HB 1395 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to real estate appraisers; amending s.
3    475.611, F.S.; revising and providing definitions
4    applicable to regulation of real estate appraisers;
5    amending s. 475.612, F.S.; eliminating the regulatory
6    category of licensed appraiser; redesignating registered
7    assistant appraisers as registered trainee appraisers and
8    requiring direct supervision of a certified appraiser;
9    revising exemption provisions applicable to brokers,
10    broker-salespersons, and salespersons; amending s.
11    475.613, F.S.; granting the Florida Real Estate Appraisal
12    Board power to establish by rule standards for and
13    regulate supervisory appraisers; amending s. 475.617,
14    F.S.; deleting education and experience requirements to be
15    a licensed appraiser, to conform; amending s. 475.618,
16    F.S.; revising renewal and continuing education
17    requirements; authorizing and providing for certification
18    of distance learning courses by independent certification
19    organizations; limiting renewal of registered trainee
20    appraiser registration; amending s. 475.6221, F.S.;
21    providing that a registered trainee appraiser may only
22    receive compensation through or from the primary
23    supervising appraiser; creating s. 475.6222, F.S.;
24    providing requirements for supervision of registered
25    trainee appraisers; creating s. 475.631, F.S.; providing
26    for reciprocity for nonresident appraisers; requiring an
27    irrevocable consent to suits and actions and providing for
28    service of process or pleading; requiring resident
29    appraisers who become nonresidents to notify the board and
30    comply with nonresident requirements; providing penalties;
31    authorizing the board to adopt rules for regulation of
32    nonresident appraisers; amending ss. 475.01, 475.011,
33    475.6147, 475.615, 475.616, 475.619, 475.620, 475.621,
34    475.622, 475.623, 475.624, 475.626, 475.627, 475.628,
35    475.629, 475.6295, and 655.60, F.S.; conforming
36    terminology; providing an effective date.
38          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
40          Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section
41    475.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
42          475.01 Definitions.--
43          (1) As used in this part:
44          (a) "Broker" means a person who, for another, and for a
45    compensation or valuable consideration directly or indirectly
46    paid or promised, expressly or impliedly, or with an intent to
47    collect or receive a compensation or valuable consideration
48    therefor, appraises, auctions, sells, exchanges, buys, rents, or
49    offers, attempts or agrees to appraise, auction, or negotiate
50    the sale, exchange, purchase, or rental of business enterprises
51    or business opportunities or any real property or any interest
52    in or concerning the same, including mineral rights or leases,
53    or who advertises or holds out to the public by any oral or
54    printed solicitation or representation that she or he is engaged
55    in the business of appraising, auctioning, buying, selling,
56    exchanging, leasing, or renting business enterprises or business
57    opportunities or real property of others or interests therein,
58    including mineral rights, or who takes any part in the procuring
59    of sellers, purchasers, lessors, or lessees of business
60    enterprises or business opportunities or the real property of
61    another, or leases, or interest therein, including mineral
62    rights, or who directs or assists in the procuring of prospects
63    or in the negotiation or closing of any transaction which does,
64    or is calculated to, result in a sale, exchange, or leasing
65    thereof, and who receives, expects, or is promised any
66    compensation or valuable consideration, directly or indirectly
67    therefor; and all persons who advertise rental property
68    information or lists. A broker renders a professional service
69    and is a professional within the meaning of s. 95.11(4)(a).
70    Where the term "appraise" or "appraising" appears in the
71    definition of the term "broker," it specifically excludes those
72    appraisal services which must be performed only by a state-
73    licensed or state-certified appraiser,and those appraisal
74    services which may be performed by a registered trainee
75    assistantappraiser as defined in part II. The term "broker"
76    also includes any person who is a general partner, officer, or
77    director of a partnership or corporation which acts as a broker.
78    The term "broker" also includes any person or entity who
79    undertakes to list or sell one or more timeshare periods per
80    year in one or more timeshare plans on behalf of any number of
81    persons, except as provided in ss. 475.011 and 721.20.
82          Section 2. Subsections (7) and (9) of section 475.011,
83    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
84          475.011 Exemptions.--This part does not apply to:
85          (7) Any full-time graduate student who is enrolled in a
86    commission-approved degree program in appraising at a college or
87    university in this state, if the student is acting under the
88    direct supervision of a licensed broker or a licensed or
89    certified appraiser and is engaged only in appraisal activities
90    related to the approved degree program. Any appraisal report by
91    the student must be issued in the name of the supervising
92    individual.
93          (9) Any person registered, licensed,or certified by the
94    department under part II as an appraiser or traineeassistant
95    appraiser performing appraisals in accordance with that part.
96          Section 3. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 475.611,
97    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
98          475.611 Definitions.--
99          (1) As used in this part, the term:
100          (a) "Appraisal" or "appraisal services" means the services
101    provided by certified or licensed appraisers or registered
102    traineeassistantappraisers, and includes:
103          1. "Appraisal assignment" denotes an engagement for which
104    a person is employed or retained to act, or could be perceived
105    by third parties or the public as acting, as an agent or a
106    disinterested third party in rendering an unbiased analysis,
107    opinion, review, or conclusion relating to the nature, quality,
108    value, or utility of specified interests in, or aspects of,
109    identified real property.
110          2. "Analysis assignment" denotes appraisal services that
111    relate to the employer's or client's individual needs or
112    investment objectives and includes specialized marketing,
113    financing, and feasibility studies as well as analyses,
114    opinions, and conclusions given in connection with activities
115    such as real estate brokerage, mortgage banking, orreal estate
116    counseling, or real estate consulting.
117          3. "Appraisal review assignment" denotes an engagement for
118    which an appraiser is employed or retained to develop and
119    communicate an opinion about the quality of another appraiser's
120    appraisal, appraisal report, or work. An appraisal review may or
121    may not contain the reviewing appraiser's opinion of value.
122          (b) "Appraisal Foundation" or "foundation" means the
123    Appraisal Foundation established on November 20, 1987, as a not-
124    for-profit corporation under the laws of Illinois.
