Bill No. HB 1459E1
Senate House
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12          Representatives Attkisson and Russell offered the following:
13          Amendment (with title amendment)
14          Remove lines 1175 and 1176, and insert:
15          Section 29. Paragraph (g) of subsection (7) of section
16    163.01, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
17          163.01 Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969.--
18          (7)
19          (g)1. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this
20    section, any separate legal entity created under this section,
21    the membership of which is limited to municipalities and
22    counties of the state, may acquire, own, construct, improve,
23    operate, and manage public facilities, or finance facilities on
24    behalf of any person, relating to a governmental function or
25    purpose, including, but not limited to, wastewater facilities,
26    water or alternative water supply facilities, and water reuse
27    facilities, which may serve populations within or outside of the
28    members of the entity. Notwithstanding s. 367.171(7), any
29    separate legal entity created under this paragraph is not
30    subject to Public Service Commission jurisdiction, except when a
31    host government specifically requests binding arbitration
32    services through the commission under subparagraphs 4. and 5.
33    and as is otherwise provided for in general law. The separate
34    legal entityandmay not provide utility services within the
35    service area of an existing utility system unless it has
36    received the consent of the utility.
37          2. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "utility"
38    means a water or wastewater utility and includes every person,
39    separate legal entity, lessee, trustee, or receiver owning,
40    operating, managing, or controlling a system, or proposing
41    construction of a system, who is providing, or proposes to
42    provide, water or wastewater service to the public for
43    compensation. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "system"
44    means each separate water or wastewater facility providing
45    service. For purposes of this paragraph, the term "host
46    government" means either the governing body of the county, if
47    the largest number of equivalent residential connections
48    currently served by a system of the utility is located in the
49    unincorporated area, or the governing body of a municipality, if
50    the largest number of equivalent residential connections
51    currently served by a system of the utility is located within
52    that municipality's boundaries. For purposes of this paragraph,
53    the term "separate legal entity" may mean any entity created by
54    interlocal agreement the membership of which is limited to two
55    or more municipalities or counties of the state, but which
56    entity is legally separate and apart from any of its member
57    governments. A separate legal entity that seeks to acquire any
58    utility must notify the host government in writing by certified
59    mail about the contemplated acquisition not less than 90 days
60    before any proposed transfer of ownership, use, or possession of
61    any utility assets by such separate legal entity. The potential
62    acquisition notice must be provided to the legislative head of
63    the governing body of the host government and to its chief
64    administrative officer and must provide the name and address of
65    a contact person for the separate legal entity and information
66    identified in s. 367.071(4)(a) concerning the contemplated
67    acquisition.
68          3. Within 90 days following receipt of the notice, the
69    host government may adopt a resolution to become a member of the
70    separate legal entity; adopt a resolution to approve the utility
71    acquisition; adopt a resolution to prohibit the utility
72    acquisition by the separate legal entity if the host government
73    determines that the proposed acquisition is not in the public
74    interest; request in writing an automatic 45-day extension of
75    the 90-day period in order to allow sufficient time for the host
76    government to evaluate the proposed acquisition; or take no
77    action to agenda the proposed acquisition for discussion at a
78    public meeting, which shall be construed as denial of the
79    proposed acquisition. If a host government adopts a prohibition
80    resolution, the separate legal entity may not acquire the
81    utility within that host government's territory without specific
82    consent of the host government by future resolution. If a host
83    government adopts a membership resolution, the separate legal
84    entity must accept the host government as a member before any
85    transfer of ownership, use, or possession of the utility or the
86    utility facilities on the same basis as its existing members. If
87    a host government does not adopt a prohibition resolution or an
88    approval resolution, does not provide a written request for an
89    extension of the 90-day notice period, and takes no action to
90    initiate judicial proceedings regarding the proposed
91    acquisition, the separate legal entity may proceed to acquire
92    the utility after the 90-day notice period without further
93    notice, except as otherwise agreed upon by the separate legal
94    entity and the host government. In utility acquisitions
95    involving two or more host governments, the Public Service
96    Commission shall consider whether the sale, assignment, or
97    transfer of the utility is in the public interest pursuant to
98    the provisions of s. 367.071(1).
