HB 1451 2003
1 A bill to be entitled
2          An act relating to the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act;
3    providing a popular name; creating the "Lead Poisoning
4    Prevention Act"; providing purposes of the act; providing
5    for a Director of Lead Poisoning Prevention; providing
6    duties and responsibilities of the director; providing for
7    a Lead Poisoning Prevention Coordinating Council;
8    providing membership of the council; providing for the
9    creation of a program for prevention of lead poisoning;
10    providing for a Lead Poisoning Prevention Commission;
11    providing for membership and duties of the commission;
12    providing requirements for "lead-free" and "lead-safe"
13    property status; providing time period for compliance;
14    providing for inspection of affected properties; providing
15    for expedited and emergency inspections; providing for
16    inspection reports; providing for accreditation of persons
17    performing lead hazard reduction activities; providing for
18    accreditation of persons performing inspections; providing
19    for duration of certification; providing registration fees
20    for persons performing lead hazard abatement and persons
21    performing inspections; providing for deposit of fees;
22    providing for enforcement of the act; providing for
23    registration of affected properties; providing for
24    contents and renewal of registration; providing
25    registration fees; providing for deposit of fees;
26    providing requirements for immunity from civil liability
27    for injuries or damages resulting from the ingestion of
28    lead; providing exceptions to immunity; providing for
29    documentation and notification of injury; defining
30    "qualified offer"; providing procedure and requirements
31    with respect to a qualified offer; providing for
32    attorney's fees; providing for maximum amounts payable
33    under a qualified offer; providing for certification of
34    compliance with respect to a qualified offer; providing
35    for offers of compormise; providing for rules; providing
36    for presumption of negligence in actions against property
37    owners not in compliance; providing requirements with
38    respect to liability coverage for losses or damage caused
39    by exposure to lead-based paint offered by insurers in the
40    state; providing requirements of the Department of
41    Financial Services; requiring specified lead hazard
42    coverage; providing standards for determination of rates
43    for lead hazard coverage; creating the lead-safe or lead-
44    free property revolving loan fund account within the State
45    Housing Trust Fund; providing for the sale of bonds;
46    providing for administration and disbursement of funds;
47    providing for loans through intermediaries; providing for
48    reinvestment and repayment of funds; providing for
49    enforcement of criminal violations; providing for civil
50    remedies; providing for reporting of enforcement actions;
51    providing for receivership of properties not meeting
52    certain standards; providing for injunctive relief;
53    providing for notice of intent to seek injunctive relief;
54    providing for recovery of costs and attorneys fees;
55    defining "retaliatory eviction"; prohibiting retaliatory
56    evictions; providing for the establishment of a
57    comprehensive educational program; providing for a public
58    information initiative; providing for distibution of
59    specified literature; providing for lead-safe housing
60    seminars; providing for the adoption of rules and the
61    distribution of information regarding insurance
62    requirements; providing requirements of the Department of
63    Business and Professional Regulation with respect to
64    education and licensure requirements for real estate
65    brokers and salespersons; requiring the establishment of a
66    program for early identification of persons at risk of
67    elevated levels of lead in the blood; providing for
68    screening of children; providing for screening priorities;
69    providing for the maintenance of records of screenings;
70    providing for reportinng of cases of lead poisoning;
71    providing definitions; providing an effective date.
73          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
75          Section 1. Popular name.--This act shall be known by the
76    popular name, the “Lead Poisoning Prevention Act.”
77          Section 2. Legislative findings.--
78          (1) Nearly one million American children may have levels
79    of lead in their blood in excess of 10 micrograms per deciliter
80    ((g/dL). Unless prevented or treated, elevated blood lead levels
81    in egregious cases may result in impairment of the ability to
82    think, concentrate, and learn.
83          (2) A significant cause of lead poisoning in children is
84    the ingestion of lead particles from deteriorating or abraded
85    lead-based paint from older, poorly maintained residences.
86          (3) The health and development of these children and many
87    others are endangered by chipping or peeling lead-based paint or
88    excessive amounts of lead-contaminated dust in poorly maintained
89    homes.
90          (4) Ninety percent of lead-based paint still remaining in
91    occupied housing exists in units built before 1960, with the
92    remainder in units built before 1978.
93          (5) The dangers posed by lead-based paint can be
94    substantially reduced and largely eliminated by taking measures
95    to prevent paint deterioration and limiting children’s exposure
96    to paint chips and lead dust.
97          (6) The deterioration of lead-based paint in older
98    residences results in increased expenses each year for the State
99    in the form of special education and other education expenses,
100    medical care for lead-poisoned children, and expenditures for
101    delinquent youth and others needing special supervision.
102          (7) Older housing units remain an important part of the
103    makeup of the state’s housing, particularly for those of modest
104    or limited incomes.
105          (8) The existing system of enforcing housing codes has
106    proven ineffective in inducing widespread lead-based paint
107    hazard abatement, mitigation, and control.
108          (9) The financial incentives currently in place have not
109    proven sufficient to motivate landlords and other property
110    owners to undertake widespread and effective lead-based paint
111    hazard abatement, mitigation, and control.
112          (10) Knowledge of lead-based paint hazards, their control,
113    mitigation, abatement, and risk avoidance is not sufficiently
114    widespread, especially outside urban areas.
115          Section 3. Purposes.--To promote the elimination of
116    childhood lead poisoning in the state, the purposes of this act
117    are:
118          (1) To substantially reduce, and eventually eliminate, the
119    incidence of childhood lead poisoning in the state;
120          (2) To increase the supply of affordable rental housing in
121    the state in which measures have been taken to reduce
122    substantially the risk of childhood lead poisoning;
123          (3) To make enforcement of lead hazard control standards
124    in the state more certain and more effective;
125          (4) To improve public awareness of lead safety issues and
126    to educate both property owners and tenants about practices that
127    can reduce the incidence of lead poisoning;
128          (5) To assure the availability and affordability of
129    liability insurance protection to those landlords and other
130    owners who undertake specified lead hazard reduction measures;
131          (6) To mandate the testing of children likely to suffer
132    the consequences of lead poisoning so that prompt diagnosis and
133    treatment as well as the prevention of harm are possible;
134          (7) To provide a mechanism to facilitate prompt payment of
135    medical and rehabilitation expenses and relocation costs for
136    those remaining individuals who are affected by childhood lead
137    poisoning; and
138          (8) To define the scope of authority of state agencies and
139    departments for lead hazard control, mitigation, education, and
140    insurance availability, and to provide for the coordination of
141    these efforts.
142          Section 4. Director of Lead Poisoning Prevention; Lead
143    Poisoning Prevention Coordinating Council; Program for
144    Prevention of Lead Poisoning; Lead Poisoning Prevention
145    Commission.--
146          (1) The Governor shall appoint a Director of Lead Poisoning
147    Prevention who shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The
148    director shall be responsible, subject to the authority of the
149    Governor, for carrying out and administering all programs
150    created pursuant to the provisions of this act. To the extent
151    necessary, the director shall designate which local government
152    officials shall assist him in carrying out the duties prescribed
153    by this act. The director may contract with any agency or
154    agencies, individuals, or groups for the provision of necessary
155    services, subject to appropriation; and shall adopt and from
156    time to time, amend, such rules as may be necessary;
157          (2) The director shall chair a Lead Poisoning Prevention
158    Coordinating Council that also shall include a designee of the
159    Governor from the department of Community Affairs and a designee
160    of the Governor from the Department of Health.