125          (c) "Appraisal report" means any communication,written or
126    oral, of an appraisal, appraisal review, appraisal consulting
127    service, analysis, opinion, or conclusion issued by an appraiser
128    relating to the nature, quality, value, or utility of a
129    specified interest in, or aspect of, identified real property,
130    and includes anyareport communicating an appraisal analysis,
131    opinion, or conclusion of value, regardless of title. However,
132    in order to be recognized in a federally related transaction, an
133    appraisal report must be written.
134          (d) "Appraisal review" means the act or process of
135    developing and communicating an opinion about the quality of
136    another appraiser's appraisal, appraisal report, or work.
137          (e)(d)"Appraisal subcommittee" means the designees of the
138    heads of the federal financial institutions regulatory agencies
139    established by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination
140    Council Act of 1978 (12 U.S.C. ss. 3301 et seq.), as amended.
141          (f)(e) "Appraiser" means any person who is a registered
142    traineeassistant real estate appraiser, licensed real estate
143    appraiser,or a certified real estate appraiser. An appraiser
144    renders a professional service and is a professional within the
145    meaning of s. 95.11(4)(a).
146          (g)(f)"Board" means the Florida Real Estate Appraisal
147    Board established under this section.
148          (h)(g)"Certified general appraiser" means a person who is
149    certified by the department as qualified to issue appraisal
150    reports for any type of real property.
151          (i)(h)"Certified residential appraiser" means a person
152    who is certified by the department as qualified to issue
153    appraisal reports for residential real property of one to four
154    residential units, without regard to transaction value or
155    complexity, or real property as may be authorized by federal
156    regulation.
157          (j)(i)"Department" means the Department of Business and
158    Professional Regulation.
159          (k)(j)"Federally related transaction" means any real
160    estate-related financial transaction which a federal financial
161    institutions regulatory agency or the Resolution Trust
162    Corporation engages in, contracts for, or regulates, and which
163    requires the services of a state-licensed orstate-certified
164    appraiser.
165          (k) "Licensed appraiser" means a person who is licensed by
166    the department as qualified to issue appraisal reports for
167    residential real property of one to four residential units or on
168    such real estate or real property as may be authorized by
169    federal regulation.
170          (l) "Registered traineeassistantappraiser" means a
171    person who is registered with the department as qualified to
172    perform appraisal services only under the directsupervision of
173    a licensed or certified appraiser. A registered trainee
174    appraiser may accept appraisal assignments only from her or his
175    primary or secondary supervisor.
176          (m) "Supervisory appraiser" means a certified residential
177    appraiser or a certified general appraiser responsible for the
178    direct supervision of one or more registered trainee appraisers
179    and fully responsible for appraisals and appraisal reports
180    prepared by those registered trainee appraisers. The board, by
181    rule, shall determine the responsibilities of a supervisory
182    appraiser, the geographic proximity required, and the maximum
183    number of registered trainee appraisers to be supervised by an
184    individual supervisory appraiser.
185          (n)(m)"Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
186    Practice" means the most recent standards approved and adopted
187    by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation.
188          (o) "Valuation services" means services pertaining to
189    aspects of property value and includes such services performed
190    by certified appraisers, registered trainee appraisers, and
191    others.
192          (p) "Work file" means the documentation necessary to
193    support an appraiser's analysis, opinions, and conclusions.
194          (2) Wherever the word "operate" or "operating" appears in
195    this part with respect to a registered traineeassistant
196    appraiser, licensed appraiser,or certified appraiser; in any
197    order, rule, or regulation of the board; in any pleading,
198    indictment, or information under this part; in any court action
199    or proceeding; or in any order or judgment of a court, it shall
200    be deemed to mean the commission of one or more acts described
201    in this part as constituting or defining a registered trainee
202    assistant appraiser, licensed appraiser,or certified appraiser,
203    not including, however, any of the exceptions stated therein. A
204    single act is sufficient to bring a person within the meaning of
205    this subsection, and each act, if prohibited herein, constitutes
206    a separate offense.
207          Section 4. Section 475.612, Florida Statutes, is amended
208    to read:
209          475.612 Certification, licensure,or registration
210    required.--
211          (1) A person may not use the title "certified real estate
212    appraiser," "licensed real estate appraiser," or "registered
213    traineeassistantreal estate appraiser," or any abbreviation or
214    words to that effect, or issue an appraisal report in connection
215    with any federally related transaction, unless such person is
216    certified, licensed,or registered by the department under this
217    part. However, the work upon which an appraisal report is based
218    may be performed by a person who is not a certified or licensed
219    appraiser or registered traineeassistantappraiser if the
220    report is approved and signed by a certified or licensed
221    appraiser.
222          (2) This section does not preclude a broker, salesperson,
223    or broker-salesperson who is not a certified or licensedreal
224    estate appraiser or registered traineeassistantreal estate
225    appraiser from providing valuation servicesappraising real
226    estate for compensation. Such persons may continue to provide
227    valuationappraisals and appraisalservices for compensation so
228    long as they do not represent themselves as certified, licensed,
229    or registered under this part.
230          (3) This section does not apply to a real estate broker or
231    salesperson who, in the ordinary course of business, performs a
232    comparative market analysis, gives a brokerprice opinion, or
233    gives an opinion of the value of real estate for the purpose of
234    advising a bona fide buyer or seller. However, in no event may
235    this comparative market analysis, brokerprice opinion, or
236    opinion of value of real estate be referred to or construed as
237    an appraisal.
238          (4) This section does not prevent any state court or
239    administrative law judge from certifying as an expert witness in
240    any legal or administrative proceeding an appraiser who is not
241    certified, licensed,or registered; nor does it prevent any
242    appraiser from testifying, with respect to the results of an
243    appraisal.
244          (5) This section does not apply to any full-time graduate
245    student who is enrolled in a degree program in appraising at a
246    college or university in this state, if the student is acting
247    under the direct supervision of a certified or licensed
248    appraiser or licensed brokerand is engaged only in appraisal
249    activities related to the approved degree program. Any appraisal
250    report by the student must be issued in the name of the
251    supervising individual.
