Senate Bill sb1444c1

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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1444

    By the Committees on Governmental Oversight and Productivity;
    and Children and Families


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to public records; amending s.

  3         409.175, F.S.; creating an exemption for

  4         certain information held by the Department of

  5         Children and Family Services, the Department of

  6         Health, and the fire inspector concerning

  7         licensed family foster homes and applicants for

  8         such licensure; exempting the names of minor

  9         children and household members, information

10         that would identify neighbors, and medical

11         records and medical information from public

12         disclosure; providing for the release of

13         certain information after a specified period if

14         the information concerns an applicant for

15         licensure or concerns a foster parent who does

16         not become an adoptive parent and no longer

17         cares for foster children; providing for future

18         legislative review and repeal; providing a

19         statement of public necessity; providing an

20         effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Subsection (16) of section 409.175, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         409.175  Licensure of family foster homes, residential

27  child-caring agencies, and child-placing agencies.--

28         (16)(a)  The following information contained in the

29  licensing file held by the Department of Health, a fire

30  inspector pursuant to a facility or fire inspection, or the

31  department regarding applicants for family foster home


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1444

 1  licensure or persons whose home is licensed as a family foster

 2  home under this section, including their spouses, minor

 3  children, and other adult household members, the department is

 4  exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art.

 5  I of the State Constitution unless otherwise ordered by a

 6  court:

 7         1.  The home, business, work, childcare, or school

 8  addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers,

 9  birthdates, and photographs of the members of the family

10  foster home;

11         2.  The names of the minor children in the family

12  foster home;

13         3.  The names, telephone numbers, addresses, or other

14  information that would identify the location of the neighbor

15  contained in the neighbor references; persons who are licensed

16  under this section to be family foster parents and of their

17  spouses, their minor children, and other adult household

18  members; identifying information about such persons in

19  neighbor references;

20         4.  The floor plan of the foster home; and

21         5.  Medical records or medical information contained in

22  the family profile, the evaluation materials of the Florida

23  Model Approach to Partnership and Parenting, the report of the

24  home study, personal or neighbor references, and the health

25  inquiry letter of the members of the family foster home. any

26  identifying information about such persons contained in

27  similar sensitive, personal information that is provided to

28  the department by such persons.

29         (b)  This subsection applies to foster parents whose

30  homes are licensed under this section, including, but not

31  limited to, all individuals who have previously been were


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1444

 1  foster parents. If a foster home is no longer licensed and the

 2  foster parent does not become an adoptive parent, the

 3  information made exempt under this subsection, with the

 4  exception of the social security numbers and the medical

 5  records and medical information concerning the members of the

 6  foster family, shall become public information 5 years after

 7  the foster home is no longer licensed.

 8         (c)  If an applicant for a foster home license does not

 9  receive the license, the information made exempt under this

10  subsection, with the exception of the social security numbers

11  and medical records or medical information concerning members

12  of the applicant's foster family, shall become public

13  information 5 years after the date of the first documented

14  inquiry. and became adoptive parents. This subsection is

15  subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act of 1995 in

16  accordance with s. 119.15, and shall stand repealed on October

17  2, 2003, unless reviewed and saved from repeal through

18  reenactment by the Legislature.

19         Section 2.  Subsection (16) of section 409.175, Florida

20  Statutes, is subject to the Open Government Sunset Review Act

21  of 1995 in accordance with section 119.15, Florida Statutes,

22  and shall stand repealed on October 2, 2008, unless reviewed

23  and saved from repeal through reenactment by the Legislature.

24         Section 3.  The Legislature finds that it is a public

25  necessity that the public-records exemption found in

26  subsection (16) of section 409.175, Florida Statutes,

27  regarding licensed family foster homes be expanded to include

28  certain medical records and medical information; the names of

29  the minor children in the home; and the names, telephone

30  numbers, and addresses of neighbor references. The Legislature

31  finds that this exemption should be extended to foster parent


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1444

 1  applicants and foster parents whose licenses have become

 2  inactive. The medical records and medical information to which

 3  this exemption is expanded applies solely to certain

 4  information concerning foster parents or members of the foster

 5  family which may embarrass or damage the character of the

 6  family or its members. Such information has traditionally been

 7  considered private. Public access to such information could be

 8  defamatory or embarrassing and constitutes an unwarranted

 9  invasion into the life and privacy of a person. Thus, the harm

10  caused from disclosing certain medical records and medical

11  information outweighs any public benefit that can be derived

12  from public disclosure. Furthermore, the public availability

13  of these medical records and medical information could lessen

14  the willingness of prospective caregivers to reveal necessary

15  medical information, thus hindering the department's ability

16  to assess foster parent applicants and licensed foster parents

17  and hindering the department's attempts to make appropriate

18  placements for foster children. The Legislature finds that

19  public disclosure of the names of the foster parents allows

20  for the review of substantive information concerning, but not

21  limited to, compliance with licensing requirements and

22  performance of the foster family. However, the availability of

23  the names of the minor children or the names, telephone

24  numbers, or addresses of the neighbors providing references

25  does not further such a review but instead provides

26  information that could facilitate the location of the foster

27  home and foster family. Revealing this location increases the

28  risk that other individuals, including the parents or

29  relatives of children in foster care, could threaten, harass,

30  or cause physical harm or other injury to foster children or

31  their foster families. The Legislature further finds that it


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    Florida Senate - 2003                           CS for SB 1444

 1  is a public necessity to provide foster parent applicants and

 2  foster parents who are no longer licensed, but who have not

 3  adopted a child and who are no longer caring for foster

 4  children, with the same protections afforded licensed foster

 5  parents in order to encourage persons to apply to become

 6  licensed foster parents. The public availability of such

 7  information regarding foster parent applicants and foster

 8  parents who discontinue caring for foster children would have

 9  a negative, chilling effect on the recruitment of such

10  persons. Accordingly, it is a public necessity that such

11  applicant information; information concerning a foster parent

12  who is no longer licensed; names of the minor children; names,

13  addresses, and telephone numbers of neighbors; and medical

14  records and medical information remain exempt from public

15  disclosure in order for the Department of Children and Family

16  Services to effectively and efficiently run the foster care

17  program.

18         Section 4.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2003.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
21                             SB 1444


23  Narrows the exemption.

24  Deletes the phrase "sensitive personal information" and limits
    that portion of the exemption to medical records and medical
25  information.

26  Makes conforming changes to the statement of public necessity.







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