161          (3) Subject to appropriation, the director, working in
162    coordination with the Lead Poisoning Prevention Council, shall
163    establish a statewide program for the prevention, screening,
164    diagnosis, and treatment of lead poisoning, including
165    elimination of the sources of such poisoning, through such
166    research, educational, epidemiologic, and clinical activities as
167    may be necessary.
168          (4) The Governor shall appoint a Lead Poisoning Prevention
169    Commission.
170          (a) The duties of the commission are to:
171          1. Study and collect information on the effectiveness of
172    this act in fulfilling its legislative purposes as defined in
173    section 3;
174          2. Make policy recommendations on achieving the
175    legislative purposes of this act as set forth in section 3;
176          3. Consult with the Director of Lead Poisoning Prevention
177    and applicable state agencies on the implementation of this act;
178    and
179          4. Prepare and submit a report annually to the Governor on
180    the results of implementing this act.
181          (b) The commission shall consist of fifteen members. The
182    membership shall include:
183          1. The Director of Lead Poisoning Prevention and the
184    additional two members of the Lead Poisoning Coordinating
185    Council as described in section 4(2);
186          2. One member of the Senate appointed by the President of
187    the Senate;
188          3. One member of the House of Representatives appointed by
189    the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and
190          4. Nine members appointed by the Governor, including:
191          a. A child advocate;
192          b. A health care provider;
193          c. A parent of a lead-poisoned child;
194          d. A representative of local government;
195          e. Two owners of rental property in the state;
196          f. A representative from the insurance industry that
197    offers premises liability coverage in the state;
198          g. Either a lead hazard control professional/contractor or
199    a lead hazard identification professional; and
200          h. One other member of the public whose experience and
201    expertise will ensure meaningful contribution to the commission.
202          (c) The terms of the members are as follows:
203          1. The term of a member appointed by the Governor is 4
204    years;
205          2. A member appointed by the President of the Senate or
206    the Speaker of the House of Representatives serves at the
207    pleasure of the appointing officer;
208          3. The terms of the initial members may be shortened or
209    lengthened so that the terms of future members are staggered;
210          4. At the end of a term, a member shall continue to serve
211    until a successor is appointed and qualifies;
212          5. A member who is appointed after a term has commenced
213    serves only for the reminder of the term and until a successor
214    is appointed.
215          Section 5. Requirements for lead-free status and lead-safe
216    status.--
217          (1) An affected property shall comply with the
218    requirements of either “lead-free” status, as defined by section
219    5(3), or “lead-safe” status, as defined by section 5(4), on or
220    before July 1, 2005, except as otherwise provided in section
221    5(2) .
222          (2) An owner of five or more affected properties may apply
223    to the director or the director’s local designee for an
224    extension of time in which to comply with the requirement of
225    section 5(1). The extension of time in which to comply shall be
226    for a period of 3 years beyond the deadline specified in section
227    5(1), meaning that the extended deadline for compliance shall be
228    July 1, 2008. The director shall grant the owner’s request for
229    an extension if and only if:
230          (a) The owner of the affected property states under
231    penalty of perjury that the affected property for which an
232    extension is sought is not occupied by a person at risk; and
233          (b) The owner of the affected property has complied with
234    the requirements of section 5(1) for more than 50 percent of the
235    other affected properties which the owner owns or in which he or
236    she has a beneficial interest.
237          (3) An affected property is “lead-free” if:
238          (a) The affected property was constructed after 1978; or
239          (b) The owner of the affected property submits to the
240    director or the director’s designee for the jurisdiction in
241    which such property is located an inspection report which
242    indicates that the affected property has been tested for the
243    presence of lead in accordance with standards and procedures
244    established by the regulations promulgated by the director and
245    states that:
246          1. All interior surfaces of the affected property are
247    lead-free; and
248          2.a. All exterior painted surfaces of the affected
249    property that were chipping, peeling, or flaking have been
250    restored with non-lead-based paint; or
251          b. No exterior painted surfaces of the affected property
252    are chipping, peeling, or flaking.
253          (c) In order to maintain exemption from the provisions of
254    this act, the owner of any affected property with lead-based
255    paint on any exterior surface which has been certified as “lead-
256    free” pursuant to subsection (3) shall submit to the director or
257    the director’s designee for the jurisdiction in which such
258    property is located every 3 years a certification, by an
259    inspector, accredited pursuant to the provisions of section 7,
260    stating that no exterior painted surface of the affected
261    property is chipping, peeling, or flaking.
262          (4) An affected property is lead-safe if the following
263    treatments to reduce lead-based paint hazards have been
264    completed by someone certified under section 7 and in compliance
265    with the regulations established by the director:
266          (a) Visual review of all exterior and interior painted
267    surfaces;
268          (b) Removal and repainting of chipping, peeling, or
269    flaking paint on exterior and interior painted surfaces;
270          (c) Stabilization and repainting of any interior or
271    exterior painted surfaces which have lead-based paint hazards;
272          (d) Repair of any structural defect that is causing the
273    paint to chip, peel, or flake that the owner of the affected
274    property has knowledge of or, with the exercise of reasonable
275    care, should have knowledge of;
276          (e) Stripping and repainting, replacing, or encapsulating
277    all interior windowsills and window troughs with vinyl, metal,
278    or any other durable materials which render the surface smooth
279    and cleanable;
280          (f) Installation of caps of vinyl, aluminum, or any other
281    material in a manner and under conditions approved by the
282    director in all window wells in order to make the window wells
283    smooth and cleanable;
284          (g) Fixing the top sash of all windows in place in order
285    to eliminate the friction caused by movement of the top sash,
286    except for a treated or replacement window that is free of lead-
287    based paint on its friction surfaces;
288          (h) Rehanging all doors as necessary to prevent the
289    rubbing together of a lead-painted surface with another surface;
290          (i) Making all bare floors smooth and cleanable;
291          (j) Ensuring that all kitchen and bathroom floors are
292    overlaid with a smooth, water-resistant covering; and
293          (k) HEPA-vacuuming and washing of the interior of the
294    affected property with high phosphate detergent or its
295    equivalent, as determined by the director.
296          (5)(a) Whenever an owner of an affected property intends
297    to make repairs or perform maintenance work that will disturb
298    the paint on interior surfaces of an affected property, the
299    owner shall give any tenant in such affected property at least
300    48 hours’ written advance notice and shall make reasonable
301    efforts to ensure that all persons who are not persons at risk
302    are not present in the area where work is performed and that all
303    persons at risk are removed from the affected property when the
304    work is performed.
305          (b) A tenant shall allow access to an affected property,
306    at reasonable times, to the owner to perform any work required
307    under this act.
308          (c) If a tenant must vacate an affected property for a
309    period of 24 hours or more in order to allow an owner to perform
310    work that will disturb the paint on interior surfaces, the owner
311    shall pay the reasonable expenses that the tenant incurs
312    directly related to the required relocation.
313          (d) If an owner has made all reasonable efforts to cause
314    the tenant to temporarily vacate an affected property in order
315    to perform work that will disturb the paint on interior
316    surfaces, and the tenant refuses to vacate the affected
317    property, the owner shall not be liable for any damages arising
318    from the tenant's refusal to vacate.
319          (e) If an owner has made all reasonable efforts to gain
320    access to an affected property in order to perform any work
321    required under this act, and the tenant refuses to allow access,
322    even after receiving reasonable advance notice of the need for
323    access, the owner shall not be liable for any damages arising
324    from the tenant's refusal to allow access.
