Bill No. CS for SB 1410
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 412248
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
 1                  WD/2R          .                    
       04/25/2003 04:04 PM         .                    
 2                                 .                    
 3                                 .                    
 4  ______________________________________________________________
10  ______________________________________________________________
11  Senator Wise moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 6, between lines 8 and 9,
16  insert:  
17         Section 5.  (1)  The Office of Program Policy Analysis
18  and Government Accountability shall review and recommend
19  appropriate changes to the laws of this state affecting land
20  sales, exemptions, and mandatory homeowners' associations and
21  disclosure laws related to adult and residential subdivisions.
22  In conducting the review, the office shall consider input from
23  a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, the
24  Department of Business and Professional Regulation, homeowners
25  and homeowners' associations, and developers. The office shall
26  hold public meetings in South Florida, Central Florida, and
27  Jacksonville to obtain input.
28         (2)  The review shall evaluate the need for any changes
29  and additions to those laws which may be appropriate to
30  protect the interests of consumers and property owners on
31  matters, including, but not limited to, control of the
    5:01 PM   04/24/03                              s1410c1c-05c9u

SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1410 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 412248 1 homeowners' association's operations, management and 2 maintenance, disclosure of financial reports by developers or 3 owners, disclosure of all governing documents governing real 4 property, penalties for noncompliance, oversight and funding 5 for such protection of interests, alternative dispute 6 resolution, and assistance in the formulation of rules to 7 implement enforcement. 8 (3) By February 1, 2004, the Office of Program Policy 9 Analysis and Government Accountability shall submit a report 10 of its findings and recommendations to the Governor, the 11 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of 12 Representatives. 13 14 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 15 16 17 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 18 And the title is amended as follows: 19 On page 1, line 12, after the semicolon, 20 21 insert: 22 requiring the Office of Program Policy Analysis 23 and Government Accountability to review and 24 evaluate changes to the laws affecting land 25 sales, exemptions, and mandatory homeowners' 26 associations and disclosure laws related to 27 adult and residential subdivisions; requiring 28 the Office of Program Policy Analysis and 29 Government Accountability to consult with the 30 Department of Business and Professional 31 Regulation, homeowners and homeowners' 2 5:01 PM 04/24/03 s1410c1c-05c9u
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for SB 1410 Amendment No. ___ Barcode 412248 1 associations, and developers and to hold 2 hearings; requiring a report to the Governor, 3 the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of 4 the House of Representatives regarding its 5 evaluation of the need for change to laws that 6 protect the interests of consumers and property 7 owners; 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 5:01 PM 04/24/03 s1410c1c-05c9u