ENROLLED HB 1387 2003 Legislature
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Putnam County Development
3    Authority; providing for codification of the authority's
4    special acts; amending, codifying, and reenacting the
5    authority's special acts; providing for membership of the
6    authority; authorizing the County of Putnam and its
7    incorporated municipalities to contract with the
8    authority; prescribing the authority’s powers and duties,
9    including the power to issue and validate revenue
10    anticipation certificates; repealing all prior special
11    acts relating to the Putnam County Development Authority;
12    providing an effective date.
14          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
16          Section 1. Pursuant to section 189.429, Florida Statutes,
17    this act constitutes the codification of all special acts
18    relating to the Putnam County Development Authority. It is the
19    intent of the Legislature in enacting this law to provide a
20    single, comprehensive special act charter for the Authority,
21    including all current legislative authority granted to the
22    Authority by its several legislative enactments and any
23    additional authority granted by this act.
24          Section 2. Chapters 61-2727, 69-1522, 78-606, and 81-478,
25    Laws of Florida, are amended, codified, reenacted, and repealed
26    as herein provided.
27          Section 3. The charter for the Putnam County Development
28    Authority is re-created and reenacted to read:
29          Section 1. Popular Name.--This act may be cited by the
30    popular name "Putnam County Development Authority."
31          Section 2. Definitions.--When used in this act, the
32    following words and terms, unless a different meaning appears
33    clearly from the context, shall have the following meanings:
34          (1) "Authority" means the Putnam County Development
35    Authority created by this act.
36          (2) "Project" means and includes the acquisition of lands,
37    properties, and improvements for development, expansion, and
38    promotion of industry, commerce, agriculture, natural resources,
39    recreation, transportation (including airports and river ports),
40    and vocational training and the construction of buildings and
41    plants for the purpose of selling, leasing, or renting such
42    structures to private persons, firms, or corporations.
43          (3) "Cost of project" embraces the cost of construction,
44    the cost of all lands, properties, easements, rights, and
45    franchises acquired, the cost of machinery and equipment,
46    financing charges, interest prior to and during construction,
47    the cost of engineering, architectural and legal expense, and
48    plans and specifications and other expenses necessary or
49    incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of the
50    project, administrative expenses, and such other expenses as may
51    be necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized for
52    the construction of any project and placing the same in
53    operation.
54          Section 3. Authority; Creation and Purpose.--For the
55    purpose of performing such acts as are necessary for the sound
56    development of Putnam County, there is created a body corporate
57    and politic to be known as the Putnam County Development
58    Authority, which is deemed to be a public corporation by that
59    name, which body may contract and be contracted with and sue and
60    be sued in all courts of law and equity.
61          Section 4. Membership; Appointment; Term of Office.--The
62    Authority shall be composed of nine members and shall be
63    selected as follows: three members of the board of county
64    commissioners, three members of the City Commission of the City
65    of Palatka, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Putnam County, the
66    Mayor of the Town of Interlachen, and the Mayor-commissioner of
67    the City of Crescent City. The three members of the board of
68    county commissioners shall be designated by and serve at the
69    pleasure of the chair of the board of county commissioners, and
70    the three members of the City Commission of the City of Palatka
71    shall be designated by the mayor of the city.
72          Section 5. Officers.--The Authority shall elect from its
73    membership at its organizational meeting, and annually
74    thereafter, a chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer, and any
75    other officers deemed necessary.
76          Section 6. Quorum; Transaction of Business.--Any five
77    members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of the
78    ordinary business of the Authority. However, any action with
79    respect to any project of the Authority must be approved by not
80    less than 5 affirmative votes. No business shall be transacted
81    except at regularly called meetings and duly recorded in the
82    minutes thereof.
83          Section 7. Compensation; Travel Expenses.--Members of the
84    Authority shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed
85    for travel expenses incurred in the performance of their duties
86    as members of the Authority.
87          Section 8. Authority of County and Cities to Contract.--
88    Putnam County and all incorporated cities therein are expressly
89    authorized to enter into contracts with the Authority as a
90    public corporation.
91          Section 9. Powers and Duties.--The Putnam County
92    Development Authority shall have the following powers:
93          (1) To have a seal and alter the same at its pleasure.
94          (2) To acquire, hold, and dispose of personal property,
95    including stock of other corporations, for its corporate
96    purposes.
97          (3) To enter into contracts with the County of Putnam and
98    all incorporated cities therein.