325          Section 6. Inspection of affected properties.--
326          (1)(a) Initial inspection of each affected property shall
327    occur on or before July 1, 2005, except as provided in
328    section 5(2).
329          (b) Subsequent inspections shall occur at intervals of not
330    greater than 3 years.
331          (c) The requirement for a subsequent inspection may be
332    satisfied by certification of the owner with the director or the
333    director’s designee for the jurisdiction in which such property
334    is located, under penalty of perjury, that the tenants occupying
335    an affected property have not changed since the last inspection
336    and that no one residing within the affected property is a
337    person at risk.
338          (d) If the requirement for reinspection of an affected
339    property has been satisfied by certification pursuant to section
340    6(1)(c), the requirement for a reinspection under section
341    6(1)(b) is reactivated by either a change in tenancy or the
342    residence of a person at risk within the affected property.
343          (2) The director or the director’s designee for the
344    jurisdiction in which such property is located shall order an
345    inspection of an affected property, at the expense of the owner
346    of the affected property, whenever the director or the
347    director’s designee for the jurisdiction in which such property
348    is located, after July 1, 2005, is notified that the affected
349    property reasonably appears to comply with neither the lead-free
350    standard nor the lead-safe standard as those standards are
351    defined in section 5 and a person at risk resides in the
352    affected property or spends more than 24 hours per week in the
353    affected property. An inspection required under this subsection
354    shall be completed within 90 days after notification of the
355    director or the director’s designee for the jurisdiction in
356    which such property is located.
357          (3) The director or the director’s designee for the
358    jurisdiction in which such property is located shall order an
359    inspection of an affected property, at the expense of the owner
360    of the affected property, whenever the director or the
361    director’s designee for the jurisdiction in which such property
362    is located, after July 1, 2003, is notified that a person at
363    risk who resides in the affected property or spends more than 24
364    hours per week in the affected property has an elevated blood
365    lead level greater than or equal to 15 µg/dL. An inspection
366    under this subsection shall be completed within 15 days after
367    notification of the director or the director’s designee for the
368    jurisdiction in which such property is located.
369          (4) The inspector shall submit a verified report of the
370    result of the inspection to the director or the director’s
371    designee for the jurisdiction in which such property is located,
372    the owner, and the tenant, if any, of the affected property.
373          Section 7. Accreditation of inspectors and contractors
374    performing work.--
375          (1) No person shall act as a contractor or supervisor to
376    perform the work necessary for lead-hazard abatement as defined
377    in this act unless that person is accredited by the director.
378    The director shall accredit for these purposes any person
379    meeting the standards described as follows:
380          (a) Regulations to be adopted by the director pursuant to
381    this act governing the accreditation of individuals to engage in
382    lead-based paint activities sufficient to satisfy the
383    requirements of 40 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) 745.325
384    or any applicable successor provisions to 40 C.F.R. 745.325.
385          (b) Certification by the United States Environmental
386    Protection Agency to engage in lead-based paint activities
387    pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 745.226 or any applicable successor
388    provisions to 40 C.F.R. 745.226.
389          (c) Certification by a state or tribal program authorized
390    by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to certify
391    individuals engaged in lead-based paint activities pursuant to
392    40 C.F.R. 745.325 or any applicable successor provisions to 40
393    C.F.R. 745.325.
395          The director shall, by regulation, create exceptions to the
396    accreditation requirement for instances where the disturbance of
397    lead-based paint is incidental.
398          (2) An inspector accredited by the director shall conduct
399    all inspections required by sections 5 or 6 of this act, or
400    otherwise required by this act. The director shall accredit as
401    an inspector any individual meeting the requirements of section
402    7(2)(a) or (b):
403          (a) Regulations to be adopted by the director pursuant to
404    this act governing the accreditation of individuals eligible to
405    conduct the inspections required by this act; or
406          (b) Certification to conduct risk assessments by the EPA
407    pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 745.226(b) or any applicable successor
408    provisions to 40 C.F.R. 745.226.
409          (3) The accreditation of contractors or supervisors of
410    those performing the work necessary for lead hazard abatement,
411    and the accreditation of those performing the inspections
412    required by this section, shall extend for a period of 3 years
413    unless the director has probable cause to believe a person
414    accredited under this section has violated the terms of the
415    accreditation or engaged in illegal or unethical conduct related
416    to inspections required by this act, in which case the
417    accreditation to perform inspections shall be suspended pending
418    a hearing in accordance with the provisions of state law.
419          (4) The director shall establish by regulation a schedule
420    of fees for the registration of persons performing lead hazard
421    abatement and a separate schedule for persons performing
422    inspections pursuant to this act. Such fees shall be required
423    to be paid at the time of initial registration and at the time
424    of subsequent renewal of registration, and shall be sufficient
425    to cover all costs, including the costs of state personnel,
426    attributable to accreditation activities conducted under this
427    section.
428          (a) Fees collected pursuant to this subsection will be
429    held in a separate account within the State Housing Trust Fund
430    to be used for accreditation purposes under this section.
431          (b) The State Treasurer shall hold and the Chief Financial
432    Officer shall account for this fund.
433          (c) Funds deposited in the separate account within the
434    State Housing Trust Fund established under this subsection shall
435    be invested and reinvested and any investment earnings shall be
436    paid into the fund.
437          (5) The provisions and procedures of the Department of
438    Business and Professional Regulation shall be used for and shall
439    apply to the enforcement of violations of this section, any
440    rules adopted under this act, and any condition of accreditation
441    issued under this act.
442          Section 8. Registration of affected properties.--
443          (1) On or before July 1, 2005, the owner of an affected
444    property shall register the affected property with the director
445    or the director’s designee for the jurisdiction in which such
446    property is located.
447          (2) Contents of Registration. The owner shall register
448    each affected property using forms prepared by the director,
449    including the following information:
450          (a) The name and address of the owner;
451          (b) The address of the affected property;
452          (c) If applicable, the name and address of each property
453    manager employed by the owner to manage the affected property;
454          (d) The name and address of each insurance company
455    providing property insurance or lead hazard coverage for the
456    affected property, together with the policy numbers of that
457    insurance or coverage;
458          (e) The name and address of a resident agent, other agent
459    of the owner, or contact person in the state with respect to the
460    affected property;
461          (f) The date of construction of the affected property;
462          (g) The date of the latest change in occupancy of the
463    affected property; and
464          (h) The latest date, if any, on which the affected
465    property has been certified to be in compliance with the
466    provisions of section 5, and the name and address of the person
467    conducting the inspection.
468          (3) Registration shall be renewed every 2 years; however,
469    owners shall update the information contained in the owner’s
470    registration within 30 days after any change in the registration
471    information.
472          (4) The information provided by an owner under this
473    Section shall be open to the public.
474          (5) The director shall establish by regulation a schedule
475    of fees for the registration of affected properties, required to
476    be paid at the time of initial registration and at the time of
477    subsequent renewals of registration, sufficient to cover all
478    costs, including the costs of state personnel, involved with
479    registration activities conducted under this section.
480          (a) Fees collected pursuant to this subsection will be
481    held in a separate account within the State Housing Trust Fund
482    to be used for registration purposes under this section.
483          (b) The State Treasurer shall hold and the Chief Financial
484    Officer shall account for this fund.
485          (c) Funds deposited in the separate account within the
486    State Housing Trust Fund established under this subsection shall
487    be invested and reinvested and any investment earnings shall be
488    paid into the fund.