252          (6) This section does not apply to any employee of a
253    local, state, or federal agency who performs appraisal services
254    within the scope of her or his employment. However, this
255    exemption does not apply where any local, state, or federal
256    agency requires an employee to be registered, licensed, or
257    certified to perform appraisal services.
258          Section 5. Section 475.613, Florida Statutes, is amended
259    to read:
260          475.613 Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board.--
261          (1) There is created the Florida Real Estate Appraisal
262    Board, which shall consist of seven members appointed by the
263    Governor, subject to confirmation by the Senate. Four members of
264    the board must be real estate appraisers who have been engaged
265    in the general practice of appraising real property in this
266    state for at least 5 years immediately preceding appointment. In
267    appointing real estate appraisers to the board, while not
268    excluding other appraisers, the Governor shall give preference
269    to real estate appraisers who are not primarily engaged in real
270    estate brokerage or mortgage lending activities. One member of
271    the board must represent organizations that use appraisals for
272    the purpose of eminent domain proceedings, financial
273    transactions, or mortgage insurance. Two members of the board
274    shall be representatives of the general public and shall not be
275    connected in any way with the practice of real estate appraisal,
276    real estate brokerage, or mortgage lending. The appraiser
277    members shall be as representative of the entire industry as
278    possible, and membership in a nationally recognized or state-
279    recognized appraisal organization shall not be a prerequisite to
280    membership on the board. To the extent possible, no more than
281    two members of the board shall be primarily affiliated with any
282    one particular national or state appraisal association. After
283    July 1, 1992, Two of the members must be licensed orcertified
284    residential real estate appraisers and two of the members must
285    be certified general real estate appraisers at the time of their
286    appointment.
287          (a) Initially, four members of the board shall be
288    appointed for 3-year terms, and three members shall be appointed
289    for 4-year terms. Thereafter, all Members of the boardshall be
290    appointed for 4-year terms. Any vacancy occurring in the
291    membership of the board shall be filled by appointment by the
292    Governor for the unexpired term. Upon expiration of her or his
293    or herterm, a member of the board shall continue to hold office
294    until the appointment and qualification of the member's
295    successor. A member may not be appointed for more than two
296    consecutive terms. The Governor may remove any member for cause.
297          (b) The headquarters for the board shall be in Orlando.
298          (c) The board shall meet at least once each calendar
299    quarter to conduct its business.
300          (d) The members of the board shall elect a chairperson at
301    the first meeting each year.
302          (e) Each member of the board is entitled to per diem and
303    travel expenses as set by legislative appropriation for each day
304    that the member engages in the business of the board.
305          (2) The board shall have, through its rules, full power to
306    regulate the issuance of licenses,certifications,
307    registrations, and permits; to discipline appraisers in any
308    manner permitted under this section; to establish qualifications
309    for licenses,certifications, registrations, and permits
310    consistent with this section; to regulate approved courses; and
311    to establish standards for real estate appraisals; and to
312    establish standards for and regulate supervisory appraisers.
313          Section 6. Section 475.6147, Florida Statutes, is amended
314    to read:
315          475.6147 Fees.--
316          (1) The board by rule may establish fees to be paid for
317    application, licensing and renewal,certification and
318    recertification, registration and reregistration,reinstatement,
319    and recordmaking and recordkeeping. The fee for initial
320    application may not exceed $150, and the combined cost of the
321    application and examination may not exceed $300. The initial
322    certification or registrationlicense fee and the certification
323    or registrationlicenserenewal fee may not exceed $150 for each
324    year of the duration of the certification or registration
325    license. The board may also establish by rule a late renewal
326    penalty. The board shall establish fees which are adequate to
327    ensure its continued operation. Fees shall be based on estimates
328    made by the department of the revenue required to implement this
329    part and other provisions of law relating to the regulation of
330    real estate appraisers.
331          (2) Application and certification and registrationlicense
332    fees shall be refunded upon a determination by the board that
333    the state is not entitled to the fees or that only a portion of
334    the resources have been expended in the processing of the
335    application or shall be refunded if for any other reason the
336    application is not completely processed. The board shall
337    implement this subsection by rule.
338          Section 7. Section 475.615, Florida Statutes, is amended
339    to read:
340          475.615 Qualifications for registration, licensure,or
341    certification.--
342          (1) Any person desiring to act as a registered trainee
343    assistant appraiser or as a licensed orcertified appraiser must
344    make application in writing to the department in such form and
345    detail as the board shall prescribe. Each applicant must be at
346    least 18 years of age and hold a high school diploma or its
347    equivalent. At the time of application, a person must furnish
348    evidence of successful completion of required education and
349    evidence of required experience, if any.
350          (2) The board is authorized to waive or modify any
351    education, experience, or examination requirements established
352    in this section in order to conform with any such requirements
353    established by the Appraisal Qualifications Board of the
354    Appraisal Foundation and recognized by the Appraisal
355    Subcommittee or any successor body recognized by federal law.
356          (3) Appropriate fees, as set forth in the rules of the
357    board pursuant to s. 475.6147, and a fingerprint card must
358    accompany all applications for registration or, certification,
359    or licensure. The fingerprint card shall be forwarded to the
360    Division of Criminal Justice Information Systems within the
361    Department of Law Enforcement for purposes of processing the
362    fingerprint card to determine if the applicant has a criminal
363    history record. The fingerprint card shall also be forwarded to
364    the Federal Bureau of Investigation for purposes of processing
365    the fingerprint card to determine if the applicant has a
366    criminal history record. The information obtained by the
367    processing of the fingerprint card by the Florida Department of
368    Law Enforcement and the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall be
369    sent to the department for the purpose of determining if the
370    applicant is statutorily qualified for registration or,
371    certification, or licensure.
372          (4) In the event that the applicant is currently a
373    registered traineeassistant appraiser or a licensed or
374    certified appraiser and is making application to obtain a
375    different status of appraisal licensure, should such application
376    be received by the department within 180 days prior to through
377    180 days after the applicant's scheduled renewal, the charge for
378    the application shall be established by the rules of the board
379    pursuant to s. 475.6147.
