HB 1441 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to jurors; providing a popular name;
3    creating s. 40.010, F.S.; providing state policy that all
4    qualified citizens have an obligation to serve on petit
5    juries when called; creating s. 40.012, F.S.; providing
6    requirements with respect to postponement of petit jury
7    participation; amending s. 40.013, F.S.; revising language
8    with respect to persons disqualified or excused from jury
9    services; creating s. 40.014, F.S.; providing for excuses
10    from petit jury service; amending s. 40.23, F.S.; revising
11    language with respect to summoning jurors; creating s.
12    40.255, F.S.; providing for a Lengthy Trial Fund; amending
13    s. 40.271, F.S.; providing for employment protection while
14    on jury service; providing for severability; providing an
15    effective date.
17          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
19          Section 1. This act shall be known by the popular name the
20    “Florida Jury Patriotism Act.”
21          Section 2. Section 40.010, Florida Statutes, is created to
22    read:
23          40.010 Full participation on petit juries of all
24    citizens.--It is the policy of this state that all qualified
25    citizens have an obligation to serve on petit juries when
26    summoned by the courts of this state, unless excused.
27          Section 3. Section 40.012, Florida Statutes, is created to
28    read:
29          40.012 Postponement of petit jury participation.--
30          (1) Individuals scheduled to appear for jury service have
31    the right to postpone the date of their initial appearance for
32    jury service one time only. When requested, postponements shall
33    be granted, provided that:
34          (a) The juror has not previously been granted a
35    postponement;
36          (b) The prospective juror appears in person or contacts
37    the clerk of the court by telephone, electronic mail, or in
38    writing to request a postponement; and
39          (c) Prior to the grant of a postponement with the
40    concurrence of the clerk of the court, the prospective juror
41    specifies a date certain on which he or she will appear for jury
42    service that is not more than 6 months after the date on which
43    the prospective juror originally was called to serve and on
44    which date the court will be in session.
45          (2) A subsequent request to postpone jury service may be
46    approved by a judicial officer only in the event of an extreme
47    emergency, such as a death in the family, sudden grave illness,
48    a natural disaster, or a national emergency in which the
49    prospective juror is personally involved, that could not have
50    been anticipated at the time the initial postponement was
51    granted. Prior to the grant of a second postponement, the
52    prospective juror must specify a date certain on which the
53    individual will appear for jury service within 6 months after
54    the postponement on a date when the court will be in session.
55          Section 4. Section 40.013, Florida Statutes, is amended to
56    read:
57          40.013 Persons disqualified or excused from jury
58    service.--
59          (1) No person who is under prosecution for any crime, or
60    who has been convicted in this state, any federal court, or any
61    other state, territory, or country of bribery, forgery, perjury,
62    larceny, or any other offense that is a felony in this state or
63    which if it had been committed in this state would be a felony,
64    unless restored to civil rights, shall be qualified to serve as
65    a juror.
66          (2)(a) Neither the Governor, nor Lieutenant Governor, nor
67    any Cabinet officer, nor clerk of court, or judge shall be
68    qualified to be a juror.
69          (b) Any full-time federal, state, or local law enforcement
70    officer or such entities' investigative personnel shall be
71    excused from jury service unless such persons choose to serve.
72          (2)(3)No person interested in any issue to be tried
73    therein shall be a juror in any cause; but no person shall be
74    disqualified from sitting in the trial of any suit in which the
75    state or any county or municipal corporation is a party by
76    reason of the fact that such person is a resident or taxpayer
77    within the state or such county or municipal corporation.
78          (4) Any expectant mother and any parent who is not
79    employed full time and who has custody of a child under 6 years
80    of age, upon request, shall be excused from jury service.
81          (3)(5) A presiding judge may, in his or her discretion,
82    excuse a practicing attorney, a practicing physician, or a
83    person who is physically infirm from jury service, except that
84    No person shall be excused from service on a civil trial jury
85    solely on the basis that the person is deaf or hearing impaired,
86    if that person wishes to serve, unless the presiding judge makes
87    a finding that consideration of the evidence to be presented
88    requires auditory discrimination or that the timely progression
89    of the trial will be considerably affected thereby. However,
90    nothing in this subsection shall affect a litigant's right to
91    exercise a peremptory challenge.
92          (6) A person may be excused from jury service upon a
93    showing of hardship, extreme inconvenience, or public necessity.
94          (4)(7)A person who was summoned and who reported as a
95    prospective juror in any court in that person's county of
96    residence within 1 year before the first day for which the
97    person is being considered for jury service is exempt from jury
98    service for 1 year from the last day of service.
99          (5)(8)A person 70 years of age or older shall be excused
100    from jury service upon request. A person 70 years of age or
101    older may also be permanently excused from jury service upon
102    written request. A person who is permanently excused from jury
103    service may subsequently request, in writing, to be included in
104    future jury lists provided such person meets the qualifications
105    required by this chapter.