99          4. In addition to the host government's right to review as
100    fair and reasonable the rates, charges, customer
101    classifications, and terms of service that will be in place at
102    the time of acquisition, the host government has the right to
103    review and approve as fair and reasonable any later changes
104    proposed by the separate legal entity to the rates, charges,
105    customer classifications, and terms of service, before adoption
106    by the separate legal entity. In addition, the host government
107    has the right to review and approve any changes to the financing
108    of such facilities which may result in increased costs to
109    customers. Such right of review and approval by the host
110    government is subject to the obligation of the separate legal
111    entity to establish rates and charges that comply with the
112    requirements contained in any resolution or trust agreement
113    relating to the issuance of bonds to acquire and improve the
114    affected utility, and such right does not affect the obligation
115    of the separate legal entity to set rates at a level sufficient
116    to pay debt service on its obligations issued in relation to the
117    host government utility. In order to facilitate review of
118    proposed changes by such host government, the separate legal
119    entity must notify the host government in writing by certified
120    mail about the proposed changes not less than 90 days before it
121    implements any changes. The notice of proposed changes must be
122    provided to the legislative head of the governing body of each
123    host government and to its chief administrative officer and must
124    provide the name and address of a contact person for the
125    separate legal entity and information identified in s.
126    367.081(2)(a)1. as it applies to publicly owned utilities about
127    the proposed changes. If after review the host government
128    believes that the proposed changes are in the public interest,
129    the host government may pass a resolution approving the proposed
130    changes. If, after review, the host government believes that the
131    proposed changes are not in the public interest, the host
132    government may enter into negotiation with the separate legal
133    entity to resolve those concerns. If no agreement is reached
134    within 30 days after the host government's determination that
135    the proposed changes are not in the public interest, the host
136    government may request and, if requested, shall receive binding
137    arbitration services through the Public Service Commission to
138    resolve the dispute with the separate legal entity. The
139    commission shall develop and adopt administrative rules
140    governing the arbitration process and establishing fees for this
141    dispute-resolution service.
142          5. After the acquisition or construction of any utility
143    systems by a separate legal entity created under this
144    subsection, revenues or any other income may not be transferred
145    or paid to a member of a separate legal entity, or to any other
146    county or municipality, from user fees or other charges or
147    revenues generated from customers that are not physically
148    located within the jurisdictional or service delivery boundaries
149    of the member, county, or municipality receiving the transfer or
150    payment. Any transfer or payment to a member or other local
151    government must be solely from user fees or other charges or
152    revenues generated from customers that are physically located
153    within the jurisdictional or service delivery boundaries of the
154    member or local government receiving the transfer or payment.
155          6. The host government is guaranteed the right to acquire
156    any utility or utility system that it hosts owned by the
157    separate legal entity. In those instances when the separate
158    legal entity and the host government cannot agree on the terms
159    and conditions of the acquisition, the host government may
160    request and, if requested, shall receive binding arbitration
161    services through the Public Service Commission to resolve the
162    disputed acquisition terms. The commission shall develop and
163    adopt administrative rules governing the arbitration process and
164    establishing the fees for these services. In developing and
165    adopting its rules governing the acquisition price for a given
166    host government to acquire the utility or utility system located
167    within its jurisdiction, the Public Service Commission shall, to
168    the greatest extent possible, base the acquisition price on the
169    same percentage to the total bonded indebtedness of the separate
170    legal entity upon acquiring the utility as the acquired system's
171    rate base was to the utility's total rate base at the time
172    transferred from a regulated utility to the separate legal
173    entity. This paragraph is an alternative provision otherwise
174    provided by law as authorized in s. 4, Art. VIII of the State
175    Constitution for any transfer of power as a result of an
176    acquisition of a utility by a separate legal entity from a
177    municipality, county, or special district.