380          (5) At the time of filing a notarized application for
381    registration, licensure,or certification, the applicant must
382    sign a pledge to comply with the Uniform Standards of
383    Professional Appraisal Practice upon registration, licensure,or
384    certification,and must indicate in writing that she or he
385    understands the types of misconduct for which disciplinary
386    proceedings may be initiated. The application shall expire 1
387    year from the date received, if the applicant for registration,
388    licensure,or certification fails to take the appropriate
389    examination.
390          (6) All applicants must be competent and qualified to make
391    real estate appraisals with safety to those with whom they may
392    undertake a relationship of trust and confidence and the general
393    public. If any applicant has been denied registration,
394    licensure, or certification, or has been disbarred, or the
395    applicant's registration, license, or certificate to practice or
396    conduct any regulated profession, business, or vocation has been
397    revoked or suspended by this or any other state, any nation, or
398    any possession or district of the United States, or any court or
399    lawful agency thereof, because of any conduct or practices which
400    would have warranted a like result under this part, or if the
401    applicant has been guilty of conduct or practices in this state
402    or elsewhere which would have been grounds for disciplining her
403    or his registration, license, or certification under this part
404    had the applicant then been a registered traineeassistant
405    appraiser or a licensed orcertified appraiser, the applicant
406    shall be deemed not to be qualified unless, because of lapse of
407    time and subsequent good conduct and reputation, or other reason
408    deemed sufficient, it appears to the board that the interest of
409    the public is not likely to be endangered by the granting of
410    registration, licensure,or certification.
411          (7) No applicant seeking to become registered, licensed,
412    or certified under this part may be rejected solely by virtue of
413    membership or lack of membership in any particular appraisal
414    organization.
415          Section 8. Section 475.616, Florida Statutes, is amended
416    to read:
417          475.616 Examination requirements.--To be licensed or
418    certified as an appraiser, the applicant must demonstrate, by
419    passing a written examination, that she or he possesses:
420          (1) A knowledge of technical terms commonly used in real
421    estate appraisal.
422          (2) An understanding of the principles of land economics,
423    real estate appraisal processes, reliable sources of appraising
424    data, and problems likely to be encountered in the gathering,
425    interpreting, and processing of data in carrying out appraisal
426    disciplines.
427          (3) An understanding of the standards for the development
428    and communication of real estate appraisals as provided in this
429    part.
430          (4) An understanding of the types of misconduct for which
431    disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against a licensed or
432    certified appraiser, as set forth in this part.
433          (5) Knowledge of the theories of depreciation, cost
434    estimating, methods of capitalization, and the mathematics of
435    real estate appraisal that are appropriate for the licensure or
436    certification for which application is made.
437          Section 9. Section 475.617, Florida Statutes, is amended
438    to read:
439          475.617 Education and experience requirements.--
440          (1) To be registered as a traineean assistantappraiser,
441    an applicant must present evidence satisfactory to the board
442    that she or he has successfully completed at least 75 hours of
443    approved academic courses in subjects related to real estate
444    appraisal, which shall include coverage of the Uniform Standards
445    of Professional Appraisal Practice from a nationally recognized
446    or state-recognized appraisal organization, area technical
447    center, accredited community college, college, or university,
448    state or federal agency or commission, or proprietary real
449    estate school that holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. The
450    board may increase the required number of hours to not more than
451    100 hours. A classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each
452    60-minute segment. Past courses may be approved on an hour-for-
453    hour basis.
454          (2) To be licensed as an appraiser, an applicant must
455    present evidence satisfactory to the board that she or he:
456          (a) Has 2 years of experience in real property appraisal
457    as defined by rule.
458          (b) Has successfully completed at least 90 classroom
459    hours, inclusive of examination, of approved academic courses in
460    subjects related to real estate appraisal, which shall include
461    coverage of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
462    Practice from a nationally recognized or state-recognized
463    appraisal organization, area technical center, accredited
464    community college, college, or university, state or federal
465    agency or commission, or proprietary real estate school that
466    holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. The board may increase
467    the required number of hours to not more than 120 hours. A
468    classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute
469    segment. Past courses may be approved by the board and
470    substituted on an hour-for-hour basis.
471          (2)(3)To be certified as a residential appraiser, an
472    applicant must present satisfactory evidence to the board that
473    she or he:
474          (a) Has at least2,500 hours of experience obtained over a
475    24-month period in real property appraisal as defined by rule.
476          (b) Has successfully completed at least 120 classroom
477    hours, inclusive of examination, of approved academic courses in
478    subjects related to real estate appraisal, which shall include
479    coverage of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
480    Practice from a nationally recognized or state-recognized
481    appraisal organization, area technical center, accredited
482    community college, college, or university, state or federal
483    agency or commission, or proprietary real estate school that
484    holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. The board may increase
485    the required number of hours to not more than 165 hours. A
486    classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute
487    segment. Past courses may be approved by the board and
488    substituted on an hour-for-hour basis.
489          (3)(4)To be certified as a general appraiser, an
490    applicant must present evidence satisfactory to the board that
491    she or he:
492          (a) Has at least3,000 hours of experience obtained over a
493    30-month period in real property appraisal as defined by rule.
494          (b) Has successfully completed at least 180 classroom
495    hours, inclusive of examination, of approved academic courses in
496    subjects related to real estate appraisal, which shall include
497    coverage of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
498    Practice from a nationally recognized or state-recognized
499    appraisal organization, area technical center, accredited
500    community college, college, or university, state or federal
501    agency or commission, or proprietary real estate school that
502    holds a permit pursuant to s. 475.451. The board may increase
503    the required number of hours to not more than 225 hours. A
504    classroom hour is defined as 50 minutes out of each 60-minute
505    segment. Past courses may be approved by the board and
506    substituted on an hour-for-hour basis.
507          (4)(5)Each applicant must furnish, under oath, a detailed
508    statement of the experience for each year of experience she or
509    he claims. Upon request, the applicant shall furnish to the
510    board, for its examination, copies of appraisal reports or file
511    memoranda to support the claim for experience.
