HB 1469 2003
6          The Committee on Commerce recommends the following:
8          Committee Substitute
9          Remove the entire bill and insert:
10 A bill to be entitled
11          An act relating to public lodging establishments; amending
12    s. 509.013, F.S.; defining the term "handbill"; creating
13    s. 509.144, F.S.; prohibiting the distribution of
14    handbills on the premises of public lodging
15    establishments; providing penalties; providing an
16    effective date.
18          WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature recognizes that a private
19    property owner has the right to control activity upon such
20    private property and should be able to exercise this right, and
21          WHEREAS, "public lodging establishments" are narrowly
22    defined in chapter 509, Florida Statutes, and are privately
23    owned either by individuals or corporations and are open to be
24    patronized by the public for the primary purpose of lodging, and
25          WHEREAS, persons who are not patrons of a public lodging
26    establishment and have no legitimate business with the public
27    lodging establishment may be lawfully prohibited from such
28    private property, and
29          WHEREAS, persons who enter private property that is a
30    public lodging establishment, who have not been provided
31    permission to be on the property either expressly or implicitly
32    by being a patron or having business with the lodging
33    establishment, pose a security risk to the patrons and
34    management of the lodging establishment, and
35          WHEREAS, the existing law against trespass poses
36    enforcement problems for law enforcement agencies and does not
37    adequately address the problems associated with unauthorized
38    distribution of handbills at public lodging establishments, and
39          WHEREAS, public lodging establishments in Florida play an
40    important role in the tourism industry of the state of Florida,
41    and the continued health of the tourism industry depends on the
42    safety and security of visitors, NOW THEREFORE,
44          Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
46          Section 1. Subsection (13) is added to section 509.013,
47    Florida Statutes, to read:
48          509.013 Definitions.--As used in this chapter, the term:
49          (13) "Handbill" means any flier, leaflet, pamphlet, or
50    other written material that seeks to advertise, promote, or
51    inform persons about an individual, business, company, or food
52    service establishment.
53          Section 2. Section 509.144, Florida Statutes, is created
54    to read:
55          509.144 Handbill distribution on premises of public
56    lodging or food service establishments prohibited.--
57          (1) It is unlawful for any individual, agent, contractor,
58    or volunteer who is acting on behalf of any individual,
59    business, company, or food service establishment to deliver,
60    distribute, or place, or attempt to deliver, distribute, or
61    place, any handbill on private property controlled by any public
62    lodging establishment without permission and whereupon it is
63    posted in a reasonably conspicuous manner that advertising or
64    solicitation is prohibited on private property controlled by any
65    public lodging establishment.
66          (2) It is unlawful for any person to direct any
67    individual, agent, contractor, or volunteer to deliver,
68    distribute, or place, or attempt to deliver, distribute, or
69    place, a handbill on private property controlled by any public
70    lodging establishment without permission and whereupon it is
71    posted in a reasonably conspicuous manner that advertising or
72    solicitation is prohibited on private property controlled by any
73    public lodging establishment.
74          (3) Any person who violates this section commits a
75    misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s.
76    775.082 or s. 775.083.
77          (4) Any person who violates this section and who also
78    commits a battery, as defined under s. 784.03(1)(a), on any
79    person who is on the premises of the public lodging
80    establishment while in violation of this section, commits a
81    felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082
82    or s. 775.083.
83          Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2003.