178          7.The entity may finance or refinance the acquisition,
179    construction, expansion, and improvement of such facilities
180    relating to a governmental function or purpose through the
181    issuance of its bonds, notes, or other obligations under this
182    section or as otherwise authorized by law. Except as limited by
183    the terms and conditions of the utility acquisition agreement,
184    as approved by the applicable host government,the entity has
185    all the powers provided by the interlocal agreement under which
186    it is created or which are necessary to finance, own, operate,
187    or manage the public facility, including, without limitation,
188    the power to establish rates, charges, and fees for products or
189    services provided by it, the power to levy special assessments,
190    the power to sell or finance all or a portion of such facility,
191    and the power to contract with a public or private entity to
192    manage and operate such facilities or to provide or receive
193    facilities, services, or products. Except as may be limited by
194    the interlocal agreement under which the entity is created, all
195    of the privileges, benefits, powers, and terms of s. 125.01,
196    relating to counties, and s. 166.021, relating to
197    municipalities, are fully applicable to the entity. However,
198    neither the entity nor any of its members on behalf of the
199    entity may exercise the power of eminent domain over the
200    facilities or property of any existing water or wastewater plant
201    utility system, nor may the entity acquire title to any water or
202    wastewater plant utility facilities, other facilities, or
203    property which was acquired by the use of eminent domain after
204    the effective date of this act. Bonds, notes, and other
205    obligations issued by the entity are issued on behalf of the
206    public agencies that are members of the entity.
207          8.2.Except as limited by the terms and conditions of the
208    utility acquisition agreement, as approved by the applicable
209    host government,any entity created under this section may also
210    issue bond anticipation notes in connection with the
211    authorization, issuance, and sale of bonds. The bonds may be
212    issued as serial bonds or as term bonds or both. Any entity may
213    issue capital appreciation bonds or variable rate bonds. Any
214    bonds, notes, or other obligations must be authorized by
215    resolution of the governing body of the entity and bear the date
216    or dates; mature at the time or times, not exceeding 40 years
217    from their respective dates; bear interest at the rate or rates;
218    be payable at the time or times; be in the denomination; be in
219    the form; carry the registration privileges; be executed in the
220    manner; be payable from the sources and in the medium or payment
221    and at the place; and be subject to the terms of redemption,
222    including redemption prior to maturity, as the resolution may
223    provide. If any officer whose signature, or a facsimile of whose
224    signature, appears on any bonds, notes, or other obligations
225    ceases to be an officer before the delivery of the bonds, notes,
226    or other obligations, the signature or facsimile is valid and
227    sufficient for all purposes as if he or she had remained in
228    office until the delivery. The bonds, notes, or other
229    obligations may be sold at public or private sale for such price
230    as the governing body of the entity shall determine. Pending
231    preparation of the definitive bonds, the entity may issue
232    interim certificates, which shall be exchanged for the
233    definitive bonds. The bonds may be secured by a form of credit
234    enhancement, if any, as the entity deems appropriate. The bonds
235    may be secured by an indenture of trust or trust agreement. In
236    addition, the governing body of the legal entity may delegate,
237    to an officer, official, or agent of the legal entity as the
238    governing body of the legal entity may select, the power to
239    determine the time; manner of sale, public or private;
240    maturities; rate of interest, which may be fixed or may vary at
241    the time and in accordance with a specified formula or method of
242    determination; and other terms and conditions as may be deemed
243    appropriate by the officer, official, or agent so designated by
244    the governing body of the legal entity. However, the amount and
245    maturity of the bonds, notes, or other obligations and the
246    interest rate of the bonds, notes, or other obligations must be
247    within the limits prescribed by the governing body of the legal
248    entity and its resolution delegating to an officer, official, or
249    agent the power to authorize the issuance and sale of the bonds,
250    notes, or other obligations.
251          9.3. Bonds, notes, or other obligations issued under this
252    paragraphsubparagraph 1.may be validated as provided in
253    chapter 75. The complaint in any action to validate the bonds,
254    notes, or other obligations must be filed only in the Circuit
255    Court for Leon County. The notice required to be published by s.
256    75.06 must be published in Leon County and in each county that
257    is a member of the entity issuing the bonds, notes, or other
258    obligations, or in which a member of the entity is located, and
259    the complaint and order of the circuit court must be served only
260    on the State Attorney of the Second Judicial Circuit and on the
261    state attorney of each circuit in each county that is a member
262    of the entity issuing the bonds, notes, or other obligations or
263    in which a member of the entity is located. Section 75.04(2)
264    does not apply to a complaint for validation brought by the
265    legal entity.