512          Section 10. Section 475.618, Florida Statutes, is amended
513    to read:
514          475.618 Renewal of registration, license,certification,
515    or instructor permit; continuing education.--
516          (1)(a) The department shall renew a registration, license,
517    certification, or instructor permit upon receipt of the renewal
518    application and proper fee. Such application shall include proof
519    satisfactory to the board that the individual has satisfactorily
520    completed any continuing education that has been prescribed by
521    the board.
522          (b) A distance learning course or courses mayshallbe
523    approved by the board as an option to classroom hours as
524    satisfactory completion of the course or courses as required by
525    this section. The schools authorized by this section have the
526    option of providing classroom courses, distance learning
527    courses, or both. However, satisfactory completion of a distance
528    learning course requires the satisfactory completion of a timed
529    distance learning course examination. Such examination shall not
530    be required to be monitored or given at a centralized location.
531          (c) The board in its discretion may authorize independent
532    certification organizations to certify or approve the delivery
533    method of distance learning courses. Certification from such
534    authorized organizations must be provided at the time a distance
535    learning course is submitted to the board by an accredited
536    college, university, community college, area technical center,
537    proprietary real estate school, or board-approved sponsor for
538    content approval.
539          (2) The department shall adopt rules establishing a
540    procedure for the renewal of registration, licenses,
541    certifications, and instructor permits at least every 4 years. A
542    registered trainee appraiser registration may be renewed for two
543    biennial terms only. After 6 years, the registered trainee
544    appraiser is not eligible for renewal but must qualify as a new
545    applicant.
546          (3) Any registration, license,certification, or
547    instructor permit which is not renewed at the end of the
548    registration, license,certification, or instructor permit
549    period prescribed by the department shall automatically revert
550    to inactive status.
551          (4) At least 60 days prior to the end of the registration,
552    license,certification, or instructor permit period, the
553    department shall cause to be mailed a notice of renewal and
554    possible reversion to the last known address of the registered
555    traineeassistant, licensee, certificateholder, or permitholder.
556          Section 11. Section 475.619, Florida Statutes, is amended
557    to read:
558          475.619 Inactive status.--
559          (1) A registration, license,or certification which has
560    become inactive may be renewed upon application to the
561    department. The board shall prescribe by rule continuing
562    education requirements for each year the registration, license,
563    or certification was inactive, as a condition of renewing an
564    inactive registration, license,or certification.
565          (2) Any registration, license,or certification which has
566    been inactive for more than 4 years shall automatically expire.
567    Once a registration, license,or certification expires, it
568    becomes null and void without any further action by the board or
569    department. Two years prior to the expiration of the
570    registration, license,or certification, the department shall
571    give notice by mail to the registered traineeassistant,
572    licensee,or certificateholder at her or his last known address.
573    The board shall prescribe by rule a fee not to exceed $100 for
574    the late renewal of an inactive registration, license,or
575    certification. The department shall collect the current renewal
576    fee for each renewal period in which the registration, license,
577    or certification was inactive, in addition to any applicable
578    late renewal fee.
579          (3) The board shall adopt rules relating to inactive
580    registrations, licenses,and certifications and for the renewal
581    of such registrations, licenses,and certifications.
582          Section 12. Section 475.620, Florida Statutes, is amended
583    to read:
584          475.620 Corporations and partnerships ineligible for
585    licensure orcertification.--
586          (1) A license orcertification may not be issued under
587    this part to a corporation, partnership, firm, or group.
588    However, an appraiser licensed orcertified under this part may
589    provide an appraisal report for or on behalf of a corporation,
590    partnership, firm, or group, if the report is prepared by, or
591    under the personal direction of, such appraiser and is reviewed
592    and signed by her or him.
593          (2) The term "state-registered traineeassistant
594    appraiser," "state-licensed appraiser,"or "state-certified
595    appraiser" may only be used to refer to an individual who is
596    registered, licensed,or certified under this part and may not
597    be used following or immediately in connection with the name or
598    signature of a corporation, partnership, firm, or group, or in
599    such manner that it could be interpreted as implying
600    registration, licensure,or certification under this part of a
601    corporation, partnership, firm, or group, or anyone other than
602    an individual appraiser. Corporations, partnerships, firms, or
603    groups which employ certified or licensedappraisers or
604    registered traineeassistantappraisers who provide appraisal
605    reports, as defined by this part, may represent to the public
606    and advertise that they offer appraisals performed by
607    registered, licensed,or certified appraisers.
608          Section 13. Section 475.621, Florida Statutes, is amended
609    to read:
610          475.621 Registry of licensed andcertified appraisers.--
611          (1) The department shall transmit to the appraisal
612    subcommittee, no less than annually, a roster listing
613    individuals who hold a valid state license orcertification as
614    an appraiser.
615          (2) The department shall collect from such individuals who
616    perform or seek to perform appraisals in federally related
617    transactions, an annual fee as set by the appraisal subcommittee
618    to be transmitted to the Federal Financial Institutions
619    Examinations Council on an annual basis.
620          Section 14. Section 475.622, Florida Statutes, is amended
621    to read:
622          475.622 Display and disclosure of licensure,
623    certification,or registration.--
624          (1) Each appraiser registered, licensed,or certified
625    under this part shall place her or his registration, license,or
626    certification number adjacent to or immediately beneath the
627    designation "state-registered traineeassistantreal estate
628    appraiser," "state-licensed real estate appraiser,""state-
629    certified residential real estate appraiser," or "state-
630    certified general real estate appraiser," or their appropriate
631    abbreviations as defined by rule, as applicable, when such term
632    is used in an appraisal report or in a contract or other
633    instrument used by the appraiser in conducting real property
634    appraisal activities. The applicable designation shall be
635    included in any newspaper, telephone directory, or other
636    advertising medium, as defined by rule, used by the appraiser.
