HB 1329 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to medical malpractice; creating s.
3    766.116, F.S., the "Access to Emergency Medical Services
4    and Care Act"; providing legislative findings and intent;
5    defining terms; providing requirements for contracts
6    between providers of emergency services and care and
7    governmental contractors for the purpose of providing
8    emergency services and care; requiring hospitals that
9    enter into such contracts to provide notice of the agency
10    relationship with the governmental contractor; requiring a
11    quality assurance program; requiring the Division of Risk
12    Management of the Department of Insurance to compile an
13    annual report and submit it to the Legislature; providing
14    for malpractice litigation costs; providing liability
15    limits; providing for rulemaking; providing applicability;
16    amending s. 766.102, F.S.; replacing the term "emergency
17    medical services" with the term "emergency medical
18    services and care" and defining the new term; amending s.
19    766.203, F.S.; providing requirements pertaining to a
20    presuit investigation of medical negligence claims
21    involving emergency medical services and care; amending s.
22    768.13, F.S., the "Good Samaritan Act"; providing immunity
23    from civil damages for providers of emergency medical
24    services and care; defining terms; providing limitations
25    on such immunity; providing for severability; providing
26    applicability; providing an effective date.
28          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
30          Section 1. Section 766.116, Florida Statutes, is created
31    to read:
32          766.116 Emergency medical services and care providers;
33    creation of agency relationship with governmental contractors.--
34          (1) POPULAR NAME.--This section may be known by the
35    popular name the "Access to Emergency Medical Services and Care
36    Act."
37          (2) FINDINGS AND INTENT.--The Legislature finds and
38    declares it to be of vital importance that emergency medical
39    services and care be provided by hospitals, physicians, and
40    emergency medical services providers to every person in need of
41    such care. The Legislature finds that providers of emergency
42    medical services and care are critical elements in responding to
43    disasters and emergencies that might affect our local
44    communities, state, and country. The Legislature recognizes the
45    importance of maintaining a viable system of providing for the
46    emergency medical needs of this state's residents and visitors.
47    The Legislature and the Federal Government have required such
48    providers of emergency medical services and care to provide
49    emergency medical services and care to all persons who present
50    themselves at hospitals in search of such care. The Legislature
51    has further mandated that emergency medical services providers
52    may not deny prehospital emergency medical treatment or
53    transport to persons who have or are likely to have an emergency
54    medical condition. These governmental requirements have
55    essentially provided a unilateral obligation for providers of
56    emergency medical services and care to provide services to all
57    persons seeking emergency care without ensuring payment or other
58    consideration for the provision of such care. Accordingly, the
59    Legislature recognizes that providers of emergency medical
60    services and care provide a significant amount of uncompensated
61    emergency medical care in furtherance of such governmental
62    interests. The Legislature finds that a significant proportion
63    of the residents of this state who are uninsured or are
64    recipients of Medicaid or Medicare are unable to obtain needed
65    health care because health care providers fear the increased
66    risk of medical malpractice liability. The Legislature finds
67    that, in order to obtain medical care, such patients, therefore,
68    are frequently forced to seek care from providers of emergency
69    medical services and care. The Legislature finds that providers
70    of emergency medical services and care in this state have
71    reported having significant problems with both availability and
72    affordability of professional liability coverage. The
73    Legislature finds that premiums for medical malpractice
74    liability insurance have increased dramatically and a number of
75    insurers have ceased providing medical malpractice coverage for
76    emergency medical services and care in this state. This results
77    in a functional unavailability of malpractice insurance for some
78    providers of emergency medical services and care. The
79    Legislature further finds that certain specialist physicians
80    have resigned from serving on hospital staffs or have otherwise
81    declined to provide on-call coverage to hospital emergency
82    departments due to their perception that treating such emergency
83    department patients increases the physicians' exposure to
84    liability for medical malpractice. It is the intent of the
85    Legislature that hospitals, emergency medical services
86    providers, and physicians be able to ensure that patients who
87    might need emergency medical services treatment or
88    transportation or who seek emergency medical services and care
89    from hospitals have access to such needed services.