266          10.4.The accomplishment of the authorized purposes of a
267    legal entity created under this paragraph is in all respects for
268    the benefit of the people of the state, for the increase of
269    their commerce and prosperity, and for the improvement of their
270    health and living conditions. Since the legal entity will
271    perform essential governmental functions in accomplishing its
272    purposes, the legal entity is not required to pay any taxes or
273    assessments of any kind whatsoever upon any property acquired or
274    used by it for such purposes or upon any revenues at any time
275    received by it. The bonds, notes, and other obligations of an
276    entity, their transfer and the income therefrom, including any
277    profits made on the sale thereof, are at all times free from
278    taxation of any kind by the state or by any political
279    subdivision or other agency or instrumentality thereof. The
280    exemption granted in this subparagraph is not applicable to any
281    tax imposed by chapter 220 on interest, income, or profits on
282    debt obligations owned by corporations.
283          Section 30. Subsection (1) of section 120.52, Florida
284    Statutes, is amended to read:
285          120.52 Definitions.--As used in this act:
286          (1) "Agency" means:
287          (a) The Governor in the exercise of all executive powers
288    other than those derived from the constitution.
289          (b) Each:
290          1. State officer and state department, and each
291    departmental unit described in s. 20.04.
292          2. Authority, including a regional water supply authority.
293          3. Board.
294          4. Commission, including the Commission on Ethics and the
295    Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission when acting pursuant
296    to statutory authority derived from the Legislature.
297          5. Regional planning agency.
298          6. Multicounty special district with a majority of its
299    governing board comprised of nonelected persons.
300          7. Educational units.
301          8. Entity described in chapters 163, 373, 380, and 582 and
302    s. 186.504.
303          (c) Each other unit of government in the state, including
304    counties and municipalities, to the extent they are expressly
305    made subject to this act by general or special law or existing
306    judicial decisions.
309          This definition does not include any legal entity or agency
310    created in whole or in part pursuant to chapter 361, part II, an
311    expressway authority pursuant to chapter 348, any legal or
312    administrative entity created by an interlocal agreement
313    pursuant to s. 163.01(7), except those created pursuant to s.
314    163.01(7)(g)1.,unless any party to such agreement is otherwise
315    an agency as defined in this subsection, or any multicounty
316    special district with a majority of its governing board
317    comprised of elected persons; however, this definition shall
318    include a regional water supply authority.
319          Section 31. Subsection (7) of section 367.021, Florida
320    Statutes, is amended to read:
321          367.021 Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the
322    following words or terms shall have the meanings indicated:
323          (7) "Governmental authority" means a political
324    subdivision, as defined by s. 1.01(8), a regional water supply
325    authority created pursuant to s. 373.1962, or a nonprofit
326    corporation formed for the purpose of acting on behalf of a
327    political subdivision with respect to a water or wastewater
328    facility; however, this definition shall exclude a separate
329    legal entity created pursuant to s. 163.01(7)(g)1.
330          Section 32. Subsections (1) and (4) of section 367.071,
331    Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
332          367.071 Sale, assignment, or transfer of certificate of
333    authorization, facilities, or control.--
334          (1) ANo utility may notshallsell, assign, or transfer
335    its certificate of authorization, facilities or any portion
336    thereof, or majority organizational control without
337    determination and approval of the commission that the proposed
338    sale, assignment, or transfer is in the public interest and that
339    the buyer, assignee, or transferee will fulfill the commitments,
340    obligations, and representations of the utility. However, a
341    sale, assignment, or transfer of its certificate of
342    authorization, facilities or any portion thereof, or majority
343    organizational control may occur prior to commission approval if
344    the contract for sale, assignment, or transfer is made
345    contingent upon commission approval.
346          (4) An application shall be disposed of as provided in s.
