HJR 1343 2003
1 House Joint Resolution
2          A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Section 4 of
3    Article IX of the State Constitution, relating to
4    education, to limit the term of office for a member of a
5    district school board.
7          Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
9          That the amendment to Section 4 of Article IX of the State
10    Constitution set forth below is agreed to and shall be submitted
11    to the electors of Florida for approval or rejection at the
12    general election to be held in November, 2004:
15          SECTION 4. School districts; school boards.--
16          (a) Each county shall constitute a school district;
17    provided, two or more contiguous counties, upon vote of the
18    electors of each county pursuant to law, may be combined into
19    one school district. In each school district there shall be a
20    school board composed of five or more members chosen by vote of
21    the electors in a nonpartisan election for appropriately
22    staggered terms of four years, as provided by law.
23          (b) The school board shall operate, control and supervise
24    all free public schools within the school district and determine
25    the rate of school district taxes within the limits prescribed
26    herein. Two or more school districts may operate and finance
27    joint educational programs.
28          (c) A person may not serve as a member of a district
29    school board for more than eight consecutive years. If a member
30    of a district school board resigns before completing eight
31    consecutive years of service and subsequently seeks election to
32    the board, the time served before resignation shall be deemed to
33    constitute one four-year term of office for purposes of
34    determining applicability of this subsection. Time served as a
35    member of a school board before the first term to which a person
36    is elected following the election at which this subsection is
37    ratified shall not be counted in determining eight consecutive
38    years of service.
39          BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the title and substance of the
40    amendment proposed herein shall appear on the ballot as follows:
43          Proposes an amendment to Section 4 of Article IX of the
44    State Constitution to provide that a person may not serve more
45    than 8 consecutive years, beginning with the election following
46    the election at which this amendment is ratified, as a member of
47    a district school board.