637          (2) A registered traineeassistant appraiser or licensed
638    or certified appraiser may not sign any appraisal report or
639    certificationor communicate same without disclosing in writing
640    that she or he is a state-registered traineeassistantappraiser
641    or state-licensed, state-certified residential,or state-
642    certified general appraiser, as applicable, even if the
643    appraisal performed is outside of the scope of the appraiser's
644    registration, licensure,or certification as an appraiser.
645          (3) The primary or secondary supervising licensed or
646    certified appraiser of a registered traineeassistantreal
647    estate appraiser must sign eachany appraisal report and
648    certification signed by the registered traineeassistant.
649          (4) The supervising appraiser of a registered trainee
650    assistant real estate appraiser must disclose her or his or her
651    appropriate designation and number any time the registered
652    traineeassistantis required to make such disclosures.
653          Section 15. Section 475.6221, Florida Statutes, is amended
654    to read:
655          475.6221 Employment of registered traineeassistantreal
656    estate appraisers.--
657          (1) A registered traineeassistantreal estate appraiser
658    must perform appraisal services under the directsupervision of
659    a licensed orcertified appraiser who is designated as the
660    primary supervisor. The primary supervisor may also designate
661    additional licensed orcertified appraisers as secondary
662    supervisors. A secondary supervisor must be affiliated with the
663    same firm or business as the primary supervisor and the primary
664    or secondary supervisor must have the same business address as
665    the registered traineeassistant real estate appraiser. The
666    primary supervisoryA registered assistant real estateappraiser
667    must notify the Division of Real Estate of the name and address
668    of any primary and secondary supervisor for whom the registered
669    traineeassistantwill perform appraisal services, and must also
670    notify the division within 10 days after terminating such
671    relationship. Termination of the relationship with a primary
672    supervisor automatically terminates the relationship with the
673    secondary supervisor.
674          (2) A registered traineeassistantreal estate appraiser
675    may onlynot receive compensation through or frompayment
676    directly from the recipient of an appraisal report, unlessthe
677    primary supervising licensed or certified appraiser agrees to
678    the payment arrangement.
679          Section 16. Section 475.6222, Florida Statutes, is created
680    to read:
681          475.6222 Supervision of registered trainee
682    appraisers.--The primary or secondary supervisor of a registered
683    trainee appraiser must provide direct supervision to the
684    registered trainee appraiser. The role and responsibility of the
685    supervising appraiser shall be determined by rule of the board.
686          Section 17. Section 475.623, Florida Statutes, is amended
687    to read:
688          475.623 Registration of office location.--Each appraiser
689    registered, licensed,or certified under this part shall furnish
690    in writing to the department each business address from which
691    she or he operates in the performance of appraisal services.
692    Each appraiser must notify the department of any change of
693    address within 10 days on a form provided by the department.
694          Section 18. Section 475.624, Florida Statutes, is amended
695    to read:
696          475.624 Discipline.--The board may deny an application for
697    registration, licensure,or certification; may investigate the
698    actions of any appraiser registered, licensed,or certified
699    under this part; may reprimand or impose an administrative fine
700    not to exceed $5,000 for each count or separate offense against
701    any such appraiser; and may revoke or suspend, for a period not
702    to exceed 10 years, the registration, license,or certification
703    of any such appraiser, or place any such appraiser on probation,
704    if it finds that the registered traineeassistant, licensee,or
705    certificateholder:
706          (1) Has violated any provisions of this part or s.
707    455.227(1); however, certificateholders and registrants
708    licenseesunder this part are exempt from the provisions of s.
709    455.227(1)(i).
710          (2) Has been guilty of fraud, misrepresentation,
711    concealment, false promises, false pretenses, dishonest conduct,
712    culpable negligence, or breach of trust in any business
713    transaction in this state or any other state, nation, or
714    territory; has violated a duty imposed upon her or him by law or
715    by the terms of a contract, whether written, oral, express, or
716    implied, in an appraisal assignment; has aided, assisted, or
717    conspired with any other person engaged in any such misconduct
718    and in furtherance thereof; or has formed an intent, design, or
719    scheme to engage in such misconduct and committed an overt act
720    in furtherance of such intent, design, or scheme. It is
721    immaterial to the guilt of the registered traineeassistant,
722    licensee,or certificateholder that the victim or intended
723    victim of the misconduct has sustained no damage or loss; that
724    the damage or loss has been settled and paid after discovery of
725    the misconduct; or that such victim or intended victim was a
726    customer or a person in confidential relation with the
727    registered traineeassistant, licensee,or certificateholder, or
728    was an identified member of the general public.
729          (3) Has advertised services in a manner which is
730    fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading in form or content.
731          (4) Has violated any of the provisions of this section or
732    any lawful order or rule issued under the provisions of this
733    section or chapter 455.
734          (5) Has been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a
735    plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime
736    in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the activities of
737    a registered traineeassistant appraiser or licensed or
738    certified appraiser, or which involves moral turpitude or
739    fraudulent or dishonest conduct. The record of a conviction
740    certified or authenticated in such form as admissible in
741    evidence under the laws of the state shall be admissible as
742    prima facie evidence of such guilt.
743          (6) Has had a registration, license, or certification as
744    an appraiser revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against, or
745    has been disbarred, or has had her or his registration, license,
746    or certificate to practice or conduct any regulated profession,
747    business, or vocation revoked or suspended by this or any other
748    state, any nation, or any possession or district of the United
749    States, or has had an application for such registration,
750    licensure, or certification to practice or conduct any regulated
751    profession, business, or vocation denied by this or any other
752    state, any nation, or any possession or district of the United
753    States.
754          (7) Has become temporarily incapacitated from acting as an
755    appraiser with safety to those in a fiduciary relationship with
756    her or him because of drunkenness, use of drugs, or temporary
757    mental derangement; however, suspension of a license,
758    certification,or registration in such cases shall only be for
759    the period of such incapacity.
760          (8) Is confined in any county jail, postadjudication; is
761    confined in any state or federal prison or mental institution;
762    or, through mental disease or deterioration, can no longer
763    safely be entrusted to deal with the public or in a confidential
764    capacity.