489          (d) An owner of an affected property who fails to pay the
490    fees imposed under this subsection shall be liable for a civil
491    penalty of triple the cumulative amount of any and all unpaid
492    registration fees or $150, whichever is greater, together with
493    all the costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys’
494    fees. These penalties shall be collected in a civil action in
495    any court of competent jurisdiction. Any unpaid penalty shall
496    constitute a lien against the affected property.
497          Section 9. Liability protection and qualified offer.--
498          (1) This section applies to all potential bases of civil
499    liability for alleged injury or loss to a person caused by the
500    ingestion of lead by a person at risk in an affected property;
501    except that this section does not apply to any claim in which
502    the elevated blood lead level of the person at risk is
503    documented to have existed on or before the date 60 days after
504    the affected property where the person at risk resides or
505    otherwise allegedly was exposed to lead has been certified as
506    lead-free under section 5(2) or lead-safe under section 5(3).
507          (2) A property owner and his or her agents and employees
508    are immune from civil liability to a person at risk, or his or
509    her parents or legal guardian, for injuries or damages resulting
510    from the ingestion of lead contained in an affected property if:
511          (a) The property has been certified as lead-free under
512    section 5(3) or as lead-safe under section 5(4); and
513          (b) The property owner or his agent has made a “qualified
514    offer” as defined in section 9(5) to the person at risk, or his
515    or her parent or legal guardian, in a case in which the person
516    at risk has a documented elevated blood lead level of 15 µg/dL
517    or more performed more than 60 days following certification of
518    the premises as lead-safe or lead-free pursuant to section 5,
519    regardless of whether such qualified offer has been accepted or
520    rejected by the person at risk, or his or her parent or legal
521    guardian.
522          (3) The immunity described in subsection (2) does not
523    apply if it is shown that one of the following has occurred:
524          (a) The owner or his or her employee or agent obtained the
525    certification of lead-free or lead-safe status by fraud;
526          (b) The owner or his or her employee or agent violated a
527    condition of the certification;
528          (c) During renovation, remodeling, maintenance, or repair
529    after receiving the certificate, the owner or his or her
530    employee or agent created a lead-based paint hazard that was
531    present in the affected property at the time the person at risk
532    either was exposed to a lead-based paint hazard or first was
533    tested with an elevated blood lead level greater than 15 µg/dL;
534          (d) The owner or his or her employee or agent failed to
535    respond in a timely manner to notification by a tenant, by the
536    director, by the director’s designee for the jurisdiction in
537    which such property is located, or by a local health department
538    that a lead-based paint hazard might be present;
539          (e) The lead poisoning or lead exposure was caused by a
540    source of lead in the affected property other than lead-based
541    paint.
542          (4) A person may not bring an action against an owner of
543    an affected property whose property has been certified as lead-
544    free under section 5(3) or lead-safe under section 5(4) for
545    damages arising from alleged injury or loss to a person at risk
546    caused by lead-based paint hazard unless he or she documents his
547    or her alleged injury with a test for elevated blood lead levels
548    and presents a written notice to the owner of the affected
549    property or his or her agent or employee of the claim and test
550    results.
551          (a) If such test results show an elevated blood lead level
552    of less than 15 µg/dL, the person at risk or his or her parent
553    or legal guardian shall not recover damages from the owner of
554    the affected property, or his or her agents, and/or employees
555    unless the person at risk, his or her parent or legal guardian
556    can show by clear and convincing evidence that the damage or
557    injury to the person at risk resulted from exposure to lead-
558    based paint and was caused by either:
559          1. Intentional acts by the owner, his or her agents or
560    employees; or
561          2. Actions of the owner or his or her agents or employees
562    with knowledge with a substantial certainty that such actions
563    would injure the person at risk or others similarly situated.
564          (b) If such test results show an elevated blood level of
565    15 µg/dL or greater, the owner of the affected property or his
566    or her agent or employee shall have the opportunity to make a
567    qualified offer under section 9(5).
568          (c) If the concentration of lead in a whole venous blood
569    sample of a person at risk tested within 60 days after the
570    person at risk begins residing or regularly spends at least 24
571    hours per week in an affected property that is certified as
572    being in compliance with the provisions of section 5(3) or
573    section 5(4) is equal to or greater than 15 µg/dL, it shall be
574    presumed that the exposure to lead-based paint occurred before a
575    person at risk began residing or regularly spending at least 24
576    hours per week in the affected property.
577          (5)(a) A qualified offer as defined in this section may be
578    made to a person at risk by the owner of the affected property,
579    an insurer of the owner, or an agent, employee, or attorney of
580    the owner.
581          (b) To qualify for the protection of liability under
582    section 9(1), a qualified offer must be made in writing and
583    delivered by certified mail return receipt requested within 30
584    days after the owner of the affected property, his or her agent
585    or employee receives notice of the elevated blood level referred
586    to in section 9(4).
587          (c) A qualified offer made under this section may be
588    accepted or rejected by a person at risk or, if a person at risk
589    is a minor, such person’s parent or legal guardian. If the
590    qualified offer is not accepted within 30 days of receipt of the
591    qualified offer, it shall be deemed to have been rejected. By
592    mutual agreement, the parties may extend the period for
593    acceptance of the qualified offer.
594          (d) Subject to the exception in section 5(5), acceptance
595    of a qualified offer by a person at risk, or by a parent, legal
596    guardian, or other person authorized to respond on behalf of a
597    person at risk, discharges and releases all potential liability
598    of the offeror, the offeror’s insured or principal, and any
599    participating co-offeror to the person at risk and to the parent
600    or legal guardian of the person at risk for alleged injury or
601    loss caused by the lead-based paint hazard in the affected
602    property.
603          (e) No owner of an affected property, or his or her agent,
604    employee, attorney or anyone acting on his or her behalf shall
605    represent to a person at risk, his or her parent or guardian, or
606    anyone acting on his or her behalf, that an offer of settlement
607    in an action resulting from a lead-based paint hazard in an
608    affected property is a “qualified offer” unless the affected
609    property has been certified as “lead-free” under section 5(3) or
610    “lead-safe” under section 5(4) and unless the offeror reasonably
611    believes that the settlement offer satisfies all requirements of
612    this section. Any settlement resulting from a settlement offer
613    purporting to be a qualified offer which does not satisfy the
614    requirements of this section, shall at the election of the
615    person at risk, his or her parent or guardian, or other
616    representative, be deemed null and void and of no legal effect.
617    Further, misrepresentation of a settlement offer as a qualified
618    offer when the offer does not meet these requirements shall
619    subject the offeror to criminal penalties for perjury. The
620    statute of limitations for an action by a person at risk with an
621    elevated blood lead level, his or her parent, or legal guardian
622    is tolled until the misrepresentation described in this
623    paragraph is discovered.
624          (f) A copy of the qualified offer shall be sent to the
625    director and the local health department. The director and the
626    local health department shall maintain a copy of the qualified
627    offer in the case management file of the person at risk. In
628    addition, the director and the local health department also
629    shall directly notify the person at risk, or in the case of a
630    minor, the parent or legal guardian of the minor, of state and
631    local resources available for lead poisoning prevention and
632    treatment.