90          (3) DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section, the term:
91          (a) "Contract" means an agreement executed in compliance
92    with this section between a provider of emergency medical
93    services and care and a governmental contractor. This contract
94    must allow the provider of emergency medical services and care
95    to provide such services and care as an agent of the
96    governmental contractor. The contract must state that services
97    will be provided for each patient who requests prehospital
98    treatment or transportation under the applicable local protocols
99    and for each patient to whom emergency medical services and care
100    are provided when such services and care are requested as
101    provided in s. 395.1041(3)(a).
102          (b) "Department" means the Department of Health.
103          (c) "Emergency medical services and care" means medical
104    screening, examination, and evaluation by a physician, or, to
105    the extent permitted by applicable law, by other appropriate
106    personnel under the supervision of a physician, to determine if
107    an emergency medical condition exists and, if it does, the care,
108    treatment, or surgery related to that emergency medical
109    condition which is provided by a physician or other provider of
110    emergency medical services and care until the patient is
111    discharged from the hospital. The term "emergency medical
112    services and care" also includes prehospital treatment and
113    transport and medically necessary interhospital transfers by
114    providers of emergency medical services who are licensed under
115    chapter 401 as provided in ss. 401.45 and 395.1041. The term
116    also includes all services provided by emergency physicians in a
117    hospital setting, services related to the emergency medical
118    condition which are provided by on-call physicians in response
119    to calls from the emergency department, and care provided by
120    other health care professionals handling emergency care in a
121    hospital or emergency medical services setting.
122          (d) "Governmental contractor" means the department, a
123    county health department, a special taxing district that has
124    health care responsibilities, a hospital owned and operated by a
125    governmental entity, a municipality, a county, or a political
126    subdivision.
127          (e) "Provider of emergency medical services and care"
128    means:
129          1. An emergency medical services provider licensed under
130    chapter 401.
131          2. A hospital licensed under chapter 395.
132          3. A physician or physician assistant licensed under
133    chapter 458.
134          4. An osteopathic physician or osteopathic physician
135    assistant licensed under chapter 459.
136          5. A chiropractic physician licensed under chapter 460.
137          6. A podiatric physician licensed under chapter 461.
138          7. An emergency medical technician or paramedic certified
139    under chapter 401.
140          8. A registered nurse, nurse midwife, licensed practical
141    nurse, or advanced registered nurse practitioner licensed or
142    registered under part I of chapter 464.
143          9. A midwife licensed under chapter 467.
144          10. A health care professional association and its
145    employees or a corporate medical group and its employees.
146          11. Any other health care professional practitioner,
147    provider, or facility that is under contract with a governmental
148    contractor, including, but not limited to, a student or medical
149    resident who is enrolled in an accredited program that prepares
150    the student for licensure or certification in any one of the
151    professions listed in subparagraphs 3.-9.
152          (4) CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS.--A provider of emergency
153    medical services and care which executes a contract with a
154    governmental contractor to deliver emergency medical services
155    and care after June 30, 2003, as an agent of the governmental
156    contractor is an agent for purposes of s. 768.28(9) while acting
157    within the scope of its duties under the contract. A provider of
158    emergency medical services and care which is under contract with
159    the state or with a governmental contractor may not be named as
160    a defendant in any action arising out of emergency medical
161    services or care, transport, or treatment provided after June
162    30, 2003, pursuant to a contract entered into under this
163    section. The contract must provide that:
164          (a) The governmental contractor retains the right of
165    dismissal or termination of any provider of emergency medical
166    services and care which is delivering services under the
167    contract.
168          (b) The governmental contractor has access to the patient
169    records of any provider of emergency medical services and care
170    under the contract.