765          (9) Has failed to inform the board in writing within 30
766    days after pleading guilty or nolo contendere to, or being
767    convicted or found guilty of, any felony.
768          (10) Has been found guilty, for a second time, of any
769    misconduct that warrants disciplinary action, or has been found
770    guilty of a course of conduct or practice which shows that she
771    or he is incompetent, negligent, dishonest, or untruthful to an
772    extent that those with whom she or he may sustain a confidential
773    relationship may not safely do so.
774          (11) Has made or filed a report or record, either written
775    or oral, which the registered traineeassistant, licensee,or
776    certificateholder knows to be false; has willfully failed to
777    file a report or record required by state or federal law; has
778    willfully impeded or obstructed such filing, or has induced
779    another person to impede or obstruct such filing. However, such
780    reports or records shall include only those which are signed or
781    presented in the capacity of a registered traineeassistant
782    appraiser or licensed orcertified appraiser.
783          (12) Has obtained or attempted to obtain a registration,
784    license,or certification by means of knowingly making a false
785    statement, submitting false information, refusing to provide
786    complete information in response to an application question, or
787    engaging in fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment.
788          (13) Has paid money or other valuable consideration,
789    except as required by this section, to any member or employee of
790    the board to obtain a registration, license,or certification
791    under this section.
792          (14) Has violated any standard for the development or
793    communication of a real estate appraisal or other provision of
794    the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
795          (15) Has failed or refused to exercise reasonable
796    diligence in developing an appraisal or preparing an appraisal
797    report.
798          (16) Has failed to communicate an appraisal without good
799    cause.
800          (17) Has accepted an appraisal assignment if the
801    employment itself is contingent upon the appraiser reporting a
802    predetermined result, analysis, or opinion, or if the fee to be
803    paid for the performance of the appraisal assignment is
804    contingent upon the opinion, conclusion, or valuation reached
805    upon the consequences resulting from the appraisal assignment.
806          (18) Has failed to timely notify the department of any
807    change in business location, or has failed to fully disclose all
808    business locations from which she or he operates as a registered
809    traineeassistant real estate appraiser or licensed orcertified
810    real estate appraiser.
811          Section 19. Section 475.626, Florida Statutes, is amended
812    to read:
813          475.626 Violations and penalties.--
814          (1) VIOLATIONS.--
815          (a) No person shall operate or attempt to operate as a
816    registered traineeassistant appraiser or licensed orcertified
817    appraiser without being the holder of a valid and current
818    registration, license,or certification.
819          (b) No person shall violate any lawful order or rule of
820    the board which is binding upon her or him.
821          (c) No person shall commit any conduct or practice set
822    forth in s. 475.624.
823          (d) No person shall make any false affidavit or
824    affirmation intended for use as evidence by or before the board
825    or any member thereof, or by any of its authorized
826    representatives, nor shall any person give false testimony under
827    oath or affirmation to or before the board or any member thereof
828    in any proceeding authorized by this section.
829          (e) No person shall fail or refuse to appear at the time
830    and place designated in a subpoena issued with respect to a
831    violation of this section, unless such failure to appear is the
832    result of facts or circumstances that are sufficient to excuse
833    appearance in response to a subpoena from the circuit court; nor
834    shall a person who is present before the board or a member
835    thereof or one of its authorized representatives acting under
836    authority of this section refuse to be sworn or to affirm or
837    fail or refuse to answer fully any question propounded by the
838    board, the member, or such representative, or by any person by
839    the authority of such officer or appointee.
840          (f) No person shall obstruct or hinder in any manner the
841    enforcement of this section or the performance of any lawful
842    duty by any person acting under the authority of this section,
843    or interfere with, intimidate, or offer any bribe to any member
844    of the board or any of its employees or any person who is, or is
845    expected to be, a witness in any investigation or proceeding
846    relating to a violation of this section.
847          (g) No person shall knowingly conceal any information
848    relating to violations of this section.
849          (2) PENALTIES.--Any person who violates any of the
850    provisions of subsection (1) commitsis guilty ofa misdemeanor
851    of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s.
852    775.083, except when a different punishment is prescribed by
853    this section. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the
854    prosecution under any other criminal statute of this state of
855    any person for an act or conduct prohibited by this section;
856    however, in such cases, the state may prosecute under this
857    section or under such other statute, or may charge both offenses
858    in one prosecution, but the sentence imposed shall not be a
859    greater fine or longer sentence than that prescribed for the
860    offense which carries the more severe penalties. A civil case,
861    criminal case, or a denial, revocation, or suspension proceeding
862    may arise out of the same alleged state of facts, and the
863    pendency or result of one such case or proceeding shall not stay
864    or control the result of either of the others.
865          Section 20. Section 475.627, Florida Statutes, is amended
866    to read:
867          475.627 Appraisal course instructors.--
868          (1) Where the course or courses to be taught are
869    prescribed by the board or approved precedent to registration,
870    licensure, certification, or renewal as a registered trainee
871    assistant appraiser, licensed appraiser,or certified
872    residential appraiser, before commencing to instruct noncredit
873    college courses in a college, university, or community college,
874    or courses in an area technical center or proprietary real
875    estate school, a person must certify her or his competency by
876    meeting one of the following requirements:
877          (a) Hold a valid certification as a residential real
878    estate appraiser in this or any other state.
879          (b) Pass an appraiser instructor's examination which shall
880    test knowledge of residential appraisal topics.
881          (2) Where the course or courses to be taught are
882    prescribed by the board or approved precedent to registration,
883    licensure, certification, or renewal as a registered trainee
884    assistant appraiser, licensed appraiser,or certified appraiser,
885    before commencing to instruct noncredit college courses in a
886    college, university, or community college, or courses in an area
887    technical center or proprietary real estate school, a person
888    must certify her or his competency by meeting one of the
889    following requirements:
890          (a) Hold a valid certification as a general real estate
891    appraiser in this or any other state.
892          (b) Pass an appraiser instructor's examination which shall
893    test knowledge of residential and nonresidential appraisal
894    topics.