633          (g) A qualified offer shall include payment for reasonable
634    expenses and costs incurred by the person at risk with an
635    elevated blood lead level of 15 µg/dL or greater for:
636          1. The relocation of the household of the person at risk
637    to a lead-safe dwelling unit of comparable size and quality that
638    may provide either:
639          a. The permanent relocation of the household of the
640    affected person at risk to lead-safe housing, including
641    relocation expenses, a rent subsidy, and incidental expenses; or
642          b. The temporary relocation of the household of the
643    affected person at risk to lead-safe housing while necessary
644    lead hazard reduction treatments are being performed in the
645    affected property to make that affected property lead-safe; and
646          2. Medically necessary treatment for the affected person
647    at risk as determined by the treating physician or other health
648    care provider or case manager of the person at risk that is
649    necessary to mitigate the effects of lead poisoning, and in the
650    case of a child, until the child reaches the age of 18 years;
651    and
652          3. Reasonable attorneys’ fees, not to exceed the lesser of
653    $2,500 or actual time spent in the investigation, preparation,
654    and presentation of the claim multiplied by an hourly rate of
655    $150 per hour.
656          (h) An offeror is required to pay reasonable expenses for
657    the medically necessary treatments under section 5(g)2. only if
658    coverage for these treatments is not otherwise provided by
659    Medicaid or by a health insurance plan under which the person at
660    risk has coverage or in which the person at risk is enrolled.
661    The health insurance plan shall have no right of subrogation
662    against the party making the qualified offer.
663          (i) The amounts payable under a qualified offer made under
664    this section are subject to the following aggregate maximum
665    caps:
666          1. $25,000 for all medically necessary treatments as
667    provided and limited in section 5(g)1.;
668          (b) $10,000 for all relocation benefits as provided and
669    limited in section 5(g)2.
671          All payments under a qualified offer specified in section 5(g)
672    shall be paid to the provider of the service, except that
673    payment of incidental expenses may be paid directly to the
674    person at risk, or in the case of a child, to the parent or
675    legal guardian of the person at risk.The payments under a
676    qualified offer may not be considered income or an asset of the
677    person at risk, the parent of a person at risk who is a child,
678    or the legal guardian, for purposes of determining eligibility
679    under any state or federal entitlement program.
680          (j) A qualified offer shall include a certification by the
681    owner of the affected property, under the penalties of perjury,
682    that the owner has complied with the applicable provisions of
683    section 5 and this section in a manner that qualified the owner
684    to make a qualified offer.
685          (k) A qualified offer shall not be treated as an offer of
686    compromise for purposes of admissibility in evidence,
687    notwithstanding that the amount is not in controversy.
688          (l) The director may adopt regulations that are necessary
689    to carry out the provisions of this section.
690          (6)(a) An owner of an affected property who is not in
691    compliance with the provisions of either section 5(3) or section
692    5(4) during the period of residency of a person at risk is
693    presumed to have failed to exercise reasonable care with respect
694    to lead-based paint hazards during that period in an action
695    seeking damages on behalf of the person at risk for alleged
696    injury or loss resulting from exposure to lead-based paint
697    hazards in the affected property.
698          (b) The owner has the burden of rebutting this presumption
699    by clear and convincing evidence.
700          (c) The plaintiff in an action against an owner of an
701    affected property described in paragraph (6)(a), in addition to
702    recovering all other legally cognizable damages, including
703    punitive damages where appropriate, shall be entitled to recover
704    reasonable attorneys’ fees.
705          Section 10. Availability of insurance coverage.--
706          (1) Except as otherwise provided by this act, no insurer
707    licensed or permitted by the Department of Financial Services to
708    provide liability coverage to rental property owners shall
709    exclude, after September 1, 2005, or 60 days after certification
710    under section 5(3) or section 5(4) of an affected property
711    covered under a policy, whichever date occurs earlier, coverage
712    for losses or damages caused by exposure to lead-based paint.
713    The Department of Financial Services shall not permit,
714    authorize, or approve any exclusion for injury or damage
715    resulting from exposure to lead-based paint, except as
716    specifically provided for in this act, that was not in effect as
717    of July 1, 2003, and all previously approved exclusions shall
718    terminate on or before September 1, 2005, or 60 days after
719    certification under section 5(3) or section 5(4) of an affected
720    property covered under a policy, whichever date occurs earlier].
721          (2) All insurers issuing liability insurance policies,
722    including commercial lines insurance policies, personal lines
723    insurance policies, and/or any other policies, covering affected
724    properties that are in compliance with the requirements of this
725    act shall offer coverage for bodily injury caused by exposure to
726    lead-based paint. Such coverage must encompass any and all
727    claims made more than 60 days after certification of the
728    affected property as lead-free under section 5(3) or lead-safe
729    under section 5(4) asserting injury resulting from exposure to
730    lead-based paint on the premises of an affected property.
731    Policy limits for such coverage shall be in an amount equal to
732    or greater than the underlying policy limits of the applicable
733    policy insuring the affected property.
734          (a) Liability coverage under this subsection for losses or
735    damages caused by lead-based paint at the insured premises may
736    be limited to the damages defined under section 9(5).
737          (2) Notwithstanding the the provisions of subsection (1),
738    in order for the owner of the affected property to be eligible
739    for the liability coverage under this subsection, such owner
740    may, at the time insurance is sought, be required to present to
741    the insurer proof of meeting the lead-free standard under
742    section 5(3) or lead-safe standard under section 5(4) in the
743    form of an affidavit signed by the owner or designated party
744    that certification has been provided pursuant to inspection
745    under section 6 and that the property has been properly
746    registered under section 8.
747          (3) Nothing in this act shall prevent insurers from
748    offering an endorsement for personal injury/bodily injury
749    liability coverage for injuries resulting from exposure to lead-
750    based paint for properties not in compliance with the provisions
751    of either section 5(3) or section 5(4).
752          (4) Rates for the coverage specified in subsection (2)
753    shall be approved by the Department of Financial Services using
754    the following standards:
755          (a) Such rates must not be excessive, inadequate, or
756    unfairly discriminatory; and
757          (b) In establishing such rates, consideration shall be
758    given to:
759          1. Past and prospective loss experience;
760          2. A reasonable margin for profits and contingencies;
761          3. Past and prospective expenses;
762          4. Such other data as the department may deem necessary;
763    and
764          5. The past history of the owner with regard to lead
765    poisoning or any other liability or violations of ordinances or
766    statutes relating to the affected property or similar properties
767    reasonably believed by the insurer to be relevant.
768          (c) The Department of Financial Services shall determine
769    by July 1, 2005, the availability in the state of the liability
770    personal injury/bodily injury coverage described in section
771    10(2), and may if such coverage is not generally available,
772    establish a market assistance plan or take other measures to
773    assure the availability of such coverage that offers a liability
774    limit which is at least $300,000 or shall require that such
775    coverage be made available through a joint underwriting plan
776          Section 11. Lead-safe or lead-free property revolving loan
777    fund account.--
778          (1) There is created as a separate account within the
779    State Housing Trust Fund, the Lead-Safe or Lead-Free Property
780    Revolving Loan Fund Account. The account shall consist of
781    proceeds received from the sale of bonds pursuant to section
782    12(2), and any sums that the state may from time to time
783    appropriate, as well as donations, gifts, bequests, or otherwise
784    from any public or private source, which money is intended to
785    assist owners of residential properties in meeting the standards
786    for either lead-free or lead-safe certification.
787          (2) The state shall issue bonds in an amount specified for
788    the purpose of funding the lead-safe or lead-free property
789    revolving loan fund account.
790          (a) Any bonds issued or to be issued pursuant to this
791    subsection shall be subject to all the requirements and
792    conditions established by the state for the sale of bonds.
793          (b) The interest rate and other terms upon which bonds are
794    issued pursuant to this subsection shall not create a
795    prospective obligation of the state in excess of the amount of
796    revenues that can reasonably be expected from the loan
797    repayments, interests on such loans, and fees that the state can
798    reasonably expect to charge under the provisions of this act.
