or entity
175    who owed a duty of care to the injured person, wherein a
176    wrongful, intentional, or negligent act by that person or
177    entity, or an employee, volunteer, representative, or agent of
178    the entity, was a legal cause of the childhood sexual abuse that
179    resulted in the harm to the injured person.
180          3. An action for liability against any person or entity
181    wherein an intentional act by that person or an employee,
182    volunteer, representative, or agent of the entity was a legal
183    cause of the childhood sexual abuse that resulted in the harm to
184    the injured person.
185          (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any action
186    described in subparagraph (b)2. or subparagraph (b)3. that is
187    permitted to be filed pursuant to paragraph (b) that would
188    otherwise be barred as of January 1, 2004, solely because the
189    applicable statute of limitations has or had expired, is
190    revived, and, in that case, a cause of action may be commenced
191    within 2 years after January 1, 2004. Nothing in this section
192    shall be construed to alter the applicable statute of
193    limitations period of an action that is not time barred as of
194    January 1, 2004.
195          Section 5. Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (4) of
196    section 794.011, Florida Statutes, and subsections (9) and (10)
197    of said section are amended, to read:
198          794.011 Sexual battery.--
199          (4) A person who commits sexual battery upon a person 12
200    years of age or older without that person's consent, under any
201    of the following circumstances, commits a felony of the first
202    degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, s.
203    775.084, or s. 794.0115:
204          (h) When the offender is a person who has responsibility
205    for the welfare, guidance, direction, supervision, education, or
206    spiritual well-being of the child.
207          (9) For prosecution under paragraph (4)(g) or (h),
208    acquiescence to a person reasonably believed by the victim to be
209    in a position of authority or control does not constitute
210    consent, and it is not a defense that the perpetrator was not
211    actually in a position of control or authority if the
212    circumstances were such as to lead the victim to reasonably
213    believe that the person was in such a position.
214          (10) Any person who falsely accuses any person listed in
215    paragraph (4)(g) or (h)or other person in a position of control
216    or authority as an agent or employee of government of violating
217    paragraph (4)(g) or (h)is guilty of a felony of the third
218    degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s.
219    775.084.
220          Section 6. Section 800.05, Florida Statutes, is created to
221    read:
222          800.05 Duty to report lewd and lascivious offenses;
223    penalties.--A person who observes or knows of the commission of
224    lewd and lascivious offenses defined in s. 800.04 and who:
225          (1) Has reasonable grounds to believe that he or she has
226    observed or has knowledge of the commission of a lewd and
227    lascivious offense defined in s. 800.04;
228          (2) Has the present ability to seek assistance for the
229    victim or victims by immediately reporting such offense to a law
230    enforcement officer;
231          (3) Would not be exposed to any threat of physical
232    violence for making such a report; and
233          (4) Fails to make a report
235          is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as
236    provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
237          Section 7. This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.