Senate Bill sb1416

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    Florida Senate - 2003        (NP)                      SR 1416

    By Senators Fasano, Crist, Wasserman Schultz, Siplin, Lynn and


  1                    Senate Resolution No. ____

  2         A resolution recognizing and honoring the

  3         contributions and sacrifices made by the crew

  4         of Columbia on space shuttle mission STS-107.


  6         WHEREAS, the space shuttle mission STS-107 was the 28th

  7  flight of the space orbitor Columbia and the 113th shuttle

  8  mission to date, and

  9         WHEREAS, the Columbia was lost in the skies over Texas

10  on February 1, 2003, after a sixteen-day mission dedicated to

11  research in space, life, and physical sciences, and

12         WHEREAS, the Senate pays tribute to the memory of

13  Flight Commander Rick Douglas Husband, USAF Colonel; Flight

14  Pilot William C. McCool, USN Commander; Mission Specialist

15  Kalpana Chawla, Ph.D., USN Captain; Mission Specialist David

16  M. Brown, M.D., USN Captain; Mission Specialist Laurel Blair

17  Salton Clark, M.D., USN Captain; Payload Specialist Michael P.

18  Anderson, USAF Lieutenant Colonel; and Payload Specialist Ilan

19  Ramon, Israeli Air Force Colonel, and

20         WHEREAS, these were family men and women, skilled

21  professionals, and avid adventurers, who dedicated their lives

22  to a noble and necessary cause, NOW, THEREFORE,


24  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:


26         That this Legislative body honors the seven members of

27  the crew of the space orbitor Columbia for their heroism and

28  spirit, and pays tribute to the contributions and sacrifices

29  made by these men and women on behalf of this State and the

30  Nation.



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