799          (c) All money received from the sale of bonds shall be
800    deposited into the lead-safe or lead-free property revolving
801    loan fund account.
802          (3) The Chief Financial Officer shall contract with an
803    appropriate existing state agency for the administration and
804    disbursement of funds deposited in the acount. The director
805    shall adopt rules in conjunction with the Department of
806    Community Affairs which provide for the orderly and equitable
807    disbursement and repayment of funds.
808          (4) Funds placed in the lead-safe or lead-free property
809    revolving loan fund account shall be made available, at the
810    discretion of the director, to the owners of affected properties
811    or non-profit organizations for the purpose of bringing affected
812    properties into compliance with either section 5(3) or section
813    5(4). An owner of a pre-1978 property who owns and occupies the
814    dwelling unit shall be eligible for loans under this section in
815    the same manner, and to the same extent, as an owner of an
816    affected property.
817          (5) Loans made available under the provisions of this
818    section may be made directly, or in cooperation with other
819    public and private lenders, or any agency, department, or bureau
820    of the federal government or the state.
821          (6) The proceeds from the repayment of any loans made for
822    that purpose shall be deposited in and returned to the lead-safe
823    or lead-free property revolving loan fund account to constitute
824    a continuing revolving fund for the purposes provided in this
825    section.
826          (7) The director, secretary of the Department of Community
827    Affairs, and appropriate state agencies shall take any action
828    necessary to obtain federal assistance for lead hazard reduction
829    to be used in conjunction with the lead-safe or lead-free
830    property revolving loan fund account.
831          Section 12. Enforcement.--
832          (1) Owners of affected properties who fail to comply with
833    the provisions of section 5 shall be deemed in violation of this
834    act. The Office of the Attorney General and any local
835    authorities responsible for the enforcement of housing codes
836    shall enforce vigorously civil remedies and/or criminal
837    penalties provided for by law arising out of the failure to
838    comply with the requirements of this act and may seek injunctive
839    relief where appropriate.
840          (2)(a) Any civil or criminal action by state or local
841    officials to enforce the provisions of this act shall be
842    reported to the director.
843          (2) The director shall issue an annual report outlining
844    specifically the enforcement actions brought pursuant to section
845    13(1), the identity of the owners of the affected properties,
846    the authority bringing the enforcement action, the nature of the
847    action, and describing the criminal penalties and/or civil
848    relief.
849          (3) After the second written notice from the director, the
850    director’s local designee, the state or local housing authority,
851    or the state or local department of health of violations of the
852    provisions of this act occurring within an affected property, or
853    after two criminal or civil actions pursuant to subsection 13(1)
854    brought by either state or local officials to enforce this act
855    arising out of violations occurring within an affected property,
856    unless the violations alleged to exist are corrected, the
857    affected property shall be considered abandoned, and the
858    Attorney General, the director, the director’s local designee,
859    the state or local housing authority, the state or local
860    department of health, and/or any other officials having
861    jurisdiction over the affected property shall have the specific
862    power to request the court to appoint a receiver for the
863    property. The court in such instances may specifically
864    authorize the receiver to apply for loans, grants, and other
865    forms of funding necessary to correct lead-based paint hazards
866    and meet the standards for lead-safe or lead-free status, and to
867    hold the affected property for such period of time as the
868    funding source may require to assure that the purposes of the
869    funding have been met. The costs of such receivership shall
870    constitute a lien against the property that, if not discharged
871    by the owner upon receipt of the receiver’s demand for payment,
872    shall constitute grounds for foreclosure proceedings instituted
873    by the receiver to recover such costs.
874          Section 13. Private right to injunctive relief.--
875          (1) A person at risk shall be deemed to have a right,
876    effective July 1, 2005, to housing which is lead-free or lead-
877    safe as outlined in this act.
878          (2) If an owner of an affected property fails to comply
879    with such standards, a private right of action shall exist that
880    allows a person at risk or the parent or legal guardian of a
881    person at risk to seek injunctive relief from a court with
882    jurisdiction against the owner of the affected property in the
883    form of a court order to compel compliance with the requirements
884    of this act.
885          (3) A court shall not grant the injunctive relief
886    requested pursuant to section 14(2), unless, at least 30 days
887    prior to the filing requesting the injunction, the owner of the
888    affected property has received written notice of the violation
889    of standards contained in section 5 and has failed to bring the
890    affected property into compliance with the applicable standards.
891    This notice to the owner of the affected property is satisfied
892    when any of the following has occurred:
893          (a) A person at risk, his or her parent or legal guardian,
894    or attorney, has notified the owner of an affected property that
895    the property fails to meet the requirements for either lead-free
896    status under section 5(3) or for lead-safe status under section
897    5(4);
898          (b) A local or state housing authority or the Department
899    of Health has notified the owner of the affected property of
900    violations of the provisions of the act occurring within an
901    affected property; or
902          (c) A criminal or civil action pursuant to section 13(1)
903    has been brought by either state or local enforcement officials
904    to enforce this Act arising out of violations occurring within
905    an affected property.
906          (4) A person who prevails in an action under section 13(2)
907    is entitled to an award of the costs of the litigation and to an
908    award of reasonable attorneys’ fees in an amount to be fixed by
909    the court.
910          (5) Cases brought before the court under this section
911    shall be granted an accelerated hearing.
912          Section 14. Retaliatory evictions prohibited.--
913          (1) An owner of an affected property may not evict or take
914    any other retaliatory action against a person at risk or his or
915    her parent or legal guardian in response to the actions of the
916    person at risk, his or her parent or legal guardian in:
917          (a) Providing information to the owner of the affected
918    property, the director, the director’s designee for the
919    jurisdiction in which such property is located, the Department
920    of Health, the Department of Community Affairs, local health
921    officials, or local housing officials concerning lead-based
922    paint hazards within an affected property or elevated blood
923    levels of a person at risk; or
924          (b) enforcing any of his or her rights under this act.
925          (2) For purposes of this section, a "retaliatory action"
926    includes any of the following actions in which the activities
927    protected under section 15(1) are a material factor in
928    motivating said action:
929          (a) A refusal to renew a lease;
930          (b) Termination of a tenancy;
931          (c) An arbitrary rent increase or decrease in services to
932    which the person at risk or his or her parent or legal guardian
933    is entitled; or
934          (d) Any form of constructive eviction.
935          (3) A person at risk or his or her parent or legal
936    guardian subject to an eviction or retaliatory action under this
937    section is entitled to relief deemed just and equitable by the
938    court, and is eligible for reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.
939          Section 15. Educational programs.--
940          (1) In order to achieve the purposes of this act, a
941    statewide, multifaceted, ongoing educational program designed to
942    meet the needs of tenants, property owners, health care
943    providers, early childhood educators and care providers,
944    realtors and real estate agents, insurers and insurance agents,
945    and local building officials, is hereby established.
946          (2) The Governor, in conjunction with the director and the
947    Lead Poisoning Prevention Council, shall sponsor a series of
948    public service announcements on radio, television, the Internet,
949    and print media about the nature of lead-based paint hazards,
950    the importance of lead-free and lead-safe housing, and the
951    purposes and responsibilities set forth in this act. In
952    developing and coordinating this public information initiative
953    the sponsors shall seek the participation and involvement of
954    private industry organizations, including those involved in real
955    estate, insurance, mortgage banking, and pediatrics.