106          (9) Any person who is responsible for the care of a person
107    who, because of mental illness, mental retardation, senility, or
108    other physical or mental incapacity, is incapable of caring for
109    himself or herself shall be excused from jury service upon
110    request.
111          Section 5. Section 40.014, Florida Statutes, is created to
112    read:
113          40.014 Excuses from petit jury service.--
114          (1) An individual may apply to be excused from jury
115    service for a period of up to 24 months, instead of seeking a
116    postponement, when either:
117          (a) The prospective juror has a mental or physical
118    condition that causes him or her to be incapable of performing
119    jury service. The juror, or the juror's personal
120    representative, must provide the court with documentation from a
121    physician licensed to practice medicine verifying that a mental
122    or physical condition renders him or her unfit for jury service
123    for a period of up to 24 months; or
124          (b) Jury service would cause undue or extreme physical or
125    financial hardship to the prospective juror or a person under
126    his or her care or supervision.
127          1. A judge of the court for which the individual was
128    called to jury service shall make undue or extreme physical or
129    financial hardship determinations. The authority to make these
130    determinations is delegable only to court officials or personnel
131    who are authorized by the laws of this state to function as
132    members of the judiciary.
133          2. A person asking to be excused based on a finding of
134    undue or extreme physical or financial hardship must take all
135    actions necessary to have obtained a ruling on that request by
136    no later than the date on which the individual is scheduled to
137    appear for jury duty.
138          (2) For purposes of this section, "undue or extreme
139    physical or financial hardship" is limited to circumstances in
140    which an individual would:
141          (a) Be required to abandon a person under his or her
142    personal care or supervision due to the impossibility of
143    obtaining an appropriate substitute caregiver during the period
144    of participation in the jury pool or on the jury;
145          (b) Incur costs that would have a substantial adverse
146    impact on the payment of the individual's necessary daily living
147    expenses or on those for whom he or she provides the principle
148    means of support; or
149          (c) Suffer physical hardship that would result in illness
150    or disease.
151          (3) Undue or extreme physical or financial hardship does
152    not exist solely based on the fact that a prospective juror will
153    be required to be absent from his or her place of employment.
154    (4) A person asking a judge to grant an excuse based on
155    undue or extreme physical or financial hardship shall be
156    required to provide the judge with documentation, such as, but
157    not limited to, federal and state income tax returns, medical
158    statements from licensed physicians, proof of dependency or
159    guardianship, and similar documents, which the judge finds to
160    clearly support the request to be excused. Failure to provide
161    satisfactory documentation shall result in a denial of the
162    request to be excused.
163          (5) After 24 months, a person excused from jury service
164    shall become eligible once again for qualification as a juror
165    unless the person was excused from service permanently. A
166    person is excused from jury service permanently only when the
167    deciding judge determines that the underlying grounds for being
168    excused are of a permanent nature.
169          Section 6. Section 40.23, Florida Statutes, is amended to
170    read:
171          40.23 Summoning jurors.--
172          (1) The clerk of the court shall generate a venire as
173    prescribed in s. 40.221 and shall summon the persons named in
174    such venire to attend court as jurors at least 14 days prior to
175    the sitting of such court by mailing to each person so named in
176    the venire a written notice, addressed to his or her place of
177    residence, and placing such notice in the United States mail
178    with sufficient postage to carry the same. Upon order of the
179    court, jurors may be summoned with less than 14 days' notice.
180          (2) The jury service of any person who has been summoned
181    may be postponed for a period not to exceed 6 months upon
182    written or oral request. The request may specify a date or
183    period of time to which service is to be postponed and, if so,
184    shall be given consideration when the assignment of the
185    postponed date of jury service is made.
186          (2)(3)Any person who is duly summoned to attend as a
187    juror in any court and who fails to attend without having
188    obtained a postponement or exemption according to the provisions
189    of s. 40.014any sufficient excuse shall have committed a
190    misdemeanor of the second degree punishable as provided in ss.
191    775.082 or s. 775.083pay a fine not to exceed $100, which fine
192    shall be imposed by the court to which the juror was summoned,
193    and, in addition, such failure may be considered a contempt of
194    court.
195          Section 7. Section 40.255, Florida Statutes, is created to
196    read:
197          40.255 Lengthy Trial Fund.--The Supreme Court of Florida
198    shall promulgate rules to establish a Lengthy Trial Fund that
199    shall be used to provide full or partial wage replacement or wage
200    supplementation to jurors who serve as petit jurors for more than
201    10 days.
202          (1) The court rules shall provide for the following:
203          (a) The selection and appointment of an administrator for
204    the fund.
205          (b) Procedures for the administration of the fund,
206    including payments of salaries of the administrator and other
207    necessary personnel.
208          (c) Procedures for the accounting, auditing, and
209    investment of money in the Lengthy Trial Fund.
210          (d) A report by the Supreme Court of Florida on the
211    administration of the Lengthy Trial Fund in its annual report on
212    the judicial branch, setting forth the money collected for and
213    disbursed from the fund.