99          (4) It shall acquire from the county, and Putnam County
100    shall transfer to the Authority, the lands given to the county
101    by Loveland and Tanner, Inc., for an industrial park by
102    agreement dated September 30, 1960, and recorded in the official
103    records of Putnam County, book 62, pages 348, 349, and 350, item
104    34,801, on December 19, 1960, and the Authority shall hold such
105    lands for the purposes of this act and to administer same as
106    provided in subsection (5).
107          (5) To acquire in its own name by purchase, gift, or
108    otherwise, on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it
109    may deem proper, real property or liens or easements therein or
110    franchises necessary or convenient for its corporate purposes,
111    and to use the same, and to lease or make contracts with respect
112    to the use or disposition of same, in any manner the Authority
113    deems to be its best advantage. If the Authority deems it
114    expedient to construct any project, or use any project already
115    constructed, on lands the title to which shall then be in the
116    County of Putnam or any of one of its incorporated cities, the
117    governing authorities of such county and cities are authorized,
118    in their discretion, to convey title to such lands, including
119    any improvements thereon, to the Authority.
120          (6) To select and appoint agents and employees, including
121    engineers, architects, builders, and attorneys, and to fix their
122    compensation.
123          (7) To make contracts, and to execute all instruments
124    necessary or convenient, including contracts for construction,
125    lease, rental, and sale of projects or contracts with respect to
126    the use of projects which it erects or acquires.
127          (8) To construct, erect, acquire, own, repair, remodel,
128    maintain, extend, improve, equip, operate, and manage projects,
129    self-liquidating or otherwise, located on property owned or
130    leased by the Authority, and to pay the cost of any such
131    projects from the proceeds of revenue-anticipation certificates
132    of the Authority or from any grant from Putnam County or any of
133    the incorporated cities therein, or from any grant from the
134    state, or from any contribution or loan by persons, firms, or
135    corporations, all of which the Authority is hereby authorized to
136    receive, accept, and use.
137          (9) To borrow money for any of its corporate purposes and
138    to execute notes, mortgages, deeds to secure debt, trust deeds,
139    and such other instruments as may be necessary or convenient to
140    evidence and secure such borrowing.
141          (10) To exercise any power granted by the laws of the
142    state to public or private corporations, performing similar
143    functions, which is not in conflict with the constitution and
144    laws of Florida.
145          (11) To do all things necessary or convenient to carry out
146    the powers expressly conferred by this act.
147          (12) To adopt, alter, or repeal its own bylaws, rules, and
148    regulations governing the manner in which its business may be
149    transacted and in which the power granted to it may be enjoyed,
150    as the Authority may deem necessary or expedient in facilitating
151    its business.
152          (13) To issue revenue-anticipation certificates for the
153    purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of any project of
154    the Authority. Such revenue-anticipation certificates shall be
155    issued and validated under and in accordance with the applicable
156    provisions of the laws of the state.
157          (14) To perform such powers and duties as may from time to
158    time be authorized by the Legislature.
159          (15) To be deemed a “local agency” within the meaning of
160    section 159.27(4), Florida Statutes, and possess all the powers
161    of a local agency under part II of chapter 159, Florida
162    Statutes; without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
163    projects financed by the Authority under part II of chapter 159,
164    Florida Statutes, need not be located on property owned or
165    leased by the Authority, and bonds issued by it pursuant to part
166    II of chapter 159, Florida Statutes, need not be validated under
167    chapter 75, Florida Statutes.
168          Section 10. Creation of State and County Debts
169    Prohibited.--The Authority shall not be empowered in any manner
170    to create a debt against the state, the County of Putnam, or any
171    of the incorporated cities therein.
172          Section 11. Audit.--The books and records of the Authority
173    shall be audited at least annually, at the expense of the
174    Authority, by a competent auditor. The Authority shall furnish
175    copies of said audit to the Board of County Commissioners of
176    Putnam County.
177          Section 12. Construction.--This act, being for the purpose
178    of developing and promoting the public good and the welfare of
179    Putnam County and the incorporated cities therein and their
180    inhabitants, shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes
181    thereof.
182          Section 13. Severability.--If any section, subsection,
183    sentence, clause, or provision of this act is held invalid, the
184    remainder of the act shall not be affected.
185          Section 4. Chapters 61-2727, 69-1522, 78-606, and 81-478,
186    Laws of Florida, are repealed.
187          Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.