956          (3) Within 120 days after the effective date of this act,
957    the director, in consultation with the Lead Poisoning Prevention
958    Council and the Lead Poisoning Prevention Commission, shall
959    develop culturally and linguistically appropriate information
960    pamphlets regarding childhood lead poisoning, the importance of
961    testing for elevated blood lead levels, prevention of childhood
962    lead poisoning, treatment of childhood lead poisoning, and where
963    appropriate, the requirements of this act. It is a requirement
964    of this act that these information pamphlets be distributed to
965    parents or the other legal guardians of children 6 years of age
966    or younger on the following occasions:
967          (a) By the owner of any affected property or his or her
968    agents or employees at the time of the initiation of a rental
969    agreement to a new tenant whose household includes a person at
970    risk or any other woman of childbearing age;
971          (b) By the health care provider at the time of the child’s
972    birth and at the time of any childhood immunization or vaccine
973    unless it is established that such information pamphlet has been
974    provided previously to the parent or legal guardian by the
975    health care provider within the prior 12 months; and
976          (c) By the owner or operator of any child care facility,
977    pre-school, or kindergarten class on or before October 15 of the
978    calendar year.
979          (4) The director, in conjunction with the the Department
980    of Community Affairs, within 120 days after the effective date
981    of this act, shall establish guidelines and a trainer’s manual
982    for a “Lead-Safe Housing Awareness Seminar” with a total class
983    time of 3 hours or less. Such courses shall be offered by
984    professional associations and community organizations with
985    training capabilities, existing accredited educational
986    institutions, and for-profit educational providers. All such
987    offerings shall be reviewed and approved, on the criteria of
988    seminar content and qualifications of instructors, by the
989    Department of Community Affairs.
990          (5) The Department of Financial Services within 18 months
991    after the effective date of this act, shall:
992          (a) Adopt rules for and issue an advisory bulletin to all
993    licensed insurers in the state providing liability coverage for
994    property owners regarding their responsibilities under this act;
995    and
996          (b) Adopt rules for and issue an advisory bulletin to all
997    licensed insurance agents and brokers in the state outlining the
998    provisions of this act and the new requirements for insurers
999    licensed in the state.
1000          (6) The Department of Business and Professional Regulation
1001    within 18 months after the effective date of this act shall:
1002          (a) Require reasonable familiarity with the relevant
1003    portions of this act as a prerequisite for the licensure or
1004    renewal of licenses of real estate brokers and salespersons; and
1005          (b) Develop an educational program for real estate brokers
1006    and salespersons regarding such duties and responsibilities.
1007          Section 16. Screening program.--
1008          (1) The director shall establish a program for early
1009    identification of persons at risk with elevated blood lead
1010    levels. Such program shall systematically screen children under
1011    6 years of age in the target populations identified in
1012    subsection (2) for the presence of elevated blood lead levels.
1013    Children within the specified target populations shall be
1014    screened with a blood lead test at age 12 months and age 24
1015    months, or between the age of 36 months to 72 months if they
1016    have not previously been screened. The director shall, after
1017    consultation with recognized professional medical groups and
1018    such other sources as he or she deems appropriate, promulgate
1019    regulations establishing: (a) The means by which and the
1020    intervals at which such children under 6 years of age shall be
1021    screened for lead poisoning and elevated blood lead levels; and
1022          (b) Guidelines for the medical followup on children found
1023    to have elevated blood lead levels.
1024          (2) In developing screening programs to identify persons
1025    at risk with elevated blood lead levels, the director shall give
1026    priority to persons within the following categories:
1027          (a) All children enrolled in Medicaid at ages 12 months
1028    and 24 months, or between the ages of 36 months to 72 months if
1029    they have not previously been screened;
1030          (b) Children under the age of 6 years exhibiting delayed
1031    cognitive development or other symptoms of childhood lead
1032    poisoning;
1033          (c) Persons at risk residing in the same household, or
1034    recently residing in the same household, as another person at
1035    risk with a blood lead level of 10 µg/dL or greater;
1036          (d) Persons at risk residing, or who have recently
1037    resided, in buildings or geographical areas where significant
1038    numbers of cases of lead poisoning or elevated blood lead levels
1039    have recently been reported;
1040          (e) Persons at risk residing, or who have recently
1041    resided, in affected properties contained in buildings which
1042    during the preceding 3 years have been subject to enforcement
1043    actions described in section 13(1), receivership actions under
1044    section 13(3), or where injunctive relief has been sought
1045    pursuant to section 14;
1046          (f) Persons at risk residing, or who have recently
1047    resided, in other affected properties with the same owner as
1048    another building containing affected properties which during the
1049    preceding 3 years have been subject to enforcement actions
1050    described in section 13(1), receivership actions under section
1051    13(3), or where injunctive relief has been sought pursuant to
1052    section 14; and
1053          (g) Persons at risk residing in other buildings or
1054    geographical areas where the director reasonably determines
1055    there to be a significant risk of affected individuals having a
1056    blood lead level of 10 µg/dL or greater.
1057          (3) The director shall maintain comprehensive records of
1058    all screenings conducted pursuant to this section. Such records
1059    shall be indexed geographically and by owner in order to
1060    determine the location of areas of relatively high incidence of
1061    lead poisoning and other elevated blood lead levels. Such
1062    records shall be public records.
1064          All cases or probable cases of lead poisoning, as defined by
1065    regulation by the director, found in the course of screenings
1066    conducted pursuant to this section shall be reported immediately
1067    to the affected individual, to his or her parent or legal
1068    guardian if he or she is a minor, and to the director.
1069    Section 17. Definitions.--
1070          (1) "Abatement” means any set of measures designed to
1071    permanently eliminate lead-based paint or lead-based paint
1072    hazards. Abatement includes the removal of lead-based paint and
1073    dust-lead hazards, the permanent enclosure or encapsulation of
1074    lead-based paint, the replacement of components or fixtures
1075    painted with lead-based paint, and the removal or permanent
1076    covering of soil-based hazards.
1077          (2) “Affected property” means a room or group of rooms
1078    within a property constructed before 1978 that form a single
1079    independent habitable dwelling unit for occupation by one or
1080    more individuals that has living facilities with permanent
1081    provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and
1082    sanitation. “Affected property” does not include:
1083          (a) An area not used for living, sleeping, eating,
1084    cooking, or sanitation, such as an unfinished basement;
1085          (b) A unit within a hotel, motel, or similar seasonal or
1086    transient facility unless such unit is occupied by one or more
1087    persons at risk for a period exceeding 30 days;
1088          (c) An area which is secured and inaccessible to
1089    occupants; or
1090          (d) A unit which is not offered for rent.
1092          “Affected property” excludes any property owned or operated by a
1093    unit of federal, state, or local government, or any public,
1094    quasi-public, or municipal corporation, if the property is
1095    subject to lead standards that are equal to, or more stringent
1096    than, the requirements for lead-safe status under section 5(3).
1098          (3) “Change in occupancy” means a change of tenant in an
1099    affected property in which the property is vacated and
1100    possession is either surrendered to the owner or abandoned.
1101          (4) Chewable surface” means an interior or exterior
1102    surface painted with lead-based paint that a child under the age
1103    of 6 can mouth or chew. Hard metal substrates and other
1104    materials that cannot be dented by the bite of a child under the
1105    age of six 6 are not considered chewable.
1106          (5) “Containment” means the physical measures taken to
1107    ensure that dust and debris created or released during lead-
1108    based paint hazard reduction are not spread, blown, or tracked
1109    from inside to outside of the worksite.