214          (2) Notwithstanding any other fees collected under state
215    law, each trial court in the state shall collect from each
216    attorney who files a civil case, unless otherwise exempted under
217    the provisions of this section, a fee of $20 per case to be paid
218    into the Lengthy Trial Fund. A lawyer will be deemed to have
219    filed a case at the time the first pleading or other filing on
220    which an individual lawyer's name appears is submitted to the
221    court for filing and opens a new case. All such fees shall be
222    forwarded to the administrator of the Lengthy Trial Fund for
223    deposit.
224          (3) The administrator shall use the fees deposited in the
225    Lengthy Trial Fund to pay full or partial wage replacement or
226    wage supplementation to jurors whose employers pay less than
227    full regular wages when the period of jury service lasts more
228    than 10 days.
229          (4) The court may pay replacement or supplemental wages of
230    up to $300 per day per juror beginning on the 11th day of jury
231    service. In addition, for any jurors who qualify for payment by
232    virtue of having served on a jury for more than 10 days, the
233    court may, upon finding that such service posed a significant
234    financial hardship to a juror, even in light of payments made
235    with respect to jury service after the 10th day, award
236    replacement or supplemental wages of up to $100 per day from the
237    4th through the 10th day of jury service.
238          (5) Any juror who is serving or has served on a jury that
239    qualifies for payment from the Lengthy Trial Fund, provided the
240    service commenced on or after the effective date of this act,
241    may submit a request for payment from the Lengthy Trial Fund on
242    a form that the administrator provides. Payment shall be
243    limited to the difference between the state paid jury fee and
244    the actual amount of wages a juror earns, up to the maximum
245    level payable, minus any amount the juror actually receives from
246    the employer during the same time period. This payment shall be
247    paid in addition to any other compensation that a juror may
248    receive according to the laws of this state.
249          (a) The form shall disclose the juror's regular wages, the
250    amount the employer will pay during the term of jury service
251    starting on the 11th day and thereafter, the amount of
252    replacement or supplemental wages requested, and any other
253    information the administrator deems necessary for proper
254    payment.
255          (b) The juror also shall be required to submit
256    verification from the employer as to the wage information
257    provided to the administrator, for example, the employee's most
258    recent earnings statement or similar document, prior to
259    initiation of payment from the fund.
260          (c) If an individual is self-employed or receives
261    compensation other than wages, the individual may provide a
262    sworn affidavit attesting to his or her approximate gross weekly
263    income, together with such other information as the
264    administrator may require, in order to verify weekly income.
265          (6) The following attorneys and causes of action are
266    exempt from payment of the Lengthy Trial Fund fee:
267          (a) Government attorneys entering appearances in the
268    course of their official duties.
269          (b) Pro se litigants.;
270          (c) Cases in small claims court or the state equivalent
271    thereof.
272          (d) Claims seeking social security disability
273    determinations; individual veterans' compensation or disability
274    determinations; recoupment actions for government backed
275    educational loans or mortgages; child custody and support cases;
276    actions brought in forma pauperis; and any other filings
277    designated by rule that involve minimal use of court resources
278    and that customarily are not afforded the opportunity for a
279    trial by jury.
280          Section 8. Section 40.271, Florida Statutes, is amended to
281    read:
282          40.271 Jury service; employment protection.--
283          (1) No person summoned to serve on any grand or petit jury
284    in this state, or accepted to serve on any grand or petit jury
285    in this state, shall be dismissed from employment for any cause
286    or otherwise be subject to any adverse employment actionbecause
287    of the nature or length of service upon such jury.
288          (2) Threats of dismissal from employment for any cause, by
289    an employer or his or her agent to any person summoned for jury
290    service in this state, because of the nature or length of
291    service upon such jury may be deemed a contempt of the court
292    from which the summons issued.
293          (3) A civil action by the individual who has been
294    dismissed may be brought in the courts of this state for any
295    violation of this section, and said individual shall be entitled
296    to collect not only compensatory damages, but, in addition
297    thereto, punitive damages and reasonable attorney fees for
298    violation of this act.
299          (4) An employee may not be required or requested to use
300    annual, vacation, or sick leave for time spent responding to a
301    summons for jury service, time spent participating in the jury
302    selection process, or time spent actually serving on a jury.
303    Nothing in this provision shall be construed to require an
304    employer to provide annual, vacation, or sick leave to employees
305    under the provisions of this subsection who otherwise are not
306    entitled to such benefits under company policies.
307          (5) A court shall automatically postpone and reschedule
308    the service of a summoned juror of an employer with five of
309    fewer full-time employees, or their equivalent, if another
310    employee of that employer is summoned to appear during the same
311    period. Such postponement will not affect an individual’s right
312    to one automatic postponement under s. 40.012.
313          Section 9. The provisions of this act are severable. If
314    any portion of this act is declared unconstitutional or the
315    application of any part of this act to any person or
316    circumstance is held invalid, the remaining portions of the act
317    and their applicability to any person or circumstance shall
318    remain valid and enforceable.
319          Section 10. This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.