Bill No. HB 1459 CS
Senate House
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12          Representative Sorensen offered the following:
14          Amendment to Amendment (906115) (with directory and title
15    amendments)
16          Between lines 990 and 991, and insert:
18          Section 23. Authority to adopt ordinance or resolution;
19    amount of fee; referendum; disbursement.--
20          (1) Any local government that contains an area or part of
21    an area designated as an area of critical state concern under s.
22    380.05, Florida Statutes, may adopt a resolution or ordinance
23    for imposition and collection of a residential acquisition fee
24    in the area of critical state concern. A local government may
25    not adopt an ordinance or resolution to collect a residential
26    acquisition fee in any area where another local government has
27    already passed an ordinance or resolution imposing the fee
28    unless the fee has expired or has failed to be approved by the
29    electorate. The fee shall be assessed in accordance with the
30    schedule set forth in subsection (2) of section 24. The
31    authorization provided in this section shall be construed to be
32    general law authorization pursuant to s. 1, Art. VII of the
33    State Constitution.
34          (2) Such ordinance or resolution must be approved by a
35    majority of the qualified electors in the affected area of
36    critical state concern. The ordinance or resolution for fee
37    adoption must establish the date, time, and place of the
38    referendum and provide appropriate ballot language, including,
39    but not limited to, the fee schedule set forth in subsection (2)
40    of section 24.
41          (3) Any fees imposed and collected pursuant to this act
42    shall be deposited into a residential acquisition fund to be
43    established by ordinance or resolution of the governing body of
44    the local government imposing the fee. The fund shall be
45    maintained and administered by the clerk of the court. Six
46    months after the initial collection, and quarterly thereafter,
47    the clerk shall remit the proceeds accrued in the residential
48    acquisition fund, less reasonable administrative costs of the
49    clerk amounting to no more than $5 per transaction, to the local
50    government imposing the fee.
51          Section 24. Applicability of fee; fee schedule.--
52          (1) The residential acquisition fee shall be imposed at
53    closing or upon the sale of a single-family residential or
54    multifamily residential property on a sliding scale based on
55    purchase price of the property. Commercial, governmental, and
56    unimproved properties are not subject to the provisions of this
57    act. Refinancing of residential loans is not subject to the
58    provisions of this act.
59          (2) The fee is based on the following schedule:
64          Properties purchased at $249,999 or less..............0%
65          Properties purchased at $250,000 to $499,999.......1.00%
66          Properties purchased at $500,000 to $999,999.......1.50%
67          Properties purchased at $1,000,000 to $1,999,999...1.75%
68          Properties purchased at $2,000,000 or more.........2.00%
70          Section 25. Collection of fee.--At the time of closing or
71    upon the sale of a single-family residential or a multifamily
72    residential property, the closing agent, the representative of
73    the closing agent, or the seller must collect and remit the fee
74    to the clerk. The closing agent, the representative of the
75    closing agent, or the seller must provide a space on the buyer
76    and seller disbursement statement or an addendum accompanying
77    the buyer and seller disbursement statement identifying the fee
78    and must disclose the amount of the fee to the prospective
79    buyer.
80          Section 26. Utilization of funds.--Funds received by the
81    local government pursuant to this act shall be used for the
82    creation of or improvements to wastewater or stormwater
83    facilities. Division of funds between the county and
84    municipalities in areas of critical state concern shall be in
85    accordance with any existing agreement between the county and
86    municipalities addressing priorities for uses established in
87    this act. Funds collected under this act may be used to complete
88    projects currently underway or projects undertaken pursuant to
89    this act.
90          Section 27. A local government’s authorization to impose
91    or collect the fee authorized under this act shall expire 10
92    years after the termination of the designation of the area of
93    critical state concern pursuant to s. 380.05, Florida Statutes,
94    in which the local government is located.
97    ================= T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =================
98          Remove lines 1094 and 1095, and insert:
100          described objectives; requiring reports; providing authority for
101    local governments to impose a residential acquisition fee by
102    ordinance or resolution; prohibiting imposition of a fee in an
103    area where a fee has been approved by another local government;
104    providing for a referendum; providing a fee schedule; providing
105    procedures for collection of fees; providing for utilization of
106    funds; requiring the county and municipalities to divide funds
107    pursuant to agreement; providing a time limit on local
108    government authorization to impose or collect certain fees;
109    providing an effective date.