1110          (6) “Deteriorated paint” means any interior or exterior
1111    paint or other coating that is peeling, chipping, chalking, or
1112    cracking, or any paint or coating located on an interior or
1113    exterior surface or fixture that is otherwise damaged or
1114    separated from the substrate.
1115          (7) “Director” means the Director of Lead Paint Poisoning
1116    Prevention.
1117          (8) “Dust-lead hazard” means surface dust in a residential
1118    dwelling or a facility occupied by a person at risk that
1119    contains a mass per area concentration of lead equal to or
1120    exceeding 40 µg/ft2 on floors or 250 µg/ft2 on interior
1121    windowsills based on wipe samples.
1122          (9) “Dwelling unit” means a:
1123          (a) Single-family dwelling, including attached structures
1124    such as porches and stoops; or
1125          (b) Housing unit in a structure that contains more than
1126    one separate housing unit, and in which each such unit is used
1127    or occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, in whole or in
1128    part, as the home or separate living quarters of one or more
1129    persons.
1130          (10) "Elevated blood lead level” or “EBL” means a quantity
1131    of lead in whole venous blood, expressed in micrograms per
1132    deciliter (µg/dL), that exceeds 15 µg/dL or such other level as
1133    may be specifically provided in this act.
1134          (11) “Encapsulation” means the application of a covering
1135    or coating that acts as a barrier between the lead-based paint
1136    and the environment and that relies for its durability on
1137    adhesion between the encapsulant and the painted surface, and on
1138    the integrity of the exiting bonds between paint layers and
1139    between the paint and the substrate. Encapsulation may be used
1140    as a method of abatement if it is designed and performed so as
1141    to be permanent.
1142          (12) “Exterior surfaces” means:
1143          (a) All fences and porches that are part of an affected
1144    property;
1145          (b) All outside surfaces of an affected property that are
1146    accessible to a child under the age of 6 years and that:
1147          1. Are attached to the outside of an affected property; or
1148          2. Consist of other buildings that are part of the
1149    affected property; and
1150          (c) All painted surfaces in stairways, hallways, entrance
1151    areas, recreation areas, laundry areas, and garages within a
1152    multifamily rental dwelling unit that are common to individual
1153    dwelling units and are accessible to a child under the age of 6
1154    years.
1155          (13) “Friction surface” means an interior or exterior
1156    surface that is subject to abrasion or friction, including, but
1157    not limited to, certain window, floor, and stair surfaces.
1158          (14) “g” means gram, “mg” means milligram (thousandth of a
1159    gram), and “µg” means microgram (millionth of a gram).
1160          (15) “Hazard reduction” means measures designed to reduce
1161    or eliminate human exposure to lead-based hazards through
1162    methods including interim controls or abatement or a combination
1163    of the two.
1164          (16) “High efficiency particle air vacuum” or “HEPA-
1165    vacuum” means a device capable of filtering out particles of 0.3
1166    microns or greater from a body of air at an efficiency of 99.97%
1167    or greater. “HEPA-vacuum” includes the use of a HEPA-vacuum.
1168          (17) “Impact surface” means an interior or exterior
1169    surface that is subject to damage from the impact of repeated
1170    sudden force, such as certain parts of door frames.
1171          (18) “Inspection” means a comprehensive investigation to
1172    determine the presence of lead-based paint hazards and the
1173    provision of a report explaining the results of the
1174    investigation.
1175          (19) “Interim controls” means a set of measures designed
1176    to reduce temporarily human exposure to lead-based paint
1177    hazards. Interim controls include, but are not limited to,
1178    repairs, painting, temporary containment, specialized cleaning,
1179    clearance, ongoing lead-based paint maintenance activities, and
1180    the establishment and operation of management and resident
1181    education programs.
1182          (20) “Interior windowsill” means a portion of the
1183    horizontal window ledge that is protruding into the interior of
1184    a room.
1185          (21) “Lead-based paint” means paint or other surface
1186    coatings that contain lead equal to or exceeding 1.0 milligram
1187    per square centimeter or 0.5 percent by weight or 5,000 parts
1188    per million (ppm) by weight.
1189          (22) “Lead-based paint hazard” means paint-lead hazards
1190    and dust-lead hazards.
1191          (23) “Lead-contaminated dust” means dust in affected
1192    properties that contains an area or mass concentration of lead
1193    in excess of the lead content level determined by the director
1194    by rule.
1195          (24) “Director’s local designee” means a municipal,
1196    county, or other official designated by the Director of Lead
1197    Paint Poisoning Prevention as responsible for assisting the
1198    director, relevant state agencies, and relevant county and
1199    municipal authorities, in implementing the activities specified
1200    by the Act for the geographical area in which the affected
1201    property is located.
1202          (25) “Owner” means a person, firm, corporation, nonprofit
1203    organization, partnership, government, guardian, conservator,
1204    receiver, trustee, executor, or other judicial officer, or other
1205    entity which, alone or with others, owns, holds, or controls the
1206    freehold or leasehold title or part of the title to property,
1207    with or without actually possessing it. The definition includes
1208    a vendee who possesses the title, but does not include a
1209    mortgagee or an owner of a reversionary interest under a ground
1210    rent lease. “Owner” includes any authorized agent of the owner,
1211    including a property manager or leasing agent.
1212          (26) "Paint-lead hazard” means any one of the following:
1213          (a) Any lead-based paint on a friction surface that is
1214    subject to abrasion and where the dust-lead levels on the
1215    nearest horizontal surface underneath the friction surface
1216    (e.g., the windowsill or floor) are equal to or greater than the
1217    dust-lead hazard levels set forth in subsection (8);
1218          (b) Any damaged or otherwise deteriorated lead-based paint
1219    on an impact surface that is caused by impact from a related
1220    building material, such as a door knob that knocks into a wall
1221    or a door that knocks against its door frame;
1222          (c) Any chewable lead-based painted surface on which there
1223    is evidence of teeth marks;
1224          (d) Any other deteriorated lead-based paint in or on the
1225    exterior of any residential building or any facility occupied by
1226    a person at risk.
1227          (27) “Permanent” means an expected design life of at least
1228    20 years.
1229          (28) "Person at risk" means a child under the age of six 6
1230    years or a pregnant woman who resides or regularly spends at
1231    least 24 hours per week in an affected property.
1232          (29) “Relocation expenses” means all expenses necessitated
1233    by the relocation of a tenant's household to lead-safe housing,
1234    including moving and hauling expenses, the HEPA-vacuuming of all
1235    upholstered furniture, payment of a security deposit for the
1236    lead-safe housing, and installation and connection of utilities
1237    and appliances.
1238          (30) “Soil-lead hazard” means soil on residential real
1239    property or on property of a facility occupied by a person at
1240    risk that contains total lead equal to or exceeding 400 parts
1241    per million (g/g) in a play area or average of 1,200 parts per
1242    million of bare soil in the rest of the yard based on soil
1243    samples.
1244          (31) “Tenant” means the individual named as the lessee in
1245    a lease, rental agreement or occupancy agreement for a dwelling
1246    unit.
1247          (32) “Wipe sample” means a sample collected by wiping a
1248    representative surface of known area, as determined by ASTM
1249    E1728 “Standard Practice for the Field Collection of Settled
1250    Dust Samples Using Wipe Sampling Methods for Lead Determination
1251    by Atomic Spectrometry Techniques”, with lead determination
1252    conducted by an accredited laboratory participating in the
1253    Environmental Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLAP).
1254          Section 18. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.