171          (c) The provider of emergency medical services and care
172    shall report adverse incidents and information on treatment
173    outcomes to the state as required by state law. Such incidents
174    must also be reported to the governmental contractor if required
175    by the contract. Reporting requirements imposed under this
176    paragraph may not be construed to waive confidentiality as
177    otherwise provided by state or federal law.
178          (d) Providers of emergency medical services and care must
179    accept all patients who request such services in the manner
180    provided in s. 395.1041(3)(a) or s. 401.45.
181          (e) The provider is subject to supervision and regular
182    inspection by the governmental contractor.
184          A governmental contractor that is also a health care provider
185    need not enter into a contract under this section with respect
186    to the health care services delivered by its employees or
187    agents. The provisions of this section which apply to the
188    governmental contractor also apply to the employees or agents of
189    the governmental contractor.
190          (5) NOTICE OF AGENCY RELATIONSHIP.--Each hospital that has
191    a contract under this section shall place conspicuously in the
192    emergency services area a sign providing notice that the
193    hospital is a provider of emergency medical services and care,
194    that its employees and agents are agents of the governmental
195    contractor, and that the exclusive remedy for injury or damages
196    suffered as the result of any act or omission of the provider or
197    of any employee or agent thereof acting within the scope of its
198    duties under the contract is by commencement of an action under
199    s. 768.28. With respect to an emergency medical services
200    provider, such notice must be given in a manner provided under
201    the contract with the governmental contractor.
202          (6) QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM.--The governmental
203    contractor shall establish or require a quality assurance
204    program to monitor services delivered under any contract with a
205    provider of emergency medical services and care under this
206    section.
207          (7) RISK MANAGEMENT REPORT.--The Division of Risk
208    Management of the Department of Insurance annually shall compile
209    a report of all claims statistics for all entities participating
210    in the risk management program administered by the division,
211    which must include the number and total of all claims pending
212    and paid and the defense and handling costs associated with all
213    claims brought against contract providers under this section.
214    The division shall forward this report to the department and
215    shall include it in the annual report submitted to the
216    Legislature under this section.
217          (8) MALPRACTICE LITIGATION COSTS.--In the absence of a
218    specific contractual provision, providers of emergency medical
219    services and care and governmental contractors are responsible
220    for their own costs and attorney's fees for malpractice
221    litigation arising out of health care services delivered under
222    this section. Responsibility for the payment of such costs may
223    be addressed specifically in the contract between the provider
224    of emergency medical services and care and the governmental
225    contractor.
226          (9) LIMITS ON LIABILITY.--Solely for the purposes of this
227    section, the liability limits of the state and its agencies and
228    subdivisions shall be as provided in s. 768.28(5) for tort
229    claims, except that the state or its agencies or subdivisions
230    are not liable for a claim or a judgment by any one person which
231    exceeds the sum of $200,000 or for any claim or judgment, or
232    portions thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or
233    judgments paid by the state or its agencies or subdivisions
234    arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum
235    of $400,000. This section does not modify liability limits
236    provided in s. 768.28(5) for the state or for its agencies and
237    subdivisions that possessed sovereign immunity before July 1,
238    2003.
239          (10) RULES.--The department may adopt rules for
240    administering this section in a manner consistent with its
241    purpose to provide and facilitate access to emergency medical
242    services and care and to maintain health care quality.
243          (11) APPLICABILITY.--This section applies to incidents
244    that occur on or after July 1, 2003. This section does not
245    reduce or limit the rights of the state or of any of its
246    agencies or subdivisions to any benefit provided under s. 768.28
247    on that date.
