HB 1447, Engrossed 1 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to St. Lucie County; providing legislative
3    intent; providing a popular name; providing for
4    consolidation of certain local hospital authority;
5    providing powers and duties of hospital governing boards;
6    providing an effective date.
8          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
10          Section 1. This act clarifies the delineation of authority
11    within each hospital within St. Lucie County. It is the intent
12    of the Legislature to provide consolidation of a hospital
13    corporation's board of directors' power, authority, duty, and
14    ultimate responsibility under existing statutes with respect to
15    the operation of a hospital, including, but not limited to, the
16    granting, denial, and discipline of medical staff and clinical
17    privileges, and for compliance with statutorily mandated peer
18    review, risk management, and quality assurance activities. This
19    act is not intended to supersede, amend, or terminate any
20    existing medical staff bylaws, but rather to clarify that in the
21    event of a conflict between bylaws of a hospital corporation's
22    board of directors and a hospital's medical staff bylaws, the
23    hospital board's bylaws shall prevail with respect to medical
24    staff privileges, quality assurance, peer review, and contracts
25    for hospital-based services.
26          Section 2. This act may be known by the popular name the
27    "St. Lucie County Hospital Governance Law."
28          Section 3. The board of directors of each general hospital
29    operating in St. Lucie County whose license is held by a
30    corporation shall appoint or elect, in a manner and method of
31    its own choosing, a governing board for each hospital which may
32    be the board of directors of such corporation or a separate
33    governing board. The board of directors may delegate such
34    authority as it deems necessary to the governing board of a
35    hospital, but such delegation does not relieve the hospital
36    corporation of ultimate responsibility, and such delegation of
37    authority shall remain subject to amendment, rescission, or
38    revocation by the board of directors.
39          Section 4. The governing board shall also be ultimately
40    responsible for the administration of the hospital, including
41    managing the operations of the hospital, ensuring patient
42    welfare, conducting peer review, overseeing the risk management
43    program and quality assurance activities, and determining
44    eligibility for medical staff membership and clinical
45    privileges. This authority is granted subject to the provisions
46    of sections 395.0191 and 395.0193, Florida Statutes, and the
47    articles of incorporation and bylaws of the hospital
48    corporation.
49          Section 5. A governing board's authority for the
50    administration of the hospital is not limited by the authority
51    of its medical staff. Therefore, a governing board may reject or
52    modify a medical staff recommendation or may, if the medical
53    staff has failed to act, take action independent of the medical
54    staff concerning medical staff membership, clinical privileges,
55    peer review, and quality assurance in accordance with the
56    procedures specified in section 6. To the extent, if any, that
57    the bylaws or other regulations of the medical staff conflict
58    with the bylaws or other regulations of the governing board, the
59    bylaws or other regulations of the governing board shall control
60    with respect to medical staff privileges, quality assurance,
61    peer review, and contracts for hospital-based services,
62    irrespective of the identity of the drafter of the respective
63    bylaws or regulations. However, in no event shall a decision
64    regarding medical staff privileges be made by the governing
65    board entirely upon economic considerations. Neither the
66    governing board nor a hospital's medical staff shall
67    unilaterally amend a hospital's medical staff bylaws and related
68    manuals, rules, or regulations. Any amendments or revisions
69    proposed by the governing board shall first be submitted to the
70    medical staff for its recommendations, including 30 days' notice
71    for response, and any response timely made shall be carefully
72    considered by the governing board prior to its approval of the
73    proposed amendments or revisions.
74          Section 6. To the extent a governing board seeks to modify
75    a medical staff recommendation, or where a medical staff has
76    failed to act within 75 days after a request from the governing
77    board to take action against, or with regard to, an individual
78    physician concerning medical staff membership, clinical
79    privileges, peer review, or quality assurance, a governing board
80    may take action independent of the actions of the medical staff.
81    Any such action shall be subject to a fair hearing process, if
82    authorized by the medical staff bylaws, in which the physician
83    is entitled to be represented by counsel, to be afforded an
84    opportunity to present oral and written argument in response to
85    the corrective or disciplinary action proposed, and to comment
86    upon and cross-examine witnesses and evidence against such
87    physician. If, after any fair hearing, the governing board
88    determines that corrective or disciplinary action is necessary,
89    it shall recommend such action to a six-member joint conference
90    committee composed of three members of the governing board, to
91    be appointed by the chair of the governing board, and three
92    members of the medical staff, to be appointed by the chair or
93    president of the medical staff. The joint conference committee
94    shall, within 15 days after the governing board's decision after
95    the fair hearing process, review the fair hearing recommendation
96    and notify the governing board that the joint conference
97    committee accepts, rejects, or cannot reach a majority consensus
98    concerning the governing board's recommendation. If the joint
99    conference committee's recommendation is to accept the governing
100    board's recommendation, the governing board's decision shall be
101    final. If the joint conference committee rejects the governing
102    board's recommendation and suggests an alternative corrective or
103    disciplinary action, or finds that no corrective or disciplinary
104    action is warranted, the governing board shall not unreasonably
105    reject the joint conference committee's recommendation. If the
106    joint conference committee cannot reach a majority consensus to
107    either accept or reject the governing board's action concerning
108    the fair hearing decision, the governing board's action shall be
109    final. The governing board shall give full and complete
110    consideration to the joint conference committee’s
111    recommendations.
112          Section 7. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law.