347    367.045, except that:
348          (a) The sale of facilities, in whole or part, to a
349    governmental authority, as defined in s. 367.021(7),shall be
350    approved as a matter of right; however, the governmental
351    authority shall, prior to taking any official action, obtain
352    from the utility or commission with respect to the facilities to
353    be sold the most recent available income and expense statement,
354    balance sheet, and statement of rate base for regulatory
355    purposes and contributions-in-aid-of-construction. Any request
356    for rate relief pending before the commission at the time of
357    sale is deemed to have been withdrawn. Interim rates, if
358    previously approved by the commission, must be discontinued, and
359    any money collected pursuant to interim rate relief must be
360    refunded to the customers of the utility with interest.
361          (b) When paragraph (a) does not apply, the commission
362    shall amend the certificate of authorization as necessary to
363    reflect the change resulting from the sale, assignment, or
364    transfer.
365          Section 33. If any provision of this act or the
366    application thereof to any person or circumstance is held
367    invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or
368    applications of this act which can be given effect without the
369    invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions
370    of this act are declared severable.
371          Section 34. Private property rights and regional
372    reservoirs.--
373          (1) The Legislature finds that construction of a regional
374    reservoir designed to store more than 10 billion gallons of
375    water may inordinately burden nearby real property because of
376    the proximity of the reservoir and may result in a loss of value
377    for the property owner. Therefore, a regional water supply
378    authority, serving three or fewer counties, that is authorized
379    to construct, operate, and maintain such a regional reservoir
380    shall be deemed a governmental entity under section 70.001,
381    Florida Statutes, the Bert J. Harris, Jr., Private Property
382    Rights Protection Act, for purposes of this section.
383          (2) This section provides a cause of action for the
384    actions of a regional water supply authority, in siting and
385    constructing a reservoir as described in subsection (1), that
386    may not rise to the level of a taking under the State
387    Constitution or the United States Constitution. This section may
388    not necessarily be construed under the case law regarding
389    takings if the action of a regional water supply authority does
390    not rise to the level of a taking. The provisions of this
391    section are cumulative and do not abrogate any other remedy
392    lawfully available, including any remedy lawfully available for
393    the actions of a regional water supply authority that rise to
394    the level of a taking. However, a regional water supply
395    authority may not be liable more than once for compensation due
396    to an action of the regional water supply authority that results
397    in a loss of value for a subject real property.
398          (3) Each owner of real property located within 10,000 feet
399    of the the center of the footprint of a regional reservoir, as
400    described in subsection(1), or 5,500 feet from the exterior of
401    the berm of such reservoir, may present a claim for compensation
402    in writing to the head of the regional water supply authority on
403    or before December 31, 2004, for a loss in property value
404    resulting from the proximity of the reservoir. For each claim
405    presented under this section, section 70.001, Florida Statutes,
406    applies, except when there is conflict with this section, the
407    provisions of this section shall govern.
408          (a) The property owner must submit along with the claim a
409    bona fide, valid appraisal that supports the claim and
410    demonstrates the loss in fair market value to the real property.
411          (b) A claim under this section shall be presented only to
412    the regional water supply authority that is authorized to
413    construct, operate, and maintain the reservoir.
414          (4) The Legislature recognizes that construction and
415    maintenance of a regional reservoir may not necessarily
416    interfere with allowable uses of real property near the
417    reservoir. However, the siting and construction of the reservoir
418    may result in an actual loss to the fair market value of real
419    property located within 10,000 feet of the center of the
420    footprint of the reservoir, or 5,500 feet from the exterior of
421    the berm, because of the proximity of the reservoir. Therefore,
422    any offer of compensation by the regional water supply authority
423    shall be based solely on the loss of value for the property
424    owner as a result of the proximity of the reservoir and not on
425    the effects the reservoir has on existing uses or on a vested
426    right to a specific use of real property.
427          (a) Notwithstanding section 70.001, Florida Statutes, the
428    regional water supply authority to whom a claim is presented
429    shall, not later than 180 days after receiving such claim:
430          1. Make a written offer to purchase the real property if
431    there is more than a 50-percent loss in value to the real
432    property as a result of the proximity of the reservoir and if
433    the property owner is a willing seller;
434          2. Make a written offer to purchase an interest in rights
435    of use which may become transferable development rights to be
436    held, sold, or otherwise disposed of by the regional water
437    supply authority; or
438          3. Terminate negotiations.