248          Section 2. Subsection (6) of section 766.102, Florida
249    Statutes, is amended to read:
250          766.102 Medical negligence; standards of recovery.--
251          (6)(a) In any action for damages involving a claim of
252    negligence against a physician licensed under chapter 458,
253    osteopathic physician licensed under chapter 459, podiatric
254    physician licensed under chapter 461, or chiropractic physician
255    licensed under chapter 460 providing emergency medical services
256    in a hospital emergency department, the court shall admit expert
257    medical testimony only from physicians, osteopathic physicians,
258    podiatric physicians, and chiropractic physicians who have had
259    substantial professional experience within the preceding 5 years
260    while assigned to provide emergency medical services and carein
261    a hospital emergency department.
262          (b) For the purposes of this subsection:
263          1. The term "emergency medical services and care" means
264    medical screening, examination, and evaluation by a physician,
265    or, to the extent permitted by applicable law, by other
266    appropriate personnel under the supervision of a physician, to
267    determine if an emergency medical condition exists and, if it
268    does, the care, treatment, or surgery by a physician which is
269    necessary to relieve or eliminate the emergency medical
270    conditionthose medical services required for the immediate
271    diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions which, if not
272    immediately diagnosed and treated, could lead to serious
273    physical or mental disability or death.
274          2. "Substantial professional experience" shall be
275    determined by the custom and practice of the manner in which
276    emergency medical coverage is provided in hospital emergency
277    departments in the same or similar localities where the alleged
278    negligence occurred.
279          Section 3. Section 766.203, Florida Statutes, is amended
280    to read:
281          766.203 Presuit investigation of medical negligence claims
282    and defenses by prospective parties.--
283          (1) Presuit investigation of medical negligence claims and
284    defenses pursuant to this section and ss. 766.204-766.206
285    appliesshall applyto all medical negligence, including dental
286    negligence, claims, and defenses. This includesshall include:
287          (a) Rights of action under s. 768.19 and defenses thereto.
288          (b) Rights of action involving the state or its agencies
289    or subdivisions, or the officers, employees, or agents thereof,
290    pursuant to s. 768.28 and defenses thereto.
291          (2) Prior to issuing notification of intent to initiate
292    medical malpractice litigation pursuant to s. 766.106, the
293    claimant shall conduct an investigation to ascertain that there
294    are reasonable grounds to believe that:
295          (a) Any named defendant in the litigation was negligent in
296    the care or treatment of the claimant; and
297          (b) Such negligence resulted in injury to the claimant.
299          Corroboration of reasonable grounds to initiate medical
300    negligence litigation mustshallbe provided by the claimant's
301    submission of a verified written medical expert opinion from a
302    medical expert as defined in s. 766.202(5) and, with respect to
303    claims involving emergency medical services and care as defined
304    in s. 766.102, from an expert who has the qualifications
305    required under s. 766.102, at the time the notice of intent to
306    initiate litigation is mailed, which statement mustshall
307    corroborate reasonable grounds to support the claim of medical
308    negligence.
309          (3) Prior to issuing its response to the claimant's notice
310    of intent to initiate litigation, during the time period for
311    response authorized pursuant to s. 766.106, the defendant or the
312    defendant's insurer or self-insurer shall conduct an
313    investigation to ascertain whether there are reasonable grounds
314    to believe that:
315          (a) The defendant was negligent in the care or treatment
316    of the claimant; and
317          (b) Such negligence resulted in injury to the claimant.
319          Corroboration of lack of reasonable grounds for medical
320    negligence litigation mustshallbe provided with any response
321    rejecting the claim by the defendant's submission of a verified
322    written medical expert opinion from a medical expert as defined
323    in s. 766.202(5) and, with respect to claims involving emergency
324    medical services and care as defined in s. 766.102, from an
325    expert who has the qualifications required under s. 766.102, at
326    the time the response rejecting the claim is mailed, which
327    statement mustshallcorroborate reasonable grounds for lack of
328    negligent injury sufficient to support the response denying
329    negligent injury.
330          (4) The medical expert opinions required by this section
331    mustshallspecify whether any previous opinion by the same
332    medical expert has been disqualified and, if so,the name of the
333    court and the case number in which the ruling was issued.