895          (3) Possession of a permit to teach prescribed or approved
896    appraisal courses does not entitle the permitholder to teach any
897    courses outside the scope of the permit.
898          Section 21. Section 475.628, Florida Statutes, is amended
899    to read:
900          475.628 Professional standards for appraisers registered,
901    licensed,or certified under this part.--Each appraiser
902    registered, licensed,or certified under this part shall comply
903    with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice.
904    Statements on appraisal standards which may be issued for the
905    purpose of clarification, interpretation, explanation, or
906    elaboration through the Appraisal Foundation shall also be
907    binding on any appraiser registered, licensed,or certified
908    under this part.
909          Section 22. Section 475.629, Florida Statutes, is amended
910    to read:
911          475.629 Retention of records.--An appraiser registered,
912    licensed,or certified under this part shall retain, for at
913    least 5 years, original or true copies of any contracts engaging
914    the appraiser's services, appraisal reports, and supporting data
915    assembled and formulated by the appraiser in preparing appraisal
916    reports. The period for retention of the records applicable to
917    each engagement of the services of the appraiser runs from the
918    date of the submission of the appraisal report to the client.
919    These records must be made available by the appraiser for
920    inspection and copying by the department on reasonable notice to
921    the appraiser. If an appraisal has been the subject of or has
922    served as evidence for litigation, reports and records must be
923    retained for at least 2 years after the trial.
924          Section 23. Section 475.6295, Florida Statutes, is amended
925    to read:
926          475.6295 Authority to inspect.--Duly authorized agents and
927    employees of the department shall have the power to inspect in a
928    lawful manner at all reasonable hours any appraiser or appraisal
929    office certified or registeredlicensedunder this chapter, for
930    the purpose of determining if any of the provisions of this
931    chapter, chapter 455, or any rule promulgated under authority of
932    either chapter is being violated.
933          Section 24. Section 475.631, Florida Statutes, is created
934    to read:
935          475.631 Nonresident licenses and certifications.--
936          (1) Notwithstanding the requirements for certification set
937    forth in ss. 475.615 and 475.616, the board in its discretion
938    may enter into written agreements with similar licensing or
939    certification authorities of other states, territories, or
940    jurisdictions of the United States to ensure for state-certified
941    appraisers nonresident licensure or certification opportunities
942    comparable to those afforded to nonresidents by this section.
943    Whenever the board determines that another jurisdiction does not
944    offer nonresident licensure or certification to state-certified
945    appraisers substantially comparable to those afforded to
946    certified appraisers or licensees of that jurisdiction by this
947    section, the board shall require certified appraisers or
948    licensees of that jurisdiction who apply for nonresident
949    certification to meet education, experience, and examination
950    requirements substantially comparable to those required by that
951    jurisdiction with respect to state-certified appraisers who seek
952    nonresident licensure or certification, not to exceed such
953    requirements as are prescribed in ss. 475.615 and 475.616.
954          (2)(a) An applicant who is not a resident of this state
955    shall file an irrevocable consent that suits and actions may be
956    commenced against her or him in any county of this state in
957    which a plaintiff having a cause of action or suit against her
958    or him resides and that service of any process or pleading in
959    suits or actions against her or him may be made by delivering
960    the process or pleading to the director of the Division of Real
961    Estate by certified mail, return receipt requested, and also to
962    the certified appraiser or licensee by registered mail addressed
963    to the certified appraiser or licensee at her or his designated
964    principal place of business. Service, when so made, must be
965    taken and held in all courts to be as valid and binding upon the
966    certified appraiser or licensee as if made upon her or him in
967    this state within the jurisdiction of the court in which the
968    suit or action is filed. The irrevocable consent must be in a
969    form prescribed by the department and be acknowledged before a
970    notary public.
971          (b) Any resident state-certified appraiser who becomes a
972    nonresident shall, within 60 days, notify the board of the
973    change in residency and comply with nonresident requirements.
974    Failure to notify and comply is a violation of the license law,
975    subject to the penalties in s. 475.624.
976          (c) All nonresident applicants, certified appraisers, and
977    licensees shall comply with all requirements of board rules and
978    this part. The board may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1)
979    and 120.54 necessary for the regulation of nonresident certified
980    appraisers and licensees.
981          Section 25. Subsection (1) of section 655.60, Florida
982    Statutes, is amended to read:
983          655.60 Appraisals.--
984          (1) The department is authorized to cause to be made
985    appraisals of real estate or other property held by any state
986    financial institution, subsidiary, or service corporation or
987    securing the assets of the state financial institution,
988    subsidiary, or service corporation when specific facts or
989    information with respect to real estate or other property held,
990    secured loans, or lending, or when in its opinion the state
991    financial institution's policies, practices, operating results,
992    and trends give evidence that the state financial institution's
993    appraisals or evaluations of ability to make payments may be
994    excessive, that lending or investment may be of a marginal
995    nature, that appraisal policies and loan practices may not
996    conform with generally accepted and established professional
997    standards, or that real estate or other property held by the
998    state financial institution, subsidiary, or service corporation
999    or assets secured by real estate or other property are
1000    overvalued. In lieu of causing such appraisals to be made, the
1001    department may accept any appraisal caused to be made by an
1002    appropriate state or federal regulatory agency or other insuring
1003    agency or corporation of a state financial institution. Unless
1004    otherwise ordered by the department, an appraisal of real estate
1005    or other property pursuant to this section must be made by a
1006    licensed orcertified appraiser or appraisers selected by the
1007    department, and the cost of such appraisal shall be paid
1008    promptly by such state financial institution, subsidiary, or
1009    service corporation directly to such appraiser or appraisers
1010    upon receipt by the state financial institution of a statement
1011    of such cost bearing the written approval of the department. A
1012    copy of the report of each appraisal caused to be made by the
1013    department pursuant to this section shall be furnished to the
1014    state financial institution, subsidiary, or service corporation
1015    within a reasonable time, not exceeding 60 days, following the
1016    completion of such appraisal and may be furnished to the
1017    insuring agency or corporation or federal or state regulatory
1018    agency.
1019          Section 26. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.