439          (b) An offer by the regional water supply authority to
440    purchase the property in fee or purchase an interest in rights
441    of use under this section shall cover the cost of the appraisal
442    required in subsection (3).
443          (5) During the 180-day period, unless the property owner
444    accepts a written offer for purchase pursuant to subparagraph
445    (4)(a)1. or 2., the regional water supply authority shall issue
446    a final decision stating that:
447          (a) The real property has a loss in value due to an
448    inordinate burden on the property resulting from the proximity
449    of the reservoir and the regional water supply authority and
450    property owner cannot reach agreement on the amount of
451    compensation; or
452          (b) The property owner has failed to establish a basis for
453    relief under the provisions of this section and section 70.001,
454    Florida Statutes.
457          Failure of the regional water supply authority to issue a final
458    decision as required by this subsection shall cause the written
459    offer or termination of negotiations required in subsection (4)
460    to operate as a final decision. As a matter of law, this final
461    decision constitutes the last prerequisite to judicial review of
462    the merits for the purposes of the judicial proceeding provided
463    for in section 70.001, Florida Statutes.
464          (6) The circuit court, for purposes of this section, shall
465    determine whether, considering the written offer and final
466    decision, the regional water supply authority has inordinately
467    burdened the subject real property. Following a determination
468    that the regional water supply authority has inordinately
469    burdened the real property, the court shall impanel a jury to
470    determine the total amount of compensation to the property owner
471    for the loss in value due to the inordinate burden to the
472    subject real property.
473          (7) Pursuant to section 70.001, Florida Statutes, the
474    court may award reasonable costs and attorney's fees and the
475    court shall determine the amount. If the court awards the
476    property owner reasonable costs and attorney's fees, the costs
477    shall include the cost of the appraisal required in
478    subsection(3).
479          (8) This section shall take effect July 1, 2003, and is
480    repealed effective January 1, 2005. However, the repeal of this
481    section shall not affect a claim filed on or before December 31,
482    2004.
483          Section 35. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this
484    act, this act shall take effect upon becoming a law and shall
485    apply to all contracts pending on that date.
488    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
489          Remove line(s) 109, and insert:
490          certain fees; amending s. 163.01, F.S.; providing applicability
491    of provisions relating to ownership and operation of utilities
492    by entities composed of municipalities and counties; prescribing
493    powers of counties and specified municipalities with respect to
494    acquisition of water utilities and wastewater utilities by
495    separate legal entities composed of municipalities and counties;
496    authorizing the Public Service Commission to review the
497    acquisition of a utility by two or more host governments;
498    providing for a binding arbitration process under the Public
499    Service Commission to resolve certain disputes relating to
500    utility acquisition; authorizing the commission to adopt rules;
501    requiring the Public Service Commission to establish rules that
502    base the acquisition price for a host government to acquire a
503    utility on certain information; amending s. 120.52, F.S.;
504    deleting an exception from the requirements of ch. 120, F.S.,
505    for an entity created under s. 163.01(7)(g)1., F.S.; amending s.
506    367.021, F.S.; excluding an entity created under s.
507    163.01(7)(g)1., F.S., from the definition of "governmental
508    authority"; amending s. 367.071, F.S.; deleting a provision
509    authorizing a utility to be sold or transferred prior to
510    approval of the Public Service Commission with a contingency
511    clause in the contract; providing severability; providing
512    legislative findings with respect to loss of property values due
513    to the proximity of a regional water reservoir; authorizing a
514    cause of action for a property owner; specifying a period during
515    which a property owner may present a claim for compensation to
516    the regional water supply authority that constructs, operates,
517    and maintains the reservoir; providing requirements for the
518    offer of compensation by a regional water supply authority;
519    providing for judicial review under the Bert J. Harris, Jr.,
520    Private Property Rights Protection Act; providing for an award
521    of costs and attorney's fees; providing for future repeal of the
522    section; providing for applicability; providing effective dates.