334          Section 4. Section 768.13, Florida Statutes, is amended to
335    read:
336          (Substantial rewording of section. See
337          s. 768.13, F.S., for present text.)
338          768.13 Good Samaritan Act; immunity from civil
339    liability.--
340          (1) This act may be cited as the "Good Samaritan Act."
341          (2)(a) Any provider of emergency medical services and care
342    which in good faith renders emergency medical services and care
343    may not be held liable for any civil damages as a result of such
344    services and care unless such damages result from providing or
345    failing to provide medical care or treatment under circumstances
346    demonstrating intentional wrongdoing and intent to detrimentally
347    affect the life or health of another.
348          (b) The immunity provided by this subsection does not
349    apply to damages resulting from any act or omission in providing
350    medical care or treatment which:
351          1. Does not constitute emergency medical services and
352    care;
353          2. Occurs after the patient is discharged from the
354    hospital and is capable of receiving medical treatment as a
355    nonemergency patient unless surgery is required as a result of
356    the emergency within a reasonable time after the patient has
357    been discharged from the hospital, in which case the immunity
358    provided by this paragraph applies to any act or omission in
359    providing medical care or treatment which occurs before the
360    stabilization of the patient following the surgery; or
361          3. Is unrelated to the original emergency medical
362    condition.
363          (c) As used in this subsection, the term:
364          1. "Emergency medical services and care" means medical
365    screening, examination, and evaluation by a physician, or, to
366    the extent permitted by applicable law, by other appropriate
367    personnel under the supervision of a physician, to determine if
368    an emergency medical condition exists and, if it does, the care,
369    treatment, or surgery related to that emergency medical
370    condition which is provided by a physician or other provider of
371    emergency medical services and care until the patient is
372    discharged from the hospital. The term "emergency medical
373    services and care" also includes prehospital treatment and
374    transport and medically necessary interhospital transfers by
375    providers of emergency medical services who are licensed under
376    chapter 401 as provided in ss. 401.45 and 395.1041. The term
377    also includes all services provided by emergency physicians in a
378    hospital setting, services related to the emergency medical
379    condition which are provided by on-call physicians in response
380    to calls from the emergency department, and care provided by
381    other health care professionals handling emergency care in a
382    hospital or emergency medical services setting.
383          2. "Provider of emergency medical services and care"
384    means:
385          a. An emergency medical services provider licensed under
386    chapter 401.
387          b. A hospital licensed under chapter 395.
388          c. A physician or physician assistant licensed under
389    chapter 458.
390          d. An osteopathic physician or osteopathic physician
391    assistant licensed under chapter 459.
392          e. A chiropractic physician licensed under chapter 460.
393          f. A podiatric physician licensed under chapter 461.
394          g. An emergency medical technician or paramedic certified
395    under chapter 401.
396          h. A registered nurse, nurse midwife, licensed practical
397    nurse, or advanced registered nurse practitioner licensed or
398    registered under part I of chapter 464.
399          i. A midwife licensed under chapter 467.
400          j. A health care professional association and its
401    employees or a corporate medical group and its employees.
402          k. Any other health care professional practitioner,
403    provider, or facility that is under contract with a governmental
404    contractor, including, but not limited to, a student or medical
405    resident who is enrolled in an accredited program that prepares
406    the student for licensure or certification in any one of the
407    professions listed in subparagraphs c.-i.
408          3. "Intentional wrongdoing," as it applies to a given
409    health care provider rendering emergency medical services and
410    care, means conduct that a health care provider knew, at the
411    time he or she rendered the services, would result in injury
412    affecting the life or health of another.
413          Section 5. If any provision of this act or its application
414    to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity
415    does not affect other provisions or applications of this act
416    which can be given effect without the invalid provision or
417    application, and to this end the provisions of this act are
418    severable.
419          Section 6. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003, and
420    applies to any cause of action filed after June 30, 2003.